Somehow my sims have escaped Mr. Vlad so far, hopefully the wainwright’s start having the same luck!
Although selfishly I’m hoping for a vampire wainwright..
This is my first time playing with the Vampires pack installed and the vampire attacks caught me by surprise as I hadn't read too much about it before I got it. When it happened while I was playing I actually exclaimed some forbidden words when I realized I couldn't control her
or get Boyd out of bed to try and zap him, but it was still one of those random funny events I end up liking after the fact in Sims games. Then my husband pointed out that Vlad's name looked a lot like a D&D reference which made it even more amusing considering the Wainwrights' geekiness. It wasn't fun dealing with Susan's needs being tanked so bad by it afterward, but I had fun writing it up as it was one of those surprise events I had to roll with.
As for a vampire Wainwright, I don't think Susan appreciates you hoping for that.

Chapter 7

It was around dawn when Susan regained consciousness, and she shouted for Boyd as she got to her feet and felt the wound on her neck. It was sore and ached deep down into the tissue. Feeling it there confirmed the horrific truth that it had not all just been a terrible nightmare. It was real. Vladislaus
had been there, and he was actually a vampire. He broke into their home in the middle of the night, bit and drank from her, nearly murdered her, and not a single thing they had done from locking their doors to Boyd bringing home a freeze ray had even slowed him down, let alone stopped him.
She felt sick.
Blair! Oh, Watcher! Susan ran to her daughter’s room, but thankfully, little Blair was fast asleep. She was all right and none the wiser that anything awful had happened.
Susan started to head back to check on Boyd when he came out of the bedroom. “Susan? I thought I heard you shout. Are you okay?” He blinked, clearing the morning fog from his head. “I was out cold, like someone slipped a Valium into my nectar. Took me a second to realize I wasn’t dreaming and get up.”
“Oh, I’m so glad you’re all right.” She hugged him tightly, trying not to cry now that the immediate emergency was over.

“Honey, what’s wrong? What happened?”
“I—he,” the words caught in her throat, and she took a deep breath to steady herself before blurting them out. “Vladislaus broke in last night and bit me. And I couldn’t stop him or wake you up. It felt like he was sucking me dry, and I was sure he was going to kill me, and probably you and Blair, too!”
“Holy plum!” Boyd was horrified. “I slept through that?! My Watcher, Susan, are you all right?”
Susan pulled her hair aside to show him her neck, teary and upset. “It hurts like hell, and I haven’t seen it in a mirror yet, but I imagine it’s pretty ugly.”
Looking at the wound, Boyd saw two distinct deep and sizable puncture wounds that resembled a fanged animal bite. His stomach churned as the realization truly sunk in that Susan had been attacked while he was right there, and he had no idea it was even happening. He took a deep breath and forced himself to focus so he could help her. “Looks kind of deep. At least an inch or so. Not too red. Hopefully it won’t get infected. We need to try and clean it, though. Maybe get you to urgent care.”

“And tell them what? That a vampire bit me?” she retorted on a sharp and distressed note. “I don’t think so. Not everyone even believes vampires are real, and even if they do at the hospital, the odds that they’ve got someone who’s experienced at treating them around here in sunny Brindleton Bay where there are no gothic hangouts or night clubs? I doubt it.”
“There are lots of animals around here, though. You could say you don’t know what bit you, or that you think some animal got in through an open window or something. Besides, you don’t know how much plasma he took out of you. You might need fluids.”
She took a steadying breath and rubbed it. “I think I’ll be okay. If I’m still able to walk around and talk to you, he couldn’t have taken much more plasma than a hefty donation to a plasma bank. I’ll drink some sports drinks and take some anti-inflammatories and keep an eye the bite for infection. If it gets worse, maybe I’ll go then.”

