Author Topic: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries [Completed 14 Mar '23]  (Read 161864 times)

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.43: Stewing in Bitterness? (5 Dec update)
« Reply #330 on: December 07, 2022, 07:03:01 AM »
What a great update!  Jade being so much more mature than Isaac and humoring him with his whining about prom was just adorable! And Momo got some additional love in this update  :=)  Always wonderful to see the stars of the show getting more screen time (Cara and Momo for the win)!
And of course, gotta love the Nez moments.  I have not really played much with the pets in Sims 4, but it's nice that I'll have a little extra understanding of bed, couch, and pet bed layout if I do.  I always enjoy how there's a little bit of educational content about the game almost every time you post an update  :=)
A lovely update all around and I'm looking forward to seeing what's next for Jade and her little Seneca!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.43: Stewing in Bitterness? (5 Dec update)
« Reply #331 on: December 07, 2022, 02:15:47 PM »
What a great update!  Jade being so much more mature than Isaac and humoring him with his whining about prom was just adorable! And Momo got some additional love in this update  :=)  Always wonderful to see the stars of the show getting more screen time (Cara and Momo for the win)!
And of course, gotta love the Nez moments.  I have not really played much with the pets in Sims 4, but it's nice that I'll have a little extra understanding of bed, couch, and pet bed layout if I do.  I always enjoy how there's a little bit of educational content about the game almost every time you post an update  :=)
A lovely update all around and I'm looking forward to seeing what's next for Jade and her little Seneca!
I didn't mention this, but Momo showed up as Isaac's first customer at his yard sales at the park. :D
Haha, I'm sorry but Nez talking about the "pet-bed algorithm" was just more of my silly nonsense. 
Nez has the Smart trait, so I thought it would be fuuny if he started talking about algorithms. What happened was this:
At first, Nez discovered the new couch next to the fireplace and enjoyed it for a bit, ignoring his pet bed.
Next, he went upstairs but didn't look so happy lying down on the concrete patio floor. As soon as Jade moved his bed to the patio, he got on it.
His bed is huge, though, so it's a tough fit in even a 64-tile home. Also, that's only the 2nd time I've seen him on his pet bed, haha.

I can understand now why Isaac didn't reach out to Jade while she was pregnant. After their Ditch Prom Together thing failed, I noticed Jade was feeling Tense.
When I checked her moodlet, it said "Jade can't stand to be around a sim who she bitterly resents" or something like that.
Excessive much?  I will be relieved when they're both young adults, lol!

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Offline oshizu

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Bewitched Berries 9.44: I Was a Shotgun Bride (7 Dec update)
« Reply #332 on: December 08, 2022, 12:52:47 AM »
9.44: I Was a Shotgun Bride

Week 44, Sunday (4th week of autumn, Y3)
Jade: I'm so happy that Isaac and I settled our differences last week.
Raising Seneca by myself wouldn't have been impossible.
But life is better with the four of us.  Starting from the left:
The eternally youthful Nez, Isaac with Seneca, and me.

Sen is very close to aging up.
Here's two last shots of our little boy as a toddler.

Isaac: You're lucky you have a Watcher, Sen. When I was your age, I never had one.
Sen: Someone's watching me?
Isaac: Yes. Your Watcher's kinda like a nutty guardian angel but with OCD.
Sen: Is that a good thing?
Isaac: Well, yes. Being watched means you can join scouts and do lots of other stuff, too.

Jade: We've all been working hard lately, plus Sen earned a B on his first day at school.
So we're taking the day off to enjoy GeekCon.
Uh, that is, I'm dragging along my boys to GeekCon because I'm a geek.

I meet Great-Great Grandpa Damson for the first time.
What a surprise to see brother Benjamin dressed like a Tech Guru. Or is that cosplay?
Sen meets his Uncle Ben for the first time who invites Sen to feel his future cousin.
Needless to say, I win first place in the Hackathon. *buffs nails on shoulder

After GeekCon, we bring Nez with us to GG-Grandpa Damson's house at Journey's End.
Isaac and I are both stuck at "Collect 19/20 fish," but I collected 15 before Isaac moved in.
So, Isaac catches the remaining five, including the last one tonight. Teamwork!

When I lived with my parents, I never realized how high-maintenance Nez really is.
With us, he cries a lot: he wants a walk, wants to play fetch, or fears various objects.
(There's a reason we gave Seneca the dog lover trait.)
We'll try to take Nez on short walks twice a day.
Hey wait. Nez is independent. Can't he just walk himself?

