Author Topic: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries [Completed 14 Mar '23]  (Read 161861 times)

Offline oshizu

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Bewitched Berries 3.12: Weaver Starts High School
« Reply #75 on: August 12, 2022, 06:42:49 PM »
3.12: Weaver Starts High School

Week 12, Sunday (4th week of autumn)
Weaver: My parents and I have been so busy since Saturday night!
We spent that evening packing then moved first thing this morning.
Our new home is located in the Plumbite Cover neighborhood of Copperdale.
It's an Art Deco style home by the architect Kulthero777. Watcher added that one-story building on the right.

In the afternoon, I age up to a teen and begin preparing for high school.
As a clumsy loner, I decide that I'm best off aspiring to be a Goal-Oriented student.
For my after-school activity, I choose the Computer Club.
Gaming and programming don't require as much socializing as the other after-school activities.

Since I've joined the Computer Club, I also get a part-time job as a Video Game Streamer.
Whoa, I've started as a Level 2 Speedrunner!

Streaming has nothing to do with my future goals, but it will hopefully be easy and fun.
Looks like I'll be super busy working every weekday morning, but maybe I can work from home?

Last night, I listed 3 woodwork crafts on Plopsy to see how that affects my Enterpreneur skill.
This morning, I have to "Livestream farming with a friend" as my work-from-home assignment.
I check who I know and see fellow Computer Club members: Audrina, Savannah, and Molly.
Oh, great! The principal's daughter, Molly, dislikes me because she considers me her rival.

I really wanted to livestream with Audrina but only my neighbor Savannah was available…

Classwork's not hard but juggling school, Computer Club, a job, and everything else ain't easy.
Between classes, I get a task to be friendly with a student so I seek out Audrina Laurent, natch.
Some guy sits down and starts chatting with Audrina.
Dude, you're a faculty member! Go find someone your own age!

My camping mascot sells on Plopsy for $5,500!
Sadly, the sales only boosts my Entrepreneur skill by 21 points.
Either I need to make a dozen more mascots or I need a better side hustle!
Maybe I'll try an Odd Job on Wednesday.

My academic performance is maxed, so Watcher sends me to school alone today.
I don't see why I can't get a grade promotion if Watcher joins, but oh well!

I'm having a stellar day! I bring home an A and a Computer Club promotion, too!
(Did eating a Cereberry before Computer Club help my performance?)
And that's not all!
Look who's knocking on our front door?  That's Audrina!

Sadly, this is merely a "Flirty Selfie Pose."
We're good friends now. I wonder if she'd be interested in growing closer?
After we're done with homework, I'll try asking her on a date.

Audrina: Tiramisu and latte in Tartosa. How very classy!
I live in Oasis Springs now, so how did you know I was born in Tartosa?
Weaver: Your family name is Laurent so I took a wild guess.

Audrina: I thought you were a bashful geek, Weaver.
Weaver: Haha, no. I'm a loner but not bashful. *blows a kiss

I've been learning Programming and Painting to prepare for the Game Jam Competition.
Before class, I ask Principal Prescott to hold one at a Science Fair tomorrow.
But tomorrow's Sports Day, so I'll have to request a Science Fair another day.
Can I request a Science Fair for Saturday or Sunday?

In my morning Art class, I learn Acting, Painting, and Photography.
After class, I craft a Promposal to ask Audrina to the Prom.
During the break, I look all over for her but she's not at school today.

Suddenly, Audrina shows up in the middle of my afternoon class.
First, she asks me to be her BFF. Next, she asks me to be her Prom date.
Naturally, I say yes to both questions.
Does she realize it's hard to take lecture notes while she's standing in front of me?

On two mornings, I wasted 4 hours total trying to complete the "Work out" task before class.
Though I've reached Fitness 4, I never manage to complete the task.
So this morning, I'm livestreaming on a library computer.
I've learned that livestreams boost the Entrepreneur skill faster than Plopsy sales or odd jobs.

This afternoon, the Career Fair replaces our second class.
Reps are here from the Criminal, Astronaut, and Criminal careers.
Everyone else is enthralled by the Military rep, Ms. Illiana Bjergsen from Windenberg.
Me, I want to be a Space Ranger so I'm only interested in what Otto Rico has to say.

