Author Topic: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) - Complete (Dec 2022)  (Read 49677 times)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 4.1: Taking a Chance
« Reply #60 on: July 28, 2022, 02:51:22 PM »

Oh wow! Is all this drama a result of the new patch?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 4.1: Taking a Chance
« Reply #61 on: July 28, 2022, 03:27:02 PM »

Oh wow! Is all this drama a result of the new patch?
The romance interaction options have increased but Michaela & her Watcher wanted to get some of Michaela's requirements ticked off  ;)
Full disclosure: this Watcher knew full-well that Mateo was engaged. Its his main raison d'etre. One of Michaela 's requirements is to have 3 failed relationships before settling down so the drama continues!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 4.1: Taking a Chance
« Reply #62 on: July 28, 2022, 11:47:09 PM »
Mateo that cad!  Force him out of his house and move into that lovely Nectary lot (or whatever it's called), lol.
Rowland is lovely, though he resembles neither parent at the moment. :D

Great work, Michaela!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 4.2: Dead Beat Dad?
« Reply #63 on: July 29, 2022, 10:21:46 AM »
The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 4.2: Dead Beat Dad?

Michaela: I love my boys so much, they’re so cute!


Michaela: I was sad when I heard about their father, Mateo, but I wasn’t surprised. A player like that was bound to get caught out sometime. The boys don’t seem to be affected but then, apart from a gift on their birthday, they’ve had no contact.


Michaela: The nanny, Masato was really comforting through this time


Michaela: Very comforting! When I told him I was pregnant, he was so pleased. I asked him to be my boyfriend and he moved in. He’ll look after the boys full-time while I work. Life is really working out for me now!


Michaela: The boys love each other as much as I love them – so cute. This was just before their birthday. Their ghost dad sent gifts but they were copies of what we’d already got. Classic!


Masato: Wow, twins! Double the trouble !
Michaela : Yes ! Sapphire & Steel. That’s why I’ve rearranged the house. With less room inside, the toddlers will learn really quickly.
Masato: It’s not very….homey, is it!
Michaela: I don’t know. I like it.
Masato: Don’t be late home from work. You know how jealous I get of your late nights. You’d better not be flirting with anyone!
Michaela: I wouldn’t Masato! When I make a commitment, I make it 100%.


Masato: Hey gorgeous! You must be the new maid!
Minoru: Oh my! Yes. The agency sent me as your last maid got too old.
Masato: You look H O T in that uniform. Maybe you’d look…I mean…feel better in your swimwear?
Minoru: Oh, hey, look I’m flattered but I’m only attracted to women.
Masato: Shame. I’m open to anything.
Michaela (entering room): What?!?!
Masato: I’m just exploring possibilities…
Michaela: I can’t believe you! Telling me not to flirt with others!
Masato: Hey, girl. You should have checked my Profile!
Michaela: Look, I think we’ll just be friends from now on. Then you can see whoever you want and so can I.
Masato: You’re throwing me out?
Michaela: No, Masato. The kids are really attached to you. You do the childcare and you can stay for free. Is that a deal?
Masato: Deal. And the sleeping arrangements?
Michaela: You see that tent?


Generation 1 – Mint – Elphie Snozzberry – Complete in week 8, Died week 9
Husband: Kohei
Child: Tina

Generation 2 – Rose – Tina Snozzberry – Elder – Complete in week 12
Parents: Elphie & Kohei
Child: Zara

Generation 3 – Yellow – Zara Snozzberry – Adult – Officially Complete in week 15
Parents: Tina & Collin
Spouse: Robi
Children: Michaela, Albert, Riley

Generation 4 – Grey – Michaela Snozzberry – Young Adult
Parents: Zara & Robi
Children: Rowland & Cary (father Mateo Markovic); Sapphire & Steel (father Masato Inoue)
Traits: Active, Music Lover, Slob
Aspiration: Bodybuilder – Done
Career: Athlete 7
Skills: Singing 9, Parenting 8, Fitness 10
Other #1: Failed relationships 3/3; #2: 2/4; #3: 0/0

L-to-R: Masato holding Sapphire, Rowland, Michaela holding Steel, Cary
Screenshot 2022-07-29 144245.jpg


I was too busy get the toddlers settled to get cute pics of them and I was sure I’d got Rowland to take a selfie with Cary but it’s gone AWOL. There’ll be some in the next update. And yes, I've got the new High School Pack so Rowland & Cary are raring to go!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 4.1: Taking a Chance
« Reply #64 on: July 29, 2022, 11:44:29 AM »

Oo, looking forward to it! I got the new pack too, but I'm no where near a teenager yet. Silly me.  ::)

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 4.1: Taking a Chance
« Reply #65 on: July 29, 2022, 02:44:16 PM »
Haha, Masato's like a live-in nanny!  Make him do all the cooking, too!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 4.3: Slow, Slow, Quick, Quick, Slow

Michaela: OK, the High School years are upon us and it’s crazy but fun so we’ll just do a whistle-stop tour of this week’s main features. Sunday night was my first with any children and look – Sapphire & Steel aged up in time to join us for what I hope will be a regular weekly Thing – Movie Night!