While Isaac and I are away, Sen introduces himself to his GGG-Grandpa Tuki.
He gains his friendship by asking him to mentor.
Logic always comes in handy!

On the way home, we stop at the park so Sen can start Rambunctious Scamp.
There's a guy wearing a graduation cap for no reason.
I don't really care one way or another, but our Watcher finds it super annoying.

Jade: Trent Berry drops by for a visit.
I try to hook him up with my cousin Penelope Berry (Auntie Momo's daughter).

Nez: Can I interest any of you in playing fetch?  Anyone?

Isaac: You're the Gen9 heir, Jade. Do we really need to become Long-Lived?
Jade: I want to spend time with my future grandkids, Isaac, and I want you there with me.
And on the subject of aging, it's your young adult birthday on Saturday.
Isaac: And yours is four days after mine.
Jade: True, but I'll be aging up with you on Saturday.

Jade: I run outside when I notice our lying ex-butler's arrival.
I dislike confrontations, so I'd been spamming him with mean messages on Social Bunny.
My first enemy! I'm saving the rest until after I age up to avoid the Argumentative trait, hehe.

After school, we head for Desert Bloom Park so Isaac can hold yard sales.
It's our last chance to boost our household funds before moving Saturday night.
Isaac's lowers his markup to 200%, though, so his merch will sell faster.

Seneca's going to complete three aspirations, skipping Social Butterfly.
I do wish, though, he would befriend Franc (son of brother Ben and Magnus).
Speaking of those two, Ben recently gave birth to twins, Raquel and Brad.
I start meditating but, on second thought, decide to walk with Nez instead.

Isaac: I did it, Jade! It took me past midnight but I sold all 10 mascots and made over $100k!
Jade: You rock, Isaac! That puts us over $300k. We can move anywhere we want!
Isaac: I maxed my Charisma, too, but my fun's at zero.
Jade: I can help with that. You want to drink a moodlet solver or do the tent thing?
Isaac: Oh, let me think. It's such a hard choice!

Isaac: Today, I happen to look at Jade's profile and see "Told had a child together."
Does that mean a part of me doesn't believe Seneca's my boy?
I'm planning to propose to Jade after we age up tomorrow.
Would she be offended if I ask for a paternity test, just to put all doubts to rest?

I confess I've been feeling a bit insecure about her relationship with Trent.
Jade's not happy when I ask for paternity testing, but she agrees to do it.
The test result?  Seneca is my biological child.

Isaac: I have a few other socials related to paternity.
Out of curiosity, I click on "Ask to marry due to having a child together."
Oops! I suddenly find myself running to City Hall to get married in my athletic wear.
When we return two hours later, Jade and I are married!

Jade: First, I spend two hours at a medical lab with Isaac for paternity testing.
Next, when Isaac hears the test results, he asks me to marry him.
I say yes, naturally. But then, we spend another two hours at City Hall getting married.

In my defense, I thought we would be engaged first! I didn't want to be a shotgun bride!
Let's see, what's the strongest drink I can make? Salty Llama? That sounds about right.

Watcher: bad for not doing a practice run first. :D

Jade: Isaac and I age up together in the morning. My three weeks as a teen flew by in a blur!
Sen: May I age up today, too, Dad?
Isaac: Let's wait until your actual birthday next Saturday, okay?

Isaac: Jade's joined a full-time career, so I've joined the Culinary career.
Our work shifts hardly ever overlap and, besides, I only want to reach Level 8 Chef.
Jade: I become a Level 4 Tech Guru, but the Well generously grants me a full promotion.
That's great, because I'm planning to take Tuesday off. We're expecting!

Jade: We've spent the day getting ready for our move tonight.
We take a break to visit Brindleton Pawspital so I can buy Age-Down Treats for Nez.
While we're there, the Sage of Mischief Magic phones to invite me to the Romance Festival.

I bring the whole household there, where the Sage awaits us wearing a graduation cap.
The Sage's profile notes she's a high school graduate but she apparently didn't attend uni.

We don't stay long at the Romance Festival, because we need to get home to finish packing.
I take a break to walk Nez.
Does taking Nez on a jog count toward Bodybuilder's "Exercise for 10 hours" task? 
Nope, it doesn't.