That was the tipping point for what control Boyd had over his anxiety, and every terrifying possibility and implication of what had just happened flooded his mind at once as he spun around, hyper-ventilating. His eyes landed on Blair’s door, and he felt awful that he was so hyper-focused on Susan that he had only now remembered her. “Oh, my Watcher! What about Blair? Is she all right? Did he hurt her?”
“No. She’s fine. Sleeping like a baby.” Her face rumpled as she choked back tears again. “Kind of like you were.”
“I’m sorry,” he cried. “That undead llama must’ve used his powers on me! Her, too, I bet! To keep us from waking up and trying to help you or stop him. Screw him! I hate him!”
“He must’ve, because I can’t explain any other way in hell you could’ve slept through all that, or how he made me get out of bed and go to him despite how I was trying and thinking the whole time that I didn’t want to!” She sobbed. “It was awful. It was like he was completely controlling me, and I couldn’t stop him.”
“So, I guess that whole thing about having to invite the bloodsuckers in or they can’t enter your house is a llama load. You didn’t even so much as accept his message request online!”
“No! And I sure as hell made it clear I didn’t want him here when he showed up outside!”
“We’ve got to do something about him, Susan. We can’t let him do this to you again. Next time he might kill you!”

She wiped the tears from her eyes. “Or you, or,” she couldn’t even bring herself to finish the sentence with Blair’s name. She touched the wound on her neck again. “You don’t think he’s made it so I’ll turn into one, do you? I think I remember him saying something like he wouldn’t turn me this time, but my memories are so hazy.”
“I’ll have to double check the research at the lab, but I’m pretty sure that involves a ceremony or ritual of some sort. You should be okay as far as that goes if he said that. I hope.” He paused. “But he said ‘this time?’ That has me worried.” Boyd paced back and forth. “He’s definitely planning to come back if he said that, and it sounds like he’s at least thinking about turning you at some point. Maybe he’s hoping he can convince you to be more willing or plans to wear your will against it down.”
“He doesn’t know me as well as he thinks if he thinks breaking into my home and assaulting me is going to endear him to me,” she spat out resentfully. “One thing he did say—like all these egomaniacs do when they think they’re so invincible—was that it would take a lot of garlic to keep him away. Like he was bragging that I shouldn’t even try.”
“So, we get some garlic. Maybe plant it right by both doors.”
“Plant it? I’m thinking I’ll choke down entire cloves of the stuff raw. You like my plasma so much, llama? I’ll make it garlic-flavored, just for you.”

“We can’t just rely on garlic, Susan. He’s crossed a line and made it clear he’s going to keep pushing it. We have to
stop him.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I’ve got that freeze ray. I know where he lives, and I’m pretty sure I can get there well before sunset and send him a cold and clear message if I call off work.”
She could tell that he was serious and not just ranting out of his plumbob, and that frightened her enough to temporarily quell her own emotional turmoil from what Vladislaus had done to her. Boyd was not a violent or short-tempered man by nature, but his anxiety made him paranoid at times, and it was clear that this had rattled him to his very core. “Boyd, no!”
“Do you have another idea? All my data says that freeze ray will lock him right in place until a good thaw, and if that old mansion has a thermostat, I’ll turn off the heat before I go, too. He can spend his time on ice thinking about finding someone else to suck on unless he wants another blast!”
“Until he thaws and comes back for revenge! You think a psychopath like him is going to let that kind of insult go? And what if you go there and something goes wrong? What if he kills you? No, Boyd. Don’t go poking the vampire with your freeze ray! That’s just stupid!”
“Well, I’m not going to do nothing and give him another chance to hurt you!”
“We can figure something else out! Besides, you promised you wouldn’t use that thing that way.”
“Unless he came after you or Blair.”

“If he was actively breaking into the house! Not you chasing him down to ice him after the fact. Please! Stop and think.” Susan was frustrated. While she knew he was having a knee-jerk emotional reaction, and she certainly understood where he was coming from—after all, she was the one who was bitten!—she also knew that engaging a powerful vampire like Vladislaus was a dangerously terrible idea, armed with a freezing weapon or not. “There’s got to be something else we can do. What if it didn’t work or he got the jump on you? Or what if he just calls the cops on you before you can zap him? He’s not just a vampire. He’s rich and influential in that town, and he has mind control powers that he can not only use on you, but anyone else. Even without them under his spell, I’m sure at least a few over there would be inclined to side with him over some scientist from Brindleton Bay busting into his house and threatening him with an experimental weapon while accusing him of attacking his wife with no evidence on hand. Unless you’re expecting
me to tag along on this.”
“My Watcher, no! Of course not! You shouldn’t go anywhere near that llama after what he did to you!”
“That’s my point. I’m not planning to, and neither should you. What we should do is safeguard ourselves and Blair against his return visit.”
Boyd was not convinced. “That’s a lot of garlic, Susan. Isn’t that what he told you?”

