Author Topic: Olympus Dreams (Complete)  (Read 27701 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 1.5: Interloper
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2022, 03:50:47 AM »
Wow, I take a break to spend the day reading and come back to find you're in your 2nd season already with a Gen2 teen.
Will Hebe, by chance, become a Sea Siren? (Hebe's a Sulani child working on Charisma...)

From your screenshots, I can't figure out your dynasty's starting lot, except that it's on Lani St. Taz (because of the Welcome Wagon).
I'm hoping to keep my family in Sulani (drier weather, beautiful scenery) for as long as possible so that's no clue to Hebe's BD. I do intend to try Sea Siren but with a much more appropriate God/dess...
The plot is Sapphire Shores. I've managed to keep a tiny house so far, with everyone in bunkbeds. I'll miss the buff when the family expands.

You can check Zeus's Woohoo progress at any time in the Achievements/Relationships menu.
You'll find "Achievements" two buttons above "Exit to Main Menu" button.
Thanks for this tip - I'll go and check it out. Zeus is such an opportunist but I wonder where it'll end up...he's a dog but he's my dog!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 1.6-7: The Cupbearer
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2022, 11:57:59 AM »
Olympus Dreams 1.6-7: The Cupbearer

Year 1, Week 6-7

Hebe: Listen Squirt, I’m cooking as fast as I can!
Hephaestus: Hungry now!
Hebe: You’re cute but cute doesn’t make the food grill faster!


Hebe: Cooking for toddlers in the evening and then making coffee at 5am seems like slave labour to me! With any luck I’ll max this barista gig this morning and that’ll be the last of it!


Hera: So Zeus – the kids are out at school. What do you say we make our 3rd top-notch toddler?
Zeus: I knew there was a reason we both gave up work! It’s the only way to get some alone-time together in this little hut.


Later that night
Hera: You know you wanted more alone time…
Zeus: But the kids are right here!
Hera: Asleep in bed. Fancy a skinny dip?


A few days later
Hera: Ahhhhh…. This is a good way to get comfortable… and there’s no-one here to mention whales or any other unflattering comparisons!


Zeus: I can’t believe how cute little Artemis is! Look at her all determined, with a backpack on!
Hera: I know! She’s as good as gold, learning her lessons but the rest of the time she wanders around, talking to the plants. It’s adorable.


Hebe: Hey Mum! What can I get you?
Hera: How many of these have you had?
Hebe: This is only the 2nd today. I love my new job!
Hera: Hm! I thought you would be mainly cooking.
Hebe: Nope! I’ve already topped the cooking side. It’s the mixology I’m working on now. And for some reason, I really love it!
Hera: Ah – well – there is a reason you love it. I thought your Dad would be here to help explain but I’ll give it a go…
Hebe: What’s the big deal, Mum? You look really serious.
Hera: You’re the Cupbearer!
Hebe: The cupbearer?
Hera: No – THE Cupbearer! To the Gods!
Hebe: Maybe I’ll just make you a juice on the rocks. You can’t handle the hard stuff!
Hera: I wish your father was here but, now you’re an adult, you’ll come to know it for yourself in time. When you’re ready to accept it, we’ll talk more.
Hebe: Whatevs Mum. I’m cutting you off…


Hephaestus: Hey! What happened to my childhood?
Watcher: Oh – about that…
Hephaestus: Well?
Watcher: Well – you just zoomed through it – got all you’re tasks done, and more!
Hephaestus: I know but…
Watcher: And there was lots going on everywhere…
Hephaestus: And Artemis is too cute…
Watcher: You’ve got a proper birthday party!
Hephaestus: I know – but everyone’s in disguise! I’m not sure who’s who. Plus, when I aged up, I wasn’t wearing a costume!


Watcher: It’s a good party.
Hephaestus: Yes but why did Dad invite that toddler?
Watcher: Oh that’s Asia Ngata – Oliana’s youngest. Your Dad’s a bit soft on her…
Hephaestus: Weird! Mind - any hotdog playing with a toddler would look weird!


Watcher: You aged up with a pretty cool wardrobe. I haven’t changed a thing.
Hephaestus: I know Dad rocks this guitar but I think I’ve got the island vibe going strong.


Zeus: What do you mean – you want another!
Hera: Oh – go on, Zeus. Artemis is nearly ready to go to school and you know we both love toddlers!
Zeus: But where are we going to fit them all in? We’re all in bunk beds as it is and goodness knows where Artemis will sleep once she grows out of her toddler bed.


Hera: You know we live outside most of the time. There’s plenty more space out here, especially as we don’t really need all those plants now.


Hera: Plus – you know Artemis just loves her play tent…I thought…


Artemis: My birthday party was so tiring. Mum kept me up really late and I’m exhausted. But, look at what my best birthday present was! No more sleeping indoors for me.


