Author Topic: Olympus Dreams (Complete)  (Read 45981 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Olympus Dreams 4.15: The Saviour’s Fate - Have Your Say!
« Reply #150 on: April 08, 2022, 11:27:05 AM »
You can easily age up Cate's puppy to adulthood by going to the Brindleton Pawspital and buying an Age-Up Treat there.
Or you could have Cate level her Vet skill and have her make Age-Up Treats herself.
Good luck, Cate and Ayehsa!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 4.16: Happy New Year (5)
« Reply #151 on: April 09, 2022, 08:03:17 AM »
Olympus Dreams 4.16: Happy New Year (5)

Ayesha: This was a big week for me. For a few other beings too but mainly for me. Some good – some bad! Here’s a reminder of how cute I was as a puppy playing with my bone-ball.

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Cate thought I wouldn’t age up until the weekend so she adopted another dog! I mean! What’s the rush? The first dog that came was aggressive and a trouble-maker so he went straight back. But then, on Tuesday, another one came – Shadow. She’s adventurous, hairy and a couch-potato. Cate had the day off school to settle her in. Huh – Shadow didn’t even learn one trick although I think Cate started with a hard one…
Wednesday morning, just as Cate left for school, I aged up – look at how gorgeous I am!

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Anyway, as soon as Cate got home from school, we worked really hard and I learnt 6 tricks before we had to sleep.
Did they send Shadow back to the adoption agency? Did they, BONIO!!! Look at her, just lazing about – not even on her bed. Actually, that rug looks kinda comfy… Grrr – attack! Oh, OK I’ve learnt not to attack!

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Thursday was Techne’s birthday so Demi made a cake. Where was my cake when I aged up? That’s what I want to know!
Cate had another day off school and we learnt another 2 tricks. For some reason, Cate immediately went to volunteer at a bake sale. She got back from that and then lots of people came. Shadow and I were allowed in the main house but we didn’t really like all the people.
Techne aged up looking as lovely as ever and then Cate blew out her candles too! No more school – all day with us! Yippee!

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I thought our new no-school schedule would be great but look what happened! This is Squee and you can’t see her co-conspirator Harvey because he’s too aloof! “Woof Woof” to that, I say/bark!

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The extra mouths to feed did mean that our side cottage got expanded. There is now a separate sleeping room and a separate eating room. The cats go potty in my bathing room which is disgusting!
Wait! What is this photo doing on here? I didn’t even know Cate was taking it. I suppose I do spend a lot of time staring at the fridge. One day I WILL learn how to open it!

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Saturday was a bit odd. All the humans kept blowing horns and having funny drinks. We all settled down in our comfy room which was great until they put the TV on. I didn’t mind it but none of the other pets liked it at all! Shadow's on the couch, as usual! Can you see Desi petting Harvey? She’s good with all of us but my heart is only for Cate.

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Big Dreams Progress: Week 65 (Year 5, Spring 1)

(gen 5) – Ace Photographer: Completed Week 56 – still in house

Demeter (gen 5) - Restauranteur: Completed Week 60 – still in house

Despoina (gen 6) – Saviour of StrangerVille: Completed Week 63 – still in house

Hecate (gen 7) – Virtuous Vet: Teen – own  a dog, 8/8 unique tricks; Responsible & Compassionate (& good manners); Aspirations – Friend of the Animals 2/4, one other 0; Skills – Logic 5, Veterinarian 5, Pet Training 5/5; Other - work 0/60 hrs at own vet clinic; get all clinic perks

L-to-R: Shadow, Cate holding Squee, Techne, Desi holding Harvey, Demi & Ayesha
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Launching into Year 5 – I get through the years quickly but with slow progress. I think I can safely claim that this dynasty will be complete in this year. Hecate will need to have at least one child to complete the Dreaming. I'd like to do a fairly straightforward one that I've not completed in a previous attempt and clearly not one I've already done in this run. If you want to comment - the up-to-date list of available dreams is:

2 – Family Ties *
7 – Author *
8 – Foodie *
10 – Garden Guru *
13 – Soulmates *
17 – Life-Long Learner *
23 – Dark Side Lord *

24 – Cult Founder ~
25 – Creative Artisan *
27 – Mischief Maker ~
28 – Uber Sim *
29 – Internet Celeb *

30 – Rancherino ~
32 – Dr McSteamy *
34 – Eco Warrior *

41 – Superstar

* completed in previous attempts
~ started but not completed in previous attempts

I love getting previous dreamers back for parties. Can you see the stunning Aphrodite is finally an elder? No-one weighed in on Desi's traits/moving out so she's still herself and she's still here. She's been better behaved this week. Maybe she's bugged me...!

