Author Topic: Olympus Dreams (Complete)  (Read 27652 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams (Complete)
« on: January 04, 2022, 01:51:02 PM »
Olympus Dreams

Chapter List


On Mount Olympus

Zeus: Hera, my darling wife, you look lovely in this moonlight
Hera: You smooth talker! You always know the right thing to say, Oh Ruler of The Heavens!


Hera: Where are you going?
Zeus: Come on, over here, I’ve got something to ask you.
Hera: I’m coming, I’m coming! I wonder what he’s got up his skirt this time.


Hera: Come on – what did you want to ask me?
Zeus: You know the humans down on Earth?
Hera: Not as well as you’ve known some of them! But yes – what about the mortals?


Zeus: Well, they’ve been questioning our authority. Saying that we don’t understand them well enough to rule over them.
Hera: And you want Hephaestus to make another thunderbolt. I’ll go…
Zeus: No, no, no! I was wondering…


Zeus: Dearest Hera…
Hera: What are you up to? You always hold my hands when there’s a plot in progress!
Zeus: I thought we could go down there for a while.


Hera: Well, of course I’ll come with you this time. You don’t usually want wifey around when you’re doing your swan-thing or whatever.
Zeus: I don’t mean just a flying visit. I want to live down there – become mortal for a while.
Hera: You don’t mean that, surely! Just think of the dangers and hardships.


Zeus: We could experience everything that the mortals do.
Hera: I think you experience enough of that on your visits – I heard it was a bull one time!
Zeus: I don’t just mean woohoo. I mean babies, families.
Hera: You mean I could really give birth to little ones? No springing forth, fully formed. I could look after them and love them? Not sending them off to be hidden from malevolent forces.


Zeus: I knew you’d think it was a good idea. Listen – there’s a bush over there that mortals use – what do you say we try it their way?


Hera: Oohhh! I’m so cold! Is this what it’s going to be like?
Zeus: I’m sure they do it this way…what are we doing wrong?


Zeus: Oh, wait a minute! We’re becoming mortal – we need warm clothes.
Hera: Oh and we can just spin round and change them. I never knew mortals could do that! Oohh, I’m still cold.
Zeus: Here, come in close. We can warm each other.


Hera: I’m not sure we should go through with this.
Zeus: Sweet Hera, think of the babies.


Hera: Oh Zeus, you always get your way. Let’s go before I change my mind.


Zeus: I’ve built us a hideaway on a warm island. You’ll love it.
Hera: Why do I feel that I couldn't say "no"?


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Dreams - Achieved, In Progress & Remaining
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2022, 01:53:15 PM »

Below is a list of the Big Dreams from the Big Dreams Challenge that are possible with the packs I currently have.

Achieved - 23
1 – Family Matters * - Hera (gen 1)
3 – Sports Master - Hali'a (gen 3 spouse)
4 – Tech-Head - Daedalus (gen 4)
5 – Artistic Genius - Hephaestus (gen 2)
6 – Music Afficionado - Candy (gen 2 spouse)
9 – Master Mixer - Hebe (gen 2)
11 – Outdoorsman - Artemis (gen 2)
12 – Financial Whiz - Pablo (gen 4 spouse)
14 – People Person - Harmonia (gen 4)
15 – Love ‘Em and Take ‘Em - Zeus (gen 1)
18 – Master Scientist - Apollo (gen 3)
19 – World Traveller ~ - Hermes (gen 2)
20 – Alien Antics - Agdistis (gen 4)
22 – Restauranteur - Demeter (gen 5)
24 – Cult Founder - Athena (gen 8 )
26 – Sea Siren - Poseidon (gen 3)
31 – Holiday Lover - Clement (gen 3 spouse)
35 – Virtuous Vet- Hecate (gen 7)
36 – Saviour of StrangerVille - Despoina (gen 6)
37 – Gold Digger - Aphrodite (gen 3)
38 – Intrepid Adventurer - Ares (gen 2)
39 – Legendary Gamer - Paidia (gen 4)
40 – Ace Photographer - Techne (gen 5)