Big Dreams Progress

– Family Matters: Aspirations – Big Happy Family 2/4, Super Parent maxed; Babies/toddlers 3/3; top-notch toddlers 3/3

Zeus – Love ‘Em & Leave ‘Em: Career – maxed; Skills – Mischief 10, Violin 10; WooHoo! 22/50

Hebe – Master Mixer: Aspirations – Master Mixologist 2/4, Friend of the World maxed; Achievements – I’m the Mix Master 68/100; Careers – Barista maxed, Mixologist (Culinary) 5; Skills – Mixology maxed, Charisma maxed, Gourmet Cooking maxed; All drinks made & drunk – all levels 1-2

Hephaestus - ?: All childhood aspirations maxed; A in school; skills – painting 10, violin 8; traits bought – creative visionary

Artemis - ?: Top-notch toddler



Hebe’s Big Dream is revealed. There were some oblique clues ages back – she liked the balls all mixed up in the ball-pit – nothing really obvious.
You’re totally excused for not getting Hephaestus’ BD – the child/teen part of it is not particularly unique, especially when you’ve got an over-ambitious Super Parent who wants top-notch toddlers.
Artemis is, of course, the Virgin Huntress so her BD is….

Zeus and Hera had three children together – another son – so Artemis being a girl sort of rearranged plans. Needless to say, Hera is now eating carrots!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Olympus Dreams 1.6-7: The Cupbearer
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2022, 02:53:45 PM »
Artemis might be the Outdoorsman, since (1) Sims 4 doesn't have hunting, and (2) you're now in summer which is the only logical season to complete Outdoor Enthusiast.

Hmmm, are they living on the 50x50 Sapphire Shores lot.  I don't think you'd choose Sand Simoleon Beach because the land/ocean ratio is not great for a household.

As for Sulani, I can understand your wanting to live there as long as possible. It is one of the most beautiful worlds in TS4.
You might have noticed that, besides the HoB which makes Rancherino so much easier, my favorite towns are all hot-weather ones.
As much as I loved Madeline Miller's historical fantasy, <i>The Song of Achilles</i>, my recollection of western mythology has grown feeble.
I won't be guessing much on your BDs this time around, Watcher.  ;)

You play so quickly!  What is your secret?  ;D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 1.6-7: The Cupbearer
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2022, 03:15:51 PM »
Artemis might be the Outdoorsman, since (1) Sims 4 doesn't have hunting, and (2) you're now in summer which is the only logical season to complete Outdoor Enthusiast.

Hmmm, are they living on the 50x50 Sapphire Shores lot.  I don't think you'd choose Sand Simoleon Beach because the land/ocean ratio is not great for a household.

As for Sulani, I can understand your wanting to live there as long as possible. It is one of the most beautiful worlds in TS4.
You might have noticed that, besides the HoB which makes Rancherino so much easier, my favorite towns are all hot-weather ones.
As much as I loved Madeline Miller's historical fantasy, <i>The Song of Achilles</i>, my recollection of western mythology has grown feeble.
I won't be guessing much on your BDs this time around, Watcher.  ;)

You play so quickly!  What is your secret?  ;D
Yes, two for two! Outdoors(wo)man and Sapphire Shores.

The land/ocean ratio is not great, especially as I'm staying tiny as long as possible. Zeus & Hera want a big family but future generations will be much smaller (I hope) as I'm being more cautious in my aims for the Hall of Fame this time.

I'll try to give a few more cryptic clues rather than rely on classic knowledge. TBH I only know the well-known ones. The lesser god(desses) are all googled!

We've just come to the end of a chilled holiday. No travel - just walks, wine, chocolate & gaming. Tomorrow is back to chores and responsibilities so less Sims...  ::)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 1.8: Hebe, The Skivvy!
« Reply #19 on: January 11, 2022, 07:40:04 AM »
Olympus Dreams 1.8: Hebe, The Skivvy!

Year 1, Week 8

Zeus: You didn’t say twins!
Hera: Well I am very fertile, you know.
Zeus: But, we’ve only had one at a time before now.
Hera: I know! That’s more of a surprise to me than having twins now!
Watcher: To me too!
Hera: Who was that?
Zeus: But twins! Are we calling them Castor & Pollux?
Hera: No! My name’s not Leda and you weren’t a swan! Ares and Hermes.


Zeus: This is fun!
Hera: They’re so lively – they love this.
Zeus: I don’t seem to have much time to get out and about with these two taking up so much time.
Hera: Really? Maybe that’s a good thing…


Ares (blond): Doll flying
Hermes (red): Doll flying
Ares: Going up, up!
Hermes: Going far, far!


Hermes: You – me!
Ares: Me – you!


