Author Topic: A Twist In The Tale - A Big Dreams Dynasty Attempt (Closed)  (Read 14159 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twist In The Tale – 1.9: Big Brother Is Watching
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2022, 11:44:13 AM »
A Twist In The Tale – 1.9: Big Brother Is Watching

Bill: Hello Jack. I am your Father.
Jack: Dada!

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Fagin: Oh Jack! I didn’t think I could love anyone as much as I love your Father, but you’re so special!

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Fagin: Jack’s tucked up safely in bed and so are the others.
Bill: The rocket’s ready to go!
Watcher: Wait! What? Oh – OK. I don’t think I clicked on that but hey – go for it!

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Bill: It’s time for another move.
Fagin: It would be nice to have some proper neighbours.
Bill: Let’s go to Del Sol Valley.
Watcher: I’ve never played there….

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Erwin: Step up! Step up!
Bill: I think you’d like to offer me a discount!
Erwin: Ah – special rates for fellow erratics!
Bill: I’ll take 20 bugs please.
Erwin: 20? That’s a lot of bugs! Are you sure you don’t work for the government?
Bill: Definitely not!

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Bill: So – these drones that Monks has got will film the neighbourhood and follow people…hmmm!

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Monks: Aw, Dad! You don’t often hug me.
Bill: Well, you’re nearly a man now. I just want the best for you – keep you safe and all that!

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Bill: Well Monks is just painting. That’s a little boring. But…I can see other uses…

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Monks: I love my new drone. Time for my first ever video – home-style cooking. This will get me noticed! Especially shirt-less – ha ha! I know what my audience want!

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Fagin: Sweetie – what’s that you’re listening to?
Bill: I’m not sure you can call me Sweetie…
Fagin: You’ve not been in a fight for over a week now. Let’s face it, you’re mellowing with fatherhood.
Bill: Ah – yes – that’s what I’m doing. This is just radio-ham stuff. Something to keep me out of trouble!

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Bill: Come on – you can do it!
Fagin: Oh – oh – oh no I can’t. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to have a keg party for Bet’s birthday. Only what’s-her-face from next door accepted our invitation and we couldn’t get everyone happy at the same time!

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Big Dream Progress – Year 1, Week 9 (Autumn)

Sykes (Gen 1) – Dark Side Lord in progress
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Fagin (Gen 1) – Mischief Maker in progress
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Nancy (Gen 2 - teen) - ? in progress
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Monks (Gen 2 – teen) - ? in progress
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Bet (Gen 2 – teen) - ? in progress
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Artful Dodger (Gen 2 – toddler) - ? in progress
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Not much Dream progress for our Founders but they'll get there. This the second time one of my families has had autonomous rocket woohoo so I didn’t imagine it the first time!
Bill is a Dark Side Lord and definitely not Saviour of Strangerville but it turns out anyone can buy those bugs. Besides which, erratic Erwin can become one of Bill’s 6 Good Friends.
Monks aged up to a slim teen but Bet followed Nancy in having an over-full figure on aging up. She’s got a lovely face and her default hairstyle will suit her future very well. I wonder if she has any townie genes…

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Jack Dawkins is better known as The Artful Dodger in Oliver Twist the novel. I’m looking forward to developing his character.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twist In The Tale – 1.10: Celebrity Blackmail
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2022, 06:53:05 AM »
A Twist In The Tale – 1.10: Celebrity Blackmail

Bill: So, young man. I hear you’re dating my daughter, Nancy?
Orange: Yes sir! I’m treating her well sir.
Bill: And I hear everything! In the shower? Really? Is that treating her well?

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Orange: I’m sorry sir but she seemed keen.
Bill: Irrelevant! You’ve got a reputation to maintain with your celebrity status…
Orange: Erm…how much?

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Monks: I couldn’t believe it when I saw you walking past our house.
Judith: I like a morning stroll.
Monks: Can I have a selfie?

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Fagin: Jack – you look great! Happy Birthday!
Jack: Thanks Mum. When is it my baby sister’s birthday?
Fagin: Let’s have a costume party to celebrate yours first

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Fagin: Happy Birthday Charley! You were so good through the party.
Nancy: I’m exhausted!
Fagin: I don’t know, Nancy. Since you left school you get very tired all the time.
Nancy: I just like lazing around. That’s why I became a gardener because there’s so little work (!)
Fagin: How many guys did you kiss at this party?
Nancy: Only one, if you’re counting! Everyone was too busy looking at costumes. It’s difficult when there are 2 bears and I'm a hotdog!

