Author Topic: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries [Completed 14 Mar '23]  (Read 161867 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 8.39x: Are We There Yeti? (25 Nov update)
« Reply #300 on: November 26, 2022, 07:17:26 AM »
There are some amazing builders on Youtube. The slum street is so atmospheric.

Wow Pania got served with divorce papers straight away! She can't be happy. I wonder how this will unfold! It's all very exciting.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 8.39x: Are We There Yeti? (25 Nov update)
« Reply #301 on: November 26, 2022, 11:00:22 AM »
There are some amazing builders on Youtube. The slum street is so atmospheric.

Wow Pania got served with divorce papers straight away! She can't be happy. I wonder how this will unfold! It's all very exciting.
Haha, Pania demanded that he marry her but she didn't say he couldn't divorce her as long as he kept up appearances.
I've never used the surrogacy mod I'm using for Taro and was worried that Pania would appear on the family tree as the mother of Taro's incoming nooboo if they were married.
Obviously, I didn't play-test that in advance.

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Bewitched Berries 8.40: Operation Hilarious
« Reply #302 on: November 27, 2022, 09:21:42 PM »
8.40: Operation Hilarious

Week 40, Sunday (4th week of summer, Y3)
Taro: My arrangement with Pania has brought nothing but misery.
Look at my doggo Nez! Even he looks miserable!

I'm feeling more optimistic after talking things over with Gramps and the Watchers.
The agency had said a surrogate pregnancy would last 2 days.
But my family tree shows that Hitomi gave birth after less than 36 hours. I hope she and baby are okay.

One last thing to do, then it's time to get the ball rollin.'

Pania (to herself): Despite divorcing me last night, Taro's being surprisingly attentive today.
First, he draws me a relaxing bubble bath.
Next, he gifts me a Razzleberry that he grew and harvested himself.
Then, he spends his satisfaction points to buy me a Happy Potion.
Why can't Taro be this sweet all the time?

Taro (to readers): You surely saw this coming, didn't you?
As soon as she's hysterical, I move in to tell her the Funniest Joke in the World.
Yeah, I could've picked a different method of elimination.
But becoming a Joke Star rewarded me with the Hilarious trait and three special jokes.
Slaying Pania with a killer joke seems fitting, don't you think?

Watcher read somewhere that, when gifted a Grim doll, Grim would reset the sim's lifespan.
I knitted a Grim doll earlier, but whose lifespan gets reset? The dying sim or the gift-giver?
I don't want Pania being revived, so I wait until she's been reaped.

I initially think the Grim doll gift didn't work because I don't actually hand a gift box to Grim.
But when I check my age bar, I've gone from a Day 10 to a Day 0 young adult.
That's pretty cool of you, Grim! And you let me keep the doll, too? Awww, shucks!

Next, I need to check in with my surrogate baby mama.
She comes over right away then transfers the baby to my home.

I didn't mention this earlier, but Hitomi showed up when I was on patrol yesterday.
And, uh, I might have kissed her then asked her to be my girlfriend.
Watcher worried that it would mess up the surrogacy process, but things worked out okay.

Hitomi: I'm not a spellcaster myself but Taro seems pleased that our daughter is.
I'm feeling sad about leaving her behind when Taro invites me to move in. Yaasss!
Now if only that slowpoke would propose. What's taking him so long?
Today's New Skill Day, so we're both off to Britechester for a Parenting skill class.

Taro: I don't want you to think I'm moving too fast, but I want to marry you, Hitomi.
Not today, though. Too much has happened today and I'd like us to start with a clean slate.
Hitomi: I've had a crush on you since forever, Taro, but I have two conditions.
One, I gave birth the first time by IVF. I want us to have another child by trying for baby.
Two, I want our children to be close in age, so we'll need to start trying soon.

Taro: You drive a hard bargain, Hitomi. I'm gonna let you twist my arm this one time.

I run into Papa Djavan at a crime scene this morning.
No idea why he's hanging out with Caleb Vatore in Brindleton Bay.
After I take his witness report, he follows me around to chat and prevents me from working.
I love my dad, but what a relief when I have enough evidence to go back to the precinct.

After work, I sit Hitomi down and explain why I'd ignored her after finishing high school.
She's shocked but accepts when I propose, then we exchange vows in San Myshuno.
Hitomi's asked for a private ceremony, since she's already in her second trimester.
After all that's happened in the past week, the last thing I want is a big wedding.

