Author Topic: A Twist In The Tale - A Big Dreams Dynasty Attempt (Closed)  (Read 14190 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twist In The Tale - A Big Dreams Dynasty Attempt (Closed)
« on: April 18, 2022, 02:28:34 AM »

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Young adult Bill Sykes "met" homeless teen Fagin when she tried to pick his pocket. Big mistake - huge! He hauled her back to his crummy apartment and gave her no alternative but to work for him. In return he would train her up in the life of crime she had entered.

Terrified of Bill's threats but preferring a known danger to the hazards of sleeping rough in the city, Fagin accepted her lot. With this unholy alliance formed, the entire Simverse would come to fear and dread their presence.

Skip to First Chapter
Big Dreams Achieved/Remaining

Chapter List
Year 1

1.2: Out of the Frying Pan
1.3: Don't Settle Down
1.4: One Of Our Armour Suits Is Missing
1.5: Growing Up Fast
1.6: Sad But Not For Long
1.7: Whimsical Romance
1.8: I Met Him On A Sunday
1.9: Big Brother Is Watching
1.10: Celebrity Blackmail
1.11: Speed Dating
1.12: Working Girl
1.13: Brawl Day
1.14: One Kiss Is Never Enough
1.15: It Takes Two
1.16: Out With The Old
Year 2
2.1-2: Love Is In The Air
2.3: Not Working For The Man
2.4: The Art Is In Getting Paid
2.5: A Budget Wedding

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twist In The Tale - The Dreams
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2022, 02:36:22 AM »
Big Dreams

23 – Dark Side Lord - Bill Sykes (gen 1) - week 15
15 – Love ‘Em and Take ‘Em - Nancy (gen 2) - week 15
32 – Dr McSteamy - Bet (gen 2) - week 18
37 – Gold Digger - Monks (gen 2) - week 18
12 – Financial Whiz - Toby (gen 2) - week 20

In Progress
27 – Mischief Maker - Fagin (gen 1)
41 – Superstar - Dodger (gen 2)
29 – Internet Celeb - Charley (gen 2)
10 – Garden Guru - Rohan Elderberry (gen 2 spouse)

A list of all the remaining Big Dreams for which I have the expansion packs

1 – Family Matters
2 – Family Ties
3 – Sports Master
4 – Tech-Head
5 – Artistic Genius
6 – Music Afficionado
7 – Author
8 – Foodie
9 – Master Mixer
11 – Outdoorsman
13 – Soulmates
14 – People Person
17 – Life-Long Learner
18 – Master Scientist
19 – World Traveller
20 – Alien Antics
22 – Restauranteur
24 – Cult Founder
25 – Creative Artisan
26 – Sea Siren
28 – Uber Sim
30 – Rancherino
31 – Holiday Lover
34 – Eco Warrior
35 – Virtuous Vet
36 – Saviour of StrangerVille
38 – Intrepid Adventurer
39 – Legendary Gamer
40 – Ace Photographer

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twist In The Tale - The Dreamers
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2022, 02:37:44 AM »
The Dreamers

Generation 1

Bill Sykes - Dark Side Lord - completed week 15
Evil, Erratic and Self-Confident
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Fagin - Mischief Maker
Hot-headed, Kleptomaniac, Outgoing
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Generation 2

Nancy - Love 'Em & Take 'Em - completed week 15
adopted - cheerful, romantic, lazy
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Bet - Dr McSteamy - completed week 18
Outgoing, Romantic, Genius
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Monks - Gold Digger - completed week 18
adopted - Outgoing, Materialistic, High-Maintenance
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Artful Dodger - Superstar
parents Bill & Fagin
Outgoing, Self-Assured
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Charley - Internet Celeb
parents Bill & Fagin
Fiance Rohan
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Toby - Financial Whiz
parents Bill & Fagin
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Generation 3

Noah - ?
Parents Charley & Rohan
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Amy - ?
Parents Charley & Rohan
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Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twist In The Tail – 1.2: Out Of The Frying Pan
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2022, 07:27:01 AM »
A Twist In The Tail – 1.2: Out Of The Frying Pan

Bill: You stay there and Troll some people until you get up at least one level!
Fagin (meekly): Yes, Mr Sykes.
Bill: Mr Sykes was my father. You can call me Bill.
Fagin: “Was” your father?
Bill: No questions – work!

