Author Topic: Bewitched Berries Epilogue: An Embarrassment of...Berries [Completed 14 Mar '23]  (Read 166204 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 3.15: She's a Koala, Not a Bear (18 Aug update)
« Reply #90 on: August 19, 2022, 01:54:47 AM »
Toddler spam! Thank you. I can never get enough of the toddler pics. I love their freckles. Great names too. Oh, I so want Koa to go through a bear phase in childhood! #fingerscrossed #notabear
No-one wants Haruto too involved in the wedding! How is Audrina going to cope with an over-affectionate father-in-law? Too creepy!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 3.15: She's a Koala, Not a Bear (18 Aug update)
« Reply #91 on: August 19, 2022, 10:12:21 AM »

What a beautiful wedding - just a butter yellow dream! The twins are so adorable with their freckles, and Koala Berry is such a great name. Totes heir material.

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Re: Bewitched Berries 3.15: She's a Koala, Not a Bear (18 Aug update)
« Reply #92 on: August 19, 2022, 01:24:45 PM »
Toddler spam! Thank you. I can never get enough of the toddler pics. I love their freckles. Great names too. Oh, I so want Koa to go through a bear phase in childhood! #fingerscrossed #notabear
No-one wants Haruto too involved in the wedding! How is Audrina going to cope with an over-affectionate father-in-law? Too creepy!
One big plus for The Sims 4: every toddler born to every sim is beautiful and adorable!
Lol, I'm hoping Haruto will cool his jets now that Audrina is married. 
On the other hand, Naomi is taking forever to crawl toward her elder birthday.
I'm also hoping Koa will go through a bear phase but, sadly, that's beyond a Watcher's control. :)

What a beautiful wedding - just a butter yellow dream! The twins are so adorable with their freckles, and Koala Berry is such a great name. Totes heir material.
It was such a stress-free wedding ceremony, with an officiant as the only member of the wedding party!
I learned however that, since Audrina was the one to click on the arch to "Exchange vows and kiss," she was the one who initiated the kiss.
Speaking of butter yellow, I checked the couple's likes and dislikes not long after the wedding and they both disliked Yellow. Wth?
Weaver's grandfather also had a dislike for Yellow, poor Weaver.  I just disabled that dislike for all three sims, hehe.

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Bewitched Berries 3.15: She's a Koala, Not a Bear (18 Aug update)
« Reply #93 on: August 21, 2022, 06:24:18 AM »
:) the gold streaming computer! I see Slate and Koala and think of Wordle. --only positive associations.

Completing the metals collection is deeply impressive. For reals. So many MySims trophies.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Online oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 3.15: She's a Koala, Not a Bear (18 Aug update)
« Reply #94 on: August 21, 2022, 02:17:50 PM »
:) the gold streaming computer! I see Slate and Koala and think of Wordle. --only positive associations.

Completing the metals collection is deeply impressive. For reals. So many MySims trophies.

Yes, the gold streaming computer is definitely a must-have for Max Landgraab!
I'm not sure it never occurred to me before, but the same sim should be in charge of all the digging collections: Crystals, Metals, Fossils, and MySims Trophies.
That should have been, if I'd been thinking more clearly, my Gen1 Scientist. Oh well.
But funny you should mention MySims Trophies because that's coming up next, hehe.

Online oshizu

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Bewitched Berries 3.16: My Mother's Boy Toy
« Reply #95 on: August 21, 2022, 08:34:57 PM »
3.16: My Mother's Boy Toy

Week 15, Sunday (4th week of winter)
Weaver: The other day, I overheard Mama and Audrina talking about Papa.
Apparently, Papa flirted with Audrina when we were teens! Can you believe that?
Look how he stands close to her her, as if he were her partner instead of Mama's.
From left to right, Audrina with Slate, Papa Haruto, me with Koala, and Mama Naomi.

