Author Topic: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries [Completed 14 Mar '23]  (Read 162204 times)

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Bewitched Berries Interlude: Risky Business
« Reply #405 on: February 03, 2023, 06:47:36 PM »
Howdy folks! I hope you don't mind that I'm posting another mini-update.
I'd initially started the Week 54 update with this segment, but I'm running out of image space.
So I've decided to post this short segment, featuring Buddy and Watchers, separately.
The regular update will follow in a few days. ;-)

Interlude: Risky Business

Saturday at a luxury villa in a secret location
(Blaring away on the stereo)
Just take those old records off the shelf
I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself
Today's music ain't got the same soul
I like that old time rock 'n' roll

Pippin: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where'd you come from, Buddy, and how'd you find us?
Buddy: Oh, I asked Ancestor Damson for your address.
oshizu: But why are you dancing in your boxers?
Buddy: I couldn't find a shirt long enough to wear briefs.

oshizu: Well, did you come to talk or to only flaunt your Tom Cruise imitation?
Pippin: Hah, probably a little of both.

Buddy: I need you to uncomplicate my relationship with Mama's friend Keon.
Pippin: You don't mean married Keon with triplets who also fath…
oshizu: Sshhh, Pippin! What can I do, Buddy? You crushed on Keon on your own.
It was also Keon's choice to phone you for a date then phone again later to propose.
Pippin: Wait, don't tell me you're engaged to Keon!?
Buddy: That's not the problem. It's your fault, Watcher, for having me test your risky business settings.
Today, Keon texted me to meet him in Mt. Komorebi.

Flashback to a little while earlier
Buddy: Why'd you want to meet…dude, you need to cut back on your calories!
Keon: This isn't a beer belly, Buddy. Check it out for yourself.
Buddy: So, you got abducted by aliens?
Keon: That's what I told my wife, but remember our one time in the shower Thursday?

Buddy: You mean you're having our baby?
Keon: Tell me the truth! Your mother put you up to this, didn't she?
That Potion of Rejuv and sappy note about Keanu were just a pretext to invite me over.
Buddy: Why would Mama send you a note about Keanu? I have no idea what you're talking about.
Give me some time to figure things out.

Buddy: You told me you fixed your mods because Mama couldn't conceive!
Well, Keon and I took one shower together and now he's pregnant. Why?
oshizu: Oops?
Pippin: Do you plan to marry Keon? Oh wait, he's already married. What a predicament!
oshizu: What do you want us to do, Buddy? You don't want the baby?
Buddy: I do want our baby! I guess it's time for me to become a responsible grown-up.
Pippin: Yes, you and Keon need to have a serious talk about the future, lad.

oshizu: Well, that's settled! We return to our regular programming in a few RL days.

This episode is a parody of Tom Cruise's iconic dance scene in the 1983 teen film "Risky Business."
Here's a shot from the scene below:

You can easily find videos of the entire dance scene on Youtube.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries Interlude: Risky Business (3 Feb 2023)
« Reply #406 on: February 04, 2023, 01:57:55 AM »
Buddy is certainly the full package, isn't he! Are you sure he's not "wearing" 2 pairs of socks?

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries Interlude: Risky Business (3 Feb 2023)
« Reply #407 on: February 04, 2023, 08:23:08 AM »
Oh my gosh!!  That was hilarious!!  I mean, some serious stuff for poor Buddy and Keon, but oh my gosh did your comic relief moment pad that news!  Such a classic and iconic moment in cinematography.  Brilliant pun as you were discussing the "risky business" feature of your mod!!  Absolutely blown away by how clever that was!
Excellent creativity and screenshots and I look forward to seeing how Buddy resolves this!  Great mini update!!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries Interlude: Risky Business (3 Feb 2023)
« Reply #408 on: February 04, 2023, 03:17:50 PM »
Buddy is certainly the full package, isn't he! Are you sure he's not "wearing" 2 pairs of socks?
Your comments made me laugh, but Buddy feels mortified that you'd think he'd resort to extra socks!
In truth, it was hard to find a similar outfit.  The white shirt cc were all too short and all the white boxer cc (except the one I used) had brand names, striping, or other undesirable additions.

Oh my gosh!!  That was hilarious!!  I mean, some serious stuff for poor Buddy and Keon, but oh my gosh did your comic relief moment pad that news!  Such a classic and iconic moment in cinematography.  Brilliant pun as you were discussing the "risky business" feature of your mod!!  Absolutely blown away by how clever that was!
Excellent creativity and screenshots and I look forward to seeing how Buddy resolves this!  Great mini update!!
I'm so glad that silliness made you laugh. Your praise is wildly exaggerated but thank you just the same!
I thought I aptly captured your simself's bewildered reaction.
You're such a great family man that your mind would be boggled by Buddy & Keon's decisions and their outcome.  (Can I use "bboggle" as an independent verb?)

With Keon being the father of Ai's secret love child, I initially thought I should sweep both Keon's proposal to Buddy and his pregnancy under the narrative carpet, so to speak.
But Buddy provides me with lots of entertainment and I'm tired of taking screenshots of the other children working on aspirations, scouts, and so forth.
The three children become teens in the coming week, but I'm most curious if the youngest Daiq as a teen resembles Buddy...

Offline oshizu

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Bewitched Berries 10.54: Seriously, Another Blue-Eyed Blond?! (6 Feb 2023)
« Reply #409 on: February 06, 2023, 06:29:56 PM »
10.54: Seriously, Another Blue-Eyed Blond!?