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Fagin: And that’s how everyone is going to get blood poisoning from sitting on park benches!
Thomas Watson: Thank you for telling me. I’ll never sit on another one.
Fagin: I’ll just see if this pouffe over here will fit in my bag…

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Bill: I’ll get you next time! Don’t talk back to me! Wait – you’re the punch bag. Where did that bear go? Oh no! Not the voices again!

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Fagin: Thank you for bringing this yucky fruit cake – we needed a doorstop.
Penny: I was trying to be neighbourly. We were worried when we saw that Bill had brought a young girl back – you are only a teen, aren’t you? It’s not an appropriate place for you to be.
Fagin: Bill’s never touched me! Not like that! He’s nothing like my step-father! And this place is better than sleeping rough. I’ve got a proper bed and everything!
Penny: It’s just – everything’s black in here. And I can’t believe that Bill took the rug off where the previous tenant died.
Bill: I took it off because whatever rug gets put there starts to smell, you nosy old bag!
Penny: Well really!
Fagin: Is it true that the previous tenant was growing illegal plants and making funky brownies? And that he was killed in a turf war with Malcolm Landgraab?
Penny: That’s just an urban legend.
Bill: A brownie factory would explain the rat problem, or are they coming from your apartment. After all, someone must have ratted the last guy out!

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Bill: This hacking competition is a walk-over! I can just hack the save files. Blast it! They’ve got safety catches everywhere! *@*@*!

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Bill: Oh Penny – nice outfit! Am I pleased to see you or is this a Veggie Dog I’m holding?
Penny: Unbelievable! I hate you!
Bill: Wait! Why? Who was that? Where am I?

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Fagin: Don’t look now Bill but you need to fix that rubbish PC again.
Bill: But I’m in the middle of setting up a money scam.
Fagin: If you got a better PC, it wouldn’t break down so often.
Bill: If you “found” one for me, that would be even better!
Fagin: Next outing! After my Fast Food job.
Bill: Why are you bothering with that school project? Just sell it!
Fagin: We’ll get the same for it made up and this way the school won’t be contacting you about my grades.
Bill: Good point. No authorities sniffing round here, thank you very much!

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Bill: I spent good money on this chess board, you could at least come and challenge me!
Fagin: Yes, Bill. Of course, Bill. Anything you say, Bill.
Bill: What’s wrong with you?
Fagin: You’ve brought your baseball bat home…
Bill: It’s not for you, foolish girl! It’s in case that nosy neighbour comes round. I’ve got to hold on to that bag of cash for a bit and she’s a rat, no matter what she says.
Fagin: She told me that you’d hit on her.
Bill: Ha! Like that’s a believable story!

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Fagin: Yay! Level 10 in Mischief!

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Fagin: Mum always said I was a Problem Child so I’ve just made it official.

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Fagin: I’ll just troll some more folk. Better crack a window too. All that yucky food we’ve been making is giving me gas! Better out than in! (Sings )“Beans are good for the soul and the heart. Beans are good but they make you ….”
Bill: I’m off to work but I made you a cake…
Fagin: He’s all heart!

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Fagin: Hmmm – Insensitive, Bad Manners but Responsible – that’s me alright!

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Big Dream Progress – Year 1, Week 2 (Spring)

Bill Sykes
– Dark Side Lord in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Fagin – Mischief Maker in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


In order for Founder Fagin to achieve Problem Child, she had to enter this Dynasty as a teen. With Swiping as a club rule, she and Bill have been on many “outings” to community lots. They can’t act as a thieving club at NPC houses but Fagin can swipe herself at them.
She’s very dedicated to her swiping – always swiping something each school day and work shift. Getting to 15 items was child’s play! Selling the dirty dishes won’t be an option and I seem to remember that selling books doesn’t work. She can read them for her Renaissance Aspiration. Everything she has swiped and that is sellable has been placed in her lock-up – a tiny plain building in Newcrest.