“There’s got to be something other than that.” She glanced at the clock. “Look, I’ll call my boss and tell them I’m working from home another day. There’s more than enough I can do here without anything falling behind. Then we’re going to get dressed, get Blair up, take her to day care, and stop by the Sunny Side Up diner to grab breakfast. There we can take some time to discuss our options a little more
calmly before you have to go to work.”
Although Boyd was not yet convinced to give up on his plan to go ice Vladislaus, he did not argue, so Susan knew he was at least considering what she was saying. She pressed on.
“Maybe you can squeeze in more research or get some inspiration there today. The science setting does often inspire you to think outside the box. I’ll do the same while I’m working. It’s daytime. It’s not like he’s going to come back before nightfall, and he might not even come tonight. When he left, he said something like I’d need rest and nourishment. If he took enough out of me to make me pass out, then he knows I can’t recover enough in half a day to give him another feast like that without dying.”

“All right. You probably should eat something more substantial than yogurt or leftover pizza.” He hugged her tightly as he thought about how close he came to losing her last night. “It’s just that I love you and I don’t want that llama to hurt you ever again.”
“I know. I don’t want it, either. Believe me,” she replied with a sniffle. “I love you, too, and we’ll figure out a way to stop him somehow.”

After they were dressed, Blair was safely at day care, and they were seated at and placed their order at the diner, they brought the unpleasant subject of Vladislaus back to the table again. “All right. So, let’s imagine the worst. Mr. Fanged Nightmare comes back tonight looking to get you again. How do we stop him before he gets in and can knock me out and put you under mind control again? Assuming we underestimate how much garlic we need to ward him off?”

“Well, for starters, I wasn’t being entirely facetious when I said I’d eat some garlic earlier. I’m going to get some from the grocery store, and I’ll save a few bulbs I can eat the cloves out of raw around sunset. If it can give us garlic breath, it’s a good bet that it somehow flavors our plasma when we metabolize it, too. That
should make me unpleasant, maybe even poisonous, for him to snack on. Maybe it’ll discourage him for good if he realizes I’m going to keep it up until he gives up and moves on. Assuming you can deal with my garlic breath,” she finished on a wry note.
“I wouldn’t care if you had to bathe in garlic oil to keep him away if it worked.”
She made a face. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to
that, but good to know. So that’s one plan. But let’s say we have to do more. He’s tolerant enough to it or has something that neutralizes it. There are other things that vampires don’t like. Holy water. Blessed and religious artifacts.”

