Chapter 18

After their vacation, the Wainwrights got right back to their regular grind of work and school. With the baby’s due date looming and both their house and their budget still small, they had no time to waste. Luckily, their time off work had been paid, and Blair was a good enough student that a little bit of missed time did not trip her up. She easily made up the lessons she missed, and her grades were unaffected.
They still managed to have some fun, however. Even though some called her a workaholic, Susan believed that
all work and no play made for a dull life. When her mother messaged her an invitation to come and see them in San Myshuno for the Humor and Hijinks Festival and catch up after their Sulani trip, she eagerly accepted.
Blair was excited, too. “The Humor and Hijinks Festival? I heard about that at school! You get to join teams of nice pranks and mischief pranks, and each team gets points by doing them, especially to someone on the other team.”
“What side would you join?” Boyd asked, already knowing the answer.
“Nice, of course.” She stood proudly. “Sim Scouts help people. They don’t pick on them.” She paused and then added, “But it’d still be fair to mischief prank someone who already got you or someone on your team. I just wouldn’t start it.”
“Definitely the nice side, taking the high road like that. I’m sure they’ll be happy to have you on their team.”
“What about you, Dad? Will you be on the nice team, too?”
“By the way, Uncle Jonathan is coming to visit, too, with Maaike,” Susan interjected. Although both Jonathan and Maaike had admitted there was something going on between them, neither professed it to be anything serious. Susan suspected they were downplaying it, however. It seemed to her that they were spending a lot of time together, and neither ever mentioned any other romantic interests.
“Oooh! I want Uncle Jonathan on my team. He’s really good at pranks!”
“Yes, he’s definitely more the pranksters type,” Susan remarked, while Boyd smirked.
“Tell you what, Blair. If he joins the pranksters, I’ll join you on the nice team, but if he joins nice? I’m going prankster. I still owe him payback for a toilet explosion, and I’m not above playing dirty.”
Blair giggled. “What about you, Mom?”
Susan just smiled. “We’ll see.”

On the day of the festival, they went early so there was time to visit with Susan’s parents beforehand. They met up with Patrick, Maureen, and Jonathan, who was already there, in the square outside of her parents’ apartment building. The summer weather was delightful that day, and no one felt like staying inside.
When they arrived, Susan noticed right away how much her mother was showing the wear of her illness. Maureen had always been the type to style her hair before going out, but that day she wore a wrap, despite the summer heat. It broke her heart to think about her mother losing her hair to those awful treatments, and how it must make her feel. Despite that, however, Maureen was upbeat and thrilled to see them.
“I’m glad you made it out here, sweetie.” She gave Susan a big hug. “Oooh. That baby bump is making this a reach. Are you sure you don’t have twins in there?”

“I’m sure, Mom,” she replied as they sat down at a nearby table with Blair and Jonathan. “The ultrasound confirmed that. Just one. Sorry to disappoint you.” She shot a look at her brother. “And if you even think about making some stupid fat joke, I will personally go buy a drink from the tea stand and dump it on your head.”
Jonathan snorted, amused. “I wouldn’t dream of it. If I was going to make a joke, it would be about the baby mooning you during the whole ultrasound just so you couldn’t find out if it’s a boy or a girl. Getting one over on you already, now that kid’s got style.”
Blair giggled. “Maybe the baby will want to join our team when we go to the festival when it’s older!”
“It’s all right. We don’t mind being surprised,” Boyd said, while Susan gave her brother an unimpressed look.
“Speaking of surprises, where’s Maaike? I thought she was coming with you.”
“She’s coming later for the festival. She wanted to give us some family time.”
“That was thoughtful of her. She’s a nice girl. I like her,” said Patrick.
“Yes. I’m glad you two are spending so much time together. Maybe someday she’ll qualify as family,” Maureen hinted with a smile at Jonathan.
“Aw, Mom, really?” He squirmed in his seat, but Maureen was unfazed.
“Oh, pardon an old lady for hoping she’ll get a chance to see both her kids happily married.”

