Author Topic: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries [Completed 14 Mar '23]  (Read 161857 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.45x: Best Served Cold (15 Dec 2022)
« Reply #345 on: December 16, 2022, 01:41:31 AM »
Ha ha ha, he he he
I'm a laughing gnome and
You can't catch me. (David Bowie)
Love the Moroccan build. Great update!

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.45x: Best Served Cold (15 Dec 2022)
« Reply #346 on: December 16, 2022, 07:03:55 AM »
Oh my gosh!!!  You put us in Riverwood!!  Most of the little bit of gaming time I've had available as the semester is winding to a close has gone to Skyrim and I've been through Riverwood so many times, but I totally did not expect to see my Simself literally in Riverwood!!  Ridiculously cool, oshizu!!
And yes, the house looks fantastic!  And I loved the subtle "by the way make up with your parents" moment in the midst of giving the house tour.  It was so subtly thrown in there!  Loved it!
The Gnome dance party was classic!  And yes, the vengeance scene was great!
But yes, still just totally shocked about hanging out in Riverwood with my "sister."  :=)

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.45x: Best Served Cold (15 Dec 2022)
« Reply #347 on: December 16, 2022, 06:57:54 PM »
Your build is fabulous! Love the courtyard, and the clever use of the upstairs space around it - the long skinny rooms can be a challenge, but you handled them expertly!
I always like your costume scenes, but I thought these were especially good. I do like my gnomes, so I found the dancing gnomes especially awesome and fun and funny. They made me laugh out loud!
I had so much fun "researching" Moroccan riads and always appreciate a verdant courtyard, but I don't like playing in a two-story house (as I've mentioned before).
How happy I am to hear you enjoyed the gnomes. I thought they looked completely ridiculous and loved it, but worried that I was being too silly, haha.

Ha ha ha, he he he
I'm a laughing gnome and
You can't catch me. (David Bowie)
Love the Moroccan build. Great update!

Oh my gosh!!!  You put us in Riverwood!!  Most of the little bit of gaming time I've had available as the semester is winding to a close has gone to Skyrim and I've been through Riverwood so many times, but I totally did not expect to see my Simself literally in Riverwood!!  Ridiculously cool, oshizu!!
And yes, the house looks fantastic!  And I loved the subtle "by the way make up with your parents" moment in the midst of giving the house tour.  It was so subtly thrown in there!  Loved it!
The Gnome dance party was classic!  And yes, the vengeance scene was great!
But yes, still just totally shocked about hanging out in Riverwood with my "sister."  :=)
My sims are so spoiled! The whole time they spent in Riverwood, they had the Poorly Decorated moodlet.
I'm so happy that you enjoyed going medieval.  Thanks for noticing all the little details!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.45x: Best Served Cold (15 Dec 2022)
« Reply #348 on: December 17, 2022, 11:37:42 AM »

Oh my, I just love Jade's Moroccan house; you really knocked that one out of the park, Watcher! I too, enjoyed the ridiculousness of the gnome costume dancing in the gnome themed bar. A very appropriate amount of silly, I believe. The triplets are all adorable - and what bizarre luck to get them without anything to increase the odds. Glad to see that Jade is doing so well, despite her rough start in life. Let's hope everyone can finally reconcile.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.45x: Best Served Cold (15 Dec 2022)
« Reply #349 on: December 17, 2022, 09:57:40 PM »

Oh my, I just love Jade's Moroccan house; you really knocked that one out of the park, Watcher! I too, enjoyed the ridiculousness of the gnome costume dancing in the gnome themed bar. A very appropriate amount of silly, I believe. The triplets are all adorable - and what bizarre luck to get them without anything to increase the odds. Glad to see that Jade is doing so well, despite her rough start in life. Let's hope everyone can finally reconcile.
Rhoxi! Where have you gone? The last time you mentioned you'd started playing around with mods without a word about which mods and if they've been any fun. ;-)
Hope you've been well.  We are missing your Alvahs!
Yes, Jade and Isaac are thriving! With the older Seneca and the triplets, they have the largest family in this challenge so far.

Offline oshizu

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Bewitched Berries 9.46: And in Other News
« Reply #350 on: December 18, 2022, 08:04:51 PM »
9.46: And in Other News

Week 46, Sunday (2rd week of winter, Y3)
Jade: Isaac and I had never dreamed that we'd be raising four children. Four!
But our eldest Seneca is a teen and our triplets aged up to children yesterday.
From the left: Nez, Ai (Gen10 heir), Seneca, Isaac & me (Gen9 heir), Tristan, and Nami,

Do you enjoy reading science fiction? I sure do.
My/Watcher's favorite series this past year has been The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells.
I've even started writing my own science fiction novels in my free time.