Week 54, Sunday (2nd week of summer, Y4)
Ai: Allow me to remind you, gentle readers, that the actual Gen10 heir is me, not Buddy!
We welcomed a new family member yesterday so we are once again a full house.
From the left: Nez, Keanu, Buddy, me with Daiquiri, Bronson, Fynn, and Robin.

I wonder what surprises this week will bring.

Buddy: Thank you for bringing me to the Magical Realm, but why do I have a new crush?
Isn't a crush supposed to be special? I don't need a crush on the Sage of Mischief Magic.
Ai: No, you don't! You can "try to get over crush," though, then move on.
Buddy: Thanks for the tip, Mama. Crush be gone!

Bronson: We're already rich enough that you don't need to sell paintings, you know.
Buddy: Yeah, but I have a special project. I'm going to buy a house for my special someone!
Bronson: We would've given you the funds to move out, son.
Buddy: But I'm not moving out yet. Just getting a house for my partner and future family.
And I want to give him some starting funds, too.

Keon: You haven't contacted me since Saturday! I thought you might've dumped me.
Buddy: Never! I've been busy raising funds for our future together.
I'd planned to convince you to leave your spouse tonight, but I see you're no longer married.
Keon: Yeah, I'm no longer married, but I'm in my 3rd trimester so I haven't moved yet.
Buddy: That's why I invited you here to Olde Mill Hill!

Buddy: I've been working hard so you can move to this house. It's yours Keon!
I can't move in yet but I'm just across the river from here. Text me and I'll come running!
Keon: I love the house! But giving me $250k so I can live here with our child isn't good enough.
Let's get married right now!

Ai: Bronson, I discreetly checked on Robin's biological parents recently, and they're still adults.
Do you think it's nearing the time to tell Robin that we adopted her?
Bronson: Well, it's recommended to wait until Robin's a teen. I think that's a good idea.
And we should wait until next week, so Robin won't get distracted before starting high school.

Keon: I want to give birth at the hospital, Buddy, and I want you there with me.
Buddy: Of course, I'm going to be there with you. I'll move in with you just for today.
Keon: Triplets, Buddy? The heck?! How am I going to raise triplets by myself?
You're busy freaking out so I'll choose their names myself: Faith, Trent, and Derek.

Ai: Ever since Buddy became a father, he's been helping Daiq with his skills.
This morning, Daiq became a Happy Toddler, which is all the skilling he needs.

Buddy's looking after Daiq and Bronson's walking Nez, so I can finally craft more Age-Down Treats.
Yes, we could buy them from a vet clinic.
But one of my family tasks involves keeping both Nez and Sasha alive and well.

Robin (center): How come you two have pointy ears, but I don't? Why am I different?
Keanu (left): It has something to do with…uh, what's that called…genetic makeup!
Fynn (right): You're wearing Mama's makeup?
Keanu: No! I'm trying to explain that not every kid inherits all their parents' genes.
Like, you're a witch like our parents, but Robin and I are human. (Hmmm, that's unexpected…)

Fynn: Listen, the big question is this: When is Buddy moving out?
As long as he's in the household, Watcher doesn't care about the rest of us. *pouts
Keanu: When we're teens, we'll steal Watcher's love away from Buddy!
Fynn: Let's do it!  Operation Buddy Begone! Mwahahahaha

Ai: Thanks to Buddy, Bronson and I finally become Soulmates!
After we pass from this world, may we meet again in our next lives and fall in love all over again!

Buddy: If I were you guys, I'd ask to age up tonight after 10 pm, so you won't have school on Friday.
Keanu: But our birthday's not till Friday evening.
Buddy: Yeah, I'm saying you should take today off (you can still phone in) and age up tonight.
That way, y'all can skip Exam Day on Friday and enjoy a four-day weekend!
Robin: Cool!

Buddy: I've never played Don't Wake the Llama before. It's pretty fun.
Fynn: Taking bets now that Buddy was never in the Stay-Outta-the-Watcher's-Hair crew!

Ai: I still can't believe Buddy married Keon and they have triplets! What do you think, Nez?
Nez: You do realize that Keon got pregnant the day you had Buddy hand him the potion and note?
Other than that, no offense, but their relationship isn't about you at all.
Ai: Well, I only hope Keon will remain discreet about our son Keanu's origins.

Fynn: Our brother-in-law Keon ignores everyone in our family, except Buddy and Keanu.
I've never even exchanged words with Keon.
Why doesn't he like me? Should I try to be friendly with him?

Ai: It's a huge relief for Buddy that Keon's parents have moved in to help with the triplets.
Bronson, get off Keon's computer and introduce yourself to Keon's parents.
Buddy, let's give them Potions of Rejuv so they can enjoy their grandkids longer!
(My mother Jade texted to say she and Keon's father Trent were BFFs in high school. Imagine that!)

Robin: We spend the rest of the day at Ohan'ali Beach. I love Sulani!
No offense to my family, but there's so many fair-skinned, blue-eyed, blond Berries!
Sulani offers more diversity and I'm so here for it!
Maybe when I'm older?

Ai: Keanu and Robin age up with becoming hairstyles, so they keep them.
Keanu's cheerful and (unlike his father, though I should talk…) loyal.
(Good grief, Keanu looks so much like his father! Do you think the rest of the family will notice?)
Robin is an art-loving child of the islands, while Fynn is a perfectionist erratic.
(Don't tell the other children, but Fynn is our prettiest child, though only by a hair or two.)

