Author Topic: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) - Complete (Dec 2022)  (Read 49748 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 5.1: What’s Love Got To Do With It?
« Reply #75 on: August 09, 2022, 04:03:30 AM »
The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 5.1: What’s Love Got To Do With It?

Rowland: Once I’d got settled in my bachelor pad, I invited Nikki over to – you know – party! She wanted to know how my Doctor career was going and talked about a lot of things. I didn’t seem to be getting anywhere so I thought I’d make a grand romantic gesture. She wasn’t very impressed with the size of the ring but she did say yes.


I was sure about this level of commitment but Nikki pointed out that we might as well get married there and then. We share a love of dancing so – what more did we need. We did the deed, confetti and everything!


Nikki: There was more confetti later that afternoon. My bump got big straight away, which I wasn’t sure about but at least I’ve pinned down my Doctor husband. Life on his income will be sweet all the way.


Nikki: I even changed my wardrobe for that dopey guy. He’d fallen for me in my pink/purple summer outfit so I changed my sleepwear and other outfits to pinks and purples. If I’m going to be a trophy wife, I might as well look the part.


Nikki: I got a job as an artist for the time being. I love being creative so painting is great. I like practising on Rowlands violin and guitar too.
Anyway, when I go into my 3rd trimester, the dope announces that he’s putting his medical career on hold to look after the baby. What’s that about? I can paint from home but he can hardly get promoted through baby care!


Nikki: I don’t think Rowland is a very good doctor anyway. He was hopeless during the birth of our little girl. He wanted to call her Oona which means “lamb” and I wanted to call her Luna so we just use both – welcome Oona Luna, our little moon lamb.


Rowland: I can’t stand work and I love looking after Oona Luna. I need to talk to Nikki…


Nikki: What do you mean? You want to quit being a Doctor?
Rowland: Yes. I hate it and I can’t seem to get anywhere in it. It’s just no fun.
Nikki: Fun? Fun?!?! Work isn’t supposed to be fun!
Rowland: Well, I’ve quit so that’s that.
Nikki: But I only married you…
Rowland: What? You only married me…?
Nikki: I thought you were in a great career and we’d have a comfortable life together.


Rowland: Do you love me at all?
Nikki: What’s love got to do with it?
Rowland: You only married me for my money-making potential and I only married you so we could have some fun together.
Nikki: Oh really?
Rowland: This is all…too much.
Nikki: I agree. Rowland Snozzberry – I’m divorcing you and going back to my siblings.
Rowland: But what about Oona?
Nikki: Oona LUNA had better stay with you for now as you’re not working and I am. I’m out of here.


Rowland: Well. I feel…I feel relieved! That’s not right, is it? Shouldn’t I be devastated?


Mum was great. She came round and helped me move out of my bachelor pad and into the Behr’s old place in the centre of town. It needs a bit of redecorating but there’s time for that.
Oona Luna cried when they met but Mum gave her a big hug. I know I fell out with her but now I’m a father, I think I understand her a bit more. She’s having another baby herself – that’s not a surprise!


The days passed quickly. Oona Luna liked it when I played her to sleep.


She couldn’t see my great dance moves but she was enjoying the music anyway.


Then suddenly she aged up very blonde and pink.


A rummage in the dresser showed that she preferred orangey clothes and her hair mysteriously became orange too. It’s probably a good thing that I gave up doctoring because I don’t know how that happened.
Nikki sent a birthday gift for Oona Luna so, to try to keep the peace, I invited her round.


She got her too excited, of course, although Oona Luna loved it.


Loved it so much that she fell asleep on the chair. I guess it’s a good idea for Nikki to be part of her life so I did some apologizing and gave her our house key. Maybe we can be civilized about this. She's living with her siblings in the old Kim-Lewis place.