The first child of Gen9, the green generation, becomes a toddler this morning.
We've named her Emerald but we'll call her-"Em" for short.

What were these jokers doing before I joined the precinct?
Even with the three extra sets I requisitioned, we're always fighting over the computers!
By the way, I had a task to "Talk to Chief" today.
Our new chief is a young adult named…wait for it…Pania. I'm avoiding her like the plague!

I'd been planning to praise Magnus for his diligence after returning home from work.
But I discover he's been replaced by some stranger.
I'm going to try firing this new guy to see if I can rehire Magnus.

I have the day off, so I'm home when Hitomi goes into labor, giving birth to twins.
I'd promised Grandpa Blaze that, if we had a boy, he could name his grandson.
You can probably guess why our son's named Benjamin.
Hitomi and I choose Jade as the name of our third child.

Taro: It's 9:30 and Em's energy has dropped into the red zone.
Maybe I shoulda let her take a nap several hours ago?
What do you think, Hitomi? Should we raise Em into a Top-Notch Todder?
Hitomi: Let's wait. There's still time to decide after the twins age up on Friday.

During an interrogation
Suspect: You better watch your back. I got underworld connections you wouldn't believe!
Taro: Dude, you think you scare me? *throws papers into the air
You know what's truly scary? Tomorrow, I'll be the father of three toddlers!

After solving that sixth case, I earn my final promotion to Chief at the end of the shift.
Well, yeah, I've had to work late on every single shift, but it was worth it!
Because you know what this means?
I'll be home tomorrow when the twins age up to toddlers.

I've decided to pull back from all my public commitments to focus on my family.
No more working as a popo. I'm sick of pretending there's no gray area between black and white.
No more moonlighting as a comedian, either. I'm tired of hitting my head with the mic for cheap laughs.
But I do wanna give one last performance at the Orchid A Go Go Lounge.

"Last night, my grandfather's next-door neighbor got busted for growing weed.
I guess Grandpa's property line ain't exactly where he thought it was."

Taro: Early this morning, I fire my latest butler who's a Self-Absorbed Romantic Dance Machine.
Who should waltz in as his replacement but Magnus Hickey…finally!
How can I get him to stay? Do we need to be closer? At max friendship, I can't Ask to Be BFFs.
I do have the Ask to Be Woohoo Partners option. *casually asks Magnus about his interests
Should I ask Magnus to be Woohoo Partners for the sake of our household?

Hitomi (overhears): Not if you value your life, dear. Haven't you had enough drama for one lifetime?
Taro: Thankfully, I could ask him to be BFFs (but the Woohoo Partners option is still there…)

Taro: My faithful companion, Nez, is never far from my side.
I'm mentoring Hitomi in Handiness as she finishes up her Nerd Brain aspiration.
We're squished into a 2x2 bathroom, but Nez decides to join us anyway.
By the way, Nez became an elder today so I immediately aged him down with a Vet Treat.

Em is a qualifying Happy Toddler by the time the twins age up.
Em has Hitomi's brown eyes and my darker blond hair.
The twins both share my violet eyes (passed down from their Great-Great-Grandpa Damson) with Hitomi's hair color.
We both want a female heir and agree on Jade.
Technically, we should change Jade's eye color to green. Maybe when she's a teen?

Who's the Best Boy?  It's Nez, obviously.
He gets tired of waiting for me to play fetch because I'm busy with potty training Jade.
No problem! Nez takes his squeaky ball and squeezes in between the potties.
Luckily for Nez and me, our butler Magnus can cook, clean, and help Hitomi with the toddlers!

Toddler spam! Ben and Jade, listening to me read them a story.

Butler spam!
I don't know who asked whom, but Magnus and Em are autonomously playing.
Hey, aren't butlers immortal? Cuz here's a thought: Em could grow up and marry Magnus!
Oh wait, Magnus is only attracted to men.  It's too early to tell how Benjamin rolls.

How many days will it take for Jade to max all her skills? Find out next time!

Progress: End of Week 40
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Woohoo Wellness mod: This was the first time trying a surrogate pregnancy with this mod.
  This mod contains such an amazing collection of modules!

