Author Topic: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries [Completed 14 Mar '23]  (Read 161865 times)

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.55b: Robin Leaves the Nest (16 Feb 2023)
« Reply #420 on: February 17, 2023, 01:02:58 PM »
Oh good heavens, Bronson!  In for a penny, in for a pound!  Or several pounds as he keeps adding baby weight  ;=)
Daiq was so thoughtful getting paintings done for Robin to decorate her house!!
Poor Fynn and Keanu.  If only they could come up with an interesting hook.  Still, at least they got to hijack the end of the update.  Maybe that's their hook, hijacking the end of each update?  ;=)
Lots of Excellent stuff happening for the Berries and I'm looking forward to seeing what else fills these final weeks as you play out the end of this challenge!
How funny! When Bronson crossed my mind this morning, that same "In for a penny, in for a pound" proverb came to mind as well. :D
It was a desperate gambit to be sure. Once I realized the "Robin's grandchild" solution, it was too late for Bronson. Poor guy!
At first, Daiq volunteered to be the artistic curator because he was too young to paint. Even so, it was a fun project and he enjoyed decorating Robin and Bruno's new home.
Yes! I'm wracking my brains for one mini-arc for Fynn (as I've got one already for Keanu), but nothing comes to mind just yet.
Just, you know, a normal, not-weird mini-arc...
Maybe she doesn't need one if she's going to found my next challenge.  The Growing Together expansion releases in another month!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.55b: Robin Leaves the Nest (16 Feb 2023)
« Reply #421 on: February 18, 2023, 11:06:44 AM »
Aha - Growing Together looks fun and therefore very tempting! So Fynn may be the next founder? You keep dropping teasers....

I'm glad Robin didn't move in with her birth family. It was too quick and she's ready to make her own way in the world.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.55b: Robin Leaves the Nest (16 Feb 2023)
« Reply #422 on: February 18, 2023, 10:39:56 PM »
Aha - Growing Together looks fun and therefore very tempting! So Fynn may be the next founder? You keep dropping teasers....

I'm glad Robin didn't move in with her birth family. It was too quick and she's ready to make her own way in the world.

Fynn is first choice atm, but I'm waiting to see how the rest of the Gen11 children age up. 
I'm fine with changing the hair/eye color of a sim whose facial features I appreciate. ;-)
If Robin's birth mother hadn't wanted to give Robin up, I guess it would be natural for her to want her back in the family.
But, you're right, the Faamoanas weren't a better fit for her than her adoptive family. 
Still, she wants to live in Sulani, so I think she created the life she wanted.  She's not a Berry by blood but her husband Bruno is, so their children will be bonafide Berries, hehe.

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.56: The Sands of Time (25 Feb 2023)
« Reply #423 on: February 26, 2023, 01:48:35 AM »
10.56: The Sands of Time

Week 56, Sunday (4th week of summer, Y4)
Ai: We are finally back!  Watcher suggests that I refresh everyone's memories. So, last week:
*Rose and her wife Bethany Talla opted for IVF and each gave birth to twins;
*Robin chose to marry Bruno (grandson of Gen8 Momo Berry (Gen8) and moved to Sulani; and
*Bronson, having failed with surrogacy, went the IVF route and got pregnant. Crazy times!

From the left: Nez, Fynn, Buddy, me, Bronson, Daiq, and Keanu.

Buddy: Thank you for waiting for me, Keon.  I'll be moving in with you later today.
Keon: Finally! So that's why my parents packed up last night and moved back to Oasis Springs!
Buddy: I need to tell the rest of the fam. I'm sure Papa won't be sad to have another household opening.
For now, let's drink these Potions of Rejuv so we can start over again as if I'd never kept you waiting!

Bronson: So, what did you want to talk about, Keanu?
Keanu: Robin's married with twins, and Fynn has her age-inappropriate boyfriend, Glenn. Why am I still alone?
Bronson: Love isn't a race, Keanu. When you meet your special someone, you'll know.

Keanu (to himself): What!? A crush on Papa?  How is it even possible? *succeeds in getting over the crush
Whew, that was a close call! There must definitely be something wrong with me.

