Author Topic: Yumeno Big Dreams 8.33b: Clumping to the Finish Line [Completed 5 March 2022]  (Read 36897 times)

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Yumeno Big Dreams 6.27b: I Ain't 'Fraid of No Ghost!
« Reply #195 on: February 19, 2022, 03:06:17 AM »
6.27b: I Ain't 'Fraid of No Ghost!

Week 27, Thursday (3rd week of autumn)
Yuki: We're starting out this morning in Finchwick.
L to R: Cloud's wife Ayumi, Papa Taye; Ada, Marie, and Cloud; my wife Morgan and me, and Kim

Kim only has an hour left of shopping this week.
She plans to age up on Saturday afternoon, so no more school for her forever.

Morgan's only duties these days are to attend to Kim.
And while we were at Finchwick this morning, she finally becomes good friends with Ada.

With three days off this week, Ayumi can't move forward with her Master Mixologist aspiration.
So she works on becoming a Friend of the World instead.
This neighborhood is really great for meeting sims.

Marie performs her first Ghastly Ritual, transforming into a ghost for four hours.
She maxes her Medium skill and my Medium skill is already Level 4.
So, we decide it's time to switch our Residential lot into a Haunted House.

Although my son Cloud and Ayumi are already BFFs, her aspiration doesn't complete.
So Ayumi is forced to make a BFF with someone else instead.
She chooses my wife, Morgan, mainly because she's the only one who's free.

And there! Ayumi has become a Friend of the World.
It seems unreasonable, though, that she couldn't count already being BFFs with Cloud.
Oh well, she can always ask him to be BFFs again.

Both Kim and Marie need to learn Wellness.
That's why their Grandpa Taye is leading them in a guided meditation session.
Does one learn meditation faster, I wonder, by being guided or by meditating solo?

Yuki: Look, Specter, our resident ghostbuster is studying at the moment.
May I offer you these cookies she baked herself this afternoon?

Cloud and Ada certainly don't offer much variety in their screenshots.
They're typically either on their computers or at work these days.
In 20 more hours, they'll both become Computer Whizzes.
Sadly, Cloud's been neglecting his magic completely. He can't put it off forever!

I've been teaching yoga classes today.
Papa Taye's joined my class, so I'm already a Master Wellness Teacher.
Who knows? I might become somewhat of a Zen Guru.
That purple thing doing yoga?  That's Marie after performing another Ghastly Ritual.

I've placed a fourth yoga mat for my wife Morgan, but she's not interested.
She's spent hours this afternoon consorting with the enemy.
I imagine Morgan will move out on Saturday afternoon.

Tonight, Kim becomes a B-Lister (Fame rank 3).
She makes one good friend to raise her rep to Good, then buys the Giving Back perk.
Next, she uses the trick Watcher learned several years ago from her forum buddy, Heart Foam.

By donating around 16 Virtuoso Violins to her fans, Kim attains the pinnacle of fame.
She's a Global Superstar!

Watcher's so focused on Kim and Marie tonight that she misses Ayumi's splash.
Ayumi, who joined the Mixologist branch earlier this evening, finishes her 2nd aspiration.

Cloud: It's ridiculous that we can't go downstairs to join Kim's Fan Meet and Greet.
Ada: I know, right? It's too noisy here for me to work on my mobile app!
I hope this isn't going to be a regular thing like with the previous celeb, Zing.
Cloud: I doubt it. Marie's gonna be starting her all-night paranormal gigs soon.

Yuki: After your gold-medal Meet & Greet at Orchid A-Go-Go, why come here?
Kim: Cuz I heard the PBP Lounge's more popular with paparazzi.
Yuki: Oh, you're right!

Stranger: Hello, beautiful lady. Do you know who I am?
Kim: You're Orange Bailey-Moon, formerly on my shortlist for potential husbands.
Orange: Oh yeah? Formerly since when?
Kim: Formerly since I met you in person this morning. 
Nice shirt, by the way, Orange.  It shows off all five of your chest hairs.

Ayumi: Sorry to keep flip-flopping over how many drinks I need to mix and drink at Mixology 10.
With Marie and Kim starting work, we won't be visiting Selvadorada anytime soon.
So, I'm going to mix and drink my last six Potions, then call that requirement done.

Morgan: Ain't gonna lie. I will not mind moving out today.
First, I've been waiting hand and foot (literally!) on Kim for the past week.
But does she ever offer me a massage or a mani/pedi?  Never!
And there's Marie, my odd youngest daughter behind us, that floating focused ghost.

Yuki: After her massage, Kim ages up to a young adult and joins the Trendsetter career.
After so many days as a child and teen, she earned 3 character traits without trying.
My wife Morgan drinks a Potion of Youth then moves out to live with my mother.
I was pretty sure Watcher would choose to keep Papa Taye over Morgan.

It's early evening when Cloud becomes a Computer Whiz.
Ada's only several hours behind.
Cloud read somewhere that high Logic would help him win tournaments.
We don't know if it's true but Cloud maxed his Logic tonight, so we'll see if that helps.