*Butlers changing: I checked EA Answers and this bug's been around since 2018.
  If the butler's awake when my sim leaves the lot, the butler might be replaced with a new one.
  One simmer solved this by deleting all the butlers in their game except the desired butler.
  I kept firing and rehiring butlers, but gave up at one point and then Magnus returned after the last fired butler.
  Seriously, though, how do we keep the snooty Magnus?  Lock the gates so he can never leave?
  But we'd also have to never leave the lot.  *sighs

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 8.40: Operation Hilarious (27 Nov update)
« Reply #303 on: November 27, 2022, 11:39:33 PM »

What's scarier than three toddlers, indeed! Gotta love that Blaze is responsible for naming Benjamin. Very fitting. I also appreciate the deployment of the deadly joke. I feel like I should have seen that coming, but I didn't. Clever watcher!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 8.40: Operation Hilarious (27 Nov update)
« Reply #304 on: November 28, 2022, 05:20:34 AM »
Loved the culmination of Taro's jokester career. I've never used the weaponized joke.
Is this surrogacy mod different to the one you used before or is it different because Taro ended up marrying the mother? It's a very interesting mod!
I might be missing something with the Benjamin name. Is it to do with some money notes being called Benjamins?
Jade's white hair is lovely. I can see why you don't want to change it. I'm loving my Dorothy's hair being bright red as a toddler so I'm delaying the change to adopt the blue gen tints.

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 8.40: Operation Hilarious (27 Nov update)
« Reply #305 on: November 28, 2022, 07:06:28 AM »
Awww, what a lovely Taro way to handle things:  he killed Pania with kindness.  Blaze would likely approve of the result, but be disappointed in the lack of flare  ;=)
And yes, the "you think that's scary?  I'm about to be the father of three toddlers" bit was classic!
So glad that Nez is still around being absolute best boy  :=)
Congrats to Jade on being chosen as heir!  Realistically, Em & Ben are also real big cuties, so it would have been hard to make a wrong choice there.  I also really enjoy how identical the trio are.  I'll be looking forward to see if they still look quite as similar when they hit the child and teen years  :=)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 8.40: Operation Hilarious (27 Nov update)
« Reply #306 on: November 29, 2022, 09:34:29 PM »
What's scarier than three toddlers, indeed! Gotta love that Blaze is responsible for naming Benjamin. Very fitting.
Going back to include Blaze was a fun thing. I'd forgotten how much I loved playing that criminal sim!
Also, I was trying to come up with a good green-related name for boys and was down to Forrest or Fern, when Benjamin occurred to me. ;)
Glad you liked it! ;)

Loved the culmination of Taro's jokester career. I've never used the weaponized joke.
Is this surrogacy mod different to the one you used before or is it different because Taro ended up marrying the mother? It's a very interesting mod!
I might be missing something with the Benjamin name. Is it to do with some money notes being called Benjamins?
Jade's white hair is lovely. I can see why you don't want to change it. I'm loving my Dorothy's hair being bright red as a toddler so I'm delaying the change to adopt the blue gen tints.
Completing Joke Star comes with three extra jokes: Weaponized Joke (causes Dazed or Mortified), Funniest Joke in the World (+Funny), and Terrifying Joke (never tried this)
Taro used the Funniest Joke as the other two jokes would've needed extra steps for death.  I've never tried death by Weaponized Joke, either.
The Woohoo Wellness consists of around 10 modules; the surrogacy option is part of the same Alternative Pregnancies module that I used for the IVF process.
Besides IVF and surrogacy, your own sim can act as a surrogate for another randomly selected sim.
"Benjamin" is American street slang for the $100 bill, because it features President Benjamin Franklin on its front side.
It's the color of Jade's eyes, not hair, I didn't want to switch to green right away (but I've done it)
Unless I add more custom content (which I won't), Jade can't have green hair until she's a teen, like your Gus.

Awww, what a lovely Taro way to handle things:  he killed Pania with kindness.  Blaze would likely approve of the result, but be disappointed in the lack of flare  ;=)
And yes, the "you think that's scary?  I'm about to be the father of three toddlers" bit was classic!
So glad that Nez is still around being absolute best boy  :=)
Congrats to Jade on being chosen as heir!  Realistically, Em & Ben are also real big cuties, so it would have been hard to make a wrong choice there.  I also really enjoy how identical the trio are.  I'll be looking forward to see if they still look quite as similar when they hit the child and teen years  :=)
Nez absolutely prevails as Best Boy. His screenshots arguably surpass toddler spam, imho. Lol!
Yes, I was surprised how much the three toddlers resemble each other but I'm really looking forward to their next birthdays.
Thanks to your comment, I plan to do collages of them as children and teens, so you can see how they grow. :D
Now that Taro's done with everything, I can't wait to reach the next generation's teen stage.