In Progress
30 – Rancherino - Camillo (gen 7 spouse)
41 – Superstar - Orion (gen 8 )

2 – Family Ties *
7 – Author *
8 – Foodie *
10 – Garden Guru *
13 – Soulmates *
17 – Life-Long Learner *
23 – Dark Side Lord *
25 – Creative Artisan *
27 – Mischief Maker ~
28 – Uber Sim *
29 – Internet Celeb *
32 – Dr McSteamy *
34 – Eco Warrior *

* completed in previous attempts
~ started but not completed in previous attempts

Aiming at the Challenge Hall of Fame,  an 8th generation Olympian will need to achieve his/her Big Dream and for a minimum of 16 Big Dreams to be achieved overall.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Dreamers - Generations 1 & 2 - Compete
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2022, 01:54:12 PM »
Dreamers - Generation 1 - Complete


Self-Assured, Romantic, Music Lover

Zeus YA.jpg
Big Dream - Love 'Em & Leave 'Em - Completed Week 11

Children: Hebe, Hephaestus, Artemis, Ares & Hermes (by Hera) plus Joelle, Carlo & Alma (by Hera not in house) & Asia (by Oliana)

Loves Outdoors, Neat, Family-Oriented

Big Dream - Family Matters - Completed Week 10

Children: Hebe, Hephaestus, Artemis, Ares & Hermes plus Joelle, Carlo & Alma (not in house)

Generation 2 - Complete


Parents: Zeus & Hera
Outgoing, Creative, Foodie - Deceased

Big Dream - Master Mixer - Completed Week 10

Husband: Don Lothario
Children: Apollo & Camillo

Parents: Zeus & Hera
Creative, Good, Cheerful - deceased

Big Dream - Artistic Genius - Completed Week 13

Wife: Hali'a Paoa
Children: Antony (by Hali'a), Khloe (by Meilani Kuresa) & Braylen (by La'ei Teheura)

Parents: Zeus & Hera
Loves Outdoors, Non-Flirty, Adventurous

Big Dream: Outdoorswoman - Completed week 25

Parents: Zeus & Hera
Adventurous, Loves Outdoors, Self-Assured

Big Dream: Intrepid Explorer - Completed week 21

Wife: Sofia Bjergsen

Parents: Zeus & Hera
Adventurous, Loves Outdoors, Creative

Big Dream: World Traveller - Completed week 20

Wife: Candy Behr
Children: Aphrodite & Poseidon

Candy Behr
Cheerful, Outgoing, Music-Lover

Big Dream: Music Aficionado - Completed Week 33

Husband: Hermes (gen 2)
Children: Aphrodite & Poseidon

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Dreamers - Generations 3 & 4
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2022, 01:55:05 PM »
Generation 3

Apollo Olympus

Parents: Hebe & Don Lothario
Genius, Loves Outdoors, Geek

Big Dream - Master Scientist Completed week 29

Children: Agdistis (alien) & Daedalus (alien)

Parents: Hermes & Candy
Outgoing, High Maintenance, Materialistic

Big Dream: Gold Digger - Completed week 42

Spouse: Clement Frost
Child: Harmonia

Parents: Hermes & Candy
Outgoing, Child of the Island, Loves Outdoors

Big Dream: Sea Siren - Completed Week 36

Wife: Hali'a
Child: Paidia

Clement Frost
Good, Cheerful, Childish

Big Dream: Holiday Lover - Completed week 43
Move-In Collection

Wife: Aphrodite
Child: Harmonia

Active, Loves Outdoors, Cheerful

Big Dream - Sports Master - completed week 48

Husband: Poseidon
Child: Paidia

Gen 4

Parents: Apollo
Genius, Bookworm, Geek

Big Dream: Alien Antics - Completed week 40

Husband: Aarush
Child: Sharon (alien)

