Author Topic: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries [Completed 14 Mar '23]  (Read 161859 times)

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Bewitched Berries: House TOur of Blaze's Del Sol Villa
« Reply #210 on: October 13, 2022, 11:01:33 PM »
Tour of Blaze's Del Sol Villa

Blaze: Well, whaddya know? The sun's come out!
Looks like I can give you a short house tour after all.

Though smaller than Plateau Place (64x64), The Ward Den (50x40) offers a superior view.
I mean, I'm assuming it has a better view. I've never actually visited Plateau Place.

As you see here, the floor plan resembles the letter H.
There's a large, central great room, flanked by corridors connected to bedrooms and other rooms on each side.

The front entrance is on the lower right end of the H's center bar.
A dining area occupies the center of the great room.
The living area's on your left, while the kitchen's on your right.

Here's look at the living area. 
Watcher is finally letting us keep a television out!  We need a gaming console, too!

The kitchen area has so much space!
No more walking to a different room to do the birthday leap!
To the left of the kitchen, there's a bar area that's open to the patio.

On the back patio, there's that bar I just told you about.
On your right, there's a grilling area with sofas and a patio table.

This is a one-story house with four bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms.
I was about to mention that there are no rats or cockroaches.
Hah, my standards have really fallen but I'm sure I'll get used to this life!
Anyway, this is our master bedroom.
It could have been larger, but we wanted a medium-size pool.

There's also an office (taken over by the twins), a children's playroom, a gym, and this hot tub room.
Should we hang a "No Teens Allowed" sign on this hot tub room?

We have a large area in the back of the house that can't be edited.
Not sure what we'll use that for.
There's also considerable empty space on one side of the lot.
So far, we've added a greenhouse, a cauldron, and a fishing pond. What else?


  I've never played sims living in The Pinnacles neighborhood before.
  This build let me try out all the new Build/Buy items from the Desert Luxe Kit.
  It's loosely based on the photos and floor plan of an actual house.
  This build also represents my first attempt at using platforms for roofing.
  Took me a while but I finally figured out how to paint the sides of platform roofing.

  I'm not big on clutter, because I believe more clutter results in more lag and stuttering in my game.
  It probably sounds better to say I'm a minimalist. But, the truth is, I lose interest in decorating.

  I love playing in one-story houses, as you've probably noticed.
  If the lot's not large enough, I move low-use rooms into the basement, haha.
  I realize I could build larger rooms in a multi-story house, but I prefer being able to spot the entire household at once.

  I only have one regret about this house: I wish Blaze's household could enjoy living here longer than the three weeks until Cerise's young adult birthday.

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 6.32a: Presh Frince (13 Oct update)
« Reply #211 on: October 13, 2022, 11:04:21 PM »
Cerise is just lovely!  She's Cara 2.0  ;=)
I'm excited for that house tour, so hopefully the weather will cooperate with you for the next update.
Quill Smith?  Brilliant!  And what a weird little bug that you kept getting those notices that your still-living hamster had died!  Absolutely crazy.  Seems like the Presh Frince was Gettin' Glitchy Wit' It   ;=)
Well, a fantastic update and definitely peeked my excitement for the next one!

Edit:  Oh my goodness!  What a glorious little mansion you have there!  Love the layout and the spacious kitchen/living room areas!!!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 6.32a: Presh Frince (13 Oct update)
« Reply #212 on: October 14, 2022, 02:41:17 AM »
I love the house tour! Thanks for saying about the platforms for the roof. I was wondering how you'd got that blocky feel. So very Del Sol-appropriate.
Cerise is very attractive. I'm looking forward to her exploits. It will be sad for her to move teased us with mention of more builds so... :D

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 6.32a: Presh Frince (13 Oct update)
« Reply #213 on: October 15, 2022, 02:36:04 PM »

Very nice build! I do so love house tours. How *do* you paint those platform roofs? The children aged up beautifully. And my goodness, but little Quill has just not been a very cooperative pet now has he?

