Author Topic: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries [Completed 14 Mar '23]  (Read 161868 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 1.5: Raising Ambridge (19 May update)
« Reply #30 on: May 19, 2022, 03:39:39 AM »
Congratulations to Mojito on completing his requirements and naomi is well underway. Looking forward to seeing how she gets on.

Offline Auranaris

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Re: Bewitched Berries 1.5: Raising Ambridge (19 May update)
« Reply #31 on: May 19, 2022, 08:58:01 AM »
Wow, you’re sprinting through this challenge!

Congratulations on finishing Mint gen!
Side note, I’ve been loving the more creative names that you’ve been doing. I usually go with the literal names like “Mint”.  I’ll be interested to see how you play through Rose gen
they/he pronouns please!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 1.5: Raising Ambridge (19 May update)
« Reply #32 on: May 19, 2022, 07:44:25 PM »
Congratulations to Mojito on completing his requirements and naomi is well underway. Looking forward to seeing how she gets on.
Mojito thanks you! As for Naomi, she's done nothing but earn a few Charisma levels.
Normal lifepsn without early age-ups is agonizingly slooooooow. HAHA

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 1.5: Raising Ambridge (19 May update)
« Reply #33 on: May 19, 2022, 07:48:40 PM »
Wow, you’re sprinting through this challenge!

Congratulations on finishing Mint gen!
Side note, I’ve been loving the more creative names that you’ve been doing. I usually go with the literal names like “Mint”.  I’ll be interested to see how you play through Rose gen

Thank you for stopping, Auranaris!
LOL, the Rose heir Naomi is still only a child but I'm already stressing over how to play her life.
I mean, the whole "Gen3 can only be close friends with their grandparents" requirement as well as the Rose heir's elder-stage marriage. *sighs
One thing for sure: nobody's Rose heir will have a wedding as crazy as yours did, though.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 1.5: Raising Ambridge (19 May update)
« Reply #34 on: May 21, 2022, 01:33:33 PM »

Done with Mint and on to Rose. You're just clippin' right along.  ;)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 1.5: Raising Ambridge (19 May update)
« Reply #35 on: May 21, 2022, 09:03:22 PM »

Done with Mint and on to Rose. You're just clippin' right along.  ;)
Haha, I wish! The Rose heir still has a ways to go until she's a YA.

Offline oshizu

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Bewitched Berries 1.6: K-I-S-S-I-N-G (23 May update)
« Reply #36 on: May 23, 2022, 02:35:54 AM »
1.6: K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Week 6, Sunday (Summer)
Mojito: Ambridge adores Erwin and the feeling seems mutual.
She constantly seeks out Erwin to chat.
 And Erwin never refuses her, even when she asks to build a sand sculpture together.

They take such delight in each other's company, I almost feel jealous.
I might keep Erwin as a young adult until Ambridge is older.
And, Erwin, you are NOT allowed to marry anyone else in the meantime!

I had never thought of Erwin as someone who enjoys spending time with toddlers.
Apparently, whatever Ambridge wants, Ambridge gets.

We end our vacay in the afternoon to go to the Flea Market in San Myshuno.
No vegetarian dishes in the Spice District so we visit the Fashion district.
There, we all enjoy Sweet and Sour Eggplant and Naomi starts a Poster collection.
After quietly watching her first protest, she declares she wants to go into politics, too.

Mojito: Ambridge aged up to a geeky child yesterday evening.
Of course, the first sim she looks for this morning is Erwin.

Naomi: Why are you always talking about Ambridge, Papa?
Have you forgotten that the next heir is me, not Ambridge?
Mojito; Don't begrudge your siblings' their happiness, Naomi.
When you move out, you will have all the attention focused on you.

To celebrate the new career I joined last week, I host a dinner party.
Just a handful of sims who are close to me.

Brytani: Who are those Goth kids you invited to the dinner party?
Mojito: Oh, um, I met them the other day when we visited Desert Bloom Park.
Brytani: They're both quite attractive. Maybe they'd be good spouses for Darcey and Rose.
Mojito: No, no. That would not be a good idea.

Suddenly, I hear ominous music and realize that Kiyoshi is dying from overheating.
But we have no Death Flowers at hand!
Like idiots, we'd planted our only Death Flower and stashed away our spliced orchid plant.
So I plead with the Grim Reaper for Kiyoshi's life.  My pleas fall on deaf ears.