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Monks: Ah – this is the life. I should have started coming here sooner!

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Bet: Life as a lifeguard is OK I guess, but there’s no further career development. I’ll quit now.

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Big Dream Progress – Year 1, Week 10 (Autumn)

Bill Sykes
(Gen 1) – Dark Side Lord in progress
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Fagin (Gen 1) – Mischief Maker in progress
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Nancy (Gen 2) – Love ‘Em & Take ‘Em
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Monks (Gen 2 – teen) - ? in progress
Traits : 🗸Materialistic
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Bet (Gen 2 – teen) - ? in progress
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Artful Dodger (Gen 2 – child) - ? in progress
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Charley (Gen 2 – toddler) - ? in progress
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Nancy’s Big Dream is, of course, Love ‘Em & Take ‘Em. With a Granny Lawlor Evilness Score (GLES) of -8, it was the obvious choice for the first of Bill & Fagin’s crew.
I was curious as to whether Nancy “messing around” as a teen counted for the Woohoo achievement – it does. Having achieved the alternative requirements for her character traits during childhood, she only needed 6 days at school (3 slacking off for irresponsible & 3 making friends*) and a start on her Serial Romantic aspiration to age up to an adult.
If there are any professional gardeners out there, I do apologize. I know it’s hard work really but in SIMS, it’s the easiest one, ideal for Lazy Nancy.

In order for Bill to blackmail someone, he has to plant a bug on them and then listen in. He’s not got much out of Nancy’s boyfriends so far… less than $200 each time.

Charley’s conception was another of Bill’s whims. Charley Bates in the novel Oliver Twist was sidekick to Jack (Artful Dodger)

*edited - I'd forgotten Nancy had done her slacking off the previous week

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Offline oshizu

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Re: A Twist In The Tale - 1.10: Celebrity Blackmail
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2022, 11:25:11 PM »
That's one huge second generation!
That'll be your new norm, I imagine, if you're planning to do all the BDs from your available packs!
Best of luck!

When Nancy mentioned being tired all the time, I initially thought she might be pregnant, LOL!
After all of Bill's hard work, blackmailing should be worth more than $500 pr sim!  Sheesh!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: A Twist In The Tale - 1.10: Celebrity Blackmail
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2022, 05:20:48 PM »

I didn't know you could blackmail someone in the Sims! Too great.  ;D

I like that Bill started popping whims for Fagin like that. It's fun when a sim let's you know what it really wants.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Twist In The Tale - 1.10: Celebrity Blackmail
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2022, 02:48:52 AM »
The blackmail is hilarious when you listen in.
Orange Bailey-Moon was involved in a treason plot and Fagin had enormous debts (you'd think Bill would've known that already - he deleted that recording without trying to blackmail her)
I haven't blackmailed anyone when I've been playing the Strangerville story but Bill saw the possibilities straight away.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twist In The Tale – 1.11: Speed Dating
« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2022, 10:46:09 AM »
A Twist In The Tale – 1.11: Speed Dating

Fagin: Jack? Jack?
Jack: I want to be called Dodger!
Fagin: Why?
Jack: Jack’s a good name but it doesn’t stand out. And I intend to stand out!
Fagin: OK, Dodger it is.
Dodger: How come Bet has left school? I thought Monks was older than her and he’s still at school.
Fagin: Bet did so well at High School that she wants to go on to Medical College.
Dodger: She’s been working out a lot too.

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Fagin: Monks keeps taking time off school – what’s going on?
Bill: He says he’s picking up stuff for your shop at the local spa
Fagin: Ooh – good – I got some lovely candles and plant pots – they sell like hot cakes!
Bill: He says he’s only getting the manicures as a front… btw, isn’t our baby due about now?
Fagin: Oh yes – welcome to the world Toby

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Fagin: 2 toddlers together – I want 2 toddler beds this time Bill!
Bill: No problem. We’ll have them in the living room – it’s more efficient.
Charley: Rock Rock
Toby: Yum Yum

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Bill: I’ve noticed you’ve got a lot of boyfriends, Nancy.
Nancy: Only 7, Dad! Can I invite them to the dinner party we’re having for Charley’s birthday?
Bill: What, all of them?
Nancy: Just the latest 3. I haven’t got around to kissing them yet and I think a party is just the right time.
Bill: All 3 here – kissing – together?
Nancy: It’s my dream!

