Author Topic: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries [Completed 14 Mar '23]  (Read 166204 times)

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Bewitched Berries 4.20: All the Moves
« Reply #120 on: September 04, 2022, 04:55:17 PM »
4.20: All the Moves

Week 19, Sunday (Year 2, 4th week of spring)
Koa: Our twins are so cute but they won't be toddlers much longer!
All the grown-ups pitch in to help the toddlers learn their skills.
Left to right: Brother Slate, me with Heather, Mama Audrina, Fetu with Damson, and Papa Weaver

In the afternoon, Inquisitive Damson's the first to max all his skills.
Happy birthday, Damson!

Independent Heather takes nearly three more hours to max her skills and age up.
She was unfocused at times and often unlucky about catching Grandma who preferred talking to plants.

Fetu and I are both at work when the twins get their makeovers.
Heather looks a lot like I did when I was her age.
Damson is surely going to break hearts right and left.
Who forgot to change their eye color to violet?

Koa: My brother Slate wrongly assumes he'll inherit this house.
Sure, Fetu and I will moving with our twins when they become teens.
But Grandma Naomi and Grandpa Haruto have returned to Ye Old Salt House in San Myshuno.
And my parents plan to return to their Copperdale home soon.
Like them, Fetu and I will eventually return to live in this house!

That's why I have a new house built across the street and invite Slate's wife to move in.

Mama is tired of being sent fishing because she has nothing else to do.
She's decided to return to Copperdale tonight.

Papa tries enticing Slate and his family to Copperdale by offering him the Copperdale house.
But Slate prefers Oasis Springs, especially now that he has his own family home.

Mama's eating for two!
She and Papa tried for baby since she won't be an elder for another 22 days.
With their little one on the way, we know the Copperdale home will stay in the Berry family.

At the family museum in Newcrest
Damson: Are these your collections, Mama?
Koa: Yes, you can tell from the gray stripes. My fossil collection's over there. *points to left
By the way, have you thought about the Plum generation's bonus collections?
Damson: Yes! I want to move to Sulani and collect ALL the fish!

Heather and Damson have accomplished a lot so far.
They're Llamacorn scouts, A students and Whiz Kids.
I'm fine if they don't complete Social Butterfly's last milestone.

Besides playing an instrument for four hours, all they have left is Rambunctious Scamp.
I agree to let them take both Thursday and Friday off.
They can learn some skills and we'll have time to travel around to fish.
Aaargh, so much purple!

Weaver: Morgyn, Ahmed, thank you for coming over.  It's time!
Morgyn: So your twins will be starting high school on Monday?
Weaver: Correct. If he joins our household today, he can earn a B grade tomorrow.
Morgyn: Yes, just as I'd requested! All three teens will start high school as B students!
And please give Ahmed a makeover! I detest his striped top and baggy pants!

Weaver: Are you sure this is what you both want? My grand-daughter will not be the next heir.
Morgyn: I'm sure. He'll live as a watched sim in a grand house with his gorgeous family.
Weaver: And is this what you want, too, Ahmed?
Ahmed: Yes! I don't want to end up with a random sim. I want to be part of Berry genetics!

Morgyn: By the way, where is your daughter?
Weaver: I locked her in the greenhouse with her husband Fetu, so they wouldn't interfere.
Morgyn: Are you absolutely sure this will work out? Ahmed will be parented by Koa and Fetu…
Weaver: 100% certain! Our Watcher is crazy about Ahmed, uh, in a healthy, maternalistic way.

Fetu: Papa Weaver's asked me to narrate while Koa's working, so here we go.
Ahmed joins us as an aspiring Nerd Brain and signs up for scouts right away.
After his homework and a school project, he starts on his scout badges.

Watcher: My sims always read magic tomes or skill books for Nerd Brain/Renaissance Sim.
Today I learn skill books also count for the Scholarly Aptitude badge (but not magic tomes).

Fetu: For some reason, the school gave Ahmed a day off yesterday (because it was Exam Day?).
But the Well promoted him to a B student last night, so everything's going as planned.

We've come to the park so Damson can fish while Ahmed works on his last two badges.
Nice work, Ahmed. Since you're done with scouts, we can go to the Sylvan Glade1

Fetu:  If you don't mind my asking, why are you named Ahmed?
Ahmed: No idea. Mother's name was Keri and my sister's named Breanna.
Fetu: While Damson figures out the secret passageway, may I suggest a Polynesian name?
Heather: What about Bob?  Then, he could be Plum Bob! Get it?

