Author Topic: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) - Complete (Dec 2022)  (Read 49814 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 9.2: Night Fever
« Reply #195 on: November 29, 2022, 08:59:38 PM »
Haha, Gus is living his life!
Congrats on completing your requirements, Gus! You know you didn't want that job anymore, anyway.
So, Watcher, you've chosen Port Promise because the climate matches Dorothy's gloomy mood?
That had never occurred to me?
I do enjoy doing our NSB challenges concurrently--it's great fun seeing where your imagination runs with each heir's requirements.
Dorothy is such a cutie!

Question: Did Gus get many invites for outings as a teen and a YA? That Gne9 requirement worries me a bit.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 9.2: Night Fever
« Reply #196 on: November 30, 2022, 12:12:27 AM »

Yua looks fantastic in her wedding outfit. I seem to recall a certain Watcher saying she was no good with outfits and makeovers, so that was clearly over much modesty on your behalf. I think I love Dorothy! Her gloomy spirit, the black and blue look! My little goth heart is happy.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 9.2: Night Fever
« Reply #197 on: November 30, 2022, 02:08:07 AM »
Dorothy is in such a gloomy phase!  I wasn't sure if that was just the narrative of the character or the writing of a teen with mood swings, but loved the quotes!
And yes, you're 2 for 2 with getting disco hits stuck in my head  ;=)
Dorothy's gloomy trait is a requirement which didn't seem to fit with the Wizard of Oz character until I remembered the whole running away from home section at the beginning. Google helped me with the gothic quotes. I usually only dip my toes into deep dark literature, avoiding the depths.
Disco music however....I'd love to be a dance machine  ;)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 9.2: Night Fever
« Reply #198 on: November 30, 2022, 02:25:16 AM »
Haha, Gus is living his life!
Congrats on completing your requirements, Gus! You know you didn't want that job anymore, anyway.
So, Watcher, you've chosen Port Promise because the climate matches Dorothy's gloomy mood?
That had never occurred to me?
I do enjoy doing our NSB challenges concurrently--it's great fun seeing where your imagination runs with each heir's requirements.
Dorothy is such a cutie!

Question: Did Gus get many invites for outings as a teen and a YA? That Gne9 requirement worries me a bit.
It's George for gen 9. Gus is his father (Augustus) but I'd better double-check my episodes because I definitely get them muddled  too!
I wanted to move them to Sulani before Winter, because I always do, lol. I actually chose Port Promise because Yua arrived with the Eco-Innovator aspiration and the "encourage to vote on NAP" needs a community board. Previously I've downloaded one (as a room) but needing to move after George's stag adventures was fun to write. I know Yua's aims are irrelevant to the challenge but it does help add to the narrative and does fit well with the gloomy trait.

Re invites: my working hypothesis was that only good friends would invite George out/over and so I didn't deliberately work up the 5 good friendships until that final night. All the invites he got were from his parents and uncle Tim which fits with that hypothesis. He only got a couple each week and none while he was living with them. It'll be interesting to see if Jade's invites follow that pattern too.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 9.2: Night Fever
« Reply #199 on: November 30, 2022, 02:32:54 AM »

Yua looks fantastic in her wedding outfit. I seem to recall a certain Watcher saying she was no good with outfits and makeovers, so that was clearly over much modesty on your behalf. I think I love Dorothy! Her gloomy spirit, the black and blue look! My little goth heart is happy.
Thank you. Yua's wedding dress fits her liking orange but I did take some time over her make-up and hair. I'm glad you like the result.
I really wanted a full-on Goth look for a gloomy teen but there's not many midnight-blue outfits that lend themselves to that. I always like that top she's got. I use it a lot!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 10.1: Strange And Unusual
« Reply #200 on: November 30, 2022, 11:09:48 AM »
The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 10.1: Strange And Unusual

Yua: This effluent is terrible. I’m not surprised the pollution here is so bad. We’re encouraging people to vote for the green enterprise this week. That should help.


Yua: What are you reading?
Dorothy: It’s The Castle of Otranto. It’s amazing! So dark and intense! By the way, Mum. I want to be called Dorothea now.
Yua: Why?
Dorothea: It is my soul name.


Dorothea: I’ll just sit at the back. There was no time to say hello to anyone earlier because I desperately needed a shower when I got here. I feel so alone. I know what Jess C Scott meant in The Devilin Fey “I envy people that know love. That have someone who takes them as they are.”


