Author Topic: On My Own  (Read 15790 times)

Offline Ally3772

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On My Own
« on: April 13, 2022, 01:23:10 AM »
Chapter List:

Chapter One: The Beginning
Chapter Two: Figuring it Out
Chapter Three: Surprises
Chapter Four: New Things
Chapter Five: Adjustments
Chapter Six: Almost There
Chapter Seven: Thankful
Chapter Eight: New Beginnings
Chapter Nine: Welcome to the Neighborhood
Chapter Ten: In the Spotlight
Chapter Eleven: No More Drama
Chapter Twelve: Making a Stand... Get it?
Chapter Thirteen: Making a Difference
Chapter Fourteen: Time for an Upgrade
Chapter Fifteen: Changing Plans
Chapter Sixteen: On My Way
Chapter Seventeen: Gone
Chapter Eighteen: For Eleanor
Chapter Nineteen: When One Door Closes...
Chapter Twenty: Moving Forward
Chapter Twenty One: How to Be Cheesy
Chapter Twenty Two: Plans
Chapter Twenty Three: ...Another Door Opens
Chapter Twenty Four: Learning
Chapter Twenty Five: Vienna
Chapter Twenty Six: Coming Home
Chapter Twenty Seven: Little Surprises
Chapter Twenty Eight: The Next Chapter
Chapter Twenty Nine: Plans
Chapter Thirty: Almost Time
Chapter Thirty One: And a Baby Makes Four
Chapter Thirty Two: Spring Time
Chapter Thirty Three: Birthdays and Eating Crayons
Chapter Thirty Four: Blind Sided
Chapter Thirty Five: Fighting for Him
Chapter Thirty Six: Knots in the Plan
Chapter Thirty Seven: Birthdays, Jobs, and Dates, Oh My!
Chapter Thirty Eight: Keep Holding On
Chapter Thirty Nine: Understatements
Chapter Forty: Waiting Game
Chapter Forty One: Welcome to the World
Chapter Forty Two: Questions and Answers
Chapter Forty Three: Pride
Chapter Forty Four: A Birthday and a Wedding, with a twist?
Chapter Forty Five: The Beginning of the End
Chapter Forty Six: Useless
Chapter Forty Seven: Slowly
Chapter Forty Eight: All Things Must End

My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: On My Own
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2022, 01:24:28 AM »
Chapter One: The Beginning

I took a deep breath as I walked up to the park, if you could call it that. I heard from a local of this place that a few people stayed at. They said that it would have everything I needed if I was creative enough. So here I was.

"Well, it's better than nothing." I muttered to myself.

I looked around, there were a few tents spread out around the park. The ground was littered with garbage and there was this weird smell. There was a public bathroom area with cracks in the walls and weeds growing on and around it. The big fishing pond was nice, placed directly in the center, only problem was that I didn't know how to fish. I was slightly worried about the big dead tree on the edge of the park. I could imagine sleeping in either of the two tents next to it and being crushed in the middle of the night. I shivered at the thought. There were a few park benches and a swing and I wondered if their were children that stayed here. Picnic tables sat next to an old mini fridge and grills, and next to that was a small garden that was already growing different fruits, vegetables, and herbs. There was a fire pit that would surely help during the winter months.

I should introduce myself. My name is Julieanne Carpenter. How did I end up in this situation you ask?

It all started with my parents dying. Sad and tragic right? It was sad, I loved them and I'll miss them. However, they were the rich type. I grew up in this wonderful mansion, with a nanny, a butler, and a private tutor. I was left everything when they passed away, but here I stood in a park for the homeless. I was named after my two grandmothers, Julie and Anne, it sounded weird put together, but it was a reminder of where I came from. Both grandmothers worked for everything they had which confused me how my parents ended up how they did. They were the type that threw money at every problem and barely lifted a finger doing it. I didn't want that life, if I was going to be a millionaire I was going to do it on my own.

The first day I went straight to work learning how to fish. There were some fishing rods laying on the ground so I picked one up and went to work. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, I caught a few fish too! There was a market down the street that would buy your fish. I would keep the ones I could cook for myself and the other people in the park.


I turned to see an older lady standing just a ways from the pond. I set my fishing rod down and walked over to her.