Fetu (ignores Heather): What do you think of "Tuki"? It's Tahitian for heartbeat.
Ahmed: Oh, I like that name.  From now on, my name's Tuki Ember!
Damson (views tree 6x): Please help, Papa! It seems only a grown-up can open the path to Sylvan Glade.

Fetu: Anglerfish can be caught in several other places. Forgotten Grotto might be best.
But the Treefish can only be caught here in Sylvan Glade, I believe.
At the pond, Heather catches two, but no Treefish for Damson.

When Tuki shouts that he's caught a Treefish, Damson joins him by the waterfall.

Fetu: And Damson's very first catch there is a Treefish!
Kiddos, we are done here. Time to go home and finish preparing for our move.

Koa: Back home, my brother Slate moves out by walking across the street.
He's glad to join his wife Alicia and their toddlers, Ronnie and Tanvi.

Papa Weaver phones Mama to say he's going home.

Um, Papa, are you sure that baby is yours?

As for Heather and Damson, they finally got their violet eyes!
And they're beyond excited about starting high school on Monday!

Damson: Before that, though, we're moving.
We're all looking forward to life in Sulani.
Heather: I can't wait to attend high school with Damson and Tuki!
Tuki: How long have I been a high school student now? I'm determined to graduate as an A student!

Gallery Downloads
*Pebble Burrow (30x20): "Sunset Bungalow" by silrosse (aka jenba).
  A lovely 3-bedroom home created by the wonderful builder who also created Koala's home.
  Here live Koala's brother Slate with his family.

Progress: End of Week 20
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Past Legacy Homes: I haven't really figured this out yet.
  It makes sense for each heir to return to the home where they started their own family.
  To keep from losing the house, the older heir will need to live with a younger generation.
  Either the next-generation spare or a niece/nephew.

*Fish Collection: I listed all fish by base game and pack, which came to 52.
  Base game/24, Outdoor Retreat/5, Spa Day/3, City Living/2, Vampires/1, Jungle Adventures/3, and Island Living/14.
  Depending on Damson's progress, he might not shoot for all 53 fish.

*Who's Fishing?: Damson is allowed to use fish caught by others as bait.
  But only fish caught by Damson counts for his collection. Hmmm, should I also count fish caught by Damson's spouse as long as they are fishing together?
  Haha, I'm already semi-wimping out on catching 52 fish, though Damson's over one-third done (by catching the easier ones).

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 4.20: All the Moves (4 Sep update)
« Reply #121 on: September 05, 2022, 03:02:12 AM »
Lovely children, as always. The fish collection! Makes sense in Sulani but hey, that's a lot of fish!
Interesting about the skill book reading for Scholarly Aptitude. It's one of the easier badges. I'm always left with Fitness and Outdoor so lots of dancing and fishing!

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 4.20: All the Moves (4 Sep update)
« Reply #122 on: September 05, 2022, 12:52:59 PM »

What a lovely little pink house. I very much enjoyed the conversation about Ahmed or "Tuki" moving in. Like, "Please change my son's clothes; they're awful!" Haha!  ;D

Online oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 4.20: All the Moves (4 Sep update)
« Reply #123 on: September 05, 2022, 05:42:23 PM »
Lovely children, as always. The fish collection! Makes sense in Sulani but hey, that's a lot of fish!
Interesting about the skill book reading for Scholarly Aptitude. It's one of the easier badges. I'm always left with Fitness and Outdoor so lots of dancing and fishing!
Yes, I'm in fear of the Fish collection but, between his home neighborhood (BedrockStrait), Desert Bloom Park, and Sylvan Glade--Damson's had made good progress so far!
As far as collections go, Fish rank among my favorites.

Scholarly Aptitude: The kiddos usually do homework unless, as in Ahmed's case, I want the badge before the Saturday scout meeting.  Then, kids read to complete the badge.
Outdoor Adventurer: This is a quick badge! Just takes a few hours but I always have the kid mentored. For quickest completion, just queue up Fishing actions and cancel as soon as you see the badge icon.
                               Or "Look for frogs" at a park pond.
Keep Fit: This one always takes me the longest. For me, the Swing Set is fastest.  To compare, I had Ahmed mentored on a treadmill; he reached Fitness 7 with Outdoor Fitness at only 2/6.
             I vaguely recall trying Dancing in the past and it seemed to take forever. Would love to know the fastest way to earn this badge, lol.