I max my Streamer job this morning and unlock this gold computer. Cool, right?
Uh, sorry for all the shots of me on a computer. It's an occupational hazard, okay?

Today I was planning to take the day off school, but it's Exam Day.
Do I even need to take the exams, since I'm already an A student?
There's my Goal Oriented aspiration's Earn and Keep an A for 3 Days task.
I better attend school to be on the safe side.

No club meeting today, so I head straight to Desert Bloom Park after school.
I can break open the mine entrance now to enter the Forbidden Grotto.
Perhaps a future Berry will come here to work on their Fish collection?
As for me, I'm going home to continue building my rocket ship!

Prom starts in an hour or so and I'm getting kinda nervous.
I finished building this rocket ship today. It took me over 12 hours.
Now I've started installing a Wormhole Generator for space travel.
Yes, I have Grandpa's Wormhole Generator invention but I'd like to visit Sixam in my rocket.

The Auditorium's all decked out for Prom Night.
My classmates and I are dressed to the nines, too.
I grab a bite while Audrina's chatting with friends.

Of course, I vote Audrina for Prom Royalty.
I hear Molly Preston's a bit of a prankster.
So, I vote for Molly for Prom Jester.

I ask Audrina for a Sweetheart Dance, which gets interrupted by the Award Ceremony.
There goes our gold-medal Prom Night!

The Principal crowns Audrina as Prom Royalty.
Her daughter Molly is voted in as Prom Jester.
Uh, did anyone else besides me even vote?
Whatever, I'm really happy for Audrina!

I'm surprised that Sidney (aka Mr. Popularity) invites me to an after-party.
Audrina probably would have enjoyed it, but I have to say no.
For the past hour, I've been overwhelmed by all the people.
I just want to go home to be alone..

Back home, I explore space for the very first time.
Aaah, the joy of solitary travel through space!
I'll try to finish installing the Wormhole Generator tomorrow.

Week 13, Sunday
The Science Fair totally slipped my mind on Saturday.
But, just past midnight, I phone in a Request for a Science Fair and it's accepted!
It'll be held from 5-10 pm on Monday.  I can't wait!

Gallery Downloads
*Copperdale High School (64x64): "Art Deco High School" by JamesTurnerYT.
*Totter Park (50x40): "Symmetria" (30x20) by Kulthero777.
  Expanded the original house and added a separate two-room skilling building with bathrooms.
*Via Romano, Tartosa (30x30): "Garden of Olives" (restaurant) by LilSimsie.

Progress: End of Week 12
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Longer Lifespans:
  On EA Answers HQ, I learned that lifespan settings have been changed for all lifespans.
  Why no info about this huge change in patch notes, either.
  I've used MCCC to switch to the SimCommunity website's settings, based on the tuning files.
  The link:
  The new settings for Normal lifespan I'm using: (Short and Long settings changed, too)
   Baby 1, Toddler 7, Child 13 (unchanged)
   Teen: 21 (from 13)
   YA: 24 (from 21)
   Adult: 33 (from 24)
   Elder: 14 (from 10)

*Prom not appearing on calendar:
  Weaver has a Prom Date but the event doesn't appear on the calendar.
  An EA Answers HQ thread advises to disable auto-aging as a workaround. Yep, that works.
  But that must be the most impractical solution ever.
  I'm happy to report that Prom Night worked just fine, despite not showing on the Calendar.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 2.12: Weaver Starts High School (12 Aug update)
« Reply #76 on: August 13, 2022, 02:57:00 AM »
Looks like Weaver is acing teenhood in High School!
Prom not showing on the calendar is annoying,  whether or not youve got a date. It's always Sat and graduation is always Sun but I always forget what time they are. Having had a Wonder Child in drama club, their Friday show isn't on the calendar either, just that the member is busy.
I do enjoy the High School stuff, especially as it's optional and you can set each Sim as to whether you want the "join" offer for this and for the GTW jobs - handy for when you just want ignore them for a while.

