Author Topic: Olympus Dreams (Complete)  (Read 45947 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Olympus Dreams 1.16: Ring In The New
« Reply #45 on: January 20, 2022, 05:14:10 PM »
Regarding Artemis's BD, do you never use Dr. June's Weather Control Machine?

(Rocket science as a club activity hasn't work for others.)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 1.16: Ring In The New
« Reply #46 on: January 21, 2022, 02:09:24 AM »
Regarding Artemis's BD, do you never use Dr. June's Weather Control Machine?
I've never played with it. Can it change the seasons for the plants? That would be very useful

(Rocket science as a club activity hasn't work for others.)
Nor for me (sigh). Hermes is sorting out the NAPs. Of course it takes 2 weeks, repealing one of the max allowed then voting another in. He'll make it work...

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Re: Olympus Dreams 1.16: Ring In The New
« Reply #47 on: January 21, 2022, 03:44:26 AM »
Yes. If your sim upgrades Dr. June's Weather Control Machine (or whatever exactly it's called), they can change not only6 the current weather and weather forecast but also the season.
When the rules allow, I place an upgraded machine at my favorite wedding venue, parks, and rentals.
That way, I can ensure fine weather for outdoor fun or photo opps. (And Artemis could snatch her herbs...)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 1.16: Ring In The New
« Reply #48 on: January 22, 2022, 04:20:30 AM »
Yes. If your sim upgrades Dr. June's Weather Control Machine (or whatever exactly it's called), they can change not only6 the current weather and weather forecast but also the season.
When the rules allow, I place an upgraded machine at my favorite wedding venue, parks, and rentals.
That way, I can ensure fine weather for outdoor fun or photo opps. (And Artemis could snatch her herbs...)
I'll have to explore it sometime. I've not looked at the weather machine or Patchy. I had a go at beekeeping but that was too much like hard work so I sort of wrote all those gameplay bits off together...

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Olympus Dreams 2.1-3: Life Without The Drama
« Reply #49 on: January 22, 2022, 04:28:38 AM »
Olympus Dreams 2.1-3: Life Without The Drama

Hermes: Woah – this is fun! Shame the others were too busy to join me. I love this mountain snow. What next?

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Hermes: And so, lady in the bar whose name I wrote down somewhere, that’s the story of your life?
Lady: Yes – aren’t I great?
Hermes: I’ll just write that down…

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Apollo: Ah – yes – I thought our conversation at work today wasn’t complete. Beam me up again, people!

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Hermes: Why yes! I think I do like this look. I’ll just add it too my wardrobe and then interview the salesperson.

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Ares: So…this is different. I quite like being a skeleton. No hunger, or tiredness… I’ve actually finished what I came here to do but I don’t think I’ll go home like this – it’ll wear off before my rental runs out.
I just need a bit of fun. Practice bar tricks…or play the xylophone on my ribs?
It’s great that someone left this bar and 3 radios down here. Time for some Rumbasim.
Well! Hello beautiful (I think) tomb guardian! Oh – you don’t flirt. Nevermind…

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Hermes: Diving for treasure all day and throwing Kava parties in the evening – what a great life I have since I quit my job. Artemis enjoys the parties too, after all her gardening.

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Ares: Top of my Interstellar career! Time to quit and concentrate on my archeology.

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Apollo: Aha! Watcher – just because you wouldn’t join me at work lately, doesn’t mean I couldn’t max my Science career! Time to quit.
Watcher: Nooooooo! You need to carry on.
Apollo: But everyone else quit when they got to the top.
Watcher: I know but you have so much still to do at work and only star-gazing at home. It’s just for a little while. I’ll join you at work when your uncles have made more progress and then we’ll have some fun!
Apollo: Promise?
Watcher: Promise.

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Hermes: Argh! I almost had it!
Ares: Dude, come on! We’re at the Spice Festival – don’t show us up with your rubbish chopstick skills.
Hermes: You’re no better than me. At least I did the spice challenge last time.
Ares: I got it this time so we’re even now! Both Spice Hounds!
Hermes: Don’t breath…almost there…bother it! At least I can make this dish at home and practice in private now

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Apollo: I hate Prank Day. I work all week while those uncles of mine goof off and then Ares has the cheek to dare me to streak.
Watcher: Um…what did you say about cheeks?