What a lovely little pink house. I very much enjoyed the conversation about Ahmed or "Tuki" moving in. Like, "Please change my son's clothes; they're awful!" Haha!  ;D
Haha, Morgyn is such a stylish sim! It seemed off that his son would wear such a grungy outfit.

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Bewitched Berries 5.21: Beach, Please!
« Reply #124 on: September 09, 2022, 12:38:15 AM »
5.21: Beach, Please!

Week 21, Sunday (Year 2, 1st week of summer)
Damson: Summer's started and we've moved to Sapphire Shores in Sulani!
My first choice was actually Admiral's Wreckage but Watched nixed that.
(She wants to play at a new-to-her lot. Selfish much?)

Anyway, here we are from left to right:
Me (Gen5 heir), Tuki (my future BIL?), my parents, and my sister Heather.

Mama starts work at 3 pm, so Heather and I age up around noon.
Not a big surprise that sis and I take after our parents.
Tuki drinks a Potion of Rejuvenation, so all three of us are the exact same age.

Who needs an after-school activity, anyway? Not me!
I intend to graduate early and start uni as soon as I can!
You might assume I chose to move to Sulani solely for the fishing.
I've also got my heart set on becoming a world-class chef, specializing in Island Cuisine.

Farm-to-table, that's what I'm talking about!
When I join the Fast Food career, Tuki says he wants to join me.
Later, Heather talks him into joining the Cheer Team with her instead.
Cheerleading? Seriously? Heather and Tuki don't even like football!

Today I learn that a skilled cheerleader requires high fitness.
Here's Tuki at Fitness 8.  His every move is graceful and precise.

Here's Heather at Fitness 2.
By the end of her third routine, she reaches Fitness 4 and does a backflip.
There's hope for her yet!

Mama earns her last promotion tonight to a Hall of Famer.
Now that she's maxed her career, she only has one thing left to do.
And that's Movie Night with the fam!

It's the first time we all sit down to watch TV or a movie together.
We're so hyped that we forget to make popcorn.

Wow, eight screenshots already and it's still only Sunday.
I totally suck at this narrating business!

Today's the first day of school for Heather and me.
Wow, there's a genuine alien in our class!
That Misty Talla sitting next to Tuki is pretty cute. She lives in Ohan'ali Town.
I wonder what her traits are! Maybe Tuki can be my wingdude.

All three of us bring home A's today, but only Tuki and I get early graduation offers.
Tuki declines because he's never gotten the full high school experience before.
I accept, of course, and apply for university right away!
Gah, this house is so sprawling, I'm 40 minutes late to my first work shift!

We have no idea why Heather hasn't been offered early graduation yet.
Her academic performance was the same as mine.
And her Cheer Team performance is just like's Tuki, but with lower Fitness.
Maybe she'll get the offer tomorrow after school.

Tuki: I'm shy so this is hard for me, but I've never been to Prom. You've never been, either, right?
Damson: Yeah, and I can't invite anyone now because I graduated early.
Tuki: I can invite you, but would you want to go with me? Only as friends, of course.
Damson: That's awesome! I've been too stressed with uni plans to meet folks.
Plus you and me are best mates! We can just chill and enjoy the Prom!

Heather and Tuki both get promoted to Cheerleading Teammates (Level 2).

I discover that cooking's not my jam. So much for my famous chef dream!
After I max my Fast Foods job tonight, I quit. 

Watcher: Yes, Damson, I'm the one who chose that purple speedo for you.
In my defense, I didn't know you'd do ALL your Sulani fishing in that. *nosebleed

Damson (shrugs): Fan service, I guess. Hey, that's a Celestial Grouper!

Damson: As much as I love Sulani, I'm moving to Britechester for uni, Tuki. You coming with?
Tuki: Why me? Also, I can't live in a dorm. Still in high school, remember?
Damson: You cook better than everyone except Papa. Also, I'll live off campus.
Tuki: Okay, a commute's a commute. I hope Britechester has nice weather.
Heather: Hey, if Tuki's moving, so am I!