Marie: Two more specters show up tonight and I offer them my home-cooked meals.
They leave happily. I didn't even have to lower our house's spiritual volatility.
Last night, we received the Welcome message for living in a haunted house.
So, shouldn't he be here on our second night, which is tonight?

Guidry--that gorgeous, flirty ghost--arrives punctually at 9 pm and, boy, am I ready!
Besides boosting my Charisma earlier today, I also have a romantic gift for him.
He arrives already flirty, but I first ask him for a Paranormal Investigator's License.
Then, after some flirting and eyelash-batting on my part, we share our First Kiss.

When he agrees to be my boyfriend, I must have jumped a foot into the air for joy.
I wish I could ask Guidry to move in, but he says that he must always remain a ghost.
That's so unfair!  Bonehilda can get pregnant, so why can't I have Guidry's child?
Oh well, the important thing is that we're Lovebirds, I guess.

PROGRESS: End of Week 27, Year 2
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*I'm the Mix Master: This achievement was completed during Year 1.
  So, I've been counting all the drinks Ayumi mixes on top of her 47 unique drinks.

*Making moves on Guidry: Yes, yes, Marie made the moves on Guidry the night of his very first visit.
  However, she has to do 12 nights of Paranormal gigs, so she didn't want to wait for another visit from Guidry to romance him.

*Moving Guidry in: Marie couldn't ask Guidry to move into the dynasty house.
  Googling taught me that MC Command Center would make it possible. 
  In James Turner's Three Brothers Let's Play one of his sims had a son with Bonehilda. The boy looked like a regular, non-occult sim.
  Now I'm curious what Bonehilda's offspring would look like…

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 6.27b: I Ain't 'Fraid of No Ghost! (19 Feb)
« Reply #196 on: February 19, 2022, 12:35:23 PM »
Poor Morgan - she was a bit used! I'm glad she got a youth potion before moving out.

Did you manage to get Kim asked for selfies? I know it can take time...

Thanks for the tip about logic for gaming - I'll get my gamer's up!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 6.27b: I Ain't 'Fraid of No Ghost! (19 Feb)
« Reply #197 on: February 19, 2022, 08:21:55 PM »
I don't feel Morgan was used--we could have moved her out immediately and hired a massage therapist to give Kim her spa services.
After the next sim moves out and Cloud's had a few more wins, he and Ayumi will bring in the last generation.
Moving Morgan out early simply means I have one less household member to manage.

No, for Kim being asked for selfies. She only reached that goal late Friday night and my update ended on Saturday.
It's too early for me to feel rushed, lol.  She only joined her career Saturday morning. :D
With Marie and her paranormal investigator gigs, though, the family will not be going out nights for a while.

I don't know for sure how helpful maxed Logic will be for tournaments. Cloud already had Logic 8 and he lost 3 out of 4 tournaments.
After maxing Logic, every time his wife mixed bar drinks, he quit his tournament mid-way and ran off to the bar. Grrrrr.
I haven't had a chance to test it yet b/c he quit 2 tournaments on Saturday. I've since locked the door to the Focused Room.
Let's share tipes on this.

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Yumeno Big Dreams 6.28: Fashion Trends
« Reply #198 on: February 21, 2022, 07:52:26 PM »
6.28: Fashion Trends

Week 28, Sunday (4th week of autumn)
Yuki: With my wife Morgan retired to Granada Place, we're now a seven-sim household. From L to R:
Cloud's wife Ayumi and Papa Taye; the kids Kim, Marie, Cloud, Ada; and me.

Marie: All I do tonight was give offerings to three specters.
I don't even have time to shoot a pic of my first gig!
All gigs start at 9:30 pm and my gig's over by 10:46 pm.
Only 76 minutes! Not complaining!

Yuki: Marie gets home so early, we all step out to the Rattlesnake Juice Bar.
Kim gets asked for two selfies there, which is super wonderful.
Outside, I give magical training to Cloud, who reaches Adept rank.

Cloud wins his second Blicblock Pro Tournament by queuing as follows:
1  Play BlicBlock (let the game end on its own)
2  Eat a Cereberry
3  Enter Pro Tournament for Blicblock
We'll let you know how much this boosts the chance of coming in 1st.

Marie: Tonight's gig is at The Old Mill in Port Promise, home of Bess and Rico Sterling.
I'm about to go round to the back of the house when I realize there's a fire.
Instead, I have to teleport upstairs to extinguish Rico, who's set fire to himself.
Dude, I'm on the clock, y'know!

Besides offering gifts to specters, I get rid of some eerie hands out back.
I find some bizarre tendrils that I also destroy.

Sweet! The fourth specter leaves me an Unassuming Candy Jar.
Thanks to Rico, this gig takes me over two hours.

Kim: In the morning, I visit the PBP Lounge alone for a few hours.
I only need to be asked for one more selfie, which happens.
Watcher missed seeing me taking a selfie with a fan.
But the splash lets us know it happened!

Yuki: I'm so proud of Kim's progress lately! 
She only has to Incite Cheers to become a World-Famous Celeb.
Maybe she can hold a Meet & Greet at home tomorrow?