I’m Good Friends with all my kids – I read to them lots as toddlers. While Masato did a lot of the practical stuff, especially while I was at work, he was always a bit distant…


When I heard that Granny Tina had died, I was really upset. Mum called to ask why I didn’t visit but I couldn’t face her right then. Masato was too busy trying to seduce the maid and it just crystalized things for me. I wasn’t happy.
I didn’t want a scene with Masato and the kids so, while they were all at school, I moved us out. Masato got the house and a enough cash to keep him going until he gets more work but I’ve settled in Willow Creek at Parkshore. There’s a great park next door with 2 chess boards, a pirate ship, barbeque and rest room. Watcher built us a weird 8*8 house with a small basement – 100 squares in all. We did try being off-grid and simple-living for half a day but we’re back to normal now. She said something about a practise run….
Anyway, when the kids got home, we started meeting the passers-by. Here’s me & Sapphire meeting my sister Riley. She doesn’t look too friendly…


Mateo’s fiancé was in the area too. I took the opportunity to make my peace. She said she understood. She’d known all about Mateo and his wandering ways but she still missed him. She did ask my advice on whether to ask someone out so I said “go for it”! Oh and I found out that Fetu, my 2nd love, the mailman died. I hope Masato is OK….


Rowland came back from his first day at High School and said he’d met someone called Ike Laurent who knew me. I’d forgotten all about Ike. I met him just before I became a teen so he was a bit younger than me. He always used to tease me because I’m a bit of a slob and then he’d tidy up after me. We lost touch because he became a bit Materialistic but I still had fond memories. I suggested he came over and….
…can you believe he aged up right then. Rowland added him to the family group. I took a moment to ask him what his romantic interests were and he said he was still exploring them. I offered to help him with his research…


OK – he’s moved in. We’re not married and we’re not trying for children. I’m taking it slow…well not very slow…but slower than before.

Rowland and Cary enjoyed High School, meeting the Principal and making friends. Rowland enjoyed it so much that he got an A on Friday. When they offered to let him graduate early, he jumped at the chance. It meant he dropped out of being a cheerleader (which he’d only taken up to quit the Fast Food job he’d maxed) without attending a single session and he couldn’t go to the prom so Cary didn’t go either.
While Rowland still can’t get an adult job, he can enrol early for Uni so he’s sent off his application and we’re waiting anxiously to see what he gets offered.

Generation 1 – Mint – Elphie Snozzberry – Complete in week 8, Died week 9
Husband: Kohei
Child: Tina

Generation 2 – Rose – Tina Snozzberry – Complete in week 12, Died week 22
Parents: Elphie & Kohei
Child: Zara

Generation 3 – Yellow – Zara Snozzberry – Adult – Complete in week 15
Parents: Tina & Collin
Spouse: Robi
Children: Michaela, Albert, Riley

Generation 4 – Grey – Michaela Snozzberry – Young Adult
Parents: Zara & Robi
Children: Rowland & Cary (father Mateo Markovic); Sapphire & Steel (father Masato Inoue)
Traits: Active, Music Lover, Slob
Aspiration: Bodybuilder – Done
Career: Athlete 9
Skills: Singing 10, Parenting 10, Fitness 10
Other #1: Failed relationships 3/3; #2: Good Friends with all children 4/4; #3: Family Movie Night every Sunday 1/1

L-to-R Steel, Rowland, Ike, Michaela, Cary, Sapphire


Rowland and Cary are really camera-shy – so none of the promised photos. I confess I’m racing through the challenge with early age-ups as soon as the heirs max skills/aspirations and achieve aims. The rules don’t mention aging-up.
High School was fun but I only spent one session there. I think I need an unfettered teen to really enjoy it to the max. The early graduation is a real boon to over-achieving teens.
One new bug/feature is that my teens have not been able to quit their jobs and I’ve basically been moving them to jobs that are about to have days off… I haven’t tried that with adults so it might just be teens.