“Very subtle, Mom,” Jonathan replied dryly. “I promise, you’ll be the first to know if I decide to get married, and you’ll have a front seat at the wedding. That’s all I’m going to say.”
Susan could tell that what he did not want to say was that he, like her, understood that perhaps she was nagging hopefully because she knew she might not have much time left. That broke her heart, too, but she knew that even if it was true, her mother would never admit it until it was too late to put on a brave front anymore. “So, how are you feeling, Mom?”
“Yeah, can I get you a tea or anything to eat?” Boyd offered. “This stuff is great.” He sipped at the cup he bought.
“No, not right now, but thank you. I took my medicine a little while ago and it makes me nauseous if I try to eat or drink too soon after it. Another fun side effect besides this.” She patted her wrap and looked at Blair. “That medicine’s so strong that it knocks my hair out along with the cancer cells. I’m just glad it leaves my teeth alone, so I can still eat when I feel better.”
“Aw, that stinks. Will it grow back?”
“If I stop taking it, but the doctor’s orders say not to do that.”
“Not if we want you to get better,” Patrick agreed softly.

Blair got up and gave her a hug. “It’s okay, Grandma. It doesn’t matter if you have hair or not. We love you no matter what you look like, and the scarf is pretty. I like it.”
“Oh, you’re such a sweetheart.” She held her tight for a moment.

“Blair, why don’t you give Grandma the gift you brought her now?” Boyd suggested.
“Oh, yeah!” Blair handed her grandmother a gift box that Susan had helped her put together. “I hope you like it.”
“I’m sure I will.” She opened it and saw several seashells and a bead and seashell necklace that Blair had picked out from a souvenir shop. “How lovely!” She admired each piece. “Did you find all these shells yourself?”
“Uh-huh!” she replied proudly.
“You must’ve done a lot of beachcombing. I love them. I’m going to put them out on my dresser and show them off. And think of you every time I wear this pretty necklace.” She smiled at her. “Thank you so much. That was very generous of you.”
“I’m glad you like it.”
“I love it.”

After that, Blair got out her tablet and showed her grandparents the various pictures they took on their trip. Boyd and Susan had added their own pictures to it so Blair could show them all off at once. She eagerly told them all about their adventures, from going to the beaches to seeing the pirate ship, the caves with the magical mural that changed on its own, the hot stinky volcano, and the barbecue pit they cooked food in leaves at.

They had a nice visit, but after a couple of hours, Maureen became too tired to hide it anymore. “I’m sorry. I just need to go and nap for a little while.”
“Mom. You don’t need to apologize for that,” Susan assured her.
“Yeah. We don’t want you overdoing it just for us,” Jonathan added. “Go and get all the rest you need.”
“I just… I was sure a couple of hours out here would be fine.”
“Seriously, Mom, it’s okay. This is the city. We’ll find something fun to do until it’s time for the festival.”
“Blair-y Bear could probably kill two hours in that giant toy store downtown alone,” Jonathan suggested.
“I know. I’m just disappointed. I was really looking forward to this.”
“Hey, we’d rather have you be okay. Don’t force yourself to come to the festival if you’re not up to it, either. None of us will be upset if you don’t make it. Seriously. We understand.”
Susan nodded with her brother, understanding but heartbroken knowing how miserable her mother must feel to make that call. “Just take it easy and get your rest. We love you.”