Just before Marie leaves for her gig, the evil Temperance shows up.
Marie places a Bizarre Doll on the ground, the one Guidry gave her.
It seems to be working but then Marie has to go to work. Ugh.
Bonehilda's here; why isn't she fighting off Temperance?

This morning, Kim earns her Level 7 Trendsetter promotion.
The first thing she does is create 5 feminine fashion trends.
They're okay for everyday townie fashions.

Next, she creates five more masculine fashion trends.
Papa and I immediately change into two of the them.
Watcher: Switch back to your original outfits right now, you two.
You both already have the best outfits.

Kim: I invite a bunch of fans to my Meet & Greet, but only three show up.
Papa changes into another of my masculine fashion trends.
You gotta admit that Papa's slaying that look!

Yuki: Cloud leaves for work and the rest of us go the park.
Kim has to "Check-in at park" for her work-from-home tasks.
While she's there, she tries Inciting cheers.
Hey, look! That sim behind Kim is wearing one of her trends!

Marie makes quick work of her gig, then we all go to Narwhal Arms.
We stay there until quite late, while Kim incites cheers.
It's a good crowd who gives Kim her last 10 positive responses.
She's a World-Famous Celebrity!

Today's Harvestfest.
Miraculously, we all sit down to a grand meal together.
In our costumes, because Watcher loves to see us in costumes.

Kim was getting worried about her feminine fashion trends.
But we finally spot two sims wearing them.
Her trends are styled for teens and young adults, I feel.
Adult and elder sims can't easily pull off her feminine fashions.

Oh well, we've spotted four trends so far. Kim's glass is half full!

Yuki: In the afternoon, Cloud comes first in his third Pro tournament!
He did everything the same as his last win, but using a gaming mat.
Also, he skipped the New Age music, since he can stay Very Focused without it.
Cereberries for the win!

As soon as Marie returns home from her gig, Cloud jumps back on the gaming mat.
He doesn't even bother to change from his work clothes.
Cloud's hoping to be the first to achieve his Big Dream in his generation.
It's very early Friday morning when he wins the tournament.

Marie's gig tonight is at the Vatore home in Forgotten Hollow.
At 10, she sees this splash and knows that Cloud has maxed his career.

This "cowgirl" showed up at our house just before Marie left for work.
Marie rushes through her gig and comes home to find the cowgirl still here.
She's the third female sim to wear one of Kim's fashion trends. Yay!

Again, Cloud launches his winning process once Marie's off work on Friday night.
But it's Saturday by the time Cloud's played Blicblock then the Pro Tournament.
With his fifth win, Cloud completes his Big Dream!
And he's practically a Master caster, too!

Ada: Hey, Papa! That's the second time you're wearing Kim's western look. You must really like it.
Yuki: I do, but I bet it won't count for Kim's requirement. You look great, by the way.
Ada: So, we need to look for NPCs wearing Kim's trends?
Yuki: Yes. Let's go someplace warm where folks won't be wearing cold-weather outfits.

Yuki: The Rattlesnake Juice Bar has become Kim's favorite community lot.
Here, she spots her sixth, seventh, and eight sims wearing her trends.
As you've noticed, some looks are definitely more popular than others.

The leftmost fashion has found many followers.
And, of course, many townies have embraced the western look.
Surprisingly, even Patchy assumes human form to wear one of Kim's looks.
His appearance is such a shock that I forget to Inferniate him.

Marie: I was just here yesterday to the home of that pink glowy lady at the bottom left.
Her name's Lilith Vatore; she's Grandpa Taye's sister, which makes her my Grandaunt.
It's a tedious gig, appeasing picky specters who demand multiple offerings each.

Yuki: Marie comes tired and hungry, but readily agrees to Cloud's request.
Master caster Cloud is challenging his three Apprentice caster sisters to magic duels.
Cloud's been working hard on his magic and his gaming tournaments.
He's had nowhere near as much time as his sisters to earn satisfaction, but he's catching up.

Coming next: Ada moves out Monday, so we'll be meeting the 8th generation next week. I can't wait!

PROGRESS: End of Week 28, Year 2
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Bonehilda: No trying for baby for Bonehilda without cheats.
  That is, Bonehilda must be a household member to try for baby.
  Like Guidry, she's a special NPC and can't be asked to join the household. Oh well.

*Kim's fashion trends: Her 5 feminine trends are rather lazy creations.
  I'm so glad the devs later added an option to reset (delete) the trends.
  I'll probably opt for that once Kim completes her related requirement.
  I'd rather not see my played sims wearing them.
  With 2 weeks of shopping left, she'll be done two Sundays from today (Week 30).
  If only I'd thought to take her shopping as a child/teen!

*Marie's offerings to specters
  Though she maxed Cooking, she's decided to offer small paintings as gifts instead.
  Small paintings are quick to make on the sketchpad and, unlike food, never spoils.

*Fertility massage: Yuki was able to ask for a fertility massage this week.
  Weren't they previously only available to female sims? When did that change?
  Does it boost the chance of a male-gendered sim giving birth to multiple nooboos?

