Author Topic: Yumeno Big Dreams 8.33b: Clumping to the Finish Line [Completed 5 March 2022]  (Read 36878 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 8.31b: Jungle Boogie
« Reply #210 on: March 03, 2022, 11:25:52 AM »
8.31b: Jungle Boogie

Week 31, Thursday (3rd week of winter)
Otavio: You're probably familiar with all of us by now, aren't you?
The only change since the last family shot is that Yae's a young adult now.

As soon as we notice Yae's maxed her job performance, the rest of us head to Selvadorada.
At the very second gate, I'm attacked by bats.  Finally!

Immediately, I assemble a Balampalsoh Death relic with a refined rare crystal.
Why can't I activate it on myself?
Oh, I see. I have to wait until my Blessing of the Ancients wears off.  Okay.

Remember what I said last time about not wanting Omiscan Treasures?  I was so wrong!
One of Jungle Explorer's tasks is to "Find 5 Rare Omsican Treasures."
I could always go to that island where Yae caught her Armored Catfish, can't I?
Yae fished up two Omiscan Treasures there.

Once my Blessing of the Ancient expires, I activate my Balampalsoh Death Relic.
What suspense!

I look rather fetching as a skeleton. Wouldn't you agree?
And, wow, four whole days as a skeleton!? I guess that takes care of my skeleton requirement!
But enough of this nonsense.  I'm off to the Temple.

Just another Temple run.
I like how my skeletal body is color-coordinated with the traps.

Oh, this is a new-to-Otavio trap!
I'm Very Focused now, so I hope eating this Gutsberry will make me Confident!

My backup plan is to ask Grandpa Yuki for a self-esteem wellness social.
The Gutsberry, however, does the trick!

I need to do two more Temple runs, but I'll spare you the deets.
Yae is complaining that she feels left out.
Oh please! How many screenshots do we need of Yae standing there, fishing?!

The postal service delivers all the Artifacts I sent for authentication last night.
My package includes several duplicate artifacts as well as counterfeits.
Still, my collection is half complete now.

Cloud: What's that mystical relic do? I don't want to be a skeleton like you!
Otavio: Don't worry, Papa. I think this one only bestows a Mystical Blessing of $500.

Otavio: Why am I bothering to authenticate what the Artifacts Association sends me?
This isn't the fastest way to complete my Artifacts collection!
I should be excavating dig sites, then sending away for authentication whatever I dig up.
Plus, I need to go to the Temple twice more anyway.

Who's coming with me to Selvadorada today?

Good morning, Mme. Watson! Do you mind if I do some authenticating in your front yard?
My sister, Yae, needs to catch a Wolf Eel at the pond nearby, so…

Never mind. She's caught one.  We're outta here, thank you.
Onward to Selvadorada!

Well, gosh darn it! My Blessing of Bones wears off after only 48 hours!
Why did I get that message saying it would last for four days?

This is my third (and last) Temple run.
Last night, I got poisoned by a scorpion and had to seek an antidote.
Today, however, everything is proceeding smoothly so far.

Opening the rare Omiscan treasure chest at the bottom of the temple nets me an Omiscan treasure.
I've completed the Jungle Explorer aspiration!
Will I be able to complete my Artifacts collection without returning to Selvadorada?
I seriously doubt it!

Otavio: I should have sent away my unauthenticated artifacts last night!
When I finally remember this morning, it's too late for today's postal delivery.
Checking the collection tab, though, I see my collection has grown to 13 artifacts.
Naturally, I'm only counting those I discovered myself (if only I could count Yae's Amazonite Skull!).

Yae: Grandpa Yuki, thanks for making this Curry for Otavio and me! It's scrumptious!
Yuki: I'm happy to help, Yae! I'm a Chopstick Savvy Spice Hound already, you know.

Yae: Now that Otavio's a Jungle Explorer, shall we all enjoy some Beach Life?
Let's grab some beach towels and head over to Sulani!

