Author Topic: Olympus Dreams (Complete)  (Read 27565 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Olympus Dreams 4.1: Relative Values
« Reply #120 on: February 20, 2022, 06:45:55 PM »
For the tournaments, do you know if any of the following affect it?
  • still being in the gamer career (Paidia quit once she maxed it)
  • sticking with a particular game
  • practising other than playing the tournament
  • entering an independent tournament while at geekcon (ie on one of the computers there, not the UGT)
(1) I doubt this matters because...
(2) Yes. Each game has a hidden counter. The more you play a specific game, the higher its counter, and the better chance of winning 1st place.
(3) Yes, because practicing a game contributes toward raising its hidden counter.
(4) I don't think entering a tournament affects the hidden counter, but I don't know for sure.

Yes - Ace Photographer for Techne. I am determined to crack the selfie issue for World-Famous Celebrity (hysterical/delusional laughter)!
Kim recently got asked for all three of her selfies in two days. So happy to be done with that task.

Haha, it's hard to get around much with a toddler in the house.
You could always invite folks over?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 4.2: Snapper
« Reply #121 on: February 22, 2022, 08:53:53 AM »
Olympus Dreams 4.2: Snapper

Techne: I’m clearly the right person to document our family fortunes for now! I’ve got a much better eye for photos than Watcher who frequently forgets.
Watcher: Hey!
Techne: No offense! Anyhow – here’s a few she’s taken: My kid sister Demeter’s birthday. She’s quite cool. She does like her blue and yellow outfits. I’m right behind her! Watcher never did change my party outfit – I mean – it’s a little dowdy for someone like me!


Techne: Ah – here’s a better pic of me. I thought I’d try my hand at reviewing toys. I made a good video but we’ve never got around to uploading it – too busy snapping!


Techne: And here’s my birthday – I got a really cool photo of great uncle Clement for my photo records at this party.


Techne: I was happy with my aging-up hair until I went swimming. Watcher helped me choose my tail but my default mermaid hair really suits me so I keep it all the time. Here’s a picture of me and mum doing our thing! She was relaxing after winning her fifth professional tournament of BlicBlock. I bet she could win harder games if she’d thought to eat some cerreberries!


Techne: Mum let me take Friday off as I was doing so well in school and got to be a Llamacorn Scout so I went out and about, all by myself, and got some amazing pics. I’m writing up my Big Dream photo project in a separate post but here are the ones I need for my teen project!


Teen - that middle guy was definitely flirty with me in an erratic sort of way!

Young Adult
Young Adults.jpg



Big Dreams Progress: Week 50 (Year 4, Spring 2)

(gen 4) – Legendary Gamer: Completed week 50, still in house

Pablo Vann (gen 4 spouse) – Financial Whiz: Other – 33,639/100,000 worth of unique artwork

Techne (gen 5 teen) – Ace Photographer: Child Aspirations – All maxed; A in school; Teen requirements – 15/15 photos, A in school; Aspirations – Friend of World 3/4, World-Famous Celebrity 0/4; Skills – Charisma 7, Photography 5/5; Other #1 Set up Studio, #2 12/12 photos (separate post)

Demeter (gen 5 child) - ?: top-notch toddler; child aspirations – Artistic Prodigy done

Screenshot 2022-02-22 133615.jpg


Demeter with her green eyes will bring in Gen 6 but Techne is stealing the limelight somewhat.

Paidia has completed her Big Dream and Pablo could if he bought in some artwork. Will he achieve the side aim of $100k of sim-created art or will this Watcher cave?

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 4.2: Snapper - Techne's Photo Wall
« Reply #122 on: February 22, 2022, 09:12:12 AM »
Techne's Photo Wall
(Scroll back for her teen episode)

1. Two Sims talking at a Park (cousin Carlo chatting someone up!)
talking at park.jpg

2. Child on a jungle gym (Demeter)
on jungle gym.jpg

3. Sim playing a game (Mum - Paidia)
playing game.jpg

4. Sim dancing at nightclub (ghost great great granny Hera)
dancing (2).jpg

5. Sim fishing (Grandad Sei)

6. Sim working out (Dad - Pablo - oh dear!)
working out.jpg

7. Sim playing basketball - you can't see the hoop or the ball but she definitely is!

8. Gardener

9. Non human (aunt Aggi)

10. Food stall vendor
stall holder.jpg

11. Paparazzi

12. Celebrity (Dae)

Notes from Watcher
This photo "scavenger" hunt was fun to get Techne doing. She could have done most if not all of it as a child...