Brytani refuses to give up, though Watcher has no experience dealing with death magically.
First, she casts the Necrocall spell on Kiyoshi's urn, which only summons his ghost.
Next, she gives Kiysoshi's ghost a Potion of Prompt Resurrection, which does nothing at all.
Correction: the potion changes Kiyoshi's mood from Angry to Confident. Whoopee-do.

Finally, Brytani casts a Dedeathify spell on Kiyoshi and he returns to life!
Kiyoshi's resurrection also resets his age to a Day 1 YA.
Lesson learned: Do not hold a party requiring special outfits during a heatwave.

Today we celebrate a summer holiday (so the kids can stay home from school).
Dressed as an Intersteller Smuggler and Aayala Secura, Brytani and I plan some fantasy hanky-panky later.
But we're having a heatwave and she almost dies by overheating in her Aayala costume.
Luckily, she recovers by taking a cold shower.
I'm in such a panic over Brytani almost dying that I accidentally send the kids off to school.

Brytani: Hey, there's your birthday notice! Shall we throw you a birthday party?
Mojito: No, thanks. I'm  just going to age up naturally tomorrow.
Brytani: I thought you and I were going to become Long-Lived.  Did you change your mind about that?
Mojito: I don't want to be Long-Lived, Brytani. Have you read about the Gen3 Yellow rules?
As long as I live, my grandkid can't have other close relationships with family or friends.

Mojito: Look, I did the math! Today's the 11th and I'll age up naturally into an adult tomorrow.
If Naomi has a kid right away, I'll enjoy enough time to spend with the Yellow heir.

In the morning, I age up to an adult while tending the garden.
The wrinkles make me a little sad.

Mojito: Today is the twin's birthday, too, so all three kids take the day off.
For lunch, we go to Uptown in San Myshuno in search of vegetarian fare.

Naomi: Papa, may I decide later whether I want to collect posters or snow globes?
Mojito: Sure, but why?
Naomi: There are so many utility boxes but their posters are already taken. I prefer snow globes!
And why do I even have to complete a bonus collection anyway?

Mojito: In the afternoon, the twins Naomi and Darcey blow out their birthday candles.
Personally, I feel Naomi is wearing too much make-up for a high school student.
She insists, however, that folks won't take her seriously if her look is too casual.

Although Ambridge's birthday isn't for another week, I have her age up early.
Naomi will no doubt move out soon after she becomes a young adult.
Before she moves, I'd like see Darcey and Ambridge happily married.
(We all know who Ambridge has her sights on.)

Since I quit my Scientist job 10 days ago, I've had so much free time!
As for my chef job, I've had the past three days off.
So, in the meantime, I've worked my way up to the Master magical rank. Not bad!

Naomi: Papa's at his chef job and Mama's in space looking for a UFO plant.
It's a great chance to invite Haruto Ishida over after school.
Watcher's partial to Haruto because he shares her mother's maiden name Ishida.
I dunno. He's kinda cute. 

These are the three cutest guys at my high school. You've already met Haruto.
Darin and Glenn Lothario are identical twins. Their parents are Don Lothario and Lilith Pleasant.
Who knows why all three of them chose the Fabio hair?
Haruto and Darin and keepers, but Glenn (lower right) is a Slob so that's thumbs down.

Mojito: I'm glad I decided on Naomi as my heir. 
This morning, Darcey refuses to go to his Manual Laborer job.
So I send him to another lot, hoping he'll leave for work from there.
He then runs all the way back home and leaves for work in front of our house. UGH.

Naomi: I'm definitely a Daddy's girl.
Papa's always willing to satisfy my every whim.
On the other hand, I have to ask Mama three times to give me magical training.
She keeps running off to play chess, even though her Logic is maxed.

Ambridge and Erwin have become inseparable.
Wherever Ambridge goes, there you will find Erwin, and vice versa.

Naomi: Haruto phones in the evening to ask me out on a date.
But Papa's at work and Mama says I can't go out until I'm an Adept spellcaster.
Can you believe that?
If Papa had been home, I know he would've let me go!