Incidentally, in case anyone is interested, if you have your lot set as off-grid and have no water, you can still use the bathroom in the park next door. Just saying... #apocalypsechallenge

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 4.1: Taking a Chance
« Reply #67 on: July 30, 2022, 11:25:01 AM »

Well, I confess I'm a little disappointed not to read about the kids' high school experience, but I also understand when you just wanna hurry up and finish a challenge - particularly when you've got a new one in mind! Definitely looking forward to your apocalypse challenge.  :) The career bug has been affecting the adults in my game, so I don't think it's a teen thing.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 4.1: Taking a Chance
« Reply #68 on: July 30, 2022, 04:21:00 PM »
I know, I'm sorry.
The school day is effectively GTW with one class in am and one in pm and a nice long lunch hour to do a bit of socialising or studying. The goals make it fairly obvious what to do.
One bonus will be that you get a a class-full of teens which I assume get repopulated whenever you have a new generation attend.
I went with Rowland on a Thu but Fri is exam day and I didnt want to mess it up for him so he went alone.
There'll be a bit of graduation in the next update...

Offline Granny Lawlor

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The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 4.4: Michaela’s Done
« Reply #69 on: July 31, 2022, 05:08:04 AM »
The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 4.4: Michaela’s Done

Michaela: I know I said I was taking it slow but, after a bit of a makeover, Iker took me to a fancy restaurant for Brunch on Sunday before work and it seemed such a crazy thing to do – a full English in our best outfits – that I couldn’t stop myself. He said “yes” of course.


When we got home, he started practising cooking for his new chef’s job while I settled down to watch a lost puppy story film with the kids. They’re all pleased for us and they’ll each take a part in the ceremony.


Rowland wasn’t paying attention when we were organising things so we asked Iker’s brother Jace to be the Officiant. Rowland was busy flirting with this girl, Nikki. I don’t like her but he said she must be “made for him” with her pink/purple dress sense. Ah well. The boy will learn!


I had to go to work so I missed the start of Iker’s graduation ceremony.  Iker said the kids came but they disappeared to the outdoor tables while he posed for his official pic.


I got there just in time to see him collecting his diploma plus the kids scoffing the buffet food! I guess they never really get proper food at home!


Monday was our Wedding Day. The kids all had the day off school. Silver made a lovely flower girl but Steel was only ring-bearer under sufferance it seemed.


Iker was so adorable while he was making his vows, even though his brother never showed up as Officiant, and we had a lovely first dance.


The evening was finished off in the traditional manner, even if it was in a tent!


On Tuesday, Cary got to graduate early too and the kids have maxed all their skills. We went to the beach café to celebrate their birthdays. They all aged up with cake together and we nearly left before this happened. The waitress had seemed really run-down but, oh dear!


Rowland: So guys, me and Cary aged up chunky together. What happened to you?
Steel: I’m just googling genetics for twins!
Silver: It’s very simple. I’ve been an active child whereas Steel was too busy being out-going to do any exercise.
Steel: Ouch!
Rowland: Don’t worry, bro. Mum’s nearly top of her career, she’ll get you in shape.
Silver: I’m not sure about that, I think the new baby’s due tonight.


Michaela: Wow. Top of my career and just in time to take some maternity leave! I think this baby will come soon. I wonder what it will be.


Michaela: I don’t know if it was the labour pains talking or the fact that he’s started dressing like his father did, but I had a frank talk with Rowland about Nikki. She’s still a teen but I really don’t like her so I told him he should move on and find a nice girl his own age.
He got mad – first love is like that. I said some things I shouldn’t have. So did he. The long and the short of it is that he’s moved out, off to a tiny pad in Windenburg. We let him have his share of the household funds so he won’t starve, especially once he starts earning good money as a Doctor.
At least I got that right, steering him away from his music into a well-paid job. He’ll thank me for it later. I hope he’s not too miserable… Wait, oh, I think this baby’s coming right now!