After the triplets' scout meeting, we all go the dog park in Brindleton Bay.
There, the triplets play on the jungle gym and work on scout badges.

Seneca: But we're mainly here, Nez, so you can enjoy the walking trails.
I don't know about you, Nez, but I'm sure missin' Moonwood Mill!
Nez: Woof!
Seneca: I wish you had a puppy that I could take with me when I return there for good.

Jade: I almost never see Nez sleeping in his bed.
Unless someone he likes is in the same room, he either sleeps on the sofa or on the ground.
We need to find a better spot to place his bed.

After school, the triplets work on their last scout badge.

Sen's girlfriend Ira needs a warmer everyday outfit if she's going to live in Moonwood Mill.
I place a closet out back so Sen can help her choose a warmer wardrobe.
Somehow, I get the feeling that he needs a reminder of that closet's original purpose.

Seneca finally gets around to giving Ira a makeover.
Poor girl was wearing the same clothes for her everyday, athletic, and hot weather outfits.
This is a nice, warmer everyday look for my future daughter-in-law.
And it's not cutting-edge stylish, but it's a comfy drip for life in Moonwood Mill.
She'll fit right in whenever that happens.

Hitomi: I was hoping I'd run into you at the food stall in front of your house, Seneca. I'm Jade's mom.
Seneca: I can see the resemblance but you look too young to be my grandma.
Hitomi: Flattery will get you everywhere. My name's Hitomi. Bring everyone and stop by soon!
But don't tell your grandfather I stopped by.

Isaac: What a surprise to get an invite to GeekCon this morning from Jade's father!
Jade's at work and the triplets are at school, so I had to turn down Papa Taro's invitation.
Tomorrow's a holiday. Maybe could visit him for a few hours. Whaddya think, Nez?
Nez: Woof, woof!

Jade: Today I earn my final promotion as a Startup Entrepreneur!
Of course, I will continue to accept invites from family and friends until Jade moves out.
But I consider my heir requirements complete as of today. Go me!

Jade: Ai wants to complete all four aspirations, though her siblings are skipping Social Butterfly.
Everyone in the Inoue family, who live across from us, is mourning a relative's death.
Still, Ai makes Ken her first friend from grade school.

In the early evening, we visit my childhood home.  I've missed Papa so much. *wipes a tear
My household gets busy meeting and socializing with everyone.

I'm surprised at how quickly Ai befriends her Grandpa Taro, not even a single photo.
She also befriends her Grandma Hitomi (which takes longer) and two grade-school cousins.
That's a wrap for Ai and Social Butterfly! Time to head home.

I'm chatting with a redheaded Berry in front of the house when the mail arrives.
Watcher's shocked at how quickly I've become a Best-Selling Author.
Once I hit the fourth milestone, I wrote four sci-fi novels and three of them were bestsellers.
Now I'll be able to send Ai off with her own Book of Life!

To become Nerd Brains, Isaac, Seneca, and I explored space at Great-Grandpa Blaze's house.
In different weeks, of course.
But we're upgrading a rocket ship of our own for the triplets.
Every household needs at least one sim who can do Insta-Upgrades!

Nez: Today the triplets attend grade school for the last time!
Understandably, their caregivers are busy preparing for the triplets' teen stage.
Me, I'm a smart, independent dawg. I can walk myself and even go potty without being told.
I'm not 100% self-sufficient, though. I still need food, treats, hugs, and baths.

Jade: In the evening, Papa Taro comes over for his first visit ever.
He's surprised at how well Isaac and I have done for ourselves.
Of course, Seneca has been a great help to us, too.
At first, I'd thought that Papa dropped by to visit me.

Jade: I should have known better!
Papa, you actually came to hang out with your granddaughter, not  your daughter!
Taro: Why can't it be both?

Seneca: The 'rents give me the green light to age up today.
So I get up so early, the sun's not even out yet.

Don't worry about it, Nez. This is just a side project of Mama Jade's.
Nothing serious. Just Mama being greedy and wanting a Big Happy Family.

My real future, though, lies with Ira.  I invite her over and age her up.
After we're engaged, we elope right away.

Ira and I both want to start a family right away.
We try for baby repeatedly until Ira looks nauseous. Sorry about that, girl!
And did I tell you the 'rents fixed up the Moonwood Mill place so Ira and I can move there?