*Taye: Taye is modeled after the Korean dancer/rapper Taeyong Lee.
  Because Taeyong's my ult, the sim Taye will stay in the house until the end of tis dynasty challenge.
  If you've never heard of Taeyong Lee or his group NCT 127, here's a fancam focused on him during a 2021 live performance.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 6.28: Fashion Trends (21 Feb)
« Reply #199 on: February 22, 2022, 04:55:54 AM »
Congrats on all the tournament wins - Cereberries it is, then!
And all Kim's progress - I wonder who she's lined up for her wealthy spouse....

You're so close to finishing - just a nooboo-to-Big Dream to go!

You need to reset any fashion trends before Kim quits her career... Aphie didn't and my family still change into them even though she's moved out. I haven't made her a non-played Sim and I wonder if they'll continue after her eventual demise. I quite like it in a way but it is a bit bizarre in some contexts.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 6.28: Fashion Trends (21 Feb)
« Reply #200 on: February 22, 2022, 03:11:27 PM »
Paidia's completed Legendary Gamer as well, but I'd like to mention that Cereberries only ensured that Cloud remained Very Focused throughout each tournament.
I believe the more important factor was his sticking with a single game for both playing and tournaments.

Yes, I realize the option to create and reset fashion trends is only available to a Trendsetter at Level 7 or higher.
As for Kim's future sugar daddy, he's already showed up in an update or two.

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Yumeno Big Dreams 7.29: The Eighth Generation Arrives (25 Feb)
« Reply #201 on: February 26, 2022, 12:56:20 AM »
7.29: The 8th-Generation Arrives

Week 29, Sunday (1st week of winter, Year 2)
Cloud: Today's the official start of the 7th generation.
It seems a bit late, though, with two of us already moving out this week.
Here we are in front of the Magic HQ, from left to right:
My wife Ayumi and Grandpa Taye; Kim, Marie, me, and Ada; and Papa Yuki.

After I learn my last three Ultimate spells from the Sages, we're off to the HoB.
Since Ayuni doesn't work until 4 pm today, Kim does all her window shopping for the week.

Ayumi: Don't you think we're jumping the gun to try for baby?
Cloud: Ada will be moving out tomorrow afternoon, so you can take your PG test as soon as she's gone.
Ayumi: What if I don't conceive this time?
Cloud: We can check after you're back from work. It'll be fine.

Last week, Kim became the BFF and girlfriend of Max Villareal of Windenburg.
Ever since, Max phones or stops by every day.
They've been keeping it on the down low, though, because you know how the tabloids can be.

Cloud: Ada maxed her career today, which was her last Big Dream requirement.
Her new home is the Admiral's Wreckage on Sulani.
She's living with three other female Yumenos who choose to remain single.

And not long after, Ayumi is eating for two.  Well, for three, hopefully!

The Villareals are filthy rich, but Max doesn't exactly dress the part.
Today, Max finally agrees to let Kim give him a makeover.
We all know Kim's a materialistic fashionista.
She doesn't want to marry someone who with Max's current look.

Watcher couldn't get a good shot of Kim proposing, but they're engaged now.
Everyone here approves of Max's new mature, classier look, especially Kim.
We hope Max's siblings like his new look, too.

Kim can't move out until next Sunday but she asks him about expanding his family.
He gives her the oddest response.  Good to know that he's been thinking about it, too.

Yuki: Cloud, Ayumi, I see you both have pointy ears now.
Cloud: Yes, I used Change Sim last week and switched to pointy ears.
Taye: Your pointy ears are more recent, Ayumi, aren't they?
Ayumi: Yes, I got them just this morning. I want to ensure our kids have pointy ears.
Yuki: That's great. Pointy ears have passed down in our dynasty since Arihi, one of our founders.

Cloud: What's with the Beetle Farm, Ayumi?
Ayumi: I recently noticed that I can make Beetle Juice at Level 10 Mixology.
But I need to harvest Beetle Nuggets to mix that drink.
Since I'm adding Beetle Juice to my drinks requirement, I'm going to add two more drinks for an even 50 drinks.

Cloud: Kim becomes an Icon O'Class Trendsetter (L10).
After quitting her job, she books a Celebrity Cleansing to erase all her fame perks.
Then, she'll be stepping out of the spotlight, too.
What a relief to be rid of those annoying paparazzi around here.

Cloud: It's past sundown when Ayumi remembers to harvest her Beetle Nuggets.
She serves that Beetle Juice in a cocktail glass and it looks rather appetizing.
But I'm glad that I'm not the one who'll have to drink that.

Ayumi: After Marie's gig at Malcolm Landgraab's tonight, we all travel to Selvdorada.
Our last visit here, I failed to learn the receipes for Espuma Agria and Horchata.
This time, I know that I need Level 3 Selvadoradian Culture to learn the recipes.
Papa Yuki maxed that skill by chatting with the vendors before, but they've all left.

Instead, I socialize with the locals at the Cantina.
Once my Selvadoradian Culture is Level 3, we head back to our lodgings.