Generation 1 – Mint – Elphie Snozzberry - deceased
Husband: Kohei
Child: Tina

Generation 2 – Rose – Tina Snozzberry - deceased
Parents: Elphie & Kohei
Child: Zara

Generation 3 – Yellow – Zara Snozzberry – Adult
Parents: Tina & Collin
Spouse: Robi
Children: Michaela, Albert, Riley

Generation 4 – Grey – Michaela Snozzberry – Young Adult – complete week 23
Parents: Zara & Robi
Husband: Iker Laurent (Neat, Materialistic, Foodie)
Children: Rowland & Cary (father Mateo Markovic); Sapphire & Steel (father Masato Inoue)
Traits: Active, Music Lover, Slob
Aspiration: Bodybuilder – Done
Career: Athlete - Done
Skills: Singing 10, Parenting 10, Fitness 10
Other #1: Failed relationships 3/3 then married Neat; #2: Good Friends with all children 4/4; #3: Family Movie Night every Sunday 2/2

Generation 5 – Plum – Rowland Snozzberry – Young Adult
Parents: Michaela & Mateo Markovic (dec)
Traits : Genius, Dance Machine, Non-committal
Romantic Status: Boyfriend to Nikki
Careers : Fast Food, Doctor, ?
Maxed Skills : Fitness
Skills to level 8: 6 – Charisma, Fitness, Guitar, Handiness, Logic, Violin
Worlds Lived in: 3 – Tartosa, Willow Creek, Windenburg

L-to-R: Sapphire, Cary, Iker holding Sarah, Michaela, Steel
Screenshot 2022-07-30 205658.jpgScreenshot 2022-07-30 205622.jpg


Apologies for getting Iker’s name wrong in the last update – I called him Ike.
Rowland got admitted to the Doctor career at level 3 without Connections so I think that was as a result of his early graduation, as promised. Whether Connections would have added or overlapped the accelerated career, I don’t know.
Rowland could have taken the bulk of the family fortune but I didn’t want to make it too easy for him. He’s still Good Friends with his mother but he just needed some space, especially with the nooboo arriving.

* Amended * I've lost track of when the Snozzberry ancestors completed and then died so I've removed those stats to avoid confusion.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 4.4: Michaela’s Done
« Reply #70 on: July 31, 2022, 12:13:44 PM »

Oo, Michaela looked so lovely in her silver wedding dress and rainbow hair!

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 4.4: Michaela’s Done
« Reply #71 on: August 06, 2022, 01:14:24 PM »
Wow, you've already reached Gen5! So you'll be playing Rowland's household from now on?
Rowland is quite attractive with his dark complexion and purple hair!  Best wishes to you in your new life, Rowland!

I got confused about your Gen2 stats.
Generation 2 – Rose – Tina Snozzberry – Complete in week 12, Died week 22
Assuming her last completed requirement was to marry Collin while was an elder, wouldn't her completion week be closer to the week she died?
My NSB is currently starting Week 12, but my Gen2 heir won't be an adult for 3 more days. I imagine she won't be able to marry for at least 3 more weeks....
Just wondering.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 4.4: Michaela’s Done
« Reply #72 on: August 07, 2022, 02:01:12 AM »
Wow, you've already reached Gen5! So you'll be playing Rowland's household from now on?
Rowland is quite attractive with his dark complexion and purple hair!  Best wishes to you in your new life, Rowland!

I got confused about your Gen2 stats.
Generation 2 – Rose – Tina Snozzberry – Complete in week 12, Died week 22
Assuming her last completed requirement was to marry Collin while was an elder, wouldn't her completion week be closer to the week she died?
My NSB is currently starting Week 12, but my Gen2 heir won't be an adult for 3 more days. I imagine she won't be able to marry for at least 3 more weeks....
Just wondering.
It doesn't seen right, does it? I've lost track along the way and, although I was doing updates every Sim-week, I know I covered 2 weeks in some. The only thing I'm sure about is that Michaela has just completed during the 3rd week of Summer in the 2nd year. I think Tina might have completed in week 16 and then died in week 22. She did have Bodybuilder but that still seems 2 long. I'm wondering if the High School install had anything to do with it but I've removed the stats for now to avoid confusing more people.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 4.4: Michaela’s Done
« Reply #73 on: August 07, 2022, 08:52:17 PM »
You've had the same stats posted for a while now, but I only noticed this time because my founder recently died plus I googled how many extra days Bodybuilder adds to the elder lifespan (around 18 days extras).
Haha, it's not a big deal. I was just curious. My Gen2 heir will be an adult in 3 more sim-days. :D
Keeping track of the weeks/days is not necessary at all.  It's just something I've been doing for years now.

The more important thing, dang, you've made some serious progress with your Not So Berry challenge! *applauds

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Snozzberries (Not So Berry Legacy) 4.4: Michaela’s Done
« Reply #74 on: August 08, 2022, 08:44:40 AM »
I'm on a bit of a speed run. I'm trying to enjoy and weave a story around the requirements but I keeping thinking "10 generations,  oh my!" Lol