Tim: Hi George. I thought I’d drop round and see how you’re doing?
George: Yua got me signed up for Freelance Computing. It’s the only way I can get work after I got sacked.
Tim: How’s it going?
George: It’s OK I suppose but I don’t know how to work my way up the ladder.


Ryo: You were here yesterday – the new girl, Dorothy?
Dorothea: Dorothea.
Ryo: Cool! Everything OK? Found where everything is?
Dorothea: Yeah
Ryo: Well, just ask if you need anything.
Dorothea: Yeah


Dorothea: Oh no! He’s too... I really like him. “We are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours.” (Heidi R. Kling)


Dorothea: I’ve got to shake this off – I’ll try running. Oh look – the flowers are starting to bloom now the rubbish has been cleared. I could almost feel….hope? “The Poetry of earth is never dead” (John Keats)


Dorothea: Hm, Classical Music should help. I’m going to write all my dark thoughts down….oh a text! It’s him! He says he’s looking forward to seeing me tomorrow! Oh! Hope springs eternal…


Ryo: Dorothea? What are you doing?
Dorothea (breathlessly): Ryo! I’ve got the biggest crush on you! I know it’s all sudden but I’m going all in! Will you go to the Prom with me? As my date?
Ryo: Well – yes. I think I’d like that.
Dorothea (regaining composure): Cool.


Ryo: Dorothea?
Dorothea: Yes?
Ryo: If we’re going to the Prom on a date….does that make you my girlfriend?
Dorothea: Oh Yes! I mean…”Light is easy to love. Show me your darkness.” (R.Queen)


George: Thanks for inviting me round, Uncle Tim.
Tim: I thought you’d like to meet my latest adoptee, Ronnie there.
George: He’s adorable Uncle, but I think we should talk.
Tim: What about?
George: All these children you’re adopting. Ronnie makes 4!


Yua: It’s so good to see the outflow so clear. I can smell the difference. Dorothea’s done so well at school this week that she’s already graduated. She seems happier too. Things felt bad at the beginning of this week but I think we’re getting there!


George: So nice of you young ones to gather here before the Prom.
Yua: A little warning would have been good but I’ve whipped up some flirty heart cookies. Tuck in.
George: I know most parents stay out of the way for these things but let’s make this a party!
Yua: Where have Dorothea and Ryo gone?
Classmate: They are together in a realm of infinite night.
George & Yua: Wha?


Ryo: You look amazing!
Dorothea: Slow dance with me?
Ryo: “I love you not for the way you dance with my angels, but for the way the sound of your name can silence my demons” (sic, Christopher Poindexter)
Dorothea: “Eventually soulmates meet, for they have the same hiding place.” (Robert Brault)


Generation 1 – Mint – Elphie - dec
Generation 2 – Rose – Tina - dec
Generation 3 – Yellow – Zara - dec
Generation 4 – Grey – Michaela – dec
Generation 5 – Plum – Rowland – dec – completed week 25
Generation 6 – Orange – Oona Luna – dec – completed week 31
Generation 7 – Pink – Wilhelmina (Willie) – dec – completed week 34
Generation 8 – Peach – Augustus (Gus) – Adult – completed week 40
Generation 9 – Green – George – YA completed week 42

In Progress – week 43, Year 3, Autumn

Generation 10 – Blue – Dorothea – teen
Perfectionist, Gloomy
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I’m having more fun than I should looking up gothic quotes on love, despair, hope and passion. I’m not sure how Dorothea’s character will develop as she enters young adulthood but I don’t think it is where I’d planned it.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 10.1: Strange And Unusual
« Reply #201 on: November 30, 2022, 01:13:23 PM »
So happy for Dorothea!  She's found a soulmate who understands her literary references and can even make gothic comebacks!
How funny that George & Yua host a pre-prom party that their own daughter chooses to skip.

Sorry about the Gus/George mixup. 
I must have some kind of name dyslexia where I confuse names starting with the same letter if both sims are the same gender.

Also, thanks for sharing your experience with Gen9 "invite to outings" requirement.
I'm planning on non-household good friends and will see how/if that makes a difference. On the other hand, I don't want TOO many invites...