The server came by and delivered their food, and they resumed their conversation as they ate. “Heh. Too bad the last time either of us set foot in a church was on our wedding day. I’m sure it’d be fun to explain to a Jacoban priest I don’t even know why I need to take some of his holy water.”
Although both Boyd and Susan exclaimed to the Watcher with some frequency, it was more of a linguistic habit than any sort of deep-rooted faith. Neither were religious. Boyd had been raised sort-of Jacoban since his parents had also been raised in that old traditional faith, but even they were not all that active in it. He had been baptized as such as a baby and married Susan in a Jacoban chapel since his mother thought it was traditional and proper, but Myra and Stuart only attended religious services for things like weddings, funerals, and the occasional holiday themselves. Boyd had not attended a service other than his wedding since his teen years, however. He considered himself semi-agnostic in that he believed that there was some higher power out there, and his anxious habits had been shaped a bit in his formative years sitting through fire and brimstone sermons about the Watcher punishing bad behavior, but he did not believe all the dogma and could not reconcile the contradictions in so many varied religions in the world to believe that the ancient Jacoban faith was the one true path.
Susan and her family, on the other hand, came from a Peteran background, but none actively practiced and neither she nor her brother had ever formally been a member of any church. That was one of the reasons it had been simpler to get married in a Jacoban church, since it mattered to Stuart and especially Myra far more than it did to Patrick or Maureen. Spiritually, Susan considered herself agnostic, although she leaned a tad more toward believing in, or at least hoping there was, some kind of benevolent higher power when something terrible happened, such as last night.
“True. If I remember the lore right, you also have to have unshakable faith in the warding power of religious artifacts, and I’d assume that includes holy water.” She looked down, wincing as her neck throbbed. “I could reasonably say I’d hope that it would work, but I don’t know if I can quell my natural skepticism until I see for certain that it does. I’m just not wired that way.” She picked up her everything bagel, which she was pleased to see had a good bit of garlic on it. “Which puts unshakable faith right out of the equation on that.”

“Same,” Boyd agreed. “At best, my old childhood Jacoban insecurity would kick in and leave me hoping and wondering if the Watcher found me worthy of saving, or if what was happening was my due punishment for sins I hadn’t properly atoned for—like not going to church for years, for starters.”
“Okay, so the religion angle is out, and our debate about the freeze ray aside, we know it didn’t work last night because he knocked you out before you could use it. We need something that will keep him from getting in or close enough to thrall one or both of us in the first place. Hopefully there are some other anti-vampire wards or talismans or something besides garlic or faith-required-to-activate items.”
“But what do we do if there aren’t? Or what there is only works on vampires weaker than ones as powerful as Vladislaus?”

Susan finished her bagel and shared an idea she had been hesitant to even bring up at all. “It feels like a nuclear option, since it’d no longer be between us and I’m sure dealing with him will be a real joy, but I could call Jonathan and explain the situation to him. Being that he’s a cop, he might have advice about deterring a stalker that we haven’t thought of. Maybe they even have a vampire protocol. Someone in law enforcement
has to have come up against one at some point.” She sighed. “I know he’ll probably make a bunch of stupid jokes about vampires the whole time, but I know he’d try to help while annoying the crap out of both of us.”
“Oh, I’m sure he would. On both counts. But it might be worth asking despite the potential for eye-rolling commentary. He’s good at what he does.”

“Yeah, he is. And who knows? Maybe he
has worked weird cases that have something like this before and he’s just never mentioned it.”
“Anything’s possible.”
“Then I’ll give him a call and see if he can meet up to talk. Do you think you might be able to get in any vampire research at the lab today?”
“I’ll squeeze it in during lunch if nothing else. I can poke around the occult life state study case files and see if there’s anything there on vampires that might be useful.” He glanced at the time. “Speaking of which, I should probably get going if I don’t want to be late. Sorry to have to run before the bill comes.”
“It’s all right. It’s all coming out of the same bank account anyway. I’ll see you tonight.”

He gave her a goodbye smooch before leaving. “Be careful and take it easy today. If you start feeling sick or anything—”
“I will,” she assured him. “You promise not to do anything rash, like leave early to zap a certain creepy vampire with a freeze ray because you think I won’t notice because you’re supposed to be at work?”
“I promise not to go off in search of Vladislaus to ice him.”
“Or confront him in any way whatsoever?” Susan clarified with a raised eyebrow.
“I won’t chase him down, attack, or engage him in any way without discussing it with you first. I promise.”
“Good. I love you. Now go before you do run late.” She patted his arm affectionately.
He smiled back at her. “Yes, dear.”
After Boyd left for the lab, Susan paid for their breakfast and called Jonathan. Her brother had just come off a long overnight shift and told her to come over now to talk if she wanted, since he was off until tomorrow anyway and would probably sleep all afternoon. That was fine with her since that would leave her afternoon free to work on her work from home assignments. She headed over to his apartment in Evergreen Harbor.