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Fagin: What was that?
Bill: Apparently it was her dream!
Fagin: But it was supposed to be Charley’s party but no-one paid her any attention so she went to bed!
Bill: But as a Dinner Party, it was a great success. Everyone liked my garden salad. And Charley did blow out her candles so…

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Big Dream Progress – Year 1, Week 11 (Autumn)

Bill Sykes
(Gen 1) – Dark Side Lord in progress
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Fagin (Gen 1) – Mischief Maker in progress
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Nancy (Gen 2) – Love ‘Em & Take ‘Em
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Bet (Gen 2) – Dr. McSteamy in progress
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Monks (Gen 2 – teen) - ? in progress
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Artful Dodger (Gen 2 – child) - ? in progress
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Charley (Gen 2 – child) - ? in progress
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Toby (Gen 2 – toddler) - ? in progress
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Bet’s Big Dream is declared as Dr McSteamy. Although she needs to work on her Serial Romantic as well as Nancy, I can’t bring myself to have them fighting over their love-interests, so she’s concentrating on her university studies for now.

Last time I had a Love ‘Em & Take ‘Em, I left the Speed Dating Achievement (3 First Kisses at one event) a bit late so it was hard to find people that my Sim hadn’t already kissed. Nancy lined up her boyfriends without kissing them. She’s quite focused…

Toby Crackit was one of Fagin and Sikes's associates, crass and not too bright.  With a full house, there’s little time for photos. I’ll try harder this coming week.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twist In The Tale – 1.12: Working Girl
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2022, 12:00:41 PM »
A Twist In The Tale – 1.12: Working Girl

Monks: Ah! This is the life. I can’t believe it’s my birthday today! I guess I’d better get a job…

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Nancy: I’m so bored of working for a living. If only I could get my last raise, I could laze around like Bill & Fagin.
Wishing Well: Nope! No Way! Nada! In fact, you’ve been assessed and they’re thinking of demoting you!

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Nancy: I can’t believe it. I did everything right! Argh! I wonder if Bill would help me out… I bet I could make him want to.

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Bill: I’ll just listen in on Nancy. She’s forever chasing after men… Oho! What’s this?

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Bill: I hear you want to stop work?
Nancy: What? Oh – well Bill – you and Fagin don’t work. So I thought…
Bill: I need you to finish climbing your career ladder but then I’ve got plans.
Nancy: Plans?
Bill: All those men you tease and lead on? They’d “lend” you some cash, I’m sure. Large loans.
Nancy: Cash? To see me? I don’t like what you’re suggesting.
Bill: You’ll like it, alright, my girl. It’s only what you were planning to pull on me! I’ve got the recording to prove it!
Nancy: Bill! No!

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Bill: I’ve set you up with a separate lodging. You can still come in the main house but your “friends” will find it more convenient.
Nancy: I’ll leave!
Bill: And live on the streets? This is a better deal. If you don’t believe me, ask Fagin! I know how lazy you are. When you’ve got enough cash together, maybe we’ll talk about you moving out.

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Nancy: It’s nice, I suppose. Blue is my favourite colour. A pretty cage for a trapped songbird. I wonder how much Bill thinks is enough to let me go…

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Orange: I was so glad to get your call. I thought you’d left me behind when you grew up.
Nancy: Oh Orange, I know you’re only a teen but you could lend me a small amount couldn’t you? Oh and we’d better just be friends from now on…

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Nancy: Thanks for lending me the money. I really want my own place.
Sasuma: I like your way of thanking me.
Nancy: We’ll just be friends for now…until I get my own place

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Fagin: It was so kind of Bill to build this place for Nancy. Oh and a shower behind this screen. What! Oh!

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Fagin: Bill! You need to talk to your daughter.
Bill: Adopted daughter!
Fagin: Whatever! She’s in her new place with a man – in the shower!
Bill: Just exploring her romantic nature, I’m sure.

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Fagin: But Bill. I’m really worried. She seems to have different men over all the time!
Bill: OK. It’s like this! She wants to stop work but I told her – everyone has to earn their way in this house. She likes men…they like to give her stuff…I pointed out the financial ups and downs…
Fagin: But Bill, she’s your daughter!
Bill: My adopted daughter! And if you’d seen the way she bats her eyes at me, you’d be glad she’s busy with other men!