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Bewitched Berries 8.40: Operation Hilarious (27 Nov update)
« Reply #307 on: November 30, 2022, 03:23:52 AM »
Oh my, so much to catch up on! A lot happened while I was busy with Thanksgiving and family stuff!

I am so glad Pania came and went quickly! And such a clever way to be rid of her! I'm thankful that Taro has found love with Hitomi - I was worried for him when he agreed to marry that witch Pania, but I should have known all would be well in the end. And how lucky that all three adorable kids are spellcasters!

I'm glad you got Magnus back! I always forget that butlers even exist in the game and never think to hire them. But then when they are included in stories, I always find them so entertaining.

I do love your story-telling . . . what fun having Blaze back in the story!

7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
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With the story threads here closed to new content, my stories and future content have moved to Glazey's Playground.

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Re: Bewitched Berries 8.40: Operation Hilarious (27 Nov update)
« Reply #308 on: November 30, 2022, 01:21:32 PM »
Oh my, so much to catch up on! A lot happened while I was busy with Thanksgiving and family stuff!

I am so glad Pania came and went quickly! And such a clever way to be rid of her! I'm thankful that Taro has found love with Hitomi - I was worried for him when he agreed to marry that witch Pania, but I should have known all would be well in the end. And how lucky that all three adorable kids are spellcasters!

I'm glad you got Magnus back! I always forget that butlers even exist in the game and never think to hire them. But then when they are included in stories, I always find them so entertaining.

I do love your story-telling . . . what fun having Blaze back in the story!
After the bubble bath, Razzleberry, and Happy Potion, Pania might have died of hysteria after a while without Taro's intervention.
But Taro's killer joke speeded up the process and fit his story line. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

Taro was still working as a detective when the triplets were born, which limited the first's toddling skilling time.
The butler was so helpful with three toddlers, so each of the three toddlers had their own grown-up to help them learn.
He also immediately cleaned any soiled potties and kept everyone fed, not to mention tending the garden.
Upgrading his bed so he'd sleep less was time and upgrade parts well spent, haha!

The very first butler Taro hired was a self-absorbed, high-maintenance klepto (did I mention this already?), whom Taro fired right away.
Taro went through 5-6 butlers all together, but Magnus has been the best.  Plus he wears that perfectly snooty look all the time.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 8.40: Operation Hilarious (27 Nov update)
« Reply #309 on: November 30, 2022, 01:28:48 PM »
Magnus' snooty look is perfect. I can see why you like him :)

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Bewitched Berries 8.41: Chillin' with Nez
« Reply #310 on: December 01, 2022, 01:44:12 AM »
8.41: Chillin' with Nez

Week 41, Sunday (1st week of autumn, Y3)
Taro: As you can probably tell, I'm much happier lately.
I've married my secret crush from high school and we have three lovely children.
From left to right, we are:
Me with Ben, Jade (the next heir), my wife Hitomi with Em, and best boy Nez.

We might be aging up all three toddlers later today.
We'd planned on only raising Jade to TopNotch, but the other two will get there, too.
Em had a bit of a head start and Magnus has been incredibly helpful.
We've also been lucky with the kids sleeping and waking at different hours.

I make a quick visit to the precinct to hand in my badge and heat.
It'd be obnoxious to show up in my Chief of Police uniform to resign.
But Hitomi suggests I wear my detective uniform one last time for her sake.

The kids looked so similar as toddlers, we thought you might enjoy another collage.
Dog lover Em and Insider Ben age up first.
Geeky Jade ages up at 9:58 pm, barely in time to also attend school tomorrow.
Both Em and Jade get pointy ears as children and Jade's eyes are now green.

Nez is delighted that the kids became Top-Notch Toddlers and started grade school.
That's seven hours every weekday that Nez has me almost all to himself.
I worked long hours as a Detective then was busy with the toddlers.
It's great to have time to hang out with Nez again!

Em (right): We better come home with B grades this afternoon.
Jade (left): Today's only our second day of grade school, sis.  What's your rush?
Em: I'm planning to start high school next Monday then graduate early.
Jade: Already? I won't be ready to age up by this coming weekend. *pouts

Taro: This is the life, eh, Nez? Just hanging out in the hood.
No nature trails around here but it's still a great place for walking.
Now that's an idea! Why don't we all go to a park this weekend?
If Magnus abandons us again, so be it!