Ai: Our new teens join the Simfluencer career together, but not an after-school club.
They're not interested in pursuing any of the teen aspirations, either. Can't say I blame them.
This morning, they're completing the first milestone of Painter Extraordinaire.
They're selling their paintings to boost their Entrepreneurial skill. Good plan!

I'm so grateful to Buddy for helping Bronson and I achieve our Big Happy Family!
We don't live in a tiny home anymore, but Daiq maxed all his skills today.

Fynn: Eh, Buddy made a big deal about our 4-day weekend but what've we been doing?
Robin: I know, right? Painting, art museum, and fishing in Sulani. I adore Sulani, though.
But I'm the child of the islands, Fynn, so why are you catching all the fish?
Keanu: It might not be the most exciting day, but we reached Level 4 Entrepreneurial already.
And we earned tons of satisfaction!
Buddy: Yeah, can't ever get enough satisfaction, right?
Keanu: Um, what?

Buddy: It's the perfect day for a toddler playdate!
Here are the triplets with my little brother Daiq.
From the left, Trent, Faith, and Derek, with Daiq seated on the bench.
I hope they don't overheat in their party outfits!

Mama grills Tofu Dogs and Veggie Burgers for the playdate.
Looks like Derek and Faith prefer the Tofu Dogs! So cute!

Trent (named after his grandpa) looks the most like Keon, or is it just his hairstyle?
Can you believe Keon uses morning sickness as an excuse for not coming and sends his mother instead?
He's hardly showing yet, so I phone him to make sure he's here!

After the playdate earns a gold medal, Daiq gets to age up at last.  We're off to Sulani!

Buddy: I hope you don't mind that I brought Daiq along. Our youngest sibling and you haven't met yet, Rose.
Rose: What a pleasant surprise and what's that you're holding, Buddy?
Buddy: I bring Rejuv Potions to thank you and Bethany for waiting until my YA birthday, which is tomorrow.
Bethany: How thoughtful of you, Buddy! Now we can start our family as Day 1 Adults.
Buddy: I'm afraid you'll need to wait until Monday, because Keon is pregnant again.
Rose: Thanks for the news about your baseball team, Buddy! Text me whenever you're ready, okay?
Buddy: Will do! Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a package to deliver to Granny Lawlor. Let's go, Daiq!

Gallery Download
*Midtown Meadow (40x30): "Live n Learn Park" by oshizu9no1 (my Origin ID).
  I built this park for toddlers and children years ago, but it's still very usable.
  These days, I replace the Tiny Tot Treehouse with the Fantastical Play Tent.
  Also, I add more seating to the northeast "toddler reading area."

Progress: End of Week 54
Ai (Gen10 heir) - Adult (15 days to Elder)
Traits: Perfectionist, Gloomy, Family Oriented
Children (6): Buddy & Rose; Keanu, Robin, Fynn, and Daiquiri
Remaining task
Marry high school sweetheart and stay with them until death

The Household
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Inconsistent pregnancies: I know, I know. I'm all over the place with the pregnancy thing.
  I made a same-sex pregnancy exception for Buddy & Keon due to this couple's fabulous genes.
  (I had to temporarily remove Lumpinou's Insemination & Surrogacy module. *coughs)

*Teen parenting: MCCC has a setting that allows teens to gain parenting skill.
  Buddy also can perform a limited number of parenting interactions with Daiq.
  That is, he could adopt toddler Daiq as care dependent but not the other three children.

*Wonky genetics: Seriously, what is with all the children with light-blond hair and blue eyes?
  Buddy and Keon's toddlers all had that coloring, so I changed their daughter Faith's coloring.
  Now, she shares her father Keon's darker-blond hair and violet eyes.   
  I'm starting to wonder if this is a cc-related glitch, but Keanu has his father's hair color.
  This has never happened to me before. Bronson, I feel your pain!

*Personality traits: I obviously didn't want Fynn to age up into an erratic teen. *sighs
  But I'm using Pinstar's trait generator which combines the parents' traits and random traits.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.54: Seriously, Another Blue-Eyed Blond?! (6 Feb 2023)
« Reply #410 on: February 07, 2023, 07:18:43 AM »
Oh my goodness, the "Stay-Outta-the-Watcher's-Hair crew" indeed!  That was hilarious!  I loved how the tiny trio were a bigger part of this update and commented on being less of a focal point.  The way the they manifested a range of sad to sassy about it was pretty excellent writing, I must say!
Hmmm, will one of the Buddyboos steal that spot as the founder of your next challenge?  Time will tell  ;=)
I think Robin aged up to be a rather lovely young lady...with absolutely none of the household genetics to help with that.  I'll be interested to see how that "tell her she's adopted" interaction plays out!
Nice cliffhanger as we all wait to see what Buddy is bringing to Granny Lawlor!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.54: Seriously, Another Blue-Eyed Blond?! (6 Feb 2023)
« Reply #411 on: February 07, 2023, 10:54:03 AM »
I'm hoping for socks, rofl! Thanks for the shout-out, Buddy ;)

Ai's doing a great job, living her life out to the full. I actually prefer Robin's looks to Flynn's but I guess the pointy ears swing it if you're after them. I'm still swinging this way and that trying to guess who and where you'll be taking this on to.