PROGRESS: End of Week 31, Year 2
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Blessing of Bones: I was so excited by that message saying Otavio would be a skeleton for 4 days.
  How disappointing that the effect wore off after 48 hours.
  Also, Otavio bought an antidote over the computer to cure his poisoning by scorpion.
  According to Carl's guide, Otavio should've been granted the Blessing of Bones after being cured.
  That did not happen, however, to Otavio.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 8.32: Payback's a Beach (2nd update for 3 Mar)
« Reply #211 on: March 03, 2022, 08:34:42 PM »

I don't usually post multiple updates in one day nor post updates in consecutive days.
But I'm so close to completing this dynasty challenge at the moment, that I can't seem to stop playing.
And my personality does not allow my updates to lag behind my gameply.
Sorry for the flood of recent updates....

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Offline oshizu

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Yumeno Big Dreams 8.32: Payback's a Beach (2nd update for 3 Mar)
« Reply #212 on: March 03, 2022, 08:47:51 PM »
7.32: Payback's a Beach

Week 32, Sundayh (Last week of Year 2)
Yae: Well, finally, I'm no longer in the background of Otavio's jungle pics!
It takes Otavio and I awhile to become Spice Hounds and even more time for the whole family to choose beach towels.
Here we are, finally, at Ohan'ali Town. 
L to R: Me, Grandpa Yuki, Papa Cloud, Great-Grandpa Taye, and my brother Otavio,

It's past 4 pm when we arrive, so we quickly get out our beach towels.
We're all sunbathing except Great-Grandpa Taye (because he's a vampire).
I hope there's enough daylight left for me to get a tan!

Otavio: You're probably thinking: "Why isn't Otavio authenticating artifacts or learning Wellness?"
But you know what?
After all my running around in the jungle lately, it feels pretty nice just to lay here for a change.

Yae: Newly tanned, we stroll to The Sand Bar where we add some counters for a Kava Party.
Otavio and I are the hosts, but Grandpa Yuki offers to handle the preparation of Kava.

Otavio: We are struggling to successfully make a Kava Toast.
Aarrgggh! So many of us holding a drink, but nobody can make a toast.
It looks like we won't earn a gold medal for this party.
Yuki (pink tee-shirt): I'll go prepare more Kava.

Yae: Grandpa Yuki never gives up.
He keeps both Kava Bowls filled so Otavia and I can continuously call guests to grab a drink.
Then, at the very last minutes, Grandpa Yuki pulls off a toast and earns us a gold medal!

Look how close our party came to running out of time!
Grandpa Yuki's my hero!

For some reason we don't understand, Otavio and I both max Charisma when the party ends.
Not complaining!

Otavio: I notice I'm no longer blessed, so I activate my Balampalsoh Death relic.
Looks like I'll be done with my skeleton requirement on Tuesday night.

Grandpa Yuki offers me a private yoga class.
I'm still a bit dazed from last night's Kava Party, though, and have trouble focusing.

Grandpa Yuki looks great with his tan, doesn't he?
We're all really glad that he's not Singing anymore.
(I'm pretty sure Watcher's been micro-managing Grandpa to avoid moving him out in disgrace…)

After the mailman delivers my authenticated Artifacts, I take stock of my collection.
I'm missing a Terracotta Omiscan Vase, an Amazonite Harvest Knife, and an Amazonite Skull.

No need to authenticate anything that resembles a Celticitli Statue or Mask of Khan!

Otavio: I've worked through all my excavated dirt clumps and unauthenticated artifacts.
All that's left now are the dirt clumps I bought from the marketplace vendors' secret inventory.
These are mostly turning out to be vases, though.
I need to head back to Selvadorada.

Yae: I've come to Desert Bloom Park for fishing two nights in a row now.
I'm trying to catch a Red-Tailed Black Shark and a Piranha.
Edward the Outdoorsman made it look so easy!
He caught them both during his first visit to this fishing hole.

Yae: After work, we go to Sylvan Glade which is my 25th Knock Knock destination.
After 12 hours of fishing, I fail to catch an Anglerfish, but I do catch a Piranha.
And here I thought I had a knack for fishing!