Buddy: Listen, after much thought, I've decided to move out today to live with Keon and our children.
I expect you, Keanu, to take over my role as household manager.
Keanu: Me as household manager? Isn't that Mama's role?
Buddy: Pfft, Mama's always caught up in her own drama, which means Papa's always appeasing her.
Anyway, it's only until Daiq's old enough to become head of household.

Ai: Ugh, I can't stand myself! Why am I jealous that Bronson's carrying another sim's child?
Bronson's pregnant through IVF, so it's not as if he had an affair (uh, like I did).
And yet, it feels like Bronson isn't completely mine anymore, which bothers me.
Why can't I be happier for Bronson? Why am I so selfish? I believe I need some ice cream.

Fynn: My work-from-home assignment: "Update online bio with business headshot."
This "business headshot" perfectly captures my erratic nature, yes?
Also note that I no longer wear cc hair. Ain't nobody want one baby after another with white-blond hair.
(No offense, Mama!)

Bronson: Once everyone's left except me, I invite over Skylar Berry to learn his personality traits.
Saying I want to know my son-in-law Keon's family better, I get to know Skylar then send him on his way.
Watcher made me do this. She needs his traits for Pinstar's traits generator.
I agreed only because the readers might enjoy seeing Skylar again.

Bronson: Thanks to Buddy moving out, I give birth to twins! I'm so tempted to age them up right away!
I've named our firstborn Ella, after the legendary jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald (1917-1996).
Because Watcher's always watching concert videos of Prince (1958-2016), I choose that name for the boy.
One of her favorites is Prince's performance at the 2009 Montreux Jazz Festival. Check it out!

Daiq: My first active day at high school feels like a waste of time when I spot a classmate crying by herself.
Her name's Nicole Miura and she's mourning the loss in the family. Aren't we all?
Several things fascinate me about Nicole. One, she is 100% unrelated to us Berries.
She's also a green fiend and a maker. Plus, she autonomously asks me to become BFFs.

Fynn: Watcher went a bit loco last night and renovated our country cottage.
It looks exactly the same from the front, but has a modern extension in the back.
It was a dining room at first, but since we rarely sit down together, it's become a family room.
*whispers: Weird timing, considering the parents age up to elders on Friday…
Watcher: Hey, it was an experiment, okaaay? And it'll be nice to have more indoor space. You'll see!

Glenn: Is this a joke? You invite me on a date, mess around in the cuddle carts, then break up with me?
Fynn: What can I say? I'm a Drama Llama. Besides, you never phone or text me! What did you expect!?
(Being involved with Glenn is too complicated! He's the younger brother of Buddy's husband Keon.
Plus, Papa told me that both he and sister Rose chose Skylar, Keon's twin, as their IVF donor…)

Fynn: Feeling blue, I text a new teen friend who immediately invites me over, saying he'll cheer me up.
But when I get there, I find him Very Sad about a family death.
He's in no mood to cheer me up at all.

I valiantly do my best to make him feel better. Yeah, yeah. Just call me Mother Theresa!
Um, I also realize that Ronan is the son of Mama's first cousin Janae and Skylar. It's all so confusing!
Obviously, the simverse believes Ronan and I aren't too closely related.
Meanwhile, I'm notified that my ex Glenn married a few hours after our breakup. Rebound much?

Bronson: We leave for Robin's place early in the morning to age up her twins before school starts.
But Keanu and Fynn take too long to feed the twins one last time before aging them up.
Fynn is smart; she leaves for school immediately without trying to age up Brandi.
Keanu is dumb; he persists in aging up Raul, then runs off with the toddler to school.  Aaargh!

Ai: After using MCCC to summon the toddler back, I find him out past Ohan'ali Beach.
Raul (left) and Brandi (right) are both human sims and very cute toddlers!
By the way, Robin got a job as a Babysitter, but her husband Bruno remains unemployed.

Bronson: Then, Ai and I rush home to age up my toddlers.
Both Ella and Prince have Skylar's violet eyes.
Ella shares my brighter red hair, while Prince (The Purple One) shares Skylar's darker-red hair color.
We thought Fynn was a shoo-in as next founder, but Ella might become a serious contender!