Parents: Apollo
Geek, Bookworm, Genius

Big Dream: Tech Head - Completed Week 37

Parents: Poseidon & Hali'a
Geek, Active, Cheerful

Big Dream - Legendary Gamer - Completed Week 50

Husband: Pablo Vann
Children: Techne, Demeter

Parents: Aphrodite & Clement (Father Winter)
Outgoing, Music Lover, Self-Assured

Big Dream - People Person - completed week 48

Pablo Vann
Cheerful, Creative, Dog-Lover

Big Dream - Financial Whiz - completed week 51

Wife: Paidia
Children: Techne, Demeter

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Dreamers - Generations 5 & 6
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2022, 01:55:52 PM »
Dreamers - Generation 5

Techne Olympus

Parents Paidia & Pablo
Creative, Outgoing, Self-Assured

Big Dream - Ace Photographer - completed week 56

Demeter Olympus
Parents: Paidia & Pablo
Creative, Foodie, Cheerful

Big Dream - Restauranteur - completed week 60

Dreamers - Generation 6

Despoina Olympus

Parents: Demeter & Carlo (gen 2 never in house)
Active, Erratic, Paranoid

Big Dream - Saviour of StrangerVille - completed week 63

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Dreamers - Generations 7 & 8
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2022, 01:56:45 PM »

Dreamers - Generation 7

Hecate Olympus

Parents: Despoina & Emanuel (never in house)
Good, Dog-Lover, Cat-Lover

Spouse: Camillo Olympus
Children: Athena & Orion

Big Dream - Virtuous Vet - completed Week 71

Camillo Olympus
Parents: Aphrodite & Clement Frost but born out of house
Animal Enthusiast, Outgoing, Family Oriented (retraited)

Spouse: Hecate Olympus
Child: Athena & Orion

Big Dream - Rancherino
Move In Collection: Plants
Aspirations: Country Caretaker, Freelance Botanist
Skills: Charisma, Gardening, Handiness
Satisfaction Rewards: Incredibly Friendly, 🗸Super Green Thumb
🗸#1 Off Grid & Simple Living
#2 All canned goods
#3 All animal treats
#4 3 off 1st place ribbons
#5 Evil Chicken

Dreamers - Generation 8

Athena Olympus

Parents: Hecate & Camillo
Outgoing, Self-Assured, Genius

Big Dream - Cult Founder

Orion Olympus
Parents: Hecate & Camillo
Self-Assured, Outgoing, Cheerful

Big Dream - Superstar

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Re: Olympus Dreams - Introduction
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2022, 10:02:23 PM »
Wishing you all the best in the new year and great fun and success with your new dynasty!

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Re: Olympus Dreams - Introduction
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2022, 10:15:04 PM »
Oh boy, this looks good. Love Zeus!! Good luck Granny!!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams - 1.1: Making Contact
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2022, 09:46:39 AM »
Olympus Dreams 1.1: Making Contact

Year 1, Week 1, Day 1

Zeus: What do you think?
Hera: Of your muscles or our new home?
Zeus: Both!
Hera: Very impressive and rather compact.
Zeus: What? Oh, I see. What shall we get up to? (Waggling eyebrows)
Hera: Later, Lover Boy! We both need jobs if we’re not going to run out of gold.


Zeus: I have joined the legal profession. After all, I am the supreme judge of law & order.
Hera: Not down here, you’re not. But it’s a good place to start. I’m going to work from home – planting up a garden.
Zeus: You get gold for planting flowers? Gaia did that back in the day, just for the fun of it.
Hera: We need to do a bit of research for our jobs. How do we do that?
Zeus: Well I need something called a computer at a library. It must be some sort of special scroll. It’ll take a while to get to Alexandria.
Hera: I think there’s one closer, thank goodness. I’ll research gardening.
Zeus: Oh – not a special scroll – it’s a flashy, beepy thing – there! Case file studied. I wonder how to get the thunderbolt this this miscreant deserves…
Hera: I’m heading back to plant these snapdragons I’ve found.
Zeus: I’ve got something else I need to do… I’ll be back later…
   Well, librarian. You look like you can help me out…


Hera: Oh Zeus, you’re back! I was just getting ready for bed. Oh – you’re in a good mood!
Zeus: I’m in the best mood! Let’s have a shower!