Gallery Download
*Bahia dell'Amore (40x20): "Tartosa Beach" by Simstanie (slightly edited)

Progress: End of Week 6
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Neighborhood Stories System (NSS): I completely disabled it starting this week.
  If I leave story progression to MCCC, I can limit children per household to three max.
  NSS, however, overrides this limit.  The Goths have had 7 kids and the Kealohas, 5 kids.
  I would obviously like family bloodlines to continue, but 2-3 kids per generation are fine, tyvm.

*Sims Feels Temperature Effects setting: I've disabled this setting.
  Monday, Kiyoshi wears his party outfit to a dinner party and dies from overheating.
  Tuesday, Brytani wears a costume during a holiday and nearly burns to death.
  I realize it's summer in StrangerVille, but the overheating seems excessive to me.
  Now, my sims will no longer be at risk during extremely hot or cold weather.
  Oddly, I've never had to disable this setting before.

*Ambridge's early age-up: I won't be aging up the founder or heirs early.
  But Ambridge is a spare so marrying her off before Naomi moves out doesn't change much.
  Technically, I could've waited until she naturally aged to a YA, then returned to play this house again.
   But it's easier for me if Darcey and Ambridge are married when Naomi moves out.
   Also, I do NOT want to leave the spouse selection up to MC Command Center, lol.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 1.6: K-I-S-S-I-N-G (23 May update)
« Reply #37 on: May 23, 2022, 02:58:33 AM »
Ambridge and Erwin are so cute!

I agree about the number of children that NSS is generating within families. It's made it easy to find peer groups but it's a bit disconcerting. I haven't worked out if I can disable adoptions so I could reduce it slightly. I can't see an obvious button.

Love that Naomi considered posters as a bonus collection. My Tina has started that collection as politicians spend a lot of time wandering around the city.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 1.6: K-I-S-S-I-N-G (23 May update)
« Reply #38 on: May 23, 2022, 03:10:16 PM »
Obviously, I adore Ambridge and Erwin as a couple!
If not for her attraction to Erwin, Ambridge would make a prettier heir. But I've already played Erwin as the founder of my Power of 10 dynasty.

Regarding NSS, what I've done is disable it completely for both "My Households" and "Other Households."
Besides the Have Babies setting, there's also an Adopt Babies setting.
I've noticed that if my sim does a "Discuss expanding the family" social with a friend, they might also adopt a nooboo or a pet if the spouse is already pregnant.

MarianT has the terrific idea of only enabling the Have Babies option (and Adopt Babies option?) in certain intervals, which is great for players not using MCCC.
Of course, turning NSS on and off whenever we wish is something we could not do for any of the forum's dynasty challenges except the BDD. *winks

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 1.6: K-I-S-S-I-N-G (23 May update)
« Reply #39 on: May 23, 2022, 03:43:13 PM »

Oh wow, that's crazy that NSS is creating so many kids. But also, I can't wait to see just how big a multi generational family can get over a dynasty challenge. Won't it be fun walking around and encountering your berry decedents all over the place? All the kids just look so fantastic.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 1.6: K-I-S-S-I-N-G (23 May update)
« Reply #40 on: May 24, 2022, 01:03:51 AM »

Oh wow, that's crazy that NSS is creating so many kids. But also, I can't wait to see just how big a multi generational family can get over a dynasty challenge. Won't it be fun walking around and encountering your berry decedents all over the place? All the kids just look so fantastic.

Haha, I'll definitely be limiting the number of children in legacy-related households so I don't run out of nice spouse options.
Still, I'd love for both of Naomi's (gen2 heir) siblings to at least two kids.  I lack self-control, obviously but I love seeing how genetics work out.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 1.6: K-I-S-S-I-N-G (23 May update)
« Reply #41 on: May 24, 2022, 01:06:53 AM »

Oh wow, that's crazy that NSS is creating so many kids. But also, I can't wait to see just how big a multi generational family can get over a dynasty challenge. Won't it be fun walking around and encountering your berry decedents all over the place? All the kids just look so fantastic.

In the case of the Goths and the Kealohas, I moved out Cassandra Goth, Alex Goth, and Duane Talla when they became YAs, after which the remaining parents kept making babies.
I love Bella's genes but 7 kids?