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Hermes: Living the Life and Catching some Air – yippee!

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Big Dreams Progress

- Outdoorswoman: Aspirations –Outdoor Enthusiast 2/4; collections – Insects 15/21

Ares – Intrepid Explorer: Aspirations – Archeology Scholar – 3/4, Jungle Explorer 3/4; Omiscan Artifacts 10/16

Hermes – World Traveller: Skills – Writing maxed, Photography 3, Snowboarding maxed; Seashells 12/13, Buried Treasure 16/18; Acquired Spice Hound Trait

Apollo – Master Scientist: Scientist Career – maxed; Skills – Fishing 8; Create & Use – Inventions all, Serums all but Ox Strength; Collection 11/15 space prints


3 weeks in one episode. Lots of collecting and promotions but not a lot of drama.

Hermes auto-completed his daily task of interviewing people due to his Responsible trait (phew) but he needed to do it anyway in 6 different towns for his Big Dream. I have interpreted “towns” as the different areas within the worlds although he actually did them in 6 different worlds. Throwing a gold Kava party gets some buried treasure as a reward. Combining that with snowboarding, he’s having the best life.

Ares may not need to return to Selvadorada. Even if he doesn’t complete his collection with the unauthenticated items he already has, he keeps receiving more in the mail. I’m just trying to work out why the relics think he’s already under a blessing/curse when he hasn’t been for some days.  Any advice? He needs to become a skeleton for 3.5 more days…

Artemis went off for 3 days to Granite Falls where there should have been 4 types of plant and all the insects. Despite being in all 3 locations there for the magic 5-6-7am spawning time, only one plant could be harvested and she only found 4 new insects. She has caught all but one of the special fish – the Mountain Lionfish seems strangely elusive. She’s looking forward to returning in the Summer and hoping for better luck

Apollo (gen 3) is neck-a-neck with his uncles and aunt on progress with his Big Dream. He is always happy and has had loads more breakthroughs than he needs for work but we need to do some other stuff before he quits. The Carried Away award triggered on his first abduction as both Zeus & Artemis have been abducted. He just needs one more abduction to make it official. Where will the narrative lead…?

Offline oshizu

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Re: Olympus Dreams 1.16: Ring In The New
« Reply #50 on: January 22, 2022, 11:31:18 AM »
Wow, 3 weeks in one episode! That's a lot of progress in one update!
Yes, you are right about your interpretation of towns, which the game describes as 'worlds.'  So Oasis springs is a town, whereas Bedrock straits, Parched Propsects, skyward Palmas, and Acquisition Butte are its neighborhoods.

In Granite Falls, a sim needs to say in one location for roughly a day before all its plants spawn. I'm sure you know that already.
Insects are tricky. Multiple insect types can spawn from a single spawn point, so it's sometimes necessary to catch an insect from that spawner so that the other one can spawn.
You're doing a fantastic job with your entire household's collections!
In Granite Falls, my sims have only ever caught the Lionfish at the waterfall in the hermit's area.

Patchy's great for leveling gardening. I keep the garden area locked, though, because I don't like Patchy wandering around the lot, chatting with the family so they drop their queues.
Checking his pockets can also be great for filling out your garden collection.  Like you, I also find beekeeping too much.

Can't help with your issue with relic cooldown. I found a thread asking a similar question in EA Answers HQ just now.
The response was to check Carl's guide on relic curses and blessings. Sorry!

Great job on Apollo maxing his Astronaut career. He looks great in his Space Ranger uniform.
Also, can i just say that Apollo got the best of Don Lothario's looks?  ;)
The entire household's making such great progress!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 2.4: The Extreme Diet Plan
« Reply #51 on: January 23, 2022, 04:26:21 AM »
Olympus Dreams 2.4: The Extreme Diet Plan

Hermes: Hey, Watcher?
Watcher: Ye-es?
Hermes: Since I took most of the photos this week, can I narrate this episode?
Watcher: Sure – take it away!

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Hermes: Great! So Ares had told us about becoming a skeleton in the temple but we didn’t really believe him. Especially since he couldn’t repeat it. Something about still being under a blessing or a curse which sounded like a lame excuse. I mean – he’s my twin – you’d think I’d know if he was blessed or cursed! Anyway, a few days later he did it again! And just carried on with his archeology!