You wanna know how I got finessed into helping with Mama's "Have 4 grandkids" task?
Mama bought me a Tibetan Mastiff puppy last night. I name her Sasha.
The catch? I can't move out with the puppy until Mama has her four grandkids. *sighs
It's straight-up emotional blackmail, you hear me?
Why does Mama even care about eing a Matriarch? I bet Ai moves out in 10 days or so!

Well, I better learn wellness so I can give fertility massages and such.
That's four days waiting here with my new puppy. I wonder when it will age up?
Cut me some slack, bro! I want to tell my story! Nobody ever cases about what's up with me!

Oh, and in other news, the triplets age up in the afternoon.

Tristan resembles Dad, Ai takes after Mama, and Nami looks like, uh, a little of both parents?
Following in my footsteps, Tristan and Nami will simply aim for that A grade.
Ai, on the other hand, wants to become a superior student in every way.
Being a spare ain't easy, but being the heir demands commitment for real!.

Progress: End of Week 46
Residence: Arid Ridge, Skyward Palms (Oasis Springs)

Jade (Gen9 heir) - YA (13 days to Adult)
Traits: Geek, Socially Awkward, Cheerful
Spouse: Isaac Cordova; Children: Seneca; Tristan, Ai, and Nami
Remaining Tasks (Completed Tue, Week 46, Year 3)
✔️Career: Tech Guru/Startup Entrepreneur- 9/10
✔️Must accept every invitation to parties/outings with your friends

Ai (Gen10 heir) - Teen (6 days to Teen)
Traits: Perfectionist, Gloomy
Skills 0/3: Photography 3, Cooking 3, Parenting

The Household
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*Ai's look: I don't typically have my female sims wear much make-up.
  I feel like Ai's wearing too much, but I'm leaving it for now. She be so pretty!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.46: And in Other News (18 Dec 2022)
« Reply #351 on: December 19, 2022, 02:17:07 AM »
Ai's silver blue hair looks stunning with her slightly darker skin-tone. The make-up looks nice although I always associate pale blue eyeshadow with the 70s.
You really are going for it with all the achievements. I am very impressed.
Am I right that you got the werewolves pack now but you've disabled the actual werewolves? Are you enjoying it?

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.46: And in Other News (18 Dec 2022)
« Reply #352 on: December 19, 2022, 03:59:20 AM »
Ira's makeover is really great! The hair you Sen chose is perfect for her.
A new puppy! What a good idea. Once you've loved a dog, it's hard to be without one.
The triplets aged up beautifully. Love the freckles. Ai is especially striking.

You're so close to done! You've done so well with this challenge. Go you!
7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Completed)
Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble (In Progress)

With the story threads here closed to new content, my stories and future content have moved to Glazey's Playground.

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.46: And in Other News (18 Dec 2022)
« Reply #353 on: December 19, 2022, 08:49:04 AM »
Nami is so pretty!!!  I'm glad to see that her household is doing so well.
Kudos to Nez for being so judgmental while Sen was cheating on Ira.  We treat our lovely redheads better than that, young man!
Jade is amazing!!  She's gotten so much done and yet keeps churning out more and more aspirations (some through puppy bribery).  Absolute rock star!!
The family reunion was sweet, though poor, hardworking Jade had to watch her daddy fawn all over little Ai (although Nami is probably really his favorite).
A lovely update all around and I'm looking forward to seeing where Nami take us in the next generation!! Oh, and her sister too, I guess ;=)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.46: And in Other News (18 Dec 2022)
« Reply #354 on: December 19, 2022, 12:47:07 PM »
Ai's silver blue hair looks stunning with her slightly darker skin-tone. The make-up looks nice although I always associate pale blue eyeshadow with the 70s.
You really are going for it with all the achievements. I am very impressed.
Am I right that you got the werewolves pack now but you've disabled the actual werewolves? Are you enjoying it?
For Ai, I was actually looking for brown eyeshadow to give the illusion of deeper eyes, but I found the matching blue eyeshadow and thought, "Why not?"
All the achievements? Do you mean Best-Selling Author? I never really expected Jade to finish that which is why, of course, she did. The game is trolline me!
Completing Big Happy Family is silly since Ai will not live with her parents all her life, but I couldn't help myself. LOL!