Interesting policy of not telling children they're adopted until they're teens. The policy here in the UK is that it's better to be upfront about it from the get-go. I think it's to avoid them hearing it in an unhelpful way from an indiscreet relative.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.54: Seriously, Another Blue-Eyed Blond?! (6 Feb 2023)
« Reply #412 on: February 07, 2023, 03:29:39 PM »
Oh my goodness, the "Stay-Outta-the-Watcher's-Hair crew" indeed!  That was hilarious!  I loved how the tiny trio were a bigger part of this update and commented on being less of a focal point.  The way the they manifested a range of sad to sassy about it was pretty excellent writing, I must say!
Hmmm, will one of the Buddyboos steal that spot as the founder of your next challenge?  Time will tell  ;=)
I think Robin aged up to be a rather lovely young lady...with absolutely none of the household genetics to help with that.  I'll be interested to see how that "tell her she's adopted" interaction plays out!
Nice cliffhanger as we all wait to see what Buddy is bringing to Granny Lawlor!
Thank you for using the word "trio"; I was at a loss for what to call them since they each have different birth origins. :)
And, yes, they are well aware that they are not in the spotlight, haha. I would like to somehow feature each of them in an update as time goes on.
Haha, obviously, the sim with the best genes will found my next challenge, whenever that may be.
I heartily agree that Robin is lovely! Ai believes that Fynn resembles her, which is why she prefers Fynn's looks.  ;-)
LOL, sorry but not a real cliffhanger. That was a joke on Granny L implying that Buddy had stuffed his package with socks.

I'm hoping for socks, rofl! Thanks for the shout-out, Buddy ;)

Ai's doing a great job, living her life out to the full. I actually prefer Robin's looks to Flynn's but I guess the pointy ears swing it if you're after them. I'm still swinging this way and that trying to guess who and where you'll be taking this on to.

Interesting policy of not telling children they're adopted until they're teens. The policy here in the UK is that it's better to be upfront about it from the get-go. I think it's to avoid them hearing it in an unhelpful way from an indiscreet relative.
Haha, I knew you would get the package reference!  Buddy has something special planned, hehe.
Wow, that's two votes in favor of Robin who is, I agree, very lovely although genetically unrelated.
Thank you for trying to guess what will happen next! I have a few plans up my sleeve. ;-)

As for adoption, the way the Adoption module is configured, an adopted nooboo or toddler doesn't know they're adopted.
An adopted child, however, knows from the onset that they're adopted. I have two cousins who are biological siblings adopted by my paternal aunt and her then-husband.
I believe my Nissei aunt never told them until their late teens. I don't know what the "general atttiude" is in the US, though.
As for Robin and even Keanu, they're starting to notice little differences...

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Bewitched Berries 10.55a: Why Didn't They Want Me? (12 Feb 2023)
« Reply #413 on: February 12, 2023, 11:53:11 PM »
10.55a: Why Didn't They Want Me?

Week 55, Sunday (3rd week of summer, Y4)
Ai: Here were are, across the river from our home.
Uphill behind us, you can see the home of Keon, his parents, and his triplets with Buddy!

From the left: Daiq, Keanu, Buddy, me & Bronson, Fynn, Robin, and Nez

Buddy: Good morning, Granny L. You weren't home so I left the package on your doorstep.
Granny L: Thank you for the pair of white socks, Buddy. Um, they aren't…
Buddy: No, of course not! They're brand new! I've never "worn" them!
In fact, I auctioned off those Risky Business socks through my OnlyFans account.
Granny L: …
Buddy: You're not happy with the socks? I knitted them for you myself!
Granny L: *blushes

Ai: Should I be concerned about Bronson?
He's ordered Tikka Masala Pizza for the past three days in a row.
Would it have anything to do with the fact that it's delivered by a young, gorgeous redhead?
Maybe I'll try having a chat with her. Huh, I can't interact with her at all.

I'd believed he was happy with our beautiful children.
Buddy inherited his father's good looks. Rose, Robin, and Fynn are lovely.
Our youngest, Daiq, is an angel with his father's pointy ears.
Have I underestimated how badly Bronson wants a redheaded child of his own?

Bronson: What do you think, Nez? Am I greedy for wanting a redheaded child?
All five of my children with Ai are blonds, though Keanu's hair color is rather suspish.
Why would Keanu inherit his paternal grandfather's hair color instead of mine?
Anyway, I think I've figured out how to father a little redhead!
Nez: …

Rose: Buddy just texted to say the kids are back from school and Keon had twins.
Buddy should move in with Keon to help with their five kids! At least, Keon's parents are there.
Bethany: It's finally our turn to start a family. Shall we get begin the process?
Rose: I still can't decide on a donor. What do you think?

Bethany: Hmmm, Buddy is gorgeous but he's no Einstein, y'know?
Rose: Lol, neither are we. I think a super-intellectual kid wouldn't suit our household.
Bethany: Lemme see the choices. Why are the donors' family names hidden? Oh, I vote for this redhead named Skylar.
Rose: Yeah, I'd like to try and give my dad a redheaded grandchild.
This guy's a bit old but he's attractive and fit. What about you, Bethany?
Bethany: I'm still going to choose Buddy. He's got great genes and he's super healthy, too.

Rose: I go to the clinic first, then Bethany heads there as soon as I return home.
I take a pregnancy test right away and learn I'm pregnant!
While waiting for Bethany to get back, I try to cook us dinner.
Gah, I should have learned to cook while living with my parents!