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Hermes: It was a bit scary at first, but then it got weird when he decided to do a bit of yoga. I mean – no-one wants to see that! At least it only lasted 24 hours.

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Hermes: The 2nd time he did it, Artemis went and had a chat with him about it. She reckoned that maybe he should stay on the home lot for it as people were a bit freaked out about it.

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Hermes: Luckily Ares wasn’t a skeleton when I held another Kava party at the beach. It was a bit of a challenge anyway as we wanted to get everyone dancing but no-one had brought a radio. We thought about getting Uber to bring one but then Apollo got back from work with his satellite dish and got everyone dancing with that. (I didn’t take this photo, clearly, as I’m getting on down to the satellite dance party beat). You can’t see Apollo in the photos. He never changes out of his work gear even for a Kava party. That mad scientist look is never going to get the girls!

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Hermes: So Ares had got so used to being the centre of skeletal attention, he just had to do his Fire Dance. He does it quite well but I’ve just realized that me swimming every day and him standing at his work bench has created a bit of a difference in our girths! Not surprising that he prefers being a skeleton! Oh – I nearly forgot to mention – that Candy – you know, the chick with the pink hair tints – she phoned me up to say she fancied me! Must find time to take her on a date!

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Hermes: So Apollo wanted me to show you his space prints collection. That’s the rocket behind it. How ridiculous is that? The dude spends hours in the telescope taking long distance photos when he could be actually up there, in the photos! Learn how to seize the moment, dude!

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Hermes: OK – so this may look like just another archeology workbench shot but…

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Hermes: This is the pièce de resistance – the final part of his Omiscan artifacts collection! He had to travel back to Selvadorada to search for more treasure and artifacts. This one was hiding in a muddy clump that he nearly didn’t bother with! Well done bro – will you have time for some swimming now? Oh – and if you want to be a skeleton again, I’ve thought of the perfect time & place!

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Big Dreams Progress

- Outdoorswoman: Aspirations –Outdoor Enthusiast 2/4; collections – Insects 15/21

Ares – Intrepid Explorer: Aspirations – Archeology Scholar – maxed, Jungle Explorer 3/4; Omiscan Artifacts complete; time as skeleton – 84 hours (3 full days plus 12 hrs)

Hermes – World Traveller: Skills – Photography maxed; Collections - Seashells complete, Buried Treasure 17/18; Acquired Chopstick Savvy Trait

Apollo – Master Scientist: Skills – Fishing maxed; Create & Use –Serums all but Ox Strength; collections – Space Prints 14/15


It’s actually Wednesday into week 5 now. Ares had travelled over to Selvadorada and I was too busy with him there to notice the weekend rolling over.

All 4 of my family are so close to finishing their big dreams. Will Apollo end this adventure – he really needs to think about finding that special someone if we’re going to carry on!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Olympus Dreams 2.4: The Extreme Diet Plan
« Reply #52 on: January 23, 2022, 10:11:49 PM »
What was your solution for the relics?  You needed to wait longer for the cooldown or you crafted a new relic of the same type?
Oh, it looks like Apollo will be ready to move out before Artemis.

I'm shipping Hermes and Candy.  They will have wonderful children!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 2.4: The Extreme Diet Plan
« Reply #53 on: January 24, 2022, 02:35:46 AM »
What was your solution for the relics?  You needed to wait longer for the cooldown or you crafted a new relic of the same type?
I had to wait longer - the cooldown period seems to be longer than the there in the end though. The trouble with there being some bugs is that my first thought is "is this a bug?"
Oh, it looks like Apollo will be ready to move out before Artemis.
I know! I expected the Master Scientist to be harder...I chose quite an easy collection for him. He still has one major task outstanding though!
I'm shipping Hermes and Candy.  They will have wonderful children!
Ah - she is a pretty Sim but....oops - nearly got ahead of myself ;)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 2.5-7: Girls, Girls, Girls
« Reply #54 on: January 24, 2022, 10:02:03 AM »
Olympus Dreams 2.7: Girls, Girls, Girls

Watcher: No need to shout, I’m right here!
Hermes: Are you seeing this?
Watcher: Difficult to miss those pink ends.
Hermes: I was too nervous to invite Candy on a date but I thought one of my legendary Kava Parties would be a good idea.
Watcher: It looks like it was – does that count as socializing with the guests? We need another Gold…
Hermes: It’s fine. Ares is introducing himself to everyone he doesn’t know.