Unfortunately, by the time the Humor and Hijinks festival started, Maureen was still not up to coming out again, so she and Patrick stayed at their apartment while Boyd, Susan, and Blair met up with Jonathan and Maaike at the festival. Susan was disappointed, but more worried than upset. She feared her mother was in far worse shape than she had been letting on, and it hurt to think about losing her. Still, she tried not to let that get to her too much and did her best to enjoy the festival despite it. Neither she nor Boyd, who had also noticed how frail Maureen seemed, wanted to upset Blair when there was nothing they could do to change the situation anyway.
Luckily, Blair had a blast at the toy store that Jonathan suggested they visit, and they spent an hour at the park afterward until the festival started that evening. Maaike and Jonathan arrived shortly before they did, and they met up with them right away. “Wow, Susan, look at you!” Maaike had not seen her in person since she told her she was pregnant, before she was showing. “How are you and the baby doing?”
“Pretty well, thanks.” She smiled. “It’s kicking now, actually.”
“Yup. Go ahead and say hi.” She tapped her tummy, and Maaike leaned over to feel and talk to it.
“Hey there, little one. You excited for some festival fun with Mommy? Maybe some hijinks tea or some of that excellent spicy sausage they have in the booth over there? You should definitely put in an order for at least one of those.”
“Hijinks tea, huh? Is that the prankster side? Is Jonathan bringing you over to the dark side with him?”
She chuckled. “Oh, no. I’m respectfully declining to participate in that madness, on either side. I’m merely observing. I feel like neutral people-watching during this will give me all sorts of inspiration for my writing. As for Jonathan, he’s going light side. He wants to team up with Blair.”
“Great. Let the whoopee cushions and corny jokes begin,” Susan quipped. “I think I’ll take a page from your book and sit this one out with you and just people watch.”

While Susan went to the tiki bar to get herself a neutral club soda, Blair helped herself to the first serving of light tea while Boyd, Maaike, and Jonathan grabbed something to eat. Boyd chose another spicy dish, pho this time, to see if his tolerance for spicy foods improved since the last incident. He was still determined to try that spice festival contest someday. “I think you’ll like it,” Maaike told him. “Very unique flavor, and the way they make it here, definitely spicy enough to test your tolerance.”
“I hope so. That experience on the work trip was rather humbling.”
“You better eat a lot of that stuff if you want to compete in the spice festival,” Jonathan chimed in. “Some of those contestants have iron stomachs.”
“Are you trying it?”
“Nah. Not tonight. I want the other team to feel the burn, not me.” He looked over. “I hear you’re planning to pay me back for the toilet.”
“Blair ratted me out, huh?”
“Hey, she’s on the nice team. She warned me. You should be proud you’ve raised such a kind-hearted daughter.”
you just couldn’t wait to rub it in,” Maaike teased, while Jonathan just grinned, unashamed.
“You know it.”

With her light tea in hand, Blair decided to check out what else was going on while her parents finished eating. She wasn’t hungry yet, since she had a big ice cream sundae at an ice cream shop by the toy store earlier, and she spotted some fireworks being set off. Her parents only insisted that she stay nearby and be careful around strangers, the usual safety rules, and they were not all that far away while she watched the pretty blue fountain crackle and spark.
What neither she nor her parents realized, however, was that someone else was there watching.
Vladislaus Straud had not gone to the festival looking for Susan, since he still considered her off-limits due to her pregnancy. He was in search of new prospective meals after a visit with his fledgling, Miss Hell, or as those who were close to her called her, Missy, who lived in San Myshuno. Since the festival was an evening and nighttime event, and there were often interesting travelers and tourists at such places, he hoped that someone there would have tasty plasma for him to enjoy.
Shortly after he arrived, he noticed a scent reminiscent of Susan’s. He quickly tracked it down, excited that he might have found yet another mortal with her amazing flavor profile. He snarled in frustration when he realized it was her preteen daughter, Blair. She did have similar plasma to her mother, but even though she had grown, she was still far too young to dine upon. Vladislaus cursed fate for being so cruel, putting both her and her pregnant mother, who he spotted nearby getting up from a table with her husband, right in front of him when he could drink from neither.

Unaware of who was lurking nearby, Susan and Boyd discarded their plates and went to check out the swag stand while Maaike kept an eye on Blair and Jonathan took the plunge with his light tea.
“Hold up. You’re leaving me in the dust.” Boyd half-jogged to catch up with Susan after hitting a water fountain to cool his mouth. The pho had not burned as badly as the curry, but it was still a challenge to finish.
“Feeling any better?”
“A little. Guess I’ve still got work to do on my spice tolerance. The restaurants in Brindleton Bay don’t do spicy as hot as they do here in the city.”
When they reached the kiosk, Boyd realized he recognized the man in line in front of them. He never expected to run into Caleb Vatore in San Myshuno, and he wondered if he should say anything or not, especially with Susan there. She was the one who had pointed out they might not want to get themselves on the radar of even more vampires, if indeed he was one and not just Vladislaus’ neighbor.