Hebe: So – I’m the cupbearer…and this is my own invention – The Hebe Special! Not a very imaginative name. I don’t know about all this. For a Goddess, who is The Cupbearer to the other Gods, it just feels like I’m a skivvy round here. I think I need to do a bit of Simsearching to see if I can access other powers. Plus, after trying all these different drinks, I need to concoct an Insta-Lean potion. You’d never know that I’ve maxed my fitness!


Hera: So it’s like this – you’re a god, your dad’s a god, me and your sister are goddesses…
Hephaestus: It’s like there’s a fog – I can’t feel anything…
Hera: It’ll come to you, now you’re an adult. You’re the god of fire and artisans – basically you like being creative. That’s why you’re so good at painting.
Hephaestus: I just love it!
Hera: Yes that carrot really leaps off the page! What a masterpiece!
Hephaestus: I’m doing really well at work too.
Hera: Now about other stuff. Your sisters show no sign of getting married or giving me grandbabies and…
Hephaestus: Can you blame Hebe? She’s fed up with all the babycare she’s been doing. Ares and Hermes are great fun but they’re hard work. Plus Dad keeps disappearing…
Hera: Yes, and Artemis isn’t showing any signs of romance. In fact, she told your Dad off for flirting the other day.
Hephaestus: I bet he took a lot of notice of that!
Hera: Anyway – the thing is – we need babies to carry this project forward so – if you could find a nice girl to marry – we’ll welcome her in with open arms. We can have a big fancy do – I can wear a hat. It’ll be great!
Hephaestus: Really? I need to think about this…


La’ei: Oh – hi – is this where Zeus lives?
Hephaestus: Yes but he’s sleeping.
La’ei: Who are you?
Hephaestus: His son – Hephaestus? I’m a fiery version of my dad and I’m very good with my hands.
La’ei (feeling flirty): Oh yes – wow – I can see the resemblance – how old are you?
Hephaestus: Old enough…


Big Dreams Progress

– Family Matters: Aspirations – Big Happy Family 2/4

Zeus – Love ‘Em & Leave ‘Em: WooHoo! 24/50

Hebe – Master Mixer: Aspirations – Master Mixologist maxed; Achievements – I’m the Mix Master 90/100; Careers –Mixologist (Culinary) 8; All drinks made & drunk – all levels 1-9

Hephaestus – Artistic Genius: Aspirations – Painter Extraordinaire 2/4; Career – Painter 5/10; Skills – guitar – 6, violin 8; personal art collection 10,733/25k

Artemis - Outdoorswoman: Sleep 6 hours in tent 5/5; planting 1010; C in school; silver weiner roast without fire 0/1

Ares - ?: all toddler skills maxed
Hermes - ?: all toddler skills maxed



Ares was the God of War and not widely worshipped. Had I not already completed Dark Side Lord/Lady in my previous attempt, that would have been the obvious choice for Ares. The clue to his Big Dream lies more in his bravery.

Hermes was the God of many things, notably in this incarnation he was the God of speed. I have started this Big Dream previously but not completed it.

Hephaestus will have to do some work to find people that his father hasn’t already “met”. Zeus (in this incarnation) has only produced one child (Asia Ngata) outside the family so at least that will not prove limiting. Those of you good at counting will be aware that there is only one free place available in our family home. I think Hera has forgotten. She’s desperate for a wedding!

Hebe was also a Goddess of Beauty and known for performing the dutiful daughter duties that a high-ranking Grecian would expect. Not exactly thrilling characteristics for a modern gal. However, she is also thought to be the only goddess able to control eternal youth. I must remember to let her know…

Lastly - I forgot to take any photos but Artemis has already hosted a Weiner Roast - her friend Billie Jang caught fire. I wonder how many we'll be holding!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Olympus Dreams 1.8: Hebe, The Skivvy!
« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2022, 11:12:29 AM »
Whoa, the household changes so quickly due to your consecutive two-week updates!
Your first four Dreamers will, no doubt, have completed their Big Dreams when you post your next update. :)
The Outdoorsman's silver-medal weenie roast task doesn't need to be achieved without a fire.  I'm curious: did you add "no fire" as a personal requirement?

As you are so generous with your clues, let's try a few guesses:
*Brave Ares might become a Ghostbuster which requires the Brave trait, but I'm not sure you own the Paranormal pack so I'm guessing Intrepid Adventurer.
*It wouldn't make sense to do Rancherino in Sulani, so I'm guessing that Hermes--the swift-footed messenger--might become a World Traveler.

