Author Topic: The Thomson Family - modified 100 baby&legacy challenge - Chapter 10 03/07/2022  (Read 7920 times)

Offline Pipettipioloki

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The Thomson Family
100 baby challenge
legacy challenge

*rules updated as the game is played

Backstory: Florence and Bertha Thomson inherited a piece of land in 1900 and although already quite late in their age, decided to start a farm. Their dream was to have a family farm that would ensure the future for their heir(s). Florence and Bertha have one daughter Rose who moved to the farm with them. They sold everything they could and Florence built a small main house, outhouse and a little shed that leads to the food cellar. Bertha founded a small vegetable batch with a chicken coop to provide their food.

My set of rules for the game:
 - start from 1900
 - normal lifespan
 - each season lasts 7 days
 - no money cheats
 - each baby born to the family increases the year with 1 (same mate cannot be used more than once)
 - each aspiration completed (all stages) increases the year with 1
 - each new occult introduced to the family increases the year with 1
 - babies can be aged up when it's their birthday
 - toddlers can be aged up when they have either maxed their skills or it's their birthday
 - teens can be aged up when they have either maxed their skills or it's their birthday
 - child can be aged up when they have completed their aspiration or it's their birthday
 - randomize the traits
 - choose the aspiration based on the random trait(s)
 - all female children will continue living in the farm until they find a spouse and move out (need to get married), except one stays as the matriarch from each generation
 - male children can move out once they become young adult and they have some future plans 
 - non-played sims ageing on

Start with these "challenges":
 - living in a farm (Cottage Living)
 - off the grid lot challenge
 - simple living lot challenge
 - reduce and recycle lot challenge
 - no indoor bathroom (outhouse)
 - no fridge (off-grid fridge in the food cellar)
 - no phone (mute the phone, no answering or calling)
 - no TVs, stereos etc.
 - money through farming (no sheltering the plants, need to work through the seasons, selling only at the market (to Kim or Crumblebottoms) and small amounts through woodworking (sculptures only)
 - no traveling to other worlds (exception if the completion of aspiration requires it)

Upgrades to the life:
(- in around 1940 there will be a generator introduced --> electric lights!)
(- in around 1950 telephone (usable only inside the house) and TV will be introduced and traveling to the other worlds becomes possible, females  can move out from home before finding a mate))
(- in around 1960 indoor plumbing will be introduced --> the off-grid lot challenge to be removed)
(- in around 1970 a green house can be built)
(- in around 1990 internet and cell phone will be introduced --> simple living lot challenge to be removed)

Other bits and pieces:
 - As lot traits:
in 1900-1950: Gnomes and Penny Pixies (the people are superstitious at this age) and Great Soils to support the farming. Started with tiny home and with first expansion had small home (additional buffs).
in 1950-19xx: With TV there was now more information available, replaced Gnomes and Penny Pixies with Homey and Good Schools.

 - I also deleted the main holidays and created 8 holidays based on the Wheel of the Year. Basically there is two holidays in each season. Every holiday is celebrated by all the sims in the household (unless they ignore the traditions) and I aim to keep the sims happy and well.
 - Everyone has summer holiday (no school or work, one task for each day to complete from the holiday)
 - I'm in no hurry to have the babies, but in order to proceed up to the modern age, babies need to happen!

Game started: 29.3.2022


Offline Pipettipioloki

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Re: The Thomson Family - modified 100 baby and legacy challenge
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2022, 08:27:24 AM »
The Thomson Family Tree and Main Events

*updated as the game is played

Interactive Family Tree link:

Founders: Bertha and Florence Thomson in 1900
First matriarch: Rose Thomson 1901-1910
Second matriarch: Mary Thomson 1911-

1900:The Thomson Farm was established
1901:Mary was born (father: the exotic man (Makoa Keloha))
1903:George and Charles were born (father: George Garden, died in a factory accident before the twins were born)
"The main house was extended by a new bedroom
"Florence passed away (old age)
"Bertha passed away (old age)
". 1900 moved in and out
"Robert moved in
"Helen was born (father: . 1900)
1904:Rose and Robert started a relationship
''Extension to the farm (second floor added)
1907:Extension to the farm (to both floors, outhouse, shed and cellar)
''Rose and Robert got married
1911:Mary and Ernst got married
''Ernst Johann Freielein moved in
''Robert passed away (eaten by cow plant)
''Joseph and Dorothy were born (father: Ernst Johann Freielein)
''Complete renovation of the farm
1913:George and Charles moved out from the farm
1914:Ernst passed away (frozen to death)