Fynn: Grrrr, how come you got your Rank 3 Chess Club promotion today, but I didn't?
Keanu: Probably because you were 30 minutes late to a two-hour club meeting.
Fynn: But I had a mood swing, so I had to drink a moodlet solver.
Keanu: You took an hour to finish drinking that, Fynn. You better watch out!
Our newest sister, Ella, is going to steal your spot as the next founder!

Bronson: While the tots sleep, I mentor Daiq and Ai's in the kitchen cooking.
Yesterday, Keanu quit Chess Club and his Simfluencer job with plans to age up tonight.
Daiq graduated early yesterday then quit his Simfluencer job to become a Manual Laborer.
When Fynn earns her Chess Club promotion today, she'll quit the club and her job, too, but age up Sunday.

Ai: The twins watching the Kids Network channel on our elusive TV.

Fynn: Ronan asked me to be BFFs then I later asked him to be my boyfriend.
Don't you think it's his turn to invite me to Prom?
I mean, I'm glad he's cleaning up after the toddlers, but what about my Prom invite?
Oh, is Ronan unable to invite me because he doesn't attend Copperdale High?

Ai: Bronson and I are beyond proud of Keanu and Fynn, who age up a week early tonight!
Keanu is Watcher's first ever high school student to Graduate as Valedictorian.
Since Ronan could never invite Fynn to Prom, she decides she and Ronan would age up tonight, too.
And Fynn becomes Watcher's first ever high school student to Graduate with Honors!

Fynn (grumbles):  I'm always ignored! Where's my Graduated with Honors screenshot?
Ai: Here it is, Fynn! Great work!

Bronson: Ella and Prince are such blessings, even though they arrived so late in my life.
It saddens me that I won't be able to watch them grow up.
As for Keanu and Fynn, they are such thoughtful kids.
I love that they chose to age up to young adults the day before Ai and I become elders.

Bronson: Thank you for aging up early to join me on my birthday, Ai.
Ai: Of course, Bronson. Where would I be without you?
Bronson: You know, Ella and Prince already have two Level 5 skills. Shall we aim for Top-Notch toddlers?
Ai: Why not? All our other children have been Top-Notch! Ella and Prince can ask their siblings to "Play."

Bronson: Ella and Prince age up this morning after having maxed all their skills. Way to go, kids!
Adorable as toddlers, they are now gorgeous as children!
Watcher, I bet you're considering one of them as your next founder, perhaps even Prince!
Watcher: *puts on tinfoil hat to prevent mindreading

Progress: End of Week 56
Residence: 2 Olde Mill Lane, Old New Henford (HoB)

Ai (Gen10 heir) - Elder (Day 1)
Traits: Perfectionist, Gloomy, Family Oriented
Children (6): Buddy & Rosetta; Keanu (with Keon); Robin (adopted); Fynn; Daiquiri
Remaining Task
Marry high school sweetheart and stay with them until death

The Household
Bronson (Gen10 Spouse) - Elder (Day 1)
Children (7): Buddy & Rosetta; Robin (adopted); Fynn; Daiquiri; Ella & Prince (by IVF)
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Loves the Outdoors, Family Oriented

Buddy (Gen11) - YA (18 days to Adult)
Traits: Music Lover, Romantic, Cheerful
Spouse: Keon; Keon's children: Faith, Trent, & Derek; Salvador & Annabel
                      Bethany's children (as IVF donor): Gabriella & Yang
Moved to: Olde Mill Hill, where he lives with Keon and their children

Gen11 kids at home
*Keanu (Keon's son): Cheerful, Loyal, Family-Oriented - YA (22 days to Adult)
*Fynn: Perfectionist, Erratic, Neat - Young Adult (22 days to Adult)
*Daiquiri: Loves the Outdoors, Animal Enthusiast - Teen (14 days to YA)
*Ella: Inquisitive; Creative - Child (13 days to Teen)
*Prince: Inquisitive; Music Lover - Child (13 days to Teen)

Nez (Adult, Tibetan Mastiff) - Independent, Smart, Friendly

*Ai's home address: I first planned to have her move to 3 Olde Mill Lane.
  That's the 40x30 lot initially occupied by the elderly couple, Moody & McMullen.
  I later changed my mind and moved the Gen10 Berry household into the vacant lot next door: 2 Olde Mill Lane.
  But, because I'm scatterbrained, I've listed their address as 3 Olde Mill Lane all this time. Ugh!