Bethany: We're both expecting? I'm soooo excited, Rose!
Rose: Me, too! We're going to be great moms and our children will be kind and healthy!
Bethany: Do you think your family will come visit once the babies are born?
Rose: I'm sure they'll be over to age up our nooboos early.  Gosh, I'm exhausted!

Robin: Why do I even bother with an active school day? We're already A students!
Plus, 4 out of my 5 male schoolmates are Berries (including brother Keanu)!
Even worse, the two cutest ones are brothers of Buddy's husband Keon.  Ugh!
Quite an age gap but not bigger, I guess, than the one between Buddy and Daiq.

Robin: Keanu and Fynn run off after the morning class to make friendly with other students.
That's Fynn with Glen, who's an outgoing genius.
Keanu tells me that Jovan (Glen's brother) is a self-assured perfectionist.
Those twins (?) are sure blessed in the traits department!

Ai: Robin, can we talk privately while Keanu and Fynn are busy with cheer practice?
There's no easy way to tell you, sweetheart: you are our beloved adopted daughter.
Robin: I was…adopted? No way! I even have red hair like Papa.
Ai: When we adopted you as a toddler, I changed your hair from dark brown to red.
Robin: So my whole life here in this household has been a lie?

Ai: We have the contact info of your biological father, Lance Faamoana.
Robin: I'm Polynesian?! Why didn't my biological parents want me?
Ai: Why not try calling him, Robin?
Robin: Oh, he wants to meet me!  When? Where? I'm so excited!

Robin: My biological father arrives about an hour later. He was not what I expected at all.
He sits down and proceeds to give me a weak excuse for putting me up for adoption.
Then, he abruptly stands up, changes into sportswear, and goes outside. The heck?

Following him, I find him practicing cheerleading on Fynn's mat.  Rude or what?
Hiding my disappointment, I suggest we stargaze instead. *sighs
After that, I make some excuse about homework and ask my deadbeat bio-dad to leave.
On the plus side, he gives me his address and tells me to visit. I do want to meet my mother.

Buddy: In a strange turn of events, Keon's brother Glen visits to ask Fynn to become BFFs.
She promptly crushes hard on this fella she hardly knows!
No, Fynn! Don't ask about his woohoo and romantic interests! He aged up to YA today!
Fynn: But Glen's brother Jovan got married today. What if I miss the boat with Glen?
Buddy: You've been a teen for, what, 4-5 days? You still have time to find love, girl!
Bronson: Um, Buddy? Pot calling the kettle black?

Robin: Today's a holiday so I convince everyone to spend the day in Mua Pel'am.
They can do whatever they want, but I'm here to meet the rest of my biological family.
Wow, the Faamoanas live in a nicer house than we do, although the lot is much smaller.
Was my bio-dad lying when he said they gave me up because they couldn't afford to raise me?

Knocking on the front door, I'm greeted by a beautiful woman who says she's my biological mother, Nichole.
Why did such a lovely sim marry a loser like my bio-dad?
She's been dying to talk with me, she says, but first wants to introduce me to my sisters.

Nichole: This is your sister, Samantha, who's a dog lover.
Robin: What a pretty little girl!
Nichole: Today's her teen birthday, Robin. Samantha's your twin sister.
Robin: Oh, I see! We both have our father's complexion but, luckily for us, your looks!

Nichole: This is your older sister, Lauren. You are both children of the islands.
Robin: Nice! We should get along really well.

Robin: I don't understand why you couldn't afford to keep me. You live in such a fancy house!
Nichole: Since Lance is out at the moment, I can be honest with you. 
At the birth of you and Samantha, we were quite poor so Lance pressured me to give you up.
When your adoptive mother heard what happened, she felt very bad for me.
So she sent me, not Lance, a gift of simoleons so that I'd never have to go through that again.

Robin: But why do you stay with him? He doesn't even bother to work! What a loser!
Nichole: I'm not the contact birthparent at the adoption agency.
If I'd kicked Lance out, I might never have gotten to meet you.
Robin: And now?

Nichole: And now I'll be asking him to leave unless he gets his act together.
This house is in my name, after all. I bought it with the simoleons your adoptive mother gifted me.
So, what do you say, Robin? Will you come live with me and your sisters?
I'll spend the rest of my life showing you how special and precious you are to me!

Robin: Wow! Can I have some time to think about it, please?

Robin: Because of my fake red hair, I've always been a Daddy's girl.
What do you think of my moving in with the Faamoanas, Papa?
Bronson: If that's what makes you happy, Robin, I'm fine with that.
But I don't like that both Lance and Nichole are unemployed.
I won't have my little girl having to work to support the Faamoana household!

Robin: Thank you for asking him to pursue his dream career! You're the best, Papa!
Bronson: Now we wait and see whether or not he gets a job!

Robin: What shall I do, readers? 
With the Berries, I'm an adopted human with non-pointy ears and fake red hair.
With the Faamoanas, I'm someone special with a twin sis and a cool older sister.
As a child of the islands, I truly belong in Sulani, not in that hick countryside of Henford.
Don't think I'm not grateful to my adoptive parents who have loved and cared for me.
Anyway, I'll think things over carefully for the next few days.  It's a huge decision, right?