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Hermes: I asked if she’d go steady and she said “Yes”.

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Hermes: We both squee-ed a little bit which wasn’t very cool but then Ares didn’t notice because he’d not only hooked up with Sofia but they’ve started dating too!

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Hermes: Oh – that’s cool. My nephew Apollo has completed his space print collection. I must admit, that’s pretty awesome – isn’t the universe a wondrous place!

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Artemis: My brothers can sort out the sleeping arrangements while I make a start on the bug-collecting. They’ll have to share a double bed and the girls can share the twin room. I’ve got dibs on the double room downstairs. I’m not sure why the boys wanted to invite the girls along – they don’t look like the outdoorsy type… Now – there’s a knack to catching this Will-o-the-Wisp. It’s up there but I have to look down here…gotcha!

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Hermes: So girls we thought…
Ares: Since you two seem to have got off on the wrong foot…
Hermes: That a long weekend in Granite Falls would be a good bonding experience

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Sofia: Is this the sort of bonding you had in mind.
Ares: When you’re around, it’s the only sort of bonding I’ve got on my mind.
Sofia: Didn’t Artemis say she was sleeping in this bed?
Ares: She’ll be out with her tent – this is all ours!

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Candy: I don’t know Hermes…your brother and that Sofia are right downstairs and your sister tuts every time we just hold hands.
Hermes: Ares & Sofia are too busy to mind us plus Artemis has gone out collecting bugs.
Candy: If you’re sure?
Hermes: Let me show you how sure I am!

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Hermes: I’m glad we got back in time for the Humour and Hijinks Festival.
Ares: Brilliant idea, bro – we’re going to scare the pants off all those Jokesters with my Skeleton Scare interaction.
Hermes: Oh ho ho! I’m feeling Very Playful!
Ares: Me too! I ca-ha-ha-n’t stop laughing!
Watcher: Quick – back home – as quickly as you can!
Hermes: But – we - he, he – ‘ve got plans
Ares: Scare – he, he – y plans!
Watcher: I’m not kidding – home to bed! Right Now! Phew – that was close.

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Apollo: Again? This must be the third time you’ve beamed me up. I wonder what you want this time?

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Sofia: Thanks for inviting me to your Kava Party again.
Ares: Well, I was thinking about what you said.
Sofia: About spending some alone time together?
Ares: Yes and…will you marry me?
Sofia: Oh yes! That would be wonderful!
Ares: Right now?
Sofia: As soon as ever we can!
Watcher: Just move to this more photogenic spot…

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Hermes: So, I know it’s not a competition or anything, but I’d really like to get married too! To you!
Candy: Oh yes! Please! But I’d quite like a full wedding party – the whole white dress – you know!
Hermes: I’d like that too. You’ll look amazing. We’ll just keep calm and make some plans. Plus, I really want to find the last Fingers of Sulani – the “common” red ones! Who knew that would be the last to be found!

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Big Dreams Progress

- Outdoorswoman: Aspirations –Outdoor Enthusiast 3/4; collections – Insects complete

Ares – Intrepid Explorer: completed and moved out week 7

Hermes – World Traveller: Collections - Buried Treasure 17/18

Apollo – Master Scientist: Create & Use –Serums all but Ox Strength; collections – Space Prints complete

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Apologies for another 3 week block. It was mostly spent with Artemis wandering around the Granite Falls, looking for the elusive Jewel Beetles and Stick Insects. I finally found them with the help of a detailed website plus a lot of patience. She just needs to sleep 3 more nights in a tent to complete her aspiration. Since she’s never slept in anything else, I did wonder if that would auto-complete but no…

Granite Falls appeared to have only spawned Poison Fireleaf. Uprooting a couple of those plants allowed the game to respawn with regular Fireleaf to complete Artemis’ collection. Also, the (poison)fireleaf spot behind the outdoor shower block in the National Park appears to be buggy. You can tend it but any cuttings taken disappear and it doesn’t seem to fruit.