I tried letting the dogs roam freely but when they got unhappy it took too long to get to sort them out. It’s much easier in a smaller area.

Cate is working on her Friend to the Animals aspiration before she engages with the vet clinic. I just need the pets to misbehave so she can discipline them…

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Olympus Dreams 4.16: Happy New Year (5)
« Reply #152 on: April 09, 2022, 12:50:37 PM »
So many pets, lol!  Ayehsa is definitely the best looking. :)
Good luck with getting them to misbehave, haha.

My favorite is obviously Rancherino but you and Glazey have found that getting all the treats requires some luck.
The easiest one left on your list is Cult Founder, imho.
You might prefer Superstar, haha.  You seem to love the World-Famous Celeb aspiration. *winks
It's your very last Big Dream.  If i were you, I'd pick one that offers enjoyable gameplay with a not-too-crazy-difficult collection to gather.
My last Dreamer really struggled to complete his collection and it became rather frustrating, hehe.

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Olympus Dreams 4.16: Happy New Year (5)
« Reply #153 on: April 09, 2022, 04:47:20 PM »
Doggies!! Me love the doggies.. You have gotten alot done.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 4.16: Happy New Year (5)
« Reply #154 on: April 09, 2022, 05:04:56 PM »
Doggies!! Me love the doggies.. You have gotten alot done.
The cute doggies are a lot of fun but hard work! I do prefer them to the cats - in real life too ;)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 4.16: Happy New Year (5)
« Reply #155 on: April 09, 2022, 05:06:59 PM »
So many pets, lol!  Ayehsa is definitely the best looking. :)
Good luck with getting them to misbehave, haha.

My favorite is obviously Rancherino but you and Glazey have found that getting all the treats requires some luck.
The easiest one left on your list is Cult Founder, imho.
You might prefer Superstar, haha.  You seem to love the World-Famous Celeb aspiration. *winks
It's your very last Big Dream.  If i were you, I'd pick one that offers enjoyable gameplay with a not-too-crazy-difficult collection to gather.
My last Dreamer really struggled to complete his collection and it became rather frustrating, hehe.
I am tending towards Cult Founder as the most straightforward although I've realised that Cate's Baby Daddy could move in and start a Big Dream without being required to finish it....hmmm.... ::)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 5.1: Extreme Home Improvements
« Reply #156 on: April 10, 2022, 09:36:33 AM »
Olympus Dreams 5.1: Extreme Home Improvements

Cate: It’s been weeks since I updated you all – let me catch you up! Oh – wait – Ayesha’s been updating you? Well, I did wonder how she got to be a Simstagram Celebrity!

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Cate: I’ve been trying to help Shadow lately, in between shifts at the clinic. It’s the second time she’s come into heat so this time I was encouraging her to mate. This stray called Felix would have made lovely pups with her but they just didn’t get on.

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Cate: Helping Shadow put me in an interesting frame of mind. One day I sent Camillo a happy text and the next minute he invited me to hang out with him at this Christmas Wedding Venue. He said his parents got married there and that we’re distantly related – first cousins, 3 times removed! Distant enough. We’ve started dating

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Cate: Camillo is a clumsy, outgoing animal-enthusiast! I don’t like one of his brothers though – he’s an evil freegan! That’s a strange combination. His other brother is a lazy slob – I’m not being rude, he really is! His sister Riley is creative although she’s hot-headed too. What a family!

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Cate: After my romantic non-date with Camillo, I head home and swim with the boys – they love a swim and it’s good for all of us. We all need the exercise.

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Cate: I finally get the hang of the surgery equipment! Put animal in and click on it to begin procedures. How hard was that? If only someone had Simsearched it sooner!

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Cate: After that successful shift, I come home and find Shadow’s not well. I’m not allowed to treat her myself but she gets all better at the referral hospital.

