Author Topic: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries [Completed 14 Mar '23]  (Read 161860 times)

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Re: Bewitched Berries Finale: Finally!!! (13 Mar 2023)
« Reply #450 on: March 14, 2023, 09:44:11 AM »
Congratulations on finishing your not so berry challenge!! It was so much fun to see your approach to the only challenge i’ve completed. Thanks for the story, and i’ll be looking forwards to the epilogue : )
Thank you for reading this and for your kind words.
You were the one who motivated me to try out Lumpinou's Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul mod.
You also kindly took the time to answer my questions at a time when I was so nervous to install the mod and its various modules.
Though I experienced some compatibility issues between RPO and MCCC, due no doubt to wrong settings on my part, I enjoyed playing around with the RPO mod!
Thank you so much, Auranaris, for sharing your inspiration and knowledge!  <3

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Re: Bewitched Berries Finale: Finally!!! (13 Mar 2023)
« Reply #451 on: March 14, 2023, 09:55:09 AM »
You've wrapped it all up so well! I know it was sad to see Ai and Bronson go, but it was a lovely thing for you to let them go together. It's kind of a push me, pull you when it comes to ending the dynasty - we look forward to completing them, but it's also kind of sad for it to be done. And speaking of sad, geez, you nearly had me crying with your letters!

I am also looking forward to our next adventure together! My Gen 6 heir completed her Big Dream last night, so I'll have an update about that out over the weekend. She has Gen 7 on the way, just in time for the baby update, and if I can somehow manage to ward off triplets, the next two Gens will not take as long to play as some of the previous ones. (For those who may not know, the Big Dreams Dynasty is an 8-generation dynasty, not a 10.)
I know it probably seems like I was procrastinating by playing other games instead of concluding my NSB challenge sooner.
But looking back, I'm sorta glad I took the time to let various finale ideas simmer on the narrative backburner.
Yes, I really wanted Ai and Bronson to embark on their final journey together. By happy coincidence, Bronson had previously maxed the Floral Designer career.
I thought the letters would provide closure to Ai and Bronson, allowing them to express thoughts and feelings that they couldn't share while they were alive.

Woo, just two more Big Dreams for you to complete your Big Dreams Dynasty!  You're so close!
So, you're not planning to fill your Gen7 household with infants to attempt the 7 Infants Challenge?  Just kidding.
Actually, as long as your Gen8 sim completes their Big Dream, you could fill the house up with cats & dogs to avoid triplets, haha!
Can't wait to meet your Gen6 heir's infant!

Really looking forward to starting our next adventure!!!!

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries Finale: Finally!!! (13 Mar 2023)
« Reply #452 on: March 14, 2023, 07:47:33 PM »

Wow, a new challenge co-op with GlazeyLady: how exciting! I'm curious as to which of your sims will get to found it. Congrats on finishing up with your Berries! I'm impressed that you managed to keep all the fun and drama going on until Ai became an elder. Bittersweet that Ai and Bronson went out together - even if we knew it had to happen to wrap things up, but at least they did it with a bang. :P

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries Finale: Finally!!! (13 Mar 2023)
« Reply #453 on: March 14, 2023, 10:05:18 PM »

Wow, a new challenge co-op with GlazeyLady: how exciting! I'm curious as to which of your sims will get to found it. Congrats on finishing up with your Berries! I'm impressed that you managed to keep all the fun and drama going on until Ai became an elder. Bittersweet that Ai and Bronson went out together - even if we knew it had to happen to wrap things up, but at least they did it with a bang. :P
In fact, I ended my NSB challenge early; Ai & Bronson would've died natural deaths in 10 more sim-days but I couldn't wait any longer.

I'm currently compiling screenshots of all the kids and feeling really torn over choosing my next founder.
There are 3-4 sims who really appeal to me, though they are nowhere even close to Morgaine's utterly exotic spouse prospects!
On the other hand, I'd really like to have a founder who looks Asian or Latinx.  Decisions, decisions.

As for our next challenge, GlazeyLady and I will simply be playing the same legacy challenge so it won't exactly be "co-op."  ;-)
Next time around, I'm going to take a page from your book and introduce more Gallery sims into my simverse.
(But my Berry sims were all so purty....)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries (14 Mar 2023)
« Reply #454 on: March 15, 2023, 01:39:28 AM »
Epilogue: An Embarrassment of…Berries

Hello there!  I'm your boy Keanu, here to accompany you on this epilogue.
This episode is not a narrative epilogue to the Bewitched Berries Legacy.
Rather, we will simply be visiting all of the toddlers and children of the 11th and 12th generations.
And they will be aged up so we can see how they look as teens.

Going in birth order, our first stop is the home of my Dad Keon and my half-brother Buddy.
Yeah, I know. It sounds odd when I say it out loud like that, but they're very happy together.
I keep hearing how much I take after Dad.  What do you think?

The way Buddy tells it, he fell immediately in love with Dad.
They have a whopping six children together.