Offline oshizu

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Re: Olympus Dreams 4.2: Snapper
« Reply #123 on: February 22, 2022, 02:35:20 PM »
Congrats to Paidia on completing Legendary Gamer.
Techne is moving quickly through her BD requirements.
Looking forward to meeting Demeter as a teen!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 4.3: The 'Rents Are Out!
« Reply #124 on: February 23, 2022, 09:06:55 AM »
Olympus Dreams 4.3: The Rents Are Out!

Techne: So guys, we all enjoyed my birthday party earlier today and I’ve signed up with a Freelance Photography Agency.
Paidia: Wow – that was quick!
Techne: Well, strike while the iron’s hot, etc. The thing is – I need some studio space.
Pablo: Oh – well, that’s a bit of a problem on this lot. We wouldn’t want to chop any trees down.
Techne: No – no – I agree. I just want some indoor space with lots of light.
Paidia: Hmm – I can’t think in here – the sun’s too bright! And it’s a bit crowded…When did you add the extra walls, Pablo?
Pablo: Oh – um – well, I wanted plenty of wall space for – you know – my new paintings.
Paidia: These paintings here?
Pablo: No – the ones on the other sides.
Paidia: But they’re not our paintings – when did you start getting these? They look really expensive.
Pablo: They came as a job-lot. It was a bargain!


Paidia: I can’t believe you gave Uncle Clement all that grief about his decorations and here you’ve been filling this mausoleum with stuff we never look at! I mean – who are the people in these portraits?
Pablo: They must have been important because they cost a bo….small fort…a bit! Anyway, Clement’s stuff was tat. This is high art!
Paidia: How high is high art?
Pablo: Just over $60k … What we’ve painted between us is worth about $40k. Getting to $100k seemed to fill a need in me.
Paidia: Oh Pablo! Aren’t I enough for you?
Pablo: That isn’t it, at all! I love you. It’s just with Techne aging up and moving on with her life, I feel like I’m not needed anymore.
Paidia: I’ll always need you, sweet Pablo. How about we start over – simplify things?


Techne: Hey! Mum & Dad! You’ll never guess what!
Pablo: What’s going on?
Paidia: Is everything OK?
Techne: Demeter’s only gone and blown out the candles!
Paidia: But you’ve only got your Artistic Prodigy. I thought you wanted to be a more rounded Sim?
Techne (sniggers): What, like Dad?
Pablo: Hey!
Demeter: The cake looked so gorgeous and so I lit the candles and – just – blew them out! Hmmm – delicious cake, by the way!


Techne: Well, yesterday was a blast!
Demeter: You’re a young adult now and I’m a teen!
Techne: Yes, but Mum & Dad moving out was a surprise!
Demeter: Just think of all the fun we can get up to!
Techne: Ye-es. There have to be some rules though…
Demeter: Like we must sit in front of the TV to watch premiers while we eat dinner, yes?
Techne: Hmm – where’s that book on parenting…?


Demeter: I can’t believe I have to do chores, even though the ‘Rents aren’t here anymore. Techne is a bit of a slave-driver. Actually, I’m quite enjoying planting all this veg!


Techne: Being in charge of the house is a bit of a mind-game. Watching that Demi gets her homework done plus cooking and keeping hydrated… Still, Mum came over to help me with my first photo shoot – someone in nightwear – doesn’t she look amazing!


Techne: And this is Carlo. He posed for the High Fashion shot I needed. He’s the son of our great grandparents Zeus & Hera. Can you tell from the hair and eye colour? My studio in Dad’s old show room is working out really well.


Techne: Easter came so I cooked a grand feast and we got all the rellies round. Wow, Mum! I know you said you wanted a new start with Dad but…
Paidia: We thought new life would help your Dad feel needed again.
Demeter: But what about us?
Pablo: You seem to be doing fine without us.
Demeter: We are but…
Paidia: We still love you both but you’re on your own journeys now.


Demeter: Stupid Scouts needs stupid fishing – oh! I got one! Wow, this is fun too! I’ll put it in the fridge. I wonder how you cook a Discus fish?


Techne: I got Carlo back for a flirty gig but they didn’t like this one. I thought he looked great.


Techne: The magazine approved this one of Demi. They don’t seem to mind that she’s only a teen…I wasn’t sure about asking her to be flirty, but she does look great!


Demi: Lol! I got chosen over you, Carlo! See how much cuter I am than you!
Carlo: Hey kid – you got a lucky pose. The camera loves us both!


