Author Topic: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries [Completed 14 Mar '23]  (Read 161869 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.22: Kissing Cousins? (10 Sep update)
« Reply #135 on: September 11, 2022, 02:21:31 AM »
Tuki &  Damson - the writing was on the wall in the last episode but I hope they can survive Damson's non-committal nature.

Thanks for investigating the romantic/woohoo interests - not a safe thing to google, lol! Do you know how to find out your own Sim's romantic/woohoo interests directly?  I've only been able to see it on the profile under another Sim's relationship panel. The bar in CAS is greyed out for me, saying I can't change it but that means I can't see it either.
Good luck with the relationship. I hope they're great books.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.22: Kissing Cousins? (10 Sep update)
« Reply #136 on: September 11, 2022, 12:44:14 PM »
It was a most embarrassingly sappy update, but I do love Damson and Tuki, together. ;p

As for your own sim's romantic/woohoo interests, your sim can view and/or change their preferences using a mirror's Change Sim option.
Now, couldn't you have Nina ask Flint?
I'm curious to know what Clint's are, haha.

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.22: Kissing Cousins? (10 Sep update)
« Reply #137 on: September 12, 2022, 02:57:48 PM »

Damson and Tuki - FINALLY! So, am I understanding correctly, your sims will develop romantic/woohoo interests on their own without player direction? That's fabulous if so! I also love the little scribbles on your pictures showing your sims sentiments: so creative! How do you do it? And no worries about the "consecutive days." Always happy to see an update on your Berries.

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.22: Kissing Cousins? (10 Sep update)
« Reply #138 on: September 12, 2022, 05:01:00 PM »

Damson and Tuki - FINALLY! So, am I understanding correctly, your sims will develop romantic/woohoo interests on their own without player direction? That's fabulous if so! I also love the little scribbles on your pictures showing your sims sentiments: so creative! How do you do it? And no worries about the "consecutive days." Always happy to see an update on your Berries.

Damson and Tuki's "mess around" interests haven't changed but they haven't taken that final step yet.
For the scribbles and other image effects, i subscribe to an app called PicMonkey. It used to be free back in 2016 but now requires a monthly or yearly sub.
Damson's busy with school and I didn't need them both Very Flirty all the time, lol.
But yes, they both changed from "Romance: no" (both men and women unchecked) to "Romance: men" over the course of 12 days, which suprised me.
I was a little worried that "Romance: no" might mean they'd both become aromantics.

Offline oshizu

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Bewitched Berries 5.23: Taking the Plunge
« Reply #139 on: September 14, 2022, 07:21:37 PM »
5.23: Taking the Plunge

Week 23, Sunday (Year 2, 3rd week of summer)
Damson: I still have two more terms at uni, but it's great to be back in warm and sunny Sulani!
You surely no need no introductions by now, but just in case
My (ahem!) boyfriend Tuki, sister Heather, Mama Koa (Rose heir) and Papa Fetu, and me (Plum heir)

My parents say they are waiting to hold their future grandchildren.
After that, they're ready to move back to their home in Oasis Springs.
Uh, no pressure or anything, right?

Heather hates her cramped bedroom in Sulani.
And she really enjoyed being free of parental control in Britechester.
This marks our last week as teens, and Heather can't wait to age up and move out.

One positive about Britechester for Tuki was that he discovered skill classes.
He likes experimenting with new skills to see where his talents lie.

This morning, he's fabricating eco-upgrade parts while I write a term paper.
Later, we give up on trying to lead The Beach Life because teens can't make kava.
Tuki loves the outdoors, so maybe water sports?

Heather: This time next Sunday, we'll all be young adults.
Hopefully, I'll have moved out before Mama's next Movie Night!
Damson: Next Movie Night? Three weeks of Movie Nights isn't enough for Mama?
Koa: Okay, okay. No more mandatory movie nights.

On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I have three classes a day.
I try baiting some fish traps in between classes.
Will they help me with my collection?

I don't have class until 3pm today, so Tuki and I travel to Mua Pel'am.
After catching a Scorpionfish over by the Admiral's Wreckage, I invite the rest of the family here.
We all pitch in to help clean up Mua Pel'am.

Wow, it just took one day?!

I've never gone fishing from an outrigger before.
But I hear the Royal Sabrefish and Swordfish can only be caught in deep ocean water.
It takes me so long to get my outrigger in place, I don't have much time for fishing.
After class, I'll come back here and try again.

Today I have three classes and tons of homework, so I can only fish for a few hours.
No luck yet with the Royal Sabrefish and Swordfish.
Is my outrigger too close to the buoy?

I catch two Swordfish but the Royal Sabrefish continues to elude me.
It's the only Sulani fish I haven't caught!
I also need 3 Granite Falls fish and 2 Selvadoradian fish.
I'm feeling somewhat optimistic about catching all 52 fish! (Famous last words!) Oh, time for class!