Heather: Dibs on the basement bedroom with an ensuite and light well!
Tuki: That leaves the two second-floor bedrooms to you and me, Damson.
Damson: Hey, Tuki. Wanna switch bedrooms? Your smaller bedroom's the perfect size for my study.
Tuki: I guess. I love the outdoors, so I'd rather spend my time outside, anyway.
Damson: Cool. I got you a Flower Arranging Table, but maybe you'd rather move it to the back yard.

Damson: Pretty sure I need to await mail delivery for my uni acceptance letter.
But I check my PC at 4 am and find a digital acceptance letter!
I enroll in Foxbury's Distinguished Degree in Biology program.
Then, I get started on my homework right away.
As you might guess, we've transformed Tuki's room into a Focused room for study and reading.

From Friday afternoon, I fish non-stop until Saturday afternoon.
We visited Desert Bloom Park (Piranha, Catfish) and the Grotto (Anglerfish Vampire Squid, Batish).
Lastly, I catch the Wolf Eel in the HoB, completing the base game collection.

And then it's Prom Night!
C'mon, Tuki! Let's hit the dance floor!

I bet Heather was expecting to come to the Prom with Tuki.
But he invited me as friends instead, so I wouldn't miss out.
Heather's come to the Prom with Alvaro Munch (as friends).
Yes, he's a genuine Munch living in the ancestral Munchhaus (Coringberg Cottage or something) in Windenburg.

Oh wait, what's this?

I'm beyond excited to get voted Prom Royalty.
But what's with Tuki? He doesn't look very happy.

Damson: There's my smile! Thanks for inviting me, friendo!
Tuki: No problem, it was fun, yeah?
Damson: You bet! But let's go somewhere different next Saturday, my invite.

Gallery Downloads
*Sapphire Shores (50x50): "Island Living Mansion" by GingerBeeee.
  I love the island style of this 5-bedroom house. It's stylish and simple yet uncluttered.
  As usual, the lot was remodeled to accommodate the Gray/Plum/Orange gens.

Progress: End of Week 21
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Koa's Movie Night requirement: How many Movie Nights suffice?
  I'm going to count the requirement as done on Damson's YA birthday.

*Early graduation: Damson and Tuki got offers on Tuesday.
  I have no idea why Heather didn't get the phone call until Thursday.

*Treefish: This is trivial, but I was wrong about Treefish.
  I'd thought it could only be caught at Sylvan Glade, but Tuki caught one at Gibbs Hill.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 4.21: Beach, Please! (8 Sep update)
« Reply #125 on: September 09, 2022, 02:51:37 AM »
Re Movie Night, I counted any Saturday from the point Michaela had children who could join her to the point at which her heir Rowland moved out. She had 2 in total but I wouldn't have worried if it had only been one. It's a cute story-line requirement but not a deal-breaker.

I like your basement addition to the Britechester house with the lightwell. Can I ask how you create the lightwell? I can see you add a side room with windows but how do you delete or glaze it's roof?

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 4.21: Beach, Please! (8 Sep update)
« Reply #126 on: September 09, 2022, 12:33:38 PM »

Damson and Tuki both look very smashing in their prom outfits. Is Tuki really just a future brother-in-law? Hmmm ...

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.21: Beach, Please! (8 Sep update)
« Reply #127 on: September 09, 2022, 01:10:04 PM »
I like your basement addition to the Britechester house with the lightwell. Can I ask how you create the lightwell? I can see you add a side room with windows but how do you delete or glaze it's roof?
I've already a dozen or so screenshots for a planned Gen5 house tours interlude.
So, in response to your query, I'll add a new screenshot showing how to create a lightwell by deleting its ceiling. :D

Damson and Tuki both look very smashing in their prom outfits. Is Tuki really just a future brother-in-law? Hmmm ...
Took me the longest time to decide who the heir should be.
It was Heather through childhood (I started both kids with the Genius trait), then switched to teen Damson with the awesome name.
Gave teen Heather a re-traiting potion. *shrugs

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Bewitched Berries Interlude: Plum (Gen5) Homes (9 Sep update)
« Reply #128 on: September 09, 2022, 02:20:01 PM »
Interlude: Plum (Gen5) Homes

This update's about Damson's homes, though I didn't build either from scratch.
Still, I wanted to share some screenshots of both places and chat generally about homes.