Regarding the Werewolves pack, you remember correctly that I installed a mod to prevent werewolves from spawning then deleted all the premade werewolves.
Visually, I do not find the werewolves appealing.  Who know? I might change my mind after reading about Cassie's life.
The reason I bought the Werewolves pack, though, is because I really like the rustic, grungy aesthetic of the pack's Build/Buy/CAS assets.
I love playing Rags 2 Riches style, and the industrial walls, worn down wooden siding and furniture, etc. really fit how I like to play.
So, yes, I am loving the things that came with Werewolves a lot!  Oh, and I really like the Moonwood Mills world, too! (but not in winter...)

Ira's makeover is really great! The hair you Sen chose is perfect for her.
A new puppy! What a good idea. Once you've loved a dog, it's hard to be without one.
The triplets aged up beautifully. Love the freckles. Ai is especially striking.

You're so close to done! You've done so well with this challenge. Go you!
Sen will be moving back with the new puppy to Moonwood Mill, taking Ira and her child(ren) with them.
But Sasha is a female so maybe there will be other puppies down the line?  No, I shall resist.  Nez alone practically needs a dedicated caregiver. ;)

I am supposed to play the last heir, Ai, until death, which is 13 sim-weeks away after my latest update.
That is practically an entire sim-year, so I'm thinking of shaving a week off of a few of the life stages, not sure yet.
When I watched LilSimsie starting her second NSB challenge several months ago, she mentioned occasionally switching to Short lifespan. That's another option.
It really depends on how much fun I'm having with Ai and her household. :D

Nami is so pretty!!!  I'm glad to see that her household is doing so well.
Kudos to Nez for being so judgmental while Sen was cheating on Ira.  We treat our lovely redheads better than that, young man!
Jade is amazing!!  She's gotten so much done and yet keeps churning out more and more aspirations (some through puppy bribery).  Absolute rock star!!
The family reunion was sweet, though poor, hardworking Jade had to watch her daddy fawn all over little Ai (although Nami is probably really his favorite).
A lovely update all around and I'm looking forward to seeing where Nami take us in the next generation!! Oh, and her sister too, I guess ;=)
Oh, speaking of redheads, I'm still dying to meet the Crelgan-boos! And, of course, the Hudphelia-boos!
Now that you're winter break has started, I hope you will occasionally put aside some of tremendous workload you heft onto your oh-so-reliable shoulders!
We are dying to know what's going on with your Tookalots!

As for Taro fawning over his grand-daughter Ai during the family visit: In Ai's defense, she needed two adult friends to complete Social Butterfly, so she chose her grandparents.
There's something mysterious going on with Ai and Taro, though.  After Ai did 3 socials, she and Taro were already friends.
When Taro visited Jade's place, Ai did a few more socials and they were already in BFF territory.
Nami very much appreciates all your nice compliments and cheerleading. <3

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.46: And in Other News (18 Dec 2022)
« Reply #355 on: December 19, 2022, 01:08:05 PM »

Ai makes for a final, gorgeous heir! So close, Watcher! Ah, blackmail through puppy; the REAL way to any dog lover's heart.

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.46: And in Other News (18 Dec 2022)
« Reply #356 on: December 19, 2022, 05:32:47 PM »

Ai makes for a final, gorgeous heir! So close, Watcher! Ah, blackmail through puppy; the REAL way to any dog lover's heart.
Thank you! I'm pretty happy at how closely Ai resembles her lovely mother!
I see you are a fellow dog lover.  Once Seneca interacted with the puppy, no way he could leave Sasha behind!

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Bewitched Berries 10.47: Some Life Choices
« Reply #357 on: December 22, 2022, 11:12:16 AM »
10.47: Some Life Choices

Week 47, Sunday (3rd week of winter, Y3)
Ai: Today, the first day of the 10th generation launches with a full household!
L to R: Nez, me, Mama Jade, Seneca with Sasha, Papa Isaac, Tristan, and Nami.

I've aged up into a gloomy perfectionist. Like Watcher, I suffer occasionally from depression.
As long as we can find a satisfying creative outlet or two, though, we're fine.
I have yet to find "my thing" yet, but I'm keeping my mind open.
Now's the time when I need to make a lot of life's big choices!

Here's Seneca's new puppy, Sasha.
Look how quickly she's settled into Nez's bed. She'll need a bed of her own.
Remember how Mama's holding Sasha hostage until Seneca produces four grandkids?
Since that's only a waiting game for Sen, he's fully in charge of Nez and Sasha.

I have a shortlist of things I hope to accomplish as a teen.
This week's priorities include boosting my magical powers and deciding on a career.
A charismatic Prom Date would be welcome, too.
I spend today sorting out what I need to do now and what can wait until later.