We're all packed and waiting for our house to be ready.
My three boys love the clean air, forests, and wide open spaces of Moonwood Mill.
Am I making a mistake by taking Nez, Isaac, and Seneca away from here?
I'm leaving our house furnished in case Seneca ever wants to move back here when he's older.

We're all looking forward to a new home and a new life!

Progress: End of Week 44
Residence: Prowler's Patch (Moonwood Mill)

Jade (Gen9 heir) - YA (24 days to Adult)
Traits: Geek, Socially Awkward, Cheerful
Spouse: Isaac Cordova; Children: Seneca
Remaining Tasks
Skills (2/3): Mixology 6
Career: Tech Guru 5/10
Aspirations (1/2): Computer Whiz 3/4; Bonus aspirations: Goal Oriented 3/3
Must accept every invitation to parties/outings with your friends
Have at least 5+/5 good friends and at least 1/5 enemies (Enemy #1: Kenta Ota)

The Household
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*No werewolves: I'm using a mod that prevents the spawning of werewolves.
  It did require me to delete the premade ones.

*Graduation caps: So many townies show up wearing these, and now even a Sage.
  I've never seen this before several days ago, so I guess it's a bug related to the High School Years pack.
  Is this weirdness unique to my game? Or is anyone else noticing it, too?
*Isaac's YA trait: I clicked James Turner's Trait Generator four times, which gave:
  Family Oriented, Loves the Outdoors (Isaac already has this), Vegetarian, and Creative.
  I don't like the Genius/Creative combo, so I chose Family Oriented. Perfect!

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.44: I Was a Shotgun Bride (7 Dec update)
« Reply #333 on: December 08, 2022, 07:22:41 AM »
A lovely update all around, but the absolute best line was describing the Watcher as, "a nutty guardian angel but with OCD!"  Good heavens that's relatable!!!
I love how Jade keeps referring to the rest of the household as her boys.  It's super cute!
I'm taking a wild guess that the paternity test and shotgun marriage things come from your mod that has the artificial insemination.  Seems like a lot goes along with that mod!
Jade trying to hook Trent up with Momo Jr...I mean...Penelope was just precious!  More of the extended Momo lineage?  I think yes!!  And of course, the adorable Nez right there inquiring if anyone would, perchance, enjoy a game of fetch.  Too cute!
Looking forward to seeing Jade and her boys settle into their new place!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.44: I Was a Shotgun Bride (7 Dec update)
« Reply #334 on: December 08, 2022, 10:53:10 AM »
A lovely update all around, but the absolute best line was describing the Watcher as, "a nutty guardian angel but with OCD!"  Good heavens that's relatable!!!
I love how Jade keeps referring to the rest of the household as her boys.  It's super cute!
I'm taking a wild guess that the paternity test and shotgun marriage things come from your mod that has the artificial insemination.  Seems like a lot goes along with that mod!
Jade trying to hook Trent up with Momo Jr...I mean...Penelope was just precious!  More of the extended Momo lineage?  I think yes!!  And of course, the adorable Nez right there inquiring if anyone would, perchance, enjoy a game of fetch.  Too cute!
Looking forward to seeing Jade and her boys settle into their new place!
I'm glad you found that description funny and relatable. I went through several adjectives but finally settled on "nutty."
Jade definitely sees herself as the pack mother of the household, and Isaac has really come into his own.
Yes, I was trying out the Woohoo Wellness mod's Paternity module. I'd already disabled teen pregnancy in MCCC, so I didn't think they could get married as teens.

At first, I thought that Nez was misreading the high tension in the room, with Jade trying to defuse Isaac's concern about Trent. (Nothing to be concerned about, though.)
Then, I realized: Oh, clever Nez! He's also trying to defuse the tension! Nez is truly Best Boi!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.44: I Was a Shotgun Bride (7 Dec update)
« Reply #335 on: December 09, 2022, 07:12:50 AM »
That Mod is a lot of day, one day I'll get my head round using them....adds to list of things to do....

I'm glad Isaac is settling in. Looking forward to another nooboo...?

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.44: I Was a Shotgun Bride (7 Dec update)
« Reply #336 on: December 09, 2022, 12:05:56 PM »
That Mod is a lot of day, one day I'll get my head round using them....adds to list of things to do....

