Author Topic: Occult Baby Boomer: Who's Your Daddy?  (Read 11920 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Occult Baby Boomer: Who's Your Daddy?
« Reply #30 on: June 21, 2022, 05:16:04 AM »
Congratulations @Nandarelle an excellent score.

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Merman Javon managed to father 44 babies, 2 of which were aliens and the rest were merbabies with only 3 pairs of twins (I had the Ley-Line lot trait but I don't think it affects off-lot births). Apparently Mermen always produce merbabies unless they hook-up with aliens which I wasn't expecting. I aged up the final babies after finishing to make sure.

Javon lived in a tiny residence on the beach in the main part of Sulani, with lots of passers-by. He earned money as a gardener until he found a dragon fruit and then he lived off the harvest proceeds. He met as many female teens (they'd get older...extra sleaze), young adults and adults as possible in his (non-)down-time. He didn't court them until he was ready to woo-hoo so that it was easy to tell which ones he had serviced from their romance bars. Prioritizing adults as baby-mamas to avoid running out of NPCs, he averaged about 2-3 hook-ups a day with 3 attempts each time. Only Mila Munch needed a 2nd attempt. Getting Serial Romantic meant he was safe to invite the next candidate round as he was getting out of bed with the last.

Weirdest part of this challenge? Getting birth-announcement phone calls whilst in flagrante delicto with another baby mama.

Javon did start by giving his baby-mamas toys as gifts when they called round after giving birth which made me like him a little more but then I switched off my moral compass and he just got on with the job. I must say that it was a relief when it got to the last Wednesday and it was no longer worth trying for a baby. He did the Beach Life challenge and held many Kava parties for his baby mamas and their children. That was my favourite bit of this challenge. The kids all loved him and the women seemed happy.

A simple challenge, which is what my brain needed atm so thank-you team.

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Occult Baby Boomer: Who's Your Daddy?
« Reply #31 on: June 21, 2022, 05:29:45 AM »
Apparently Mermen always produce merbabies unless they hook-up with aliens which I wasn't expecting.

That's interesting, and something I was unaware of. Time-wise it might be more efficient than using a male vampire and having to go through the turning process first.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Occult Baby Boomer: Who's Your Daddy?
« Reply #32 on: June 21, 2022, 05:46:34 AM »
Apparently Mermen always produce merbabies unless they hook-up with aliens which I wasn't expecting.

That's interesting, and something I was unaware of. Time-wise it might be more efficient than using a male vampire and having to go through the turning process first.
I don't have the Vampires pack but it's always interesting seeing what people do with them, even if they creep into my nightmares sometimes, lol.