"Hi! I'm Julieanne! But you can call me Julie!" I introduced myself.

"Eleanor! It's a pleasure to meet you Julie." She smiled.

"Do you- do you um, live here here too?" I asked.

"Sometimes, but I also stay at the other shelter across town. It depends on where I am at the time." She told me.

"Ah, makes sense!" I said.

"What brings an awfully pretty girl like yourself here?" She asked.

We got to talking to each other. So long that we somehow ended up on a park bench and the sun was going down. We both shared our stories with each other. She was a widow to a lovely man named Henry. They never had children and Henry was in the war when he was younger. She was a waitress at a diner trying to make ends meet. Shortly after Henry passed away their house burned down. With no family or friends to help her out, she had no other choice but to make due with what she had. I felt childish telling her my story, but after I was done she cheered me on. I offered her what little money I did have but she refused.

"You save your money, and when you get you a house you invite me over. I'll make you mama's famous chicken noodle soup!" She smiled.

"I would love that." I told her.

We both turned in shortly after that. I took the tent farthest away from the old tree, Eleanor said that she wasn't afraid of it. The worst case was that it fell on her but that just meant she'd be with Henry once again. My heart ached for her that night. The morning brought new opportunities though. I cleaned up the park a bit, fished a little, and then tended to the garden! I was able to get enough fruit and herbs to make some grilled fruit. I stuck it in the mini fridge and gave the top of the fridge a whack with my fist. I trick Eleanor said you had to do to keep it running after you opened up the door. Maybe I would buy them a new fridge once I was able too.

So there you have it, that is how I ended up here. People called it a park for the homeless, and my situation wasn't the best, but meeting Eleanor gave me a sense of hope. This was temporary. I wasn't sure for how long, but so far the people seemed nice and I had the basics provided for me. I think I was going to be alright.

Balance: $250

Hi! I'm baaack! I don't know if anyone remembers me, I used to write stories here forever! Not sure how many people are still around, but I'm feeling the itch to tell a story again! I'm doing my own version of rags to riches if you want to call it that. But I'm turning it into a story! At the end I will put how much she is at for fun. I hope you guys enjoy! 
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Auranaris

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Re: On My Own
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2022, 07:19:15 AM »
Welcome back! I actually stumbled across your old stories just a few weeks ago.
Good luck with your rags to riches!
they/he pronouns please!

Offline Ally3772

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Re: On My Own
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2022, 11:03:38 PM »
Welcome back! I actually stumbled across your old stories just a few weeks ago.
Good luck with your rags to riches!

Thank you! I hope you enjoyed my other stories as well as this one!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: On My Own
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2022, 01:04:05 AM »
Chapter Two: Figuring it Out

If I had to pick between gardening and fishing as my favorite thing to do so far I think I would pick gardening. It was just so relaxing. So far I had mushrooms, basil, spinach, potatoes, carrots, and bell peppers planted. I would take notes about certain things I wanted to learn or know about the plants and take it to the local library to look up on the public computers. Maybe I could be a gardener when I got my feet on the ground.

I haven't heard from Eleanor since we first spoke. I asked around but no one has seen her either. I met someone else that seemed pretty nice, her name is Janine. She doesn't stay here but she does live in the area. She usually runs in the mornings and makes sure to check on this park just in case.

"Have you been here long?" She asked.

"About a week." I told her.

"The people here are nice." She said.

"Yeah, they've been great. I don't plan on being here too long though." I said.

"Good for you, these people are great, but I wish better for everyone." She smiled.

She needed to get back to her run so we said goodbye.

I decided to fish some more, and I swear I blinked and almost missed it. It was a decent sized fish, but with a purple body and rainbow fins! Rainbow! It didn't appear again so it made me wonder if it was really real. I liked to believe in signs the universe sends us. Some people find it silly or even stupid but it gave me hope. Rainbows symbolize hope and better times to come. So maybe this was the universe trying to tell me that this wasn't the end.

I was starting to get sick of eating fruits and vegetables if I was being honest. I was used to these huge meals with different foods every day. Now it was more of the same, over and over and over again. When I was on my walk I found this small house that was for sale. There happened to be an open house going on so I walked in and looked around. It was pretty small but it had all of the essentials, including a stove. I took a flyer from the real estate agent and scanned it over. My heart sank when I saw the price: $12,000. I internally groaned as I thanked the lady and headed back to the park. Feeling pretty low I grabbed a newspaper that was left on the picnic table. There were a few jobs listed, but the only ones I was qualified for were part time jobs. I circled two and headed to the places to apply.