On the day Dad proposed to Buddy, he didn't realize he was pregnant with triplets.
Here are those triplets as teens.
Watcher's not messing with changing hair, clothing, or makeup.
But Faith, Trent, and Derek need no help to be attractive sims.

Twins Salvador and Annabel arrived while Dad's parents lived in the house.
After they moved out, Maritza was born.
Do you have a favorite out of the six?  Watcher prefers Salvador in the gray wool beanie.

In Sulani, Buddy's twin Rosetta (left) lives with her wife Bethany Talla (right).
They each had twins through IVF.

When Rose chose my uncle Skylar as her donor, she had no idea who he was.
Her children, Nick and Robin, look a lot like her, don't you think?
Except for NIck's violet eyes, they don't resemble Uncle Skylar at all.

My sister-in-law Bethany is a beautiful sim who's descended from Duane Talla.
She chose Buddy as her donor.
Gabriella is cute but Yang is especially striking, yes?

Down the hill from Rose and Bethany live my sister Robin with her husband Bruno.
You may remember that Mama adopted Robin as a toddler from the Faamoana family.
I vaguely recall that Bruno comes from the Gen8 cadet Berry branch in Tartosa.

Robin and Bruno have twins: Raul and Brandi.
They are the first but not the only redheads among the Gen12 Berries.

Technically, the next children born were Papa's twins with the ever-popular Uncle Skylar.
However, Watcher says to save the best for last (?), so we'll visit Fynn next.
Fynn lives with her husband Ronan and his twin brother Zach.
Huh, I just realized that Ronan and Zach are my first cousins, but not Fynn's.

Fynn: Ronan Junior, come take a selfie with your Uncle Zach.
Your uncle's always complaining about being in fewer screenshots than your parents.
Ronan Junior had light hair as a toddler but he aged up with brown, not violet, hair.

Fynn: Look at our lovely daughters!
I temporarily gave them the same hairstyle as me so you can see how alike we look!
Don't you love their names?  Mary Shelley and Chaka Shelley!

Ronan: Dude, are you feeling alright?
Keanu: No, no, I'm not. I need to go home right now then head to the hospital.
Fynn: What!? You've been visiting everyone so close to labor, Keanu? What were you thinking?
Keanu: I wanted to finish all my visits today, so I could go home and stay home. Anyway, later!

Keanu: I give birth to a baby boy and name him Brandon.
Daiq: I'm being completely ignored so I upgrade the crib with a mobile of Birds.

Ella: Un-freaking-believable!
Prince: I know, right?
Ella: Finally, finally, it's our brief moment to shine but what does Keanu do?

Keanu: Hey guys! Meet your nephew Brandon!

Keanu: Where the heck is the changing station!?
Oh, it must only come with the expansion pack. Bah!
Hey, you two, don't mind us!  Watcher, a little help with the narration, please?

Watcher: Ella and Prince are Bronson's long-awaited redheaded twins.
I didn't change the hair and outfits they aged up with.
Prince went the extra mile and aged up with spellcaster earrings and guyliner., too
Personally, I find Fynny's daughter Chaka to be the most attractive female sim.

Ella: So, Keanu, are you going to marry the fireman?
Keanu: Doubt it.
Prince: Who did you say Brandon's father was again?
Keanu: Didn't say. Hey, let's move Sasha in to keep Nez company!
Ella (whispers to Prince): Did Keanu just change the subject on us?

Watcher: Among the toddlers, Ella was the prettiest child.
But among the teens, the most appealing sim is Prince.
GlazeyLady will probably choose a female founder for her legacy challenge.
So, maybe I should start with a male founder?

I'm really curious which of the Gen11 and Gen12 sims you liked best.

Keanu became pregnant via IVF the evening before Ai and Bronson passed away.
I had a little vignette in mind, but had completely forgotten about the new infant life stage.
So, no vignette because I know nothing about raising an infant.
And this epilogue isn't the place for me to explore infants.  LOL!

This marks the last episode of my Not So Berry Challenge.
Thank you so much for reading, laughing, snorting, commenting, and joining me on this journey in one way or the other.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries (14 Mar 2023)
« Reply #455 on: March 15, 2023, 02:55:19 AM »
Violet eyes with red hair? It's an unusual combo.
I know you favour spellcaster ears and I can't always see them but my votes go for male Derek (maybe because he favours Buddy, lol) or female Mary Shelley (maybe simply for the name).
Thank you for all the teen shots. Have fun planning your next challenge. I can picture you now with spreadsheets and lists and websearching, or is that me?

