Author Topic: Yae's 100 Babies 16: 103 Babies! (30 Apr 2022) [Completed]  (Read 22843 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yae's 100 Babies 14: Are We On a Date? (23 Apr 2022)
« Reply #45 on: April 24, 2022, 01:48:47 AM »
14: Are We On a Date?

Week 14, Sunday
Wish: What a disappointment that the Xu twins aren't spellcasters!
Oh well. At least we know that they'll be handsome, right?

While I look after the newly-born Xu boys, Mama's chatting up Kenji Fujiwara.

Did you see Chenle in the plaid skirt in NCT Dream's Hot Sauce music video?
Chenle totally pulled off that look.
But Kenji, the Sage of Mischief Magic, in a skirt? Uh, maybe it's those socks…
Someone really needs to give him some fashion tips.

Yae: How are we doing toward our goal of 100 births? Will we finish in Year 1?
Wish: Yes, I'm pretty confident we will.
You're at 86 births and have time to give birth to 6 more sets of twins.
86 + 12 = 98. So 2 of your remaining 12 births must be occultboos.

Yae: So, after 2 more occultboos, I can hook up with anyone I want?
Wish: Precisely. No more elderly or unappealing occult sims for you, Mama!

Cedric: Hey, I've been waiting for you to invite me over! Is today our…
Yae: Actually, no.  Wish did the math and I only need six more baby daddies.
And, well, you didn't make the cut.
Cedric: Wait, you can't do this to me! What will I tell my friends?
Yae: Sounds like a "you" problem. Maybe not be such a blabbermouth in the future?

Akira: What a relief to hear that you've scheduled me for next week!
Yae: Of course, Akira! You, Neptune, and Fetu were created and raised with me in mind.
And aren't you named after Akira Hayama, my favorite chef in that Food Wars manga?
Akira: You noticed!

Wish: Since Ramon Kahuna is still a teen, I invite over Rhea Chopra.
Rhea's the son of Raul Chopra of Finchwick and Nalani Maihi'ai of Sulani.

Rhea passes the Conch Shell Test with flying colors.
Mama's delighted that Rhea's not only young and handsome but also a merman.

Dakota Hekekia's twins don't resemble him much, do they?
So many of Mama's offspring have white hair that it's not even funny anymore.
Presently, I'm the only household member with non-white hair. Sheesh!

Wish: The Xu boys become toddlers, looking as handsome as their father Emmitt.
MCCC is making Mama's white hair and violet eyes excessively common.
That genetic combo doesn't even feel special anymore!

Still Fenris and Galen are absolutely rocking their white hair and violet eyes!

Watcher: I've started locking Yae & her helper inside a fence for toddler skilling.
They constantly run off for irrelevant activities like talking to plants or playing chess.
Only the toddlers can pass through the fence to use the play tent and slides.
Hah, I didn't want to do it but we're on the clock here!

Several hours after the Hekekia twins move out, Mama gives birth to the Fujiwara twins.
The spellcaster boy is named Harry, after Watcher's favorite wizard Harry Dresden.
His human sister is named Ilona.

Rhea Chopra is so cute and his mother Nalani was beautiful.
You know his children will be awesome!

Yae: Do you remember when we met Neptune's son Ignacio at the beach three weeks ago?
He arrived as a toddler then aged to a child while we were chatting.
Last night, while we were busy with the Xu toddlers, he texted me about hanging out.
Me, hang out with a teen?  That cheeky Ignacio! But he's so cute! Hmmmm.....

Ignacio: Thanks for inviting me out to Chez Lllama! Um, are we on a date?
Yae: Sadly, no, because you're still in high school. 
Ignacio: So, once I'm a young adult next week, can we date for real?
Yae: Yes, let's go on a real date next week, Ignacio!

Remember Ramon Kahuna, the merteen that Wish invited to Spice Festival last week?
At a nearby table sit Ramon's parents: Fetu Kahuna (Baby Daddy #25) and his wife, Makenzie.
Makenzie is the daughter of Duane Talla and Summer Holiday.
No wonder Ramon is so good-looking.