Gallery Download
*Key Point (40x30): "Key Point" (residence) by Cristina23713. $196,359.
  A stunning home with 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.
  Great for a household who isn't into gardening. ;-)

Progress: Middle of Week 55
Residence: 3 Olde Mill Lane, Old New Henford (HoB)

Ai (Gen10 heir) - Adult (11 days to Elder)
Traits: Perfectionist, Gloomy, Family Oriented
Remaining Tasks
Marry high school sweetheart and stay with them until death

The Household
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Pizza delivery sim: There's an open bug report on EA Answers HQ about this.
  After taking the pizza from the redheaded delivery gal, nobody could interact with her.
  There's apparently a mod to fix this, but I'm not installing that.

*Rose & Bethany:  Yes, I did switch to their household to play them for five sim-hours.
  Neither of them have the Fertile trait so I gave them the On Ley Line lot trait.
  Happily, Rose & Bethany each got pregnant after only one IVF procedure each. Yay!
  I typically wouldn't switch households during a challenge, like I've done with Rose and Keon.
  At this point, though, it's not like I'll be missing much over in Ai's household.

*Robin's biological family: I love Nichole, Lauren, and Samantha.
  How dare Lance interrupt such an important conversation with Robin to practice cheerleading?
  Maybe he can stay if he gets a job…

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.55a: Why Didn't They Want Me? (12 Feb 2023)
« Reply #414 on: February 13, 2023, 01:55:14 AM »
Please thank Buddy for my hand-knitted socks. They're lovely - fluffy and thick. I'll think of him every time I wear them. It was extra thoughtful to send them in plain brown wrapping. My neighbours can be so judgemental.  ;)
Neither Lance nor Nichole work? They all live off the gift Ai sent them? Nichole talks a good talk. She might just be better than Lance at crafting stories. If Robin moves in they might all be expecting more funds.
My advice? Suggest Nichole gets a job too before moving in and see what happens. Or make it clear she's not bringing more simoleons. Or my preferred option would be to move in next door to them and get to know the family that way.
Ah Bronson. The heart wants what the heart wants. More deceit can't be a good choice, can it?
Have you played with the Loyal trait? It would make these shenanigans very complicated.
I love that these Finale episodes are so convoluted. I even got a bit confused about who Rose and Bethany were. Great storytelling

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.55a: Why Didn't They Want Me? (12 Feb 2023)
« Reply #415 on: February 13, 2023, 07:12:08 AM »
Wow!  Of all the nerve, Lance!  I might have to send my Simself (along with Mari Cordova) over there to teach him a lesson!  But yes, the rest of Robin's bio fam seems quite lovely and kind.  I don't want her to go, of course, since having a lovely redhead in the household is always a wonderful thing, but yeah, it is probably what's going to actually be best for her...I guess  ;=)
Hmmm, I'm for sure intrigued about Bronson's scheme for fathering a redhead.  I can't see him cheating, but maybe...?  Nah, can't see him doing that.
Looking forward to seeing what's next and having that mystery revealed  :=)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.55a: Why Didn't They Want Me? (12 Feb 2023)
« Reply #416 on: February 13, 2023, 11:44:33 AM »
Please thank Buddy for my hand-knitted socks. They're lovely - fluffy and thick. I'll think of him every time I wear them. It was extra thoughtful to send them in plain brown wrapping. My neighbours can be so judgemental.  ;)
Neither Lance nor Nichole work? They all live off the gift Ai sent them? Nichole talks a good talk. She might just be better than Lance at crafting stories. If Robin moves in they might all be expecting more funds.
My advice? Suggest Nichole gets a job too before moving in and see what happens. Or make it clear she's not bringing more simoleons. Or my preferred option would be to move in next door to them and get to know the family that way.
Ah Bronson. The heart wants what the heart wants. More deceit can't be a good choice, can it?
Have you played with the Loyal trait? It would make these shenanigans very complicated.
I love that these Finale episodes are so convoluted. I even got a bit confused about who Rose and Bethany were. Great storytelling
Buddy says to tell you how delighted he is that you are wearing the socks he knitted for you! <3
As for Robin, she and her beloved Bronson have put their heads together to come up with the best possible plan for Robin's true happiness.
The cuckolded Bronson will soon have his day. *smirks
If I remember correctly, your NSB Gen10 spouse had the loyal trait, didn't he?

My apologies if Ai's final weeks are becoming overly confusing.  I have a need to keep some drama going or I'll get bored and run off to Two Point Hospital, LOL!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.55a: Why Didn't They Want Me? (12 Feb 2023)
« Reply #417 on: February 13, 2023, 11:46:50 AM »
Wow!  Of all the nerve, Lance!  I might have to send my Simself (along with Mari Cordova) over there to teach him a lesson!  But yes, the rest of Robin's bio fam seems quite lovely and kind.  I don't want her to go, of course, since having a lovely redhead in the household is always a wonderful thing, but yeah, it is probably what's going to actually be best for her...I guess  ;=)
Hmmm, I'm for sure intrigued about Bronson's scheme for fathering a redhead.  I can't see him cheating, but maybe...?  Nah, can't see him doing that.
Looking forward to seeing what's next and having that mystery revealed  :=)
LOL, I was so surprised when Lance suddenly changed to his sportswear and walked outside! I dislike him intensely now...
Yes, Bronson and his recent pizza obsession... I'll be back to reveal that after a quick check on my latest hospital. *coughs

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.55b: Robin Leaves the Nest (16 Feb 2023)
« Reply #418 on: February 16, 2023, 09:12:20 PM »
10.55b: Robin Leaves the Nest

Week 55, Wednesday (3rd week of summer, Y4)
Robin: Papa, Mama, with the shocking news about the Faamoanas, I almost forgot to tell you I met someone special!
The instant I met Bruno at school yesterday, I got a crush on him. Bruno, I'd like you to meet my parents.
Bronson: How do you do, young man? Please join us for some pizza while we get to know each other.