Taye: Seriously, Otavio? You brought your excavation table here?
Otavio: All I'm missing now is an Amazonite Skull, Great-Grandpa Taye.
If this clump is my missing Artifact, then I'm done with Selvadorada!
(Spoiler: It isn't and he's not.)

Yae: Do you remember the Internet Celeb, Zing Yumeno, who married Diego Lobo?
I spot their teen son, Clyde, on his way to school this morning. He looks a lot like his father!
I'd befriended him previously, thinking to invite him on my two-day teen vacay to Selvadorada.
Then I learned that he's Hotheaded like his father, so I invited another teen instead.

Otavio; Back at Selvadorada, I ask Papa, Grandpa, and Great-Grandpa to each survey and establish a dig site.
Nobody knows if an established dig site gives more objects than a regular one, but I'll take my chances.
Though they help by creating three dig sites, I'm the only one who excavates them.

Bah, the dig sites aren't providing anything I need. Do I need to excavate inside the Temple?

Yae: After work, I join the family at Selvadorada.
Not much for me to do here, but I remember to interview a local about her life.

Yae: I'm off until Monday so we're back at Desert Bloom Park from noon.
I finally catch a Red-Tailed Black Shark after ten hours of fishing. Go me!

Cloud: We spend the rest of the day at Key Point so Yae can work on her Beach Life.
After she interviews the founder, Tao, about his life, I notice that she's very flirty.
When I check, I learn that Tao has become my daughter's romantic interest.  What the heck?

Otavio: Today's the last day of our dynasty's second year!
We arrive in Selvadorada around noon, so I can spend more time excavating.
Grandpa Yuki helps me out by surveying for a dig pile.
Note that he's back in the Interstellar Smuggler costume! I'm happy he's been "reinstated."

I should never have offered to wait until Yae completes her Beach Life aspiration.
It takes her the ENTIRE day to doze off in a freaking lounge chair.
I mean, she could have done that back home!
But I can only acquire new materials for excavation here in Selvadorada.

Week 3, Sunday
Otavio: I take Papa and Grandpa with me to the Temple.
As before, they help out by establishing dig sites for me.
Grandpa Yuki had prepared an 8-meal platter of Veggie Yakisoba yesterday.
Yae eats one serving after another while at the Temple, eventually becoming Chopstick Savvy.

I don't have much to show for two days of non-stop excavating.
I didn't uncover a single unauthenticated skull.
And who knows what those dirt clumps will turn out to be?

Returning home, I send away all the unauthenticated items in my inventory.
What a surprise to see a splash announcing my collection is complete.
Then I remember that the splash refers to our household collection, not my personal collection.
I'm still missing the Amazonite Skull, which Yae excavated already.  *sighs

PROGRESS: End of Week 32, Year 2
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*The Finish Line: I didn't manage to finish this dynasty challenge in two sim-years.
  In fact, that hadn't been a goal of mine until quite recently.
  Playing twins for the eight-generation has been worth spilling into Year 3.

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 8.32: Payback's a Beach (2nd update for 3 Mar)
« Reply #213 on: March 03, 2022, 11:10:21 PM »
Such handsome Grandfathers you have there. What's their secret? Congrats on getting this far.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 8.32: Payback's a Beach (2nd update for 3 Mar)
« Reply #214 on: March 04, 2022, 02:07:48 PM »
Such handsome Grandfathers you have there. What's their secret? Congrats on getting this far.

Haha, thank you!  Their youth is no secret. :)
Great-Grandpa is a vampire and his son and grandson drink Potions of Youth as needed.