Ignacio (to himself): Yae knows I'm underage yet she ordered wine for me.
Could she be thinking of taking advantage of my youthful innocence and sultry body?
Yae (to herself): An 18-year-old isn't actually a minor anymore, is he? I must ask my lawyer!

Papa phoned me this morning to ask about the ring he found in Mama's handbag.
Naturally, I'd love for Mama to settle down with Papa so we'd all live happily ever after.
But it's a terrible idea for them to get engaged while Mama remains in baby-making mode.
With a heavy heart, I advise Papa to pretend that he never saw the ring. *sniffle, sniffle

Yae: Fenris and Galen Xu are as attractive as their father, Emmitt.
I switched Fenris's hair from white to red, just for a change.
Frankly, all the white-haired kids have become a bore.
Also, I don't understand why Fenris and Galen are darker-skinned than Emmitt.
They are both handsome boys, but their skin tone is a genetic curiosity.

Wish: The Xu boys finish their schoolwork quickly, so we go to Narwhal Arms for some fun.
Mama learns that Ramon Kahuna is no longer a teen.

Wish: Fenris and Galen Xu are young adults now.
They move out to live with Brook Silversweater in Oasis Springs.
Mama says Brook was her very first son.

Harry and Ilona Fujiwara are ready to start their skilling!
Personally, we love sims of all colors.
But Mama's a little worried that Harry's much darker than his father Kenji or her.
Will Kenji question whether or not Harry's truly his son?

Watcher: Still more white hair.  Perhaps MCCC is broken.

Wish: We never bother with the Social Butterfly aspiration.
Since it's the weekend, though, I figure I might as well help Harry become a Whiz Kid.
I'm also helping the twins with their schoolwork and projects.

Meanwhile, Mama's hanging out with Ramon Kahuna until she goes into labor.
You've probably noticed that Mama's gone off the deep end lately for the merboys.
Who can argue with her taste? Rhea Chopra, Ramon Kahuna, and Ignacio Momoa…
These three put to shame other potential baby daddies currently in our world..

Mama gives birth to twin boys: Jagdeep and Krishna Chopra.
Their father's a merman, but we can't tell about these boys until they're toddlers.
Seriously, what would Mama do without me?
Because I'm here looking after the nooboos….

From the hospital, Mama can proceed straight to the hot tub with Ramon.
Welp, Mama deserves a little privacy so this is a good moment to call this update a wrap.

Only two more weeks in the year.  Will we make it?

Progress: End of Week 14
*Total Score: 85/100 kids moved out (includes occult bonus +27) W14
*Moved out this week (plus 5):
  - Wed: Dakota Jr. & Erin Hekekia (#82 & 83/84)
  - Fri: Fenris & Galen Xu (#85 & 86)

*Current Household:
  Matriarch: Yae is 16 days to Adult and pregnant by Ramon Kahuna
  YA: Wish Lee (#71) [helper]
  Children: Harry & Ilona Fujiwara (#87/88 & 89)
  Nooboo: Jagdeep & Krishna Chopra (#90 & 91) (can't determine life state yet)

*MCCC weirdness Several odd things are happening with Yae's offspring.
  - An excessive number of children with white hair and/or violet eyes
  - A lot of boy/girl twins, which are a rare occurrence in my unmodded games
  - An extremely small number of girl twins. Only 2 out of 30 sets of twins/triplets
  I'm not doing a Perfect Genetics challenge, so the weird genetics don't really matter to me.
  Just wanted to share, though, why Yae's offspring turn out the way they do.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yae's 100 Babies 14: Are We On a Date? (23 Apr 2022)
« Reply #46 on: April 24, 2022, 04:14:58 AM »
The interchange with Cedric made me laugh out loud. I'm so glad Yae's getting more attractive younger baby daddies but I can't believe you are getting tired of white hair and violet eyes - not you! Only one more occult needed and the Chopra twins may be that. Is it too soon to say you're on the home-straight?