Ai (to Bronson): Are you kidding me?  Pizza AGAIN?
Bruno: Oh boy! I love Tikki Masala pizza! *happily grabs a slice
Bronson: Another Berry, eh? But I've never heard of your parents.
Bruno: Do you remember the Gen8 heir Taro and his sister Momo? Well, my dad is the son of Grandma Momo.
I live with my fathers, two sisters, and a brother-in-law at the Thebes Estate in Tartosa.

Bronson: So, Bruno, how do you enjoy being in the Computer Club?
Bruno: It's the perfect fit for me! When I'm older, I'd like to become a freelance programmer and…

Buddy: Sorry to interrupt, folks, but who wants to go age up a half dozen nooboos?
Bruno, please come along and meet more of our family!

Buddy: First stop is Olde Mill Hill, where my husband Keon lives with our five children and his parents.
Oh, look! Unlike human Keon, both our twins are spellcasters with Keon's hair and eyes!
Ai (to herself): So the fact that I never gave birth to a redhead is a "me problem," and not mod related?
Bronson: Hmmm….

Robin: Since we're BFFs, Bruno, do you mind if I ask you a slightly personal question?
Bruno: Not at all. Knock yourself out.
Robin: I'm wondering how you feel about having children?
Bruno: Well, I don't want to be a teen father but I do eventually see myself as a family man.

Buddy: Next stop is Sulani, where sister Rose and her wife Bethany each gave birth tonight.
Rose: I wish Watcher hadn't given us the On Ley Line lot trait. We each had twins!
Bruno (whispers): Robin, I need to rephrase what I said earlier: I envision future me with a small family.
Robin (whispers back): Yeah, I'm with you there! I can't see myself raising more than two kids!

Rose: Both my twins with the redheaded donor, Skylar, are spellcasters.
My firstborn Nick has my hair color but with the donor's violet eyes.
I named Robin after you, sis, but she aged up with my coloring. *sighs

Buddy: Oi, oi! Skylar, as in the twin brother of my husband Keon?
Ai (to herself): My ex-boyfriend Skylar?!
Rose: Who knows? I could only see the donors' first names, portraits, and profiles. *shrugs
Robin (to herself): YES! I can still be the first to give Papa a redheaded grandchild!

Buddy: Bethany and I have twin girls who aren't alike at all.
Gabriella shares my life state (spellcaster), white-blond hair, and blue eyes.
But Yang shares Bethany's life state (human), brown hair, and green eyes.
Bronson: Huh, Buddy's kids are more diverse because (unlike Rose) Keon and Bethany aren't blue-eyed blonds?

Fynn: Gah! Finally, we get a break from Robin's drama! Hey, what's with your rakish school uniform?
Keanu: Watcher found it while looking for Buddy's Risky Business shirt, but I totally forgot she'd given it to me.
Fynn: Yeah, well, Watcher needs to join us at school today cuz it's Career Day.
Keanu: Hey, I'm not adopted, am I? If you heard anything like that about me, you'd tell me, wouldn't you?
Fynn: We're fine. We both have the Sulani Mana and Ancient Bloodline traits, which means we're legit!

Robin: I won't be moving in with the Faamoanas in Key Point. Why would I choose them over my loving family?
I'm not accepting Rose's offer to move to Chieftain's Villa, either. I love Rose, but that household's too big.
I still want to move to Sulani, though, so I'm trying to save up moving expenses.
That's why I've asked  Keanu to invite me to high school, even though I graduated early.
Don't mind me: I'm in the student lounge painting while the students (including Bruno) are all in class.

Robin: I notice Bruno hasn't shown up when he suddenly pops up next to me.
When he asks me to be his girlfriend, I try to act surprised but I secretly have been waiting for him to ask!
You see, I want us to age up early and live together in Sulani, but he needed to ask me to be his girlfriend first!
Whoa, I'm getting ahead of myself. I need to talk with my parents today.

Robin: You already asked me to be your BFF and your girlfriend, but could you do one more thing?
Bruno: ?
Robin: My bio-parents gave me away at birth, so I have a deep need to feel wanted. Do you mind proposing, too?
Bruno: I'd already planned to. Now, if you could step away from the toilets for a more scenic shot.

Robin: So, you see, you've showered me with love all these years and I'll always think of you as my "real" parents.
I still want to move to Sulani but, with your blessings, I wish to live there with Bruno.
Ai: But you're still teens…
Robin: We're engaged, Mama, and plan to marry after we age up.
Ai: I like Bruno, but I'll worry less if you two live in Ohan'ali Town in your sister Rose's neighborhood.
Bronson (chuckles): I wouldn't have wanted to share a bedroom with four toddlers, either.

Robin: Was it strange of us to move out at midnight, Bruno?
Bruno: Not a moment too soon! I was so tired of living with my family. And my sister's dying to have children!
Robin: Speaking of children, we can't let my sister Rose talk us into babysitting too often!
Bruno: Hey! Did Watcher just buy you the Fertile trait?
Watcher: *whistles innocently

Nez: Buddy might have turned out a bit of a himbo, but his heart is always in the right place.
I'm grateful he never drags me out on walks to blather on about his first-world problems. *rolls eyes

Bronson: Dearest Ai, you and I will be elders soon. It's time we face the music about my redheaded child.
Ai: I can do it, Bronson! I'll change my hair and…
Bronson: Listen, you'll be an elder in another week. Another pregnancy is too much of a health risk for you.
Ai: But…
Bronson: No worries, Ai. There's someone out there who will give me a redheaded child.
Ai (dejected): That pizza gal?
Bronson: Don't be ridiculous! I meant a redheaded surrogate mother. 