It was a moot point, however, since Caleb also recognized him. He turned around with a curious smile and addressed Boyd. “Hey. We’ve met before, haven’t we? I’m Caleb Vatore, from Moonlight Falls.” He extended his hand.
Boyd nodded, nervous as he hoped he was not making a grave miscalculation as he shook the man’s hand.
Grave. Really? Did you have to think of it with that word? His thoughts rambled anxiously as he answered. “Oh. Yes. Hi. Boyd Wainwright.”
“The scientist from Brindleton Bay. I was right.” He smirked. “Took me a moment without that interesting hat.”
“Yeah, well, um, that’s not something I wear every day.”

Susan turned around. “Oh, that’s right. You did wear that in public.”
“As you can see, my wife is a fan, too.” Boyd adjusted his glasses and gave her a pointed look. “Susan, this is Caleb Vatore, from Moonlight Falls. Caleb, my wife, Susan.”
Caleb regarded her with a charming smile and handshake. “Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise.” Susan tried to keep the anxiousness out of her voice now that she knew who he was and how they had met. Caleb seemed personable enough, certainly not creepy like Vladislaus, but she could not help but notice that his hand seemed a bit cool for a warm summer evening, especially with him wearing a long coat like that. She supposed it was possible he was a nightclub goth type in the city for a little evening fun like they were, but given where he was from… “Moonlight Falls is a good drive from San Myshuno. I hope you weren’t stuck in that construction traffic on the interstate today like we were.”
“Oh, no. I came last night and stayed over with a friend. Far fewer idiots on the road in the middle of the night.”
“True enough.” She had hoped if he said he was out driving in the summer sun like they were, it would make it less likely that he was a vampire, but unfortunately, his answer had the opposite effect.

While she changed the subject to the merchandise on the swag stand, Boyd felt a tap on the shoulder. He turned and saw a black-haired woman with heavy dark makeup and a goth look to her as well. He hoped it was just his nerves making him paranoid, but his first thought was,
Another vampire?“Hi. I’m Caleb’s sister, Lilith. I’m sorry to interrupt, and I know you don’t know me, but Caleb told me about meeting you, and I think you and your wife—”
It was then that Susan and Caleb turned around, too.
“—ought to look and see who’s lurking around your daughter over there. I don’t think your friend watching her realizes.”

Boyd and Susan both whirled around and gaped in horror when they saw Blair happily telling jokes to Maaike at a nearby table while Vladislaus stood only a few feet behind her. Although he was facing a different way, there was a distinct vibe that he was watching her from a side glance. “Oh, my Watcher!” Boyd gasped. It was like the vampires were crawling out of the cement tonight, and of course Vladislaus
had to be one of them. “What the plum?!”
Meanwhile, Caleb ranted to Lilith. “What is he thinking? He said he wasn’t doing this, that the kid was off-limits!”
Susan did not have the time to process the implications of
that, that apparently Caleb and Lilith Vatore knew more about them than either thought, and that they had discussed something about them with Vladislaus. All she wanted was to get Blair away from him as fast as possible, so she hurried over.