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Yae's 100 Babies 14: Are We On a Date? (23 Apr 2022)
« Reply #47 on: April 24, 2022, 08:01:40 PM »
The thing about all the white-haired, violet-eyed offspring is that they are coming along without any effort on my part.
The same thing with boy/girl twins---almost every other birth consists of boy/girl twins. 
If I could set MCCC to make the incidence of white hair, violet eyes, and boy/girl twins a little less common, I would be a happy puppy.
Of course, they became super rare, I would absolutely complain about that, too. i swear, some simmers are never happy.

As for the home-stretch, not to count my chickens before they hatch but...
Yae is currently at 91 babies at the end of Week 14, then:
*Week 15, she'll go into labor twice (2 births x 2 babies =4)
*Week 16, she'll also go into labor twice (2 births x 2 babies =4)

So there are mainly two things Yae requires to finish this challenge before the end of Year 1:
(1) Yae needs at least 2 openings whenever she gives in order to have twins (91 + 4 + 4 = 99 babies)
(2) At least one of Yae's remaining eight babies must be an occultboo.  (91 + 8 + 1 = 100 babies)
Or, um, my math might be totally wrong, hehe.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yae's 100 Babies 15: Big Progress and a Small Digression (28 Apr 2022)
« Reply #48 on: April 28, 2022, 03:05:44 AM »
15: Big Progress and a Little Digression

Week 15, Sunday (3rd week of winter)
Wish: We don't have anything that needs doing today so we've come to Sulani.
Our main goal is to relax and have fun.  I'm learning to mix drinks.

Mama and I also have a secondary goal.
To avoid being asked for advice by the Fujiwara twins.
I'm happy to see Mama enjoying some well-deserved rest.

Mama brings along her latest obsession, Ignacio.
He's not shy about flaunting his flawless aquatic body, either.
I guess that's because Mama already asked him about being a merman the other day.

Last week, I met this green-haired dude with pointy ears while I was fishing in Tartosa.
We get along so well!
Before I know it, I've asked him to be my boyfriend.

Yuki (my new boyfriend) looks like a sweet, demure guy, but he's actually rather pushy.
I thought Yuki and I were being bold by kissing in public.
You won't believe what he talks me into doing!

Ilona and Harry before the first and last day of grade school.

We still can't figure out why Harry's skin tone is so dark.
Honestly, what do you think?
Do Harry and Ilona resemble their father, Kenji?

Here are the Chopra twins. They are BOTH merboys!
After Yae gave birth to six white-haired kids in a row, Watcher tried some hocus pocus.
Abracadabra, Jagdeep ages up with black hair, like his Da!

Harry and Ilona Fujiwawra age up and move out right after school today.
Rhea Chopra drops by close to the time Mama will go into labor.
Of course, we never allow past baby daddies to visit their kids here.
But, boy, Jagdeep sure takes after his father!

Wish: It's the usual routine whenever Mama gives birth.
I look after the newborns, in this case, Leilani and Malo Kahuna.
And Mama runs straight from the hospital into the arms of her next baby daddy.
It's a pretty traumatizing home environment, if you ask me.

Wish: Hey, boyfriend! Have you gotten a little chubby since we last met?
Boyfriend: Duh, we're expecting.
Wish: We are?  Can I feel your tummy?

Yae: Oh, hi, Grandpa.
Wish: Huh?
Yuki: Technically speaking, Yae and I aren't related since we're both library clones.
But in another world, my father was a different version of your father, Taye Lee.
Wish: Um, so we're half-brothers?
Yuki: Nope. Your father Taye Lee and my father are different sims in different worlds.
Wish: Can we just blame our Watcher?