My parents have been undeniably helpful with the twins.
They've been taking turns with Audrina and I to teach the twins their skills.
Still, for the sake of my marriage, Mama seriously needs to marry Papa.
It's time to get over yourself, Mama!

Around 4 pm, when the twins' energy starts to flag, I leave for the Flea Market.
Taking two rare crystals with me, I spend the next 3-1/2 hours trading crystals.
I'm only missing one crystal, but I guess this was a lousy idea.

Just as I'm ready to go home, I spot my friend from high school, Zoey (Ito) Villareal.
We trade and she gives my missing Plumbite crystal and I complete the collection.
This makes my fifth completed collection! Will I ever find that last alien? Do I even care?

When I get home, the twins' needs are mysteriously filled. Time to get skilling!

It's a little past midnight by the time both twins max their skills.
First Koa then Slate blow out their birthday candles.
After aging up, the first thing they do is join Scouts.

Slate (right): Really? We don't have school until Tuesday?
Koa (left): Nope! We can get a head start on our scout badges.

Weaver: I have school tomorrow, so your mother and grandparents can help mentor you.
Koa: School, Papa? Aren't you too old to still be in school?
Audrina: Your father goes to a different school than your do, kiddos.

Slate (left): We've been doing a little of everything since our birthday. What's the big rush?
Koa (right): Watcher gave Papa a list of childhood tasks for us last night.
If we complete all the tasks, we can age up to teens early.
Slate: So, if we're done by Sunday afternoon, we could start high school next Monday?
Koa: Yep! Awesome, right?

Weaver: Audrina's become an aspiring Bestselling Author.
She wants to learn to write Books of Life for our children and grandchildren.
Me, I'm just trying to attend all my classes on time and keep up with my uni homework.

The twins love their bedroom and why wouldn't they?
When I was a child, I only had a cheap laptop!
Koala's been considering what her second collection will be: MySims Trophies or Fish.
Whichever she chooses will determine where we move next.

Koala's decided on collecting MySims Trophies and wants to start today.
So, this morning, we arrive at Desert Bloom Park before 5 am to wait for the dig sites to spawn.
Since she's digging anyway, I persuade her to also collect Fossils.
As incentive, I give her the four Fossils I bought at last Sunday's Flea Market.

Beginner's luck! She finds two treasure maps which give her two rare MySims: Tobor and Zombie Carl.

Koala returns from school, sharing news about Paddywhack's Emporium in Magnolia Promenade.
We visit the shop, where she buys six MySims Trophies, including the rare Violet.
With 3 of the 4 rare MySims Trophies in hand, Koala's already off to a great start!
Well, yes, she just bought six collectibles instead of finding them, but it's a bonus collection, okay?

Audrina: Weaver, I can't believe you've brought the twins to Narwhal Arms. It's a club! 
Weaver: Oh, c'mon. We tried South Square Coffee but that café was a bust for meeting sims.
Audrina: But look, Koa's made friends with that evil vampire Vladislav Straud.
Weaver: Not a huge surprise, dear, since Koala and Vlad are both Music Lovers.

Weaver: This kid is one of the two children the twins asked over to befriend before school
A pretty child, but the open shirt suggests the child is a boy
Oh, his name is Dustin Straud and he's the biological son of Vladislav Straud!
Luckily for Dustin, he looks nothing like his father.

Haruto: Your birthday's on Sunday, right?
Naomi: Yes, but I'd prefer if you and I don't move on Sunday with the rest of the family.
Haruto: That makes sense.  And the kids age up to teens on Sunday as well.
Naomi: Yes, that's way too much going on in one day. Maybe I should age up on Saturday instead?

After school, Koa and Slate each befriend a third classmate to complete their 4th aspiration.
I'm going to go out on a limb here to hazard a guess about my daughter's preferences.
Both this boy, Kirk Broke, and Vlad's son Dustin are redheads with dark complexions.
Would you agree that Koa has "a type"?

