Author Topic: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) - Complete (Dec 2022)  (Read 49750 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) On Hold
« Reply #120 on: August 25, 2022, 04:12:16 PM »

Wishing you a very happy birthday! So lovely that you will get to spend it with so many of your loved ones. <3
Thanks - I'm really looking forward to it.

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) On Hold
« Reply #121 on: August 25, 2022, 04:19:57 PM »
Warmest wishes to you on a wonderful birthday with all your loved ones.
I can fully understand not wanting to play two very different challenges concurrently.  I have never managed that myself, preferring to play one at a time.
In your 1st point, you mention "there may be time to lurk around the forum."
Does this mean you don't plan to write a story for your Apocalypse Challenge for which you've been preparing so diligently?

On the other hand, here's a tip for future reference if you ever want to play challenges with very different settings.
And please note that I'm not trying to have a say in how you spend your free time.   ;D Just some info for your future reference:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Safe travels to you and your family and many hours of discovery and delight with your upcoming Apocalypse Challenge!
That's a really helpful tip - thanks so much :)
I will be writing up the AC hopefully but maybe not until I've cleared the first career. I'm just wary of falling flat on my face with all the restrictions and the tweaks I'm adding to include the later packs and new gameplay. I'm quite excited about it though :)

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 7.1: Think Pink
« Reply #122 on: November 14, 2022, 03:05:27 PM »
The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 7.1: Think Pink

We are back in Henford-on-Bagley with the Pink generation twins Willie & Wanda plus their grandfather Rowland – the Plum heir. The Orange heir Oona LUNA has moved to a San Myshuno penthouse with the lovely Dhruv.


Willie: The words are just flowing! I love writing. I wonder if people will enjoy this book as much as the last.
Watcher: What did the publisher say?
Willie: She says reading it gave her a hot flush and she had to go and stand in the snow to cool down!
Watcher: Wow! Can I just have a peep?
Willie: No! It’s private!
Watcher: But you’re publishing it!
Willie: Under a pseudonym – Candy Constantine! I’d hate anyone to know I was the author that “sets underwear on fire”!
Watcher: Can I buy it online?


Elliot: Hi Willie. What are you doing?
Willie: Oh just trying to get some plants going here. What about you?
Elliot: I just came to lend your Dad that book I promised him – the latest one from Candy Constantine. It’s a real bodice-ripper.
Willie (innocently): Really? Oh hi, Mum!
Oona Luna: Willie! Did you know I’m a criminal mastermind?
Elliot: What?
Willie: It’s just Mum’s little joke.
Oona Luna: Right! Anyway, is this your young man?
Elliot: No Ma’am. Just a friend.
Willie: Sigh!
Oona Luna: Never mind. Anyway, I’ve just dropped by to let you know I’m pregnant!
Willie: That’s great news Mum. I thought you had to stick with just 2 children.
Oona Luna: @oshizu  said that, as I’d completed my requirements, she would be OK with me having a little Dhruv-let so I thought – why not!


Wanda: Honestly girl! What are you doing?
Willie: I don’t really know. I want to create some sort of peace garden where I can do some meditating. But everything I do just looks a bit….clunky.
Wanda: I’ll see if there are any local gardeners that can help.
Willie: It’s a landscape designer I need really. Someone with a bit of flair.
Wanda: Leave it to me. I’m sure there must be someone.


Willie: Another day of work! It’s so boring but it is reliable. Let’s just see what mail we’ve got. Four more postcards – that makes….13. All these exotic places! They all sound…dreamy.


Rowland: Do you know what sort of thing you’re after?
Willie: Something that looks great, strong lines but a deep sense of peace.
Rowland: And for the garden?
Willie: Pops! I WAS talking about the garden!
Rowland: I know, love. I was just teasing. I want to see you happy.
Willie: The meditating is helping but, with Spring coming, it would be so nice to have a relaxing place to do it outside.
Rowland: There’s a gardener coming round today. Maybe they’ll be able to help.
Willie: Well I’ve got work. Let me know how you get on.


Dexter: Hello? Sir, Hello?