Haha, I'll definitely be limiting the number of children in legacy-related households so I don't run out of nice (unrelated) spouse options.
Still, I'd love for both of Naomi's (gen2 heir) siblings to at least two kids.  I lack self-control, obviously but I love seeing how genetics work out.

Offline oshizu

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Bewitched Berries 1.7: Father Figure (26 May update)
« Reply #42 on: May 26, 2022, 12:42:35 PM »
1.7: Father Figure

Week 7, Sunday (Summer)
Mojito: Here we all are in frontof the house. From left to right:
Naomi (Rose heir), Darcey, me & Brytani, and Ambridge

Naomi: As you may recall, Papa's eagerly awaiting a grandchild.
So, I've been checking out my male classmates.

It's much harder than I'd expected to meet a boy who masures up to Papa.
I could not marry Alexis Holland, though he's a sweet boy.
His mother Leslie Holland had Alexis out of wedlock with Brent Hecking. (Yes, that Brent Hecking from Brindleton Bay!)
Alexis and his mother were our next-door neighbors until she married Johnny Zest and moved to Oasis Springs.

I've gone out with Oliver Bailey, too.
He's not much in the looks department, but he comes from a stable family.
If I wed Oliver, I might live in that gorgeous Bailey-Moon mansion in Del Sol Valley.
His parents are both rich AND famous.

I confess I'm a bit worried about the influence of Oliver's father, Thorne Bailey.
Rumor has it that he's always out nights without his wife.
What if Oliver believes that is how married life works?
I don't want a hubby who goes out to paint the town red every night without me.

After school, I go out for dessert and coffee with Gino Markovic of San Myshuno.
Gino's a cutie and was born in Tartosa, but have you heard the dirt?
Gino's dad left his wife pregnant to move in with Penny Pizazz (he took Gino along).
Then, his mother moved in a young man (Taku Akiyama) practically half her age!
But my biggest worry is that Gino's father is a pear.  Can body shape skip a generation?

Speaking of pears, meet my classmate Watson Goth.
Among all my prospects, Watson comes from the most illustrious lineage.
Papa says, however, that Watson's the most unattractive Goth he's ever seen.
Not only did Watson inherit the worst of Mortimer's genes, his body shape is just NO.

Mojito: Brytani blows out her candles as soon as she realizes it's her birthday.
We're both adults now.

Naomi: Papa and I have become Virtuoso and Adept spellcasters, respectively.
We make a quick trip to the Magical Realm to learn spells and potion recipes.
Morgyn is happy that I remember to give him a Potion of Rejuvenation.

To my surprise, I run into Haruto there and he's looking incredibly hawt.
Look at him sizzling down the corridor in his ruby tank and knee-high boots.
If he only weren't a poverty-stricken nobody! Can his body be considered an, um, asset?
Why, oh why can't I find anybody like my Papa?

Brother Darcey invites Stephen Keaholoa over after school, so I check him out.
Stephen has four siblings and two of them attend our high school.
Stephen's cool, but the seven-sim Keahola family lives in a two-bedroom house.
He and his two teen brothers are definitely not husband material for me!

In grade school, I had such a crush on Trent Talla, the son of Duane and Lia (Hauata) Talla.
He still has nice features but his fashion sense totally turns me off.
Also, his home Chieftain's Villa is amazing, but Sulani's not the place for me.
I intend to work for an NGO with headquarters in the city.

In the morning, I kiss my 10th schoolmate and figure I've sampled enough.
Bryan Ito has been a friend since grade school, but it's a bit awkward now.
Just because I live in StrangerVille, Bryan wears that bolo tie to impress me.
Sorry, Bryan, but you didn't make the cut.

By the way, ever since Uncle Kiyoshi died on our patio, Papa never invites him over anymore.

You probably think I'm horrid for being so picky, but I want to choose wisely.
Can you blame me for wanting the perfect husband? Someone like Papa!
I take the day off school to invite my three top prospects on one date each. All three of them have sweet personalities:
My pick's attributes:  Darin Caliente (looks, bling, redhead), Oliver Bailey (bling & fame), and Haruto Ishida (bod, smolder).

After one date with Darin, though, I decide not to ask out the other two.
He is such a sweetheart, very handsome, and he's a redhead like me.
Oddly, Darin and Haruto have the exact same traits: they're both paranoid art lovers.
Oliver Bailey may live in a celeb mansion, but Darin grew up in a prestigious university town.
I've made my choice.

