Author Topic: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries [Completed 14 Mar '23]  (Read 166192 times)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.26: Too Legit (24 Sep update)
« Reply #165 on: September 24, 2022, 04:25:14 PM »

Oh wow! Both Blaze is simply gorgeous! I guess a certain watcher was right not to go with Cara. Sly is such a lovely cat - Iris G. had one just like that.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.26: Too Legit (24 Sep update)
« Reply #166 on: September 24, 2022, 04:37:38 PM »
Oh ho! Blaze is ready to become a major hellion! Looking forward to his adventures with beautiful Sly.
I can only hope that Blaze shakes things up a bit, haha. I don't want him to be just a pretty face. ;p

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.26: Too Legit (24 Sep update)
« Reply #167 on: September 24, 2022, 04:49:16 PM »
Cara will always be the true heir in my heart  ;=)
Love the new house and your greenhouse is just immaculate!  I've never really tried that much with green houses, but maybe I should give one a go...some day.  Definitely not giving up my tiny house skilling boosts for the TookAlots  ;=)
The title of this chapter had me immediately humming to myself and dancing.  2 legit 2 knit?  The family that knits together sits together?  Priceless!!! 
A fantastic chapter all around.  Can't wait to see the kiddos in high school and to read all about how everyone loves and adores Cara and she becomes prom queen and is elected supreme empress of the Simverse...I might have take that a bit too far, but seriously, looking forward to what's next  ;=)
About greenhouses, the dynasty household is moving around quite a bit so the greenhouse and its outdoor adjoining room provide a lazy way to relocate.
When I'm ready to move, I upload the greenhouse and the adjacent area as separate rooms to MyLibrary. (The greenhouse is saved roofless because, I guess, it's a room save.)
Here's the lazy part: I delete the greenhouse + adjacent outdoor area on the current lot, move to a new lot, then pay to download the two uploaded rooms into the new lot.
No more moving plants/trees into out of household inventory. And the relocated plants are already mature.

LOL, I adore how--once you've jumped on the favoritism bandwagon--you cling for dear life to the edge of the wagon and stubbornly hang on until the bitter end.
Either Sunny or Cara will eventually move back to take over the Sulani house.
That sim was originally Sunny but then Cara garnered all those votes, so I thought maybe Cara should stay with Blaze. But then Sunny aged up so handsomely.... Hah!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.26: Too Legit (24 Sep update)
« Reply #168 on: September 24, 2022, 04:53:03 PM »

Oh wow! Both Blaze is simply gorgeous! I guess a certain watcher was right not to go with Cara. Sly is such a lovely cat - Iris G. had one just like that.

I'm not exactly sure what happened to Cara. She's a Day 1 teen but she has facial grooves on each side of her nose as if she were an adult.
I've had teens age up with elderly wrinkles before so I checked Cara's skin details in CAS, but that's just how she aged up. There are no wrinkle details I can remove.
Blaze and Sunny have smooth faces, so I can't understand why Cara acquired those around-the-nose grooves. Does that ever happen to you?

Offline oshizu

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Bewitched Berries 6.27a: Troublemaker
« Reply #169 on: September 26, 2022, 03:25:57 PM »
6.27a: Troublemaker

Week 27a: Sunday (Year 2, 3rd week of autumn)
Blaze: It's the start of a new generation!  Generation 6 is the Orange generation and I'm the heir.
Here we are in front of our wonderful new home at Journey's End, from left to right.
Sister Cara, me, Papa Damson with Sly, Papa Tuki, and brother Sunny.

Don't let anyone tell you that I'm not ALL about community.
When our neighbors show up with extra food, my busy family ignores them.
Not me, though! I rush outside to greet them and show 'em I care!
Aiden Lothario isn't a neighbor but I observe the Berry tradition to hate on the Lotharios.

If you think I'm just a loudmouth teen, you'd be mistaken.
I've got a patron, international even, that you wouldn't believe!
But Vito (that's his name) says I have to prove myself first. Challenge accepted!
Now where the heck is that voodoo doll?

Our first day of school! I quickly check out all the girls and note my sister's the cutest one. Ugh.
That's when I run inside to clog the bathroom drain. Success!
Now to find the Principal to learn about the school.

The Principal yaks so much about the school, she makes me late for my first class.
To add insult to injury, she assigns me detention for "skipping class."  The nerve!
After class, I find her in the cafeteria and proceed to show her what time it is.

