Author Topic: Tartosa Lot Info (My Wedding Stories)  (Read 16274 times)

Offline oshizu

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Tartosa Lot Info (My Wedding Stories)
« on: March 24, 2022, 08:04:59 PM »
Info about Tartosa's Lots

When planning a new game, I like having all the information about a new pack's townies and lots in one place. I hope you'll find this thread useful, too.
At the moment, I've only compiled information about Tartosa's lots. I'll get around to the premade townie info next month.

For all the townie info in a single thread, go to Premade Townie Info for The Sims 4: All in One.
There's also have a separate Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: All in One thread which contains all of the lot information I've gathered so far.  Check them out!

Tartosa Lot Info

Offline oshizu

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Tarta Lot Info
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2022, 08:09:29 PM »
Tartosa Lot Info

This set of maps and charts provides information about the 9 lots and 6 premade residential/rental builds in the two neighborhoods of Tartosa: Porto Luminoso (2 residences and one rental) and Terra Amorosa (3 residences).

Please note that:
   • For Villa Vigna, I switched its lot type to Residential to obtain their Furnished, Unfurnished, and Bulldozed prices, in case your sims want to move in or replace it with another residential build.
   • Information on amenities and harvestables only refer to the neighborhood at large, not those within any community venues in that neighborhood, except in the case of Isle of Volpe.
   • I have probably mistyped a numeric value, overlooked a harvestable, or made some other error. If you see something wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it.

Overall Map of Tartosa

Romantic sites and scenery have long graced the seaside region of Tartosa, creating the perfect setting for love and matrimonial pursuits.
It isn't uncommon for vacationers and honeymooners alike to return year after year, seeking to re-experience the intimacy of visits past.
They say there's a love story in the making for everyone.
Just ask Tartosa's residents, and they'll excitedly gossip about local Wedding Industry shenanigans or the area's love-laced, historical past.
But even if a Sim doesn't find their soulmate here, one thing is for certain... they're fated to fall in love with the land.

Porto Luminoso

Description from blue "fountain" icon:
Historians say Porto Luminoso’s name originated when pirates arrived at shore, attracted by the glowing tides, the promise of trade, and the invention of the fruit tart.
Over time, the village flourished, and while still famous for its fruit tarts, Porto Luminoso’s real claim to fame is its self-proclaimed-title as the wedding industry’s premiere destination for romance and matrimonial services.

Community lots: Celebrazioni d'Amore (lounge, 50x40), Plaza (non-editable, Villa Vigna (rental, 30x20)
Amenities:  BBQ grill x1, Beach x2 (swimming), Beach umbrella x1, Bench x1, Cake shop x1, City Hall, Easel x1, Fishing spot x1, Flower stall x1,
Food stall x2, Fountain x1, Lounge chair x2, Monkey bars x1, Picnic table x2, Pirate jungle gym x1, Public restrooms x1, Trash bin x1, Wedding boutique x1
Harvestables: Lily.


Terra Amorosa

Description from green "bridge" icon:
A short trip up the coastline from Porto Luminosos is the loving land known as Terra Amorosa to the locals.
Whether fishing off the boardwalk, swimming at the bottom of the secluded Hideaway Falls, or hiking up the hillside to visit the area’s famous Lover’s Tree,
any Sim is bound to fall madly in love with the various charming sights and historic landmarks this lover’s paradise has to offer.

Community lots: .La Coppia Serena (wedding venue, 50x40)
Amenities:  BBQ grill x1, Beach umbrella x2, Bench x1, Fishing spot x2, Lagoon x1 (swimming), Lounge chair x4, Picnic table x2,
Public restrooms x 1, Trash bin x2
Harvestables:  Lily.

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Offline scoed

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Re: Tartosa Lot Info (My Wedding Stories)
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2022, 01:00:03 AM »
Thank you for this. The world is this packs saving grace in my opinion.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Tartosa Lot Info (My Wedding Stories)
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2022, 01:02:40 AM »
Thank you for this. The world is this packs saving grace in my opinion.

I absolutely agree! I only bought this game pack for the additional lots in a new world.  ;)