Taro: After her homework and extra credit, Jade makes a wish at the Well.
We're hoping for a guaranteed grade boost so she can skip doing a school project.
Jade: But the Well makes me an A student instead and I complete Whiz Kid!
Hey, maybe I can age up on Sunday after all!
Taro: Well, you can stay home from school if you don't mind not meeting friends your age.
But you can only age up if you get everything done.

Jade: Done like what?
Taro: Complete three aspirations and earn your last two Scout badges.
Max Logic, Video Gaming, and Charisma. Have 3 character values in range.
Jade: Oh, is that all? *drips sarcasm
Taro: Uh no. You need to complete the Voidcritters collection, too.

Jade: Can't I save some of that for when I'm a teen?
Taro: Well, no, because you'll have other stuff you need to do as a teen.
Jade (to herself): Can I do all that by 10 pm Sunday? That's five full days…

This morning, we panic when we can't interact with Magnus, but he's only sleeping.
Yesterday, Ben asked Magnus about me while chatting with him for his Sociability badge.
They're good friends but Ben's now trying to replace me as our butler's BFF. That's fine with me.
As long as someone in the family is close with Magnus, that's what counts!

Jade: Llamacorn Scout, check. Three character values in range, check.
I've been working on my hardest task, maxing Charisma.
It can't be mentored like Logic and it's not fun like Videogaming.
I'm the type of sim who likes to leave the best part for last.

Em: I've only finished Whiz Kid and 3-4 scout badges, but my parents aren't pushing me.
I overheard them saying that Ben will inherit this house, so I'm trying to move out ASAP.
Once I have three character values in range, I'm aging up to a teen!

Ben: Papa says I need to finish scouts and be responsible, if I want to inherit this house.
Jade gets the most attention from our parents, but she's also under the most pressure to excel.
I'm happy that my parents expect less from me. Should I wait for Jade to age up, though?

Taro: Em (right) aged up last night, but too late to start high school today.
Hitomi's helping Em complete two school projects to prepare for tomorrow.
Even if she earns an A tomorrow and ages up, I want her married before she moves out.

Ben and Jade are home from school today, too.
They want to finish Artistic Prodigy and become Rambunctious Scamps together.
Not sure why the origin of our neighborhood's name never occurred to me before.
It must be named after the small park at the end of our street. Nobody ever goes there.

Em invites over her grade school friend, Sergio, to see how he's aged up.
He's a nice-looking boy who is outgoing and creative.
Em learns that he has no romantic interests at all, but maybe Em could change that?
By the time she sends him home, she's his girlfriend.

Early this morning, Jade completes her bonus collection of Voidcritter cards.
Watcher complains that it's a tedious point-and-click collection that's no fun at all.
At least Jade's done, plus collecting Voidcritter cards seemed like a geeky thing to do.

A half hour after Em brings home her A grade, she's offered early graduation over the phone.
She says yes then invites over Sergio to age up together. He gains the Materialistic trait.
To make a short story shorter, she proposes, they elope, then they try for baby.
Soon, Em's moving with Sergo into the former home of Koala Berry (Gen4) in Oasis Springs.

In other news, our son Ben succeeds in becoming BFFs with our butler Magnus.
What a relief! Hitomi was getting suspicious about my relationship with Magnus. *rolls eyes
But I've asked her to become BFFs again and all is well.

Hitomi gets a text from Kenta Ota, our self-absorbed, high maintenance klepto ex-butler.
He heard she got caught cheating on me. What a troublemaker.
Here you see ALL of Hitomi's relationships.  Do you see a pink bar with anyone but me?
What is his game anyway?  Maybe I need to have a chat with Grandpa Blaze about Kenta!

When Grandpa Blaze visits to discuss the Kenta issue, Jade meets him for the first time.
They hit it off really well and her first non-household good friend is her Great-Grandpa Blaze.
I can see he wants to spend more time with Jade, so I give him a Potion of Rejuvenation.
Oddly, I see more of my grandfather than of my parents.

Remember that long list of requirements I laid on Jade earlier this week?
She's already finished everything except maxing Videogaming (currently Level 7).
So I agree to let Jade age up with Ben this morning.

Here are our three kids as teens, though Em is now a pregnant young adult.
Em is an active dog lover who also loves music.
Benjamin is an insider and a foodie (like me).
Our heir Jade is a socially awkward geek.