Offline oshizu

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Yumeno Big Dreams 8.33a: The Missing Skull (4 Mar)
« Reply #215 on: March 04, 2022, 11:17:20 PM »
7.33: The Missing Skull

Week 33, Sundayh (1st week of spring, Year 3)
Yae: We return from Selvadorada too late for me to go fishing, haha.
Instead, I decide to do my two remaining interviews tonight.
First stop is Semba-machi in Mt. Komorebi.
L to R: me, Grandpa Yuki, Papa Cloud, Great-Grandpa Taye, and bother Otavio

At an izalaya called Ippai, I interview Tsubasa Kimura, who is a clumsy, green fiend, goofball.
We are good friends though I can't for the life of me remember where I know him from.

Next stop is Narwhal Arms in Downtown Windenburg.
Do you know Tiare Yumeno (Gen2, Garden Guru)?
She lives in Port Promise with her husband Knox Greenburg and their two YA sons.
Since Knox became an elder, Tiare's taken to clubbing by herself. Is that safe?

Yae: I bring home my Level 9 promotion today.
Still in my new career outfit, I leave immediately for Desert Bloom Park.

As you've already guessed, I'm here to try and catch an Anglerfish.
Folks say this is the most difficult fish to catch in our simverse.

Armed with dozens of Bass, I'm prepared to fish all night.
Among the Forgotten Grotto's three fishing spots, I choose the middle one.

Of course, Otavio has come along with his excavation tables and dirt clubps.
He only has a half dozen or so dirt clumps left.
He's prepared to keep me company until morning.

To my utter surprise, I catch an Anglerfish before 8 pm. That took me less than 4 hours!
My dear brother, the night is still young.
Shall we head to the Temple in Selvadorada now?

Otavio: It's only Great-Grandpa Taye, Papa Cloud, and me in the Belomisa Jungle.
I send home Yae and Grandpa Yuki, so I'll have fewer distractions.
The three of us make a beeline to the Temple.
Taye: Not much for your father and I to do here, either, but we're happy to keep you company, Otavio.

A treasure chest bestows the Blessing of Bones on me.
Not exactly my heart's desire at the moment, but at least my needs won't decay until morning.

Yae: Before I leave for work, I want to show you my completed Fish collection.
Pretty awesome, right?
I even managed to catch those six fish that I'd initially bought from the aquarium.
That collection is all me!

Otavio: I'm staying home today to conduct some research.
Since I rarely find unauthenticated skulls, I'm shifting my attention to the dirt clumps.

Grandpa Yuki has started working on our Microscope Prints collection.
He wants to do something useful and, more importantly, avoid Singing.
Only two more prints and he's done!

I've been studying what type of artifact comes from each of the four dirt clump shapes.
When the Artifacts Association sends me this skull to authenticate, I can't help getting my hopes up.
Eh, it turns out to be a Smoky Quartz Skull, so I mail it back to the Association.

Here are my findings about the four dirt clump shapes.
*Not surprisingly, the tall narrow clumps always produce Harvest Knives.  Always.
*The lumpy dirt clumps consistently produced Masks of Khaas.
*The smooth, widest dirt clumps produced the Cetlcitili Statues.
*Finally, there seem to be two dirt clump shapes that look identical, producing either Vases or Skulls.
  The dirt clumps in the vendors' secret wares look just like these.

Question: Can I uncover Skulls from the ones sold by vendors? Or are these two different dirt clump types that share the same appearance? 

I earn my final Botanist promotion this morning then quit my job right away.
Now I can devote my time and energy to my remaining task: finding that darn Amazonite Skull.

I uncover this skull from one of my numerous dirt clumps.
Sadly, it turns out to be a Quart Skull.  So disappointing!

Grandpa Yuki has been quietly focused on his Microscope Prints collection lately.
But Watcher notices that my father has recently started Singing.
That's why Papa Cloud's been tasked with working on our MySims collection.
After opening our 30+ capsules, he's only missing the rare Tobor MySim trophy.

So then, Watcher has him extract fossils from our huge stockpile of Limestones.
Great job, Papa!

We take a quick trip to Selvadorada where I buy (don't laugh) fifty dirt clumps from this vendor's secret wares.
I don't have a good feeling about this plan.