Rowland: Nice to meet you. Well, this is the plot we’re looking at overhauling. What do you think?
Dexter: It’s….
Rowland: Bleak! I know.
Dexter: …a blank sheet. I can work with this.
Rowland: What can you do?
Dexter: Anything you want. I normally chat with a client, get a feel for what they want and then come up with some designs for approval. After that, we can tweak it to get the design perfect. Then, if you want me to, I can implement the design. Just the hard landscaping or all the planting too.
Rowland: That sounds just what we want.
Dexter: Here’s my portfolio – what I’ve done before.
Rowland: These look great. It’s my granddaughter Willie who’ll be the main client. When can you start?
Dexter: I’ll just take some measurement and then I’ll come back when your granddaughter’s home, sir.


Dexter: This is a real start-from-scratch project. I wonder what this Willie wants… Hey – it’s not all dead. What's the saying? Pears for heirs and plums for sons! I’ve never really known what that meant.


Willie: Dad’s found a garden designer! I can’t wait for Spring. The world seems...hopeful!


Generation 1 – Mint – Elphie Snozzberry - dec
Generation 2 – Rose – Tina Snozzberry - dec
Generation 3 – Yellow – Zara Snozzberry - elder
Generation 4 – Grey – Michaela Snozzberry – elder
Generation 5 – Plum – Rowland Snozzberry – elder – completed week 25
Generation 6 – Orange – Oona Luna Snozzberry – Adult – completed week 31

In Progress – week 32
Generation 7 – Pink – Wilhelmina (Willie) Snozzberry – Young Adult

Traits: Creative, Neat, Unflirty
Aspiration: Best Selling Author 2/4
Skills: Writing 10/10, Wellness 7/10
Postcard collection 13/14
Well-maintained garden


I once had a garden designer do a layout for me. It was so worth the money. Everything I do always has straight lines and looks clunky!

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 7.1: Think Pink
« Reply #123 on: November 14, 2022, 04:22:50 PM »
Woooo, welcome back Snozzberries!
Dexter looks very very promising from the back. Is that also him plucking Willie's pears?

Oona Luna: @oshizu  said that, as I’d completed my requirements, she would be OK with me having a little Dhruv-let so I thought – why not!
Lol, I don't have any say in how you interpret the rules in your challenge.
I was just sharing my two cents in case Oona Luna got pregnant.  ;)
Bet a wee Druvlet would be the cutest!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 7.1: Think Pink
« Reply #124 on: November 14, 2022, 04:41:07 PM »

As soon as I saw this I was like, "Oh no! What happened to the Flowers??" but it turns out they're just on hold. So welcome back, Berries! Did you just feel the need for a change of pace?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 7.1: Think Pink
« Reply #125 on: November 14, 2022, 05:45:53 PM »

As soon as I saw this I was like, "Oh no! What happened to the Flowers??" but it turns out they're just on hold. So welcome back, Berries! Did you just feel the need for a change of pace?
I started my NSB Challenge with @oshizu but got a bit ahead of myself so it went on pause for a while. I've been missing Unflirty Willie and thought I'd left them in limbo for long enough. I'll be back to the Flowers in due course.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 7.1: Think Pink
« Reply #126 on: November 14, 2022, 05:54:06 PM »
Woooo, welcome back Snozzberries!
Dexter looks very very promising from the back. Is that also him plucking Willie's pears?
He's The Help. Willie needs a well-maintained garden. He'll help with fertilising and sowing seeds and yes, he's picking her pears.
Oh dear - the potential for double-entendres is limitless!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 7.1: Think Pink
« Reply #127 on: November 14, 2022, 06:32:54 PM »
He's The Help. Willie needs a well-maintained garden. He'll help with fertilising and sowing seeds and yes, he's picking her pears.
Oh dear - the potential for double-entendres is limitless!

I am getting D. H. Lawrence vibes...

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 7.1: Think Pink
« Reply #128 on: November 15, 2022, 02:18:05 AM »
He's The Help. Willie needs a well-maintained garden. He'll help with fertilising and sowing seeds and yes, he's picking her pears.
Oh dear - the potential for double-entendres is limitless!

