My go-to trick in the detective career is to give a co-worker who's at a computer a hug and then steal their spot ;=) You're obviously much nicer than I am.
Loving the wizard's lab (though in my mind it is in the sub-basement as all wizard's labs should be ;=).
Taro can always customize the work outfit. Maybe a nice trench coat with mystical wards woven into the stitching? ;=)
The joint issue joke was so bad!
A fantastic update, and if Adonis ever does anything to hurt my darling Momo, I just might send my Simself along with his Dwarf and Elf back-up to teach that lad a lesson!
Oh, and is the name of the update intentionally a reference to a Brave Girls song?
Oh, a hug to steal the other cop's seat! Haha, I sometimes "Call over" from outside the room but having the extra computers will take up less of Taro's time.
The original design of the house had a stairway in the master bedroom/garage that led to a basement lab.
But Taro aged up to a YA with the Lazy trait, so it seemed reasonable that he'd prefer a gound-floor lab. (Also, he's completed both RoM aspirations so the lab's mainly just flash....)
Last night, though, I was thinking to move the lab downstairs again since it's a non-essential room. Could convert it into a Focused room.

You've mentioned customizing career outfits several times to me before, but I have yet to do it. The detective uni's are one of my favorite in the game!
There isn't a nice, black leather trench coat unless perhaps I use a cheat to unlock the L10 Oracle outfit.
I'm fine without customizing Taro's career look and I'm too afraid of breaking the career to add new cc.
Haha, you mean "bad" like the Christmas gifts I used to get from my paternal aunt as a child (Reader's Digest sub, ugly cardigans, ugly trainer bra) or "bad" like the MJ song? LOL
Nah, I'm not into Kpop girl bands. I was thinking of the 1980 Blues Brothers scene where Dan Akroyd and Jim Belusi sang the Rawhide theme in some redneck bar.
You are obviously much hipper and up-to-date than I am, Pippin! 🤣🤣🤣