Boyd was right behind her, until what Caleb said to his sister sank in. With Susan already getting Blair, the horrifying realization that not only were the Vatores probably vampires, but they knew who Blair was and had said something to Vladislaus about him and his family, got bumped to the top of his paranoia priority list. He spun around and turned from one to the other with a wild look in his eyes. “What do you mean ‘off-limits’? How do you even know who my daughter is?!”
“It wasn’t hard to figure out. You were just with her before you and your wife came up to the swag booth. When I was looking for Caleb, I saw you come up and start talking to him.”
Caleb met his eyes. “Look, you obviously know who and what Vlad is. I’m sure someone as smart as you also figured out that I am, too. So is she. We’re not concerned about keeping that a secret from you at this point. But we’re not the ones you need to worry about.”
“We’re not exactly fans of Vlad’s,” Lilith added. “I can tell you that whole long story sometime if you’d like, but for right now, a while back we had a discussion with Vlad where your visit to Moonlight Falls came up. We totally understand why he’s got you so upset, and I want to say first off that not all of us are like that.”
“Yeah, he’s one of a kind,” Caleb scoffed.
“And while some of us draw our lines at what’s acceptable a little farther than others, overall, it’s an accepted thing in our community that children and anyone who’s pregnant is to be left alone. Even Vlad. But I wouldn’t put it past him to keep sniffing around Susan or some of you to try and get closer to her for after she has her baby since he does seem a bit fixated on her at the moment.”
“No. Oh no. That’s not going to happen. I won’t let it.” Boyd’s heart pounded with renewed panic.
Come sunrise, I’ll go and ice the llama into next week in whatever musty old coffin he sleeps in! He lurched forward, toward Susan, but Caleb put a hand on his shoulder and stopped him.

“That’s a bad idea. Don’t.”
Boyd’s eyes widened, and Lilith said gently, “Yes, we can read minds somewhat. Especially when you’re flipping out. Whatever you’re planning, it’s not going to end well. Please don’t. He’s very powerful.”
“You and Susan just keep doing what you’ve been doing to protect yourselves and Blair and your baby. We can deal with Vlad if it comes to that.”
“I’m sure you’re skeptical, but we mean it. You can trust us. Just please don’t pick a fight with Vlad. You, Susan, or your friends.”
“Or your cop brother-in-law,” added Caleb. “We won’t let him hurt your family. Seriously.”
“We’ll keep an eye on him for you. This isn’t the first time we’ve stepped in for someone Vlad was out of line with.” Lilith assured him. “When he acts like this, it makes the whole community look bad. Besides, we like having interesting friends outside of it. And for the record, neither Caleb nor I drink without consent. Ever.”
Boyd looked over at Susan, now in conversation with Blair and Maaike by the table.
“Thanks. I—I want to believe you,” he said anxiously. “Regardless, thank you for letting us know he was here.” He turned to Lilith. “It’s nice to meet you. I’d like to be friends. But right now, I’ve got to go to Susan and Blair, and I want to say
something to Vlad out here in the open, even if I can’t freeze his fangs off like he deserves.”
“Reasoning with Vlad in a situation like this is usually a lost cause, but good luck,” said Caleb. “Just be careful. He’s never taken being told ‘no’ well, and he usually takes it as a challenge.”
“Figured that out already, but noted. Thanks.”

Susan reached Blair just as Boyd started demanding answers from the Vatores. Thankfully, Blair was unharmed and unaware, but Susan’s stomach was in knots anyway as she spoke in as calm a voice as she could manage. “Blair, honey, I need you to listen to me. You too, Maaike.”
“I was just telling her some jokes—”
“You’re not in trouble. You remember that creepy weirdo that was bothering me a while back? He’s here at the festival right now staring at you two through the crowd. He’s been watching you. Our acquaintances over there by the booth noticed and told us.”
Maaike’s easygoing expression changed to alarm. “Oh, no! Where?”
Susan gestured to Vladislaus. “The guy in the long black trench coat and sun umbrella.”
Blair looked over and then back at her mother with wide eyes. She had not even noticed him, despite his odd wear. There were a lot of goofily dressed people at the festival, including a man who looked like Father Winter in a tropical outfit. She had assumed it was just part of them being funny. But she had only seen a close-up picture of Vlaislaus’ face from the online profile a while back when her mother first warned her about him. “Mr. Creepy Fangstalker,” she murmured. “Wow. He really does look creepy.”
“Plum, yeah. Pardon my language,” Maaike agreed. Like Blair, she had only seen the close-up face picture of Vladislaus and had not recognized him from far away. “Sorry, Susan. I had no idea. I did notice the weird outfit, but thought it was someone hyping up the whole ‘evil prankster’ image for effect.”
“I didn’t think you did. I just want you to be safe. Especially you,” she said to Blair. “Please go and hug your dad now and tell him you’re okay.” She wondered why Boyd had not come over with her, but since he was talking with the Vatores in what looked like an intense discussion, she imagined it must be something relevant to the Vladislaus situation, and she turned back to Maaike. “By the way, where’d my brother go? I’d really like it if a duly trained law enforcement officer was at the table, if you know what I mean.”
“Sorry. I was going to tell you when you came back. He had to leave. Work called him in. They found a body over at the docks in Evergreen Harbor, and he’s one of the detectives on call. It looked suspicious, so it’s high priority.”
Susan sighed. “Great. We’ve got hijinks all around, apparently. Just not very humorous ones.”