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries (14 Mar 2023)
« Reply #456 on: March 15, 2023, 07:12:11 AM »
Team Ella, reporting for duty  ;=)  Yep, lovely redhead with purple eyes?  Totally here for that!
Anyway, a lovely update/recap/introduction/etc. to the gen 11 & 12 kiddos!  What a lovely group!  Must say, you are absolutely spoiled for choice and I'll be curious to see who you pick and anxious to see what adventures they get up to!
Congrats, again, on bringing this epic and glorious story/challenge to a fantastic finale  :=)

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries (14 Mar 2023)
« Reply #457 on: March 15, 2023, 01:11:09 PM »
So many awesome choices! But I'm with Pippin on this one - Ella is gorgeous. And I have a lovely niece by that name IRL, so there's that.
7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries (14 Mar 2023)
« Reply #458 on: March 15, 2023, 04:09:49 PM »

What a wealth of choices! It sounds like you're leaning towards Prince, but there's really no wrong option here. I think I'm partial to Yang, especially if you pop some bright green eyes on her.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries (14 Mar 2023)
« Reply #459 on: March 15, 2023, 04:27:56 PM »
I forgot to say - I started planning my starting play for the next one, and I'm actually thinking I'll have a male founder. I haven't picked him yet, but given how I plan to start, that's what I'm thinking. Of course, until I actually choose him, I could still change my mind . . .
7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
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Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble (In Progress)

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries (14 Mar 2023)
« Reply #460 on: March 20, 2023, 08:48:06 AM »
Violet eyes with red hair? It's an unusual combo.
I know you favour spellcaster ears and I can't always see them but my votes go for male Derek (maybe because he favours Buddy, lol) or female Mary Shelley (maybe simply for the name).
Thank you for all the teen shots. Have fun planning your next challenge. I can picture you now with spreadsheets and lists and websearching, or is that me?
Thanks for sharing your favorites.  Derek is also cute but what I liked about Salvador is that he looks like Buddy while inheriting Keon's eyebrows (so did his brother Trend) and violet eyes.
Mary & Chaka are identical except that Chaka got slightly thicker eyebrows.
As for the next challenge, I'm taking a simming break so I'm not actively planning.
I'm planning to draw generational requirements from different legacy challenges, though, so I'll starting my own spreadsheet later today.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries (14 Mar 2023)
« Reply #461 on: March 20, 2023, 08:54:45 AM »
Thanks for sharing your favorites.  Derek is also cute but what I liked about Salvador is that he looks like Buddy while inheriting Keon's eyebrows (so did his brother Trend) and violet eyes.
Mary & Chaka are identical except that Chaka got slightly thicker eyebrows.
As for the next challenge, I'm taking a simming break so I'm not actively planning.
I'm planning to draw generational requirements from different legacy challenges, though, so I'll starting my own spreadsheet later today.
That sounds interesting. Maybe I'll be finished with Nova by the time you're ready... :)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries (14 Mar 2023)
« Reply #462 on: March 20, 2023, 08:56:26 AM »
Team Ella, reporting for duty  ;=)  Yep, lovely redhead with purple eyes?  Totally here for that!
Anyway, a lovely update/recap/introduction/etc. to the gen 11 & 12 kiddos!  What a lovely group!  Must say, you are absolutely spoiled for choice and I'll be curious to see who you pick and anxious to see what adventures they get up to!
Congrats, again, on bringing this epic and glorious story/challenge to a fantastic finale  :=)
Thanks so much for your continuous moral support and careful reading!
Yes, Ella is really adorable, despite aging up with those thin eyebrows and awful hairdo.

So many awesome choices! But I'm with Pippin on this one - Ella is gorgeous. And I have a lovely niece by that name IRL, so there's that.
Another vote for Ella!  Haha, a sim's name can really tug on our hearts, eh?
Between Fynn's twin girls, Granny Lawlor prefers Mary because Mary Shelley the author, while I prefer Chaka because of the singer Chaka Khan!
And you already know how much I live the artist Prince!

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Re: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries (14 Mar 2023)
« Reply #463 on: March 20, 2023, 09:02:34 AM »

What a wealth of choices! It sounds like you're leaning towards Prince, but there's really no wrong option here. I think I'm partial to Yang, especially if you pop some bright green eyes on her.
Yep, I'm pretty much decided on Prince. 💖💖💖
I agree that Yang has very exotic features!
I'm planning to upload some of my NSB sims to Gallery and place a half dozen of them who don't resemble each other too much, including Yang, into my new simverse.
Haha, who am I kidding? I will be adding my favorite NSB sims from Gen11 & 12 to the new simverse.
But I can stagger the time they join the simverse so, for example, Prince and Ella won't be contemporaries.
Anyway, they'll all be cloned so their original familial relationships won't remain...

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Re: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries (14 Mar 2023)
« Reply #464 on: March 20, 2023, 09:04:46 AM »
I forgot to say - I started planning my starting play for the next one, and I'm actually thinking I'll have a male founder. I haven't picked him yet, but given how I plan to start, that's what I'm thinking. Of course, until I actually choose him, I could still change my mind . . .

Whether we picks founders of the same or different gender, we're going to have a blast!
I'm thinking of starting my story around April 1st. What about you?