Wish: How are you so huge, Yuki?
Yuki: You don't happen to have the Fertile trait, do you?
Wish: Yeah, Watcher had me buy it last week. But still, your tummy's huge!
Yuki: Oh c'mon, how many times has your mother been pregnant since you became Helper?
Wish: Um, Mama doesn't exactly run around in a speedo when she's pregnant…

Late that evening…
Wish: Thanks for joining us tonight, Ignacio. We need to ask you about your birthday.
Ignacio: My birthday? Why?
Wish: To reach 100 babies, Mama only needs one more occultboo and one more donor.
This Friday, who will father the 100th baby: you or that spellcaster Richard Collette?
Ignacio: Oh please! I've been destined to be part of this challenge since my toddler days.
Don't worry. I'll definitely be a young adult by Friday!

Wish: At 3 o'clock in the morning, Yuki phones to say that he's given birth to triplets. Triplets!
And he asks that I name our children: a girl and two boys.

I'd already been thinking about bying a certain house for Yuki so he could move from Sulani to Tartosa.
As soon as Mama saw that Yuki was pregnant, she urged me to buy the house right away.
I helped Yuki move to the Via Romanza Villa late afternoon yesterday, just in time!

Ain't genetics surprising?  Here are Jagdeep and Krishna with their father, Rhea Chopra.
They both have Mama's nose, but Jagdeep has Rhea's hair color with Mama's facial features.
On the other hand, Krishna has Mama's white hair but could be his father's twin.

Speaking of teens, look who aged up to a young adult today!
I'm not worried for my Da, though; Mama will end up with Da after this is all over.
She's just a little obsessed with Ignacio because he's kept her waiting for so long.
I mean, why would she choose a merman over a spellcaster?  Am I right?

In the evening, the Kahuna twins become toddlers and we learn their life state at last.
Adorable Leilani is a normie and cutie-pie Malo is a merboy.
This puts us at 96 babies!

After school, the Chopra twins move out to live with their merpeep siblings.
It seems like Mama's been with lots of mermen lately, doesn't it?
In truth, she's only given birth to seven merkids so far.
The seventh is Malo Kahuna, of course, who starts grade school next Monday.

The Kahuna twins and I really want to attend the Spice Festival tonight, but we can't yet.
First, Mama has to give birth then she'll try for baby with Ignacio Momoa.
Just think, Ignacio will be Mama's (*counts fingers…) 34th Baby Daddy!

Welcome to the family, Naomi and Osamu Hayama!
Since Naomi's a spellcaster, she and her brother take us to 99 babies born.
If only Osamu had also been a spellcaster, Mama'd be done with this challenge tonight.
Of course, if that had happened, Ignacio would probably throw a fit and weep.

Ignacio: After this, would you consider marrying me and settling down, starting a small family of our own?
Yae: I'm sorry, but I haven't thought that far ahead yet.
(Plus Taye's called Wish at least twice about finding that engagement ring in my handbag…)

Leilani: Where's Wish?
Malo: He's looking after the newborn twins, remember?
Lailani: But where did Mama and Uncle Ignacio go?
Malo: Yeah, Wish! When are we leaving for the Spice Festival?
Wish: Hey, I'm as eager to go to the Spice Festival as you are!

Wish: Tonight's our last chance to attempt the Spicy Curry Challenge.
I'm so glad we were able to get here on time.
And check me out: I'm the Spice Champion!

Friendly lady at bar: I swear, this will be my LAST pregnancy!
Yae: I'll drink to that!

Once the 100th baby is born, this challenge is over!

Gallery Download
*Via Romanza (30x30): "Via Romanza Villa" by Wooldrop.
  What a gorgeous build! I'm only sorry that I won't be able to play this build.