Generation 1 – Mint – Elphie Snozzberry - dec
Generation 2 – Rose – Tina Snozzberry - dec
Generation 3 – Yellow – Zara Snozzberry - Adult
Generation 4 – Grey – Michaela Snozzberry – Young Adult

In Progress
Generation 5 – Plum – Rowland Snozzberry – Young Adult
Traits : Genius, Dance Machine, Non-committal
Romantic Status: Divorced from Nikki
Careers 2/3: Fast Food, Doctor, ?
Maxed Skills 2/3: Fitness & Violin
Skills to level 8: 6/6 – Charisma, Fitness, Guitar, Handiness, Logic, Violin
Worlds Lived in: 3/3 – Tartosa, Willow Creek, Windenburg

Generation 6 - Orange - Oona Luna Snozzberry - toddler



Oona Luna is named for the Oompah Loompah, the orange race of people that staff Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory.
I've never had a divorced couple in Sims before. It's under the Mean category of socials which doesn't seem quite right but then I'm not sure where it should go...Actions maybe? Rowland's happy buff came up immediately on getting divorced, even though he looked crushed at first.

Offline Rhoxi

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Oona Luna: what an adorable name for a child! But can you imagine living with that growing up?  :P A very clever name for generation orange, though.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Oona Luna: what an adorable name for a child! But can you imagine living with that growing up?  :P A very clever name for generation orange, though.
It definitely suits her - she's quite a personality already!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 5.2: Sleepovers
« Reply #78 on: August 09, 2022, 02:21:48 PM »
The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 5.2: Sleepovers

Rowland: Life with a toddler is OK. She’s pretty cute in her orange onesie


Rowland: Nikki seemed to be moving on. With my Uncle Albert! And I can’t believe how quickly. I told her I didn’t care but she went. Couldn’t wait to tell me how well the date went. Hmmm


I tried chatting up one of the neighbours but my heart wasn’t in it.


When reading Oona Luna to bed I decided to invite Nikki over the next day. She’s been in and out with her own key. I think we could get past this…


When she arrived, I remembered all that had happened between us and I got really mad. So mad that I grabbed her for a frenzied kiss. I don’t know what came over me. I’ve never done anything like that before. I didn’t know how she’d react but actually it seemed to break down the barriers.
Oona Luna: If I could just point out that I was behaving perfectly there – reading my book!


Oona Luna: Mum became a more regular visitor after that day. She often slept over. Well I think they were reading under the covers some of the time.


Actually Mum was there for my birthday but still sent my present in the post.


Sometimes Mum & Dad shared a shower to save water but it didn’t look very comfortable. Dad looks really crooked here as they got out.


Dad got a new job. He’s an entertainer now. And I started school. Do you like my orange scarf. I picked it myself.


Dad has to go out 2 hours after I get home from school but he still makes time to help me with my homework.


On Saturday we both worked in the garden. Dad said it was crucial to keep that golden tree healthy so that we would always have options, whatever that means.


I do a lot of stuff on my own though. I don’t mind because Dad says I’m very self-assured. It gives me plenty of time to plan my future. I need to be on it because Dad doesn’t really like staying in one job for long. He already thinks about quitting every day unless he gets a promotion and then he’s happy for another day. I think I might need to grow up fast to mastermind this family business.


Generation 1 – Mint – Elphie Snozzberry - dec
Generation 2 – Rose – Tina Snozzberry - dec
Generation 3 – Yellow – Zara Snozzberry - Adult
Generation 4 – Grey – Michaela Snozzberry – Young Adult

In Progress
Generation 5 – Plum – Rowland Snozzberry – Young Adult
Traits : Genius, Dance Machine, Non-committal
Romantic Status: “Seeing” ex-wife Nikki
Careers 3/3: Fast Food, Doctor, Entertainer - Comedian
Maxed Skills 3/3: Dancing, Fitness & Violin
Skills to level 8: 6/6 – Charisma, Fitness, Guitar, Handiness, Logic, Violin
Worlds Lived in: 3/3 – Tartosa, Willow Creek, Windenburg