*Keanu & Bronson: During the "woohoo talk," Keanu suddenly crushed on Bronson.
  Of course, they're not blood-related, but I never checked if they had romantical socials until this day.
  Keanu is safely over his crush and, despite feeling confused, has moved on.

*Ella & Prince: Possibly the two prettiest children born within this challenge.
  Makes me stop and wonder if my next founder might be male...

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.56: The Sands of Time (25 Feb 2023)
« Reply #424 on: February 26, 2023, 02:38:43 AM »
Ai is finally an elder. Home-stretch now, Watcher. I applaud your dedication to seeing this dynasty through.
That crush on his "father" was awkward for poor Keanu. Did Bronson adopt him as a care-giver? He wouldn't know to do that, of course, and I'm not sure if it would prevent crushes.
I like Fynn, she's a go-getter. Ella looks like she's planning trouble and Prince looks day-dreamy. They'd all make lovely founders for your next challenge of which we know!

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.56: The Sands of Time (25 Feb 2023)
« Reply #425 on: February 26, 2023, 09:30:20 AM »
Haha, tinfoil hat indeed!  Yes, the twins are lovely (and of course I favor Ella).  Poor Fynn!  Keep fighting for that founder spot, buddy!  It will at least get you more screen time  ;=)
Good heavens, so much drama and so many twists in this update!  I think the crush on papa and the ex getting married within hours of the break up were the ones that stood out the most.
All in all, another fantastic update!  It will be sad to see Ai pass and this household come to its close, but oh good heavens have they given us all some fantastic laughs and smiles along the way  :=)  Excellent work, oshizu!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.56: The Sands of Time (25 Feb 2023)
« Reply #426 on: February 26, 2023, 11:20:51 AM »
Ai is finally an elder. Home-stretch now, Watcher. I applaud your dedication to seeing this dynasty through.
That crush on his "father" was awkward for poor Keanu. Did Bronson adopt him as a care-giver? He wouldn't know to do that, of course, and I'm not sure if it would prevent crushes.
I like Fynn, she's a go-getter. Ella looks like she's planning trouble and Prince looks day-dreamy. They'd all make lovely founders for your next challenge of which we know!
HAHA, it's taken me forever to reach this point, but Ai's finally an elder.
Of course, I cheated and aged her up a few days early on Bronson's birthday, but....close enough!
Yes, Bronson did adopt Keanu as caregiver. When using Bronson to view teen Keanu's profile, it says "Dependent" (not "Son") and "Daddy Dearest." Awwww.
My family dynamics would crumble to pieces if the household sims paid close attention to each other's profiles. We gotta suspend belief here, lol.
As for Ella & Prince's child portraits, it's hard to get a good CAS shot with spellcasters because of their "casting animation," as you will soon find out (if you haven't already).
Fynn's been a little difficult to play lately, which I blame on her Erratic trait and the fact that my saves tend to get wonky as a challenge nears its end.
As for my next challenge, I started with a half dozen options but have recently narrowed them down to two legacy challenges.
It all depends: do I want high drama or a story slightly more wholesome (um, relative to the other challenge)?