Those of you good at counting will be aware that there is only one free place available in our family home. I think Hera has forgotten. She’s desperate for a wedding!
As you know, Hera's Big Happy Family will count Heph's children born outside of the dynasty as grandkids.
In my Dr. McSteamy's case, his first child was born in Del Sol Valley but, since Long lifespan is so long, the boy could still move in several weeks later as a toddler.
Best wishes to Hera and Heph.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 1.8: Hebe, The Skivvy!
« Reply #21 on: January 11, 2022, 11:42:45 AM »
The Outdoorsman's silver-medal weenie roast task doesn't need to be achieved without a fire.  I'm curious: did you add "no fire" as a personal requirement?

I've just downloaded a new copy of the spreadsheet to make sure - the teen task says "Host a silver medal weiner roast without setting anyone of fire". I've just asked for a ruling on Artemis' 2nd weiner roast as she set fire to a plate but no-Sim was actually singed... She's just got a B in school so she can age up if it counts....

As you know, Hera's Big Happy Family will count Heph's children born outside of the dynasty as grandkids.
Heph is way ahead of you and has become quite enthusiastic in achieving his mother's desire for grandkids... I don't think Hera has thought this through! Thanks for providing a shortened version of his name - I've just realised his enthusiasm might be due to modelling on another Heff...

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Re: Olympus Dreams 1.8: Hebe, The Skivvy!
« Reply #22 on: January 11, 2022, 07:00:30 PM »
Youre right about having to achieve a silver-medal weenie roast without any sim getting singed.
In the tournament finale, my household got a gold medal for that party without any fires so I completely forgot about that no flaming sim restriction.
Thanks for checking then letting me know.  I'll do Outdoorsman once my household hits summer.  Maybe.

Haha, Heph was way ahead of my BHF tip only because your comment was misleading.
I offered a tip because you wrote about needing space and Hera not thinking things through.
From now now on, I'll just assume words like that is story.

So, my guesses for Ares & Hermes were both off-target.  Oh well.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 1.8: Hebe, The Skivvy!
« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2022, 05:06:03 AM »
Oh no @oshizu ! You were spot on with both Ares and Hermes! I forgot to confirm it.
They're like peas in a pod and their Big Dreams will overlap somewhat. I just need to double check what they can do together and what they need to do separately!
I confess, I was teasing with my comments... TBH I've not done much "creative" writing before, if this can be classed as such, so I haven't established a proper discipline of what goes in the dialogue and what goes in the comments. It must be very confusing for my readers.
As ever, I'm always grateful for your hints and tips if you think I'm getting stuck. Even if I already know it, it can help other people who might be reading. I know that's how I learnt loads of Sims gameplay.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 1.9: Hebe, The Cupbearer
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2022, 11:18:07 AM »
Olympus Dreams 1.9: Hebe, The Cupbearer

Year 1, Week 9

Hebe: So, Dad, it’s like this.
Zeus: What sweetie?
Hebe: You know you’re getting older every day we’re here, right?
Zeus: Oh yes. But there’s ways of sorting that out.
Hebe: Indeed there are. I’ve been SimSearching on the web and it seems that only I have the power over eternal youth.
Zeus: Ah – is that a fact?
Hebe: If you can’t trust SimSearch, what can you trust?
Zeus: Oh
Hebe: There’s going to be some changes around here.
Zeus: Changes? What’s wrong that needs changing?
Hebe: For one thing – I’m not going to be the only babysitter around here. You need to do your fatherly duty.
Zeus: Fair enough
Hebe: I’ll talk to mum later – I’m just going to take this little potion I’ve discovered…


Hera: What do you mean, she wants to have a talk?
Zeus: Well, for one thing, I’ve got to do more childcare…
Hera: About time!
Zeus: And then she’s drunk this slimming potion.
Hera: Sounds interesting
Zeus: She’s basically the key to our staying young – we need to make sure she doesn’t move out.
Hera: What are you talking about? Why would she move out? Wow, she looks great! Do you think she’d make a potion for me?


Hera: Darling. You look amazing!
Hebe: Thanks mum. I wanted to have a chat…
Hera: I know, I know, I’ve piled on the pounds since the twins were born. Yes please, I accept your offer – I’d love a slimming potion too!
Hebe: Well, that wasn’t what I wanted to talk about. Did Dad tell you about the eternal youth thing?
Hera: We can get young any time we want – we’re gods!
Hebe: It’s my power – not universal to all of us – so this is what’s going to happen. I work full-time and you don’t. I do not intend to do any more cleaning or gardening or fixing unless I feel like it!
Hera: Absolutely, anything you say. Now, about that slimming thing?
Hebe: All in good time, mother dearest…


Hebe: Hmm – this beetle juice is yummy! I’m not sure about the compost toilet and all those beetles but it might just be worth it! Now! Time for Hebe to have some fun!
Hera: Phew – I’d forgotten how much work this takes. Finally, a mature orchid plant! Now I just need to take a cutting from this pomegranate tree…


Random dude: Thanks for letting me crash your Wiener Roast.
Artemis: That’s OK – it’s only my 2nd one, you know. My friend Billie caught fire at the one I had yesterday. Funnily enough, she didn’t want to come to this one.
Random dude: You should be good at them, you being a scout, an’ all.
Artemis: Not a Llamacorn Scout yet, though.
Random dude: Um – you might want to extinguish the plate that’s on fire behind you…
Artemis: Oh no! No-one’s actually on fire, though. Maybe it’ll be OK this time.