I'm the only one who actively attends high school today.
Instead of the usual 11-student population, there are only 6 including me (see Notes below).

After school, I do everything I can to boost my after-school club performance.
I eat a Cereberry, gather our club with the Networked trait, and set the club vibe to Focused.
I'm in the Chess Club, so I figure being Very Focused might help.

Seneca: Sasha ages up a little after Ai leaves for her club meeting.
While I'm trying to train Sasha to sit, Nez runs over to demand attention.
Would it be lazy of me to "Let Out" both of them together?
Also, since Mom is jobless these days, she needs to step up and look after Nez!

Jade: Not now, Sen! Ai needs my help with her homework and extra credit!

Ai: Yesterday, my classroom had 6 students but the other classroom had none.
Today, the other classroom has 2 students, so we're still 3 students short of the usual 11.
Does the school counts my two siblings, even though they're not actively attending?

Gollllly! I know my sis Nami is awesome, but dayum!
She's even checking her phone at the same time!

Ai: Anyone wanna see Nez and Sasha's puppy? I do for real.
But our household's full now, so I've been thinking.  *taps chin
Tristan: When Seneca moves out, we can keep Sasha here with Nez until she's preggers.
Ai: Brilliant, Tristan. You are officially in charge of their, uh, connection.
Jade: Let me handle it. Tristan's not friendly enough with Nez or Sasha.

Ai: When I get back from Chess Club (Rank2!), we all leave for Moonwood Mill.
Seneca becomes a dad tomorrow and Mama's making sure she gets her grandkids.
I ask Seneca if we'll visit his OBM (Other Baby Mama), too.
He makes me promise to never bring that up in front of his wife Ira. Sheesh, touchy!

Apparently, OBM got married since Seneca last saw her. Good for her!
Yeah, I can see why a visit from us could be awkward.

Ai: I've known our neighbor, Ken Inoue, since grade school. Isn't he handsome?
I found him on our family tree and he's the great-grandson of Cara Berry (Great-Grandpa Blaze's sister).
It makes us both great-great-grandkids of Damson Berry; we're third cousins.
He's come here with Tristan after school and is running to the back of the house.

That's lucky for me because Skylar Berry knocks on our front door around the same time.
Mama introduced me to Skylar last week, but Papa told me to keep away from him.
Naturally, that only makes Skylar more fascinating, duh.  I looked up Skylar, too.
The great-grandson of Great-Grandpa Blaze's brother Sunny, Skylar's my third cousin, too.

I believe that makes both Ken and Skylar fair game. At least, our simverse thinks so.

Seneca's OBM (Other Baby Mama) gives birth to twins around noon.
(Great news for Sen: OBM gave birth AFTER marrying, so the twins are Ishikawas, not Berries.)
Then, a little past 4 pm, Sen's wife Ira also has twins.
Just as we'd all agreed, Sen leaves Sasha behind and moves out.  Let the mating begin!

Nami: Grandpa, am I ugly?
Taro: Of course not, Nami! What makes you say that?
Nami: Well, Ai has not one but two romantic interests.
My brother Tristan is putting the moves on my closest friend, Marielle Talla.
Me? The cutest boy at our high school turns out to be a Berry!
Taro: You mean Otis? He's the son of your Auntie Em, so you're first cousins.
Nami: Arrrgggh! I mean, our neighbor Tory's cute too, but he never messages me.

Nami: Look, Grandpa! Even Nez and Sasha are getting busy!

Ai: I'm about to send Ken home so I can continue my Heir Grind, when two things happen.
One, I suddenly develop a major crush on Ken and find him utterly irresistible.
Two, we learn Sasha's expecting. Way to go, Nez.  Time to send Sasha to Moonwood Mill!

Honestly, I find Skylar more attractive, but Grandpa warned me Papa dislikes Skylar's dad.
Am I supposed to know, or even care, who Trent Berry is?

Today's Career Day! This lady's arm badge and yellow cap throws me off at first.
I thought she was a Civil Designer without the hard hat, but she's a Pastry Chef.
You know, I'd like to be in a culinary career.  Maybe I'll even get a degree!

Nami: Before leaving for her club meeting, my sister Ai tries to help out.
First, she introduces me to Ken Inoue's brother, Cody.  He's pretty nice.
Would get weird whenever Ai and Ken argue, though, so I send Cody home after a short chat.

Ai also suggested I invite over our neighbor Tory Nakagawa.
I've known him since grade school but, as teens, we've only socialized on Social Bunny.