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Cate: It’s a wonder that she’s not been sick before. I cannot train her out of drinking from the toilet. She’s so sneaky – she waits until I’m miles away and then gets in there!

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Cate: Do you like this photo? I invited Camillo round so everyone could meet him. Without me even asking them, Ayesha and he became friends! That nailed for me – I proposed right there and then – he said yes, of course!

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Ayesha: Things are changing round here, there and everywhere. All of a sudden, we got put in a van with all our stuff and came out here! The humans think the air is clear and that it’s really peaceful. They clearly haven’t seen what I’m looking at – there’s rubbish everywhere and it looks like the render’s all fallen off!

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Ayesha: They all go in over the weedy porch. Desi’s turned up to help but in one of those designer outfits that really isn’t practical! Oh – Cate didn’t tell you? Desi moved out to Sulani with the cats during the week. It’s a house on stilts over the water. The cats will love that, lol!

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Ayesha: Shadow thinks we can swim in that pond with all the floating gunk. I think I’ve got fleas already!

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Big Dreams Progress: Week 66 (Year 5, Spring 2)

Techne (gen 5) – Ace Photographer: Completed Week 56 – still in house

Demeter (gen 5) - Restauranteur: Completed Week 60 – still in house

Despoina (gen 6) – Saviour of StrangerVille: Completed Week 63 – moved out

Hecate (gen 7) – Virtuous Vet: Aspirations – Friend of the Animals 3/4, one other; Achievement - Simstagram Celebrity; Skills – Logic 5, Veterinarian 10; Other – 60/60 hours working in Vet Clinic; purchased all but 2 of the clinic perks

L-to-R: Shadow, Ayesha, Demi, Techne, Cate & Shadow
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The family have moved to the lot that was the scene of my last dynasty failure…I sure that won’t happen again! The house is a Renovation project because I thought it looked like fun. There’s a lot of rubbish to clear out so I’ll be doing it room by room as you would in real life with only the essentials sorted out and trying to use furniture etc that we've already got. All the rubbish is currently staying on the lot – in the way that you’d through everything in a heap and then get a skip. It is fun.

Next week – a wedding – my last of the dynasty (probably)

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Olympus Dreams 5.1: Extreme Home Improvements
« Reply #157 on: April 10, 2022, 08:36:55 PM »
Great idea moving the cats out with Desi.
Most pet ailments in your household can be cured by Wellness Treats, which your sims can make themselves or buy from a vet clinic.

Wooo! Cat's almost done now. Time for Gen8! :D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 5.2: Welcome Gen 8
« Reply #158 on: April 11, 2022, 07:11:49 AM »
Olympus Dreams 5.2: Welcome Gen 8

Cate: I couldn’t wait to marry Camillo and, when he saw our new house, he was keen to help asap. I went for a late night jog so I would fit into my dress. Here’s me going past the Watson’s place. One day our home will look as good as this!

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A new chapel has replaced one of the homes in the village. It’s tiny but we didn’t have many guests. I fit in my dress and everyone says we look lovely together. Shame about my great grandad Pablo – he went for a swim before the ceremony! Can you see Mum with my dad? They’re not living together but it looks like she’s made up with him!

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I ask to feel Mum’s baby – wow – a new sister or brother. I wonder which…

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When we get home we’re nearly too excited to “seal the deal” as you might say but when I suggested that we could have our own baby, Camillo got serious! And I mean, serious! It didn’t matter that we’ve not decorated our room yet; that we’ve got Granny D’s old bed and the Salvadorean rug that we had in storage doesn’t go… I’m eating for two – Yay!

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Early the next morning, Camillo went round the lot and met some of the local wildlife. He said with their help (!) he’s got big dreams! A garden plot and space for chickens…

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He explained it all to Techne. She said he needed to do some work on the house first. This photo is in the living room. The rubbish got cleared – it was attracting the wrong sort of wildlife – but it still needed some work. Camillo got on it straight away.

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The next best day of my life happened next. Little Athena was born. Granny D had knitted an adorable onesie all ready for her. She’s so gorgeous – I just worship her!