Watcher heard from her Watcher friend reggikko that rare MySims can be found without going to Sixam.
We can find them by using treasure maps on regular dig sites in town.
So, on our way home from Selvadorada, we stop by Desert Bloom Park.
That pink blur is Papa teleporting to the next dig site with his treasure maps.

Papa has all the luck!
He only brings home seven capsules from Desert Bloom Park, but one of them contains Tobor!

Otavio: I'm very happy for Papa, but what about me and my sad little collection?
There's that empty spot on the front right, where an Amazonite Skull should be.

If you think it's boring to watch me excavating all the time, how do you think I feel?
So far, I've processed 4 of the 50 dirt clumps I bought last and they've all been Vases!

For our Archaeology Scholar aspiration, Yae and I only need to give a successful Archeaology lecture.
Once we maxed our careers and completed our collections, we'd planned to give our lectures at the same time.
My sister's bringing home her last promotion today, but who knows when I'll ever finish my collection? *sniffle, sniffle

PROGRESS: End of Week 33, Year 3
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Ancient Omiscan Artifacts collection: Aaargh, how can Otavio find his missing artifact?
  This is such a time-consuming collection to complete and I'm too impatient to be done with it.
  I guess Otavio and I need to resign ourselves to at least a dozen more trips to Selvadorada.
  There's no rational approach to completing this collection; it relies entirely on RNG.

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Yumeno Big Dreams 8.33b: Clumping to the Finish Line
« Reply #216 on: March 05, 2022, 08:41:38 PM »
8.33b: Clumping to the Finish Line

Week 33, Thursday (1st week of spring, Year 3)
Otavio: I'm pretty sure you know us all by now but, left to right, we are:
My twin sis Yae, Grandpa Yuki, Papa Cloud, Great-Grandpa Taye, and me.

Taye: Why won't you let me help you? I could uncover Artifacts from dirt clumps for you to authenticate.
Otavio: That won't work, Great-Grandpa. The one who uncovers an Artifact goes on record as its discoverer.
I have to discover every Artifact in my collection myself.

Taye: Well, I'm bored.  I'm ready to move on to a new challenge, you know?
Otavio: You? I thought Watcher's next founder is going to be Yae?

Taye (sighs): You're right, Otavio.
And if she changes her mind and picks a male founder, I bet it will be my son Yukihira.
Watcher: I'm inclined to agree with you, Taye, even though you produced a more attractive son than Yukihira did.
Cloud (Yuki's son): Hello!?  I'm standing right here.

Yae: At 4 pm, I bring home my final promotion.
My Big Dream's only remaining requirement is to give an Archaeology lecture.

I could bring this dynasty to a close by giving that lecture right now.
But no, that wouldn't be at all fair to Otavio.
In the beginning, we thought I'd take longer to finish my Big Dream than Otavio.
So he promised to wait so we could give our archaeology lectures at the same time.

Otavio: My next research phase involves investigating dirt clumps sold by the vendors.
The entire family helps to figure out if the dirt clumps uncover both Vases and Skulls.

The first four Artifacts are all Vases, so I try transforming them with a SimRay.
When I try to transform one of the items a second time…

A fire breaks out that gradually spreads to the rest of the items.
It takes ma and Papa Cloud over four hours to finally extinguish all the fires.
Next time, we'll call the Fire Department.
Anyway, so much for finding my Skull with the SimRay.

Yuki: Around noon, I complete the Microscope Prints collection!

Otavio; We also confirm that 20 of the purchased dirt clumps produced only Vases.
The only way to get my skull is from the Artifacts Assocation or excavating in Selvadora.

Cloud: As the family Geek, I say we try to complete a few more collections.
What do you say?  I'll tackle the Voidcritter collection.
Yuki: I'll buy Holiday Crackers and try to complete the Meduso Dolls collection.
Taye: Awww, those two are the easy ones. I guess I'll work on the Metals collection…
Yae: But what should I do?
Cloud: You can order more Voidcritter Booster Packs and Holiday Crackers as needed.
Taye: Just don't sing!