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Nancy: Why do you wear that paper bag, Jeb? You’re a handsome man!
Jeb: Do you really think so?
Nancy: I think I’ve just proved it!
Jeb: And you’ll pay me back when you can?
Nancy: Uh huh…

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Meanwhile, life went on in Bill & Fagin’s house. Toby aged into a child and the whole gang went out thieving at the spice festival.

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Big Dream Progress – Year 1, Week 12 (Autumn)

Bill Sykes (Gen 1) – Dark Side Lord in progress
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Fagin (Gen 1) – Mischief Maker in progress
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Nancy (Gen 2) – Love ‘Em & Take ‘Em
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Bet (Gen 2) – Dr. McSteamy in progress
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Monks (Gen 2) – Gold Digger
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Artful Dodger (Gen 2 – child) - ? in progress
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Charley (Gen 2 – child) - ? in progress
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Toby (Gen 2 – child) - ? in progress
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Monks is to be a Gold Digger! He hasn't worked out who will be his golden ticket yet but he's on the prowl.

I was actually a bit shocked that Nancy & Bill could have a romantic relationship. It’s just been autonomous flirting and the pink bar is really low…

I’ve been concentrating on the adults this week so the children haven’t progressed very far. Now we’re free of toddlers, I’m hoping to build up stock for Fagin’s shop. Bill’s itching for a few more fights too.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twist In The Tale – 1.13: Brawl Day
« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2022, 11:46:52 AM »
A Twist In The Tale – 1.13

Nancy: Hi Eric, how are you doing?
Eric: Wow! Better for seeing you.
Nancy: You wouldn’t like to lend me a lot of money, would you?
Eric: Whatever you want!
Nancy: Come and see my hot tub!

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Nancy: Thanks for the large loan. Isn’t your wife home?
Mortimer: She’s in the kitchen and very pregnant.

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Nancy: Haven’t you just had a baby?
Mortimer: Yes. It’s around here somewhere…
Nancy: Oh – another caring father!

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Nancy: Wow! Can you believe that guy! I’ll just clog his drain. It was more fun clogging at the Caliente place. The mother wasn’t too pleased but Don was very forgiving. Lending me money and up for a bit more clogging, if you know what I mean!

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Nancy: Wait! Where’s that crying coming from? Up in the attic? This looks like Casandra’s room. That Mortimer is unbelievable. I’d better feed her…

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Fagin: Nancy? Are you OK?
Nancy: I’m fine, Mum. Just a bit low…
Fagin: I know all about it. I’m so sorry about what Bill’s making you do.
Nancy: I don’t think he’ll ever let me go.
Fagin: He will. I’ll make sure of it. It’s just now is not the right time.
Nancy: It never is…

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Bill: You’re good at this yoga business.
Nancy: It helps me relax.
Bill: Is that the door bell? You’d better go.

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Bill: You really want to pick a fight with me? Here in Henford-on-Bagley so Monks can Window Shop.
Nancy: It’s Brawl Day – I thought you’d like it!
Bill: Ha – I’ll beat you, no problem!
Dodger: Hey! We’re not supposed to fight family! I’m telling Mum!
Bill: Just because you’re all grown into a teen, young man, don’t be telling me what to do or I’ll really give you something to tell your mother!

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Nancy: I don’t think the HoB knew what had hit it when our family showed up. Or at the library in Windenburg before that. Maybe I’ll find some love at the Romance Festival. What do you think, Lady Guru?
Lady Guru: I’ll answer your question but first tell me if your father is here?
Nancy: Bill’s here

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Lady Guru: Oh I hate it when Brawl Day coincides with the Romance Festival. Everyone thinks they can pick on the love guru!

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Nancy: The Romance Festival was a bust! Bill just disrupted everything – him and his Mad, Bad & Dangerous Club. I met a few guys but no-one special. Maybe in many moons time!