Bills “other” task of completing 66 whims was responsible for his “bold pick-up line” on Penny Pizzazz, despite them being declared enemies. His self-assurance made him want to and who am I to deny the guy a shot? Actually, I’m a bit terrified of him. I modelled his looks a bit on Oliver Reed who played Bill Sykes in the film of the musical Oliver. Fagin is clearly not modelled on any of the male actors who have played Fagin but just a randomly generated SIM from CAS.

I added a Mean Vibe to Needs TLC for the lot traits. It makes getting Bill angry really easy. I’m not sure how long it will be before they’ll need to relocate…

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: A Twist In The Tale - Out of The Frying Pan
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2022, 10:03:27 PM »

Budding young crime lords: what a great start!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twist In The Tail – 1.3 Don’t Settle Down
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2022, 02:23:46 PM »
A Twist In The Tail – 1.3 Don’t Settle Down

Penny: I’m so glad you’ve stopped playing jokes on me. It’s been really nice getting to know you since your birthday.
Fagin: I still like a prank every now and then but I’d rather play chess with you when I’ve finished this book.
Penny: But you’re so sleepy – I’ll beat you easily.
Fagin: Oh that was the early morning start for my new fishing job.
Penny: I thought you worked the evening shift at the Fast Food van.
Fagin (yawning): That too! We need the money…

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Fagin: Wow – another promotion. Bill will be pleased with how well I’m doing.

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Bill: I’ve set up another job interview for you.
Fagin: Another one? Bill, I’m so tired I can’t fit another shift.
Bill: No, no! Quit the fast food van – there’s nothing more there to swipe. There’s much more opportunity at the retail store!
Fagin: But…? We can’t even fit what we’ve got into our flat. It was your idea to use the swiped items until we're ready to sell them.
Bill: Oh yes. I forgot to mention – we’re moving – more space.
Fagin: Is that after your fight with the landlord?

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Bill: Thanks for bringing me fishing near your new retail job. This is quite relaxing.
Fagin: How come you’re catching all the fish when it’s me that’s the fisherwoman?
Bill: Hey! A dragonfruit. Just as well our new pad has got a balcony!

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Bill: We like Culpepper House
Landlord: Good. Good.
Bill: And you’ll fix that smell…and the wiring…and the bugs…and the rats?

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Fagin: Top of the fishing career. I’m rubbish at it so Bill said I could quit. There’s only so many fish that we need in the fridge.

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Fagin: What do you mean, quit my retail job too? I thought you said we needed the money?
Bill: I have a plan.
Fagin: A cunning plan?
Bill: As cunning as a fox! But first we need to re-invent ourselves. I need you to pretend to be my wife.
Fagin: What? No way! If you start that sort of thing, I’m off!
Bill: Calm down. You’re not my type. The key word is “pretend”. It’s all part of my plan.

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Fagin: I’ve just about had it up to hear with your arguments and now your “get it on” music. You will stop making so much noise or I’ll send Bill round again.
Geeta: Not Bill! No! I’ll turn it down.

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Fagin: So…a baby? In Newcrest?
Bill: Great plan, eh? No nosy or noisy neighbours. The adoption agency just handed her over for $1k.
Fagin: $1k? We haven’t got plumbing in properly and you blow it all on a baby. What are you going to do with it?
Bill: Her. Her name is Nancy. And you are going to raise her to be a distraction on our thieving jaunts. When she’s old enough, you’ll train her to swipe things as well and pick pockets.
Fagin: I see! Now I’m just a glorified nanny!
Bill: You’ll do what I tell you. Now get out of my bedroom. This double bed is just for show so the adoption agency thinks we’re a bona fide couple. Your bed is down in the basement. Go get some sleep and then you can take over.