Tuki: None of the Embers have ever had a real wedding, so that's been my big dream.
I'm learning flower arrangement, so I can create my own floral bouquet.
Of course, I'll be baking our wedding cake myself as well!

Heather: I've decided to age up two days early, so I invite my boyfriend Jaxton over so we can age up together.

I'm a good geek and a music lover.
Jaxton's a lazy party animal and a genius.

Damson has final exams today, so Jaxton and I proceed quickly!
He proposes, I accept, we elope then try for baby.
I've moved back with Jaxton to the Slipshod Mesquite house in Oasis Springs.
What a relief! No more mandatory beachcombing for seashells or Movie Nights!

Damson: Ever since Papa aged up to an adult, he's been looking rather gaunt.
That's definitely not the look I want for myself, so I work out while awaiting my grades.
I only want a bit more muscle definition without losing my slim profile, you know what I mean?

Tuki waits until I complete all but one term paper and a presentation, then we age up.
I've become a genius dance machine who's non-committal.
Tuki's now an outdoor-loving vegetarian who's family oriented.

Though I fear commitment, I believe Tuki's strong love of family will keep us together.
Feeling confident about taking the plunge, I propose.
We're engaged!

Tuki: I can't believe you can't wait to try for baby until after we get married tonight!
Damson: Do you want me to feel anxious about our wedding night throughout our wedding?
Tuki: Isn't that the point?
Damson: Too late now!

Damson: It takes longer than expected to schedule our wedding and recruit a wedding party.
Tuki really wanted his father Morgyn to walk him down the aisle, but it didn't happen.
Isn't Tuki lovely? And the bouquet he created matches perfectly!

The wedding deck lacks enough seats for all our guests.
Still, we're glad so many Berries and Embers show up to celebrate with us.

Poor Papa, our officiant, has barely enough space on the deck to stand!
He weeps shamelessly as Tuki and I exchange our vows.

Here's the pillow wedding cake that Tuki baked for our special day.
Two heads, sharing pillows side by side, for the rest of our lives.

As soon as we end our wedding, Tuki dashes off to take a pregnancy test.
We are expecting!
Time to go home!

Gallery Download
*Key Point (40x30): "Sulani Beach Wedding" by ChrissieYT.
  (Deleted 4 dining tables and added 2 small tables for the wedding cake & toasting bucket.)
Progress: End of Week 23
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Wedding Party: Why can't Morgyn be recruited for the Wedding Party? (Weaver tried, too.)
  When asked to fill a role, he reacts as if he's accepted but later can't be chosen for that role.
  Are sages off-limits for wedding parties? Are other sims (like Agnes) also ineligible?

*The Wedding Ceremony: was tremendously difficult at the downloaded venue.
  The Sim of Honor (Grandpa Weaver) sat in the aisle, so Tuki walked down the aisle alone.
  Guests sat on the floor across the aisle, blocking Tuki's progress toward the arch.
  One guest aged up and did his birthday leap right between Damson/Tuki as they started exchanging vows.
  Guests with cake or drinks returned to the wedding seats, ignoring the dining tables.
  Are my troubles caused by the venue or have weddings become buggy again?
  (At Loario's wedding, Emilia also plopped down on the floor in the aisle.)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.23: Taking the Plunge (14 Sep update)
« Reply #140 on: September 15, 2022, 02:28:52 AM »
I've not had much luck with people outside the household taking on roles at the weddings. They often just don't show up. I quite like the "sitting in the aisle" but I've never had so many that it blocks the way!

You apologised previously for Damon''s speedos but here they are again! And you're focused on sculpting a perfect body for him...hmm. Is Damson in your gallery for future adventures? Lol
Looking forward to his nooboo(s)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.23: Taking the Plunge (14 Sep update)
« Reply #141 on: September 15, 2022, 12:40:09 PM »
Non-household members in the wedding party have all shown up so far.
Sometimes, they're invited to the home lot to travel to the wedding venue together.
Haha, yes, three wedding guested plopped themselves on the floor, blocking everyone else's passage into that area. Ugh.

As for Damson, his slender father Fetu looks terrible as an adult with his caved-in chest and prominent ribs.
That's why I decided Damson needed more muscle mass.  Well, for the Long-Lived trait as well.
If any library sim of mine will feature in future adventures, that will be Taye, my all-time favorite sim! ;p

And yes, the draw of meeting Gen6 is way stronger than my readathon today, LOL!