In the morning, I learn the Horchata and Espuma Agria recipes from the food stall.
I learn how to prepare Yerba Mate, too, which is brewed in the Tea Maker.
I'll wait until after giving birth to mix those last two drinks.
Sorry for the short trip, folks, but I'm ready to go home!

Brennan Bromberg stops by confirm that Marie will be moving in with his family tonight.
He's the husband of Ji-Won, the Savior of StrangerVille and sister of our great-grandma Ae-Cha.
Marie's quite intrigued by StrangerVille and her great-grandaunt Ji-Won.
Just think of all the mischief a Covert Operator and a Paranormal Investigator can cause!

Having taken family leave today, Ayumi gives birth to twins in the late afternoon.
We name our firstborn Otavio, a Portuguese name that means "eighth."
We name his younger sister Yae (Ya-eh), a Japanese name also related to the number eight.

Marie finishes her 12th gig in a flash, then moves out immediately.
Grandpa Taye regrets not realizing that his brother-in-law Jaden is Marie's first cousin twice removed.
Marie's relationship with Guidry has no future, but she and Jaden could've married.

In the evening, we pay a visit to the founders' home at Key Point.
Our founders, the Gen2 heir Kaiyo, and his wife Fetia enjoy seeing our children.
Of course, the twins are too young to socialize with them.

But I appreciate the chance to meet Kaiyo and Fetia Yumeno.
And Ayumi meets both the 1st- and 2nd-generation Yumenos for the first time.
Papa cooks, Ayumi mixes drinks, and we all have a wonderful time.

Zoooom, zoooom!
Every toddler deserves their very own airplot shot.
Here I am flying with Otavio.

Ayumi has already left for what will definitely be her last day of work.
So, here's Yae flying with her grandpa Yuki.

Kim: I realize I have nothing to do until my fourth shopping trip tomorrow.
But seriously, fishing?  Can you believe I became an Angling Ace today?
I'm also pregnant but not showing yet, because "someone" forgot to have me take a pregnancy test.
Watcher: Oops!

Cloud: The twins are so adorable, Ayumi and I are almost tempted to try for baby again.
The operative word here being "almost."

At the stroke of midnight, Ayumi becomes a Celebrity Mixologist and completes her Big Dream.
Way to go, Ayumi!
Now you can join our ranks of the unemployed Sims of Leisure.

We're near the image limit for this update, so we'll share the progress of Kim and the toddlers in the next update.

PROGRESS: End of Week 29, Year 2
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Ayumi's Drinks Redux: I'm not sure how I missed noticing Beetle Juice for so long.
  Harvesting Beetle Nuggets only took 24 hours and was no big deal.

*Otavio and Yae: Gen8 needs no heir, so Cloud and Ayumi won't be striving for perfect genetics.
  The twins were born blond with Ayumi's brown eyes.
  For purely aesthetic reasons, we give them white hair and violet eyes via Change Sim.

*Kim: I originally planned for Kim to give birth soon after she moved out.
  But I got distracted and forgot about her pregnancy test, though I was sure she'd taken one.
  Oh well.

*Maxed Culinary Splash: I've shared an image with that same "Up a Notch" splash for Yukihira.
  For some reason, splashes for previously completed careers, skills, and acheevos are began repeating a few RL days ago.
  I missed a shot of Ayumi arriving home in uniform, so I present the repeated Culinary splash.

*The Finish Line: To finish, only one of the twins needs to achieve their Big Dream.
  I just thought playing a single Gen8 sim wouldn't be as much fun as playing twins.
  I'll decide later whether or not I'll be playing both of their Big Dreams to completion. Proaably.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 7.29: The Eighth Generation Arrives (25 Feb)
« Reply #202 on: February 26, 2022, 02:11:33 AM »
Congrats on the birth of gen 8. Otavio and Yae are adorable, of course! Now - let's see - which dreams are still left for you to do...
Ah, Max Villareal is Kim's sugar daddy! I should've spotted him.

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 7.29: The Eighth Generation Arrives (25 Feb)
« Reply #203 on: February 26, 2022, 11:59:00 AM »
Yes, the twins were adorable toddlers.
But toddlers in this game are always adorable, aren't they?

Otavio and Yae's BDs are revealed under the spoiler tag.
I could not think of any suggestive clues to drop. :(

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 7.29: The Eighth Generation Arrives (25 Feb)
« Reply #204 on: February 26, 2022, 02:06:46 PM »
Ah - I did those 2 together - they have good synergy together!

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Yumeno Big Dreams 7.30a: Otavio and Yae, Legit Hustling (27 Feb)
« Reply #205 on: February 27, 2022, 10:41:17 PM »
7.30a: Otavio and Yae, Legit Hustling

Week 30, Sunday (2nd week of winter, Year 2)
Cloud: Between our last update and this family photo, our toddlers aged up.
From L to R, Yae, my wife Ayumi, Grandpa Taye, me, sister Kim, Papa Yuki, and Otavio.

We're off to a late start because we waited for the twins to join scouts and such.
But we're here in Finchwick so Kim can enjoy her last (window) shopping spree.