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Bill: Nancy. You will call me “Daddy”

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Nancy: Talk Plant
Bill: Where are you going? Get back here! FAGIN!!!

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Fagin: OK Nancy. Let’s be planes.
Nancy: Mama?
Fagin: Yes – call me Mama. I’ll keep you safe – better than my Mama did.

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Bill: Listen, Pork-Life, I don’t want people just dropping round, knocking on the door. Give me some money and get out!

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Big Dream Progress – Year 1, Week 3 (Spring)

Bill Sykes
(Gen 1) – Dark Side Lord in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Fagin (Gen 1) – Mischief Maker in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Nancy (Gen 2) - ? in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

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Fagin needed 3 jobs to level 3 for her Renaissance Aspiration. 2 shifts on several days was exhausting but not for long, thankfully.

Penny and Geeta have both been the focus of many of Bills fights. He’s not sexist about it. He’ll fight anyone!

Nancy is an adult in Oliver Twist, the novel, but she was a graduate of Fagin’s gang. She was also the girlfriend of Bill Sykes but we won’t be pursuing that storyline! Incidentally, I’m not a huge fan of Dickens novels – they’re a little too gloomy and preachy for me but I’m enjoying playing Bill and Fagin.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twist In The Tail 1.4: One Of Our Armour Suits Is Missing
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2022, 01:38:29 PM »
A Twist In The Tail 1.4: One of Our Armour Suits Is Missing

Big Dream Progress – Year 1, Week 4 (Spring)

Bill: OK, Nancy, here we are at this big house for Fagin to do some work. Give me a hug.
Nancy: Dada?
Bill: That’s right, just like that. Now – go in and hug everyone you meet.
Nancy: Share The Love?
Bill: Exactly

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Nancy: Share The Love?
Dennis: Oh – erm – OK. Whose little sweetie are you?

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Bill: What did you get?
Fagin: I tried to get a better computer but they were all working on them. I got another sculpture – it makes a nice pair with the other one.
Bill: Nancy did great. She’s a natural!
Fagin: Oh Bill, I love her so much. Thank you for getting her.

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Nancy: Mama! Mama!
Fagin: Oh Bill! Not in front of Nancy!

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Bill: Don’t ever speak to me like that again. Especially not in front of other people.
Fagin: But Bill. We’re trying to be a real family.
Bill: Pretending to be a real family!
Fagin: OK, but you need to think about how things look if we want to sell this con.

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Fagin: Um…?
Bill: Yes?
Fagin: The crawl tunnel? The painting?
Bill: I thought about what you said. How more serious can you get than having an enormous set of play equipment on the front lawn.
Fagin: And the painting?
Bill: It was just a whim!

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Candy: Oh Bill. I’m so glad I knocked on your door at random.
Bill: You’re – you’re gorgeous!
Candy: Did I see you fighting?
Bill: Mary Greenburg said something rude about my mother.
Candy: Are you a mama’s boy?
Bill: I’ll be anything you want me to be. Do you want to stay the night?

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Fagin: Another baby?
Bill: Meet Monks. He’ll help along with Nancy. It’ll be great.
Fagin: But Bill, Nancy’s still a toddler and we’ve only got the one toddler bed.
Bill: They can Cox & Box for now. Just sort it out. I need to cook breakfast for Candy.
Fagin: I see she stayed the night…
Bill: Yes. So?

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Fagin: 2 toddlers! (Bash) Sort it out! (Bash) Breakfast for Candy! (Bash)

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Bill: Time to grow up, Monks. You shall call me Daddy!

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(At the museum)
Monks: Share the Love?
Celebrity: I don’t think so!

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Nancy: Share the Love!
Geoffrey: Oh, you’re adorable!
Nancy: Why?
Geoffrey: Oh – you’re Bill’s daughter. Off you go!