Koa's been collecting like a crazy person so she can take a break from digging during high school.
She excavated all of Desert Bloom Park's dig sites twice today.
First when we arrived here around 2 am, then again at 5 am once the dig sites respawned.

Whenever Koa's running around collecting, brother Slate either goes fishing, plays chess, or plays the violin.
As a result, Slate is considerably more skilled than Koa.
Thankfully, he's a very low-maintenance kid who can entertain himself.

Hey, don't let me forget that my last final starts at 3!

Naomi: We arrive at the Palm Cove Restaurant at 5 pm, but we can't order until 8 pm.
Why? Because Haruto and Weaver think it's a smart idea to immediately go swimming.
They then try to sit at the table in their speedos, but I insist they change first. Seriously?

When the food finally arrives, Slate takes his plate and drink over to the bar to dine alone.
What is wrong with the men in this family? *rolls eyes

Naomi: Now that we're all clothed and seated together, allow me to congratulate everyone!
Today, Weaver graduated with honors in Physics.
He's been hired as a Level 8 Space Manager right out of uni.
Meanwhile, Slate and Koa already qualify to age up early and will start high school next Monday.

Weaver: How do you want to celebrate your birthday on Sunday, Mama?
Naomi: I'm finally ready to marry Haruto, but I want to age up and get married on Saturday.
Since my Adult life stage suddenly grew from 24 to 33 days, I feel entitled to age up a day early!
Haruto: At long last, Weaver, your mother will make an honest sim of me!

Weaver: Today's New Year's Eve!
We all arrive at Foxbury for my graduation ceremony, but I can't attend it for some reason.
After two hours, I realize I need to end our holiday early for the ceremony to start.

Haruto: I'm sorry today's holiday prevents us from hosting a lavish wedding ceremony, Naomi.
Naomi: I don't mind at all. Thank you for waiting all this time for me.
Haruto: I knew you would choose me, eventually. Thank you for rescuing me from an illicit life of sin.

Naomi: Hmmph! I can't see why you didn't age up early with me this afternoon.
Haruto: Loosen up, Naomi.  I'm your younger boy toy for two days until my birthday on Monday!

Naomi: Are you okay with staying behind in Copperdale when everybody else moves tomorrow?
Haruto: Absolutely. The two of us can putter around and enjoy our golden years together.

Weaver: While my mother enjoys marital bliss with her boy toy,  Audrina and I get busy packing.
Tomorrow's the big day! Audrina and I move with the twins to a new home in a different town.
And then, the twins celebrate their teen birthday!

Gallery Download
*San Simoleon Beach (40x30): "Palm Cove Restaurant (30x20) by Hey_Harrie.
  A beautiful restaurant, but I will be replacing it with a simpler, less cluttered restaurant.

Progress: End of Week 16
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Crystals: Out of 24 total crystals, Weaver skipped Alexandrite found only in Selvadorada.

*Top-Notch Toddler trait: The twins maxed their skills but didn't get this trait.
  Since they'd earned the trait honestly, I used a cheat to give it to them.
  The open bug report on this issue is here.

*Dustin Straud: is a real looker but will he age up into a vampire?
  What happens to teen vampires at high school? Are they auto-excluded from high school?

*Naomi's elder birthday:
  Naomi was a Day 4 Adult when an update added 9 days to the adult life stage.
  Having Naomi age up and marry a day early greatly simplifies what happens on Sunday!

*Second thoughts on moving: I'd planned to move out Weaver/Audrina and the twins, leaving Naomi and Haruto behind.
  Due to the way family inventory works, though, I'll have to move the entire household then move Naomi/Haruto back to the Copperfale house.
  It would be so much easier to move if my sims didn't have to move stuff from/into their sticky storage boxes into personal inventory when moving.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 3.16: My Mother's Boy Toy (21 Aug update)
« Reply #96 on: August 22, 2022, 03:08:13 AM »
Good plan for Weaver and Audrina to leave Haruto (& Naomi) and start out fresh. Some family relationships are better with a bit of distance!
I love Koa's style. The side-plait is cute.
The age period changes took me totally by surprise and I still haven't got my head round it. Naomi definitely couldn't wait any longer. I hope Haruto settles into monogamy...