Progress: End of Week 15
*Total Score: 92/100 kids moved out (includes occult bonus +29) W15
*Moved out this week (plus 7):
  - Tue: Harry & Ilona Fujiwara (#87/88 & 89)
  - Fri: Jagdeep & Krishan Chopra (#90/91 & 92/93)

*Current Household:
  Matriarch: Yae is 16 days to Adult and pregnant by Ignacio Momoa
  YA: Wish Lee (#71) [helper]
  Children:  Leilani & Malo Kahuna (#94 & 95/96)
  Nooboo: Naomi & Osamu Hayama (#97/98 & 99)

*A little digression: Got a little sidetracked with Wish and Yuki.
  Yae's routine has gotten very predictable and boring, so I needed something different, haha.
  Now we just wait until Ignacio's kid is born in three days on Monday.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yae's 100 Babies 15: Big Progress and a Small Digression (28 Apr 2022)
« Reply #49 on: April 28, 2022, 04:06:17 AM »
Looking forward to the big finale! Go, go, go!

I don't blame you for getting side-tracked. I'm not sure I want to tackle the 100-baby challenge. It's right at the back of my to-do list.

Offline Auranaris

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Re: Yae's 100 Babies 15: Big Progress and a Small Digression (28 Apr 2022)
« Reply #50 on: April 28, 2022, 09:30:52 AM »
Wooo! Just a few more and you’re done! And in an insanely short amount of time!

I seem to have misplaced my 100 baby save, but I am definitely tempted to try this challenge again thanks to you. If I do, I’ll have to let you know how long it takes me to finally finish this time :p
they/he pronouns please!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yae's 100 Babies 15: Big Progress and a Small Digression (28 Apr 2022)
« Reply #51 on: April 28, 2022, 04:10:08 PM »
Looking forward to the big finale! Go, go, go!

I don't blame you for getting side-tracked. I'm not sure I want to tackle the 100-baby challenge. It's right at the back of my to-do list.

LOL, I wasn't sure what I was thinking when I chose to start this challenge, either.
Just vague thoughts about playing a shortish challenge while exploring the new town of Tartosa and seeing how the new Neighborhood Stories System works.
I have achieved all three goals.
If you're looking a new challenge, though, I'd recommend that you try our other dynasty challenges first. In my case, I've completed them already, one time each.

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Re: Yae's 100 Babies 15: Big Progress and a Small Digression (28 Apr 2022)
« Reply #52 on: April 28, 2022, 07:02:12 PM »
Wooo! Just a few more and you’re done! And in an insanely short amount of time!

I seem to have misplaced my 100 baby save, but I am definitely tempted to try this challenge again thanks to you. If I do, I’ll have to let you know how long it takes me to finally finish this time :p


Oh, Auranaris, Night Elf of Infinite Beauty! I do hope you'll give the 100 Baby Challenge another whirl.
There's a couple of things that made my own attempt easier and faster, as you've no doubt surmised:
*I use a human matriarch that has shamelessly exploited the Occult Incentive. Yae actually gave birth to 66 babies; they included 33 occultboos that boosted her baby count to 99 babies born.
*Choose a lot in one of the warmer towns so your sims can live comfortably al fresco in a micro home. The skill gain makes toddler skilling a breeze.
*A spellcaster helper is the most useful, especially at the beginning.
*Do a 5-tradition holiday every week. A successfully completed 5-trad holiday grants 500 satisfaction per sim, which can be used to buy moodlet solvers.
  After awhile, my spellcaster helper didn't even need to brew Potions of Plentiful Needs. :D
*I added 2 casters and 2 mermen from MyLibary to Yae's world. I only wish I'd added the mermen sooner, since my game didn't generate new merpeeps, only children of the premade merpeeps.
*Squeeze vampboos out of normie sims via the Dark Ley Line trait, LOL! I created a community lot with both the Dark Ley Line & On Ley Line traits.
  This strat didn't occur to me until summer. If I'd used this strat from spring, I would be done now, haha.
*If it seems like your matriarch will give birth without room to try for baby again, try to get at least one kid out early by spamming the well.
  In my experience, even in a vanilla game, if there's only one household opening at conception but two or three openings when mama goes into labor, mama can still have twins or even triplets.
  Weekends are the worst!