Hera: There are some nice people at this gym. And the showers here are wonderful. I wonder if we can upgrade ours.
Zeus: Ah – you’ve finished your shower!
Hera: Yes, I’m heading back now.
Zeus: I’m going do a bit more lifting – see you later.


Zeus: Oh Jeanette – this is…interesting!


Jeanette: I guarantee I’m more than interesting!
Zeus: Oh – what – wait! Wow! I didn’t know your people were here. Give my best regards to the pollinators.
Jeanette: They’ve told me all about you. I was told to make contact.
Zeus: Contact? I think we’ve achieved that!


Hera: What? The people from Sixam are here? How did you find that out?
Zeus: One of them was at the gym. They’d been told to make contact with us.
Hera: Which one was it? They said nothing to me! Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about something.
Zeus: Anything at all – you can have it!
Hera: That’s very nice of you. I just wanted to get a few things ready for the babies.
Zeus: Babies? When are they coming?
Hera: They’ll surely turn up some time.
Zeus: We don’t have heaps of gold to waste.
Hera: Not waste – use to prepare!
Zeus: OK – just spend it wisely or we’ll be eating fried fish for the next week.


Zeus: I see you’ve been shopping.
Hera: What do you think?
Zeus: One question. What is this supposed to be?
Hera: A little tent for the babies to sleep in.
Zeus: Yes but what are the designs supposed to be?


Hera: It’s a space ship. Mortals have to use them to get to the moon and Sixam.
Zeus: How restricting. But I don’t think mortal babies should travel like that.
Hera: Silly Zeus. It’s pretend – just playing. Like that gnome over there. It’s not a real gnome – just an image.
Zeus: Clearly – it’s far too small for one thing! I’ll fix that!


Hera: Time for bed. Or do you want a shower first (waggles eyebrows)

Later that night

Zeus: What woke me up. Oh – those pollinators! I did wonder if they’d like to make more contact!


Zeus: Hey girls – good to see you again! Time for Zeus to get his flirt on? You don’t have to ask twice!


Big Dreams Progress

– Family Matters: Aspirations – Big Happy Family 1/4, Super Parent 1/4; Career – Gardener 3/10; Skills – Parenting 1, Cooking 5, Gardening 6

Zeus – Love ‘Em & Leave ‘Em: Aspirations – Serial Romantic 2/4; Career – Legal 3/10; Skills – Charisma 5, Mischief 1, Violin 2



Zeus is, unsurprisingly, able to get most people to join him in “making contact”. He has not even bought Beguiling or Great Kisser yet.

I have not documented all liaisons as the Woohoo! achievement requires encounters with 50 unique people and I don’t think the pollinators count. I’m assuming that his abduction took place because of his time with Jeanette. I don’t think they’ve impregnated him but I’m not sure yet. It would change my plans slightly but not too much.

Hera is fully aware, being a goddess and all. She is known for being somewhat vengeful so her tolerant attitude may change when she is less focused on getting her babies!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 1.2: Understandings
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2022, 03:46:54 PM »
Olympus Dreams 1.2: Understandings

Year 1, Week 2

Don: Come on, work it baby!
Hera: OK Don, whatever you say!
Zeus: Hmmm, there’s a lot of testosterone floating around here.


Anaya Wow! Closets are fun!
Zeus: That’s a new one for me!
Katrina: Well – what’s going on here?


Zeus: Oh – um – hi Katrina. I didn’t see you there.
Katrina: Clearly!
Zeus: It’s nothing, sweetheart.
Katrina: Nothing! My green-covered backside!
Zeus: Can’t we put this behind us?
Katrina: What did you say? Take that!