A Few Days Later

I got a job! Well, two technically. During the day I worked at the local fast food place down the street. At night I would work the retail store in the mall. I was excited! Until I got back to the park. There were a few people crying, I was dressed for the fast food job since I started today. I walked over to the benches where they were.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

This older lady sniffled into her crumpled tissue and shook her head.

"We just found out that Eleanor passed away. A heart attack." Jack, a frequent here, said quietly.

My heart sank. I only met her that once but she was the type of person that it only took one conversation to feel like you really knew someone. She had told me so much about her life in that one conversation, it seemed like she lived a full and happy life. I just wish I got to know her more. I expressed my sympathies to everyone, and they returned it. Then I headed to work even though all I wanted to do was hide in the tent.

The first shift went pretty decent for a first day. No major catastrophes that you hear about thankfully. I had a few hours until my next job started. It was a nice day out so I sat on the swing. I thought about Eleanor and Henry, how she worked at a diner while he was in the war. If she could do it then so could I.

"I'm going to do this for your Eleanor. I only knew you for a day, but that's all I needed to know that you were an extraordinary woman." I whispered to myself.

I stood up, and made my way to my other job. Here goes nothing!

Sorry if this chapter felt meh, but I wanted to get one out! I also forgot to mention in the first one that I have Simple Living turned on so that she can only make what she has available. I also have the aging turned up to long. I might change it back to normal at one point if I feel like it's needed for the story!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Cheezey

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Re: On My Own
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2022, 10:13:54 AM »
Aw, poor Eleanor passed on already! I'm enjoying your story so far. Good luck with your challenge!

Offline Ally3772

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Re: On My Own
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2022, 05:30:30 PM »
Aw, poor Eleanor passed on already! I'm enjoying your story so far. Good luck with your challenge!

A little "behind the scenes" part. I have no idea if she actually passed away. I must have accidentally shut my pc off with the game running which I rarely ever do. I apparently didn't save either... So everything I had was gone. Thankfully it saved Julieanne herself though and I was able to find the lot again! During trying to catch up I looked and waited forever to see Eleanor but she didn't appear again =[ I was going to work her into the storyline too </3
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Auranaris

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Re: On My Own
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2022, 01:52:10 PM »
If you really want Eleanor in the story, she currently lives in britechester, so you could move her in next door or something. Although I guess it’s a bit late now  :P
they/he pronouns please!

Offline Ally3772

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Re: On My Own
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2022, 01:56:02 PM »
If you really want Eleanor in the story, she currently lives in britechester, so you could move her in next door or something. Although I guess it’s a bit late now  :P

Hmmm. That is good to know thank you! Maybe I can work something out 🤔
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: On My Own
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2022, 02:08:42 AM »
Chapter Three: Surprises

I was exhausted. BUT! Good news! I got a promotion at both jobs. Yes I said BOTH! I was so excited when I got back to the park that night that I hardly slept! I decided once I was here that I was going to donate money or at least update some things at the park. My way of paying the city rent I suppose. I eventually fell asleep late that night. I woke up the next morning, and started my normal routine of eating and taking a shower. When I finished with my shower I was heading to do some fishing when I saw her.

"Eleanor!?" I gasped.

"Hello dear!" She greeted.

"But- But, how?!" I asked, starting to feel the tears form.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"You died! Everyone said you died." I said.

"What? No! Dear no, I was out of town with an old friend of mine for the week." She explained.

We walked over to the bench and sat down. I was feeling weak and shaky from the shock of seeing her alive.

"Then, who died?" I asked.

"I heard when I came back, it was another elderly lady named Eloise." She explained.

"It's sad, but I'm glad they were wrong. I met you once, but it felt so nice to have someone to talk too." I smiled.

"I agree dear." She said to me.

Eleanor headed out shortly after that. I decided since I had the day off of both jobs that I would head to whatever festival was being held this week.


I turned around to find Janine standing there.

"Hi!!" I greeted.