By the way, I realized my update only had 24 images, so I went back just now and added in Fynn's Graduate with Honors shot, right after Keanu's Valedictorian one.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.56: The Sands of Time (25 Feb 2023)
« Reply #427 on: February 26, 2023, 11:31:55 AM »
Haha, tinfoil hat indeed!  Yes, the twins are lovely (and of course I favor Ella).  Poor Fynn!  Keep fighting for that founder spot, buddy!  It will at least get you more screen time  ;=)
Good heavens, so much drama and so many twists in this update!  I think the crush on papa and the ex getting married within hours of the break up were the ones that stood out the most.
All in all, another fantastic update!  It will be sad to see Ai pass and this household come to its close, but oh good heavens have they given us all some fantastic laughs and smiles along the way  :=)  Excellent work, oshizu!
What!? You favor Ella?  I had totally not expected that! The reason I consider Prince as well is that the creators of my top two legacy choices both started with female founders.
So, I thought starting with a male founder might switch up the story somewhat.
One of them starts out with a founder and her sister, though. If I do that one, both Ella and Fynn could feature. But what to do with Prince? :(
Honestly, since I'll be starting with clean library clones, the three of them won't be related and....oh!
Anyway, I look forward to finishing this NSB challenge and moving on to gameplay with structured objectives, haha.
Thank you for your generous compliments!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.56: The Sands of Time (25 Feb 2023)
« Reply #428 on: March 01, 2023, 09:18:48 PM »

So glad I got back to The Sims just in time to see your Generation 10 Berrie become an elder. I was sure I'd have to find this thread in the Completed Stories section. It's hard seeing Ai have to cheat on Bronson for the requirements, but I like the way you handled it. And for then Buddy to fall for Kion?? Talk about drama! And then the drama just keeps on going! You're really building up to quite the ending. I'm so curious as to what challenge and heir you play next. I'm rather partial to Fynn and her purple hair/eyes combo.

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.56: The Sands of Time (25 Feb 2023)
« Reply #429 on: March 01, 2023, 11:12:11 PM »

So glad I got back to The Sims just in time to see your Generation 10 Berrie become an elder. I was sure I'd have to find this thread in the Completed Stories section. It's hard seeing Ai have to cheat on Bronson for the requirements, but I like the way you handled it. And for then Buddy to fall for Kion?? Talk about drama! And then the drama just keeps on going! You're really building up to quite the ending. I'm so curious as to what challenge and heir you play next. I'm rather partial to Fynn and her purple hair/eyes combo.
Unless Ai meets with an accident, she still has at least two weeks left. ;-)
Because the only task left is for Ai to pass away, it's been hard to keep playing this challenge without "other stuff" happening to hold my interest.
Of course, Buddy knows nothing about Keon's history with his mother. 
Poor Keon! He was only the twin brother of Ai's ex-boyfriend, but then Ai and Buddy got all up in his business, haha.

I'm also a big fan of Fynn! In fact, you'll see a lot of her in the next update. :-)

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.56: The Sands of Time (25 Feb 2023)
« Reply #430 on: March 04, 2023, 01:40:00 AM »
Like @Rhoxi, I am happy I got back to catch up on your story before the final conclusion. I love how you've continued the story through Ai's entire life, and it's provided so much opportunity for fun and drama! It's a great story, and I look forward to the conclusion with mixed feelings - like coming the end of a good book - you look forward to a satisfying close, but at the same time, it's a little sad when it's over.

BUT - You have so many great choices for your next founder! I know the next story will be just as great!
7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Completed)
Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble (In Progress)

With the story threads here closed to new content, my stories and future content have moved to Glazey's Playground.

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.57a: Never Give Up! (3 Mar 2023)
« Reply #431 on: March 04, 2023, 04:25:23 AM »
10.57a: Never Give Up!

Week 56, Saturday (4th week of summer, Y4)
Fynn: You know what? I’m not going to go down without a fight!
I may not be chosen as the next founder myself, but I've thought of a way to be represented!
So, welcome to Finchwick, where I'm living with Ronan and his brother Zach.
Ronan: Instead of watching Ella and Prince do scouts, y'all can come chill with us!

Fynn: Our extremely handsome fathers lack the right features for pretty daughters.
So, dear Ronan, you and I are going to have a baby girl!
Imagine! We'd be parents of the founder of Watcher's next challenge?

Ronan: Whatever you want, Fynn, I'm here for you. But why can't you be the next founder?
Fynn: I know, right? Watcher's Sharebears Legacy already had a green-eyed redhead as founder.
Ronan: If you become founder, would you marry me again?
Watcher: Hmmm, that's an idea but I'd want to change Ronan's ethnicity…

Ronan: Dang, Fynn! Thanks for moving in with all them money fruit so I could buy the Fertile trait.
Fynn: Yeah, I'm not taking any chances: double Fertile traits and the On Ley Line lot trait!
But I can't decide, Ronan. What do you want?  Twin girls or girl/boy twins?
Ronan: Well, I….hey, where'd you go?