Hera: Oliana? Wow – did you and Leila get a donor then?
Oliana: In a manner of speaking. I’m just here to thank you guys for helping us out.
Zeus: So I got it right?
Oliana: Oh yes! It didn’t take with Leila, even though you tried twice. But look at me!


Hera: Zeus! Is this what I think it is?
Zeus: What do you think it is?
Hera: You’ve been messing about right on our doorstep?
Zeus: Well yes, but…
Hera: I can’t believe it! I know you’ve been at it everywhere else but I can’t have this going on right under my nose.
Zeus: But…
Hera: I thought Oliana and Leila were my friends.


Zeus: Wife! Will you let me talk?
Hera: You’re holding my hands again – you’re scheming again!
Zeus: Oliana and Leila wanted another child. You and I weren’t getting pregnant. You want to get pregnant. Oliana and Leila sort of taught me what mortals need to do and I sort of helped them out at the same time…
Hera: Twice with Leila?
Zeus: But now I know what we need to do.
Hera: So we can get pregnant?
Zeus: Absolutely!


Oliana: I’m sorry we’ve upset you, Hera. I thought you knew. You mean a lot to us.
Hera: No, I didn’t know. I’m glad you’re expecting a baby as that’s what you want. As long as you remember that Zeus is my husband.
Oliana: Definitely. We’re all just friends – not even with future benefits. Besides – you’re more my type than him – don’t be a stranger.
Hera: OK – I guess.
Zeus: Think of the babies!


Hera: This is a different sort of date. Learning to play chess together.
Zeus: I want you to know how seriously I’m taking your dream. I know you need to up your game for work.
Hera: I want to ask you about the “Trying for a Baby” but Victor and this student are a bit too attentive!
Zeus: Oh Victor just wants to hear some flirty stuff. He doesn’t hear any at home from his wife Lily.
Hera: And how do you know that?
Zeus: Just think of the babies we’ll be making – very soon!


Big Dreams Progress

– Family Matters: Aspirations – Big Happy Family 1/4, Super Parent 1/4; Career – Gardener 5/10; Skills – Parenting 1, Cooking 6, Gardening 9

Zeus – Love ‘Em & Leave ‘Em: Aspirations – Serial Romantic 3/4; Career – Legal 5/10; Skills – Charisma 9, Mischief 1, Violin 2; Traits bought – Beguiling, Shameless


Following on from the previous week, there was no alien nooboo from Zeus' abduction.

Zeus didn’t notice Katrina’s presence at the club until he’d asked Anaya down to the closet. She followed them down there and waited outside. It was a little creepy, to be honest but Zeus deserves everything he gets. I think he’s up to about 12 out of 50 unique sims now.

Oliana has given birth to a little girl she has named Asia. She is the mother of their little boy too so it may be that Leila can’t have children. Zeus did his best for her but Oliana won the day.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 1.3: The Birth of Hebe
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2022, 04:13:04 AM »
Olympus Dreams 1.3: The Birth of Hebe

Year 1, Week 3

Hera: Oh Zeus – you never worry about the people around us!
Zeus: How can I worry about them when I have your heavenly gorgeousness to kiss?
Hera: This feels special!
Zeus: It is! My 3rd gold-standard date with you in as many days. You’re the only one I’ve dated. I hope you know that?
Hera: You always make me feel special – when you’re with me. Somehow I no longer feel jealous of anyone else.


Zeus: I told you today was special.
Hera: This feels almost magical.
Zeus: We are doing old magic. We’re creating life!
Hera: We’ve done that before.
Zeus: But this is the mortal way. I wonder if they understand the powers they – we – have.


Hera: This book says we need to get ready – have you read it?
Zeus: I’m too busy practising this stringed instrument. It’s harder than the lyre.


Zeus: And you say the baby’s growing in there?
Hera: Yes. Isn’t it amazing?
Zeus: Miraculous – and this happens every day down here!