I'm glad Isaac is settling in. Looking forward to another nooboo...?
I am a big fan of MC Command Center, which is a must-have when I play with mods. 
Woohoo Wellness adds so much to gameplay, but MCCC changes gameplay more extensively.
Setting up MCCC can be daunting because of its dozens of settings. At first, I simply followed the settings used by another simmer (in a blog or a video, I can't remember).
Then, over the past four years or so, I have tweaked the settings to suit my gameplay. It's easier to learn about 2-3 settings at one time then dealing with all of them at once.
If you're interested, I could look up that blog/video and PM you the link.

Aargh, the nooboos!

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Bewitched Berries 9.45: Life as a Spare Ain't Easy
« Reply #337 on: December 12, 2022, 08:08:02 PM »
9.45: Life as a Spare Ain't Easy

Week 45, Sunday (1st week of winter, Y3)
We've moved to an exclusive neighborhood in Oasis Springs.
By mid-morning, we're unpacked and more or less settled into our new home.
It's Watcher's first try at a build in the style of a traditional Moroccan riad.

There were concerns that the envisioned build couldn't fit into a 40x30 lot.
That's why the majority of our new "home" is mostly a courtyard (built first!), flooring, and walls.
That rectangle on your right holds the only real rooms with ceilings. No fake rooms, just areas defined by walls and flooring as placeholders.
Yep, we'll be roughing it this week in a tiny house!

Seneca already has three character values in range and also maxed a handful of adult skills.
So we give Seneca the green light to age up this afternoon.
Our darling son is now a dog-loving romantic.
He's not interested in werewolves, but he loves the Moonwood Chic style of his birthplace. Represent!

Seneca: My first day of high school and I get to attend actively!
Mom has a guaranteed promotion today and gives birth tomorrow.
After this, I'll probably have to always attend school alone.
Arrgh, my classroom is a total brodeo, but you can't keep a good cowboi down!

Seneca: The moment our class ends, I go to the other classroom and introduce myself to Ira Raghavan.
"Hey, girl! Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again?"

Well, well, well.  Not only is she Romantic like me, but she's also romantically into men.
Time to move to Phase 2 of my plan. Mwahahaha!

After inviting Ira to sit and chat in an empty room, I ask her the million dollar question.
Wish me luck yo!

"Hey, Ira! You wanna see my wiener?" *waggles eyebrows

And that, homies, is how to get a first kiss, BFF, and girlfriend during a single 3-hour lunch break!
I'd say I made the most of my only active day of high school, wouldn't you?
Life as a spare ain't easy, but we do what we can, y'know what I mean?

Jade: Today's been a big day!
This morning, I complete Computer Whiz and can now "Earn Money Twerking"!!
Isaac: Um, sweetheart, I'm pretty sure that's "Earn Money Turking."

Jade: Oh, okay. Then, I go to work after all, bringing home my Level 7 promotion.
Instead of branching to eSport Gamer, I choose Startup Entrepreneur with its family-friendly hours.

No Fertile trait, no fertility massage, no On Ley Line lot trait, but I give birth to triplets anyway.
Because Gen10 is the blue generation, we name each child with that color in mind.
*Our son's name is "Tristan" because: blue → sad → triste (French) → Tristan.
*"Ai" means indigo in Japanese but is also a homophone for love (different ideogram).
*"Nami" is Japanese for wave.

After moving the bar over by the bassinets, I max Mixology in no time.
I'd love to get my non-career requirements done before the Toddler Showdown.
Let me build a "Mean Room" real quick. We don't need no tiny house for bassinet burritos.

Skyward Palms isn't a great place for walking, cuz it's a small area though the lots are large.
Last night, Isaac took Nez for a medium walk and wasn't done even after 90 minutes. He spent lots of time stopped.
So, this morning, I "Let Out" Nez. Because he's got the Smart trait, he can walk himself.
I only see that option when we're both indoors. Wish I'd figured out how to do that sooner!

I've damaged my reputation but I've declared my remaining four enemies.
Yep, I've gone from a Pristine rep to a Good rep. It could've been worse!
I don't like being mean to other sims or being treated meanly, either.
Besides Kenta the jerk, I chose all elders in hope I won't have to see them around much.

Jade: Not gonna lie. I got jealous Sunday when Sen and Nez became companions.
Since then, I've made an effort to give Nez more attention.
And today, I become companions with Nez, too.
Nez: 'Bout time!