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.23: Taking the Plunge (14 Sep update)
« Reply #142 on: September 15, 2022, 02:20:18 PM »

Non-commital marries Family Oriented: do they get the opposites attract sentiment? What a great ceremony! And that venue is gorgeous! What lot did you place it down at? I do dislike the sims sitting on the ground instead of the chairs. I only had two doing that at Loario's wedding; thankfully nothing that blocked the isle. I also couldn't get my sims to walk down the isle together; Kalantha and Wendel went down separately. My guests did make use of the dining room table and chairs to eat their cake; they didn't return to the ceremony chairs.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.23: Taking the Plunge (14 Sep update)
« Reply #143 on: September 15, 2022, 03:15:13 PM »
I always name the lot in the Gallery Download section along with the size and creator. 
In this case, it's at the Key Point lot where the creator built it (I watched the speed build on Youtube).
I'm wondering if the aisle-sitting problem is caused by my having edited the deck?
My plan is to edit the deck (making it wider to fit 2-3 more chairs and more space for the officiant).
Also, I need to check the wedding aisle to ensure that i'm only using one.
No idea why the guests wouldn't eat/drink at the dining tables. :(

I've successfully had the "bride" walk down the aisle with the Sim of Honor before.
Tuki gave up on Grandpa Weaver. I believe the deck's just too narrow.
It is a gorgeous build, but that deck and dining tables don't work for me.

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.23: Taking the Plunge (14 Sep update)
« Reply #144 on: September 16, 2022, 09:21:42 PM »
Woot!  I'm finally caught up! 
What an excellent story and a fantastic family!  I, of course, have no favorites.  I love them all equally, but I love Koala equally more  ;=)
Loved the wedding deck!!  That made for some amazing screenshots!
Looking forward to reading what's next  :=)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.23: Taking the Plunge (14 Sep update)
« Reply #145 on: September 16, 2022, 09:39:39 PM »
Woot!  I'm finally caught up! 
What an excellent story and a fantastic family!  I, of course, have no favorites.  I love them all equally, but I love Koala equally more  ;=)
Loved the wedding deck!!  That made for some amazing screenshots!
Looking forward to reading what's next  :=)
Oh Pippin! How I have missed your wacky yet utterly fashionable sims!

Offline oshizu

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Bewitched Berries 5.24: Good Things Come in Threes (18 Sep update)
« Reply #146 on: September 18, 2022, 09:20:45 PM »
5.24: Good Things Come in Threes

Week 24, Sunday (Year 2, 4th week of summer)
Damson: It's just the four of us now, plus Tuki's baby bump.
Sister Heather lives with her husband Jaxton in my parents' home at Slipshod Mesquite.
My parents are still discussing how long they'll stick around after Tuki gives birth in two days.
Also, Tuki's changed his everyday look after a randow townie criticized his previous outfit.

First thing today, I visit the deep sea buoy where I fish from my outrigger.
I'm eager to catch my last Sulani fish, so I set five fish traps there.
Who knows if I'll catch a Royal Sabrefish this way?
Whatever. I got nothing to lose! Don't let me forget to check them in 48 hours!

Since I've come all the way out here and feel semi-desperate, I decide to try something else.
I buy a fishing spear at the buoy then make four attempts at spearfishing.
All I catch is one guppy each time, so no more spearfishing for me!
(Can you tell that Watcher's never caught all the Sulani fish before?)

Tuki starts his new Culinary job this evening.
He also wants to be able to write Books of Life.
Tuki usually avoids Mama for some unknown reason.
But today, he asks her to mentor him in writing.

After fishing in "my" deep sea area for 30 hours straight, Papa catches a Royal Sabrefish!
Now he's trying to complete the Seashell collection my sis started. Only one more seashell to go.

Cross your fingers that I catch a Royal Sabrefish tonight, too! *Angles for big catch

My beloved (future) Lord of the Knits struggles to gift 3 of his knittables.
Grandpa Weaver rejects Tuki's gift but keeps it anyway.
Mama rejects his 1st gift (excellent Cactus Llama toy), only accepting his 2nd gift (legendary socks).
Rude or what? And if they reject the gift, why don't they give it back!?

Tuki is waiting for me out front when I come home between classes.
We're both glad we moved back to Sulani.
Tuki looks supremely happy here amidst our tropical paradise.
Btw, I finally realized that vegetarian Tuki was probably not enjoying our fishing trips. Duh.

Mama finds a blue abalone shell to complete the Seashells collection.
I check my traps and get the message that they need to be set.
Sigh, I did set all five on Sunday so I wonder if I left them too long?

Mama: Thanks, son, for the complimentary camera angle.

That night, Tuki gives birth to triplets: two boys and a girl.
Here they are in birth order, from left to right, which means Blaze is our firstborn.

The sixth generation's color theme is orange, so all three have names based on that color.

The Blaze Pumpkin is a small Halloween hybrid, designed for decor and carving.
Sunrise is a Hawai'ian variety of papaya (aka Strawberry Papaya). Sunny's a nice nickname!
Hacienda de Cara Cara (Venezuela) is considered the origin of the red-fleshed Cara Cara Navel Orange.
We like that Cara also means "darling" or "dear" in Italian.