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 6.32a: Presh Frince (13 Oct update)
« Reply #214 on: October 15, 2022, 08:26:59 PM »
Cerise is just lovely!  She's Cara 2.0  ;=)
I'm excited for that house tour, so hopefully the weather will cooperate with you for the next update.
Quill Smith?  Brilliant!  And what a weird little bug that you kept getting those notices that your still-living hamster had died!  Absolutely crazy.  Seems like the Presh Frince was Gettin' Glitchy Wit' It   ;=)
Well, a fantastic update and definitely peeked my excitement for the next one!

Edit:  Oh my goodness!  What a glorious little mansion you have there!  Love the layout and the spacious kitchen/living room areas!!!
Haha, I seriously considered letting "Quill Smith" narrate, but Blaze really deserved the role after enduring 3+ weeks in that horrible apartment!
That whole "Baby Whisked Away" moodlet combined with Quill's fake death was so weird then annoyingly difficult to banish.
I'm pretty certain my recent building binge resulted from living in the cramped, pest-infested place, haha.

I love the house tour! Thanks for saying about the platforms for the roof. I was wondering how you'd got that blocky feel. So very Del Sol-appropriate.
Cerise is very attractive. I'm looking forward to her exploits. It will be sad for her to move teased us with mention of more builds so... :D
The length of time I've played each generation has mainly depended on their requirements.
I played Blaze with minimal early age-ups so that Cerise would age up to a teen around the time Blaze became a YA.  I'm ready to start anew!

Very nice build! I do so love house tours. How *do* you paint those platform roofs? The children aged up beautifully. And my goodness, but little Quill has just not been a very cooperative pet now has he?
Platforms can be given upper trim but their sides can't be painted.
But we can use a specific hall-wall height to create a roof shape, then fill the interior of that shape with a platform.  And the half-wall roofing can be painted to match the walls below them.
As for Quill, I've never had such trouble with a pet rodent before.
Even with that glitch, I will NEVER attempt the pet postcard collection again. I pet postcard in 11 days is not fast enough for an impatient simmer like me, lol.

I'm not taking a break from this Not So Berry challenge, but I should warn you that I've started playing Coral Island today. *coughs

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 6.32a: Presh Frince (13 Oct update)
« Reply #215 on: October 19, 2022, 09:22:17 AM »

Coral Island, eh? I've got that on my wishlist. Let us know how you like it!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 6.32a: Presh Frince (13 Oct update)
« Reply #216 on: October 21, 2022, 04:01:13 PM »

Coral Island, eh? I've got that on my wishlist. Let us know how you like it!

Even though it's still in Early Access with a full release planned for next year, Coral Island still offers a ton of activities and townies to enjoy.  I'm really loving it!
I will perhaps play through the first year (four 28-day seasons), then put the game aside to await more updates.  Or, erm, start a new character who will marry a different townie. *coughs

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Bewitched Berries 7.32b: Cerise Takes Action (23 Oct update)
« Reply #217 on: October 23, 2022, 04:20:55 AM »
7.32b: Cerise Takes Action

Cerise: I hope this is the right address! 
Papa asked Grandpa Damson how to get in touch with our Watcher.
And Grandpa Damson replied that she's staying here temporarily.
Why did Grandpa D know but nobody else? Does our Watcher play favorites?

Cerise: Watcher! What are you doing?
Watcher: What does it look like I'm doing? I'm playing Coral Island.
A friend of mine is visiting, so I wanted to share my latest obsession with him.

Cerise: I'm here to ask you about…
Watcher: Before you continue, allow me to introduce my good friend, Pippin.
Pippin: *stands
Cerise: Oooh, I absolutely adore your stories! May I have your autograph?
Pippin: I don't see why not.

Watcher: Now you know what I'm doing and the celebrated Pippin even gave you his autograph.
So, tell us. What's so crucial that you would come here and invade my privacy?
Cerise: Well, remember how you abandoned me minutes before my first day of high school?
It's the very first day of my generation as the Pink heir! What's going to happen to me?
I'm so worried that I decided to stage this intervention, Watcher!
Watcher: You don't know this but I have BEEG plans for you, dearest Cerise!
They're so big I needed a break from all the prep (but also because Coral Island is so addictive).

Cerise: What's so good about Coral Island? Why would you choose it over me?
Watcher: Well, first of all, there's farming and fishing.  You know how I love those activities!
And we're helping to heal a tropical island after an oil spill.