Hera: Zeus? Zeus! Something’s happening!
Zeus (snoring): smfhfh
Hera: Oh wow! A tiny baby. I can feed you like this, and clean you like this… Oh this is a lot of fuss and not much fun. Let’s fast forward!
Hebe: Mama?
Hera: Oh – you’re beautiful! With a headscarf. They do seem to be in fashion on earth…
Hebe: Dada?
Hera: He’ll WAKE UP IN A MINUTE! I’m sure…


Hebe: Balls. All mixed up. Yay!


Zeus: Oh ho ho! Who’s Dada’s little sweetheart?
Hebe: Eebe?
Zeus: Oh yes you are!
Hebe (splashing):
Zeus: Oh no! Dada’s all wet.
Hera: Silly Dada, wearing the wrong clothes.
Zeus: Aha but I can just spin round and I’m all comfortable.


Big Dreams Progress

Hera – Family Matters: Aspirations – Big Happy Family 2/4, Super Parent 1/4; Career – Gardener 7/10; Skills – Parenting 7, Cooking 10, Gardening 10; traits bought – Fertile; babies/toddlers 1/3

Zeus – Love ‘Em & Leave ‘Em: Aspirations – Serial Romantic maxed; Career – Legal 7/10; Skills – Charisma 10, Mischief 3, Violin 2

Hebe - ?: Potty Maxed

Screenshot 2022-01-06 155151.jpg


A short chapter with not a lot of progress other than the arrival of Hebe. No apologies for toddler spam – she’s adorable and she’s on the beach – you’re welcome!

I don’t know why all my female children (see failed Wesseldine story) all come with a headscarf. For a random generator, it doesn’t seem very random in my case.

The paddling pool for toddlers is too cute but doesn’t seem to help their development at all. They have to have an adult with them so it must be growing that relationship. I may not bother with it for future use.

The toddler tent on the other hand, is wonderful. They can nap in there but also play in there. Also, very cute but hard to photograph where I’ve placed it.

The biggest progress was Zeus achieving Serial Romantic with gives him the ability to flirt with anyone without causing jealously in others – a trait desperately needed as he continues to work towards his WooHoo! achievement. (He did take a day off on Hebe’s birthday)

Hebe was the daughter of both Zeus and Hera in Greek mythology. However I will not be sticking rigidly to the mythological genealogy. It’s too flat/wide for one thing plus Zeus and Hera would actually be siblings as are some future hook-ups which Sims would not facilitate! Their Big Dreams will fit in with their mythic characters to some extent…

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 1.4: Hebe Takes the Lead
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2022, 07:16:11 AM »
Olympus Dreams 1.4: Hebe Takes the Lead

Year 1, Week 4

Hera: My blessings on you, dearest daughter. May you always experience the abundance of life and enjoy it’s variety.
Hebe: Mama huggle!
Zeus: My blessings on you, firstborn of our mortal union.
Hebe: Funny Dada!
Zeus: Yes, well, I’ll just make myself scarce. There seem to be several people with the Akiyama surname round here and, er – I don’t really want to meet them.
Hera: Why not, pray?
Zeus: It’s complicated…


Yamachan: Hey – you’re great at doing the Mountain Move!
Hebe (bobbing): Pic pic!
Yamachan: Yes – let’s take a selfie together!
Hebe: Me keep?
Yamachan: No, but I’m sure you can buy one somewhere around here…


Bess (batting eyes): Hello, lover boy!
Zeus: Ah yes. That was a magic moment we shared, I think… I’m almost certain I remember.
Bess: The observatory?
Zeus: Oh yes. By the way, I find myself a little short on funds. Could you perhaps lend me a small sum?
Bess: No Way! I don’t ever lend money to anyone!
Zeus: Oh – OK. You are my girlfriend, aren’t you?
Bess: Yes – How can you not be sure?


Hebe: Tired of blocks. What next?


Hera: You’re doing so well, sweetpea.
Hebe: More! More!
Hera: This is a big one. Can you count this high?
Hebe: One, two, three, many, many, many!
Hera: You’re getting there.


