Lovely children, as always. The fish collection! Makes sense in Sulani but hey, that's a lot of fish!
Interesting about the skill book reading for Scholarly Aptitude. It's one of the easier badges. I'm always left with Fitness and Outdoor so lots of dancing and fishing!
Yes, I'm in fear of the Fish collection but, between his home neighborhood (BedrockStrait), Desert Bloom Park, and Sylvan Glade--Damson's had made good progress so far!
As far as collections go, Fish rank among my favorites.
Scholarly Aptitude: The kiddos usually do homework unless, as in Ahmed's case, I want the badge before the Saturday scout meeting. Then, kids read to complete the badge.
Outdoor Adventurer: This is a quick badge! Just takes a few hours but I always have the kid mentored. For quickest completion, just queue up Fishing actions and cancel as soon as you see the badge icon.
Or "Look for frogs" at a park pond.
Keep Fit: This one always takes me the longest. For me, the Swing Set is fastest. To compare, I had Ahmed mentored on a treadmill; he reached Fitness 7 with Outdoor Fitness at only 2/6.
I vaguely recall trying Dancing in the past and it seemed to take forever. Would love to know the fastest way to earn this badge, lol.
What a lovely little pink house. I very much enjoyed the conversation about Ahmed or "Tuki" moving in. Like, "Please change my son's clothes; they're awful!" Haha! 
Haha, Morgyn is such a stylish sim! It seemed off that his son would wear such a grungy outfit.