Between Finchwick and home, we make a stop on Starlight Boulevard in Del Sol Valley.
Though Kim's left the celebrity life behind, she still wants to place her celebrity tile.
I'm the only family member who actually watches her placement ceremony. Rude!

Back home, Kim and Max hold a private wedding ceremony.
As you can see, she's in her second trimester now.
They make a handsome couple, don't you agree?

We don't know where the Villareals' wealth originates.
But they have to be the wealthiest townie household in our simverse.
Who us?  We diversified our funds by buying the Villa Bovine and Brindleton Pawspital.
We've transferred $9.5 million to Villa Bovine and another $3.5 million to the vet clinic.

Watcher: My game lags and stutters when household funds exceed $9,999,999.

A few weeks ago, we stashed the rabbit stump that originally belonged to Founder Tao.
But last week, we discovered two rabbits living out of holes in our backyard.
So, we've set up the rabbit stump again.
Oddly, nobody's been able to befriend the bunnies except Grandpa Taye.

Cloud: The twins have started several aspirations but yet to complete any.
On the other hand, they're three drawings away each from becoming Llamacorn scouts.
We encourage them to be done with Scouts first.
With Scouting Aptitude, they'll learn all skills faster.

Taye: Folks, Ayumi needs a unique contribution or she'll get kicked off the island!
Watcher loves me, I've maxed the most schools and I'm a Super Parent, so I know I'm staying.
Yuki: I'm a Virtuoso spellcaster with the Fresh Chef trait. I know I'm staying.
Before our twins hit the jungle, I'll pack them a box of meals that never spoil.
Cloud: I'm a Virtuoso spellcaster, too, and I helped Papa become a Patriarch.
Like Papa, I'm Forever Fresh, Always Full, and Never Weary. I know I'm staying.

Ayumi: I don't bring anything unique to the table except mixing booze.
Does this mean I might have to move out soon?

Cloud: Grandpa Taye, our resident Bunnie Whisperer.
And, yes, we are all in costumes for yet another holiday today.
We can host one custom holiday per week, remember?
Today, we celebrate Winter Whatever Fest.

Darren (Life-Long Learner): It's a bit late for a visit.  Do I know you?
Taye: I'm the son-in-law of your sister Ae-Cha.  I'm here with my great-grandkids.
They're trying to become Social Butterflies but need one more friend each.
Our family tree shows that you have two children in grade-school, so we were hoping…
Kaori (whispers): Let them in, darling. That man has fangs!

Yae: Great-Grandpa! Raul Nishidake has white hair and violet eyes like me!
*whispers: Can I marry him when I'm older?
Taye (whispers back):  He's your first cousin thrice removed, so yes.
If I were you, though, I'd wait to see what he's like as a teen.

Cloud: Since the twins brought home A's yesterday, they stay home from school today.
In a few more hours, they should both be ready to age up!

I guess my Legendary Gamer genes weren't transmitted to Otavio.
After Yae ages up, Otavio needs 4 more hours to win a high score in Key Commander.
They're both teens now.
If the dynasty were continuing, Yae would be the obvious choice for the next heir.
Maybe Watcher will choose Yae as the founder for her next legacy challenge?

Yae: Look, Papa!  I added a second floor to the storage shed.
I'm going to use the shed's wall to display my mounted Fish Collection!
Cloud: How do you have six fish in your collection already? You have zero Fishing skill.

Yae: I bought those myself from an aquarium. That's totally legit!
It's not like I've mounted fish that were caught by another household member.

Ayumi: By the way, Kim had twin boys!
Taye: Yep and she conceived while living in a seven-sim household.
Just goes to show that the number of children is NOT decided at the time of conception!

Otavio: Notice me, sempai!  I'm such a sport, doing the more difficult Big Dream!
I'm even waiting for Yae so we can learn Fishing together.
Why don't I get to be the founder of your next legacy, Watcher?
Watcher: It's nothing personal, kid. The next founder's going to be a female sim.

Cloud: Otavio's making great progress on his skills.
That's good news since he can only work on his teen requirement in Selvadorada.
On the other hand, Yae's first priority is completing the Postcard collection.
She can focus on her skills later.

In the evening, the twins take birthday cakes along on a visit to the Nishidake home.
Yae needs two more teen friends to invite for her vacay this weekend.
She and Otavio already befriended Raul and Courtney Nishidake earlier this week.
So, they age up the two children into teens for Yae's upcoming trip.

Ayumi interrupts Yae when Yae's preparing to socialize with her pen pals.
Due to the distraction, Yae drops her queued pan pal socials. Too bad!
Yae was trying to seek a new pen pal and request a postcard from Champ LeSims this morning.
Now she'll have to wait until after she returns from school.

Taye: Cloud, we need to discuss which skills Otavio needs for exploring the jungle.
Besides Fishing and Fitness, he needs Logic, Gardening, and Handiness.
Yuki: Don't forget Archaeology! And what about Charisma?
Cloud: Whoa, whoa! He's still only a high school student.
He won't start exploring the jungle for real until he's a young adult.