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Offline Pipettipioloki

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Re: The Thomson Family - modified 100 baby and legacy challenge
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2022, 08:30:12 AM »
*updated as the game is played

The Thomson Farm Animals:

Chickrassic Park (Chicken Coop)
brown rooster Eggbert (bought) 1900-1904
brown hen Snuggles (bought) 1900-1905
white hen Buttercup (hatched) 1901-1905
white hen Eggie (hatched) 1901-
black hen Nugget (hatched) 1903-
white rooster Taco (hatched) 1904-
chick (hatched) 1904-
black rooster Wright (bought) 1904-
chick (hatched) 1905 -
chick (hatched) 1907 -
chick (hatched) 1909 -

Hopper's Haven (Wild Rabbit Home)
Bun Bun (Bertha) 1900-
Basil (Bertha) 1901-

Cow Plant Little Simzee 1905-

Offline Pipettipioloki

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Re: The Thomson Family - modified 100 baby and legacy challenge
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2022, 08:41:21 AM »
1st Chapter: 1900 - THE START

Florence, Bertha and Rose moved into the tiny farm they had inherited. The farm had a small main house with a stove and a fireplace, and just enough room for the beds. Florence is handy and built an outhouse with a bath! There was also a small cellar for storing the food. Florence built a small shed on the cellar, to be used for the future woodworks. Bertha set up the start of the veggie plantains and befriended a rabbit (Bun Bun) to help with the veggies! Bertha also bought a rooster (Eggbert) and a hen (Snuggles), and with the help from Rose set up a fenced small veggie farm.
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When the Welcome Wagon came to meet the Thomason family, Rose was having a walk and she met this exotic looking man, and was immediately in love! They had a romantic afternoon, unfortunately the man had to eventually leave. Soon after that Rose found out she was pregnant! Florence and Bertha were really supportive for Rose having a child even without the father being around, and so Mary was born!

The Thomson family was struggling with money, Bertha did her best to grow food for them, Rose learned to can food (to be preserved for later times) and Florence made statues to be sold, so that they could buy a bed for Mary! Florence made also a dining table with four chairs for the family, so that they could have family dinners outside, now that summer was around the corner.

The Thomason family also celebrated Ostara by stopping to enjoy the warmth of the fire, hunting hidden eggs and they even met the Flower Bunny, from which Bertha got new flowers to be grown! Mary grew into a toddler, and although Mary was an angelic toddler, things definitely would be different now!
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Main events:
- game was started (Spring)
- Rose met the exotic man on her walk
- Holiday: Ostara (bake, enjoy fire, hunt eggs and meet the Flower Bunny)
- Mary was born and grew into a toddler

Downloadable from the Gallery:
- the Thomson Farm original lot (tiny home)
- the Thomson Family (founders + Rose)
- the Thomson Family (founders + Rose and Mary)

Offline Pipettipioloki

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Re: The Thomson Family - modified 100 baby and legacy challenge
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2022, 09:28:46 AM »
2nd Chapter - 1901 LOVE IS IN THE AIR

The game started with Love Day and it was a huge success! Bertha and Florence went to the town to have some private time. It had been so long since they'd gone on a date together, and they both enjoyed it so much! Just like when they were young! Refreshed, they returned back to the farm, and promised that Rose also could have some time off from taking care of Mary and the farm. Rose had heard that some new neighbors had moved in to the old mason next to the farm, so she decided to go and greet the new neighbors.
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Only George was at home at the time, and oh boy was he a handsome lad! On a whim Rose and George decided to head to the town, so that Rose could show the pub and market to George. It was still Love Day, and one thing led to another... The fresh lovebirds returned to home.
Rose was busy following days on the farm and didn't see George. She started to worry for him and few days after went to visit him, obviously already knowing being pregnant. To her horror she learned from Georges roommates that he had left to the nearby factory to get a job, and there had been an accident! George had lost his life! Rose was devastated!
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She decided to concentrate on her children and the life on the farm, and to help to make the funds needed to expand the main house, so that there would be more room for the kids too. The Thomson family celebrated the start of summer with Beltane, and while the girls of the house were discrete and gave flowers for the bunnies, Florence got excited and went streaking!! Oh how embarrassing! But Florence had a blast!

