Toddler spam! Thank you. I can never get enough of the toddler pics. I love their freckles. Great names too. Oh, I so want Koa to go through a bear phase in childhood! #fingerscrossed #notabear
No-one wants Haruto too involved in the wedding! How is Audrina going to cope with an over-affectionate father-in-law? Too creepy!
One big plus for The Sims 4: every toddler born to every sim is beautiful and adorable!
Lol, I'm hoping Haruto will cool his jets now that Audrina is married.
On the other hand, Naomi is taking forever to crawl toward her elder birthday.
I'm also hoping Koa will go through a bear phase but, sadly, that's beyond a Watcher's control.

What a beautiful wedding - just a butter yellow dream! The twins are so adorable with their freckles, and Koala Berry is such a great name. Totes heir material.
It was such a stress-free wedding ceremony, with an officiant as the only member of the wedding party!
I learned however that, since Audrina was the one to click on the arch to "Exchange vows and kiss," she was the one who initiated the kiss.
Speaking of butter yellow, I checked the couple's likes and dislikes not long after the wedding and they both disliked Yellow. Wth?
Weaver's grandfather also had a dislike for Yellow, poor Weaver. I just disabled that dislike for all three sims, hehe.