Hebe: Hi Knox, you’re looking fine!
Knox: Is that little Hebe?
Hebe: Not so little now, big boy!
Knox: Wow – a hug would be lovely.
Hebe: Let’s make it an embrace!


Hebe: Hey Watcher – thanks for my makeover.
Watcher: You’re very welcome!
Hebe: I wasn’t sure about getting rid of my island cornrows but my new hair-do is more versatile. Knox seemed impressed.
Watcher: He did seem quite flirty.
Hebe: Maybe a bit old for me. I’m going out on the town tonight – it’s the Humour & Hijinks festival.
Watcher: You might want a shower after using that treadmill.
Hebe: A steamy shower? Oh hi, my names Hebe - who are you?
Wolfgang: Wolfgang. I’ve not seen you before but…
Hebe: I’m new in town. Want to show me the ropes?
Wolfgang: Oh girl – I think you know them already!


Hebe: What the…?
Wolfgang: What? What? Did I do something wrong?
Hebe: No, no. It’s not you. That’s La’ei over there. She showed up to see my Dad but my brother intercepted her before she upset Mum.
Wolfgang: He sure “intercepted” her, alright.


Don: I’m glad your parents let me come over.
Hebe: How do you know them again?
Don: They came in to my gym about 8 weeks ago and I coached your mum. She seemed upset with your Dad about something but they both seem cool now.
Hebe: That’s quite random, you coming here after so long.
Don: I heard it was beautiful here – and I was right – you are!
Hebe: You’re not bad looking yourself. I could drown in those eyes!
Ares: Don and Hebe, sitting in a tree…
Hermes: K I S…
Don: Hey – cool it, boys. I’m just going to brew up a herbal concoction.


Hebe: All our guests seem to like doing that, I’m not sure why. They never take the finished product with them!
Don: I’ll just stew it on here for a bit.
Hera: Oh no! Not again. Quick everyone – it’s another burner!


Don: I don’t know what happened. One minute it was simmering nicely and the next, it all boiled over.
Hebe: I can’t blame it. You’ve got me simmering nicely…
Don: Oh Hebe!
Hebe: Oh Don!
Don: Hey – I need a shower – you wouldn’t want to join me, would you?


Hebe: I’m so glad you decided to sleep over last night. You could’ve shared a tent with me, though.
Don: I didn’t want to disrespect your Dad – he can be a bit intense sometimes.
Hebe: Um – I don’t know how you’re going to take this but, erm, you know you were cooking up a storm last night?
Don: I’ve still got the singed eyebrows to prove it!
Hebe: Well – you’ve left a bun in the oven.
Don: Oh? OH! That’s amazing!
Hebe: You don’t mind!
Don: You’re – like – well – a goddess! Making a baby with you is incredible news!
Hebe: Would you be my boyfriend?
Don: Of course!


Hera: What happened? Did the Insta-Lean wear off?
Hebe: No, Mum! I’ve got some Big News


Hera: That’s wonderful news – with Don?
Hebe: Yes – isn’t he dreamy?
Hera: I’m so pleased for you, sweetheart.


Zeus: Listen up, Don. When I first met you I thought you were putting the moves on my wife but you seem to have moved on to my daughter.
Don: Sir! I…
Zeus: You seem, young man, to be a bit of a player!
Don: I…
Zeus: Now – that’s all fine by me – totally understand – man of the heavens world – and all that. Her mother wanted a grandbaby in the house and you’ve done the business. Hebe will be busy taking care of the child here for sometime to come. You don’t have to worry about hanging around, etc, etc
Don: …?


Hebe: Dad?
Zeus: Everything’s fine, dearest. Your mother and I are both very happy about the baby.
Don: If I…
Hebe: I’m glad you’re happy Dad but…
Zeus: Say no more. Don and I have had a man-to-mortal chat and it’s all sorted.
Don: !!!!


Artemis: It’s very dark here. Are you boys sure Mum said you could come to the Spice Festival with me?
Ares: Oh yes!
Hermes: Very sure!
Ares: Cos you're a young adult now.
Hermes: And totally responsible.
Ares: And we can look after you too...


Hermes: Dude! What’s with your get-up!
Ares: I know, right! What was Watcher thinking? Pink is so not my colour!
Hermes: I was talking about the bow-tie.
Ares: What, this old thing? Beats your headwear anytime.
Hermes: I happen to like llamas.
Ares: Whatever, dude.


