Author Topic: The Swift Power of 10 Dynasty: Debut Era (Chapter 4, 3/21/2022)  (Read 8292 times)

Offline elliana

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Debut era: chapter 4
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2022, 08:26:00 PM »
The day after Este’s child birthday, Elias helped his daughter with her new homework while Drew pranced around. Taylor is also helping out with Este’s aspiration by playing chess together.

That night, the family went to the Spice Festival. Drew is sleeping on a bench somewhere while everyone else plays basketball.

New Year’s Eve rolled around, on the same day as one of the Finchwick Fairs. Taylor made friends with Sara Scott, owner of the local pub.

The next day was the Festival of Youth in Mt. Korembi! I’ve actually never attended one before - Snowy Escape is my newest EP. So it was fun to see what it was all about.

Soon enough, it was time for Drew’s child birthday, which happened to be on the same day as Taylor’s adult birthday! There was a big double party that I happened to take no pictures of, but here’s child Drew in his everyday and cold weather fits. He looks just like Elias.

Drew is also a Genius with the Whiz Kid aspiration like his big sister Este. I think he’ll be a Mechanical Engineer and she’ll be a Computer Engineer. Oh, and the kids got an upgraded room. Bunk beds!!

Meanwhile, childhood is treating Este well. She’s making lots of friends while working on her mental skill.

She and Drew like to play on their monkey bars together.

Now that the kids are grown and can function on their own a bit more, Elias decided to join the Tech Guru career, quitting his Freelance Programming job. He needs to work his way up that ladder for his aspiration, and he has the time to work more now.

Este is doing well in her career too – she’s a level 7 Botanist, with her gardening and logic skills at 9 and 6, respectively. Sometimes when she works from home, her task is to get eaten by a Cowplant. Those days are particularly brutal.

She needs to work a bit more on her friends and her errands. She did make friends with Supriya Delgato from Brindleton Bay.

For Elias’s New Year’s resolution, he decided to get fit. Except…I forgot about that until the last day of his resolution. He and Taylor spent all day in the gym working on it, but he wasn’t able to “get fit” or whatever.

Oh well. He’s still a super parent to the little Swifts.

In fact, he and Taylor took the kids out to the Oasis Springs park. Este and Drew made friends on the playground. Meanwhile, Taylor honed her logic skill on the chess tables while Elias took Mary for a nice jog.

After that fun day out, the kids went back home while the adults went to their local Henford-on-Bagley pub. Taylor got to sample some freshly prepared drinks from her friend and bartender Sara Scott to complete an errand for her.

Fun day for the Swifts!
The Swift Power of 10 Dynasty: Taylor Swift (IN PROGRESS - GEN 1)
An Immortal Island Goddess Dynasty: Sulani/Island Living, female relationships, Greek mythology (ENDED GEN 6)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Swift Power of 10 Dynasty: Debut Era (Chapter 4, 3/21/2022)
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2022, 09:25:16 PM »

Mary the dog is adorable! <3 Nice to see you back at it again.

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Offline elliana

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Re: The Swift Power of 10 Dynasty: Debut Era (Chapter 4, 3/21/2022)
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2022, 09:11:10 AM »

Mary the dog is adorable! <3 Nice to see you back at it again.

Thanks! I've loved having a dog around for this generation. I'll have to keep up with the pets.
The Swift Power of 10 Dynasty: Taylor Swift (IN PROGRESS - GEN 1)
An Immortal Island Goddess Dynasty: Sulani/Island Living, female relationships, Greek mythology (ENDED GEN 6)