I'm sure you knew most of this already, but I listed them all just in case. Please start a new challenge and let me know how it goes.
Oh, I'm probably going to do a Not So Berry Challenge next. By any chance, could I convince you to start one along with me?  I love playing challenges together with simming buddies.
(Please don't say you don't consider me your simming buddy or I'll cry.)
If you want to complete the 100 Baby Challenge, I would wait for you to start an NSB, maybe.

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Re: Yae's 100 Babies 15: Big Progress and a Small Digression (28 Apr 2022)
« Reply #53 on: April 29, 2022, 09:05:20 AM »
Well, if a simming buddy wants to start the NSB challenge, I’d be happy to join you!

*incoming bragging*
I actually completed the NSB challenge about a year ago! It’s definitely a fun one though, and I actually have been wanting to redo it. I can always do a 100 baby challenge afterwards :)
they/he pronouns please!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yae's 100 Babies 15: Big Progress and a Small Digression (28 Apr 2022)
« Reply #54 on: April 29, 2022, 05:45:38 PM »
Well, if a simming buddy wants to start the NSB challenge, I’d be happy to join you!

*incoming bragging*
I actually completed the NSB challenge about a year ago! It’s definitely a fun one though, and I actually have been wanting to redo it. I can always do a 100 baby challenge afterwards :)

Woooo, you already completed the NSB once already!  There are several variations of the original NSB.  Would you rather do one of those instead?
Let me know which one you want to do, the original or an adaptation, and I'll join you.  I can start anytime next week.  ;)
*Not So Berry 2.0:
*Not So Berry 2: (the gen colors and trait colors don't match, though)
*Not So Berry: Take Two (Gen 11-20) -

Also, LilSimsie started a NSB challenge recently on Twitch and I tried to watch the 3-hr stream on Youtube, but I don't have the patience for Twitch-to-Youtube videos. *sighs
Let me know.  I'm so excited.  (And thank you for acknowledging me as a simming buddy. Yay!)

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Re: Yae's 100 Babies 16: 103 Babies! (30 Apr 2022)
« Reply #55 on: April 30, 2022, 09:04:40 AM »
16.  103 Babies!

Week 15, Friday (3rd week of Year 1)
At the Via Romanza Villa
Yuki: It's practically midnight! What are you doing here?
And what's with that tacky red T-shirt?
Wish: It's the Spice Champion tee. I came here as soon as I took the family home.
Quick, let's feed and age up our nooboos! I can only spare 30 hours.

Wish: By the way, good job on giving birth to spellcaster triplets!  Mama will be jealous!
Yuki: Wait, 30 hours for what?
Wish: You and me are going to play the "Too Many Toddlers" scenario!
Yuki: Well, I already did that once already with Neptune Momoa, Fetu Kahuna, and Akira Hayama, you know.
Wish: Perhaps, but these three are our kids! They'll be the cutest!

Week 15, Saturday
Yuki: I don't see why we have to move to this bady remodeled Piccola Luce!
Wish: This temporary micro house was hastily built just for our scenario.
Yuki: Oh good. I was worried we'd be stuck here afterward.
Wish: Anyway, let's introduce our household, from left to right:
Me (Wish) with green-haired Shun, brown-haired Whim, and Yuki with Erina.

Wish: Scenario start! Yuki, why don't you read to them while I cook?
Yuki: Don't tell me what to do!
Wish; Look, dear. You've raised 3 toddlers before, but I've raised at least 16 toddlers.
Yuki: Okay, okay, you win. I'll read to the toddlers first.

Yuki: Potty training takes the longest to level. Why do we bother?
Wish: Because we want to raise our kids into Happy Toddlers, not just finish the scenario.
Yuki: But why bother? Your mother's challenge ends in two days.
Wish: You don't like spending time with me?

Yuki: Our scenario ends just as green-haired Shun becomes a Happy Toddler.
What now?

Wish: What about our kids' before and after shots?
From left to right, Erina, Whim, and Shun.

Yuki: And here they are after blowing out their birthday candles!
Wish: Watcher's really disappointed in how Erina turned out.
She was hoping to make Erina her next founder, but Erina aged up with weird eyes
Yuki: Yeah, I don't know where she got those awful eyes but they were strange. *shudders
Watcher tried to fix them, but gave up. No founder role for Erina.