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Bill Sykes (Gen 1) – Dark Side Lord in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Fagin (Gen 1) – Mischief Maker in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Nancy (Gen 2 - toddler) - ? in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Monks (Gen 2 – toddler) - ? in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

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The hug that Nancy & Bill shared on arrival at Dennis Kim’s house was autonomous. Bill is actually very fond of the toddlers but he hides it well.

Monks was the criminally-minded half-brother of Oliver Twist on his father’s side. Although never in Fagin’s gang, he was a co-conspirator.

It was really easy for Fagin to swipe a full suit of armour from the museum while the toddlers were Sharing The Love. She tries to swipe everything they need/want in the house and they’ll all be sold eventually from her lock-up. She couldn’t swipe the easel at the museum and I didn’t feel it was right to download a community lot with a crawl tunnel just for her to swipe so Bill did have to buy those. Bill’s salary is supplemented mainly from them both hacking and selling career rewards.

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A Twist In The Tail – 1.5: Growing Up Fast
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2022, 01:17:53 PM »
A Twist In The Tail – 1.5: Growing Up Fast

Nancy: Birthday! It’s my birthday!
Fagin: I’m so glad. 2 toddlers with only one bed was doing my nut!
Bill: OK, OK! Blow the candles out already!

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Bill: So, you see all this stuff?
Nancy: Pretty!
Bill: Pick something you like and take it.
Fagin: Try to find a room with no-one in it – you’ll soon get the idea.
Bill: Drats! Caught again!
Fagin (whispers): Don’t watch your Dad – he always gets caught if Watcher doesn’t help him. Watch me and learn.

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Bill: And the thieves got the loot, escaped out the back and lived happily ever after!
Nancy: Again! Read it again!
Fagin: That’s not the story from the book.
Bill: It’s how it should be written

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Early Sunday morning
Bill: I can’t believe it! Surely Monks isn’t ready to grow up!
Fagin: He’s been a top-notch toddler. It’s time.

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Nancy: Is Monks going to join our gang?
Fagin: Yes – we’ll rely on you to show him the ropes.
Monks: So Papa-Dog? What’s happening?
Bill: Erm – let me think about that title for a minute… It’s OK, I guess. Right – time for a family outing!

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Big Dream Progress – Year 1, Week 5 (Summer)

Bill Sykes (Gen 1) – Dark Side Lord in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Fagin (Gen 1) – Mischief Maker in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Nancy (Gen 2 - child) - ? in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Monks (Gen 2 – child) - ? in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

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Various community lots now have “!” over them as they no longer meet the requirements. For example, Fagin’s gang have stolen a TV from a pub/bar. Sad to say, Willow Creek no longer has an official Museum. I’m not sure what’s missing that’s crucial. Probably a statue or 3!

The Big Dreams of Nancy & Monks will be revealed once they become young adults unless anyone guesses them before then.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: A Twist In The Tail – 1.5: Growing Up Fast
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2022, 02:28:15 PM »

I didn't realize the names were from Oliver Twist as I haven't read that one - thanks for explaining that! And I agree about Dickens. He's alright but by no means a favorite, especially some of his longer works that have 60+ characters or so. It's just a bit much ya know?  ::)

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A Twist In The Tail – 1.6: Sad But Not For Long
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2022, 09:41:33 AM »
A Twist In The Tail – 1.6: Sad But Not For Long

Fagin: Finally! I’ve re-arranged my lock-up as a shop and opened for the first time. Some uninvited wannabe celeb came for the opening which distracted all the customers but I got 2 sales. Gotta start somewhere!

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Bill: Hello Bet. You will call me Papa Dog!

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Monks: What! Why have you got a toddler?
Fagin: Don’t ask me! Ask your Papa Dog! I got home after setting up the shop and she was here.
Monks: Well, I’m not very pleased about that.
Fagin: Nancy doesn’t seem to mind.