Father Winter gets invited to all our parties – he does enjoy celebrating after all! I’m not sure why Sofia and Candy weren’t on good terms. It’s possible that Zeus had something to do with it…

Hermes is doing back-to-back scuba- and free-diving, searching the cave and holding Kava Parties but that last item of buried treasure, a common one apparently, just will not turn up! It’s somewhat frustrating!

Ares moved in with Sofia and her sister in Windenberg. He got hysterical several times but he was OK when I left them to it! Will Candy move in or will Hermes move out when the time is right. @oshizu reckons they’ll make lovely babies….

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Re: Olympus Dreams 2.5-7: Girls, Girls, Girls
« Reply #55 on: January 24, 2022, 07:43:06 PM »
Wow, Ares moved out and the other three are almost done, too.
That frequent hysteria is so bothersome but also scary. *sighs

Among the 15 serums, I thought the last 3  Level 10 ones to be the trickiest so I'm surprised to see Apollo's remaining serum is Ox Strength.
My scientists made all their serums on the home lot. Crossing my fingers Apollo gets pregnant, um, if that's what the Watcher wants, too.

I feel your pain--the frustration of missing just one item of a collection after weeks or searching. Best of luck, Hermes!
Speaking of Hermes, a resounding YES to Hermes and Candy brining in the next generation!!!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 2.5-7: Girls, Girls, Girls
« Reply #56 on: January 25, 2022, 02:12:54 AM »
Wow, Ares moved out and the other three are almost done, too.
That frequent hysteria is so bothersome but also scary. *sighs

Among the 15 serums, I thought the last 3  Level 10 ones to be the trickiest so I'm surprised to see Apollo's remaining serum is Ox Strength.
My scientists made all their serums on the home lot. Crossing my fingers Apollo gets pregnant, um, if that's what the Watcher wants, too.
I was a bit hasty on the serums front.. Some more have opened up to him so, yes he'll need some alien items to complete his task.
I feel your pain--the frustration of missing just one item of a collection after weeks or searching. Best of luck, Hermes!
Speaking of Hermes, a resounding YES to Hermes and Candy brining in the next generation!!!
My plan was for Apollo to have an alien nooboo and for them to be the only ones in gen 3 & 4. Hermes was going to move out with Candy. However, I'm getting totally bored with constant beachcombing. I think Candy's big wedding is imminent! *Throws meta-narrative plan out of the window*

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Olympus Dreams 2.8: Get Me To The Church On Time!
« Reply #57 on: January 25, 2022, 07:22:04 AM »
Olympus Dreams 2.8: Get Me To The Church On Time!

Artemis: Thanks for having me take a Potion of Youth, Watcher…
Watcher: You’re very welcome.
Artemis: But do I have to eat all these?
Watcher: Yes, I’m afraid so. Take your time though – you’ve got all of today.
Artemis: I’d rather get it over with as quickly as possible. My Tummy potion helps…

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Hermes: Wow sis, tonight’s really your last night?
Artemis: Yep, as long as you let me lie-in. No getting me up at the crack of dawn – are you listening, Watcher!
Watcher: Ho hum!
Apollo: Here’s to you, Auntie Artie!
Artemis: Yes! Here’s to me!
Watcher: And to me!

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Artemis: This hidden away cottage in Henford-on-Bagley will suit me down to the ground. Just room for me and plenty of room for my plants. I’ve even got room for some livestock…

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Hermes: Watcher?
Watcher: Yes?
Hermes: I think we’ve got a problem!
Watcher: And that is?
Hermes: Well, I can’t move out and Apollo isn’t showing any sign of bringing in gen 4.

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Watcher: I know – do you still like diving?
Hermes: Yes but I can’t find that faded red Fingers of Sulani that everyone says is common. Every other shell and treasure – I’ve found plenty.
Watcher: I’ve been on Simsearch. Everyone just keeps saying dive, comb, explore. You could try making friends with those dolphins…

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Hermes: I think that’s a plan but…
Watcher: Yes?
Hermes: I’m worried about Candy.
Watcher: Why’s that?
Hermes: Well, we all thought I’d be able to marry her and move out soon so we…
Watcher: Oh – I see! *rustles notes* I guess plans can change…
Hermes: Great – I’ll get on the phone!

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Candy: Oh-oh! I’m really hungry and I need the bathroom.

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Hermes: Are you sure this is what you want? We don’t have to do it this way.