I wait until Tory and I are good friends, then ask him about his romantic interests.
He gets upset and calls me rude, which surprises me. He's my good friend, not a rando!
My Social Bunny feed shows that Tory messages my brother a lot.
Why get my hopes up if Tory's more interested in my brother than in me?

Nami: After spending more time with Tory today, I understand his strange outburst yesterday.
Tory's unflirty. He's also adorable and I'm crushing hard!
I take a big chance and ask him to the Prom and he replies with feeling. <3

Ai: Wow, Tristan asked Marielle to be his Prom Date last night.
Am I the only one without a Prom Date?

Ai: Later that evening, we take Nez to meet Sasha and their puppies.
What great names! Naming a dog "Shredder" is just tempting fate, though.
Tristan and Nami buy more dog beds and kibble feeders, then feed Sasha and her brood.
Our parents are upstairs, looking after their newly-born granddaughters. (Oh right, the nooboos...)

Wednesday, I spent several hours with Ken Inoue at our home.
So, I'm spending time today with Skylar today, inviting him along with us at Seneca's place.
Two nights ago, I felt so sure that Ken was The One.
But tonight, I find Skylar so appealing. It doesn't help that I have crushes on both of them.

My plan? Whichever boy invites me to Prom will be my boyfriend.
Unfortunately, neither of them have asked me and time's running out. What do I do now?

Ai: And the winner is…
He invited me out for brunch earlier today, So I accepted then asked him to Prom. And here we are!

Nami looks really happy with Tory Nakagawa.
He's very attentive, unlike Tristan's date Marielle Talla.
Can you believe Marielle?
Tristan went to get a drink and came back to find her dancing with another guy!

Thanks to my siblings and our schoolmates, Skylar and I win the most votes!

Progress: End of Week 47
Residence: Arid Ridge, Skyward Palms (Oasis Springs)

Ai (Gen10 heir) - Teen (14 days to YA)
Traits: Perfectionist, Gloomy
Remaining Tasks as Teen
Skills 2/3: Photography 5, Cooking 10, Parenting 0
Aspiration: Super Parent 0/4; Bonus aspirations: Goal Oriented 1/3, Master Chef 2/4
Bonus collection: Experimental Food Photos ?/20

The Household
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Moved to Moonwood Mill
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Convicted teen criminals: Many of Detective Taro's cases involved teen criminals.
  Oddly, they stopped aging and five of them showed up at high school as teenage students.
  Their age, which I checked using MCCC, ranged from 51/21 to 55/21 days.
  In other words, they should have been adults already.
  Again, using MCCC, I aged them up and made them leave the school premises.
  Had they not aged due being "Hidden Households" spawned for the Detective career?

*Autonomous Relationship:
  No wonder my teens weren't being asked to be BFFs, gf/bf, or Prom Dates.
  I checked my settings Saturday morning: "Autonomous NPC Relationships" was disabled!
  Lol, I don't even remember disabling that setting. When did I do that?

*Jade: Must accept every invite: Not a single invite this past week.
  Whenever I play her, she only gets calls asking about trying for baby.  Not complaining.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.47: Some Life Choices (22 Dec 2022)
« Reply #358 on: December 22, 2022, 11:50:36 AM »
Congratulations on the puppies - very cute and very clever to manage the households to achieve it. You're very kind to your spares, getting them partners and babies and puppies. I'm a very neglectful watcher in that respect.
So Skylar invites Ai out, but the major crush is on Ken? Ai's got trouble! I love her prom outfit.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 10.47: Some Life Choices (22 Dec 2022)
« Reply #359 on: December 22, 2022, 12:00:50 PM »
Congratulations on the puppies - very cute and very clever to manage the households to achieve it. You're very kind to your spares, getting them partners and babies and puppies. I'm a very neglectful watcher in that respect.
So Skylar invites Ai out, but the major crush is on Ken? Ai's got trouble! I love her prom outfit.
What a generous compliment, but the puppies were probably for the Watcher's pleasure rather than for the spare.
Could you imagine owning four dogs weighing over 100 lbs each? I would never do that in my active household (probably). LOL!
As for finding partners for the spares, it's mostly finding them somewhere to live and enjoying a few genetic detours. (Helps with Social Butterfly, too!)

In fact, Ai developed a major crush on Ken Wednesday evening then on Skylar Friday evening.
Does that mean more trouble or less trouble? She will probably do the honorable thing. (Probably)
"We" were trying to go for Ken, but violet-eyed Skylar kept pulling us his way.
Those violet eyes of Damson the Gen5 Plum heir have really persisted!

