Oh my goodness, the "Stay-Outta-the-Watcher's-Hair crew" indeed! That was hilarious! I loved how the tiny trio were a bigger part of this update and commented on being less of a focal point. The way the they manifested a range of sad to sassy about it was pretty excellent writing, I must say!
Hmmm, will one of the Buddyboos steal that spot as the founder of your next challenge? Time will tell ;=)
I think Robin aged up to be a rather lovely young lady...with absolutely none of the household genetics to help with that. I'll be interested to see how that "tell her she's adopted" interaction plays out!
Nice cliffhanger as we all wait to see what Buddy is bringing to Granny Lawlor!
Thank you for using the word "trio"; I was at a loss for what to call them since they each have different birth origins.

And, yes, they are well aware that they are not in the spotlight, haha. I would like to somehow feature each of them in an update as time goes on.
Haha, obviously, the sim with the best genes will found my next challenge, whenever that may be.
I heartily agree that Robin is lovely! Ai believes that Fynn resembles her, which is why she prefers Fynn's looks. ;-)
LOL, sorry but not a real cliffhanger. That was a joke on Granny L implying that Buddy had stuffed his package with socks.
I'm hoping for socks, rofl! Thanks for the shout-out, Buddy 
Ai's doing a great job, living her life out to the full. I actually prefer Robin's looks to Flynn's but I guess the pointy ears swing it if you're after them. I'm still swinging this way and that trying to guess who and where you'll be taking this on to.
Interesting policy of not telling children they're adopted until they're teens. The policy here in the UK is that it's better to be upfront about it from the get-go. I think it's to avoid them hearing it in an unhelpful way from an indiscreet relative.
Haha, I knew you would get the package reference! Buddy has something special planned, hehe.
Wow, that's two votes in favor of Robin who is, I agree, very lovely although genetically unrelated.
Thank you for trying to guess what will happen next! I have a few plans up my sleeve. ;-)
As for adoption, the way the Adoption module is configured, an adopted nooboo or toddler doesn't know they're adopted.
An adopted child, however, knows from the onset that they're adopted. I have two cousins who are biological siblings adopted by my paternal aunt and her then-husband.
I believe my Nissei aunt never told them until their late teens. I don't know what the "general atttiude" is in the US, though.
As for Robin and even Keanu, they're starting to notice little differences...