“So, what brings my favorite little sister over for a surprise visit?” He invited her in and gestured for her to sit down on the couch to chat.
“I’m your only sibling and I’m not sure four whole minutes qualifies me as your little sister,” Susan remarked dryly.
“Well, you’re also shorter and you weigh less than me, too, if you want to get all technical about it, Miss Engineer. But okay. What’s up?”
“What’s your experience with stalkers?”
He eyed her with a mixture of curiosity and concern. “Why? You got some weirdo creeping on you?”
“You could say that.”
Jonathan raised an eyebrow. “And you’re coming to me? I take it that it’s gotten beyond something you and Boyd can handle on your own? Past just the typical block the llama and ignore them stuff?”
“Way past. After I ignored and blocked him, he still showed up at the house in the middle of the night, and after I told him on no uncertain terms to buzz off, he came back last night and—”

“Okay, Susan. Level with me,” he cut her off. “Are or were you involved with this guy?”
“Involved?!” Her voice rose on an angry and indignant note. “No! Of course not! Why would you even ask?”
“Whoa, okay. I asked because a lot of times situations like this are because the perp thinks they’ve been somehow wronged or entitled after whoever they’re with dumps them. Especially if the object of their affections goes back to their competition.”
“I wouldn’t cheat on Boyd,” she informed him haughtily.
“And I didn’t say I thought you did. I asked if you were involved, not necessarily if you were banging him, though that’s usually what types like this want. Sometimes they take any kind of friendship or emotional connection with someone they’re after to mean they’re already in a relationship or soon going to be. Anyway, I just wanted all the facts so we can figure out how to handle it. Even if you were sleeping with the guy, I wasn’t going to go run to Boyd and tell him you were stepping out on him. That’d be your mess to clean up, not mine.”
“Look, this llama Vladislaus just started cold messaging me out of nowhere making creepy comments, and even though I never even answered him, he still showed up at my house to try to ‘get to know me’ in the middle of the night! Then, when I told him I was happily married and to get lost, he came back last night and broke in and bit me! Because he’s a vampire, too!”

“Wait. He’s a what?”
“A vampire,” Susan repeated, frustrated. “And don’t you dare laugh! I’m serious. He did this to me last night after he broke in.” She turned and moved her hair so he could see her neck. “He attacked me. Even though my door was locked, and even though Boyd was right there sleeping next to me and planning to zap the jerk with a freeze ray if he
did show his ugly face again.”
Jonathan drew a sharp breath. “Okay. I’m not even going to ask about the freeze ray, or why you apparently thought it was a smart idea to
talk to this guy the first time he showed up rather than just calling the cops, but how in the hell did Boyd
sleep through someone breaking in and biting you?! You’re telling me that neither of you that always has a smartphone glued to you managed to hit the emergency button?! What the plum, Susan! You’re lucky this nutjob didn’t kill you, or Blair! Please tell me you reported this to someone other than me.”
“I… no. No one other than Boyd knows. He didn’t bother Blair. She slept through it all, just like Boyd. We think he used his powers on them to keep them asleep, like he did on me to control me enough to let him do what he did to me. Vladislaus really is a vampire, Jonathan. I know it sounds crazy, and I was skeptical, too. I’d convinced myself that he was just play-acting at being one until last night. But he’s not. I seriously thought I was going to die when he was biting me.” She tried to hold back tears. “And frankly, if my own brother is having trouble believing it, that ought to explain well enough why I didn’t call the cops back home.”

“I believe you,” he assured her. “It’s too wacky a story for you to make up. You’re a lot of things, but a delusional attention-seeker isn’t one of them. And I’ve seen my share of those on the job.”
“Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence.”
“Leave it to my dorky sister to attract an undead goth loser who can’t take no for an answer.”
“Ugh. He really is, too. Wait until you see his profile picture.”
“Yeah, send all that to me so I can run background checks on him. I can probably get stuff you and your nerdy husband can’t dig up with all your,” he smirked knowingly, “illicit computer habits. Though seriously, please don’t ever do something so dumb again as to talk to llamas like this if they come creeping around. They take it as encouragement.”
“I thought I could put to rest any misunderstandings or misconceptions he had from the ghosting. In case he’d deluded himself into thinking it was an accident.”
“The only thing deluded, dear sister, was you thinking he was ever going to back off nicely. Predators like that never do. You’re lucky he didn’t do worse. To you, Blair, or Boyd.” He looked at her neck. “Ouch. That looks nasty. I hope he had his shots.”
“I don’t think vampires carry rabies.”
“Good. Then I won’t have to worry about putting you down if you start foaming at the mouth, old girl!”