Yuki: I'm glad we've moved back to our villa!
And what a great idea to bring the kids to Desert Bloom Park!
Wish: Yeah, I have no regrets about spending these days with you and the kids!

Yuki: If we can do whatever we please until Sunday, you know what I'd love?
Wish: Let me guess.

Yuki: Oooooh, a proposal in between a BBQ grill and a platter of tofu dogs.
How very classy and so romantic!
Wish: Um, is that a yes? Just you wait. I'll show you romantic!

Yuki: It takes us over five hours to find a wedding arch that actually works.
But, at last, Wish makes an honest wizard out of me.
Watcher: I blame the My Wedding Stories pack for our problematic wedding arches.

Week 16, Sunday (last week of Year 1
Yuki: Are we okay for time, Wish? It's nearly 9 pm.
Wish: Oh no! the Hayama twins should've been aged up to toddlers a few hours ago.
But, wait. It doesn't matter, because they don't need to be moved out.

Yae: Hello, Wish. It's your mother calling. Are you enjoying your sleepover with Yuki?
What time are you coming home tonight?
Wish: Never. I moved out to do that scenario with Yuki, remember?
Watcher: Oops! The rules say once a kid moves out, they can never move back in.

Yae: Don't you want to help me raise these last toddlers? For old times' sake?
Wish: It's late.
Yae: You and I both have the Never Weary trait…

Yae: Thanks for coming over to help with the Hayama twins.
Wish: No worries. But you don't need to keep me fenced in.
Yae: Watcher has fenced all four of us in. That's her m.o., remember?
Even if you don't live here anymore, the twins can still ask you to help them learn!

Yae: With Wish's help, the toddlers age up before the Kahuna twins leave for school.
I thank Wish for all his help these past weeks, then send him home to his own family.

Leilani and Malo Kahuna return from school ready to age up.

For comparison's sake, let's look again at my children with Fetu Kahuna.
Fetu's complexion is rather light as is that of Xiao and Yuuji.
The fact that Fetu's mother is Bella Goth really shows in Xiao's features.
Meanwhile, Yuuji resembles me more than he resembles his father.

Leilani and Malo's father, Ramon Kahuna, is as handsome as his father Fetu.
Ramon gets his darker complexion from his maternal grandfather, Duane Talla.
Sharing Ramon's skin tone, Leilani and Malo are stunning sims.
Among all my offspring, Leilani and Malo rank among the most attractive.

Just as I'm leaving for, hopefully, the last delivery of my life, Taye arrives.
How did he know it was time for me to give birth?

It doesn't matter whether my twins with Ignacio Momoa are merbabies or not.
Paola Momoa is my 100th baby and I have completed this 100 Baby Challenge!

Watcher: Now that the challenge is over, I aged Paola and Quincey to toddlers right away.
They're both merbabies!

Taye: Yae, I've waited so long for this day.
You have no idea how hard it's been, waiting and knowing what you do for this challenge!
Yae: You shouldn't have waited for me, Taye.
Taye: Congratulations! And now that you're done, will you marry me?

Yae: Thanks to this challenge, I want nothing to do with love, children, and family.
I'm so sorry, Taye, but I cannot accept your proposal.
Taye (to himself): Seriously? She's blowing off my proposal?
Does this mean Watcher is saving me for another challenge in the future?
Watcher: Not right away, Taye, but maybe later…

Yae: I have tired of human society, dear Taye!
I've decided to answer the summons of a higher calling.
To lead a quiet life of peace and meditation.
Taye: *speechless

Yae: Fare thee well, Taye. Know that you're the only one I ever loved. *walks away silently
Watcher: Pssst, Yae! You aren't even Christian!
Yae (whispering): Hush!  Nobody knows that here except for me and you.
Besides, this is the only way I can get away without having to bring along my remaining six children!
Watcher: Oh.