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Big Dream Progress – Year 1, Week 13 (Winter)

Bill Sykes
(Gen 1) – Dark Side Lord in progress
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Fagin (Gen 1) – Mischief Maker in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Nancy (Gen 2) – Love ‘Em & Take ‘Em
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Bet (Gen 2) – Dr. McSteamy in progress
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Monks (Gen 2) – Gold Digger
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Artful Dodger (Gen 2 – teen) - ? in progress
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Charley (Gen 2 – child) - ? in progress
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Toby (Gen 2 – child) - ? in progress
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Nancy’s dream requirements don’t need her to get any more “loans” but she always asks, right after her First Kisses and before…

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twist In The Tale – 1.14: One Kiss Is Never Enough
« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2022, 11:00:30 AM »
A Twist In The Tale – 1.14: One Kiss Is Never Enough

Rahul: Oh Nancy – I love kissing you so much, I’ve just got to do it again!
Nancy: You’re so sweet. Everyone else makes me take the lead.
Rahul: I think I’m falling in love.
Nancy: I don’t know what that means any more…

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Nancy: Bill? You’ve had your evil gang here all night. The whole house is trying to sleep!
Bill: They’re my friends – we like to fight!

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Monks: I didn’t think my rep could get any worse! Still, I’m getting paid and getting famous so who cares!?!

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Bill & Nancy: Taxi!
Monks: I’m so hungry! It must be all that work designing a new trend.
Fagin: It’s cool – how do I look in it?
Monks: Great, Mum. You too, Bet!
Bet: I’m hungry too. I’ll just grab some leftovers before doing my next lot of coursework.

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Bill: Those losers from the fight club! They’re all holding a grudge. I’ve thrown them all out! Now it’s just my fellow erratics!
Vihaan: No-one wanted me in a club before.
Bill: You are my new Good Friend. The others will come around too!

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Big Dream Progress – Year 1, Week 14 (Winter)

Bill Sykes
(Gen 1) – Dark Side Lord in progress
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Fagin (Gen 1) – Mischief Maker in progress
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Nancy (Gen 2) – Love ‘Em & Take ‘Em
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Bet (Gen 2) – Dr. McSteamy in progress
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Monks (Gen 2) – Gold Digger
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Artful Dodger (Gen 2 – teen) - ? in progress
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Charley (Gen 2 – teen) - ? in progress
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Toby (Gen 2 – teen) - ? in progress
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I was a bit confused by Charley’s drama club accolade. She got it while still a child because she did something amazing in the class and got the award. Dodger, sadly, is caught in the bug where his performance needs to drop to trigger the award after becoming a teen.

It turns out that Fight Club is not a good way to make friends. Poor Bill – not a good friend to call his own, outside family that is… and not all of them… Do we feel sorry for Bill? Not so much…

Rahul is the only one of Nancy’s “friends” to instigate a show of affection. The autonomous kiss on the doorstep was heart-stoppingly sweet.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twist In The Tale – 1.15: It Takes Two
« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2022, 03:53:02 PM »
A Twist In The Tale – 1.15: It Takes Two

Bill: Ah! Friends! Good Friends! It’s amazing how easy it is to make friends with other crackpots like me if I remember to be nice to them.

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Bill: Hey, Nancy! I’ve been learning how to be nice. You’re pretty good at that!
Nancy: What do you want Bill?
Bill: You know that account Fagin has been having you put your “earnings” in? She’s forgotten to give me the access code. Can you tell me what it is?
Nancy: Nope! She only told me how to pay in. You’ll have to ask her.
Bill: Rats!

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Bill: My 666th whim is to make a wish. I want happiness! The happiness I can get by access to the accounts Fagin set up!

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Bill: I knew this bucket was a waste of space! Double Rats!

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Bill: : This family is cramping my style. Make 6 good friends, indeed! Who needs other people around all the time? I’ve got Nancy working flat out and Fagin’s lock-up is ticking over nicely. I’m going to get a fancy pad back in San Myshuno and work it from over there.

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Fagin: No!
Bill: But Fagin…
Fagin: We all earned that money, Bill! You weren’t even that great at swiping stuff!
Bill: I taught you everything I know!
Fagin: And I taught myself more. You can have your share of funds and no more!

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Bill: OK, I can get the top-floor of that Warehouse with $6k over to get furnishings. I can work with that. I’m so over doing the family thing.
Fagin: I agree. I’ve lived on your whims this last year. I love you Bill but we all know we’re not good together.
Bill: I’ll be seeing you, kid.
Fagin: Goodbye, Bill. Happy Christmas!

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Rahul: So, your Dad’s not here anymore?
Nancy: No – Bill’s gone. I thought you’d like to join us for our Grand Christmas Breakfast.
Rahul: Great – 2 Christmas Dinners! Mum cooks ours for the evening.
Nancy: Tell me about your mum.
Rahul: You’d like her. I’ve told her all about you!
Nancy: You have? Would you like to, you know, be my boyfriend?
Rahul: Absolutely!