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Do you like this shot of us all hanging out in the kitchen-diner. Athena’s asleep and Granny D – in another vintage designer suit – is knitting a bigger size of onesie. The dogs are all relaxed. We’ve gone for stone floors throughout the ground floor. The river’s not far and carpets would be ruined if it floods.

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We make a lot of use of the river! Locals haven’t really spotted us there yet. Or if they have, they don’t seem to mind. We couldn’t swim at the cove even though there was a beach and the ice melted. I don’t know why. Anyway, here, if one of us isn’t at home, we’re sure to be down by the bridge!

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Athena aged up to a really inquisitive toddler. Here she is wearing her personalized onesie and hugging Shadow – she really likes the dogs and they’re so good with her. Granny D is working on a jumper in the next size. Our living room is so much nicer now – all the family worked hard on it.

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Camillo worked on the house too but he’s also really worked hard outside. He cleared the mosquitos from the pond and got the grass looking healthy where we’ve put some play equipment for Athena. It’s hard to see in this dawn shot but he’s been growing spring veg and fruit at the back of the house plus some massive plants for the local show. We’ve also got 2 hens – fresh eggs are soooo lovely. You can also see the pile of rubbish. One day we will have to clear it all off the site. Camillo is going to get a skip. He says he’s got even bigger plans!

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Big Dreams Progress: Week 67 (Year 5, Spring 3)

(gen 5) – Ace Photographer: Completed Week 56 – still in house

Demeter (gen 5) - Restauranteur: Completed Week 60 – still in house

Hecate (gen 7) – Virtuous Vet: Aspirations – Friend of the Animals 3/4, one other;– Logic 6; Other –purchased all but 2 of the vet clinic perks

Camillo (gen 7 spouse) - ?; Animal Enthusiast

Athena (gen 8 toddler) - ?; toddler skills all at 2-3

L-to-R: Shadow, Demi, Camillo holding Athena, Techne, Cate, Ayesha
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I can’t remember if I’ve confirmed the Big Dream of Camillo but it’s not hard to guess.

Athena was the Olympian goddess of wisdom and war and the adored patroness of the city of Athens. Renowned for being a virgin deity, she is the obvious choice for the final generation. She was also – somewhat paradoxically – associated with peace and handicrafts, especially spinning and weaving. Majestic and stern, Athena surpassed everybody in both of her main domains. I guess she could be Cult Founder or Superstar – either would be appropriate. She will not be a Mischief Maker!

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Re: Olympus Dreams 5.2: Welcome Gen 8
« Reply #159 on: April 11, 2022, 05:55:39 PM »
Hehe, smart move on skipping Mischief Maker this time.
So close to finishing now!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Olympus Dreams 5.3: It’s All In The Genes
« Reply #160 on: April 12, 2022, 05:40:27 AM »
Olympus Dreams 5.3: It’s All In The Genes

Athena: Look Look Upside Down
Cate: Oh you Funny Bunny! Is that fun?
Athena: Fun Fun Fun Again

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Athena: What Doggies Doing?
Camillo: Just look at the cards, sweetheart!
Athena: Doggies Playing?
Camillo: Maybe we should go upstairs…

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Athena: Rock Fun Rock Fun
Swim Gnome: Should she really be on that on her own?
Regular Gnome: She’s very close to us
Alien Gnome: We’re unbreakable, right? You sure?

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Athena: I Call You Pax
Pax: I was fine with Bun Bun but Pax means Peace so, OK
Athena: Pax Peace Peas Hungry NOW
Pax: Er – the kitchen’s through there – I think – I’ve never been in it…

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Athena: Run Round Lake. Quack Quacks. Buzz Buzzs. Oh Long Way Back.

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Athena: This Way? Toys? Mama Dada Play Here?

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Camillo: I’m so sorry Cate. I didn’t know she could get round that way.
Cate: Me neither. She’s so fast now. I only looked the other way for a mo. Granny D is calming her down with a bath and then a bedtime story.
Camillo: I’ll clear all that rubbish in the morning, as soon as I’ve fed the hens. I’m so glad she didn’t hurt herself.
Cate: Maybe we should just stick with one child…
Camillo: You said if the dogs didn’t breed that you wanted another baby.
Cate: But I’m such a bad mother!
Camillo: You’re an amazing mother. Mistakes are how we learn and Athena’s happy, healthy and really doing well.
Cate: If you’re sure…? Athena should be asleep by now…

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Cate: Do you like our made-over bedroom – no more graffiti, soft lighting, toning décor. It’s very restful in here.