Ronan (to himself): I'm new to all this but I gather the confetti means Fynn's pregnant?
That's too bad. I was hoping we'd have to try at least four more times.
Half kidding! I've never seen Fynn look so happy!

Fynn (to herself): Look at Ronan's happy face when I share the Big News!
Four days ago, I messed around with Glenn on the same day as my First Kiss with Ronan.
Ronan's definitely the father and I don't want him to have any doubts about that. *gets dressed

Fynn: Thanks for agreeing to paternity testing, Ronan. I wanted you to know for sure.
Ronan: I hadn't doubted you since you haven't met Glen since Tuesday, but I'm still relieved!

Week 57, Sunday (1st week of autumn, Y4)
Bronson: Ai, where's Fynn? It's time to take our usual household photo!
Ai: Oh, didn't she tell you?  Late last night, she moved in with her boyfriend, Ronan.
Bronson: With my stepson Ronan?
Ai: Oh please! Just cuz Skylar was your IVF donor, that don't make you Ronan's stepdad! *rolls eyes
Anyway, here we are, from the left: Nez, Prince, Keanu, me & Bronson, Daiquiri, and Ella.

Keanu: It takes me quite a while to figure out how the graduation ceremony works.
It's already 4:15 pm by the time I learn I can practice my valedictorian's speech.
I can already tell I won't finish practicing before the ceremony starts at 6 pm. *sighs
Needless to say, I don't have high hopes for the ceremony.

Ai: It's worrying that all the graduates, except Keanu, are already dressed in graduation gowns.
Watcher read somewhere that sims arrive at the auditorium automatically wearing their gowns.
Does that not apply to the valedictorian?
Suddenly, Keanu stands, spins into his gown, and walks to the podium to give his speech.

Kean: Let us go forth to help build the world we want to live in…

Keanu (to himself0: Never dreamed that a day like this would come!
I wish Buddy and Keon were here, too, but I could only invite household members.

Ai: Among all our children, Keanu is the most intelligent and most compassionate.
Bronson: I agree. He doesn't say much, but he's always observing his surroundings and helping others.
Ai: You've been a great role model for Keanu, Bronson. He's a lot like you, you know.
Bronson: (Ai doesn't need to know about Keanu's awkward crush…)

Bronson; We waited at the Auditorium until we got kicked out at nearly 2 am!
Now that we're back home, Keanu, can you change out of your graduation gown and mortarboard?
Keanu: Um, apparently not.
Ai: Arrrgh, that's annoying. Oh well, time to switch back to Fynn, anyway.

Later in the morning of the same day…
Fynn (whispers): Look how handsome Zach (left) and Ronan (right) are!
What do you think? Did I choose the better-looking twin?

Zach: I completed Painter Extraordinaire and I'm tired of painting! What's with the satisfaction grind?
Ronan: You're right, Zach! Let's go somewhere warm today, maybe grab lunch there.
Whaddya say, Fynn?

Fynn: Do you mind waiting until the afternoon? I want to go get an ultrasound with Ronan first.
Hey, wait up, Ronan!

Fynn: Wow….
Ronan: "Wow" is right, Fynn.  Good thing Zach's living with us!

Zach: I could so get used to this. Thanks for letting me live with you two, Ronan.
Ronan: Yeah, watched sims have more pressure on them to get things done.
But they defo enjoy a higher quality of life than unwatched sims.
Zach: If Fynn gets chosen as the next founder, you think you'll be joining her?
Ronan: I have no idea. I guess it depends on whether Watcher likes how our kids turn out, eh?

Fynn: What happened to you two?  When I last saw you, you were the golden boys!
Now, you both look like lobsters!
Ronan (right): I dunno.  I guess Watcher forgot that Zach and I were sunbathing?
Watcher: I blame the Cordova Watcher for being so much fun!
We were chatting on Discord and I forgot to put my game on PAUSE…

Fynn: Well, Zach.  Has any lady caught your eye today?
Zach: Call me superficial, but I can't fancy a woman with a hairy chest.
Watcher: This isn't even funny! The default for female chest hair should be "no hair"!