Tonight's the Humor and Hijinks Fest! Only need one more Mischief level, so the timing's perfect!
I clog a drain in the art gallery, then talk trash with some Jokesters.
That Aiden Lotharia joined the Jokesters? What an eternal loser!
Off to the Magical Realm to visit Grandpa Morgyn (and clog a third drain).

Morgyn: So good to see you again, Blaze. And where's my son Tuki?
Blaze: Sorry, Cara keeps asking for advice so I had to ask my parents to go home.
Morgyn: You ready to get serious about learning magic, boy?
Blaze: You know magic can't be my main jam, Gramps, but I'll do what I can.

Blaze: No, please, Principal Ono! You can't give me detention today. It's my father's birthday!
Principal: Well, you should have thought of that before you skipped class.
Blaze: But you kept talking and wouldn't let me leave for class on time!
Principal: I know you set me on fire this morning. I had to shower and can't change back to my principal's outfit today!

Principal: Did that troublemaker cast an Inferniate spell on me through the wall? *charred
Does that boy not value his life? Aaargh, I'll make him regret the day he was born!

Damson: Hey, aren't you Xavier Romeo? We're related, right?
Xavier: Yeah, my dad's the son of Sergio Romeo and Morgan Fyres.
He married your Grandpa Weaver's cousin, so you and I are…ugh, it's too complicated.
Damson: Cool. So, I joined the Entertainer career this morning and this is my first gig.
Xavier: Same here. Kinda sketchy but shall we join the others inside?

Ronnie Berry: Hey cuz, why are you out without Tuki? Does Aunti Koa know you're here?
Damson: Uh, I got this Entertainer gig. Don't tell me you're on the same gig?
Ronnie: Guess so. Is this your first time? Don't worry, you'll be fine.
But we better hustle and change into our costumes.
Damson: Ronnie, I'd prefer if you'd keep this a secret from my mother and Uncle Slate…

Sunny: I can't believe Papa D didn't tell us he's aging up tomorrow instead of tonight.
Tuki: Yes, his co-workers are throwing him a farewell party tonight at the hospital.
Cara: Oh well, never mind. We all deserve a night out, anyway.
Blaze: Right! Gratz to Cara and Sunny on being offered early graduation! Let's go party!

Meanwhile, it's showtime over at the Pan Europa Discoteque
Damson (to himself): When I passed the audition for a dancer, this is not what I'd imagined…

Damson (to himself): It's fine. I'll tell the agency tomorrow morning to find me another gig.
Besides, my family never visits Windenburg.

Tuki (coming down the stairs): You have got to be kidding me!
Celebrating his birthday tomorrow, he says. A farewell party at the hospital, he says.

Tuki (still paralyzed on the stairs): Kids, don't bother coming inside.  We're going right home!

Back home
Tuki: I'm married to an exotic dancer?! I've never been so humiliated in my life!
Not only that, you lied to me and the kids about a farewell party.
I feel like such an idiot for trusting you all this time! What other secrets have you been hiding?

Damson: Listen to yourself for a minute, Tuki.  It's always all about you, isn't it?
You have no idea how hard it was to graduate med school with honors.
I really hated the medical profession, but then my parents quit working and the triplets arrived.
Everyone expected me to bring home the big bucks, so I did.

Tuki: But I thought you wanted to become a professional dancer, not Magic Mike!
Damson: Look, I know how attached you are to the thought of being married to a doctor.
It's really too bad that you cannot accept me for who I really am. I just wanna dance.
I'm tired of living up to everyone's expectations!

Cara: I can't stand hearing our parents argue. What if I need to ask them for advice?
Sunny: Blaze, we need our parents to stay together. What should we do?
Blaze: I dunno, Sunny. I don't think they've figured out yet what they really want.
Let's wait and see what happens.

Tuki (thinking): I've never lived on my own before. If I leave Damson, should I go back to my father's house?
But I'm family-oriented! Living apart from the triplets will kill me.
And I've already knitted baby and toddler onesies for Blaze's future kids, my grandkids!
Still, dancing in public in that indecent costume. Why should I forgive him?

Damson: I only told a little lie, but Tuki's blown it all out of proportion!
Basically, Tuki and I are too different. He'll never understand me!
Tuki only wants to lead a cushy life with a socially prestigious partner. I'm just a trophy.
Tomorrow, we need to talk and….zzZZZzzz

Blaze: Yeah, tonight's been a real downer, Sly.
I want Papa Damson to be happy, but he shouldn't have lied to Papa T and snuck around.
Papa Tuki feels betrayed but he's not willing to see the real Papa D.
Don't you worry, buddy. No matter what happens, it's you and me for life!