Carlo: I’m going for a shower in the rain.
Techne: Oh – OH! Yes – go – shower!
Demi: What’s going on! I’m busy cooking this fish!
Techne: Nothing – nothing’s going on at all! Keep cooking!
Demi: Oh – where’s Carlo gone? Did you know he’s really neat
Techne: And a bit erratic…


Big Dreams Progress: Week 51 (Year 4, Spring 3)

(gen 4) – Legendary Gamer: Completed week 50, moved out

Pablo Vann (gen 4 spouse) – Financial Whiz: Completed week 51, moved out

Techne (gen 5) – Ace Photographer: Aspirations – Friend of World 3/4, World-Famous Celebrity 0/4; Skills – Charisma 9, Cooking 10; Other #1 Set up Studio done

Demeter (gen 5 teen) - ?: child aspirations – Artistic Prodigy done; Teen requirements – Fast Food 2/3

Screenshot 2022-02-23 113848.jpg


World-Famous-Celeb-to-be Techne is still stealing the limelight, of course.

Pablo built up an impressive collection of his and Paidia’s artwork, getting better all the time, but they would keep drawing the Figure sketches and so they were getting stuck (the artwork all have to be all unique items) I could have directed them more and done more painting from reference to ensure uniqueness but I’m not a fan of that micro-management of my Sims.

I’ve set up a club of photogenic family members for Techne to call on for her Photo gigs. It helps the girls stay in touch with them all.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Olympus Dreams 4.3: The 'Rents Are Out!
« Reply #125 on: February 23, 2022, 06:00:24 PM »
Is there any chance that Demeter is going to be trying to become a saviour of Strangerville? You keep on mentioning someone being Erratic, and one of the requirements for that one is they have to marry a person who is erratic or paranoid or one of those who helped defeat mother.

Apart from that, the only other thought is ... if the erratic guy is going to be doing Saviour of Strangerville, he might marry Demeter/Techne which means that one or both of them either have erratic/paranoid or will help him defeat mother. In which case, she might be going to be a garden guru perhaps. As she was goddess of agriculture

Offline oshizu

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Re: Olympus Dreams 4.3: The 'Rents Are Out!
« Reply #126 on: February 23, 2022, 08:40:47 PM »
I'm confused about Pablo compiling "an impressive collection of his and Paidia's artwork."
That must be the unofficial "side project" you mentioned in your previous update, because there's a rule that: "Each collection must be completed entirely by the Sim who has that requirement."
The requirement doesn't define what is "unique," but my Financial Whiz only added one small, one medium, and one large painting to their collection.
(I'm not saying this is the "correct" intrepreation of unique, just sharing my idea on the matter.0
I didn't want to duplicate my Artistic Genius's collection of his own paintings.

Congrats on getting Paidia and Pablo done with Big Dreams and moved out.
Such a small household now!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 4.3: The 'Rents Are Out!
« Reply #127 on: February 24, 2022, 02:12:48 AM »
I'm confused about Pablo compiling "an impressive collection of his and Paidia's artwork."
That must be the unofficial "side project" you mentioned in your previous update, because there's a rule that: "Each collection must be completed entirely by the Sim who has that requirement."
The requirement doesn't define what is "unique," but my Financial Whiz only added one small, one medium, and one large painting to their collection.
(I'm not saying this is the "correct" intrepreation of unique, just sharing my idea on the matter.0
I didn't want to duplicate my Artistic Genius's collection of his own paintings.
I kept Paidia's paintings because I thought it would be fun to try and get all available paintings they can create. However the value was only taken from Pablo's, some of which were worth over $4k!.
The artwork and statues etc that you can buy made up the difference. These were bought with household funds of which Pablo had contributed his Rosebud $1m and were separate from the various artwork already in the house

It is a small household now in a rambling house. I'm toying with a move to make a fresh start.....

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 4.3: The 'Rents Are Out!
« Reply #128 on: February 24, 2022, 02:17:29 AM »
Is there any chance that Demeter is going to be trying to become a saviour of Strangerville? You keep on mentioning someone being Erratic, and one of the requirements for that one is they have to marry a person who is erratic or paranoid or one of those who helped defeat mother.

Apart from that, the only other thought is ... if the erratic guy is going to be doing Saviour of Strangerville, he might marry Demeter/Techne which means that one or both of them either have erratic/paranoid or will help him defeat mother. In which case, she might be going to be a garden guru perhaps. As she was goddess of agriculture
I did think of adding Carlo as the Saviour of Strangerville so you're half right but he'll be playing a more off-stage role!. Demeter however is busying growing things you can eat and fishing for fish to cook (she's not a rancherino)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Olympus Dreams 4.3: The 'Rents Are Out!
« Reply #129 on: February 24, 2022, 07:34:08 PM »
A new home is always fun!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 4.4-5: You Don’t Own Me
« Reply #130 on: February 26, 2022, 05:33:01 AM »
Olympus Dreams 4.4-5: You Don’t Own Me

Demi: I’m so glad that I finish after this shift, fins-crossed! The Fast Food industry is such unimaginative food!


