Olympus Dreams 5.4-5: Blast From The Past
Techne: Have you heard?
Demi: Um – heard?
Techne: Heard who’s moved in on the other side of the Watsons?
Demi: Just a minute…
Techne: The Founders! Can you imagine?
Demi: Argh! Bother it! I nearly beat my best score! Now, what were you saying?
Techne: Never mind!
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Athena: I’m very pleased to make your acquaintance.
Zeus: Well, well! Little Athena!
Hera: We’re so happy to meet you sweetheart. We weren’t sure how our little adventure would get on but you are just what we hoped for.
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Hera: That one looks like a swan.
Athena: With a duck-shaped one behind it!
Hera: How are you coping?
Athena: With the idea that we’re all gods? I’m amazingly cool with it. I think all the yoga and meditation has helped me feel quite balanced.
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Athena: I am fairly balanced about the news. I mean, I knew our family was weird. Just look at this photo of GG (great granny) teaching me to knit. There’s Shadow on the couch and a hen pecking about – inside!
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Athena: Actually, it was Cocky the cockerel that I needed at that point because I was knitting him a hat and scarf. GG grabbed him and we got it on. He made such a fuss but, since it’s been on, he hasn’t scratched it off… See – weird. Can you see Patch the rabbit by the bird's tree? He's one of the few remaining rabbits. Dad gets so sad when they die of old age.
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Athena: The other weird thing is that Techne, who is my great great aunt btw, is a Global Superstar! She gets weird fan mail in the post and when we go out and about, there’s loads of paparazzi and fans fainting. She was just mentoring me & Mum in chess at the park but a whole crowd gathered – crazy!
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Athena: My little brother is crazy too! Look at him! Mum’s relaxing on the couch with Shadow and Orion is imitating Ayesha – or thinks he is. He started off dancing and then spontaneously starting imitating her. Very cute and all but it’s me that’s the focus of this story!
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Athena: A whole week just flew past and I can’t find any photos. I aged up to a teen and did a whole load of volunteering. I’d already finished with scouts and I only spent one day at high school.
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Techne: So – pink?
Athena: Yeah – pink with blue, but sometimes green with tan.
Techne: Both colour combos suit you.
Athena: I know, right? Some of my friends say you can’t wear pink with red hair but I say “pfft” to that! So bar-keep, I’ll have a salty llama!
Techne: Well – you are an adult now so… here you go. What are you going to do now?
Athena: Well, I really enjoy meditating and yoga and I think everyone should do more of it. I’d like to help them.
Techne: Help everyone? What’s the first step?
Athena: I’ve become a scientist
Techne: Because…?
Athena: While I work on my skills, it’s the best way to find all the different crystals I need.
Techne: I guess that makes sense – here’s looking at you, kid!
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Big Dreams Progress: Week 70 (Year 5, Summer 2)
Techne (gen 5) – Ace Photographer: Completed Week 56 – still in house
Demeter (gen 5) - Restauranteur: Completed Week 60 – still in house
Hecate (gen 7) – Virtuous Vet: Aspirations – Bodybuilder 4/4; Skills– Logic 10; Other –purchased all but 1 of the vet clinic perks
Camillo (gen 7 spouse) – Rancherino: Move in Collection – plants; Aspirations – Country Caretaker 2/4, Freelance Botanist 3/4; Skills – Charisma 3, Gardening 8, Handiness 3; Satisfaction Rewards – Super Green Thumb; Other #1 off-grid/simple living, 15/17 canned goods, 7/13 animal treats, 0/3 1st place ribbons, 0 evil chickens raised.
Athena (gen 8 ) – Cult Founder; Aspirations – Social Butterfly; B in School; Scouts – Llamacorn; Compassionate, Emotional Control (Manners & Responsible); All 5 volunteering; B in School; Skills – Charisma 7, Singing 2, Wellness 7; Satisfaction Rewards – Steel Bladder; 11/? Crystals
Orion (gen 8 child) - ?; Top-Notch Toddler; B in school; Satisfaction Rewards – Always Welcome.
L-to-R: Shadow, Athena, Demi, Camillo, Techne, Cate, Orion, Ayesha
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Just 5k points left for Cate to get the final vet clinic perk.
Camillo has had 2 hatchable Obsidian eggs but there’s been a bug that makes incubating eggs disappear from the coop. I’m hoping the latest update has fixed that otherwise there’ll be no evil chickens raised! He’s doing really well on the canned goods and animal treats. He needs to grow some out-of-season blueberries and raspberries for the conserves and get some more bits for the treats. That makes up for all the rabbits dying off – he’s so sad about that. I hope some more come soon.