Cerise: I see. Um, is there a reason why you and Pippin are wearing overalls?
Pippin: It's not my choice! Your Watcher, oshizu, insists it's part of the Coral Island vibe.
Watcher: Anywaaay, here's my farmland on the 18th of Summer (each season has 28 days). Ain't it cool?

Cerise: There's more to life than your farm, Owen. Erm, I mean, Watcher.         
Pippin: Smooth! You stole that line by Obi-Wan Kenobi from his new TV series.
Cerise: *high fives Pippin
Watcher: Are you two quite done with your mutual admiration society?         

Watcher: Here's where the farm and ranch products are processed into artisan goods.
There are mason jars, kegs, a mayo maker, and a bee house.
Can't wait to craft a yoghurt maker!
Um, yeah, I'm fermenting beer. That a problem for you, Cerise?

There's mining, too, which I only endure to obtain ores and gems.
That's the farmhouse on the right.
On the left, we have furnaces, a recycler, and an extractor.
The kiln and compost bin are on the other side of the path.

Speaking of mayo and yoghurt, here are my ranch animals.
I bought two each by the end of spring, then bought a third this summer.
Using the mason jars, I make bank turning milk into butter!

As if we're not busy enough with farming, foraging, ranching, mining, fishing, and catching bugs!
There's also underwater diving to heal the coral reefs.
Personally, I prefer diving to mining, since diving involves zero combat.

Currently, there are 25 romanceable townies of diverse ethnicity and background.
Here's my farmer wooing Wakuu who works at the Observatory.
His father's Japanese, but he doesn't know who his mother is.

Cerise (whispers to Pippin); Wooing? Looks to me more like she's stalking him.
Pippin (whispers back): You're too young to grasp the fine line between wooing and stalking yet.
Watcher (oblivious): He invites me to the Tavern then scolds me for blocking his next shot at pool! The nerve!

We start out in this small one-room house which, sadly, offers no micro house perks.
I still haven't bought any new furniture.
On Summer 15, however, I ordered a house upgrade.
I'm so excited to start cooking! When will the construction be finished?

Three days later, the carpenters finally complete the house expansion.
The upgrade adds this large open room with kitchen to the right of my original room.
Sadly, I discover that I need to buy each kitchen utensil separately, even an oven!
The furniture and kitchen stuff will have to wait. We got other priorities at the mo.

Pippin: Wait, stop! That house is adorable!
Watcher: Yes, I love that house.  It's in the Woodlands area near the hot springs.
I want to try and recreate it for my sims.

Cerise: The hot springs?  Isn't Coral Island a lot like Stardew Valley?
Watcher: Actually, Stardew Valley was inspired by a Japanese game franchise: Harvest Moon.
(now called Story of Seasons).
I played the heck out of that franchise, starting when I still lived in Japan.
To me, Coral Island seems inspired more by that franchise than by Stardew Valley.

On another note, Stardew Valley was a bit of a redneck town.
On the other hand, Coral Island is created by Indonesian developers and offers a Southeast Asian vibe.
Its characters are more diverse in ethnicity and sexual orientation.
Here's an outdated (2021) collection of the romanceable characters.

Watcher: I've played for eight game-weeks so far and these are currently my favorites.
Pippin: So, you like Pablo the best? He's the only one with three hearts.
Watcher: He's the town blacksmith so I can't help but see that flirt almost every day.
The others, I need to hunt down, I mean, plan on running into them. *coughs

Watcher: Can we return to the farm, where it's now the first day of Autumn?
My farmer hustled like crazy to craft six sprinklers with a 5x5 radius. (We only had 3x3-radius sprinklers before.)
Now, sprinklers will auto-water all but 16 tiles of our 208-tile farmland.
Watering will be brutal the first day of each season, but we're ready for Autumn!

Cerise: I've been meaning to ask, Pippin, but why are you here?
Is Watcher conniving to hook you on Coral Island in anticipation of Multiplayer mode in 2023?
Aren't you already incredibly busy with work, family, and your Big Dreams Dynasty?
Pippin:  Well, yes, I'm extremely busy with all that plus Skyr…uh, other activities.
But rest assured! Your Watcher and I will be lurking around in the future!
Cerise: What, lurking?
Pippin:  Yes, lurking and cheerleading. Lots of cheerleading!