Tonight, I catch the last of the 14 fish native to Sulani!
The Royal Sabrefish was definitely the most difficult to catch!
How perfect that I finally catch this fish the day before our triplets age up!

In the evening, Mama helps us age up the triplets.
All three age up with the blond hair and green eyes of Papa Tuki and Grandpa Morgyn.
They also have the Berry freckles.

We give Blaze red hair to tell him apart from his identical twin, Sunny.
Blaze has my complexion, while Sunny has Tuki's lighter complexion.
We are all bewildered by Cara's reddish-pink complexion.

Wanting to understand Cara's genetics, Tuki and I check our skin tones in CAS.
As you can see, the skin tone of Blaze and I is the 5th tile of Row 2.
Tuki and Sunny's skin tone  is the second tile of Row 3.
Cara's is the rightmost tile of Row 2.
It's roughly halfway between our skin tones, yet differs conspicuously in hue.

Among our triplets, Blaze is the only one with pointy ears.
In an ideal world, Blaze will grow up with my complexion and freckles combined with Tuki's green eyes and facial features.
Sunny will undoubtedly remain his identical twin, but with lighter skin and non-pointy ears.

At 6pm, I receive my final grades.
Thanks to my overall A+ GPA, I graduate with a Distinguished Degree in Biology with Honors.
After all the weeks I've spent fishing, I can't stand the thought of working in Marine Biology. Can you blame me?
Instead, I've decided to become a doctor. I start out as a Medical Specialist (Level 8 ).

We arrive at the Deep Forest in Granite Falls early in the morning.
I can catch all three of the fish I need here: Red Crawfish, Blue Crawfish, and Mountain Lionfish.
My parents and Tuki are entertaining the triplets at the Hermit's Hut.

Well, not so much "entertaining" as helping to learn toddler skills.
The triplets learn to potty, ask to play, and watch the grown-ups and each other.
Fetu's created a new way to "Play."
Sorry, for this awful shot of you, Cara!

Here you go, Cara.
Oh, I see you're wearing bedroom slippers for your everyday outfit!
Watcher: *coughs

Sunny is so like his father Tuki.  He really loves the great outdoors.
No doubt, he'll grow up to become an outdoor lover or green fiend!

I've skipped my graduation ceremony to come fish here.
It's just past 2 pm when I catch my last Granite Falls fish!
I'm feeling greedy and wonder if I can complete my Fish collection this weekend.

As soon as we get home, I leave for a vacation to Selvadorada with Tuki.
For my last two fish, I need to go through two gates on either side of the Temple entrance.
Luckily for us, they are both accessible on this trip!
Through the gate to the Temple's right, I catch an Armored Catfish at that southern island.

Next, through the gate on the Temple's left, we reach the area below the Royal Omiscan Baths.
A few minutes past midnight, I catch my 52nd fish, an Electric Eel.
My Fish collection is complete!
Watcher: Damson's my first sim to catch all 52 fish in the collection!

Progress: End of Week 24
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Gen8 Detective career: Several days ago, I play-tested the Detective career.
  It's been years since any of my sims have been able to travel to an APB arrest site.
  My last attempt, my sim couldn't even issue a citation while on patrol.
  However, my recent test sim did great, earning two promotions his first week.
  So I won't be substituting a different career for Gen8 (Peach) as initially planned. Yay!

*Desert Luxe Kit: I'm sure everyone's already noticed by now, but this kit is free if you download by October 17.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.24: Good Things Come in Threes (18 Sep update)
« Reply #147 on: September 19, 2022, 02:40:59 AM »
Well done on completing the full fish collection. I know it was a bit of a "white whale" for you. And thanks for sharing the process and tips although it'll be a long time before I attempt it!
And welcome to gen Orange. Blaze sounds like a passionate name, hm.... I love Cara's skin tone, so warm. And I've already developed soft spot for Sunny/Sunrise as my granddaughter's name is Italian for "red dawn" :)

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.24: Good Things Come in Threes (18 Sep update)
« Reply #148 on: September 19, 2022, 08:00:18 AM »
Hahaha, Cara and her slippers as everyday wear is just so delightfully realistic.  My daughter had a pair of rain boots that she loved as everyday wear as a child, so the slippers are wonderfully realistic as how a child would dress :=)
Excellent job finishing up that fish collection despite how elusive the Royal Sabrefish proved to be!  And yes, super fitting that it was finally caught on the day the triplets were born  :=)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.24: Good Things Come in Threes (18 Sep update)
« Reply #149 on: September 19, 2022, 11:06:44 AM »

A townie criticized your outfit? I didn't know they could do that! Haha! Oh wow, what a lovely bunch of toddlers. I'm partial to Cara; her skin tone is so striking and looks wonderful with her red hair. Thanks for sharing your fishing progress; good tips to know! #TeamCara