Isaac: Since our home will be in the Moroccan style, I should learn to prepare Moroccan cuisine, too!
Let's go to the Spice Market! The Moroccan food stall's there on Wednesdays.
Seneca: My girlfriend Ira just came over, Dad. Is it okay if I invite her along?

Jade: How would you feel, Sen, about graduating early to help with the triplets?
Seneca: Sure. I've already met the love of my life, so who needs high school anymore?
I mean, if you let me age up early, you and Dad could even become Super Parents.
Jade: Oooooh, Super Parents? That would be rather helpful!
Seneca (whispers): If I age up, I might even be able to hook you up with a Big Happy Family…

Jade: Seneca graduated early last night and has been very helpful around the house!
You're probably wondering why we built a home pond when there's four fishing spots nearby.
Isaac and Sen are looking after the triplets while I'm at work.
Fishing at home means Sen can tend to the triplets' need more quickly.

All three kids age up into blondes, but a lighter shade than Isaac's hair.
Isaac and I both have green eyes, so our triplets were born with green eyes, too.
We give Ai blue eyes, though, because she will be the next heir.
I imagine Ai and Nami will resemble each other, but I prefer Ai's darker complexion.

Jade: I have the day off work today, which is perfect timing.
Isaac, Seneca, and I devote the day to helping the toddlers learn skills.

Here's Tristan, leading the potty brigade with Ai close behind.

Ai loves her Bunbun.

Seneca has been a great caregiver.
He's made looking after the triplets so much easier for Isaac and I.
Here, he plays airplane with our youngest child, Nami.

The triplets made so much progress yesterday!
We did try having them take a nap in the middle of the day, which threw off their sleep schedule.
I haven't got the hang of timing naps yet.  Any advice?
Anyway, they'll surely have maxed their skills by Sunday, maybe even tonight!

I get promoted to Level 9 Startup Entrepreneur today, so only one more promotion to go!
While I'm at work, Nez aged up to an elder so I give him an Age-Down Treat first thing.

Watcher: Those first-floor windows shouldn't be there; they're temporary for Mansion Baron.

Isaac: Tristan and Ai aged up right before you finished work, Jade.
Jade: Oh, Nami just maxed her last skill. Let me help her blow out her birthday candles.

Jade: The triplets aged up into beautiful children, if I do say so myself!
I hope Tristan grows up to look just like his handsome father!

Isaac: Hey, can you ask Watcher for Shay's new address? I hear she's moved.
Jade: Sure, Watcher is friends with the Cordova Watcher, so that'll be easy.
Isaac: Thanks. I've been waiting until I had good news to share with my cousin.
I believe now is a great time to tell her how I've been doing.
Jade: Yeah, last week was pretty shaky, eh?

Watcher: I've been waiting for the toddlers to age up so I can finishing building the house! *rolls up sleeves

Progress: End of Week 45
Residence: Arid Ridge, Skyward Palms (Oasis Springs)

Jade (Gen9 heir) - YA (20 days to Adult)
Traits: Geek, Socially Awkward, Cheerful
Spouse: Isaac Cordova; Children: Seneca; Tristan, Ai, and Nami
Remaining Tasks
Career: Tech Guru/Startup Entrepreneur- 9/10
Must accept every invitation to parties/outings with your friends
✔️Skills: Video Gaming 10, Programming 10, Mixology 10
✔️Aspirations (2/2): Computer Whiz 4/4; Bonus aspirations: Goal Oriented 3/3
✔️Have at least 5/5 good friends and at least 5/5 enemies
     (Enemies #2-5: Lanuola Scott, Casey Ishikawa, Kazuki Ishii, Saori Shibata)

Isaac (Gen9 Spouse) - YA (17 days to Adult)
Traits: Genius, Loves the Outdoors, Family Oriented

Seneca (Gen10 spare) - Teen (15 days to YA)
Traits: Dog Lover, Romantic

The Gen10 triplets - Child (13 days to Teen)
*Tristan (Spare) - Independent; Dog Lover
*Ai (Heir) - Independent, Perfectionist
*Nami (Spare) - Independent; Green Fiend

Nez (Adult, Tibetan Mastiff) - Independent, Smart, Friendly[/spoiler]

*Triplets: Teens can't buy the Fertile trait, but Jade/Isaac didn't buy it as YAs, either.
  With no effort toward multiple births, I'd assumed Jade would have twins at most.
  Oh well, we're nearing the end of the challenge. I can deal with triplets.
  Plus, they're adorable!