When Boyd saw Blair heading his way, he came to greet her with Lilith and Caleb behind him. The Vatores sat at a nearby table while Boyd accepted her hug. “Mom said you were worried about me because of Mr. Creepy Fangstalker.”
He could not help but smile, both with relief and how adorable it was hearing her sweet and innocent voice using Jonathan’s snarky nickname for Vladislaus. “A little. I’m glad you’re all right.”
Caleb and Lilith were also amused by the moniker. “Sounds like good old Vlad made an impression on you, too,” Lilith greeted her with a friendly smile. “My name’s Lilith.”
“And I’m Caleb,” he volunteered in an equally warm tone.
“They know him from their town. They were telling me about him. They’re not like him, though. They’re pretty cool.”
“Hi. I’m Blair.” She smiled at them, but due to her natural introversion, stayed near Boyd and Susan, as she joined them.
“And I’m Susan,” she introduced herself to Lilith. “We didn’t get a chance to properly meet, but thank you for telling us he was there. I’m sure Boyd told you he’s… been a problem.”
“No problem. We know how he is. I’m sorry he’s been bothering you. You seem like a very nice family. It’s nice to meet you.”

After relocating away from Vladislaus, who seemingly vanished into the crowd after the Vatores showed up, the Wainwrights did their best to enjoy the rest of the Humor and Hijinks festival. They introduced Maaike to Caleb and Lilith, and the group of them spent some time talking about the festival and fun things related to it while avoiding the unpleasant subject of Vladislaus except tangentially. Although they wanted to hear more later, they did not want his creepy shadow falling over the rest of the festival, so to speak, so Boyd and Susan agreed to meet with Caleb and Lilith another time for that discussion. They found the Vatores to be pleasant company, even knowing what they were, and neither got any bad vibes from them. While they were not ready to blindly trust any vampire, it was a relief to feel hope that nice ones were out there, and that they did not like Vladislaus, either.
Although it was a bit of a late start and he had missed his chance to pay Jonathan back for the exploding toilet, Boyd decided to join the pranksters side anyway. He was hardly in a light side mood knowing Vladislaus was creeping around, and he figured some “Sith nectar,” as he dubbed it, might inspire him on how they might deal with him better than the “Jedi juice” would.
Blair was back to her cheerful self in no time and told several silly jokes while they tried more festival food. She was so giddy, in fact, that she could not help but laugh when poor Susan finally tried some of the grilled spicy sausages only to find out they were too spicy for her. It felt like flames were coming out of her nose and mouth. “You said it was ‘a little hot,’ Maaike! Not the fires of Mordor!”

Later, they gathered around to watch the festival fireworks. But during one round, not long after Caleb and Lilith wandered off to check out something in one of the booths, a familiar face popped up nearby again. It was not that Vladislaus was
afraid of his disappointment daughter and grand-disappointment son. Such a thought was laughable. No, he simply was not in the mood to hear more of their blathering goody-goody boo-hoo feeding on mortals is bad drivel. Besides, that fashionably dressed Lobo fellow he dined on after luring him off the trodden path had been quite delicious for a hot summer evening in the city. That light tea added a lovely floral undertone to his robust plasma, and it was clear he enjoyed a steady diet of gourmet mortal fare. One of taste usually tasted good, was Vladislaus’ rule. He was not Susan Wainwright, but he was the next best thing with her unavailable, and even better, the Vatores were too preoccupied with her and her family to stop him from enjoying him. Now that Vladislaus had eaten, however, there was no reason not to go see how Susan and her family were doing…
The Wainwrights did not notice Vladislaus right away. They were bedazzled by the fireworks, and their eyes were on the sky more than the crowd. But during one of the intense bursts of light, one that illuminated the throb of Susan’s pulse in her neck to his keen eyesight, Vladislaus could not help but lick his fangs at the thought of tasting it once more.
It was then that Susan felt a chill run up her spine. She looked down from the sky and glanced around the crowd until she locked eyes with him just for a moment, and he grinned with delight. Horrified, she looked away. “Boyd! He’s back.” She said it loudly enough to make sure Boyd, Blair, and Maaike all heard.
“Plum!” Boyd looked wildly to see where he was, and if Caleb or Lilith were around, while Maaike hurried over to offer support.