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 2.12: Weaver Starts High School (12 Aug update)
« Reply #77 on: August 13, 2022, 01:13:41 PM »

Weaver is killing it! He's just moving right through those requirements. I didn't have to disable auto aging to get prom to work. But I have had some buggy fears. His prom outfit is fabulous; love it!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 2.12: Weaver Starts High School (12 Aug update)
« Reply #78 on: August 13, 2022, 07:50:35 PM »
Looks like Weaver is acing teenhood in High School!
Prom not showing on the calendar is annoying,  whether or not youve got a date. It's always Sat and graduation is always Sun but I always forget what time they are. Having had a Wonder Child in drama club, their Friday show isn't on the calendar either, just that the member is busy.
I do enjoy the High School stuff, especially as it's optional and you can set each Sim as to whether you want the "join" offer for this and for the GTW jobs - handy for when you just want ignore them for a while.
I'm having a blast with Weaver in high school, though a loner sim wouldn't have been my first choice, haha.
Since the Prom wasn't on the calendar, I was really worried that the Prom wouldn't take place (which has happened to some simmers).
I found all the Prom tasks make the event overly busy, though. Weaver didn't really get to just hang out and chill, lol.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 2.12: Weaver Starts High School (12 Aug update)
« Reply #79 on: August 13, 2022, 07:54:03 PM »

Weaver is killing it! He's just moving right through those requirements. I didn't have to disable auto aging to get prom to work. But I have had some buggy fears. His prom outfit is fabulous; love it!
Can you tell that Weaver is my High School Years guinea pig? I'm trying to complete the Goal-Oriented aspiration after which he'll graduate early and start uni.
I didn't have to disable aging for the Prom to work, but the event wouldn't appear on the Calendar without aging disabled.  I switched auto-aging for Played/Unplayed Sims off and an, just to check. haha.
I also loved his Prom wear but, as a loner, he had a miserable last hour at the Prom, poor guy!

Offline oshizu

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Bewitched Berries 3.13: Early Graduation(s)
« Reply #80 on: August 14, 2022, 11:38:29 PM »
3.13: Early Graduation(s)

Week 13, Sunday (1st week of winter)
Weaver: It's late afternoon when I finally arrive in Sixam via my rocket ship.
Flying around on a broom, I gather unpolished Geodes then hurry home.
Only three more Geodes left to find!

Haruto: You know I don't mind mentoring you in painting, but what's the point?
First you learn Programming for your after-school activity and part-time job. And now Painting?
Weaver: Papa, both the club and job are for my Goal-Oriented aspiration.
I'm a loner, so I didn't want to join the Cheering or Football Team, y'know?
And now that I'm in the Computer Club, I want to do well in the Gaming Jam Comp!

You are looking at the new Computer Club Captain!
The Science Fair started 30 minutes ago, so I rush over to the school.

When I arrive, the venue is empty and the fair stall is closed.
By the time I finish my Game Jam entry, the fair is hopping.
My entry receives a score of 85, but there's no judge on site.

While waiting for the judge, I buy a yellow swatch of the Computer Club tee-shirt.
There's a photo backdrop, so I ask a teammate to snap my photo in front of it.

By 8:40 pm, a judge still hasn't shown up and everyone starts leaving the venue
Please note the school organized this pathetic event, not the Computer Club!

Tomorrow will be my last day of high school, so I decide to leave the Computer Club.
I need to keep my Streamer job for my Goal-Oriented aspiration's last milestone.
Now, I can go home and start applying for uni scholarships!

Naomi: Trust me, Audrina. You'd do better in school if you lived closer to Copperdale.
Audrina: I agree, ma'am, but my home life's such a mess. Dad's a retired elder.
Mom's not only jobless but also pregnant from a married man who isn't my father.
Naomi: It must be impossible to study with so much drama at home.
Audrina: *sniffle, sniffle

Naomi: Listen, we have a spare bedroom. Would you like to move in with us?
I'll speak with your parents tomorrow to ask their permission.

Weaver: I'll be finishing Goal-Oriented once my second class ends today.
I skip all the suggested tasks and only attend my classes.
In my free time, I work on my Research & Debate skill for uni.

I wonder how Mama's visit with Audrina's parents is going?