I am getting D. H. Lawrence vibes...
Well spotted! I thought about being really subtle with the hints but it doesn't suit me, lol

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 7.1: Think Pink
« Reply #129 on: November 15, 2022, 06:53:44 AM »
Nice to see the Snozzberries back in business :=)
I'm looking forward to seeing the new garden design!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 7.1: Think Pink
« Reply #130 on: November 15, 2022, 07:06:45 AM »
Nice to see the Snozzberries back in business :=)
I'm looking forward to seeing the new garden design!
I think the new garden will appear in Spring - I've got some ideas but I might just chicken out and find one of the talented designs in the gallery.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 7.2: Dexter's Work in Progress
« Reply #131 on: November 15, 2022, 07:18:33 AM »
The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 7.2: Dexter's Work in Progress

Elliot: Hi Willie. What are you working on?
Willie: I’m just having a go at writing a novel.
Elliot: Just think if you get as good as that Candy Constantine! You’ll be raking it in.
Willie: We’ll see.


Elliot: Are we good?
Willie: What do you mean?
Elliot: After that little misunderstanding…we’re still friends, right?
Willie (sigh): Yes, Elliot. I’ll always be here for you.


Wanda: Look Pops, will you stop inviting Elliot over!
Rowland: I like him.
Wanda: But he’s messing with Willie’s head.
Rowland: What do you mean?
Wanda: He’s not interested in romance but as long as he’s around, Willie is just a bit fixated.
Rowland: Well, I can’t stop him coming over. I like the books he lends me. Gets the old ticker going, if you know what I mean! (nudge nudge wink wink)
Wanda: I’m calling Mum


Oona Luna: I’ve brought you a belated Christmas present.
Willie: Oo – thanks Mum. What is it?
Oona Luna: Open it up and see, silly!
Willie: Oh! A book by Candy Constantine. That’s….great Mum. Thanks. How are the twins?
Oona Luna: Into everything but Dhruv is a great Dad. Now – about this Elliot?
Willie: We’re just friends Mum.
Oona Luna: I know. So get over him and find someone else!
Willie: Mum! I’m not looking for anyone else. I don’t have time for anyone at all. With work and my writing…
Oona Luna: You’d better get your head out of your books, accountancy or your scribbles, and find yourself a mate. Otherwise this Dynasty is dead in the water!
Willie: Oh Mum!


Rowland: Dexter! Where have you been?
Dexter: I’m sorry, sir. I don’t think I can take on this mission.
Rowland: What’s the problem? You said you were available.
Dexter: My girlfriend has kicked me out. I’m going to have to find somewhere to live and there’s nothing round here. Sorry, sir. If I factor in more mileage, you’d be better off finding someone local.


Wanda: But this is perfect!
Rowland: It is?
Wanda: Dexter can move into the outhouse. It doesn’t need much to spruce it up. And then he’ll be more “available”.
Rowland: Oh – um – what do you think, Dexter?
Dexter: Hadn’t you better check with Miss Willie?


Willie: What? He’s moving in? But I haven’t even met him yet!
Wanda: He’s nice. Strong lines and a good sense of peace…
Willie: I don’t know, Wanda. I like it just being us – no strangers.
Wanda: It won’t hurt to talk to him.


Dexter: Miss?
Willie: Oh – er – hello?
Dexter: I wondered if you’ve got time to discuss what you want, Miss?
Willie: Oh – er – let me just shut this down. You’re not wearing your overalls?
Dexter: Was just doing a spot of meditating, Miss.
Willie: Oh – er – that’s good.