Hermes: You know – we’re Best Friends!
Ares: Blood Brothers!
Hermes: To Infinity!
Ares: And Beyond!


Artemis: Come on, you two! I’ve just had Mum on the phone. She did NOT say you could come and is really mad with all of us!
Hermes: Busted!
Ares: Together, forever!


Hebe: Argh! Argh! I can’t believe you did this 4 times!
Hera: It’ll all be over soon. It’s worth it, honest.
Hebe: Why now? At the end of a late shift? So tired!


Hera: There you go – a lovely little boy! See, I told you it would be worth it!
Hebe: He is precious – little Apollo. But – so – tired!
Hera: That’s OK darling. You’ve done really well. You go and get some sleep. Granny will take care of little Apollo.


Big Dreams Progress

– Family Matters: Aspirations – Big Happy Family 2/4

Zeus – Love ‘Em & Leave ‘Em: WooHoo! 34/50

– Master Mixer: Aspirations – Master Mixologist maxed; Achievements – I’m the Mix Master done; Careers –Mixologist (Culinary) 9; All drinks made & drunk – all except Shadow Realm

Hephaestus – Artistic Genius: Aspirations – Painter Extraordinaire 3/4; Career – Painter 7/10; Skills – guitar – 7, violin 9; personal art collection 46k/25k

Artemis - Outdoorswoman: silver weiner roast without someone on fire done

Ares – Intrepid Explorer: child aspirations – R. Scamp 1/3, Whiz Kid maxed; Scout badges – Outdoor Adventurer; traits bought – Morning Sim

Hermes – World Traveller: Child aspirations – S Butterfly 2/3; A in school (B req); traits bought – Always Welcome

Apollo (nooboo) - ?

Screenshot 2022-01-12 154224.jpg


I hope no-one minds Hebe pulling the wool over her parents eyes regarding the Potion of Youth which they could, of course, purchase for themselves at any point. She may or may not enlighten them in time.

Why do visiting Sims keep brewing concoctions on the grills and stoves and then leave them lying all over the place? Setting fire to themselves is a common occurrence too! The only way I’ve stopped them in the past is to fence off the grill but I think that would add to the footprint of the Olympus residence and I’ve managed to keep it Tiny to get that skilling buff.

Artemis and the twins, Ares & Hermes have Big Dreams that sync together quite well but I will need to isolate their respective collections and activities. I didn't think they'd end up needing their cold-weather outfits so the pink suit was a bit of a surprise!

I didn’t think non-committal Don would agree to be Hebe’s boyfriend but they’re really loved up. He said yes straight away and seemed quite pleased about the baby.

Apollo is the start of Generation 3 within the household. There is at least one other gen 3 baby out there. Hera needs 4 to complete her Big Dream. The next episode will include a family tree pic, the wedding that Hera is desperate for and some big changes to the household. Duh, duh, duuuuuuh! (Is that how you write the cliff-hanger notes?)

More than my usual number of pics in this episode – moderators, let me know if I need to split it. Thanking thee kindly. 😊

Offline oshizu

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Re: Olympus Dreams 1.9: Hebe, The Cupbearer
« Reply #25 on: January 12, 2022, 03:37:11 PM »
Everyone's making such a great progress!
I don't blame Hebe for her little white lie to her parents in exchange for freedom from the drudgery of household chores. 
What I find the hardest aspect of a 64-tile house to let go of is the faster toddler skilling, haha.
The twins are adorable!

About the constant brewing of herbal remedies, click on your mailbox to check what NAPs you have in place.
It sounds like NPCs voted in a NAP, perhaps Self-Sufficiency.
If you go into your Game Options/Pack Settings menu, check that your Enable NPC Voting checkbox is unchecked (disabled).
Now only your sims can vote for NAPs in your own neighborhood.
To repeal the offending NAP, though, you'll need to go through the hassle of downloading a Community Board room from the gallery, and so forth.
You might remember how I complained about having to do that for my Eco Warrior's Eco Innovator aspiration while playing in Sulani.
Sorry for your pain.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 1.9: Hebe, The Cupbearer
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2022, 02:26:16 PM »
About the constant brewing of herbal remedies, click on your mailbox to check what NAPs you have in place.
It sounds like NPCs voted in a NAP, perhaps Self-Sufficiency.
If you go into your Game Options/Pack Settings menu, check that your Enable NPC Voting checkbox is unchecked (disabled).
Now only your sims can vote for NAPs in your own neighborhood.
To repeal the offending NAP, though, you'll need to go through the hassle of downloading a Community Board room from the gallery, and so forth.
You might remember how I complained about having to do that for my Eco Warrior's Eco Innovator aspiration while playing in Sulani.
Sorry for your pain.
Thanks for the tip - Hera has started the repeal process. I think she can do it without installing a board. You need it for "convince to vote" though...