Jace Laurent (left): We appreciate your concern for Audrina's well-being, Naomi.
Valeria Laurent (right): I can't believe you blabbed our private affairs to this busybody, Jace!
Naomi: Actually, I heard of your troubles from Audrina when she visited us yesterday.
She looked so unhappy that I asked her what was wrong.

Valeria: Wrong? There's nothing wrong! Well, except Jace is abandoning his family.
Jace: After your fling with a married man, you expect to get custody of Audrina?
Valeria: Why not? I'm unemployed but Audrina could quit school and get a job.
Why shouldn't she support her mother and her half-sister?

Jace: I'll be moving in with my niece at the ancestral Laurent home in Tartosa.
But Audrina will enjoy the brightest future with your family, Naomi.
Audrina must not quit school to work at a dead-end job and ruin her future.
I would be grateful, Naomi, if you would guide Audrina toward a fulfilling life.
Naomi: Thank you, Jace, for your trust. Let's ask Audrina what she wants.

Weaver: After school, Principal Prescott's not in her office.
I finally find her in the cafeteria.
Once she grants me early graduation, I rush home and apply for uni.
No word back on my scholarship applications yet.

When I get home from school, Audrina's already moved in with us.
Mama seems pleased to have Audrina here and gives her an extensive makeover.
I almost didn't recognize her, haha.
Audrina and I have only kissed once, but we're in no rush.

I hear back about my scholarship application in less than 48 hours!
Hopefully, I'll hear word on my uni application tomorrow morning!

For my first trip to Sixam, I traveled by my upgraded rocket ship.
Since then, though, I've been using Grandpa Mojito's Wormhole Generator invention.
Tonight, I complete my second bonus collection.
Hmmm, maybe I'll add Space Rocks as a third bonus collection. Or maybe not.

Audrina: I'm a Green Fiend and love tending the garden.
After moving in, I quit the Computer Club to join Scouts.
But we don't know if I can graduate early with Scouts as my after-school activity.
So last night, I quit Scouts and joined the Chess Club.

When I later rejoin Scouts, will I retain the badges I previously earned?

Audrina: After school, I check my phone and see the option for graduating early. Yes!
(I never attended a single Chess Club meeting.)
Oddly, I'm not allowed to join both Scouts and a part-time job, so I choose Scouts first.

My badge progress has stayed exactly the same as before.
When I "Check badge progress," though, all my badges look blank.

Weaver: I hear back about my application this morning!
Somehow, I've been accepted into all 13 distinguished degree programs.
Anyway, I enroll in Foxbury's Distinguished Degree Program in Physics.
I have all weekend to prepare for the first term, which starts Monday.

Uh oh, I hope Audrina doesn't have her heart set on going to the Prom on Saturday.

I've taken over the Focused Room as my study.
After finishing Scouts, Audrina joined a Fast Food job.
Luckily for me, she works tonight and both weekend evenings.
We've both been so busy lately but I'm glad she got to graduate early, too.

Audrina: I'm happy my new job leaves Weaver free to prepare for his first term.
I got this Fast Food job because I aspire to become a Renaissance Sim.
But I also discovered that I love to cook!
(Everyone's so nice to me here, but I miss my dad…)

Naomi: While Audrina's at work, I spot her mother peeping at Weaver in his study.
She's not physically harming anyone in our household, but nobody likes a stalker.
Let's hope she doesn't cause trouble for Audrina.

Weaver: Brunch in Tartosa to celebrate our early graduation. You remember this place, Audrina?
Audrina: How could I forget? It's where you invited me for our first (and only) date!
Weaver: Mama invited your father to join us, too.
Naomi: He lives just across the river and should arrive here soon.

Haruto: We're so glad you could join us, Jace.
Jace: It's my pleasure to celebrate the kids' early graduation with all of you.
Audrina: Thank you for coming, Dad. I've missed you!
Jace: And I've missed you, too, but it's wonderful to see you doing so well.

Weaver: Please don't worry about any misbehavior on my part, Mr. Laurent.
Audrina: Hah! Weaver's so busy preparing for uni, he hardly speaks to me anymore.
Jace: How wonderful that you've entered a distinguished program at Foxbury as a teen.