Taye: Still, he should probably stay home from school tomorrow.
The three of us can pitch in to help Otavio with his skills.

PROGRESS: Middle of Week 30, Year 2
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Yae's future: Yae could be the twin sister of her Aunty Kim!
  She aged up in the hairstyle she's wearing and it suits her so well.
  I'm definitely considering her as the founder for my next non-dynasty multi-gen challenge!

*Knock, Knock acheevo: We've already completed this achievement.
  Therefore, Yae has started counting the lots she's visited from scratch.

*Yae's fish collection: Her collection will consist of 33 fish:
  *24 = 22 base game + Gummie, Capt. Bonefish
  *  3 = Spa Day pack (Chiclid, Discus, Exotic Goldfish)
  *  2 = City Living pack (Tuna, Pufferfish)
  *  1 = Vampires pack (Vampire Squid)
  *  3 = Jungle Adventures pack (Tambaqui, Armored Catfish, Electric Eel)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 7.30a: Otavio and Yae, Legit Hustling (27 Feb)
« Reply #206 on: March 01, 2022, 09:39:48 AM »
Loving gen 8 - have fun in Selvadorada1

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 7.30a: Otavio and Yae, Legit Hustling (27 Feb)
« Reply #207 on: March 01, 2022, 10:14:56 AM »
Loving gen 8 - have fun in Selvadorada1

Thanks! I thought Kim was my prettiest Yumeno, but Yae's even cuter.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 7.30b: Teens, Traveling (1 Mar)
« Reply #208 on: March 01, 2022, 11:01:17 AM »
7.30b: Teens Traveling

Week 30, Sunday (2nd week of winter, Year 2)
Cloud: We're a household of two teens and four young adults now.
From L to R, Otavio, Papa Yuki, me, Grandpa Taye, my wife Ayumi, and Yae.

Our simverse is noticeably aging these days.
All the sims who started out as young adults in Week 1 are now elderly.
As you might imagine, the Yumeno extended family spreads far and wide.
That's why we haven't socialized much with premade townies outside of our family.

I pick up today's mail and find four postcards addressed to Yae.
What happens to Yae's mail while she's on vacation?
Will the post office hold her mail until the morning after she returns home?

Gratz on bringing home A grades, kiddos!
Before you both forget, phone in for a vacation day tomorrow this minute.
We'll be home for another hour or so, then we're heading out.

What an abrupt change of climate!
We've come to San Myshuno Meadows so Yae can view all its sculptures.

Since we're in San Myshuno, the kids stop at the Spice District for Indian cuisine.
Then we proceed to the Fashion District for Ramen.
Papa Yuki can prepare both cuisines at home, but Yae wants to see the world.

Cloud: Try to reach Gardening 7 by this evening, son.
Otavio: Really, Papa?  Gardening, too?
Cloud: You betcha! Clearing vines from jungle gateways with a machete is for noobs!

Cloud: My younger sister Kim drops by for a visit this morning.
Folks say that our daughter Yae and Kim look alike, but I disagree.
Their resemblance is quite superficial.
Yae's facial features are actually more delicate than Kim's.
Or is that my fatherly bias speaking?

Yae: Mom moves out a little before Otavio and I leave on our trip in the evening.
We've rented the Casa Junto a la Grieta for two days.
After a quick visit to the archaeology museum, we head to the Cantina.
The Night on the Town event means free food and drinks!

Yae: Does everyone know each other from high school?
My twin Otavio is seated on my left, and next to him is Raul Nishdake from Mt. Komorebi.
The redhead on my right is Raul's sister, Courtney Nishidake.
And seated between Raul and Courtney is Jonas Goth from Willow Creek. (Hmmm, a redheaded Goth?)

Yae: Bright and early, we slowly head toward the Omiscan Royal Baths.
Of course, Otavio leads the way through the jungle.
I thought I'd be able to catch an Electric Eel there, but this can't be the place.
There's no fishing spot!

Otavio takes us through another gateway so that we're beneath the Royal Baths.
It takes us awhile to locate the fishing spot, but we're in the right place now.

Earlier, Otavio opened a treasure chest which bestowed a blessing on him.
He's now a skeleton! I wonder how long that will last?

And here I am with my Electric Eel!
Watcher's never had a sim who caught an Electric Eel or Armored Catfish before.
Well, yeah, Otavio caught an Electric Eel before I did.
But I get the screenshot because I'm the one doing the Fish Collection, okay?

Otavio was hoping we could visit the small island south of the Temple next.
But the gateway to the island is locked up tight.
We'll have to check back during our future trips to Selvadorada.

Back at our rental villa, my friends shower and relax.
Otavio establishes a dig site near the villa, which we excavate together.

Otavio: This food stall vendor tells me she's never served a skeleton before.
I'm an old regular now, eating all of my meals at the marketplace.

(And, in case you were wondering, my skeleton blessing wore off after 12 hours.)

Yae: Raul, Jonas, and I hang out for the rest of the evening.
We blow bubbles, play Don't Wake the Llama, or just chat.
As for Courtney, she prefers to talk to herself in the bathroom mirror.
She stayed in the bathroom for the entire evening, except for dinner. How rude!