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Bet: So this is nice! No sudden whims to play instruments. No fights…
Toby: Maybe we could fight Father Christmas for presents, just for old times sake?
Fagin: No – no more fighting in this house. New rules.

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Charley: I’m not sure about this outfit from Monks. I don’t think purple is really me.
Bet: I still like his first one.
Nancy: I love my crop top with long pants and hat. It really shows off my abs.
Toby: Always with the hats! They cover up my shaved hair detail!

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Nancy: OK, readers! You may think you want details but I have never kissed and told so here’s the skinny, without the skin photos. I started dating Rahul on Christmas morning but I still needed another $12k so that was another 6 clients. I was very motivated so I was done by Boxing Day evening.  I never want to see that hot tub again.

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Monks: Your measurements are the perfect body shape.
Nancy: Thanks, brother. I’m really looking forward to my new style.
Monks: What sort of thing did you have in mind?
Nancy: You met Rahul? I want the sort of clothes his wife would wear.
Monks: He’s married?

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Nancy: No, dummy! He’s not married yet. I’m going to marry him and have lots of babies with him!
Monks: Ah! That makes sense. Not here though – we don’t want more babies here while we have work on our careers.
Nancy: Charming! No – it’s OK. We’ll live with his mum – she’s mayor of Henford-on-Bagley but they live in Sulani which doesn’t make sense but sounds nice.
Monks: There – how’s that?
Nancy: Perfect.

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Rahul: I can’t believe it! And you’ll come live with me & mum?
Nancy: Absolutely – far away from everyone who’s known me.
Rahul: Mum’s over the moon that you want to start a family.
Nancy: I’ve already stopped my birth-control – it takes a day or so to stop working. Let’s go and test out the observatory!

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Bet: Hey! Watcher! Don’t forget to come to my graduation! I’ve been working hard on my degree and got an A+. The least you could do is take a photo!
Dodger: At least you get a proper photo. Me & Charley aged up to young adults but who cares?
Charley: Yeah! Where're our photos?

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Big Dream Progress – Year 1, Week 15 (Winter)

Bill Sykes (Gen 1) – Dark Side Lord finished and moved out

🗸 Traits - Evil & Erratic plus Self-Assured
🗸 Aspirations – Chief of Mischief, Public Enemy
🗸 Career – Criminal Boss 10
🗸 Achievements – Hello, Darkness, My Od Chum; What Would It Be Like
🗸 Skills – Mischief 10
🗸 Satisfaction Rewards – Observant
🗸 Other #1 – 6/6 good friends Evil or Erratic
🗸 Other #2 – Win 69/66 fights
🗸 Other #3 – complete 666/666 whims

Fagin (Gen 1) – Mischief Maker in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Nancy (Gen 2) – Love ‘Em & Take ‘Em finished and moved out
🗸 Toddler: Max Communication
🗸 Child: Social Butterfly
🗸 Scouts/Drama: Sociability
🗸 Character Traits: 10/10 doll house smashes & 3/3 slack off (irresponsible), 10/10 enemies (insensitive)
🗸 Teen: 3/3 Only Make Friends; 🗸 Have b/g friend, 🗸 First Kiss
🗸 Aspirations: 🗸 Serial Romantic 4/4; 🗸 Chief of Mischief 4/4
🗸 Career: Any (gardener - botanist) 10/10
🗸 Achievements: 🗸 Woohoo 50/50; 🗸 Speed Dating
🗸 Skills: Charisma 10, Mischief 10, Piano 10
🗸 Satisfaction Rewards: 🗸 Beguiling, 🗸 Shameless, 🗸Great Kisser
🗸 Other: Borrow money from 12/12 boyfriends (dump & don’t pay back)

Bet (Gen 2) – Dr. McSteamy in progress
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Monks (Gen 2) – Gold Digger in progress
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Artful Dodger (Gen 2) - Superstar in progress
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Charley (Gen 2) – Internet Celeb in progress
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Toby (Gen 2 – teen) - ? in progress
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L-R Monks, Fagin, Charley, Dodger, Bet & Toby
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Phew! Bill was hard work. It was fine when he had easy whims but he often wanted to work on Monks video station which took far too long. He also often wanted to volunteer but that would have caused him a load of stress. I’ll miss his Insta-repair skill but Fagin’s working up hers.