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 10.1: Strange And Unusual
« Reply #202 on: November 30, 2022, 01:27:39 PM »
So happy for Dorothea!  She's found a soulmate who understands her literary references and can even make gothic comebacks!
How funny that George & Yua host a pre-prom party that their own daughter chooses to skip.

Sorry about the Gus/George mixup. 
I must have some kind of name dyslexia where I confuse names starting with the same letter if both sims are the same gender.

Also, thanks for sharing your experience with Gen9 "invite to outings" requirement.
I'm planning on non-household good friends and will see how/if that makes a difference. On the other hand, I don't want TOO many invites...
None of George's 5 non-household Good Friends have ever invited him out/over which is a surprise. The family ones, where he'd been living with them at some point (parents, uncle, brother) which I didn't count in the 5 needed friends, have been the only inviters so far. All except for Yua who asked him out on a date before she moved in. I didn't get George the Incredibly Friendly trait which will have restricted the GF count.

The pre-Prom gathering was weird. Dorothea got invited with the usual pop-up and then I saw the address. When I clicked "join" she stayed where she was which was handy as she needed a shower. When our teens had friends over, we'd always welcome them in (so we knew who was there) and then go and read upstairs keeping a careful ear out for over-exuberance. Ah - the memories come flooding back. It was only at one of their hen weekends that I found out they'd been nicking the vodka and topping it up with water!

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 10.1: Strange And Unusual
« Reply #203 on: November 30, 2022, 04:17:49 PM »
I don't understand what you mean about the Incredible Friendly trait restricting the GF count.
And thanks for further clarifying your "invites" experience. :D

Ah - the memories come flooding back. It was only at one of their hen weekends that I found out they'd been nicking the vodka and topping it up with water!
LOL, I remember doing that as a high school student when I had friends over while my parents were out for the evening.
My father was so sneaky.  He'd marked the vodka level on the bottle, but I hadn't noticed it because he marked the level with the bottle capped and turned upside down.
Do you think he might have distrusted my integrity?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 10.1: Strange And Unusual
« Reply #204 on: November 30, 2022, 05:33:42 PM »
I don't understand what you mean about the Incredible Friendly trait restricting the GF count.
And thanks for further clarifying your "invites" experience. :D
Sorry for the abbreviations
I didn't want George to be Incredibly Friendly because I didn't want too many Good Friends for him in order to avoid lots of invites.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 10.1: Strange And Unusual
« Reply #205 on: December 01, 2022, 06:46:31 AM »
I enjoyed the comment about how Dorothea took your writing in a direction you didn't quite expect.  It's always fun when Sims do that!  Sure, they're just programmed blobs of pixels, but somehow they just feel alive as they take their stories in directions their Watchers hadn't anticipated  :=)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 10.1: Strange And Unusual
« Reply #206 on: December 01, 2022, 09:31:29 AM »

I'm glad life is looking up for Dorothea and her little dark heart. Love the literary quotes, and that she found a beau who loves them, too, apparently! I agree with Pippin; it's fun when our simmies surprise us and take us in interesting directions.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 10.2: The Secret Diary
« Reply #207 on: December 01, 2022, 09:34:57 AM »
The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 10.2: The Secret Diary

Dorothea: It’s my birthday. Dad made a black cake and threw me a black and white party. He invited lots of family – he’s got a tortuous relationship with them but he always invites them to everything. I dyed my hair fully blue to celebrate but it’s only a temporary dye-job. I’m a blue-black girl all the way. Not a girl anymore. A young adult!


Dorothea: Ryo came to my party – my soul would have been restless without him. His eyes bore into my heart which exploded in a blaze of dark light as he asked me to be his life partner – to the death! Oh – be still my beating heart!


Dorothea: Everyone got really happy and wanted to hug me when all I wanted was to ponder the depths of my ecstasy! Uncle Roald could see I was struggling with my emotions and rescued me by asking me to dance.


Dorothea: In the harsh light of day, I wake up to my first day of work as a food critic. I’m developing a poetic style of critiquing the food. I don’t think my readers understand my eloquence but some appreciate it.


Dorothea: I grab a chance to read up on Parenthood. Ryo and I want a large family and to allow them to explore the full range of their emotions. They will not be repressed but encouraged to express themselves as fully as possible.


Dorothea: I’ve started to put together a file of our dream house – clipped from a magazine.


Our outfits – me in a sheath dress and full on black hair. Ryo will look amazing in black and red.