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Camillo: I’ve moved all the rubbish to the front gate. The bags will go with the weekly waste collection and I’ve posted the big stuff on Freecycle. Hang on though…all that wood…hmmm!

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Techne: She’s so good, sitting there with her tablet.
Cate: It’s such a shame that there aren’t shallows for her to play in.
Techne: Oh yes. Me and Demi used to love that in Sulani – freaking our parents out by being too bold!
Cate: Talking of which, that woman on the bridge looks a bit disapproving. I’ll just go and check on Athena.

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Techne: Well – that was a party and a half! Athena made sure to talk to everyone, even the ghostly entertainer! I didn’t think she’d ever go to bed but Camillo tucked her up with her Mum and then he slept in her bed – whatever settles her down. Hmmm – it’s so peaceful out here.

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Athena: Wow – this is great.
Techne: That’s it, breathe between strokes and really stretch!
Athena: I love your tails – did I ever say before?
Cate: You’ll get your own in your next life-stage but it’s good to work your arm muscles too.
Athena: Mama - you're getting big! A baby sister!
Cate: Or brother....

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Big Dreams Progress: Week 68 (Year 5, Spring 4)

(gen 5) – Ace Photographer: Completed Week 56 – still in house

Demeter (gen 5) - Restauranteur: Completed Week 60 – still in house

Hecate (gen 7) – Virtuous Vet: Aspirations – Friend of the Animals 4/4, one other Bodybuilder 3/4;– Logic 6; Other –purchased all but 2 of the vet clinic perks

Camillo (gen 7 spouse) – Rancherino: Move in Collection – plants; Animal Enthusiast; Aspirations – Country Caretaker 2/4, Freelance Botanist 3/4; Skills – Charisma 3, Gardening 7, Handiness 2; Satisfaction Rewards – Super Green Thumb; Other #1 off-grid/simple living, 0/17 canned goods, 0/13 animal treats, 0/3 1st place ribbons, 0 evil chickens raised.

Athena (gen 8 child) - ?; Top-Notch Toddler; Aspirations – Social Butterfly 1/3; C in School.

L-to-R: Ayesha, Athena, Camillo, Techne, Demi, Cate & Shadow
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I thought it would be fun to have either Ayesha or Shadow whelp but, despite getting in the mood on a regular basis, their breeding has not produced pups.

Cate is taking maternity leave from the Vet Clinic. She’ll probably go back once her second nooboo is at school. It is unlikely that the Camillo and the 2nd child will achieve their big dreams before Athena ends the game with hers but – there’s no certainty… Camillo is certainly giving it a good shot.

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Re: Olympus Dreams 5.3: It’s All In The Genes
« Reply #161 on: April 12, 2022, 01:54:13 PM »
Have you tried growing and giving them Nuzzlenip?  It makes pets feel flirty.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Olympus Dreams 5.3: It’s All In The Genes
« Reply #162 on: April 13, 2022, 02:48:55 AM »
Have you tried growing and giving them Nuzzlenip?  It makes pets feel flirty.
My household **es get flirty regularly without help. Matings took place but no pregnancies. Would Nuzzlenip make them more fertile?
It's too late now, Cate is expecting an 8th member for the house. Maybe I'll try that in another Simverse...

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Re: Olympus Dreams 5.3: It’s All In The Genes
« Reply #163 on: April 13, 2022, 10:31:19 AM »
I have no scientific evidence about fertility but I have had success with Nuzzlenip, both with a household female dog and a stray female cat in the past.
Yay, a sibling for Gen8!

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Olympus Dreams 5.4-5: Blast From The Past
« Reply #164 on: April 14, 2022, 12:25:09 AM »
Olympus Dreams 5.4-5: Blast From The Past

Techne: Have you heard?
Demi: Um – heard?
Techne: Heard who’s moved in on the other side of the Watsons?
Demi: Just a minute…
Techne: The Founders! Can you imagine?
Demi: Argh! Bother it! I nearly beat my best score! Now, what were you saying?
Techne: Never mind!