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Grim: So what happened here?
Bill: Keala and I were just enjoying the shower together and, well, this happened.
Grim: She’s an elder! What were you thinking?
Bill: She seemed up for it so I thought – why not?
Grim: I don’t think I like you very much.
Bill: Oh – go on – be my friend.
Grim: Nope. Not today.

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Bet: Higher! Higher!
Bill: Come on, Bet! We need you more mobile. Getting there! Now you toddle off to bed because there’s a lady outside I want to meet. Hello Blossom Greenburg – you’re looking mighty fine this evening!

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Big Dream Progress – Year 1, Week 6 (Summer)

Bill Sykes
(Gen 1) – Dark Side Lord in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Fagin (Gen 1) – Mischief Maker in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Nancy (Gen 2 - child) - ? in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Monks (Gen 2 – child) - ? in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Bet (Gen 2 – toddler) - ? in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

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From the novel Oliver Twist, Bet was another graduate of Fagin’s gang and is sometimes portrayed as Nancy’s sister.

Fagin sold Keala’s urn before I remembered that Bill wanted her ghost to visit. Blossom went the same way as Keala and Bill managed to befriend Grim when he came for her. He mourned at her headstone and then romanced her ghost to get his second achievement.  Bill is attempting to witness a death to fulfill his Public Enemy aspiration but he keeps walking out of the room at the crucial point! I’m afraid another death is required…

Big Dream order – I am hoping to move through the Big Dreams from evil through neutral to good. I have given each one an “evilness value” from the traits, aspirations, careers and other requirements. It’s purely subjective but it makes me happy. I’m not sure where Oliver himself will fit in. He is the focus of the novel but he’s a fairly passive character, not really the peak of goodness. More the peak of naivety. Hmm (scratches head).

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twist In The Tail – 1.7: Whimsical Romance
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2022, 03:45:32 AM »
A Twist In The Tail – 1.7: Whimsical Romance

Bill: Yes! Top of my career! I’m tired of the mob though. I just want to do my own thing from now on. Whatever whim takes my fancy.

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Fagin: Thanks for our new outfits, Bill.
Bill: Well – you’re supposed to look like my wife so…
Fagin: I love my new look. The girls look good too. It was a good thing to do, just after Bet’s birthday party.
Bill: Ha! Some of those costumes were ridiculous!
Fagin: It sure was easier to insult them than to compliment them!
Bill: Maybe it’s the lateness of the hour but, kid, you’re sure looking hot in your outfit!
Fagin: Bill! You’re giving me a pick-up line?
Bill: Just a whim!

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Fagin: I know Bill is bad and just acting on a whim but I’m starting to have feelings for him. I don’t believe what Grim said about him deliberately drowning that woman in our pool. I’m sure it was just a prank gone wrong. I’ll just paint him playing the Llama game. Just a big kid, really.

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Big Dream Progress – Year 1, Week 7 (Summer)

Bill Sykes (Gen 1) – Dark Side Lord in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Fagin (Gen 1) – Mischief Maker in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Nancy (Gen 2 - child) - ? in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Monks (Gen 2 – child) - ? in progress
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Bet (Gen 2 – child) - ? in progress
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Bet’s birthday party was a hoot but I was too busy complimenting/insulting costumes to take photos. Bill got in lots of fights, of course, but he always loses to Bella Goth. She must have secret moves.

Bill acting on all his whims (he needs 666) led to the Bold Pick-up Line on Fagin as she was the only one around. Romance between them wasn’t part of the plan. I wonder where it will go.

To avoid having the negative character traits, the children will attempt the alternative requirements – hence the declared enemies and smashed dolls houses.

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Twist In The Tail – 1.7: Whimsical Romance
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2022, 07:48:35 PM »
Fagin: I don’t believe what Grim said about him deliberately drowning that woman in our pool. I’m sure it was just a prank gone wrong.
LOL, no, dear Fagin. I'm sure it was an aspiration goal executed perfectly.