Sei: I can’t believe that I now have 2 adult granddaughters! Happy Birthday, Demi!
Demi: I’m not a big fan of coconut cake but never mind
Asia: Never mind. All the more for me!
Sei: It’s always a pleasure having you to a party, Asia. You always eat everything!
Carlo: Is it true that you’re my half-sister?
Asia: Yep! Right back in the beginning my two Mum’s wanted another baby and your dad, Zeus helped out!
Demi: I’m not sure I’m quite old enough to think about that!


Carlo: Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party!
Demi: Technically, Techne did the inviting but I made sure you were on the list! Are you Single?
Carlo: Sure am! Are you?


Demi: This is a long way from home!
Carlo: I always fancied visiting and I thought it would be a romantic place for our first date.
Demi: Our first kiss, too!
Carlo: You don’t mind about the age difference and our distant relationship?
Demi: Not if you don’t. Will you be my boyfriend?
Carlo: Of course!


Techne: This is a fun dinner party!
Harmonia: Why are you making your sister cook and tend the bar?
Techne: She wanted too. She’s really getting good at mixing drinks now but she loves cooking more. It’s funny because she’s hardly ever hungry!
Asia: Is there a drink there for me?
Demi: Of course – we wouldn’t forget you.
Hali’a: It’s so nice to come to something and not be working!


Demi: Carlo? I’m here at your place with your sister Alma but where are you?
Carlo: I’m still in Selvadorada!
Demi: Is that why I can only ring you and not invite you round?
Carlo: I’ll be back soon, if your Watcher can help me out?
Watcher: On it!


Harmonia: I love that photo you took of me! Everyday clothes against a forest backdrop!
Techne: The magazine loved it too!
Harmonia: I’m enjoying playing ping pong with you – I used to play a lot against your Mum. What’s that drone doing?
Techne: I’m live-streaming this.
Harmonia: What?
Techne: Ha ha! Streaming me beating you! Just like my mum used to!
Harmonia: Rats!


Demi: I’m glad you asked me on another date because I think we need to clarify something…
Carlo: Ah – yes – well…
Demi: Why did you ask my sister if we should get engaged?
Carlo: Well, you know – it seemed appropriate to ask her permission as your Dad’s not around much.
Demi: I’m my own person – I say who I get engaged to!
Carlo: Oh – are we not engaged then?
Demi: I thought you’d never ask!


Big Dreams Progress: Week 53 (Year 4, Summer 1)

(gen 5) – Ace Photographer: Aspirations – Friend of World 4/4, World-Famous Celebrity 1/4; 11/25 Freelance Photographer Gigs; Skills – Charisma 10

Demeter (gen 5) - Restauranteur: Teen requirements – Fast Food 3/3; Aspirations – Master Chef 2/4; Freelance Botanist 3/4; Skills maxed Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, Gardening; Satisfaction Traits Bought – Stoves & Grills, Night Owl, Hardly Hungry; Other - #1 0/5 star restaurant for 0/5 days, 4/? Experimental Dishes learnt/photographed; 1/12 stall recipes



Demeter’s Big Dream is announced as Restauranteur, one of the few that are left for me to try (not including ones from my prior attempt). Demeter was the ancient Greek goddess of agriculture, grain and bread who sustained mankind with the earth's rich bounty. She could have completed Rancherino for me but I’m not ready to move out of Sulani.

Carlo is a really fast worker, asking Demi on dates and getting Techne to have Demi engaged to him. Fast, that is, except when he got stuck down in the jungle…

I quite like the Freelance photography gigs – the approved photos take a day or 2 to be returned during which time Techne can’t take on another gig so she has time to build her fame and help Demi with her goals.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Olympus Dreams 4.4-5: You Don’t Own Me
« Reply #131 on: February 26, 2022, 11:55:26 AM »
Demi aged up into a lovely lady, as did her sister Techne before her.
Poor Carlos. I guess when the date ended, Demi found herself at home, leaving Carlos back in Selvadorada?
Your townies do love the exotic distance dates, haha.

Looking forward to seeing your ristorante.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 4.6: Girls, Girls, Girls
« Reply #132 on: February 26, 2022, 02:53:29 PM »
Olympus Dreams 4.6: Girls, Girls, Girls

Demi: You’ve got loads of positive responses to you inciting cheers.
Techne: Nearly 25! Being asked for lots of Selfies at the Rattlesnake Bar was a breeze. I don’t know why Aunty Aphie had so much trouble!
Demi: Anyway – there’s not so many of your fans here – I wanted to tell you something – I’ve got some Big News!
Techne: Wow! Does Carlo know? He is the father?