I've played several challenges  on the Admiral's Wreckage 3-4 times) and a generation each on Key Point and The Journey's End.
This time, I wanted my sims to live somewhere different, so I chose Sapphire Shores.

Island Living Mansion
This 50x50 build by GingerBeeee was designed with Sapphire Shores in mind.
It's an aesthetically stunning build, yet not too fussy nor cluttered.
Here's the view from the front. It's entirely over the water except for the front entrance.

Here's a rear view of the house.
As you can see, it has decking for days plus a small pergola.

The first floor has a master bedroom on the very left, now with twin beds.
I've since enlarged that bedroom's closet and converted it into Damson's study.
The other four bedrooms are quite small.
The kitchen/dining area is on the very right.
The decking is broken up by pillars, so the kids have do school projects on the sand out front.

On the plus side, the land area out front is large enough to house a garden/greenhouse.
We'll eventually set up a "toddler camp" on the sand later, I imagine.

The master bedroom has two deck areas of its own.
Damson, however, was too busy planning for uni to ever go there.

Here's the second floor. On the left, you can see down to the first floor.
There are several sitting areas and a bathroom, but the nicest feature is the TV room.

All in all, this is a gorgeous house which, sadly, doesn't really suit my gameplay.
The footprint is very large and the teens were often late for school/work.
It took Damson 30 sim-minutes to get from his bedroom to the front of the lot for work.
Actually, the house might make a great rental.

Spring Steppes
None of my sims have ever lived on campus or, for that matter, in Britechester.

Here's a shot of the original Spring Steppes, located in Gibbs Hill, Britechester.
I believe the Elderberry household resides here at the start of a new game.
Original: 2 bd/3 bth; 3 stories; $77,140 (furnished)

Here's my edited version of the same build.
I was too lazy to build a house from scratch but dislike like playing in 3-story houses.
My renovation has a slightly smaller footprint (minus 19 tiles) for more of yard space.
Also, a basement replaces the 3rd floor, so nobody has to travel two floors to their room.
Edited: 3 bd/2 bth; 2 stories + basement; $106,007 (furnished)

Here's the first floor with its common areas. Tuki's happy enough with "his" kitchen.
Up and down staircases replace the original bathroom.
As you can see, this reno has more yard space in the back and the right side.
(The first three bushes on your left conceal the basement's light well.)

The edited 2nd floor started out with two bedrooms, but Tuki's room is now a Focused room.
Both Damson & Tuki are "Never Weary," so the larger room is kind of an Inspired studio.
Do we even need a fireplace, since Damson never spends time in that room?
Maybe lose the fireplace and bed to make the Focused Room larger? Hmmmm….

Who can blame Heather for claiming the basement bedroom?
It has a lockable entrance on the first floor, a lightwell, and an ensuite bathroom.
Much better than sharing a bathroom with two teen boys, however neat they may be.

Heather isn't quite sure what she's doing in Britechester yet.
But wherever Tuki goes, you'll find Heather close behind.

@Granny Lawlor asked about lightwells.
After creating your room, click on the yellow edge of the room's ceiling.
You must be at the room's ceiling height and not its floor height.

In this case, my lightwell already has no ceiling, so I instead get the option to "Build Ceiling."
Note that I'm on the first floor (the ground floor for you?), not at the basement floor.
When the room had no ceiling, however, I got the "Remove Ceiling" option instead.
Hope this works for you!

Anyway, these are my thoughts on the two houses of the Plum generation.
Perhaps I should stop being lazy and build my own darn houses, lol.

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Re: Bewitched Berries Interlude: Plum (Gen5) Homes (9 Sep update)
« Reply #129 on: September 09, 2022, 02:50:56 PM »
That's great - thanks for the tour and the light well explanation. I'll need to give that a go at some point.

I too love the look of many gallery builds - they're so pretty and imaginative. But when the journey to school/work takes so's unplayable.

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Re: Bewitched Berries Interlude: Plum (Gen5) Homes (9 Sep update)
« Reply #130 on: September 09, 2022, 07:49:56 PM »
That's great - thanks for the tour and the light well explanation. I'll need to give that a go at some point.

I too love the look of many gallery builds - they're so pretty and imaginative. But when the journey to school/work takes so's unplayable.

Looking forward to seeing how you use the lightwells.  Maybe for your AC home's basement once you lift the restriction on e the 8x8 footprint?