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Athena: I’m very pleased to make your acquaintance.
Zeus: Well, well! Little Athena!
Hera: We’re so happy to meet you sweetheart. We weren’t sure how our little adventure would get on but you are just what we hoped for.

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Hera: That one looks like a swan.
Athena: With a duck-shaped one behind it!
Hera: How are you coping?
Athena: With the idea that we’re all gods? I’m amazingly cool with it. I think all the yoga and meditation has helped me feel quite balanced.

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Athena: I am fairly balanced about the news. I mean, I knew our family was weird. Just look at this photo of GG (great granny) teaching me to knit. There’s Shadow on the couch and a hen pecking about – inside!

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Athena: Actually, it was Cocky the cockerel that I needed at that point because I was knitting him a hat and scarf. GG grabbed him and we got it on. He made such a fuss but, since it’s been on, he hasn’t scratched it off… See – weird. Can you see Patch the rabbit by the bird's tree? He's one of the few remaining rabbits. Dad gets so sad when they die of old age.

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Athena: The other weird thing is that Techne, who is my great great aunt btw, is a Global Superstar! She gets weird fan mail in the post and when we go out and about, there’s loads of paparazzi and fans fainting. She was just mentoring me & Mum in chess at the park but a whole crowd gathered – crazy!

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Athena: My little brother is crazy too! Look at him! Mum’s relaxing on the couch with Shadow and Orion is imitating Ayesha – or thinks he is. He started off dancing and then spontaneously starting imitating her. Very cute and all but it’s me that’s the focus of this story!

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Athena: A whole week just flew past and I can’t find any photos. I aged up to a teen and did a whole load of volunteering. I’d already finished with scouts and I only spent one day at high school.

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Techne: So – pink?
Athena: Yeah – pink with blue, but sometimes green with tan.
Techne: Both colour combos suit you.
Athena: I know, right? Some of my friends say you can’t wear pink with red hair but I say “pfft” to that! So bar-keep, I’ll have a salty llama!
Techne: Well – you are an adult now so… here you go. What are you going to do now?
Athena: Well, I really enjoy meditating and yoga and I think everyone should do more of it. I’d like to help them.
Techne: Help everyone? What’s the first step?
Athena: I’ve become a scientist
Techne: Because…?
Athena: While I work on my skills, it’s the best way to find all the different crystals I need.
Techne: I guess that makes sense – here’s looking at you, kid!

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Big Dreams Progress: Week 70 (Year 5, Summer 2)

(gen 5) – Ace Photographer: Completed Week 56 – still in house

Demeter (gen 5) - Restauranteur: Completed Week 60 – still in house

Hecate (gen 7) – Virtuous Vet: Aspirations – Bodybuilder 4/4; Skills– Logic 10; Other –purchased all but 1 of the vet clinic perks

Camillo (gen 7 spouse) – Rancherino: Move in Collection – plants; Aspirations – Country Caretaker 2/4, Freelance Botanist 3/4; Skills – Charisma 3, Gardening 8, Handiness 3; Satisfaction Rewards – Super Green Thumb; Other #1 off-grid/simple living, 15/17 canned goods, 7/13 animal treats, 0/3 1st place ribbons, 0 evil chickens raised.

Athena (gen 8 ) – Cult Founder; Aspirations – Social Butterfly; B in School; Scouts – Llamacorn; Compassionate, Emotional Control (Manners & Responsible); All 5 volunteering; B in School; Skills – Charisma 7, Singing 2, Wellness 7; Satisfaction Rewards – Steel Bladder; 11/? Crystals

Orion (gen 8 child) - ?; Top-Notch Toddler; B in school; Satisfaction Rewards – Always Welcome.

L-to-R: Shadow, Athena, Demi, Camillo, Techne, Cate, Orion, Ayesha
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Just 5k points left for Cate to get the final vet clinic perk.

Camillo has had 2 hatchable Obsidian eggs  but there’s been a bug that makes incubating eggs disappear from the coop. I’m hoping the latest update has fixed that otherwise there’ll be no evil chickens raised! He’s doing really well on the canned goods and animal treats. He needs to grow some out-of-season blueberries and raspberries for the conserves and get some more bits for the treats. That makes up for all the rabbits dying off – he’s so sad about that. I hope some more come soon.