Willie: Right – what I want you for…
Dexter: Yes, Miss?
Willie: hmm... strong lines and a sense of peace.
Dexter: That sounds…encouraging, Miss. Somewhere to meditate?
Willie: That would be…perfect!
Dexter: What about what’s already there, Miss?
Willie: Clear away the rubbish! Only keep what you can work with.
Dexter (taking notes): Clear away the rubbish…keep what I can work with…


Elliot: Who are you?
Dexter: The Help – The Gardener, sir.
Elliot: Why on earth are you sitting down to eat with us then?
Rowland: Now, Elliot! Dexter lives here. It makes sense to all eat together.
Elliot: Well, here’s a pile of dirty dishes. Make yourself useful and add it to your list of things to do!
Dexter: Right sir! Clear away the dishes. Clear away the rubbish. Only keep what I can work with…
Elliot: What? What are you muttering about?
Dexter: My tasks, sir!
Elliot: You’ve got a right one here, Willie! Better keep you door locked at night.
Willie: What? Oh, maybe...


Willie: Sorry about Elliot, Dexter.
Dexter: That’s OK, Miss. I’m used to it.
Willie: I thought you’d be working on your sketches for the garden.
Dexter: I’m not so good at sketching so I was practising.
Willie: You’re right. That’s…hilarious! So what are you good at?
Dexter: Working with my hands, Miss. Turning over dry soil and bringing it back to life. When I see something blossom that’s been shut away, opening up after I’ve watered it? Well – that’s…
Willie: Perfect!


Willie: Phew – it’s too hot in here to wear my outdoor coat.
Dexter: Yes, Miss.
Willie: Tell me more about bringing my garden back to life.
Dexter: Miss!


Willie: I’m sorry, Dexter. I shouldn’t have…
Dexter: Oh Miss!
Willie: Oh Dexter! Bring me back to life!
Dexter: Yes Miss!


Dexter: Um…Sir?
Rowland: How’s the gardening going? Made yourself at home yet?
Dexter: Well…um…
Rowland: And my granddaughter? Happy is she?
Dexter: I think so, sir.
Rowland: Good man! Good man!


Willie: Dexter?
Dexter: Yes, Miss?
Willie: I’m pregnant!
Dexter: Miss?
Willie: Exactly!
Dexter: That won’t stay a secret for long, Miss.
Willie: No, it won’t. So, Dexter, will you make an honest woman of me?
Dexter: Yes M'Lady!


And so we leave our lady and her gardener to seal the knot in front of their home and wonder if any elements of their story will appear in Candy Constantine’s bodice rippers.


Generation 1 – Mint – Elphie Snozzberry - dec
Generation 2 – Rose – Tina Snozzberry - dec
Generation 3 – Yellow – Zara Snozzberry - elder
Generation 4 – Grey – Michaela Snozzberry – elder
Generation 5 – Plum – Rowland Snozzberry – elder – completed week 25
Generation 6 – Orange – Oona Luna Snozzberry – Adult – completed week 31

In Progress – week 32 (cont), Year 2, Winter
Generation 7 – Pink – Wilhelmina (Willie) Snozzberry – Young Adult

Traits: Creative, Neat, Unflirty
Aspiration: Best Selling Author 2/4
Skills: Writing 10/10, Wellness 7/10
Postcard collection 13/14
Well-maintained garden - WIP



Having had a break, you might notice that this is the 2nd episode in week 32 of the challenge. There’ll be one more and then we’ll be caught up to my current gameplay.

For those interested in Oona Luna and her family...they had twins - Cindy & Kameron
Screenshot 2022-11-14 182352.jpg

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 7.2: Dexter's Work in Progress
« Reply #132 on: November 15, 2022, 11:36:38 AM »
Congrats to Willie and Dexter! 
Dexter can still help with gardening (among other things) plus he's proven what a gentleman he is, ignoring Elliot's mean comments.
Love Willie's story arc about her writing under a pseudonym, too!
Can't wait to meet the Peach generation!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 7.2: Dexter's Work in Progress
« Reply #133 on: November 15, 2022, 12:21:44 PM »

Let's bring that garden back to LIFE! Hehe. A very cute romance. Enjoyed the bit about nobody knowing Willie's pseudonym - not even her own mother!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 7.2: Dexter's Work in Progress
« Reply #134 on: November 15, 2022, 08:31:37 PM »
Dexter and his sweetheart Miss.  It was cute in a very prim and proper way...except for the whole pre-marital shower woohoo and such as that probably doesn't entirely fit in the "proper" category   :=)