OK, I have never done the Berry challenge, but having read through yours and Granny's, I'm assuming the cheating and requisite try for baby is a requirement, so I'm throwing no shade at Ai. It's all LilSimsie's fault! I think. Pretty sure she created this challenge? Maybe...
Anyway, a lovely update all around! I can't believe the time you put into creating that adoption agency office (which looked great, btw) just to stage a reason why the cheating happened! It was, actually, really cleverly handled, and if he didn't give her an approval after doing that, my Simself would have been going after him ;=)
I love your consistency of character in that, even while going through all of this turmoil, Ai was still focused on the schedule and timing the toddler age up with the toddler adoption to create the "twinsies" effect. It's so Ai!
And Nez. Poor, sweet Nez. I'm glad that Bronson is so good to him and speaks his language. And so sad for him that all three of his offspring passed on the same day! Talk about rough times! Bronson needs to give him extra walks, petting, treats, and attention.
Anyway, yes, the update was a beautiful delivery of the chaos of the week. Excellent job!
Please, no hating on Keon! Maybe I should let him feature in a new challenge for being forced to play "the villain" as part of Ai's heir requirements.
Ironically, Keon would have been Ai's husband if (1) his twin didn't have red hair and (2) Ai hadn't coincidentally run into Bronson at the Magical HQ.
Here's the related rules for the NSB Gen110 heir:
"You have the perfect life. White picket fence, loving spouse, beautiful children. But why do you still want more?
You have a one time secret affair and will regret it for the rest of your life.
Afterward you pour your soul into raising your children and fixing your marriage.
You never admit the affair to anyone and dedicate your life to being the perfect mother."
There are requirements for skills, Super Parent, Critic career, adopting at least one child, and playing the heir until their death.
So, I could've had Ai either woohoo or try for baby with Keon, since covering up an illicit child is not one of the requirements.
But I rediscovered that Keon's a super attractive sim, which is why I couldn't resist a love child with superior genetics, LOL!
Hah, me and my bad decisions. As for postponing the adoption for "twinsies," I actually had a more devious plan/schedule in mind for Ai.
I'd timed everything so Keon's toddler birthday and the adoption would coincide while Bronson was at work.
Then, Ai would age up Keon, adopt a toddler, make the adoptee a redhead, change its name to Keanu, then pass off Keon's child as the adoptee.
The timing worked perfectly but then I felt bad for Bronson. And I didn't want Ai to go that far to deceive Bronson. Haha, me and my pixelated sims!
As for the psychic Nez, two of the four kids will definitely get the Animal Enthusiast to help around "the farm" and shower Nez with attention.
Rose is already good friends with Nez, so Nez can look forward to good times to come.