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Online oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 3.16: My Mother's Boy Toy (21 Aug update)
« Reply #97 on: August 22, 2022, 04:16:00 PM »
Haha, Haruto was actually very well-behaved, even tho Naomi had left him an almost-eternal bacherlor.
May I blame the game for that one brief romantic blunder? 
Still, I'm glad to start fresh now that Naomi FINALLY married, lol.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Bewitched Berries 3.16: My Mother's Boy Toy (21 Aug update)
« Reply #98 on: August 22, 2022, 07:51:50 PM »

Well, well, well! Look who's finally an honest man!  ;) Dustin really does not look like a son of Vlad. Do you think it's a coincidence? Or are neighborhood story children randomized in appearance? Also, there's a bug for the toddler traits? So that's what happened to my poor Gen 6.  :'(

Online oshizu

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Re: Bewitched Berries 3.16: My Mother's Boy Toy (21 Aug update)
« Reply #99 on: August 22, 2022, 08:00:14 PM »

Well, well, well! Look who's finally an honest man!  ;) Dustin really does not look like a son of Vlad. Do you think it's a coincidence? Or are neighborhood story children randomized in appearance? Also, there's a bug for the toddler traits? So that's what happened to my poor Gen 6.  :'(

The pretty boy Dustin ages up into a teen with Vlad's downturned mouth, haha.
Actually, I am playing with MCCC and have disabled the Neighborhood Stories System entirely because it required too much management to avoid too many children.
MCCC allows me to limit the max no. of children per lifetime per childbearer, so I don't end have couples with six children. :D

As for your Gen6 who got cheated out of their Top-Notch Toddler trait, if I were you, I'd post on the IDC thread about the bug and whether the cheat would be allowed.
Or send a message to Shannon with the bug report link. ;p

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 3.16: My Mother's Boy Toy (21 Aug update)
« Reply #100 on: August 23, 2022, 01:36:54 AM »
Also, there's a bug for the toddler traits? So that's what happened to my poor Gen 6.  :'(
Oh - I didn't spot that! I need to go and check my Wonder Children because they've all earned it but I didn't check they'd got it!

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Bewitched Berries 3.16: My Mother's Boy Toy (21 Aug update)
« Reply #101 on: August 24, 2022, 03:33:29 AM »
@Granny Lawlor I had the Top Notch bug with Maxine. She earned it, and I cheated it. It's probably been a thing since the pre-HSY patch. I looked at the bug reports when I had it, and it's widespread, but it seems it's not 100% of the time either. Maybe you got lucky?
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 3.16: My Mother's Boy Toy (21 Aug update)
« Reply #102 on: August 24, 2022, 04:07:53 PM »
@oshizu & @Heart Foam - I've checked, my Wonder Children all seem to have collected their earned Top-Notch trait (phew)

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Bewitched Berries 4.17: Betrayed at the Prom
« Reply #103 on: August 25, 2022, 08:37:26 PM »
4.17: Betrayed at the Prom

Week 17, Sunday (Year 2, 1st week of spring)
Weaver: The six of us moved late last night, then my parents returned to Copperdale soon after.
We're living in a ranch house, which is Watcher's preferred residential style.
There's a renovated basement, too, but the rooms we'll use most are all on the first floor.
From left to right: Slate (Gen4 spare), Audrina, me, and Koala (Gen4 heir).

After spending a week as children, Slate and Koa both age up to attractive teens.
To minimize schedule conflicts, they've both joined the Football Team and Simfluencer career.
Either twin would do an excellent job as the next heir.
Since our founder, though, we've been alternating genders, which makes Koa the next heir.
Slate's Goal Oriented while Koa's an aspiring Drama Llama (who may also be Goal Oriented).