Hebe: And the dolly was safe in the rocket ship and they flew all the way to Sixam…


Hebe: Well Hello World! I’m all grown up! Mama threw a dinner party for me with a caterer but she’d already made me a beautiful blue cake so I blew out the candles. Here I am in my chosen party outfit. Papa’s not sure about the red shoes and pink top but wait until you see my everyday outfit!


Hebe: Mama invited all the neighbours plus 3 kids she’d met at the playground. She was surprised that they came without any carers but we all got on really well. The neighbours are nice too. Leila was a bit wistful when Mama talked about having another child but she’s very kind.

Papa went out to work today. He’s been working from home but he can’t seem to File Court Documents anymore so Mama told him to go out to work. He has an amazing work robe. He felt so good in it that he just had to rock-out on the carved guitar that Oliana had given us.


Watcher: Why can’t he just decide, once and for all, whether he wants the guitar or the violin?
Hebe: I think he likes the variety.
Watcher: I might need to take one away.
Hebe: Don’t do that! It makes him happy and it doesn’t really matter.
Watcher: I guess not. There’s plenty of time.
Hebe: How come they don’t talk to you like I do?
Watcher: They’ve been a bit busy. Besides – you know your parents. I don’t think they’d like the idea that I’ve got ultimate control. Let’s just keep it between you and me for now?
Hebe: OK. It’ll be fun to have a secret friend as well as all the others I’ve got.
Watcher: Your hair is lovely, by the way.
Hebe: Thanks for tweaking the rest of my outfits. Although I’m missing the headscarf…

Big Dreams Progress

Hera – Family Matters: Aspirations – Big Happy Family 2/4, Super Parent 2/4; Career – Gardener 9/10; Skills – Parenting 10; babies/toddlers 1/3; top-notch toddlers 1/3

Zeus – Love ‘Em & Leave ‘Em: Career – Legal 8/10; Skills – Mischief 5, Violin 4; Borrow/Dumped g/b friends – 10/12 (Pari Joyson, La’ei Paoa, Paka’a Uha, Lilith Pleasant, Bess Sterling, Becca Clarke, Jenna Akiyama, Jeanette Rhoades, Samaria, Ngata, Anaya Jang)

Hebe - ?: Top-Notch Toddler; Aspirations completed – Social Butterfly

Screenshot 2022-01-07 094340.jpg


Those of you familiar with the pre-made Sims will note some surprising people amongst Zeus’s girl/boyfriends. I’m ashamed to say that he never does ask if his romantic interest is single and is totally oblivious to any upheaval he might be causing in established families.

It has taken several attempts to borrow money off the very savvy Bess Sterling. Zeus had to get her in a very good mood first. The others have been easier. I’m always amazed that they don’t get cross with Zeus. He “Asks to Just be Friends” immediately after getting the loans. Have I mentioned that he bought the Shameless trait?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 1.5: Interloper
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2022, 03:07:27 PM »
Olympus Dreams 1.5: Interloper

Year 1, Week 5

Hebe: Something really bad happened this week!
Watcher: It wasn’t REALLY bad. You got a baby brother.
Hebe: Hephaestus! What a name. No-one asked me. I was quite happy with the status quo.
Zeus: At least I was awake this time.
Hera: Oh yes – you were a big help – NOT!


Zeus: I’m glad we didn’t age little Hephaestus up straight away.
Hera: Well I can do Super Efficient Childcare now. So much easier.
Zeus: Lot’s of baby cuddles. Hebe!
Hebe: What? What? You wanted me to practise my violin.
Zeus: But not keep the baby awake. Go and do it down by the shore.
Hebe: Hmpfh!