Otavio; The Artifacts Association sends me another Skull to authenticate.
Papa and Grandpa hold their breath as I work on it.
Bah, it's just another Quartz Skull.  *mails it back to the Association

We all return to Belomisa Jungle.
I'm over near the plane crash, excavating with Great-Grandpa Taye.
In no time at all, Grandpa Yuki completes his collection of Meduso Dolls!

Once we're back home, Papa buys more packs and completes his collection, too.
Of course, the Artifacts Association trolls me with another unauthenticated skull.
It turns out not to be an Amazonite Skull. Like, I'm not even surprised anymore.

In the jungle, Great-Grandpa Taye discovers 3 unauthenticated skulls, but I find none.
However, I do find five dirt clumps that will produce either Vases or Skulls. *crosses fingers

My first dirt clump gives up a Vase, which I send away for authentication.
The second dirt clump produces an unauthenticated Skull. 
I can't wait until tomorrow's mail delivery, I start authenticating this one myself.

Taye: Stop wasting time and finish up your Bhel Puri!
Cloud: What's the point, Grandpa?
Taye: The point is that you're the only household member who isn't a Spice Hound!

You don't know how worried I've been!
I was afraid that all three Skulls discovered by Great-Grandpa would be Amazonite Skulls.
But that all the Artifacts I uncovered from my five dirt clumps would be Vases or non-Amazonite Skulls.

It's my great pleasure to present my completed Ancient Omiscan Artifacts collection!
Every Artifact was discovered and authenticated by yours truly.
Well, except for the ones I discovered but sent away for authentication. That's perfectly legal!

Yae: It's time for the final step of our Big Dreams.
Otavio and I give archaeology lectures to Grandpa and Great-Grandpa, respectively.
Cloud: Why are you both leaving me out? I'm your father, you know.
Taye: Like I said, you need to become a Spice Hound like the rest of us! Keep eating that Bhel Puri!

Otavio: I'm first to finish both Archaeology Scholar and my Intrepid Adventurer Big Dream.

Yae: I finish minutes later but Watcher misses my splash announcement because?
Watcher: Um, because I was checking if your father had earned the Spice Hound trait. He had.
Yae: Anyway, this means that I've also completed my World Traveler Big Dream.

Otavio: What a relief!  I thought I'd never find my missing Artifact!
But Yae and I are both finished and so is this Big Dreams Dynasty.
So, what's next, Watcher?

PROGRESS: End of Week 33, Year 3
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Otavio's collection: This morning, I'd reached a decision about Otavio's collection.
  I would play out the rest of this week, then stop updating until whenever Otavio found his Amazonite Skull.
  I'd envisioned weeks of unrewarding slogs through the jungle.
  How surprising he uncovered one from a dirt clump!

*Intrepid Adventurer: This was not a great choice for a Gen8 Big Dream, lol.
  I do love the Jungle Adventures gameplay but Artifacts can't be collected quickly.
  Leaving this collection until the end wasn't a good idea in my case. I should have picked two easy Big Dreams for Gen8 to counterbalance my impatience as I got closer to finishing.

*Collections; yes, the household completed several unnecessary collections. 
  I simply wanted everyone, except Otavio, to engage in some meaningful activity that didn't involve Singing.
  Perhaps I need to cultivate a more positive attitude toward my sims' Singing. Maybe buy them a karaoke machine or something.
  It felt good to complete a few of the easier collections, especially when Otavio was struggling so much to find his last Artifact.

I had a blast with this challenge and hope that, if you aren't playing it already, you will also give this dynasty challenge a whirl.
Thank you for reading!

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Offline Deklitch

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Yay! Congratulations Oshizu and well done to the Yumenos!

Throws confetti!

Really enjoyed reading how you have approached this challenge, and all the help you've given me and others in the Big Dreams thread.


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Thank you, deklitch.  I had a blast trying out the various Big Dreams on for size.
If I may offer advice, don't make my mistake: Be sure to save your easier Big Dreams for Gen8, haha.