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Candy: No – I can do this. I’ve dreamed of this. I did say I wanted a BIG wedding, didn’t I?
Hermes: You’re so beautiful. I promise to make you happy, today and always.
Candy: What a lovely ring!
Hermes: Well – I’ve got quite a lot of treasure stored up for you!

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Hermes: You’ve been to the bathroom and I got you a snack.
Candy: Oh – oh – oh!
Don: Dude – she’s about to pop. Time to get to the hospital!
Hermes: But the cake!
Candy: No time!

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Apollo: I’m glad I did all that research on Parenting. Candy’s so tired and over-excited she’s gone straight to bed. Hermes is hungry so he’s cooking. I’ll just feed these little ones and then I’ll be off to the tent to give them some privacy. Sorry about the shoes, people. There was a mix-up at the formal-attire rental shop.

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Big Dreams Progress

- Outdoorswoman: Aspirations – Outdoor Enthusiast maxed; Tastes Like Burning – Achieved; COMPLETE – moved out

Hermes – World Traveller: Collections - Buried Treasure 17/18 – no progress

Apollo – Master Scientist: Create & Use – Serums 9/15

Candy - ? - Cheerful, Out-going Music-Lover: Starting aspiration - Party Animal; Starting career – Entertainer 2/10; Starting skills over 1 – DJ 6, Dancing 5/5, Violin 2

Aphrodite - ? (nooboo)
Poseidon - ? (nooboo)

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So – Apollo hasn’t come back pregnant from any of his abductions which was my expectation. Hermes was going to move out to be with Candy and none of their babies were going to be in-house. However…that elusive last piece of treasure means he can’t move out. So…we got a Gold wedding just in time to end the Wedding Party early and get Candy to hospital.

Candy is 2/3rd through adulthood so one of the boys will donate a Potion of Youth to keep her age in line with Hermes who’ll age up to adulthood soon. Her Big Dream is fairly obvious from her traits, as is Poseidon’s, from his immortal character. Aphrodite’s is less so. It isn’t one I’ve done or tried before (you can see the available list here) and is roughly in line with her Goddess character.

We’re actually at early morning Tuesday into week 9. Nothing much had happened by Sunday am and a lot happened on Sunday & Monday. Plus I thought it would be good to document Candy’s starting skills/career before she fell under my Watching.

So – next episode is expected to be toddler spam! Oh – and Apollo will get pregnant – almost certainly…

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Re: Olympus Dreams 2.8: Get Me To The Church On Time!
« Reply #58 on: January 25, 2022, 02:48:13 PM »
I've been confused about why Hermes hasn't finished his Big Dream yet.  Didn't he already complete the Seashells collection?
I've yet to do World Traveler so I've no doubt misunderstood the requirements.
My spreadsheet for World Traveler says only one collection is required:
"Complete 1 of these collections Insects, Ancient Omiscan artifacts, Omiscan treasures, Fish, Simmies, Seashells, Buried Treasure"
(I should have mentioned this earlier. I forgot just how fast you play...)

Regarding your meta-narrative, maybe you'll get luck and Hermes will get pregnant instead?

As for Big Dreams, my speculations are:
Candy - Music Aficionado
Poseidon - Sea Siren
Aphrodite - Holiday Lover (lol, only because it contains the word "love")

P.S. Looking forward to the toddler spam.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 2.8: Get Me To The Church On Time!
« Reply #59 on: January 25, 2022, 04:53:38 PM »
I've been confused about why Hermes hasn't finished his Big Dream yet.  Didn't he already complete the Seashells collection?
I've yet to do World Traveler so I've no doubt misunderstood the requirements.
My spreadsheet for World Traveler says only one collection is required:
"Complete 1 of these collections Insects, Ancient Omiscan artifacts, Omiscan treasures, Fish, Simmies, Seashells, Buried Treasure"
(I should have mentioned this earlier. I forgot just how fast you play...)
That requirement is given twice in the Other section so, unless its a typo, Hermes needs to complete 2 collections

As for Big Dreams, my speculations are:
Candy - Music Aficionado
Poseidon - Sea Siren
Aphrodite - Holiday Lover (lol, only because it contains the word "love")

P.S. Looking forward to the toddler spam.
Correct for Candy and Poseidon. Aphrodite's character will emerge and I'm hoping it might be fun.