You are moving through Dark Side Lord and Mischief Maker so much faster and more smoothly than the last time.
Congrats to Bill on maxing his career! Best wishes on Fagin's retail enterprise!
Go, Watcher, go!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Twist In The Tail – 1.7: Whimsical Romance
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2022, 11:33:19 AM »
You are moving through Dark Side Lord and Mischief Maker so much faster and more smoothly than the last time.
Congrats to Bill on maxing his career! Best wishes on Fagin's retail enterprise!
Go, Watcher, go!

I'm really quite determined to get Mischief Maker with Fagin. Her thieving crew are a bit hit & miss if I don't direct them but it is building up her stock. All sad memories of Puck's Midsummer Dream failure will be erased!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Twist In The Tale – 1.8: I Met Him On A Sunday
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2022, 11:53:26 AM »
A Twist In The Tale – 1.8: I Met Him On A Sunday

Fagin: This week has gone by in a blur! I can’t believe that it was 8 weeks ago today that I first met Bill when I tried to pick his pocket. I was grateful that he put a roof over my head but I was sworn off men after running away from my step-father and Bill never seemed interested in me anyway. I’d never have got enough stuff to sell in my shop without his training.
Everything changed when he stopped work. He still gets in fights but this – this started happening all the time!

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Then one day he said I could sleep in the double bed with him, if I wanted to, and he didn’t mean just sleep! The kids didn’t seem to notice…

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Sometimes he’s following a whim but sometimes we just kiss out of the blue
Watcher: Totally not me this time.

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We started building a rocket together. That was fun!

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It certainly made a change from rebuilding the dolls house. I don’t know what’s got into Nancy these days. Her reputation is nearly as bad as Bills! Can you see her behind me? She went and smashed it again almost before I’d put the hammer away. It might be her age. She became a teen the next day.

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Then…one night… this happened!

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I know people won’t believe me but Bill really wanted this

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We slipped off to the Van Haunt place. Just us and no kids. It was so romantic

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The kids woke up quickly when we got back. They were wide awake and we all felt like celebrating so we went to Planet Pop. There’s not much choice in venues these days – some of them have had to shut down due to shortages (snigger). Anyway – here’s us singing a country duet! We should have been singing "I met him on a Sunday and my heart stood still (Da Doo Ron Ron Ron, Da Doo Ron Ron)" but that wasn't on the playlist.

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Just when I thought we could work out how to live in our new “normal”, Bill got another whim!

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So later that night…

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Look how goofily pleased Bill looks. I can’t believe how much he means to me. I wonder what our baby will be like… At least we’ve had plenty of practice in parenting already.

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Big Dream Progress – Year 1, Week 8 (Summer)

Bill Sykes (Gen 1) – Dark Side Lord in progress
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Fagin (Gen 1) – Mischief Maker in progress
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Nancy (Gen 2 - teen) - ? in progress
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Monks (Gen 2 – child) - ? in progress
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Bet (Gen 2 – child) - ? in progress
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Can you tell that I'm loving following Bill's whims? He's half-way there - who knows what will happen next. He's limited by club rules which don't allow him to be mean to family members although I have to watch him around toddlers as they can't be in the club.

Nancy aged into something of a chublet so she's working on a Bodybuilder aspiration before starting her main aim. She's doing well as you can see from the family photo. She's got to have at least 6 days in school to slack-off or make-friends so there's no rush. BTW, I think she might be a lovechild from Nancy Landgraab. She's certainly got her hair as default and the face-shape is close-ish. How weird that they share the same first name! You never know what you'll get when you adopt but I think she's doing just fine.

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Fagin is currently only buying the retail perks that make things more efficient. For example she's bought "faster check-out" but not "faster re-stock" as all her stock must be original stolen items. She'll buy the redundant perks when she's got all the good ones.

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Twist In The Tale 1.8: I Met Him On A Sunday
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2022, 03:16:01 PM »
I was wishing and hoping that Bill and Fagin would have a child of their own, but I'd not said anything's your story, haha.

Fagin buying only the most useful perks first makes perfect sense.