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries Interlude: Plum (Gen5) Homes (9 Sep update)
« Reply #131 on: September 10, 2022, 01:02:17 PM »

Love the light well; it's so creative! Nothing at all wrong with enjoying Gallery creations.

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.22: KIssing Cousins? (10 Sep update)
« Reply #132 on: September 10, 2022, 11:35:28 PM »

Love the light well; it's so creative! Nothing at all wrong with enjoying Gallery creations.

I really enjoy downloading Gallery creations for my community lots.  Residences that suit my playstyle are much harder to find.

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Bewitched Berries 5.22: Kissing Cousins? (10 Sep update)
« Reply #133 on: September 10, 2022, 11:50:18 PM »
5.22: Kissing Cousins?

Week 22, Sunday (Year 2, 2nd week of summer)

Damson: We moved here to Gibbs Hill on Thursday night.
I've enrolled in a distinguished degree program to become a Marine Biologist.
Meanwhile, Heather (center) and Tuki (left) are still in high school.
Wish us luck!

I'm trying to finish my second presentation before noon.
After that, we're taking a day trip to Granite Falls.

Tuki invites over Jaxton Sadler, a teen we met at the Magical Realm last week.
They duel twice, winning once each.

Then, Heather mutters something about her low fun and Tuki being a prude.
And she invites Jaxton down to her boudoir.
Dude! Even I'm not allowed down there!

Heather (to herself): So he's a lazy party animal who isn't romantically exploring?
But he's attracted to and will mess around with both men and women.
So, I guess we're good?
He's a homeless orphan, but also a caster. Maybe I'll keep him on the side?

Damson: As for prudish Tuki, he's already an Adept spellcaster!
Eventually, I want to uphold the Berry magical legacy, but I'm just a Neophyte now.
And did you hear that Tuki joined the Simfluencer career today?

Today I learn that I can't go on vacation while enrolled in uni. Never knew that!.
Instead, I park Heather and Tuki in a Japanese-style café in Magnolia Promenade.
They've surely seen enough of Oasis Springs lately and I need a Gummie Guppie.

We show up in Sulani for Movie Night, but it's a total bust.
Mama's the one who insists we do Movie Night, so why does she keep teleporting away?
Our parents never sit down with us once during the entire movie. How pointless!.

Koa: So Fetu and I are thinking about trying for another baby. What do you think?
Heather: That's totally unnecessary, Mama.
Koa; But what about…
Heather: When you're ready to move back to Oasis Springs, I'll go with you, okay?

Heather: How was your first day at uni, Damson?
Damson: Great! I attended two classes and already gave two final presentations.  How about you?
Tuki: After becoming Cheer Team Co-Captains, Heather and I quit the team.
Oh and I have a big favor to ask you for tomorrow…

Tuki: I know I'm a loser, so I really aspire to become Goal-Oriented.
Today, Damson's sacrificing his class performance so I can attend Career Day.
Not really any career reps here whose job details interest me.
I mean, can you imagine timid me as a Criminal Boss?

Fetu: How thoughtful of you, Tuki, to invite us parents over for dinner!
Tuki: It's the least we can do, sir. You helped us rent this nice place.
Morgyn: Lest we forget, I've trained five Berry generations in Untamed Magic so far.
Damson: Absolutely, Sage Ember. You are a fount of wisdom and fashion!
Morgyn: *preens

Damson:  During yesterday's party, Heather was behaving suspiciously flirty.
So, this morning before school, I ask Tuki to check her profile.

Tuki: According to your profiles, Heather has a one-way crush on me. Really?
You and I are deeply connected, which is understandable since we're roomies.
But you're impressed with me, Damson? Why?

Damson: Today, my fickle sis meets Garrett Benali at school and invites him home.
I check our genealogy and he's our 2nd cousin, once removed.
(Garrett's the grandson of our Great-Great-Aunt Ambridge Berry-Pries.)
And his paternal grandfather is Salim Benali, which is pretty cool but beside the point.

Oookaaaay. They went there.
Anyway, I guess she's over her crush on Tuki? (I checked later: she's not.)
And here I thought I was the indecisive one!

Tuki: Thanks for stopping by, Jaxton. Glad you're joining us for dinner.
Heather: Sweet and Sour Eggplant again?
Damson: Don't you want to be Chopstick Savvy like our father? I sure do!