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 1.10: Wedding? What Wedding?
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2022, 02:52:59 PM »
Olympus Dreams 1.10: Wedding? What Wedding?

Year 1, Week 10

Hebe: Ohhhh! This Shadow Realm drink doesn’t look very nice. Do I have to drink it?
Watcher: Yes. Bottoms up!
Hebe: But isn’t this supposed to be for The Grim Reaper?
Watcher: Yes, but it’s your dream to make and drink all the drinks in your recipe book, so – chug, chug!
Hebe: Ohhh! I don’t feel so good.
Watcher (frantically checking SimSearch): What? Surely it wouldn’t be….nope – you should be alright.
Hebe: But it’s a very disappointing drink for a Foodie like me.
Watcher: Phew


Hebe: And here I am rushing to my bed. I’m exhausted but I’ve topped my career.
Watcher: You’ve done it! You’re the first Olympus to reach your Big Dream. Well done.
Hebe: And now?
Watcher: Whatever you want!


Artemis: I wasn’t sure about this outfit when I saw it, but I think I rock it!


Zeus: Congratulations, Hebe! I knew you’d be first to get there!
Hera: That’s not what you said to me!
Zeus: Shhh! Well done, my girl. And now you can quit your job and spend more time with your baby.
Hebe: Um – I guess…


Hebe: Oh Apollo. I know it’s early in the morning but I just wanted a cuddle. I love you so much. Mummy is just off to meet your Daddy…cross your fingers, little one.


Hebe: I know you’re not into commitments but, dearest Don, I’m free of my Big Dream and I now know what I truly want. Will you marry me so we can be a family for Apollo?
Don: Oh – um…


Don: I never thought I’d feel like this! Yes – I do want to marry you. And you asked me here in Myshuno Meadows. We can get married straight away!
Hebe: Let’s do it! (before you change your mind)


Hera: You’re not!
Hebe: I am!
Hera: You can’t be! I would know!
Hebe: I married Don at Myshuno Meadows and I moved in with him to his house in Oasis Springs. There’s some woman there with 2 grown-up daughters which was a bit of a surprise but I’ve just come by to let you know and collect Apollo.
Hera: You’re not married properly without witnesses and this new household sounds very strange.
Zeus: Sounds familiar...
Hebe: It will get sorted. Let me have Apollo.
Hera: No! You can’t. He was born into our household and here he must stay. He’s part of the Big Dream now. He can’t leave until he completes his own Big Dream!
Hebe: I don’t believe it! I’ve got to move back in?
Hera: You can’t do that either…
Hebe: Watcher!
Watcher (goes into hiding)


Hera: Listen up, Heph! I know you’ve had 3 babies with 3 different women!
Hephaestus: Oh – you know about that – how?
Hera: A mother knows!

Screenshot 2022-01-12 130712.jpg

Hephaestus: Well – you said you wanted grandbabies!
Hera: Yes but I want a wedding too!
Hephaestus: Oh – I forgot that bit.
Hera: Pick one of your baby-mamas and get married already!


Artemis: I can’t believe she said “yes”
Hera: Well, he’s a good catch.
Artemis: I know, but did he tell her she can’t move in?
Hera: I’m sure he’s explained everything.
Artemis: It just seems so hole-in-the-corner…
Hera: Not at all! We’re the witnesses. It's all pukka.
Artemis: I’ve seen Hebe’s photos. Her wedding looked more authentic! Heph didn’t even change out of his painter’s gear.
Zeus: What’s going on? Hali’a? Is that you? I thought we had something special.
Hera: WHAT?!?!?


Artemis: Things got a bit weird at home. I’ve come out here after work to catch some more fish. Dad was chatting to someone called Nancy back near the dumpster. Not sure what they’re up to now. I’m just concentrating on my fishing…


Hera: No – you didn’t! Not at the boys birthday party!
Zeus: What? What?
Hera: I saw you kiss the chef and that other girl that Artemis invited!
Zeus: It’s just a bit of fun.
Hera: But this is too far! You aged up Olivia just so you can kiss her!
Zeus: These mortals are so easy to manipulate.
Hera: No – that’s it! I’ve had enough! I’ve finished my Big Dream! I’m out of here!


Hermes: So then what happened?
Ares: Dad stroked her face and she sort of went weak at the knees…
Hermes: Olivia?
Ares: No – Mum!
Hermes: How does he do that?
Ares: I must make some notes…
Hermes: So is Mum moving out?
Ares: Nope – Dad gets his way again!