*Must accept every invite: Jade didn't receive a single invitation for an outing this week.
  Her relatives are too busy phoning to ask about trying for baby to invite Jade anywhere.
  Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.45: Life as a Spare Ain't Easy (12 Dec update)
« Reply #338 on: December 13, 2022, 02:26:25 AM »
Toddler sleeps/naps: I used to try to send them for a short nap at about 12-1pm so they'd then have a productive afternoon. Once it gets to 4pm, they try to sleep through to the morning.
I think they need less naps in the days as their skills increase but I'm not 100% on that.
Nowadays I don't plan but just skill in between meeting red needs. The play tents seem to be the best for naps but they take up more room than cots and sometimes collapse if it rains on them.

I love your Moroccan courtyard. Blue patterened tiles for the blue gen! Excellent choice  :)

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.45: Life as a Spare Ain't Easy (12 Dec update)
« Reply #339 on: December 13, 2022, 06:58:43 AM »
"Earn Money Twerking" was such a great line!  I may have chuckled out loud for that one  ;=)
Ira is lovely and the wiener line was ridiculous!
Welcome to the triplets!  In my usual form, I saw the picture and immediately picked a non-heir.  There's just a softness to the set of Nami's eyes and her slightly more-rounded face (compared to Ai) that I found instantly endearing.  But yes, all three were adorable toddlers and have grown into super cute kiddos!
I'm so glad that Isaac is letting Shay know how things are going.  And of course, the Cordovas know a thing or two about triplets  ;=)
All around, a lovely update and I can't wait to see the triplet trio as teen!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.45: Life as a Spare Ain't Easy (12 Dec update)
« Reply #340 on: December 13, 2022, 12:46:34 PM »
Toddler sleeps/naps: I used to try to send them for a short nap at about 12-1pm so they'd then have a productive afternoon. Once it gets to 4pm, they try to sleep through to the morning.
I think they need less naps in the days as their skills increase but I'm not 100% on that.
Nowadays I don't plan but just skill in between meeting red needs. The play tents seem to be the best for naps but they take up more room than cots and sometimes collapse if it rains on them.

I love your Moroccan courtyard. Blue patterened tiles for the blue gen! Excellent choice  :)
Thank you for sharing your experience with toddlers.
Up to now, I've also been sending toddlers to their tents when their Energy got near-red/red, but I was wondering if a more scheduled sleep/skill cycle might work better for the entire household. No playing airplane at 3 am and such.
Wait, I've never seen the Fantastical Tent collapse in the rain.  Do your sims then have to repair it?  Or does it require replacing?

I'd thought I'd mentioned the tent thing in a previous update, but here are the Energy ratings available to toddlers.
*Energy 4: Regular tents of any size (best option)
*Energy 3: All toddler beds
*Energy 2: Fantastical Tent
The Fantastical Tent's description didn't initially mention its Energy rating, but I noticed last month or earlier that it now includes "Energy 2," making it the worst option for restoring Energy.
Regarding regular tents, I'd read a Reddit thread a few months ago by someone who tested all the sleep options, without and without upgrades.
At the time, I'd simply assumed the Fantastical Tent, by association, would give Energy 4 as well.

It's hard to tell between the blue and green swatches. I first had the courtyard surrounded by blue-swatch columns until I realized that it wasn't the green swatch.
For the tiles, the green swatch has its X design outlined in green.  The blue swatch looks rather similar but with a blue outline.
This is Jade's home so it will have a green theme except, perhaps, for the children's rooms. ;)

"Earn Money Twerking" was such a great line!  I may have chuckled out loud for that one  ;=)
Ira is lovely and the wiener line was ridiculous!
Welcome to the triplets!  In my usual form, I saw the picture and immediately picked a non-heir.  There's just a softness to the set of Nami's eyes and her slightly more-rounded face (compared to Ai) that I found instantly endearing.  But yes, all three were adorable toddlers and have grown into super cute kiddos!
I'm so glad that Isaac is letting Shay know how things are going.  And of course, the Cordovas know a thing or two about triplets  ;=)
All around, a lovely update and I can't wait to see the triplet trio as teen!
So glad those two lines tickled your funny bone.  They were both corny as heck, but I may have been sitting on them for (don't laugh) months.
I have never actually tried the "Earn Money Turking" perk and wonder if it's lucrative.
Not at all surprised that you champion Nami. :D
I did my best to capture all three in the same pose. They have the same features, but Ai's seem a little sharper due to her darker complexion.
Last night, when I was putting together their collage as children, I thought: "Oh, Pippin will surely stand behind Nami!"