Demi: Of course he’s the father! I did tell him earlier – while we were at the Rattlesnake Bar in fact.
Techne: Is he pleased? I bet you can’t wait to get married.
Demi: We-ell.. I think he was pleased – you know how he is…
Techne: Oh?
Demi: I don’t think he’s going to be there for me and whoever comes along
Techne: Don’t worry, sis, we can make this work.
Demi: But what about our dreams? I’ve always wanted my own restaurant. That’s a lot of work.
Techne: I’ve just got my Photo Gigs now so I’ll have loads of time to help. We can get nannies – I’m sure we can make it work.


Demi: Well, I may get the odd bout of nausea but this Eating for 2 is a good excuse. One Sweet & Sour Pork please.
Vendor: Isn’t this the 3rd dish you’ve ordered today?
Demi: Eating for Two here!!!


Techne: We keep coming to this restaurant. I wonder if we can find any others…
Demi: They might have put us on a standard table! Hitching up and down onto these stools is a nightmare with this bump. Bother, I need the loo again!
Techne: Your restaurant will be so much better!


Techne: Reading those parenting books I got?
Demi: I thought I’d better get ready…
Techne: You could take Family Leave now.
Demi: We’re not going to be a traditional family unit, are we?
Techne: We’re still a family though. Always here for each other!
Demi: Always!


Demi: Oh – oh – oh! It’s time! Welcome to the family, little girl. I shall call you Despoina.

Big Dreams Progress: Week 54 (Year 4, Summer 2)

(gen 5) – Ace Photographer: Aspirations – World-Famous Celebrity 4/4; 16/25 Freelance Photographer Gigs

(gen 5) - Restauranteur: Aspirations – Master Chef 4/4; Freelance Botanist 4/4; Other - #1 0/5 star restaurant for 0/5 days, 5/? Experimental Dishes learnt/photographed; 12/12 stall recipes

Despoina (gen 6 toddler) - ?



Doesn’t Demi look happy with little Despoina – adorable!

Despoina really was the daughter of Demeter and was the goddess of mysteries. I think her Big Dream is pretty obvious but…?

Carlo is already an adult and his traits don’t lend themselves to any dream in my plans so I have shamelessly used his throw-back genes to ensure Demi’s baby has the preferred green eyes without adding him to the household.

Thanks to @oshizu for the tip about Rattlesnake Bar for selfie requests. I just had Techne hang out there and the fans did their stuff!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Olympus Dreams 4.6: Girls, Girls, Girls
« Reply #133 on: February 26, 2022, 03:55:56 PM »
Haha, this is your second use of the title "Girls, Girls, Girls" and it yet again drives me to Youtube to watch a young Elvis his song with the same title, hahaha.
Such a lovely little family.
Don't blame you one bit about not moving in Carlo. Some sims just aren't a good fit with the current household. Who needs dead weight?

We all know I'm the suckiest guesser but I'll take a stab: Despoina will aim to become the Savior of StrangerVille. (I enjoyed that BD a lot, btw)

There's something about Rattlesnake Juice Bar that works perfectly, yes?
It's popular with townies, small enough that everyone hangs out in the same area, and sims stay out front except when they just arrive.

Wow, Watcher, you've already reached Gen 6 in your second game. You have the gaming stamina of a legendary gamer yourself!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 4.6: Girls, Girls, Girls
« Reply #134 on: February 27, 2022, 06:49:47 AM »
Haha, this is your second use of the title "Girls, Girls, Girls" and it yet again drives me to Youtube to watch a young Elvis his song with the same title, hahaha.
Such a lovely little family.
Don't blame you one bit about not moving in Carlo. Some sims just aren't a good fit with the current household. Who needs dead weight?

We all know I'm the suckiest guesser but I'll take a stab: Despoina will aim to become the Savior of StrangerVille. (I enjoyed that BD a lot, btw)

There's something about Rattlesnake Juice Bar that works perfectly, yes?
It's popular with townies, small enough that everyone hangs out in the same area, and sims stay out front except when they just arrive.

Wow, Watcher, you've already reached Gen 6 in your second game. You have the gaming stamina of a legendary gamer yourself!
Despoina - as goddess of mysteries - will indeed aim to be Saviour of StrangerVille. I'm looking forward to it as I haven't played the mystery before and will also try to withhold spoilers.

I've got to gen 6 but the number of Big Dreams completed pales in comparison to yourself! Having had a failed attempt, I retrenched and aimed at a much humbler total!