Taro: If Selena hadn't invited Hitomi home after school, we would never have met.
What a delightful surprise to find a letter from Selena in today's mail. 
Hitomi: Why is she talking about prom? Why would she still be a teen?
Magnus the Butler: Obviously, she's relocated to a different time-space continuum.
Hitomi: Oh, I see. Wherever she lives now, time must move slower there.

Jade: I'm going to join the Computer Club and the Streamer career. What about you, Ben?
Ben: Well, I'm just the spare and I'm not moving out with you later.
So, technically, I only need to graduate from high school and continue living here.
Jade: When I move out, you're not coming with me as support so I can do my heir things?
Ben: Heck no! I have my own plans! I want to settle down and raise a family.

Taro: It's hard to believe that Hitomi and I will be grand-parents soon! How time flies!
Lately, I've been worried about what will happen to Nez when Jade eventually moves out.
If Nez stays with me, he will live no longer than another four weeks.
But he'll live longer if he goes with Jade because she can give him Age-Down Treats.

What do you think, readers?  Should I ask Jade to take Nez with her?
It'll break my heart to part from Nez, but he could continue life as a watched dog!

Progress: End of Week 41
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Gen9 heir's 2nd trait: I've replaced Squeamish for Jade's teen trait.
  Instead, she's gained the Socially Awkward trait.
  I haven't played a Socially Awkward sim yet, but I've lived that experience.
  Hopefully, I won't regret the choice. LOL!

*The Immortal Pet: This is something I've done in previous challenges.
  The same pet continues to move with each new generation.
  I'm quite tempted to keep Nez around until the end of this NSB challenge.
  I quite love how he always has to insinuate himself into the center of the family action.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 8.41: Chillin' with Nez (30 Nov update)
« Reply #311 on: December 01, 2022, 02:06:47 AM »
Great call on the Socially-Awkward trait. It's perfect for a Tech Guru.

I'd be interested in how Em managed to overcome Sergio's lack of romantic interests. My memory is that all romantic interactions were whited out once my Sim had learnt that about someone. I may be mis-remembering though.

Nez to go with Jade? Of course he must! Why are you even asking? Lol. Taro will be over all the time anyway  :)

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Re: Bewitched Berries 8.41: Chillin' with Nez (30 Nov update)
« Reply #312 on: December 01, 2022, 02:21:59 AM »
Great call on the Socially-Awkward trait. It's perfect for a Tech Guru.

I'd be interested in how Em managed to overcome Sergio's lack of romantic interests. My memory is that all romantic interactions were whited out once my Sim had learnt that about someone. I may be mis-remembering though.

Nez to go with Jade? Of course he must! Why are you even asking? Lol. Taro will be over all the time anyway  :)
Sergio's Profile showed "Romantic interests: none," which only meant that he hadn't developed any preference, because he was also Romantically Exploring.
When interacting with Sergio, Em could choose all romantic socials available at their level of romantic progress.
If a sim had both Romantic interests/None and Romantically exploring/No,  I guess that sim would be an Aro with whited out romantic options.
It's possible to change the romantic interests of a sim who's exploring. :D

As for Nez, part of me doesn't want to separate Taro and Nez. That's my biggest reservation.

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 8.41: Chillin' with Nez (30 Nov update)
« Reply #313 on: December 01, 2022, 07:01:48 AM »
Jade makes so much sense to me!  Socially awkward gamer geek?  Umm, yeah!
I think that Nez should absolutely move out with her since she is not getting either of her siblings as a support sim.  An emotional support dog would be the perfect choice for our little green-haired girl  :=)
I really enjoyed how Ben was so conscious of the fact that Jade got more attention because she had more responsibilities as the heir and was fine with it.  He's logical, and I appreciate that about him!
Thanks for doing the collages so we could see the kids side by side to do our own comparisons of the similarities.  They definitely kept a strong resemblance, but didn't quite stay identical  ;=)  Jade definitely stood out as the most distinctive-looking, in my opinion, so I can totally understand why you chose her as heir!  And yes, she's lovely, but all three are definitely lovely/handsome Sims, so there was really no "wrong answer" here  ;=)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 8.41: Chillin' with Nez (30 Nov update)
« Reply #314 on: December 01, 2022, 09:52:06 AM »

All of the teens are just stunning - love the freckles! Is Jade gaining charisma by talking to the light projector?? If so, this is news to me! How strange that Selena is still a teen.