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.45: Life as a Spare Ain't Easy (12 Dec update)
« Reply #341 on: December 14, 2022, 09:47:39 AM »
Oh, dear - apparently I left the page without posting my comment; sorry for the delay.

No Fertile trait, no fertility massage, no On Ley Line lot trait, but I give birth to triplets anyway.
I can relate! You are taking it so much better than I did though!

I'm glad Isaac is stepping up - I was a little concerned you were going to pop a surprise on us with the Paternity Test; so glad that worked out well!
Sen looks good with the werewolf hair - I've tried that on some Sims but never quite like it, but it looks good on him.
The triplets are all beautiful, but I am partial to Ai's blue eyes - all of my granddaughters have them, as do my oldest son and his partner, and I have them as well.

Love the courtyard! You've done a great job with it.
7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
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Bewitched Berries 9.45: Life as a Spare Ain't Easy (12 Dec update)
« Reply #342 on: December 14, 2022, 10:06:00 AM »
Oh, dear - apparently I left the page without posting my comment; sorry for the delay.

No Fertile trait, no fertility massage, no On Ley Line lot trait, but I give birth to triplets anyway.
I can relate! You are taking it so much better than I did though!

I'm glad Isaac is stepping up - I was a little concerned you were going to pop a surprise on us with the Paternity Test; so glad that worked out well!
Sen looks good with the werewolf hair - I've tried that on some Sims but never quite like it, but it looks good on him.
The triplets are all beautiful, but I am partial to Ai's blue eyes - all of my granddaughters have them, as do my oldest son and his partner, and I have them as well.

Love the courtyard! You've done a great job with it.
I would have been freaked out over the triplets if they each had to complete a Big Dream like the Cordova triplets, but mine don't! ;-)
It had never occurred to me to throw in a plot twist with the paternity twist.
Considering Trent came all the way out to Moonwood Mill to visit, I thought it was a good pretext for Isaac's concern.
Mostly, I wanted to look at some of the mod's features. (Obviously the shotgun wedding was a mistake.)

I'm hoping the younger son, Tristan, resembles his hard-working, diligent father!

Offline oshizu

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Bewitched Berries 9.45x: Best Served Cold
« Reply #343 on: December 15, 2022, 05:21:57 PM »
9.45x: Best Served Cold

Pippin: Do you think Jade'll have any trouble finding us?
oshizu: Nah, I always leave directions with Damson whenever we relocate, even briefly.
Pippin: Okay, but why did you tell the villagers we're siblings? We look nothing alike.
oshizu: I wasn't sure the concept of "roomies" existed during the medieval era.
Pippin: Well, I mean, I guess we could be half-siblings? Btw, love the outfit!

Jade (mutters to herself): Only Great-Great-Great-Grandpa Damson knows the place.
When I contacted the Watchers for a visit, they sent us these outfits.  Why?
Isaac: Hello there, little girl! Can you tell me where this is?
Girl: You are right outside our village, sir.

Girl: Just keep walking straight ahead.

Jade: Greetings, children!
Boy 1: Greetings, travelers! Welcome to Riverwood!
Seneca: Wait, Riverwood? You mean that Riverwood?
Jade: Thank you. I'm looking for two sims. One shaves his head and wears glasses?
Boy 2: Oh, you must mean our blacksmith, Pippin!

He lives over through there, with another sim who claims to be his sister. *points
Note: This is a Gallery lot created by xXSarina_27xX.

oshizu: Ah, there you are, Jade! We're glad you brought along Isaac and Seneca!
And Nez, I haven't seen you for so long!
Jade: Couldn't very well leave them behind after all their help!
Isaac (disappointed): And here I thought we'd get to visit Sulani!
oshizu: We're just here briefly. Go ahead, ask Pippin for autographs. Nez, how you been, dawg?

oshizu: So, what made you decide to visit us, Jade?
Jade: Well, I wanted to lodge a complaint about not getting to meet you both, but...
Pippin: But here you are! Well, don't keep me waiting, girl!
Your Watcher's seen your new house, but I haven't. You've brought photographs, right?

Jade: Well, here's a top-down view of the first floor. Um, could you explain, Watcher?
oshizu: Sure. The central courtyard is surrounded by corridors and rooms on all sides.
At the lower right, the entrance leads to a small foyer.