Nancy has high hopes of a happy ending with Rahul in Sulani. Apart from Thomas Watson, he was the only client who showed any autonomous affection. I think Nancy might have miscalculated her birth control though. In case it has any bearing on future chapters, her last “visitors” were Erwin Pries, Thomas Watson and, say it in hushed tones, Bill!

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Twist In The Tale - 1.15: It Takes Two
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2022, 06:38:05 PM »
Congrats on getting Bill and Nancy done and dusted!
I can confirm that Rahul makes lovely children (and grqndchildren). 
I look forward to seeing Nancy's nooboos.

You've got the household down to six sims, so now what? :D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Twist In The Tale - 1.15: It Takes Two
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2022, 02:26:29 AM »
Congrats on getting Bill and Nancy done and dusted!
I can confirm that Rahul makes lovely children (and grqndchildren). 
I look forward to seeing Nancy's nooboos.

You've got the household down to six sims, so now what? :D
With Fagin's shop, Bet needing to deliver a baby and kiss lots of people plus 2 aiming at World-Famous Celebrity, I think the family will pause for breath, lol.
BTW, Monks got asked for 3 selfies with no problem. I just had him tag along on trips for other family members and then left him to his own devices..

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twist In The Tale – 1.16: Out With The Old
« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2022, 04:17:54 PM »
A Twist In The Tale – 1.16: Out With The Old

Toby: If only I’d upped my Charisma sooner, I’d have got this promotion ages ago!
Watcher: oops!

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Dodger: Ha! This career lark is a breeze. Level 4 to level 10 in one night! Epic! I’ll carry on with this to see if I can get famous this way.

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Bet: This is the weirdest house call. I can’t talk properly to Judith and you seem to want to play chess. I think it’s time to head back to the hospital. I’m really hoping for a baby to deliver!

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Monks: Friday night is party night!
Fagin: It’s New Year’s Eve Eve – tomorrow should be party night.
Bet: But we’re having fun! Altogether for once.

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Monk: I just love shopping where my public can see me. Lap it up, people!

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Charley: A+ on my first term. I’m ready to celebrate!
Toby: New Year’s Eve TV is always so corny.
Dodger: That’ll be me next year!
Fagin: Together, 2 nights in a row. What a great family!

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Big Dream Progress – Year 1, Week 16 (Winter)

(Gen 1) – Mischief Maker in progress
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Bet (Gen 2) – Dr. McSteamy in progress
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Monks (Gen 2) – Gold Digger in progress
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Artful Dodger (Gen 2) - Superstar in progress
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Charley (Gen 2) – Internet Celeb in progress
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Toby (Gen 2 ) – Financial Whiz in progress
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Toby’s Big Dream is announced as Financial Whiz. It’s a relief to have a straightforward one alongside all the celebrity seekers.

I’ve never explored Judith’s residence so it was nice that Bet got a housecall there. It’s pretty fancy…

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: A Twist In The Tale - 1.16: Out With The Old
« Reply #28 on: May 06, 2022, 02:45:53 PM »

Good riddance to Bill, and yay for Nancy on finding a happiness (despite Bill being her last ... customer)!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twist In The Tale – 2.1-2: Love Is In The Air
« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2022, 06:59:14 AM »
A Twist In The Tale – 2.1-2: Love Is In The Air

Fagin: A party? For me?
Bet: No party, sorry Mum. But we’ve got cake, party trumpets and confetti!
Dodger: Happy Birthday Mum.

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Kiyoshi: It’s a bit crazy in the Windenburg Library today.
Bet: It usually is when my family go out together. But it all seems to fade away when I look in your eyes.
Kiyoshi: Do you mean that?
Bet: Would you be my boyfriend?

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Yasemin: Oooo-oh! This doesn’t feel right!
Bet: Sh! I’m concentrating!
Yasemin: I don’t think Olive was born this way.
Bet: Home birth that time, was it?
Yasemin: So you always do it this way at the hospital?
Bet: Always! At least – well – this is my first…

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Kiyoshi: Thanks for asking me on a date at this coffee house.
Bet: I wasn’t sure if you’d come.
Kiyoshi: Are you flirting with Gunther Munch?
Bet: He’s just a patient. Let me clear things up with him and I’ll be right back….
Kiyoshi: Just a patient?
Bet: And now we’re just friends. Where was I…Oh yes…will you marry me?
Kiyoshi: Oh yes!