Weaver: Once we're young adults, I'll formally ask you for Audrina's hand in marriage.
Jace: I don't have that much time left, Weaver. No need to ask for my formal approval.
If you two care about each other, that's good enough for me.

Jace: Will you also be attending university, Audrina?
Audrina: That's way too much work for me! I'm a green fiend, remember?
I prefer gardening, maybe cooking at an organic restaurant for a while.
And, if Weaver's willing, I'd like us to have children.
Weaver: Uh, let's wait until we're young adults to start a family, shall we?

Gallery Downloads
*Copperdale High School (64x64): "Art Deco High School" (Generic) by JamesTurnerYT.
*Totter Park (50x40): "Symmetria" (30x20) by Kulthero777.
  Expanded the main house; also added adetched two-room skilling building with bathrooms.
*Via Romano, Tartosa (30x30): "Garden of Olives" (restaurant) by LilSimsie.

Progress: End of Week 13
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Audrina: I moved her in using Manage Households.
  I felt so bad for Audrina who would've been saddled with her mother's "fling nooboo."
  Audrina's mother won't live long enough to raise her nooboo to a teen.
  As you know, her father Jace is a premade townie of Tartosa who starts life as a child.

*Science Fair: Does this event need to be scheduled for a day the corresponding club doesn't meet?
  Weaver's Computer Club meeting ended at 5:30. If he'd arrived at 5pm at the fair, would a judge have arrived properly?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 2.13: Early Graduation(s) (14 Aug update)
« Reply #81 on: August 15, 2022, 01:58:54 AM »
Goodness me! Audrina is well out of that family! And she's settled in so well. She and Weaver will make lovely babies.
Ooh and Weaver's doing early uni.

I haven't tried a science fair but I am curious how you're getting on with the gaming side hustle? I had to send my WC to work because his Work From Home option was to Livestream Unreleased Game which I couldn't find anywhere in the computer options.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 2.13: Early Graduation(s) (14 Aug update)
« Reply #82 on: August 15, 2022, 03:40:39 PM »
Goodness me! Audrina is well out of that family! And she's settled in so well. She and Weaver will make lovely babies.
Ooh and Weaver's doing early uni.

I haven't tried a science fair but I am curious how you're getting on with the gaming side hustle? I had to send my WC to work because his Work From Home option was to Livestream Unreleased Game which I couldn't find anywhere in the computer options.

Audrina was a real find!
Regarding your question about the gaming side hustle, do you mean the career or the Entrepreneur skill?
Weaver maxed the Streamer career during his first week but kept the job because it satisfied the Goal-Oriented aspiration's last milestone.
As soon as he finished the aspiration, he quit the job. 
He never had the work-from-home assignment you mentioned (Livestream Unreleased Game), even though he'd maxed Video Gaming.
On his last day of high school, I did send him to work though I could've chosen "Work from home" and simply ignored the assignment since he would be quitting that same afternoon.

Haha, i'm already looking forward to playing my Gen4 teen(s)!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 2.13: Early Graduation(s) (14 Aug update)
« Reply #83 on: August 16, 2022, 12:47:39 PM »

Audrina looks awesome, especially after that make over. Her and Weaver should make a great couple. I haven't tried the science fair yet, so I can't speak to that. Also, I'm just gonna yoink that Italian restaurant from the gallery for my other sims game. It's lovely!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 2.13: Early Graduation(s) (14 Aug update)
« Reply #84 on: August 16, 2022, 07:04:18 PM »

Audrina looks awesome, especially after that make over. Her and Weaver should make a great couple. I haven't tried the science fair yet, so I can't speak to that. Also, I'm just gonna yoink that Italian restaurant from the gallery for my other sims game. It's lovely!

Audrina showed up in Weaver's relationship panel on the first day of school because they were both Computer Club members.  Lucky!
LilSimsie made that restaurant specifically for that Via Romano lot in Tartosa and it's great for both dates and family gatherings.
I'm not playing a HoF-bound challenge, so I'm going to tweak its menu to include more Experimental Food dishes, children's beverages, and Cupid's Drink. ;p

Offline oshizu

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Bewitched Berries 3.14: Teendom's End (16 Aug update)
« Reply #85 on: August 17, 2022, 01:21:18 AM »
3.14: Teendom's End

Week 14, Sunday (2nd week of winter)
Naomi: I thought I'd narrate for the last time this week.
When Weaver becomes a young adult, he becomes the active heir.