Hebe: Thanks for inviting me back, boys, NOT!
Ares: We thought you’d like to show off your talents.
Hermes: And show us a few tricks?
Hebe: Unbelievable!


Big Dreams Progress

– Family Matters: completed

Zeus – Love ‘Em & Leave ‘Em: Achievements - Speed Dating done, WooHoo! 40/50

Hebe – Master Mixer: completed

Hephaestus – Artistic Genius: Aspirations – Painter Extraordinaire maxed, Musical Genius 1/4; Career – Painter 9/10; Skills – guitar – 9, violin maxed

Artemis - Outdoorswoman: Aspirations - Fishing Ace 1/4; Career - Fisherman 3; Skills - Fishing 7, Cooking maxed; Collections - Frogs 12/25, Fish 14/?

Ares – Intrepid Explorer: child aspirations – R. Scamp maxed; Scout badges – Young Scientist; traits bought – Morning Sim

Hermes – World Traveller: Child aspirations – S Butterfly maxed; traits bought – Always Welcome, Incredibly Friendly; collections - Shells 1/?, Buried treasure 1/?

Apollo (nooboo) - ?

Screenshot 2022-01-13 181139.jpg


I was really worried about Hebe drinking the Shadow Realm drink with it's sinister black smoke. When she started groaning and rubbing her belly, I really panicked! But it was just her foodie trait that thought it was disappointing!

Who knew commitment-phobe Don would say yes so easily. I took lots of screenshots, thinking that he wouldn't!

Because Hebe moved in with Don before her mother ticked off that requirement for Big Happy Family, it never completed for her. Not even when married Hebe came to visit. Hence the pressure on Heph to step up.

It was always my plan for Hebe to move in with Don and leave Apollo behind. It wasn’t until I was writing it up that I started to feel bad about it. What a terrible Watcher I’ve become!

Zeus was really upset that Hali’a had formed a relationship with someone else. The double-standards just don’t seem to bother him.

Zeus had to have 3 first kisses at one social occasion for the Speed Dating Acheivment. He should've done it earlier - finding 3 people to invite that he hadn't already kissed was a challenge...

In case you were wondering, Zeus and Hera have both found out how to get the Inst-Lean potion – they’d got quite chunky…

Yes, Apollo has been a baby for a whole week. Playing on long gives plenty of time and I wanted to sort a few things out without worrying about a toddler. Apollo was the god of prophecy, music, intellectual pursuits, healing, plague, and sometimes, the sun. Kudos if you can work out his Big Dream from that list! There’ll be more clues as he grows up.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Olympus Dreams 1.10: Wedding? What Wedding?
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2022, 04:09:41 PM »
Congrats to Hebe and Hera to be the first to complete their Big Dreams!
How sad are those missed moments when we forget to switch to the right sim or accidentally have the wrong aspiration selected.
(I do it often enough, sighs)

Noooo, you are not a bad Watcher!  As a Watched sim, Apollo will grow up with numerous opportunities to earn satisfaction, learn new skills, and see the world.
If you'd had Hebe move out pregnant, her child would have been born a townie and a mediocre C student.  ;)

Apollo was the god of prophecy, music, intellectual pursuits, healing, plague, and sometimes, the sun. Kudos if you can work out his Big Dream from that list! There’ll be more clues as he grows up.
Your clues suggest Musical Aficionado, Life-Long Learner, and Dr. McSteamy. 
As the second two are very disruptive Big Dreams for the household and you've already completed them once, I'm guessing Musical Aficionado.
LOL< your simverse needs a break from another Olympus Serial Romantic.
Just a wild guess, though, because I enjoy guessing, haha.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 1.10: Wedding? What Wedding?
« Reply #29 on: January 15, 2022, 06:42:10 AM »
Noooo, you are not a bad Watcher!  As a Watched sim, Apollo will grow up with numerous opportunities to earn satisfaction, learn new skills, and see the world.
If you'd had Hebe move out pregnant, her child would have been born a townie and a mediocre C student.  ;)
Ah - thanks for your reassurance @oshizu - Apollo is currently the only gen 3 heir so he probably will get spoilt...

Apollo was the god of prophecy, music, intellectual pursuits, healing, plague, and sometimes, the sun. Kudos if you can work out his Big Dream from that list! There’ll be more clues as he grows up.
Your clues suggest Musical Aficionado, Life-Long Learner, and Dr. McSteamy. 
As the second two are very disruptive Big Dreams for the household and you've already completed them once, I'm guessing Musical Aficionado.
LOL< your simverse needs a break from another Olympus Serial Romantic.
Just a wild guess, though, because I enjoy guessing, haha.
Too wild a guess, I'm afraid. Apollo's Big Dream is one I haven't attempted before... TBH, looking at the requirements, there are no clues there until he gets a job so the narrative will have to provide the hints.