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Bet: Forsaking all others, I do!
Kiyoshi: “All”????

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Monks: Thanks for promoting one of my designs, Dodger.
Dodger: Anything for you, Monks. You’re my hero.
Monks: I’m an ace singer now, bro. You need to up your game if you want to be as famous as me!
Dodger: Working on it, bro. Working on it!

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Toby: I really like these burnt orange trousers. I think I look better in them than you.
Monks: Maybe, Mum definitely looks better in her outfit than I do! Lol!

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Dodger: I can’t believe it, Monks – you’re a global superstar celebrity. You worked really hard for it.
Monks: Every second of the day!
Dodger: What now?
Monks: I’ve got plans…big plans!
Dodger: Will we always be Best Friends?
Monks: Forever!

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Monks: Why have you brought me here to Umbrage Manor, Mum?
Fagin: You know – your dream?
Monks: Oh yes! To have my own mansion to live in. But can you spare the household funds?
Fagin: You don’t need it. Just go and knock on the door!

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Reagan: I couldn’t believe it when you knocked at my door. And now we’re on a date? I thought you were famous for no romance in your life.
Monks: I was drawn to you as soon as I saw…..your cat.
Reagan: Oh yes! I love cats, and dogs.

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Monks: Take a picture with me? I know my family want to meet you.
Reagan: Your mum was with you when you visited me but we never got to say hello. She was off somewhere…
Monks: Oh, that’s mum alright. Loves looking round other people’s houses….

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Toby: Aren’t you worried you’ll lose touch with Monks, now he’s marrying Reagan and moving into her place?
Dodger: Not at all. He’s left me all his video stuff and he’s going to help me get a head start in the fame business.
Toby: Mum says she can’t wait to visit them both at Umbrage Manor.
Dodger: Uh-oh…I wonder if Monks realizes that.

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Big Dream Progress – Year 2, Week 18 (Spring)

Fagin (Gen 1) – Mischief Maker in progress
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Bet (Gen 2) – Dr. McSteamy finished and moved out
🗸 Toddler – top-notch toddler
🗸 Child: Social Butterfly 3/3; Whiz Kid 3/3
🗸 Scouts: All but keep fit
🗸 Character Traits: 🗸Responsible, 🗸Compassionate
🗸 Teen: Any part-time career - lifeguard
🗸 Aspirations: Serial Romantic 4; 🗸 Renaissance Sim 4
🗸 Career: Doctor 10
🗸 Skills: Charisma 10, Logic 10, Wellness 10
🗸 Satisfaction Rewards: 🗸Shameless; 🗸 Beguiling
🗸 Other: 🗸 Biology Degree 12/12 classes; 🗸 First Kiss 4/4 co-workers & 5/5 patients

Monks (Gen 2) – Gold Digger finished & moved out
🗸 Traits : 🗸Materialistic, 🗸 High Maintenance
🗸 Toddler – Imagination & Communication
🗸 Child: Artistic Prodigy 3/3, Social Butterfly 3/3
🗸 Scouts/Drama: Arts & Crafts, Sociability
🗸 Character Traits: 10/10 enemies (insensitive)
🗸 Teen: get massage plus mani/pedi on 7/7 days
Aspirations: 🗸 World-Famous Celebrity; 🗸 Artistic Genius
🗸 Career: Trendsetter (Style Influencer)
🗸 Skills: Charisma 10, Wellness 10, Writing 10
🗸 Satisfaction Rewards: 🗸Carefree, 🗸Beguiling
🗸 Other: 🗸 4 weeks of 4 hours shopping; 🗸 5/5 masculine & 5/5 feminine trends; 🗸 8/8 SIMS wearing them; 🗸 marry and move in (with) wealthy SIM – Regan Balderas in Umbrage Manor

Artful Dodger (Gen 2) - Superstar in progress
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Charley (Gen 2) – Internet Celeb in progress
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Toby (Gen 2 ) – Financial Whiz in progress
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2 more Big Dreamers completed and moved out so the house is down to 4. Fagin still only has 5 of the retail perks, despite pulling many all-nighters. She’ll get there some day, I hope.

At least one of her natural children (with Bill) needs to produce Gen 3. Which one will it be…is there more romance in the air?