Here we are at Plumbite Pier, from left to right:
Weaver's girlfriend Audrina, my partner Haruto and me, and our son Weaver.

Weaver and Audrina are feeling resentful about not being invited to last night's Prom.
Why should they care about that since they're no longer high school students?
Moreover, Weaver the Loner dislikes crowds and Audrina worked Saturday night.
They have no option to apologize, though, so their mutual resentment continues to fester.

Weaver is tired of studying and Audrina has the evening off work.
So we spend the day following Weaver around as he tries to complete a few more collections.
We spend several hours each at the Flea Market, Sixam, and the Forgotten Grotto.
Not a successful day for collectibles but we all enjoy getting out of the house for the entire day.

As a university student, Weaver's life follows a daily routine.
Besides raising his Robotics skill, he'll be going to class, doing homework, and taking two finals.
I shall spare you daily shots of my son doing his homework.

I still don't feel ready to tie the knot with Haruto.
But I bet Weaver and Audrina will wed soon after Weaver's birthday next Monday.
To honor his yellow theme, I try baking a white and gold wedding cake.
Not very attractive, is it? 

I try baking a second wedding cake, an all gold cake with dark chocolate squares.
This cake makes the first wedding cake seem more appealing.
If only I could bake a simple, tiered white cake with yellow roses. *sighs heavily

Tonight, Weaver completes his Space Rocks collection and Audrina maxes her Fast Foods job.
To celebrate, Audrina throws a dinner party for just the four of us plus her father.
She's becoming quite the accomplished hostess!

It breaks my heart to see Audrina with her father. She's such a daddy's girl.
She didn't want to leave him but he insisted she move in with us as soon as possible.
That Jace Laurent is one loving, unselfish father!

This museum's a replica of the one Saltypaws built for her own 10Gen Townies Dynasty Challenge.
It was originally designed to display one collection per generation.
However, we Berries will be cramming multiple collections into the museum each generation.
Our family museum is closed to the general public. Kleptos are not welcome!

On the first floor, you'll find my father Mojito's collections of Elements and Frogs.
Here are my own Poster and Snow Globe collections in the foreground.
Behind them, nine of Weaver's 25 Space Prints hang on the walls.

Here are Weaver's 16 remaining Space Prints.
You can see his collections of Geodes and Space Rocks, too.
Going forward, we won't be sharing shots of every collection here.
But every completed collection will be kept in this three-story museum.

We leave for Ohan'ali Town as soon as Weaver finishes his last final this morning.
We're all sick and tired of Copperdale's cold weather!
It's been a relaxing day, hanging out at the beach, fishing, and swimming.

Audrina's father, Jace, passed away the day after she hosted that dinner party.
I hear her mother phoned this afternoon, wanting her to visit.
Nobody can blame Audrina for not wanting to stay in touch with her self-centered mother.

Weaver's first-term grades reflect the time and effort he devoted to him coursework.
I'm sure he's eager to go home and start prepping for the next term.
But we have matters to discuss as a family before Weaver holes up in his study!

Naomi: I know you start a new term on Monday, but you and Audrina are aging up soon.
Audrina's birthday is Saturday and yours is Sunday.
So, I have two questions for you two:
One, will you both age up on the same day, either Saturday or Sunday?
Two, have you made any wedding plans?

Weaver: If you don't mind, Audrina, let's age up and get married on Sunday.
That way, I can focus on school tonight and tomorrow, then relax on Sunday. What do you say?
Audrina: Hello?  You've only kissed me once on our only date.
Weaver: I'm behaving like a gentleman and waiting until we're married.
Audrina: Well, before we fix the wedding date, you should probably propose first.

Naomi: I'm absolutely furious with Haruto!
Tonight, I happen to check who he knows and see that he's flirted with our teen son's teen girlfriend!
After confronting him about it, I insist that he ask Audrina to be just friends.
I think it's better for all of us if we don't tell Weaver about this.