Here's the central courtyard as seen from the front.
Roughly half of the first floor opens directly onto the courtyard, no walls nor doors.

Here's a nighttime shot of the hookah lounge beyond the courtyard.
Above it, the master bedroom bumps out a bit over the courtyard to make room for the bed.
There's a sauna room to the right of that lounge. Not sure how popular that will be.

Along one side of the courtyard, a small sitting room with a globe bar.
Through the arch, you'll find a large living room with a fireplace and bookcase.
Due to the sofa and fireplace, the toddlers spent a lot of time here.

Here's an upstairs shot of the dining area at night, on the other side of the courtyard.
It also has a small bar with seating.
I imagine y'all wait sit and eat, as usual, everywhere except at the dining table. *rolls eyes
By the way, Jade, you should invite over your parents and make amends.

The most important activities all take place on the first floor.
The second floor has a recreational room on your right and the master bedroom opposite it.
In between are a gym, wellness space, and bedrooms.

oshizu: Large TV, gaming console, DJ machine, and dance mat.
Jade: You're so mean, Watcher! It has a door instead of an arch.
oshizu: It has to have a lockable door or all of you will spend all your time here!

Jade: The master bedroom is certainly the most luxurious room in the house.
Even though Isaac and I are Never Weary.
Isaac: That may be, but we still enjoy the room to…
Jade: Hush, Isaac. Sheesh! Well, that's the last photograph, Pippin. What now?
Pippin: What now, indeed! *rubs palms together in anticipation

oshizu: First stop is the Magic HQ.  This one's for Jade.
Jade: Make way, make way! This is an emergency!
Pippin: Be sure to avoid Sage Morgyn! He might recognize your voices!

Sen (2nd from left): Hey, why do you Watcher have different headgear?
Pippin (far right): Challenge sims come and go, but we Watchers need to keep our street creds.
oshizu: What he said.
Sen: But where'd Mom go?
oshizu: She and her FreezeRay have a score to settle.

Sage of Practical Magic: What are you doing? Why me?
Jade: Here's payback for your mean phone calls when I was an unwed, pregnant teen!
Dang, this feels great! It's true what they say: Revenge is a dish best served cold!

Seneca: Where next?
Pippin: Oh, the fire squad's just a one-off for Jade to get back at the Sage.
Isaac: After this, how 'bout we go out for a nice, quiet meal then call it a day?

Pippin: Hold up! The Happy Gnome Nightclub? Are y'all thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?
oshizu: Lead the way!

oshizu: Which do you choose, folks? Group dance or cheerleading?
Isaac: That's not even a fair choice!

Seneca (internally): On the plus side, nobody will ever know it's me in this getup.

Seneca (internally): I totally understand why the Watchers move around in disguise.
It's not only so Pippin can hide from the paparazzi.
It's because they're doing wack stuff like this!
But dancing dressed like Giant Gnomes? This ain't it, bruh!

Pippin: Well, that was totally ridiculous and yet oddly fun.
oshizu: So, when are y'all gonna come visit us in Sulani?
Seneca: Erm, no offense, but I'll pass. I'm, uh, moving out next weekend…

Gallery Download
*Dresden House (64x64): "Skyrim Riverwood" (residence) by xXSarina_27xX.
  What a complex, detailed build! I did have trouble with bridge stairs disappearing.
  My sims also suffered discomfort from the Poorly Decorated moodlet.
  Not an easy lot for gameplay but an amazing build which uses no custom content.

*Movers & Shakers (gym, 30x20): "The Happy Gnome Nightclub" by Zita1966.

As you've figured out by now, this is a mini-tour of Jade's new house, bookended by other "stuff."
Among my Watcher updates, this was probably the least funny. What can I say?
I'm eager to get back to my NSB challenge! Those triplets won't raise themselves! Sorrrrryyyy!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Bewitched Berries 9.45x: Best Served Cold (15 Dec 2022)
« Reply #344 on: December 15, 2022, 08:45:32 PM »
Your build is fabulous! Love the courtyard, and the clever use of the upstairs space around it - the long skinny rooms can be a challenge, but you handled them expertly!
I always like your costume scenes, but I thought these were especially good. I do like my gnomes, so I found the dancing gnomes especially awesome and fun and funny. They made me laugh out loud!
7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
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