Generation 6 – Orange – Oona Luna Snozzberry – Child
Traits: Self-Assured

Screenshot 2022-08-09 183130.jpg


Rowland’s requirements do not need him to max his careers beyond that necessary for the Rennaissance aspiration so he just has a relationship detail to accomplish and then he’ll be done.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 5.3: Rowland is Done
« Reply #79 on: August 10, 2022, 03:52:21 AM »
The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 5.3: Rowland is Done

Rowland: This week we saw a lot of Nikki. She’s so good with Oona Luna. Here she’s comforting her after that mean lady at the back took offence at something she’d said at the Flea Market. I don’t know what she’d said but Nikki said it was just a bit of fun. No need to take offence.


Rowland: Oona Luna is a bit naughty sometimes. Like making this mess just before I left for work. She’s cleaning it up though. She’s a good kid really.


Rowland: Oh – I quit my job. I just got these irrepressible whims to quit and it was making me so miserable. To celebrate I went to Geekcon and finally met my grandmother Zara. We even took a selfie together. I told her how sad I’d been when I heard about Robi, my grandfather dying, even though I’d never met him.


Rowland: After telling Grandma Zara all about Nikki, how we were miserable without each other but always seemed to wind each other up, she suggested something I’d never thought about so the very next day I put the idea to her and she agreed – it was the best solution.


Rowland: To celebrate our engagement, we went home and really fought each other! With pillows! It was amazing and we had such fun.


Rowland: I’d ordered a purple wedding cake and I’d found this beach wedding venue so I took Nikki to see what she thought. Mum turned up out of the blue and was very surprised that we were going to get married again. I told her about The Plan and she said it didn’t sound like a real marriage and so to not bother inviting her!


Rowland: Nikki said that maybe other people would think the same…maybe we shouldn’t… but I stopped her right there. We’re getting married I told her and it’s between you and me and we’ll make it work! Nikki said, if it’s just between you and me, let’s not have a big showy wedding, just do it here and now. We’d both got out outfits with us so…we did! Doesn’t Nikki look stunning!


Rowland: The wedding night was as wonderful as we expected and in the morning, Nikki went back to her siblings. No time to fight. Just time to love each other and then get on without irritating each other. It’s not like other couples but it works for us. The wedding cake was delicious, by the way.


Oona Luna: I’m sorry I missed being a flower girl at Mum & Dad’s wedding – I was at school – but they’re really happy now. As soon as they start fighting, they go their separate ways and when they’ve cooled off, they get back together. The house is a bit hectic but not as much as it was.
I got Friday off to come and play on these monkey bars and meet a few people. Tomorrow’s a big day.


Yes! A big day. Dad blew his candles out first. He’s an adult now and still not working. He’s building and upgrading a rocket in the garden – yes in the middle of Windenburg town – I’m not sure the neighbours like it but then they don’t like a lot of things we do. Anyway…back to me…I blew my candles out too. Can you guess what my teen character is? This is just after I told Mum I was a Criminal Mastermind. She doesn’t believe me and maybe she’s right but I will be – I’ve got skills!


Generation 1 – Mint – Elphie Snozzberry - dec
Generation 2 – Rose – Tina Snozzberry - dec
Generation 3 – Yellow – Zara Snozzberry - Adult
Generation 4 – Grey – Michaela Snozzberry – Adult
Generation 5 – Plum – Rowland Snozzberry – Adult – completed week 25
Traits : Genius, Dance Machine, Non-committal
Romantic Status: remarried to ex-wife Nikki
Careers 3/3: Fast Food, Doctor, Entertainer - Comedian
Maxed Skills 3/3: Dancing, Fitness & Violin
Skills to level 8: 6/6 – Charisma, Fitness, Guitar, Handiness, Logic, Violin
Worlds Lived in: 3/3 – Tartosa, Willow Creek, Windenburg

In Progress
Generation 6 – Orange – Oona Luna Snozzberry – Teen
Traits: Self-Assured, Evil