Zeus: Angela! I’ve finally caught you. You’ve been my girlfriend for a while now but whenever I arrange to meet you somewhere, you always run off straight away.
Angela: Busy, busy, busy! Like you!
Zeus: What do you mean?
Angela: I spoke to Lilith – you know, my sister Lilith? She says you owe her some money.
Zeus: Ah – well, actually, I just need a little more to help me over the next few days and then I’m expecting a windfall so I should be able to pay it all back…
Angela: You want to borrow from me too?
Zeus: You’re such a good person, Angela. I know you won’t turn me down.
Angela: Hmm well OK – here you go. Make sure you pay it back when you get that windfall!
Zeus: You’re a life-saver, Angela. Oh and by the way…can we just be friends?
Angela (not feeling good at all): !?!?!?!?!


Hebe: Hephaestus ages up in the most ridiculous outfit for Sulani. He’ll overheat in that get-up!
Hera: We’ll sort that out easily enough.
Hebe: Silly squirt!


Hebe: Here he is in his more appropriate outfit. I don’t know why Papa’s dancing with him. All he’s doing is bobbing!


Zeus: I just called round to….
Nancy: Argh – argh – argh!


Zeus: Zeus to the rescue. I don’t know where I got this extinguisher from but phew! Just as well I was here!
Nancy: Ow – ow – ow!


Zeus: Well Nancy, I know you’re a bit stressed…
Nancy: But grateful
Zeus: How grateful?
Nancy: Very grateful!
Geoffrey: What’s going on here?
Zeus: Nothing much – can I use your bathroom? Oh dear – it looks like your sink is clogged!
Geoffrey: Get out!
Nancy: Call me!


Hebe: I thought you weren’t going to use a paddling pool again.
Watcher: Well I just put it in to look cute but, when Hephaestus was getting a bit pongy, he asked your Mama to go in it.
Hebe: If you’d sort us out with a bathtub it wouldn’t be a problem keeping the poopy boy clean!
Watcher: No room! And it did clean him up a bit in the pool.


Hebe: Anyway! Spotlight on me please! No party this time but – time to age up! Oh no! Watcher – don’t show my default outfit!
Watcher: But you enjoyed mocking Hephaestus…
Hebe: Please – not before you sort me out?


Hephaestus: Dig! Dig! Dig!
Hebe: Alright, squirt! I’m digging!


Big Dreams Progress

– Family Matters: Aspirations – Big Happy Family 2/4, Super Parent 3/4; Career – Gardener maxed; Babies/toddlers 2/3; top-notch toddlers 1/3

Zeus – Love ‘Em & Leave ‘Em: Career – Legal 9/10; Skills – Mischief 7, Violin 7; Borrow/Dumped g/b friends – 12/12 (Kalaaiu’u Iona, Angela Pleasant)

Hebe - ?: Top-Notch Toddler; All Childhood Aspirations completed; Skills – Charisma 5
Hephaestus - ?: all toddler skills maxed

Screenshot 2022-01-07 192551.jpg


I’m always disappointed when existing children aren’t pleased to see a new sibling. It doesn’t seem to affect their long-term relationship though.

Zeus kept travelling with Angela to places and she always zoomed off straight away. A more effective technique was to go somewhere alone first and then invite her to hang out. I’ve totally lost track of how many unique sims Zeus has been with. Hopefully I won’t miss the splash screen for WooHoo!

Visiting other households frequently results in them starting a fire with low cooking skills. It would’ve been a shame to lose Nancy Landgraab – she’s so iconic! Zeus was visiting to clog his 3rd drain of the day for his Chief of Mischief task.

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Re: Olympus Dreams 1.5: Interloper
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2022, 06:25:14 PM »
Wow, I take a break to spend the day reading and come back to find you're in your 2nd season already with a Gen2 teen.
Will Hebe, by chance, become a Sea Siren? (Hebe's a Sulani child working on Charisma...)

From your screenshots, I can't figure out your dynasty's starting lot, except that it's on Lani St. Taz (because of the Welcome Wagon).

I’ve totally lost track of how many unique sims Zeus has been with. Hopefully I won’t miss the splash screen for WooHoo!
You can check Zeus's Woohoo progress at any time in the Achievements/Relationships menu.
You'll find "Achievements" two buttons above "Exit to Main Menu" button.