Mojito: Bella, what are you doing here?  We aren't really "good neighbors," you know.
Bella: Yes, well, I thought it would give me an excuse to come chat.
Mojito: I heard that you have seven kids and that Mortimer passed away.
Bella: Two of them are yo….
Mojito: Sssshhh, not so loud.  How are Blaze and Scarlet doing?
Bella: I named the girl "Scarlet," but she has green hair like someone I know.

Mojito: Since nothing I cook spoils, I bake a wedding cake for Naomi.
It's even decorated with candy red roses, since Naomi's the Rose heir.
I want to store it in a sticky box then place that box in my personal inventory.
But nothing works and I somehow manage to lose the cake in the process.

Watcher: This is the point where I remove the Sorbet Remix color palette. See note below.

Naomi: Ambridge has always known who she wants to spend her life with. And now I do, too.
Darcey has quietly been putting the moves on someone he met in San Myshuno last week.
I've no idea why our outdoor-loving Darcey ends up falling for such a high-maintenance celebrity.
But he and Baby Ariel become best friends today.
Time to take it to the next level, Darcey.

Darcey:  Sis, Baby Ariel and I are waaaay ahead of you.

Mojito: I bake the same wedding cake as the first one, but don't feel a pink cake suits Naomi.
Maybe this cake can be for Ambridge?
Oh, you noticed my new hairstyle?  Nothing I can do about it.
At least, now Naomi's packing, move, and unpacking next week will go smoothly.

I think a white wedding cake with red roses will be perfect!
While I'm decorating the cake, Brytani continues exploring space for the elusive UFO plant.

Naomi is practicing magic and has only one last spell to master.
She's very close to becoming a Virtuoso spellcaster already.

Ambridge is going through a Distant phase lately.
She doesn't want to be around her family.
But she always has time for her constant, devoted companion, Erwin.

Mojito: And Darcey? Well, he's been rather busy tonight.
I suppose he gets more action than our entire household combined.
Brytani: And whose fault is that?  Hmmmm?

Naomi: Finally!  I'll be a young adult in four more days!

Progress: End of Week 7
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Coupling craziness: MCCC is determining the marriages, affairs, divorces, and remarrying.
  The pregnancy success rate remains at 80% (EA default) for both the active household and NPCs.
  I have no idea what the criteria are for selecting partners, but I'm glad Johnny Zest and Leslie have found each other and had twins.

*Dispose of dead plant:
  I discovered by accident that the Herbio spell can revive a dead plant.

*Sorbet Remix color palette: I've had to remove this custom content.
  I was having a lot of trouble with personal inventory, not being able to move items out of personal inventory (including sticky boxes) as well as to open and move items into/out of sticky boxes.
  Initially, I thought the problem was due to Wonderful Whims, so I removed it.
  Now, I believe it's caused by my cc color palette which adds a 74-color palette to my base game and most pack hairstyles.
   Sad to remove Sorbet Remix, but inventory control's more important than more hair colors.

*Baby Ariel: Baby Ariel comes with a "special NPC" traits that prevents aging and death.
  She also didn't appear on Travel menus and, despite being in the family club, never came to gatherings.
  On EA Answers HQ, crinrict provides a cheat to remove her special status.
  She behaves like a regular NPS now.
  That's great news, because Darcey and Ariel find each other "extremely attractive."
  And yes, I've re-installed Wonderful Whims, haha.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 1.7: Father Figure (26 May update)
« Reply #43 on: May 26, 2022, 05:45:34 PM »

Huh, I had to look up this Baby Ariel to see what her deal was ... Can't say I've ever encountered her in my game before! Hopefully Naomi has a smoother wedding.

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Re: Bewitched Berries 1.7: Father Figure (26 May update)
« Reply #44 on: May 26, 2022, 06:42:25 PM »

Huh, I had to look up this Baby Ariel to see what her deal was ... Can't say I've ever encountered her in my game before! Hopefully Naomi has a smoother wedding.
Baby Ariel is a not-in-the-world, premade celebrity that came with the Get Famous pack. She's very cute with the Good & Music Lover traits but an eternal teen.
I normally can't play her in dynasty challenges because she's immortal, but Darcery and she became an item, so....