Give me a B!  Go Berries!

Give me a C!  Go Cerise!

Give me a W!  Go us!

Cerise (mutters to herself): If anyone asks, I don't know either of them!
So, I guess this means our Watcher will be back soonish?

*Why this update?: I wanted to share my latest obsession. Coral Island is so much fun!
  I am thoroughly addicted.
  And also to apologize for semi-abandoning my Berries, but it was just temporary.

*Where's everyone else? This episode took place in a copy of my "official" Not So Berry save file.

*Coral Island: The screenshots are from my current save which is my third start.
  This morning, I saved my game on Summer 28 and took that last shot of the farm on Autumn 1.

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 7.32b: Cerise Takes Action (23 Oct update)
« Reply #218 on: October 23, 2022, 10:19:44 AM »
What a delightful update!
Who was that handsome bald Sim?   ;=)  Loved the interactions you created between Cerise and I!  The Obi-Won reference was particularly amusing!  Well, that and the fine line between stalking and wooing   ;=)
Amusingly, as soon as I saw that adorable little house, I thought that you should re-create that in The Sims and then you immediately followed up saying that you were already planning to do so.  Great minds, eh?
Oh, good heavens, what a delightful update and what an informative and fun way to share why you'd been away from updating for a bit.  And I mean, those cheerleading shots at the end?  We're so cool!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 7.32b: Cerise Takes Action (23 Oct update)
« Reply #219 on: October 23, 2022, 10:26:59 AM »

How delightful! Thank you for your in depth review of the game! I never played Harvest Moon, but I played a good bit of Stardew Valley and really enjoyed it. Feel free to keep me in mind once multi-player mode comes out. :) You and Pippin cheer leading is great: it's what watchers do best after all!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 7.32b: Cerise Takes Action (23 Oct update)
« Reply #220 on: October 23, 2022, 07:42:11 PM »
What a delightful update!
Who was that handsome bald Sim?   ;=)  Loved the interactions you created between Cerise and I!  The Obi-Won reference was particularly amusing!  Well, that and the fine line between stalking and wooing   ;=)
Amusingly, as soon as I saw that adorable little house, I thought that you should re-create that in The Sims and then you immediately followed up saying that you were already planning to do so.  Great minds, eh?
Oh, good heavens, what a delightful update and what an informative and fun way to share why you'd been away from updating for a bit.  And I mean, those cheerleading shots at the end?  We're so cool!

I'm so glad you enjoyed your oh-so-vital role in providing comic relief in an otherwise update about my simself fangirling over Coral Island.
Surprisingly (or perhaps unsurprisingly?) Cerise took quite a shine to you, lol!
Hey, I have an idea!  Maybe when Coral Island gets closer to its full release, your household could transition from the violent RDO to the more peaceful, wholesome, eco-friendly Coral Island!
Cerise was not impressed with our cheerleading, apparently, but she still has much to learn!
Thanks for making an appearance, Pippin! ;p

How delightful! Thank you for your in depth review of the game! I never played Harvest Moon, but I played a good bit of Stardew Valley and really enjoyed it. Feel free to keep me in mind once multi-player mode comes out. :) You and Pippin cheer leading is great: it's what watchers do best after all!
Haha, this update was all about why I haven't been simming lately but I do love Coral Island, though it's still quite unfinished.
I'm so excited that you might be interested in some multi-player action! I never played co-op in Stardew Valley, so I will definitely remind you when the time comes! Haha

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 7.32b: Cerise Takes Action (23 Oct update)
« Reply #221 on: October 24, 2022, 02:41:13 AM »
Great crossover episode! Oh dear, the line between reality and gaming is getting thoroughly blurred! I have to remind myself what day of the week and season I'm really in every day! Lol!
More oshizu/Pippin please! I feel some one-two-stepping coming on!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 7.32b: Cerise Takes Action (23 Oct update)
« Reply #222 on: October 24, 2022, 06:29:25 PM »
Great crossover episode! Oh dear, the line between reality and gaming is getting thoroughly blurred! I have to remind myself what day of the week and season I'm really in every day! Lol!
More oshizu/Pippin please! I feel some one-two-stepping coming on!

Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it!
Pippin and I have done this sort of thing before in our Sharebear legacies.
As for group dancing, the sudden appearance of exotic dancers has been a bit of a running joke in my stories since my Apocalypse Challenge.
Pippin would no doubt kill me if I dressed him up as an exotic dancer.  *makes shifty eyes
But I have other ideas, don't worry, Pippin!

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Bewitched Berries 7.32c: To High School, Finally!
« Reply #223 on: October 26, 2022, 11:09:50 PM »
7.32c: To High School, Finally!

Week 32, Wednesday (4th week of winter, Y2)
Cerise:  We're baaack at last!
My parents are feeling nostalgic about their alma mater, Copperdal High, and drive us to school.
From L to R: Mama Imane, me (Gen7 heir) with Sly, Papa Blaze (Gen6 heir), and brother Ren.

Ren and I aged up to teen only yesterday, so we've been busy prepping for teen life!
We got distracted, though, and forgot to do our club task for today.
When I check our club schedules, though, neither of have a club meeting on Wednesday.
We were both rather frantic, but I guess we just forgot.
Watcher: *coughs

Since I know I needn't rush to finish my club task, I introduce myself to someone new.
Djavan Costa is simply gorgeous.  That smile!
I mean, I'm still exploring romantically so I should do some exploring?

Now that we're good friends, I, uh, kinda ask him to Prom as friends.
Ren and I will attend school alone tomorrow, so I don't want to miss my chance!
Djavan doesn't seem that enthusiastic, but it's no biggie.
I don't need to play hard about going to the Prom as friends, right?

Ren saunters into class on the verge of being tardy.
Can you spot him in the front row?  Pink sweater?
He finally starts taking notes for the last 30 minutes of class.
And he doesn't take notes at all for his second class. What's up with him? Natural genius?

Cerise: We Berries have never visited that Thriftea place, so I go there with Ren in the evening.
We meet a teen there named Sango who doesn't attend Copperdale High.

Sango: I live with my Dad in Tartosa. Have you ever been there?
Cerise: Really? You live in Tartosa? That's such a beautiful town!

Ren: So, Sango, are you named after that demon-slayer girl in the Inu-Yasha anime?
The one who married the sweet-talking monk Miroku?
Sango: Oh, I didn't think anyone would get my name!
Yes, that! And my name also means "coral" in Japanese.

Ren: Kinda weird, if you ask me since you're not, you know, a demon-slayer or Japanese.
Sango: It's mostly because your Watcher's all crazy about Coral Island recently.

Cerise: Today's a 12-hour day for both of us, from 5:30 am to 5:30 pm!
We start out with a promotion in our careers then return home from school as "A" students.
Club promotions seem to take two days each, and we both reach Level 2 today.

Tomorrow's Exam Day but Ren has a work task to "Cross promote at a venue."
So we've come to the Laurel Library in Britechester, where Ren can complete that task.
We also study for tomorrow's exams here but, since we're A students, can't we take the day off?
I guess a vacation day doesn't count toward our Goal Oriented aspiration?  Studying!

Papa really loves our new home in Del Sol Valley.
I believe our patio alone might be larger than our former San Myshuno apartment!

Ren: I'm glad you maxed your Writing skill, sis, but would you stop distracting me?
I'm trying to maintain focus while playing The R.E.F.U.G.E. for two hours.
Cerise: Sorry, Ren! I thought you were just gaming.
Ren: You don't seriously think that, do you?  There's no such thing as "just gaming"!

Cerise: I've invited along our Prom Dates for dinner. Folks, meet Djavan and Sango.
Djavan Costa lives in the Mirage Park hood of Del Sol Valley.
Ren: And Sango DuBois lives in southern Tartosa near the beach!
Djavan: It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. I've heard great things about you from my dad.

Blaze (ignores Djavan): I don't recall giving you permission to date, Cerise!
Cerise: Oh please, Papa! We're going to Prom as friends. It's not a "real date" date.