Bronson (sighs): If you want to get something done, you gotta do it yourself! Redhead, redhead, redhead…
Ai: But why have you started an IVF process instead of a surrogacy?  You!?
Bronson: The agency says our household's too big to have a child by surrogacy.
But it's allowing us to have an child by IVF, so I've temporarily switched my reproductive option.
Ai: Oh, I see.  It's too much of a health risk for me, but not for you?

Bronson: I've been looking forward to a ginger child for too long to back down now! *burns with determination
Ai (to herself): Gah, this just gets more bizarre! Still better, I guess, than Bronson having an affair.
Watcher: Believe me, this was definitely NOT Plan A!
But I worked on this problem for several RL hours, so Bronson and I changed tactics. Don't judge us!

Ai: Daiq's teen birthday is in five more days, but we let him age up this morning.
He grows up with that hairstyle, so we're letting him keep it.
He's an outdoor-loving animal enthusiast, just like Bronson!
We're both hoping Daiq will want to take charge of the chickens.

Daiq: Robin was so sad about needing to sell everyone's paintings for her moving funds.
So, yesterday, I asked everyone to paint pictures in different genres.
I curated the collection, choosing the best three of each genre. (I only contributed 2 classic paintings.)
Now to frame them and place them all around Robin and Bruno's house!

Robin: OMG, Papa, you're in your 2nd trimester, too? Why didn't you ask?
Bruno and I would've gladly shared one of our children for you to raise as your own!
Bronson: That's a great idea, actually, but it's too late now.
I got so frustrated yesterday; I could discuss a surrogacy with Ai but not seek a surrogate mother. Oh well.

Ai: Bronson and I hope that you and Rose enjoy a happy future together!
Bruno: Thank you, Mama Ai. You can rest assured that I'll do my best to provide for our family.
Ai: In that connection, please consider pursuing your dream job, Bruno.
Bronson has already asked Robin to do the same.

Fynn: Wow, this update has been almost entirely about Robin! Do you think our turn's coming soon?
Keanu: Nah. Next week will be about our father's desperate bid to have a redheaded child.
Fynn: Oh yeah, the next update will probably be full of toddler spam. But what about us?
Keanu: What about us, indeed. The only way to get some narrative attention around here is to kick up a scandal.
Fynn & Keanu (in unison): Hmmmmm….

Fynn: What if you become a Serial Romantic?  I bet Buddy's in more screenshots than our parents combined!
Keanu: That's not really my style, Fynn. You forget that I have the Loyal trait? What about you?
Fynn: Me as a Serial Romantic?  Hah, I'm erratic not mindless, plus I don't want to be a teen mother.
Keanu: I don't blame you! One thing for sure, let's not age up early into young adults!
Fynn: I know, right? I' don't want the 'rents pressuring us to help with their Successful Lineage. Or do we?

Fynn: Eh, we might as well hijack the rest of this update!
Here's a selfie of Keanu and me to remind you of how lovely we are.

Keanu: And here's one last selfie of us to express our sadness over being pushed out of the narrative spotlight.
Fynn: Yeah, by the time it's our turn, this challenge will be finished! *sniffle, sniffle
Keanu: *trudges away sobbing

Watcher: Hey, you two! Get back to me when y'all got an interesting hook! Sheesh!

Robin's new home
I spruced up the 30x20 1-bdrm Lagoon Look lot ($17,416) into a two-bedroom home ($44,516).
Almost everything about the lot is bigger and better.
If I were going to play this household, I'd add a second bathroom; but I'm not, so I didn't.

Progress: End of Week 55
Residence: 3 Olde Mill Lane, Old New Henford (HoB)

Ai (Gen10 heir) - Adult (8 days to Elder)  EIGHT DAYS!
Traits: Perfectionist, Gloomy, Family Oriented
Remaining Tasks
Marry high school sweetheart and stay with them until death

The Household
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Bronson's redheaded child: This is totally NOT how I'd wanted things to work out for Bronson.
But I couldn't get Lumpinou's mod to cooperate, although it worked fine for the Gen8 heir, Taro.
Why would it allow a household sim to get pregnant, but disallow the surrogacy of a non-household sim?
I'd been planning for Bronson to choose a surrogate mother ever since Daiq was born a blond.
Lol, it makes no sense whatsoever for Bronson to get pregnant, but raising Robin's child didn't occur to me soon enough.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.55b: Robin Leaves the Nest (16 Feb 2023)
« Reply #419 on: February 17, 2023, 07:32:59 AM »
Oh good heavens, Bronson!  In for a penny, in for a pound!  Or several pounds as he keeps adding baby weight  ;=)
Daiq was so thoughtful getting paintings done for Robin to decorate her house!!
Poor Fynn and Keanu.  If only they could come up with an interesting hook.  Still, at least they got to hijack the end of the update.  Maybe that's their hook, hijacking the end of each update?  ;=)
Lots of Excellent stuff happening for the Berries and I'm looking forward to seeing what else fills these final weeks as you play out the end of this challenge!