"Are you here enjoying the day too?" She asked.

"Yeah! It's so nice out." I told her.

I looked around and noticed everyone's attire.

"Why is everyone dressed so weird?" I whispered in her ear.

She giggled, "This is the gaming con, people dress up as their favorite characters from games, movies, books, things like that."

"Ohhh." I said.

We walked into the festival and she wanted to grab a bite to eat. We each had a hot dog and it felt so nice to be eating actual meat for once. After that we both entered a contest on who could hack into a fake program the fastest. Both of us lost and we found out that we did not know how to hack at all. We giggled on the way over to the video game area. There was some kind of movie playing on the television.

"This couch is comfortable." I said.

"It really is, I may take it home with me." She giggled.

"It was nice running into you. It has been such a good day!" I told her.

"Same here." She smiled.

She headed to the bathroom.

I never knew that this was a such a huge deal, but it seemed like people were really enjoying themselves. There were food stands, music, video game stations, and even a place to build a rocket! Laughter and chatter filled the air and it felt so nice. I glanced over to see Janine standing with a woman. The woman had a white robe on and her hair looked like she had two cinnamon rolls on the side of her head. I walked over to them to see what was going on.

"It was nice seeing you!" The woman said.

"You too!" Janine smiled.

The woman walked away back into the crowd of people.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"A co-worker of mine. I had no idea she was into all of this." She said.

"It is kind of neat. I never knew about any of this." I said.

An hour later it all ended. Janine and I exchanged cell phone numbers and said goodbye. It was nice to feel like I was starting to get friends. I didn't feel so alone anymore which was a good feeling. I finally got back to the park, it was dark now. I wanted to wash my outfit, and the only clean outfit I had was my uniform for the retail store. I changed into it, and washed and hung up my clothes. While I waited for them to dry I decided to get some weeding done in the garden.

I couldn't wait to go to work tomorrow. I was feeling a sort of accomplishment even if I didn't work in a normal "important" job.

Balance: $1,633

SURPRISE! Eleanor is back! I was so happy after Auranaris suggested where to find her! Thank you!!! I hope you guys enjoyed! Also I realized too late that I forgot to add the balance to the last chapter! That's why there is such a gap from the first to this one in money!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: On My Own
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2022, 12:58:34 AM »
Chapter Four: New Things

"You know I was thinking." Janine pondered on the phone.

"What's that?" I asked.

"There is this new guy at work, I could set you guys up." She said.

Our friendship was growing into a sisterly bond. It almost felt like the more we got to know each other the more if felt like we knew each other our whole lives. I sat down on the picnic bench with my plate of grilled fruit.

"No thank you." I said.

"Come on! He's cute." She sang.

"Janine, who is gonna want to date a homeless girl?" I asked.

"You never know, maybe that's this thing." She said.

"Oh my god! No!" I laughed.

"Alright alright, but the offer stands." She said.

"Goodbye Janine." I said.

I hung up the phone, quietly laughing to myself.

Things have been going great minus the whole homeless thing. I made a little extra at work, and true I should have put it towards the house, but I upgraded the park! I found a cheap grill at the hardware store in town. Janine helped me carry this countertop that was on the curb of a house down the street. I found these cute lamps at a thrift store, along with a set of matching outside lights to light up the park. No more sitting in complete darkness at night, it was kind of creepy at night before the lights. I think it turned out great! Everyone thanked me and said how well I did. Even if they were only small changes it was looking better.

We were in the last few days of summer. I was glad because it has gotten so hot out lately. However I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous for the winter months. Those tents were very thin, and we only had a few blankets. I would make sure the elderly would have them before I worried about myself. I made a mental note to keep an eye out for blankets on sale at my second job, maybe I'd even get to use my employee discount. I decided to work more on fishing for some extra cash and I was having no luck. I was about to give up until something yanked on my line. I pulled hard until I finally pulled out this brown chest, I spun it around before slowly opening it.

"What a weird thing to find in this." I muttered to myself.

It was orchid seeds! I knew that because there were some dried out, but wet, orchids along with the sealed baggy. Maybe someone purposely left it in the pond? It was all very strange.