Blaze: The shorter, second part of this two-part update is coming soon!
P.S. Didn't Papa D look awesome in his little bowtie? *smirks
(Note to self: Start working out tomorrow)

Progress: Middle of Week 27
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*Lots of Elders: The longer lifespans are resulting in too many elders in my game.
  Mind you, I'm fine with elderly sims but dislike how the game handles their deaths.
  If they pass away while occupying a house, the house becomes unfurnished.
  Btw, it's Week 27 and the merfolk are finally starting to pass on..

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 6.27a: Troublemaker (26 Sep update)
« Reply #170 on: September 26, 2022, 03:43:03 PM »
Oh ho! I can't believe this will be Damson's last outing as an exotic dancer! Oh Tuki, what will you do?

(Waiting not very patiently for the next instalment)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 6.27a: Troublemaker (26 Sep update)
« Reply #171 on: September 26, 2022, 05:59:36 PM »

Wait wait wait a minute - whaaaat? You can be a dancer?  :o Or do coordinated dances in general? Is this a mod? This has to be a mod.

Blaze is devious; how delightful! I see he is aptly named.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 6.27a: Troublemaker (26 Sep update)
« Reply #172 on: September 26, 2022, 06:03:06 PM »
Oh ho! I can't believe this will be Damson's last outing as an exotic dancer! Oh Tuki, what will you do?

(Waiting not very patiently for the next instalment)

Granny Lawlor, you are such a wonderful reader! You've already played this NSB generation and you still manage to sound curious.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 6.27a: Troublemaker (26 Sep update)
« Reply #173 on: September 26, 2022, 06:11:23 PM »

Wait wait wait a minute - whaaaat? You can be a dancer?  :o Or do coordinated dances in general? Is this a mod? This has to be a mod.

Blaze is devious; how delightful! I see he is aptly named.

Not using a mod although the bowties are cc.  I've never tried any career mod before, though Google search did turn up a Dance Career mod (which I didn't check out).
The Get Together expansion lets your sim go to a club with one or more sims, then click on the dance floor to choose "Group Dance."
There are several Group Dance options, but Damson (with maxed Dancing) was limited by the Dance skill of his fellow dancers.
 I've used this shtick in many of my past stories, with sims dressed like this or as firefighters, police, cowboys, bears, and so on. LOL

And yes, Blaze is quite a fireball, haha.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 6.27a: Troublemaker (26 Sep update)
« Reply #174 on: September 26, 2022, 07:31:10 PM »
Such a scandal!!  And pooor, poor Cara almost saw her father (well, one of them) Magic Miking out?!?!?  Absolutely shameful behavior!!  It's ok, Cara, you can ask my Simself for advice.  Of course, he'll just tell you to move out and be the founder for your own dynasty or challenge, not that I'm biased  ;=)
Seriously, though, an excellent update and some delightful intrigue!  Looking forward to seeing what happen next now that you left us on a dramatic cliffhanger!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 6.27b: Too Cool for School (28 Sep update)
« Reply #175 on: September 28, 2022, 09:40:43 PM »
Such a scandal!!  And pooor, poor Cara almost saw her father (well, one of them) Magic Miking out?!?!?  Absolutely shameful behavior!!  It's ok, Cara, you can ask my Simself for advice.  Of course, he'll just tell you to move out and be the founder for your own dynasty or challenge, not that I'm biased  ;=)
Seriously, though, an excellent update and some delightful intrigue!  Looking forward to seeing what happen next now that you left us on a dramatic cliffhanger!
Thank you, Pippin. This story arc is much sappier than my usual snark, but I'm just playing/writing around the NSB requirements for the Plum generation. :D

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 6.27b: Too Cool for School (28 Sep update)
« Reply #176 on: September 28, 2022, 10:02:44 PM »
6.27b: Too Cool for School

Week 27, Wednesday (Year 2, 3rd week of autumn)
Blaze: Outdoors, it looks like another perfect day in idyllic Lani St. Taz.
Not in our home, though.
As we leave for school, we can hear our parents arguing upstairs.

At school, the race is on to find Prom Dates before Saturday.
Poor Sunny gets shot down by his crush Tommy Esparza so he rebounds with Mayra Hope.
Dude, Mayra is cute but mean, and she mocked your body hair. You can do better than Tommy and Mayra!