Zara and Michaela Snozzberry kept having babies until their households were full which is why they are still adults (no aging during pregnancy in Sims)

Offline Cisi_Arashi

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 5.3: Rowland is Done
« Reply #80 on: August 10, 2022, 11:03:18 AM »
I really like this legacy, which is in... Generation 6, I think? Your idea of giving names based on characters from your favorite stories inspired me to write up a plan to do a similar legacy based off of two of my favorite video game RPG series(Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy) which I will implement when I can transfer Sims 4 to a gaming laptop which has the memory for all those expansions(as I want to have a teacher character like Quistis Trepes). Keep up the good work!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 5.3: Rowland is Done
« Reply #81 on: August 10, 2022, 12:37:31 PM »

Ooo, Oona Luna is just getting better and better. How funny that we're both doing evil mastermind sims at the same time!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 5.3: Rowland is Done
« Reply #82 on: August 10, 2022, 01:22:24 PM »
I really like this legacy, which is in... Generation 6, I think? Your idea of giving names based on characters from your favorite stories inspired me to write up a plan to do a similar legacy based off of two of my favorite video game RPG series(Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy) which I will implement when I can transfer Sims 4 to a gaming laptop which has the memory for all those expansions(as I want to have a teacher character like Quistis Trepes). Keep up the good work!
Thank you for your encouraging words. Oh yes! Do your legacy, it sounds like fun.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 5.3: Rowland is Done
« Reply #83 on: August 10, 2022, 01:28:20 PM »

Ooo, Oona Luna is just getting better and better. How funny that we're both doing evil mastermind sims at the same time!
I was going to delay her being evil until the next birthday because I usually struggle with them. However, in a small house and with her mum being evil too, she just seems to be very real, if that makes sense, and I getting quite fond of her.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 5.3: Rowland is Done
« Reply #84 on: August 10, 2022, 03:02:36 PM »
Rowland and all his drama! Shame on Uncle Albert trying to move in on Nikki!
Loved the under-the-arch shot of their (re)marriage!
Their daughter gets prettier and prettier!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 5.3: Rowland is Done
« Reply #85 on: August 11, 2022, 01:41:20 AM »
Rowland and all his drama! Shame on Uncle Albert trying to move in on Nikki!
Loved the under-the-arch shot of their (re)marriage!
Their daughter gets prettier and prettier!
I know, right? I thought Zara was bringing up Uncle Albert to focus on his science but he could wait to pounce on his nephew's ex!
Mind you, Nikki asking Rowland about it is very manipulative.
Oona Luna aged into a toddler with very pale blonde hair which would also look stunning with her dark skin but the flaming orange hair is a better warning to those around her!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 6.1: Royal Behaviour
« Reply #86 on: August 15, 2022, 11:47:38 AM »
The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 6.1: Royal Behaviour

Oona Luna: Our last episode ended with my birthday on Saturday morning and, would you believe it? My first experience of High School was to go to the Prom that evening. It’s just as well I’d sorted out my Formal outfit. You should have seen some of the loser-wear that other people had on. I was clearly the best one there so naturally I got to be Prom Queen. Time for a snack… Not as good as the cookies I’ve been baking non-stop, but good enough.


The after party at the fair was a bit of a bust. I was in a mean mood and, well, royalty gets into fights sometimes, you know!


Sunday I made the mistake of trying to hack my grades. What was I thinking? No programming skill. No, not a bean! So, not only was I busted down to an Average C, the homework that I’d done, plus the extra credit, all counted for nothing and I had to do more! I was not pleased, let me tell you! Which is why I pranked the white board before class.


I didn’t see the reaction because I went down for a shower and skipped class. Then I might have put a stink bomb in a locker.


Then I was peckish and they were serving in the cafeteria but, apparently, just because they’re serving, doesn’t mean you can cut class!