The week is going to be crammed. It’s Dad’s birthday on Wednesday – he’ll want a party, of course. The wedding is planned for Friday and we’ve got a honeymoon booked straight after, a whole week in El Savadorada! We’ll miss Mum’s birthday but she says she doesn’t mind. My hen party is a challenge. I’ve tried booking somewhere for Thursday but it’s Harvest so I can’t. I don’t want to cancel the holiday so I’m hoping I can just pull it together on the day.


Dorothea: Dad spent Tuesday at GeekCon of course. He came back moaning about the Cosplayers blocking his gaming but he’d had a great day.


Dorothea: Dad’s birthday. Can you guess what we’re arguing about? Yes, I know it was his birthday and he wanted a green cake but I have to stay true to my inner being.


Dorothea: Dad got his own back by having an Incognito party and I got the maid’s outfit. Like I’m some sort of domestic!


Dorothea: Dad had met up with this guy – Tobias Snozzberry. With that name we’re pretty sure he’s a long-lost cousin. He’s a fitness trainer at the gym and offered to mentor any workouts we want to do. I don’t want to work out – muscles are not my preferred look – tall and slim is much more me. Still, Jock or not, we welcomed him as family.


Dorothea: Dad got to do a group dance with him, Mum and Uncle Roald. It was a good party, even though Ryo couldn’t come. He’d got some job interviews lined up. He wants to be a musician which is very appropriate as he plays the music of my dreams.


Dorothea: Harvest! We had a grand breakfast to celebrate after we’d appeased the gnomes. I can’t wait for this evening. Just women for my hen party, of course. We’re going clubbing, with drinks and dancing. It’s going to be amazing. It’s time to dial it up!


Dorothea: I’m so over excited that Mum sends me to have a nap while the rest of them go and set up the bar area. This dark club is so….dark and the music pulsing, I can feel it resonating my very core. I wake up ready for action.


Dorothea: Ready for action but before I can get across to the bar, Tobias shows up. He said it was a coincidence but it seemed strange. He asked to dance with the bride so I guess that’s me. He said I looked radiant but why wasn’t I in my party gear? Drat – it was so cold outside that I’d forgotten to change so I hustled off to do that and then found the others at the bar.


Dorothea: Mum’s still in her cold weather gear but look at me! Dark Angel or what? Everyone toasted me, even Tobias. My friends were all saying how hot he was, with those magnificent muscles. I don’t know how many rounds we had. I mean, a girl has to celebrate her hen party.


Dorothea: I really needed to find the bathroom after all those drinks. When I came out, there was Tobias, all muscles and fire in his eyes. He asked to kiss the bride so I guess that’s me. Oh – those muscles!


Dorothea: I was pressed up against the cupboard and the door slid open. We tumbled into the darkness…and the fire…


Dorothea: …the fire…what have I done?


Dorothea: When I get home I’m so mad with myself! I try to work it out on the punch bag but that just makes me think of muscles.


Dorothea: I have a shower to clear my head and when I get out the gnomes are all there, staring, with judgement in their eyes.


Dorothea: I’ve been sitting here late into the night, trying to find answers in the depths of the fire. Dawn is breaking, it’s my wedding day…what should I do?


Generation 1 – Mint – Elphie - dec
Generation 2 – Rose – Tina - dec
Generation 3 – Yellow – Zara - dec
Generation 4 – Grey – Michaela – dec
Generation 5 – Plum – Rowland – dec – completed week 25
Generation 6 – Orange – Oona Luna – Elder – completed week 31
Generation 7 – Pink – Wilhelmina (Willie) – dec – completed week 34
Generation 8 – Peach – Augustus (Gus) – Adult – completed week 40
Generation 9 – Green – George – YA completed week 42

In Progress – week 44a, Year 3, Autumn

Generation 10 – Blue – Dorothy – young adult
Perfectionist, Gloomy, Family-Oriented
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 10.2: The Secret Diary
« Reply #208 on: December 01, 2022, 10:07:33 AM »

Oh no! Dorothea, what have you done?? What of your soulmate and partner to the death??  :'(

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 10.2: The Secret Diary
« Reply #209 on: December 01, 2022, 02:02:36 PM »
Well, that was an unexpected one-night quickie!
And with a distant relative, even?
It could be worse, Dorothea!  On the bright side, you weren't actually married yet, right?