Ronan: Dad, Mom, I'd like you to meet my wife, Fynn. We're having triplets!
Skylar: I can't believe you waited so long to introduce us!
Zach: We heard from Fynn, Dad, how you were her mom's ex then got Fynn's sister AND father pregnant!
Janae: Hush, Zach.  Argh!!! I knew the donor thing would result in sordid misunderstandings!
Skylar: Really, Fynn? Your sister and your father Bronson, too? This is all news to me!
Don't be so dramatic, Janae! "Sordid" is such an exaggeration!

Fynn: I can't believe my father never told you, Papa Skylar. Um, may I call you that?
Papa had twins, Ella and Prince.  Look how cute they are!
Skylar: Do you think your parents would mind if I visited to meet the twins?
Fynn: I'm sure they won't mind, but you know our triplets will be cuter!

Over in Oasis Springs...
Fynn: I've really been wanting to meet you, Grandma Jade. I brought my husband, too!
Jade: How sweet of you! You're the only one of AI's children I've ever met, you know.
Why hasn't your mother ever invited us over?
Fynn: Um, I'm not sure, Grandma Jade. She's been busy with all us kids, I guess.

Isaac: It's so nice of you to drop by, Fynn. You're just as lovely as your grandmother and your mother.
Do you and your new husband live in Old New Henford with your parents?
Fynn: No, Grandpa. I moved out and live with Ronan at his home in Finchwick.
Isaac: Will you be sure to invite us over soon, so we can hold our great-grandchildren?

Isaac: Goodness gracious! Fynn never mentioned that she married an alien! And he's your brother?
Ronan: We're sunburned, not aliens, sir. While we were sunbathing…*explains what happened
My name's Ronan Shelley and this is my brother Zach.  Our grandma is your wife's sister Em….
Isaac: Please don't bother explaining. All that matters is that you and Fynn find happiness together.

Zach: My brother Ronan is so lucky!
Fynn from the main legacy line falls in love with him and they marry.
Watcher's so excited about their offspring that she abandons the Gen10 heir's household and watches over us instead.
I wonder if Ronan realizes how lucky he is! I only got to choose among 3 sims with hairy chests. *sighs
So I remain a third wheel, but I don't mind. Watched sims have more fun!

Zach: So, have you two decided on baby names already?
Fynn: What about Ronan for a boy's name then Mary and Chaka for the girls?
Ronan: Oh, Mary Shelley for the author, and Chaka for Chaka Khan? Love it!

Ronan: Arrrgggh! Why are we here? Watcher doesn't do hospital deliveries!
Fynn: Yeah, she usually doesn't. But we already have the paternity certificate and ultrasound scan.
Ronan: Oh, so she's decided we should get the birth certificates, too?
Fynn: Look, can we talk about this later. I'm a little…occupied…at the moment.

Fynn: Back home, we can't wait to see their hair and eye coloring.
So we age them up right away.
Ronan is blond, which means he'll inherit my lavender hair perhaps.
Mary and Chaka are redheads.
Like their parents, all three have violet eyes and pointy ears.

Fynn: Here's a better look at the toddlers.
You're probably wondering what these children have to do with Not So Berries.
Nothing at all, actually.
Watcher is selfishly filling time by comparing two generations of Berries.

Ronan (nervously): Uh, Fynn? Are we responsible for helping the triplets max all their skills?
Fynn: Doubt it.

Gallery Download
5 Cobblebottom Street (30x20): "5 Cobblebottom Street" by wobble_duck.
A lovely 3 bedroom/4 bathroom cottage with a sun room inspired by Hey_Harrie's HoB rental.
I found the house really hard for gameplay. So much clutter, Fynn couldn't cook in the kitchen.
Also, all the wall space was already full. I ended up editing the lot considerably.