But Vladislaus had already woven through the crowd at vampiric speed to reach Susan’s side. “Susan. A pleasure to see you again, and looking so robust and healthy, too.”
“I have nothing to say to you. Leave me alone,” she seethed icily, and looked down at Blair, whose hand she squeezed tightly in reassurance. Blair went silent, frightened, while Maaike put her hands on her shoulders and Boyd stepped in front of his daughter as a shield.
Vladislaus ignored them and focused intently on Susan, or more specifically, her turned neck. “Now, there’s no need to be that way. I merely came to offer my congratulations on the impending addition to your family. Though it is good to see you again up close and personal like this.”

Before he could get another word out, Boyd erupted, shaking with emotion. “Get the hell away from her, from all of us! Right now. This your last warning!”
Vladislaus was not intimidated, but he was somewhat taken aback by his outburst off the bat. “My. I’d have expected an educated and logical man of science like you would at least introduce himself before threatening me in the middle of a public festival.” He sniffed. “Perhaps that mischief potion reacts more potently with all that caffeine you drink.”
Boyd glowered back sarcastically. “Hello, Vlad. Boyd Wainwright. Susan’s husband. Not nice to meet you. Now, get away from my wife and daughter and Maaike and leave them alone like they asked.”
He chortled. “That’s a bit more like it.”
“I don’t know what you think you’re going to accomplish here, and you’ve got a lot of nerve after what you did to me,” Susan added frostily. “I’ll be [darn]ed if I let you get near my daughter or my baby or—”
“Amusing choice of words, considering that some call the dark gift I can give being [darn]ed. Don’t tempt me too much, now,” he replied with a leer. “We’re not supposed to bite those in your condition, and your husband there might get the wrong idea.” *
“Oh, I’m sure I have exactly the right idea about you,” snapped Boyd. “Now get lost.”
“Or what? You’ll sic the Vatores on me?” He snorted derisively. “Terrifying thought. Truly.” He rolled his eyes. “The only thing I dread from them is having to endure another one of their long whiny diatribes. Did they happen to mention who made them? Where they came from? No? I didn’t think so. Regardless, befriend them or not, I don’t care. Perhaps you should. Maybe seeing what I can offer from their perspective might bring one of you around.” He glanced at Susan and then Boyd. “Even you. Believe it or not, I don’t see you as a rival. I don’t want your dear Susan as a lover. A meal, a companion, a protégé, certainly, but far be it from me to come between your mortal affections. Perhaps if we talked through all this unpleasantness, we could all be friends.” He looked at Maaike. “You as well. A pleasure to meet you.”
Before Maaike could answer, Susan grabbed Blair’s hands. “Come on. We’re done here. We’re going home.” She gave Vladislaus a hard look. “For the last time, we are not and never will be ‘friends,’ especially not after you assaulted and stalked me! Now, leave me alone, and leave my family and friends alone, or you’ll find out the hard way just what Boyd and I can come up with
together to make you regret it.”

They turned to leave, but before they got too far, Vladislaus apparated in a mist behind Susan, Boyd, and Blair for a last word. “Have a good evening and… see you soon.”
*The board's filter censors the harsher version of "darn," and this is the first time I haven't been able to find a better censor dialogue workaround for a specific banned word! Sorry about how silly that reads!