After their homework and Simfluencer daily tasks, they do one Odd Job each.
Totally a waste of time! Koa does a 4-hr Odd Job, reaching Entrepreneur Level 1.28.
Slate does a 1-hr Technology Review and a 3-hr Odd Job, reaching Entrepreneur Level 2.08.
The kids are better off reviewing Technology and Lifestyle Projects than taking Odd Jobs!

Mei Prescott: Good morning, Slate and Koala.  I remember your father Weaver very well.
Naomi: We've come to ask you about the school, Ms. Prescott.
Mei: Well, if you'd give me my desk back, young lady, I'd be happy to tell you all about our school.

Koa: Between classes, I get a task to be friendly with a student, so I introduce myself to Korbin.
He's very sad, so I end up cheering him up and consoling him due to a death in his family.
When I check his profile, I discover that he's my Rival on the Football Team. WTH?
So Korbin Lucena and I can never be friends?

Koa: I can't believe it took us six hours to reach 75% of our Practice Football task yesterday!
Slate: Practicing together was a mistake!
Koa: Still, 100% requires 4 hours of football practice each. Ugh. Let's switch clubs!

Slate: Hey! How have you managed to "Do Homework 3/5 Times" in only two days?
Koa: I dunno, maybe because I started it in my room, stopped, then finished my homework here?
Slate: No way!  I'm going to try that myself tomorrow!

Weaver: Koa's really loving this neighborhood because she can just dig around here every day.
This morning alone, she finds a new MySims Trophy (Yuki) and two new fossils!
She only needs two more MySims Trophies.
If she doesn't find all the Fossils, it's no big deal.

Slate: We become A students this afternoon and get offered early graduation!
Koa: We also attend our first Chess Club meeting. I wish we'd never joined the Football Team!
Slate: Our Simfluencer job is going well, too!
Koa: We need to raise our Entrepreneur skill, though. Maybe do more reviews?

Koa: When Slate and I were on the Football Team, Korbin Lucena was our Rival.
But we've joined the Chess Club, so we have a new Rival.
Does that mean that Korbin and I can be friends now?
Also, is it my imagination, or is Korbin legit checking me out?

Our new Chess Club Rival promotes our club in the hallway between classes.
Why does the school pick the students I find most attractive to be my Club Rivals?
Krishna's look--that wild hair, blue crop top, and low-slung red sweats-- is everything! *sighs

Koa: Congrats on maxing your career today, Papa!
Slate: You are totally rocking your Space Ranger uniform, too!
Weaver: It's weird that I'll have spent more time studying than actually working!
But, hey, I'm done with all my requirements as the third-generation Yellow heir!

Koa: We need to play chess for our club, so we decide to visit Magnolia Blossom Park.
As usual, no dig sites spawn here but I do run into a childhood friend, Berjes Broke.
He lives in Willow Creek and often visits this park.

Berjes and I are already good friends.
It doesn't take long for romance to spark.
Messing around is a first for both of us! In the Cuddle Carts at Plumbite Pier, no less!

Looks like I'm taking notes in class, but I'm actually messaging under my desk.
See my childish, klepto Rival, Krishna, glaring at me?
I'd planned to send him mean messages but I can't add him to my Social Bunny contacts.
Instead I send mean messages to Teagan, since she's a mean sim.

I make a Promposal this morning, then realize my boyfriend Berjes goes to a different school.
Does that mean he won't attend Copperdale High School's Prom, either?
My clubmate Aiden Lothario has been flirting with me lately, so I take our relationship to the next level.
Then, I ask him to the Prom instead.  What Berjes doesn't know won't hurt him…

Koa: Today's Exam Day but we're already A students so we take the day off.
While Slate moves from one aspiration to another, I'm focusing on magic.
At least until I learn the Transportalate spell to help speed up my collecting.