After planting the seeds into the ground I decided to eat something. I ate a lot out of boredom which was not the best thing to do. The only form of entertainment I had was swinging, fishing, or gardening. So often I would find myself munching on some food.

You sure you don't want that date? -J

I laughed before sighing and typing out a reply.

Only if I can set you up with the next guy that I find

It took a few minutes but my phone chimed.

On second thought... -J

"Thought so." I said to myself.

I tied my shoes and got ready for my nightly run.

Balance: $2,646

Julieanne can finally cook a little more then just grilled fruit!! Even I was getting sick of having her make and eat it haha.
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: On My Own
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2022, 02:55:35 AM »
Chapter Five: Adjustments

I quit my job at the fast food place in town. It just wasn't paying the amount I needed, I was bringing home less than a hundred dollars every night. Instead I found a job that was early in the morning and would fit in with my retail job at night. It wasn't ideal, but it was something I was familiar with. I was a fisherman, fisherwoman? Either way I was fishing for work, ha, get it? Yeah that was bad. It paid about thirteen more than the fast food place which was great but had the same amount of hours. I had about four hours between jobs each day, and in those four hours I would take care of myself first. Then I would tend the garden, clean up the park, and catch up with Janine and Eleanor. Fall was here and with it came a lot of rain. When I say a lot of rain, I mean a lot. Which wasn't the best for the mini fridge, I was constantly repairing it. Then when I wasn't repairing it, I was repairing the shower, and by that time the fridge was broken again.

What was I doing with my life?

I had two jobs, and when I wasn't working at one of them, I was here working. When I first got here I had so many plans and I was excited even. Maybe it was all a lie to myself to make being homeless seem better than it is. I made small upgrades when I could like the grill and the lighting and it was nicer here. But doing the upkeep on my own was wearing me down. I asked the other people that were around a lot to help, but they would just ignore it. So why am I still trying? If I don't do it then it doesn't get done and I don't want to live in a worse situation.

I think I made a mistake

I stared at my phone as I waited for a reply from Janine.

How so? Do I need to come over? You can stay here tonight. -J

Janine has offered for me to stay with her in the beginning, but she was worried about her landlord finding out. It was against her contract to have more than herself staying there. I didn't want her to get into trouble so I declined.

I'm just tired. I thought this was going to be different, but maybe I should have taken my parents money

Do I need to come over? -J

I blinked back tears.

No, it's late. I'm fine. I'm just- I don't know.

My phone chimed.

I'll be over in the morning. -J

I took a deep breath and clicked my phone off.

I stood up from the swing and headed to bed.

True to her word Janine was there in the morning. I had just gotten off from the fishing job when I saw her standing there.

"Janine! Hi!" I greeted.

"Hi sweetie, are you better?" She asked.

"Not really, but I'm hanging in there." I said.

She gave me a small smile.

"I probably stink." I groaned.

"You're fine!" She giggled.

She was carrying a box with a bow on it.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing to it.

"This is a little something for you." She said.

She handed it to me and I took it slowly.

"WHAT? No, I can't take this." I told her.

I tried handing it back to her, but she pushed it away.

"Yes, you can." She smiled.

It was a check for five hundred dollars. I put my hand up to my mouth and started to cry.

"Use it towards your goal to get yourself in a home. But you better be cooking me some dinner once you do." She told me.

"I will cook you dinner every night." I cry-laughed.

I hugged her and thanked her over and over.


It's been a week since Janine surprised me with the check. I was doing a bit better but still feeling the burnout. Almost worse now because the going from job to job with only a few hours in between was getting to me. The good thing about these few weeks was all of the new recipes I've been able to try out! I even ordered a few groceries from town so I had some meat and cheese to work with. It was refreshing to try new things!

"Hello dear." Eleanor said.

I turned around to see her walking up.

"Hi Eleanor, how are you?" I asked.

"Good, how about you?" She asked, hugging me.

I don't know what happened, one minute she was hugging me, and the next I was sobbing into her arms. It started off as a simple hug but then it felt like a hug from the mother that I never had. She rubbed my back and comforted me until I was able to gain my composure back.

"I'm sorry." I sniffed.

"No need, Janine filled me in a bit." She said.

"You know Janine?" I asked.

"Dear I know almost everyone in this town." She smiled.

I laughed a little.