Damson: Anyway, how do you both like Britechester?
Heather: Well, I can't beachcomb for seashells here, but it's okay, I guess.
Tuki: For an outdoor lover like me, Britechester hasn't much to offer. Why?

Damson: This afternoon, I mounted and hung the fish I've already caught in our family museum.
Seeing all those fish on display made me so homesick for Sulani!
I'd believed I wanted an academic life in Britechester, but I hate it here. What about you?
Heather and Tuki (in unison): Let's move back to Sapphire Shores!

Damson: Uh, don't mind my sister and Jaxton…
Tuki: No problem. Heather seems to fall in and out of crushes almost every day.
So, when are you thinking of moving? I have work tomorrow at 5:30 am.
Damson: We didn't bring much luggage and I no longer have my fish or fish bait.
How about we pack up and move tonight?

Damson: It's great to be back home today!
Tuki maxes Simfluencer, becoming a High Flier, then he and sis graduate early.

Mama hits the roof when she hears that Heather has 3 boyfriends, especially Garrett.
Turns out Garret lives in Ye Old Salt House and will eventually inherit that house.
Mama makes Heather break up with Garrett and Alvaro Munch (her first prom date)..

Tuki: So, Mr. I-Got-an-A+-My-1st-Term, you feeling like a big shot today?
Damson: You should talk, Mr. High Flier. Hey, you wanna go celebrate?
Tuki: With you? Why would I want to do that?
Damson: Because we're besties?

Damson: Or I could just pound you with this pillow until you say yes.
Tuki: Haha, no need. You pick the spot.
Damson: I know just the place.
Tuki: Shall I go tell Heather?
Damson: Nah.

Tuki: Um, is this a date or just drinks?
Damson: Just drinks. I needed to talk with somebody about something.
Thursday night, I realized that I'm romantically attracted to only men.
Tuki: You mean, the other night when we invited our parents over to dinner?

Damson: Yeah, does it weird you out, bestie?
Tuki: Not at all.
Damson: Doesn't make any diff to me, since I'm too busy for a relationship. *shrugs
And I'm way too young to be in an exclusive relationship.
Tuki: Oh.

Koa: Thanks for inviting me to the Romance Festival!
Fetu: I don't show you often enough how important you are to me.
Koa: We've had a wonderful life together, haven't we? Where are the kids?
Fetu: They're around here somewhere.

Tuki: I couldn't ask you to Prom because I graduated early.
Why do I have to apologize to you for not inviting you to Prom?
Damson: Because I couldn't invite you, either, but I apologized first!
Tuki: Well, I'm glad you don't resent me anymore.
Damson: Same here. And, Tuki, I need to be honest with you.

Damson: I've had a major crush on you since yesterday.
You know me. I can never make up my mind. My favorite pastime is fishing.
I'm a workaholic who doesn't really know how to have fun.
Would you want someone like me in your life?

Tuki: I thought you'd never ask!

Gallery Downloads
*J&S Clothier (20x20):  "Kotori Café 09 20x20" by sakurisan666.
*Sand Simoleon Beach (40x30): "Sulani Beach Restaurant" by Janttu45.
  Only added one table that seats eight sims, just in case.

Progress: End of Week 22
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Garrett Benali: I love that Garrett resembles his paternal Grandpa Salim.
  Yet he inherited the Erratic trait of his maternal Grandpa Erwin Pries.
  But he lives in Ye Old Salt House (Gen2 Rose) so he must not "marry out."

*Sexual orientation: Damson, Heather, and Tuki started Week 21 with the same settings:
  Romantically exploring: yes
  Romantic interest: both blank
  Mess around interest: men and women
  The first 12 days, Damson and Tuki's profiles kept the "Romance: no" preference.
  By Thu evening, their preferences had both changed to "Romance: men."
  Danson didn't feel the romance until Saturday night, 2 days later than Tuki.
  They are so cute together, haha.

*Heather: What a hilarious sim. She liked bringing boys home from school.
  And she would crush on them without much urging. She had 4 simultaneous crushes, including her crush on Tuki.

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Re: Bewitched Berries 5.22: KIssing Cousins? (10 Sep update)
« Reply #134 on: September 11, 2022, 12:29:17 AM »
Sorry for three updates on consecutive days.
I've started a team readathon today and might frequent the forum less for the next 10 days or so.
Thought I would post my completed updates sooner rather than later, so I can focus on reading. :D