Koa: At the Spice Festival, only Mama earns bragging rights as the Spice Champion.
I meet a sweet guy named Ahmed Ember at the karaoke bar.
He's moving in pretty fast, but I don't mind at all.
If only I hadn't already asked Aiden Lothario to be my Prom Date.

Papa was livid when he heard who I'd invited to the Prom.
Nobody told me that Grandma Naomi left Aiden's father at the altar back in the day.

Koa: Slate maxed the Simfluencer career yesterday and I do the same this morning.
But  we only got promoted to Chess Club Rank 2 on Thursday and we missed Career Day, too.
So, at the earliest, we can't become High Fliers until next Tuesday.

Weaver: You and Slate will take 9 days to complete Goal-Oriented, just like me. *snickers

Koa: I learn the Transportalate spell 10 min. before we're whisked away to the Prom.
Slate votes only once, choosing me for Prom Royalty.
I also vote only once, choosing Slate for Prom Jester.
Hmmm, I wonder how the other students are voting.

What a surprise that Slate's invited Alicia Goth as his Prom Date.
I hear she's the daughter of Alex Goth's younger brother and Olivia Spencer-Kim-Lewis.
Awww, they're enjoying a Sweetheart Dance together!

Do you remember my blond friend Ahmed from San Myshuno?
Two hours before the Prom, Ahmed phones to ask me out for a date. Of course, I have to turn him down.
And then my mood gets worse when I have to chase Aiden outside to dance with him.
Plus, he's not happy that a a friend of his saw me in San Myshuno with Ahmed. Sheesh!

Luckily, the Principal announces the award ceremony is starting, cutting my dance with Aiden short.
Who will be tonight's Prom Royalty and Prom Jester?

Koa: How could Slate do this to me?  How did this even happen?

Tell me the truth, Aiden!  How did you vote for Prom Royalty? Did you vote for Slate?!
Aiden: Yes, I'm sorry! I was afraid that, if you were chosen Prom Royalty, you wouldn't have time for me anymore.
Koa: How unbelievably selfish and petty of you, Aiden!  We're through!

Koa: What a horrid evening! First, I had to turn down that sweetheart Ahmed for a date.
Then, my school "friends" all vote for my brother as Prom Royalty.
Even my date Aiden chose Slate, which made me so mad that I broke up with him. Good riddance!

On the plus side, both Slate and I earned gold for the Prom.
Um, Slate, are you going to wear your Prom Crown to bed?

Gallery Downloads
*Slipshod Mesquite (40x30): "Wyatt's Place CC-Free" by silrosse (aka jenba).
  Sadly, I extensively recolored/remodeled this amazing ranch house to suit the Gray gen.

Progress: End of Week 17
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Career Day: I'd assumed it would fall on Thursday, like for Weaver.
  I should've checked the Calendar which shows it happens next Tuesday.
  So, did it also take place this past Tuesday when the twins went to school alone?

*Fossils: Five of the 20 total fossils are found in Selvadorada, so Koa's skipping them.
  Since the plaque is awarded for finding the 15 base game fossils, she's happy with that.
  She has enough to do without countless trips to Selvadorada in search 5 fossils!

*MySims Trophies: Koa currently has 5 treasure maps which she's saving.
  Her collection lacks Goth Boy (rare) and Lindsey (uncommon).
  Once she finds Lindsey, she'll start using her treasure maps on dig sites.
  Maybe she'll obtain Lindsey at the next Flea Market!

*Prom Royalty: I have no idea how Slate got chosen instead of Koa.
  Charisma: Slate 9, Koa 10; SB followers: Slate 67, Koa 170.
  Did Koa accidentally vote Slate for Prom Royalty instead of Jester?
  Or are the choices of Royalty/Jester simply random?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Bewitched Berries 3.17: Betrayed at the Prom (25 Aug)
« Reply #104 on: August 26, 2022, 02:18:14 AM »
I love how thoroughly you're exploring the High School gameplay with your NSB family. Oh dear - poor Koa. It all seems to be going wrong... I'm sure she'll turn it around.