Bertha befriended another bunny (Basil) and Rose started to create more deep relationships with the farm animals. Bertha and Florence deepened their relationship with Mary, as Rose was so upset for few days. The Thomson family worked hard to get enough simoleons, so that Florence could finish the expansion on the house before the new baby was born. And just in time, because the next night Rose gave birth to twin boys George and Charles!
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Main events:
- Love Day
- Rose met George (who unfortunately died few days later in an accident)
- Holiday: Beltane (give flowers, streak)
- Expansion of the house (bedroom and larger porch)
- George and Charles were born

Downloadable from the Gallery:
- the Thomson Farm v2 (small home)

Offline Pipettipioloki

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Re: The Thomson Family - modified 100 baby and legacy challenge
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2022, 09:39:01 AM »

Summer was warm and Florence and Bertha started to notice that their strength started to lessen. Florence made sure to do as much woodworks before his time was going to come (he maxed handiness) and Bertha made sure the chicken coop was producing eggs for the family (one chick  hatched and one egg remained to be hatched), and she evolved many plants. Both of them made sure to spend as much time with Mary as possible, and helped Mary to develop well (she maxed her movement, potty, communication and imagination). Florence spent his last evening playing with Mary and Bertha by telling old stories to Mary.
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Florence passed away after sleeping for almost a whole day, and Grim did not hear Berthas pleas to save him. Instead after taking Florences soul, Grim went to consolidate Mary who had woken up. Grim made Mary laugh, and although Mary was old enough to understand the loss, she felt a bit better.
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The next morning the twins aged up into toddlers, and while Rose was preparing the twins, Bertha was in the garden taking care of the chicken. Her time came quickly and Rose managed just in time to see Berthas passing away, and tried to plea Grim to have Bertha just a bit longer. But it was Berthas time to go too, she couldn't stay without Florence.
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Rose returned to the children, mortified to have lost both her parents so fast. Mary was not well, she had not been sleeping well since Florences death, and was exhausted. The twins sensed the sadness in the house but couldn't quite grasp what was going on. Rose decided to first make enough food, so that she could figure out what to do. She was alone with three toddlers, didn't know anything about gardening or taking care of the animals. Life seemed to be so bad.
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What would Rose do? Who could help her? What would happen to the children, and to the Thomson Farm??

Main events:
- Florences death
- Berthas death
- George and Charles became toddlers (both independent)
- Bills 193 simoleons

Downloadable from the Gallery:
- the Thomson Family (Rose + Mary, George, Charles)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Thomson Family - modified 100 baby and legacy challenge
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2022, 01:23:23 PM »

What a great start! I don't have the Cottage Living expansion yet, so this will be interesting to follow. Good luck!

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Offline Pipettipioloki

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Re: The Thomson Family - modified 100 baby and legacy challenge
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2022, 01:57:40 PM »

What a great start! I don't have the Cottage Living expansion yet, so this will be interesting to follow. Good luck!

Thanks so much Rhoxi! I'm having a blast with this story! :)

Offline Pipettipioloki

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4th Chapter - 1903 THIS YEAR IS ROUGH