“Hardy har. If I’m an old girl, what does that make you, self-proclaimed older brother?”
“Older and wiser. Wise enough to know not to strut my sexy stuff in front of vampires that can’t get a date with their ‘supernatural powers,’” he finished in a bad imitation of a classic vampire accent.
“More like a wise llama, but okay.” Despite the ribbing, the banter and more importantly, him understanding, had lightened her mood somewhat. “But you will help?”
“Of course. I’m no expert on vampires, though. I even wasn’t sure they were more than an urban legend until now. I’ve never met one, and most of what I’ve heard about them was from sources that were, we’ll say, kind of questionable. Like six juices at the night club at 2 AM and this girl who was in bat makeup bit me with glitter fangs before stealing my wallet kind of questionable. But if one’s after you, then line me up to help kick his plumbob back to his coffin or a jail cell. I don’t want anything to happen to you, Blair, or Boyd.” He paused. “Speaking of which, should I ask about the freeze ray? Because I’m both really curious and not sure I want to know.”
“It’s a prototype that Boyd borrowed from the lab. I already told him not to use it and that it’s assault if he uses it on anyone, even a vampire that attacked me.”
“At least without a believable defense of self-defense.” He eyed her curiously. “Does it really work?”
“He said it did at the lab on the volunteer test subjects. Supposedly they even successfully froze a mermaid on staff there with it. He hasn’t had a chance to demonstrate it to me yet, though. All of this kind of happened fast. We were out at Geek Con all day before the first time Vladislaus showed up, and—”

Jonathan could not help but laugh. “Because of
course you and Boyd were at Geek Con! Maybe that’s where your vampire first saw you and decided he wanted you for his undead bride.”
“No, he started messaging me before that, and Geek Con is fun, for your information,” Susan replied testily. “Not that I’d expect you to get it. It’s probably a little highbrow for you.”
“Ooh, Miss Intellectual Snob thinks people dressed up as Llama Man and Darth Vader competing at video games is highbrow. Got it.”
“Can we please get back to the subject of you helping me get rid of my stalker? You said you’d do background checks. Is there anything else you think we should do to keep him out of my house, since apparently locks don’t work?”
“Call Buffy? But seriously, maybe you could try some security cameras or an alarm system that triggers emergency services when a door gets opened without putting in a code first. But I know those things are pricey and take time to get installed. If you’re up to getting a pet, a big old guard dog might pick up on someone like that lurking around before he gets in. Blair might like having one to play with, too.” He yawned. “Sorry. I was up all night, but I’ll make a couple of calls before I get some sleep and call you this evening. I’ll do whatever I can to help you take of this creep so he doesn’t bother you or Boyd or Blair again. I’m glad you’re okay.” He paused. “Hey, that bite won’t change you or anything, will it? Like I said, I’m no vampire expert, but isn’t that how they turn you into one of them?”
“Not just from one bite like this, no. Not as far as I know.”
“Good. Because I’d hate to see you become a vampire. That would really—”
That time she cut him off and held her hand up. “If you say ‘suck,’ so help me…”
“Well, at least he didn’t kill what little sense of humor you have,” he quipped as he hugged her, yawning again. “Ugh. I’m on almost 24 hours up now and I’ve really got to get some sleep. You be careful, okay? I’ll call you later.”
“I will. Oh, and please don’t tell Mom and Dad anything about this yet. I don’t want them to worry.”
“No problem. You keep an extra eye on Blair and Boyd, too, and if you see anything off, and I mean anything at all, don’t wait. Call the cops.”