"You don't have to do this, killing yourself while trying to survive isn't going to help anyone." She told me.

"I have too. I need these jobs." I said.

"Both of them? Have you ever thought of finding just one good job?" She asked.

I stared at her like she grew two heads.

Why did I not think of that sooner? What in my brain told me that I needed two crappy jobs that I didn't like, instead of one good job that I did like?

"Eleanor, thank you." I said.

"Nothing to thank me for dear. I just want to see you thrive. You are better than this place, and you deserve your own space to call home." She said, brushing some tears away.

I nodded. She squeezed my hands before going to get some food from the fridge.

"There's some grilled chicken." I called to her.

"You spoil me!" She called back.

I smiled gently and looked up at the sky. I guess it was time to make some more adjustments, and I start tomorrow for the search for my one good job.

Balance: $5,763

Another sneaky chapter! I don't know what sparked this one, I felt like a little "drama" couldn't hurt. Things aren't always happy and hopeful for Julieanne but she can figure this out! Also, the check was fake, I didn't add any money. But I needed something better than a $6 figurine that she gave her actually haha! The major jump in balance came from me grinding a bit on fishing and selling crops, plus what she makes from the jobs. Thank you for reading  :)
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Auranaris

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Re: On My Own
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2022, 11:21:54 AM »
Quick tip for rags to riches from someone who’s done many-
Don’t underestimate how much painting can make. Get an easel or get some skill books, and once your sim gets a decent painting skill you’d be amazed by how quickly you can earn, especially with a garden on the side.
they/he pronouns please!

Offline Ally3772

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Re: On My Own
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2022, 03:34:15 PM »
Quick tip for rags to riches from someone who’s done many-
Don’t underestimate how much painting can make. Get an easel or get some skill books, and once your sim gets a decent painting skill you’d be amazed by how quickly you can earn, especially with a garden on the side.

I'll make sure to grab an easel! Thank you!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: On My Own
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2022, 05:05:34 PM »
Chapter Six: Almost There

I felt like I was back on cloud nine! Eleanor's suggestion for one good job instead of two that drained my energy really kicked me into gear. I was ready to double down and work harder towards my 12k goal for that house. It was getting colder and I was desperate to get into something with thick walls and a roof before the snow hit. It helped that I now worked at the local greenhouse! I even got a promotion right after stepping into the door because of my skill level in gardening! Everyone there was so nice and there was so much more to learn. They had tools that I haven't even heard of! I was excited to get my hands dirty.

They even let me take home one of their old flower making stands. I told them my situation when they asked for my address for my employee file. I was embarrassed at first but Emily, the owner, didn't even bat an eye as she smiled and said not a problem. I was glad she didn't make it a big deal. It wasn't anything to be ashamed of, but I didn't want any special treatment. If I was going to get promotions I wanted to be treated just like everyone else. I took a cutting from whatever flowers I could find close by the park. I had Orchids, Bluebells, Lillies, and Snapdragons so far. I wasn't sure how much money I would make, but every penny counted.

I also picked up a cheap easel at the thrift store on the way home. I needed something else to do for fun other than swing when I didn't need to tend to the garden. It was too cold to fish now as the pond was frozen over most days. So I was thankful for the easel and my flower bar for giving me something to do while making extra cash! I wasn't very good but I would get better with practice.


A week later and I was feeling more confident. I loved my job and was making about five dollars more than when I was hired. I took a risk because when I first got hired, the hourly pay was lower than both my jobs. But with the bonus pay from each promotion I get and the extra five dollars it was turning out to be a good decision. I decided I was going to take the easel and flower bar with me when I moved, along with anything else I may buy for the park. Eleanor was about the only one here that I feel like respects me and what I do to improve. The other people just take what the please and don't even say thank you. I've even had to replace a few lamps because they've broken them already.

So, now that things are better, you want me to set you up? -J

I groaned looking at the message.

You really are stubborn, you know that?

I looked at my phone as it chimed again.

You know you love it -J

I rolled my eyes and put my phone away.

I pulled my phone out again to check my bank account. I gasped and squealed when I saw the result. I was gonna be out of here sooner than I thought! I was almost there!

Balance: $9,633

Short little chapter for you guys =] Possibly a few more chapters until she is in a house!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