Custom Content
*I actually use about a dozen cc items, but the one below merits special mention:
  "Nun's habit with headdress" by the Swedish creator simverses.

Progress: End of Week 16
*Total Score: 93/100 kids moved out (includes occult bonus +29) W15
*Moved out this period (plus 1):
  - Week 15, Fri: Wish Lee (#71)
*Current Household:
  Matriarch: Yae is 16 days to Adult
  Teen:  Leilani & Malo Kahuna (#94 & 95/96)
  Children: Naomi & Osamu Hayama (#97/98 & 99)
  Nooboo: Paola & Quincey Momoa(#100/101 & 102/103)

*A little digression: I completely forgot that Wish wouldn't be able to move back after the scenario, haha.
  I was so excited about enjoying some different gameplay that I never even sorted Wish's personal inventory.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yae's 100 Babies 16: 103 Babies! (30 Apr 2022)
« Reply #56 on: April 30, 2022, 09:05:54 AM »

I'd like to conclude my 100 Baby Challenge by sharing overall statistics and post-challenge screenshots.

Post-Challenge Baby Daddy Collages
For the sake of completion, I entered CAS where I aged the Hayama twins and Kahuna twins into teens.
Besides adding their portraits to the "Meet the Kids 82-100" post, I also created the usual collages with their fathers.

Here are Yae's twins with the spellcaster Akira Hayama.
Osamu closely resembles his father, except he has Yae's nose and skin color.
It's his sister Naomi, however, who is a born spellcaster.

Like their father Ignacio, Paola and Quincey are also ginger-haired merfolk.
Oddly, Quincey's facial features differ slightly in his merman form.
The game aged Ignacio into a teen wearing guyliner.
It gives Ignacio a unique look, which his twins share (except that I had to give them eyeline in CAS).

Some Stats
*Challenge duration: 15 weeks and 2 days
*Ending age of Matriarch: 16 days to Adult stage
*Age of Baby Daddies (34 total):  17 Elders, 6 Adults, 11 Young Adults.
*Source of Baby Daddies: 16 Premade NPCs, 8 Spawned NPCs, 5 MyLibrary NPCs, and 5 Gen2 sims.
*Offspring life states: 17 spellcasters, 9 merkids, and 8 vampires (34 bonus points from the Occult Incentive)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yae's 100 Babies 16: 103 Babies! (30 Apr 2022)
« Reply #57 on: April 30, 2022, 11:50:47 AM »
Congratulations - that was epic! The reward ribbon is well and truly deserved!

Offline Auranaris

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Re: Yae's 100 Babies 16: 103 Babies! (30 Apr 2022)
« Reply #58 on: April 30, 2022, 05:43:27 PM »
Congratulations! Can’t wait to meet your mint gen :p

PS, you actually don’t need the potty skill to get happy toddler.. I learned that from a friend after I’d potty trained far too many sim toddlers
they/he pronouns please!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yae's 100 Babies 16: 103 Babies! (30 Apr 2022) [Completed]
« Reply #59 on: May 05, 2022, 11:06:49 PM »
Congratulations - that was epic! The reward ribbon is well and truly deserved!
This challenge was definitely a slog and not one of my favorites, but I enjoyed seeing the genetics play out with the different baby daddies!
And I even ended up with a no-exactly-Taye founder for my new NSB challenge, haha.

Congratulations! Can’t wait to meet your mint gen :p

PS, you actually don’t need the potty skill to get happy toddler.. I learned that from a friend after I’d potty trained far too many sim toddlers

OMG, nooooooo! Do we also not need Level 3 Potty for Top Notch Toddlers?  I've skilled up over 100 toddlers over the past 3-4 challenges (Life States Dynasty/43, Big Dreams/24, and the 100 Baby Challenge/67).
How did I never know this.  But I'm eternally grateful that you've shared this tidbit with me!  Arrrggh.
And now I am patiently waiting to meet your Mint founder! 🧡