After the family had slept through the night, and all were feeling a bit better, Rose decided to take the kids and herself out from the house, and have some fun time. They headed to the nearby park to celebrate Litha together by lighting a bonfire. Rose also grilled baked potatoes and prepared some lemonade! The kids were having a blast and were playing almost the whole time with the toys they found from the park (Florence hadn't had time to make any toys for the children before he passed away).
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Rose was still mourning for her parents, and picked flowers for their graves.
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And on one night Florence came by to say hello! Rose and Florence had a chat, and he said that he was now in a good place, and that Rose should make sure the farm will continue to be the legacy for the future generations. After Rose had gone back to sleep, Florence quietly made the dishes, before returning back to the other side.
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The next morning Rose decided that she just needs to get into it, and make sure that what Bertha had started, would not get ruined. She tended the garden and her heart just melted when she was at the coop, when a chick hatched! She really enjoyed gardening! Life was still a struggle though with the three toddlers around.
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Rose decided that she needs to try to get help, although there was no money to pay as a salary, she thought that maybe someone could move to the farm and she could provide upkeep, for the exchange of working in the farm. She went to the house where she had met George, as she knew that there were some unemployed lads living there. She met Dot and Robert, and when they heard what had happened, they offered her help. Dot took Rose to the side, flirted with her and although Rose was still devastated, she thought that he was so handsome and could be a good help at the farm, maybe there could be something more too... Dot charmed Rose and promised to help Rose with the farm and kids.
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Robert tried to talk to Rose but Dot was determined to move in, and wouldn't allow Robert to have a chat with Rose. The first few days went well, although it seemed that Dot was not so much of a worker. He couldn't cook, garden nor do any woodworks. He said he was still adjusting and needed time to rest. Rose and the kids celebrated Mary's birthday and she became a geek whiz kid! On her birthday Mary hatched a chick too!
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When Rose noticed how much even a child could help in the farm, she went to talk with Dot and asked for more help. Dot got angry for such demands, and freaked out even more when Rose told him that she thought that she was expecting a child. He made up a fight with Rose and during that fight Rose realized that Dot was a wannabe artist, who's real name was not even Dot! He had made up his name to support his artist lifestyle, which included not working but living off on others. Dot had though that the farm would provide him better, and as he realized that it wouldn't happen, he took off! Rose was left alone, again! She was so mad at herself, for not seeing what Dot was. As she had never learned to read, she never even realized the suspicious name Dot had.
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When Robert heard what had happened, he came to visit Rose. He explained that he had tried to protect Rose from Dot, but Dot had threatened him. He also told her that he was unemployed, had always wished to live on a farm and when hearing that Rose was pregnant, promised to tell everyone that the babies would be his, to protect Rose's reputation. Rose was not fully trusting Robert, as she had been betrayed so badly, but what options did she have?! Robert also promised to help to support all Roses kids, and fully agreed that they needed education, to protect them and to support their future. So, Mary was able to attend to the school! The family celebrated Lammas by gardening together.
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Robert truly started to live up to his promise. Rose was exhausted, but Robert took care of the kids and took time to really bond with all of them. He even cleaned! He also learned to make sculptures, so that he could make sure Mary was able to attend to the school. And he even tinkered an experiment station for Mary, so that she could learn more!
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When Rose gave birth to Helen, the color of the child was a complete surprise! Dot really had lied even his skin color! Robert adopted all the children, and the family started to build a happier life together.

Main events:
-Holiday: Litha (bonfire, grilling, drinks)
-. 1900 moved in
-Mary became a child (Geek, Whiz Kid)
-Brawling Day
-. 1900 moved out
-Robert moved in
-Holiday: Lammas (gardening, grand meal)
-Bills 211 simoleons
-Helen was born

Downloadable from Gallery:
the Thomason Family (Rose and Robert + Mary, George, Charles, Helen)

Fun facts: I was trying to figure out how to include "Dot" (exported from the Gallery, did not realize the name at the time, only after they had met :D) into the family, and especially how to exclude him! After Mary aged up, I realized that for sure Rose could not read (nor could "Dot", he just had made up this "name" by seeing it somewhere and thought it looked like a cool artist name), and that's why she didn't see this all coming up! And this made complete sense for him being a completely lazy man who had thought that Rose's farm would have provided for him too. But when he learned that Rose was pregnant, he got cold feet and knew that with his kids involved, he'd not be able to continue this lifestyle. So he made up the fight with Rose, as it happened to be the Brawling Day! Convenient as I wanted to have more babies (with different dads in the spirit of 100 baby challenge) but have a solid story without too much of boring accidents leading to the death of the daddy Sims :D
I was also trying to figure out how to fit in Mary's Whiz Kid aspiration (selected based on her Geek trait), and realized that obviously Rose decided that her children would not suffer from not being able to read, so she would make sure they would get educated! Originally I had thought that Mary would have been the one to take control of the farming, but the game (again) showed that there's no such thing as planning too much ahead! :D
Also, I cheated a bit, needed to make a cake, but couldn't do it with the off-grid and simple living challenges, so I disabled those to be able to age up Mary. And right after that put them back on! Haha!