Imane: Djavan, you're such a handsome lad.
Djavan: Why, thank you, ma'am.
Imane: And so polite, too.  But you're romantic and self-absorbed.
Blaze: Precisely!  He's not exactly husband material, is he?
Cerise: Look, we're going to the Prom as friends, okaaay? Sorry about the inquisition, Djavan.
Djavans: …
Cerise: And Papa, did you have to wear your OG outfit to meet our new friends! *rolls eyes

Imane: Ren, on the other hand, has found himself an ideal match in Sango.
Ren: Mama, it's not a real date. *sighs
Blaze: I agree, Imane.  Sango is loyal and loves the outdoors.  Welcome to the famiglia, Sango.
Ren (blushes):  Papa, it's way too early for that. Cerise and I just became teens three days ago.
Sango (whispers to Ren): I never knew Berry was an Italian surname.

Ren: Nice of you to drop by so early, but Cerise's at work for another half hour.
Djavan: Oh, um, it wasn't your sister I came to visit.
Ren: It wasn't?
Djavan (awkwardly): Pretty cool that we're both on the Computer Team, hey?
Ren: Oh, you're romantically exploring, too? Wanna explore?

Cerise: Sorry I was at work when you and Djavan arrived.
Sango: No worries. I played chess with your father.
Cerise: With my father? Where's Ren and Djavan?
Sango: I think they mentioned playing video games, not sure.

Cerise: I totally didn't figure you as someone who could cook!
Djavan: Ever since Mom passed away, I do most of the cooking for Dad and me.
How's your postcard collection coming along?
Cerise: Bah, I keep forgetting to check for replies from new pen pals.

I convince everyone to join me for a class at the Yoga Ashram, but no yoga instructor shows up.
No problem! Papa simply leads the yoga class instead.
My friends are super impressed that Papa is such a multi-talented gangsta.
Gosh, I'm currently seeking Inner Peace, but do I want to become a Zen Guru, too?
(But what's Zen Buddhism got to do with yoga and massage? I deplore the misuse of trendy words!)

It's Prom Night! Ren and I arrive punctually but don't see our dates anywhere.
When Sango and Djavan haven't shown up by 8 pm, we phone them to invite them here

Cerise: I hope you don't mind slow dancing with me, Sango.
Sango: Not at all, but what happened to Djavan?

Cerise: Ren asked Djavan to be his boyfriend this morning.
Remember when you thought they were off playing video games?
Sango: Oh! Are you sad about that, Cerise?
Cerise: Nah, Djavan's gorgeous but, unlike you, he has horrible personality traits. *giggles

Sango: Good gracious, Cerise! I do believe you've swept me off my feet tonight!
I'll slow dance with you anytime!

Cerise: And it's another Berry victory!

Djavan (whispers): Dude, how'd you do that? You only attended high school for two days!
Ren: Um, we might have stuffed the ballot?

Ren gets an invite to an after-party at Plumbite Pier and he invites the rest of us along.
He goes on a successful romantic ride with Djavan in the Cuddle Carts.
Later, I go on a try-hard romantic ride on the Cuddle Carts with Sango.
(Sango and I get flirty but develop no romantic feelings.)

Tonight's the last day of Year 2, but we totally forgot about the New Year's Eve countdown!
Happy New Year! *throws confetti

Progress: End of Week 32
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Postcards: Cerise should have received four more postcards on Saturday.
  But no mailperson appeared Saturday morning. Hmmph!

*Prom: I wish we could disable Prom Nights on the calendar.
  I'm happy for each generation of teens to attend Prom once, but once is usually enough.

*Djavan and Sango: I created these two sims in CAS and planted them (with one parent each) in our Berry simverse.
  I was delighted that Djavan turned up as one of the 11 randomly chosen high school students.
  We ran into Sango at ThrifTea that same evening.  Great luck and perfect timing!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 7.32c: To High School, Finally! (26 Oct update)
« Reply #224 on: October 27, 2022, 02:47:35 AM »
My teens have to skip prom (Entertainer career) currently but the only problem is when they're in a relationship. I try to remember to "agree to skip prom together " to avoid that.
I'm not sure what happens if you agree to go with someone but then stand them up...
Great preppy look for Ren and Cerise is rocking the pink! Glad to have you back from Coral Island, Watcher