Detention was so boring. It was just me and nothing like The Breakfast Club. I just sat there for an hour after school! I might have been able to study for my exams but I didn’t think to do that until it was too late. I see they’d cleaned my artwork off the white board.


I had to go to the Humour & Hijinks festival, natch. Dad came with me. After all, what else has he got to do? He wasn’t sure which team but I persuaded him – Pranksters are best!


You wouldn’t think this guy is evil too, the way he’s reacting to my Conspiracy Theory. Ah well. Criminal Masterminds like me are rarely appreciated.


Saturday morning I went to the Charity Shop and bought a few things, flung them together to make a couple of styles and then listed them on Trendi. Jeb Harris bought one almost immediately. It was at this point that I realized I’d got a severe case of acne breaking out and it’s the Prom again tonight! Argh!


I got invited to a pre-Prom do at some fancy flat in the city but it was a bit boring. I helped myself to some crisps, had a shower and then napped until it was time.


Do you like my new Prom outfit? No-one realised why I’d chosen to have full face-paint. They said it looked cool.


I added something to the punch to make the party more lively but I should have done it sooner because there was no time to take any after that.


I did develop a crush on this guy, Dhruv and at the fairground after Prom he did say he likes women but that was as far as it went!


Generation 1 – Mint – Elphie Snozzberry - dec
Generation 2 – Rose – Tina Snozzberry - dec
Generation 3 – Yellow – Zara Snozzberry - elder
Generation 4 – Grey – Michaela Snozzberry – Adult
Generation 5 – Plum – Rowland Snozzberry – Adult – completed week 25

In Progress
Generation 6 – Orange – Oona Luna Snozzberry – Teen
Traits: Self-Assured, Evil

Screenshot 2022-08-15 160039.jpg

All my other Sims have tried to be good at High School so it’s fun exploring the flip side.
A lot of the teens are Snozzberries but the relationship is tenuous enough that Oona Luna can flirt with some of them.
Considering Oona Luna is not a Glutton (yet) her life already revolves around food a lot!

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 5.3: Rowland is Done
« Reply #87 on: August 15, 2022, 03:23:12 PM »
At first, I was sure your teen was doing the Live Fast aspiration, but you didn't mention sneaking out to the pre-prom party, so I guess not?
I'd been planning on the Live Fast teen aspiration for Gen6 then read on the official forums of one simmer who waited 30+ weeks to sneak out (to a college party, no less).

Dhruv is dreamy!  I approve!

Oona will be done with high school before you know it, haha.
How are you handling early age-ups?  You age up your heir/spares after they complete their requirements for their current age phase?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 5.3: Rowland is Done
« Reply #88 on: August 15, 2022, 04:18:08 PM »
At first, I was sure your teen was doing the Live Fast aspiration, but you didn't mention sneaking out to the pre-prom party, so I guess not?
I'd been planning on the Live Fast teen aspiration for Gen6 then read on the official forums of one simmer who waited 30+ weeks to sneak out (to a college party, no less).

Dhruv is dreamy!  I approve!

Oona will be done with high school before you know it, haha.
How are you handling early age-ups?  You age up your heir/spares after they complete their requirements for their current age phase?
I am doing early age-ups when they've achieved Happy Toddler or A's in schools.
Oona Luna's main aspiration can't get past step 1 until she's an adult so she had Live Fast up as a temporary aspiration. I'd like her to finish it but 30+ weeks! Wow! I have seen an invite for my other Sims but the parents gave consent to go so no need to sneak out. Some of her antics were whims from her mischievous/evil nature. If Oona Luna gets offered early graduation, she'll grab it. I'm too impatient with the normal aging. Lol.
I've been moving my heirs out when their parents have completed to keep the household small but commitment-phobe Rowland will be kept around for 'reasons'

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 5.3: Rowland is Done
« Reply #89 on: August 15, 2022, 05:58:03 PM »

It's official: Oona Luna is just the best. She really took high school by storm! Eating while getting her crown, the face paint, all the hi jinks. Just fabulous. <3