Is this situation my fault because I won't marry Haruto?

Realizing tonight's the Romance Festival, Weaver changes his mind about aging up on Sunday.
Just in case, they blow out their candles before Prom to avoid any "No Prom Invite" resentment.

Weaver: You are the only one for me, Audrina. Will you marry me?
Audrina: Oh! A heat-of-the-moment proposal at the Romance Festival. How very romantic!
Weaver: Um, is that a yes?

Audrina: Yes, absolutely! Let's get married tomorrow, shall we?
Weaver: Sunday is perfect. Would you talk to Mama about it?
I still have a term paper and a presentation left to prepare.
Audrina: Let's go home! Your mother and I have a wedding to plan!

Naomi: I knew learning flower arranging would come in handy someday!
While Audrina decides on their wedding party, I'll craft her wedding bouquet!

Well, the next time we meet will be my son Weaver's wedding day.
It feels odd that he is getting married before I do.
You know, I've never stopped to think about how my not marrying Haruto has affected Weaver.
Is that the reason he's been careful to avoid intimacy with Audrina before marriage? *scratches chin

Gallery Downloads
*Avarice Acres (40x30): "Townie ten gen museum" (30x20) by Saltpastillen (aka Saltypaws).
  I switched the lot type to "Generic" to prevent theft by non-household visitors.

Progress: End of Week 14
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Wants & Fears: I'm very much NOT a fan of this new system replacing whims.
  I mostly ignore them, having my sims earn their satisfaction by other means.

*Haruto & Audrina: I have no idea why they had that pink Romance sliver.
  Ever since she moved in, I've made sure to keep the two apart and Naomi is her only mentor.
  When I checked afterward, the two of them don't have Romantic social options with each other.
  And no, I don't have MCCC set up to allow teen/adult romance.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 2.14: Teendom's End (16 Aug update)
« Reply #86 on: August 17, 2022, 02:15:46 AM »
I've had adults and teens interacting socially. I haven't "explored" it as it hasn't fitted with my stories.
Weirdly I've also had a (natural-born) grandmother flirt with (young adult) granddaughter  (Michaela & Oona Luna). They got ♥++ signs but no pink bar.
I am also not a fan of the new whims/fears system. With usually only 2 whims there's not much choice and the fears develop too quickly. Not being to cancel the whims make it far too intrusive to gameplay.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 2.14: Teendom's End (16 Aug update)
« Reply #87 on: August 17, 2022, 03:11:14 PM »

Great museum shots - it's fun to see all those collections adding up! And yeah, the gold cakes are a little underwhelming, but some of the others from the wedding pack are great. I don't mind the new whims, but the fears, ugh! They really do spawn too fast, and I'm running into bugs with them. The fear of dead end job is particularly annoying; in my dynasty file I have to use potions to get rid of it because the self-interaction before work doesn't get rid of it. It also bugs me that the fear can spawn immediately after they come home from work *with a promotion*.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 2.14: Teendom's End (16 Aug update)
« Reply #88 on: August 17, 2022, 04:40:40 PM »
I've had adults and teens interacting socially. I haven't "explored" it as it hasn't fitted with my stories.
Weirdly I've also had a (natural-born) grandmother flirt with (young adult) granddaughter  (Michaela & Oona Luna). They got ♥++ signs but no pink bar.
I am also not a fan of the new whims/fears system. With usually only 2 whims there's not much choice and the fears develop too quickly. Not being to cancel the whims make it far too intrusive to gameplay.

That's too bizarre about grandmother/granddaughter flirtation.  I thought the latest hotfix would remedy the inappropriate relationships. Ugh.
since you and I aren't playing an HoF-bound challenge, we could always toggle the Wants/Fears system off, hehe.

Great museum shots - it's fun to see all those collections adding up! And yeah, the gold cakes are a little underwhelming, but some of the others from the wedding pack are great. I don't mind the new whims, but the fears, ugh! They really do spawn too fast, and I'm running into bugs with them. The fear of dead end job is particularly annoying; in my dynasty file I have to use potions to get rid of it because the self-interaction before work doesn't get rid of it. It also bugs me that the fear can spawn immediately after they come home from work *with a promotion*.
How annoying it must be to get the "Fear of Dead-End Job" right after your sim returns home with a promotion!
I have no idea why the devs decided to get rid of whims which were a much better gameplay feature.