As soon as she hears the news, Cara puts the moves on Tommy.
Pretty awkward for Sunny, don't you think, Cara?

Your boy Blaze here has the most success. I don't even waste time with the "as friends" route.
Not sure about Mai Kudo's geekiness, but Sly will absolute adore that Mai's a cat lover.
A bit disturbing that Mai shares the same hairstyle as the Principe, but whatever.

I can't believe that Tommy Esparza! He actually asks Cara to be BFFs right in front of Sunny.
Cara exploits the moment to ask Tommy to the Prom as friends. 
As for me, I've skipped class, skipped detention, pranked whiteboards, and all sorts of other mischief.
Here I am skipping my second class of the day and what does the Principal do? Nada.
Since I've got my Prom Date already, I inform the Principal that I'm dropping out.

Back at home…
Tuki:  I'm sorry, Damson. Nothing you say can convince me to stay in this marriage.

Damson: You are breaking my heart, Tuki.
You should stay here with the kids and I'll move out.

Sunny: Wow, they've been going at it all day! What are they going to do?
Blaze: I'm sure we'll hear what they've decided when we get back. You graduated early today?
Sunny: Ugh, my mistake. I met someone but now I can't invite them to Prom.
Blaze: Try spamming them with flirty messages on Social Bunny. Maybe he'll invite you.

Tuki: While we wait for the kids to get back, can you help me complete Lord of the Knits?
I only need to mentor someone in knitting. Come sit here.
Damson: Oh, all right. But stop touching my hands. Our divorce was your idea.

Cara: What a first day of work! Hey, who's that cute guy at our front door!
Sunny: That's my new friend, Layton Esparza. He's um, the twin brother of Tommy.
Blaze: Ooooh, burn! Ask him to visit later, Sunny. We gotta have an important family talk.

Blaze: To spare you the details, our parents lay their divorce bombshell on us.
After sharing that I'd dropped out of school, I announce that I'm moving out.
I'm joined by my two siblings, Sly, and a reluctant Papa Tuki (he required some persuasion).
As we leave, Papa D stands helplessly on the porch. We've never seen our fathers look so sad.

Blaze: It's late when we arrive at Pugilock Manor in Conifer Station, Evergreen Harbor.
We only bring what we'd earned, crafted, or caught since our birthday on Saturday.
No harvestables, except Papa D insisted we each take one Death Flower to keep us safe.
Selling stuff like fish and photos, we kids build a 3x4 room with Sly's basics and a woodworking table.
Sly: Ugh, this place is the worst!

Cara also brought a UFO Plant she won in a space race on Sunday, cuz it's so rare.
Besides what I already mentioned, we start with nothing except $4,000 to buy this lot.
Oh, and this letter I received from Don Vito.

We fish several hours for a few dragonfruit and cowberries.
Then we sell part of our catch to buy flowers in Tartosa.
All I buy is an orchid, a snapdragon, a lily, a bluebell, and a rose.
We don't need a huge garden, just the most important plants.

While I'm at the woodworking table, the others are gardening or fishing for fertilizer.
Camping mascots at 300% markup, that's how I'm gonna roll.
I earn over $30k in only 2.5 hours before we leave for work.

Tuki: Sly is really not a fan of his new home. Can't say I blame him!
I have never lived in such an ugly place in my life.

Once the kids leave for work, I buy a Digitalistic Sketchpad and start painting.
Woodworking is perfect for Blaze, but the rest of us should be painting not fishing for fertilizer!
Sly: Ugh! This place is the worst!

Tuki: While I'm helping Sunny nurture his bugs, Damson phones me twice in a row.
I get my hopes up, thinking he might ask me on a date.
Become casual friends with that hussy Misty Talla-Scott? Go on a date with that himbo Kenji Nakagawa?
I don't think so!

Blaze: We have to fence in our entire lot to keep townies from invading our privacy.
I have my own little nook for sales now, but it's hard to focus today.
Papa T's not sure he wants Papa D back, but he doesn't want anyone else to have him, either.
Anyway, those two phone calls from Papa Damson has Papa Tuki pretty worried.

Blaze: Papa D plays hard to get, so Papa T has to chase him down. (Very sneaky, Papa D!)
Papa T actually gives him our residence key and asks him to be his boyfriend.
I'm pretty sure I hear some woohoo music, too. *rolls eyes
Once Papa D leaves, I can finally focus on my yard sale and earn over $128,000, just today.
And since Papa D aged up to an adult on Wednesday, Papa Tuki drinks a Potion of Youth today out of spite.