Progress: Middle of Week 57
Residence: 5 Cobblebottom Street, Finchwick (HoB)

Fynn (Berry) Shelley (Gen10 Spare) - Young adult
Traits: Perfectionist, Erratic, Neat
Spouse: Ronan Shelley; Children: Ronan Jr. Mary, and Chaka

Ronan Shelley - Loner, Animal Enthusiast, Family-Oriented - YA
Zach Shelley - Creative, Bookworm, Lazy - YA

Residence: 2 Olde Mill Lane, Old New Henford (HoB)

Ai (Gen10 heir) - Elder (Day 4)
Traits: Perfectionist, Gloomy, Family Oriented
Children (6): Buddy & Rosetta; Keanu (with Keon); Robin (adopted); Fynn; Daiquiri
Remaining Task
Marry high school sweetheart and stay with them until death

Bronson (Gen10 Spouse) - Elder (Day 4)
Children (7): Buddy & Rosetta; Robin (adopted); Fynn; Daiquiri; Ella & Prince (by IVF)
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Loves the Outdoors, Family Oriented

Gen11 kids at home kids
*Keanu (Keon's son): Cheerful, Loyal, Family-Oriented - YA
*Daiquiri: Loves the Outdoors, Animal Enthusiast - Teen
*Ella: Inquisitive; Creative - Child
*Prince: Inquisitive; Music Lover - Child

Nez (Adult, Tibetan Mastiff) - Independent, Smart, Friendly

*Keanu's graduation ceremony: Keanu's my first sim to attend the ceremony.
  It's buggy as heck; I tried it twice because Keanu never wore a graduation gown the first try.

*Long-Lived bonus trait: MCCC allows me to see a sim's exact age.
  According to MCCC:
  Ai and Bronson - Elder, Days left 12 (including 0 bonus days).
  Isaac: Elder, Days left 16 (including 28.5 bonus days)
  Jade - Elder, Days left 19 (including 28.5 bonus days)
  The Bodybuilder aspiration's Long-Lived trait really packs a punch, eh?

*Woohoo Partners: My sims have yet to try this feature.
  After Fynn got friendly enough to "Show Photos" to Skylar, she got the option.
  Why on earth would Fynn want to ask her father-in-law to be Woohoo Partners?
  It's a friendly social but I'm sure her husband Ronan would NOT be pleased.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.57a: Never Give Up! (3 Mar 2023)
« Reply #432 on: March 04, 2023, 04:27:32 AM »
For the sake of comparison, here's the collage of the toddlers born to Bronson and Skylar (the fathers of Fynn and Ronan).

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.57a: Never Give Up! (3 Mar 2023)
« Reply #433 on: March 04, 2023, 09:35:51 AM »
Oh my goodness!!  So much toddler spam there at the end!!  I love how Ella is just a softer version of Chaka and Mary!  I also love your logic in choosing names  ;=)
What a fun way to pass the time until you reach the end of the dynasty.  The eagerness to start a new challenge can manifest in the form of playing as the founder of that next challenge...whichever one it may end up being  ;=)
And yes, the weird family dynamics are so strangely twisted that I think some branches of the family tree actually turn around and grow back into the trunk!  Love how you play up that bizarre angle of things!
All of that said, it was another lovely update!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.57a: Never Give Up! (3 Mar 2023)
« Reply #434 on: March 04, 2023, 10:00:32 AM »
Oh my goodness!!  So much toddler spam there at the end!!  I love how Ella is just a softer version of Chaka and Mary!  I also love your logic in choosing names  ;=)
What a fun way to pass the time until you reach the end of the dynasty.  The eagerness to start a new challenge can manifest in the form of playing as the founder of that next challenge...whichever one it may end up being  ;=)
And yes, the weird family dynamics are so strangely twisted that I think some branches of the family tree actually turn around and grow back into the trunk!  Love how you play up that bizarre angle of things!
All of that said, it was another lovely update!
Like you, I was quite surprised at how the triplets aged up.
I'd thought that Fynn's presence would mean that her daughters would be softer versions of Ella, but it turned out the other way around.
Well, one never really knows until the kiddos are teens, right?

Yes, the challenge is winding to a close. I just couldn't resist taking a peek at what Fynn and Ronan's offspring would look like. :D