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Bewitched Berries 3.15: She's a Koala, Not a Bear
« Reply #89 on: August 18, 2022, 08:37:04 PM »
3.15: She's a Koala, Not a Bear

Week 15, Sunday (3rd week of winter)
Weaver: Today's the official start of the third Yellow generation!

On Saturday, we tried to schedule a Sunday morning wedding, but it conflicted with a holiday.
So we resign ourselves to hosting our wedding just past midnight.
Clumsy me! I stumble on my way down the aisle.  Good thing most guests aren't seated yet.

I'd suggested that Mama's partner Haruto walk Audrina down the aisle.
But Audrina and Mama both squashed that idea immediately. I have no idea why.

Of course, Audrina looks ravishing, though she's misplaced the bouquet Mama crafted for her.
(Naturally, she finds it in her personal inventory as soon as our wedding ends. That's life.)

Uncle Darcey performs his role as our officiant with great enthusiasm.
If I weren't a loner, I'd want to spend more time with Uncle Darcey!

After we exchange our vows, Audrina slides her arm around the small of my back.
What a shock when she dips me back for a kiss.
I've never attended a wedding before, so this wedding tradition is entirely unexpected.

Mama worried about our wedding cake for days.
We brought this one, which looks and tastes amazing!

By the way, we'd asked our guests to come in formal dress in shades of yellow.
Not sure why Mama dressed in that flaming scarlet gown. Upstaging the bride much?

A simple and short but very sweet wedding.

Outside of coursework, I spend every free moment looking for metals, crystals, and aliens.
This morning before class, I find my 20th metal next to the Landgraab mansion.

In the early morning, Audrina goes into labor without warning and we rush off to the hospital.
Boy/girl twins!
We've already picked out names. They shall be Slate and Koa!

Gray is the color defining our fourth generation of Berries.
So, our son's named after slate rock.
Our daughter's name, Koa, is short for Koala.

Weaver: Part of me wants to immediately announce our daughter Koa as the Gen4 heir.
But my cautious side wants to wait until their teen birthday.
Audrina: Oh please. Everyone knows you and Watcher already have your hearts set on Koa as heir.

Weaver: The twins are only a day old, but it's never too early to start preparation.
Yesterday evening, I remodeled the second floor to add a large bedroom for the twins.
My parents are helping out today by upgrading their bunk beds.

After aging up to toddlers, our twins look positively angelic.

Do you think it was sappy of me to name our daughter Koala Berry?
With a name like that, she deserves to become the next heir!
She and Slate enjoy a productive day of learning and now they're off to bed. Uh, off to tent, that is.

I end the second term with an overall GPA of A+.
Since I'm a loner, uni gives me a great excuse to do coursework in solitude.
I've had this room all to myself for the past two weeks.
But that will change after the twins' next birthday.

Today's Winterfest, but I added an Egg Hunt to the holiday traditions.
We come to Desert Bloom Park, where Koa runs around looking for eggs.
With a 3-egg contribution from her brother Slate, Koa completes the collection!

Winter in Copperdale has been cloudy and cold, so we decide to stay at the park until the kids get tired.
Everyone's enjoying the warm weather!
Even me, though I'm working on a term paper and a presentation at a picnic table.

I'm determined to finish all my coursework today so I'll be free all day tomorrow.
The toddlers won't remain this adorable age forever.
Haha, look at Slate's surprised look as he slips down the slide.

Progress: End of Week 15
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Read to a child for two hours: To complete this task, Audrina had to read 4 toddler books.
  On the other hand, Weaver finished the task after reading only two books.
  Both Weaver and Audrina have the Speed Reader trait, but Weaver has higher Parenting skill.
  I wonder what allowed Weaver to finish the task in half the time.

*Top-Notch Toddlers: The toddlers' age appears above as (6 days to Child).
  However, I'll be aging up each toddler as soon as they max all their skills.
  That might be Sunday, if I can stay focused, but probably Monday.