Offline Pipettipioloki

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5th Chapter - 1904 HAPPINESS IS A STRUGGLE

Now that the house had another adult, who actually did help, life became easier. Rose was constantly sleep deprived, as she still was the only one who knew how to cook, and with two toddlers and a baby, there was no full night sleep for a few days. Rose and Robert couldn't find a common ground at first, and because of that couldn't sleep at the same time in the same bed! Also Bertha came to visit and checked that all was well with the children.

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Once Helen grew up into a fussy toddler (oh, and that she was), Rose was able to take a break and head to the market. She met with Kim, who had heard about Bertha and Florence passing away. Kim was very friendly and helped Rose to get to know how to sell the veggies, and even gave her a small upgrade into the profit to help Rose out! Dot surprised the family, and came to visit. Although Rose refused to meet him, he showed some good character and spent time with Helen! Robert stayed back but took a good look that Dot would treat his daughter well.

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The gnomes appeared to the farm and surprised the family! Rose was especially delighted, although the gnomes didn't seem to be too happy about the state of the farm. Rose promised to take a better care of the farm now that there were no babies, and a man in the house. Eggbert started to show signs of elder roostery, so Rose decided to provide the family with some meat, and bought a new rooster named Wright.

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One night Robert and Rose sat down and had a chat. Rose agreed that she had been a bit distant as she was so afraid that Robert would turn up to be like Dot. However, Robert had shown to be genuinely happy with the children around, had taken care of the house and had even crafted things for the family. Robert admitted that he had really liked Rose right from the beginning, but he didn't want to push her into anything she wasn't comfortable with. Rose felt so relieved, and noticed that she too had some feelings towards Robert. They decided to take their time, and they sealed that deal with a sweet kiss!

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George and Charles were doing everything together, like a true twins. Robert and Rose took one afternoon off from all the chores and played with the twins until their back was hurting from all the playing! And just in time, as the next morning the twins aged up! Both became artistic prodigies, and Robert promised to make them a crafting table, just like he had done a chess table for Mary. He was a true keeper!

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Although the twins were quite hard to tell apart, which one was which, Charles seemed to have a true talent in creativity, whereas George showed to be a bit more on the lazy side. Rose took one morning, when Robert took Helen to the garden to see the chicks that had hatched, the kids together and treated them with a good breakfast. Things really started to look bright at the Thomson Farm!

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Fun facts: Oh my this chapter took so long to play! I wanted the twins to age up, but as the adults were not in a relationship, they refused to sleep in the same bed! It took me so long to realize why, and both of them were just so sleepy all the time that I couldn't get anything done :D then it was time for the twins to age up, and at 23:54 I maxed out the last of their skill, I was so worried that I would fail, haha! Then the gnomes were not happy and broke all the things! So after this it took like two sim days to have all the sims needs back up (one bathroom with this many sims is a nightmare!). Oh what a struggle this was, but phef, things should be easier now... right?!

Offline oshizu

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Best wishes on your legacy! The house looks great!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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The baby/aspiration link to year progress is a fun idea. Rose sure has got her work cut out for her! Good luck for your growing family!

Offline Pipettipioloki

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Best wishes on your legacy! The house looks great!

Thanks  :)

Offline Pipettipioloki

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The baby/aspiration link to year progress is a fun idea. Rose sure has got her work cut out for her! Good luck for your growing family!

Thanks! It is fun way to progress the years, and to get some motivation to get those kids happening and aspirations completed :D

Offline Pipettipioloki

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6th chapter - 1904 Steady life has arrived

Rose and Robert went to ask for Georges spirit for the approval of their relationship, and Robert truly approved! Rose and Robert took time for themselves to reflect the situation, and Rose finally felt things easing up.
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Rose was sick on one day and could do nothing, meanwhile Robert crafted end tables for all, and started to extend the house! Rose was also busy cooking (maxed the skill) and she became fertile. The whole family also celebrated Yule together, and although they knew no-one when moving in, they got so many presents from the villagers!
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Helen grew up into erratic social butterfly.

Fun facts: Not much happened story-wise but it took so much effort to get everything set up for the steadiness (arranging George's spirit for the couple to meet and I just barely did not get Helen's skills maxed out :D)