Blaze: Thanks for being my Prom Date, Mai! You look lovely!
Mai: I drop by your house every day, but you're always busy with a yard sale.
Blaze: Sorry about that! Why don't you wait for me to call you? We can go out.
Mai: Ooooh, like a date!?

You knew this was how it had to turn out, right?
The dateless Sunny gets elected as Prom Royalty, and I'm the Prom Jester!
I don't even mind sharing the stage with that loser, Principal Ono!

Sunny: In my role as Prom Royalty, I wish to lodge a protest against Copperdale High's Prom Night policy.
My romantic interest Layton and I are both suffering from the "Resentment over no Prom Invite" sentiment.
Because I accidentally graduated early, I couldn't ask Layton to the Prom.
But Layton doesn't attend Copperdale High (like his twin brother), so he couldn't invite me, either.
Are Layton and I doomed to resent each other after every Prom Night until we become young adults?

Blaze: Back home, I take a photo of Cara for her biggest fan.
Sunny: You mean, Tommy Esparza?
Blaze: Of course not, silly. I'm referring to Pippin!

Blaze: Blaze here. Oh, good evening, Don Vito! What may I do for you?
Don Vito: How far did you get toward your $200k goal, son?
Blaze: I reached over $163k by Friday night, sir. I took today off because of Prom.
Don Vito: Hmmm, you're better than I'd expected. I'm boosting your goal from $200k to $500k.
Your birthday's not for two more weeks, so you can easily hit $500k before then.
Blaze (to himself): There goes my love life!

Progress: End of Week 27
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Getting expelled: As part of the HSY pack experience, I really wanted Blaze to get expelled.
  Apparently, a student can get expelled after three detentions, but Blaze could only got two detentions.
  After two, he kept getting the "Avoided Consequences" moodlet whenever caught misbehaving.
  I gave up and had Blaze drop out on Wednesday. Grrrrr.

*Living in Evergreen Harbor: Blaze et al. will do a Rags 2 Riches mini-challenge.
  They will not be delving into the whole Eco Footprint/NAPs gameplay.
  In fact, I've had Eco Footprint gameplay disabled since the start of this challenge.

*Blaze's $200k mini-challenge: This mini-challenge is not a Not so Berry requirement.
  Sadly, he's already completed the Fab Wealthy aspiration, so I'll track his earnings manually.
  Blaze can only count sales of goods he's personally crafted, found, earned, etc.
  Apart from using his Gift of Sulani, he won't be involved much in gardening; he will never harvest produce.
  But his housemates are free to craft, sell, and do whatever to boost household funds.

(The phrase "too cool for school" is attributed to the jazz great, Lionel Hampton.)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 6.27b: Too Cool for School (28 Sep update)
« Reply #177 on: September 29, 2022, 02:55:35 AM »
How confusing for Blaze, Sunny & Cara to have their parents complicated relationship. I hope it doesn't impact on their own relationships. That thing with Tommy - v. awkward. I love the whole "don't touch my hands" during knitting! Way back in the stone-age, my then boyfriend got back with me by "teaching me guitar" - married nearly 40 years now :)

I like your side challenge. I thought about doing some in my NSB but then I got too impatient to start my Apocalypse. I'm planning to re-engage with it once you're well into your Pink gen btw.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 6.27b: Too Cool for School (28 Sep update)
« Reply #178 on: September 29, 2022, 07:10:23 AM »
Cara looked absolutely lovely (as usual) and it seems like she is, easily, the most successful heir so far.  I guess Blaze is doing ok too  ;=)
That silliness with the prom dates and such was pretty ridiculous in the most delightful of ways!  Of course, it should have been Cara that was prom royalty, so that was obviously rigged against her, but non-stop bad luck Sunny had was just amazing tragic humor!  That poor, poor guy!
And speaking of guys, the Papa D and Papa T drama just played out too perfectly.  The game jumping in to help with the back to back calls about a new friend and/or date?  Hilariously perfect!
And of course, the absolute best part of the update was easily the glorious shot of Cara  ;=)
Excellent work, Watcher!  Looking forward to reading what's next for this crew!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 6.27b: Too Cool for School (28 Sep update)
« Reply #179 on: September 29, 2022, 01:09:58 PM »

It's sad to see Damson and Tuki apart, even though I know it's just part of the legacy requirements. I think it's interesting that you're doing some mini challenges on top of the berry stuff. You're really making a killing with those yard sales!