Raul (left): I can't seem to make any progress in my relationship with Yae.
Jonas always manages to sit next to her first.  And tonight he's flirty.
How can Yae even find Jonas appealing? He's an active slob, for heavens' sake!

Otavio; I complete my teen requirement of eating each of the food stall's meals.
(I'll wait until I get home to age up.)
Around noon, I announce that I'm going to explore the Temple.
Yae and company are excited about coming along.

They never get past the Temple's first room, where they enjoy swimming and dancing.
That's fine with me. Now I can explore the Temple at my own pace.

I'm extremely lucky with the Temple's traps and don't fail a single one!
But the three treasure chests in the Temple's last room don't offer anything amazing.

Watcher: Otavio's Temple run has to have been the all-time fastest among my sims.

Cloud: Back home, the first thing Otavio does is set the table to ensure he earns the Good Manners trait.
With some encouragement, he successfully ages up with three character traits.
That's my boy!

On the other hand, Yae returns home to find an empty mailbox.
She'd asked her pen pals for her seven missing postcards, but they never arrived.
So, she's writing those seven pen pals again to ask a second time for postcards.
If/when they arrive tomorrow morning, she can age up to a young adult!

*Selvadorada Villa (30x20): "Casa Junto a la Grieta" by peacemaker_ic.
  A gorgeous 3-bd/3-bth residential lot which uses no custom content.
  I rotated the lot by 180 degrees, then added a card table and bubble blower..

PROGRESS: End of Week 30, Year 2
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Armored Catfish: I hope Yae doesn't have a problem getting through that gateway to the island so she can catch an Armored Catfish.
  In previous games, that gateway is often locked.

Offline oshizu

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Yumeno Big Dreams 8.31a: The Elusive Armored Catfish (2 Mar)
« Reply #209 on: March 02, 2022, 05:12:00 PM »
8.31a: The Elusive Armored Catfish

Cloud: I didn't get much time as narrator, but I'm turning that role over to the kids.
We're a four-generation household of one teen and four young adults now.  From L to R:
Yae, Papa Yuki, me (Cloud), Grandpa Taye, and Otavio.

Week 31, Monday (3rd week of winter)
Yae: Since returning from our two-day vacay last night, I've been mostly fishing.
Otavio's off work today and wants to go back to Selvadorada.
Which means I need to finish authenticating this artifact before our departure.

It's nearly 11 am when my seven missing postcards are finally delivered.

I didn't need any character traits to age up to a young adult.
But I was encouraged to earn both Responsible and Good Manners.
I hope they'll be useful for my future career as a Journalist!

Otavio: I assemble a Totecallam Chaos Relic then insert a rare crystal.
It's not the mystical relic I most want, but it'll have to do for now.
Hopefully, I'll uncover more relic pieces today!
Let's go to Selvadorada, folks! Yae can work on her daily task at the villa!

It's a family trip to Selvadorada this time.
In the evening, I strike out to the jungle with four goals in mind:
1  Defend against two natural dangers;
2  Acquire at least one Balampalsoh relic top;
3  Acquire at least one Death relic base; and
4  Take Yae to the southern island to fish for Armored Catfish.

Yes! Here's the gateway to the southern island.
I'm still hoping to fend off two natural dangers.
That's why I'm not asking Yae to join me until the last minute.

Yae's using orchids as bait for the Armored Catfish.
I'll keep on excavating until she manages to catch one.
Of course, when I want to be attacked, the bees, bats, and spiders totally ignore me!

Oh, hey!  Thank you, bees!

We miss a shot of Yae catching an Armored Catfish.
But here she is catching an Electric Eel.
Immediately after she switched to Electric Eels as bait, she catches an Armored Catfish.

We're ready to go back the villa for food and rest.

Yuki: Somehow, this trip isn't turning out as fun as I'd thought it would be.
Taye: You could always visit the food stall and learn more recipes.
Oh, and by the way, son, you know you're skating on thin ice, don't you?
Yuki: Who, me?
Taye: Yes, you! Watcher's been thinking of kicking you off the island.

Taye: She's not a fan of the Singing skill. You know that, right?
That's why Singing is a banned club activity.
She even made you "dislike" Singing, so you'd stop Singing whenever you're idle.
In spite of all that, you've still managed to reach Level 9 Singing.
Yuki: But I don't want to move out when we're so close to the finish line!
Taye: Then find yourself a different hobby, you fool!
You're ruining our chance of finishing with four generations in the house!

Cloud: Why are you here, Otavio? I sent you and Yae home from vacation so you wouldn't miss work..
Otavio: When 7 am rolled around, I couldn't go to work so I came back here.

Cloud: Oh look, Yae just left for work from home.
I guess you needed to get home at least one hour before the start of your shift.  Got it!

Otavio: Back in the jungle, I'm trying to pass through as many gateways and open as many chests as possible.
I don't need any Ancient Treasures or adventure gear.
All I'm looking for are specific relic pieces and unauthenticated artifacts.

There's also time for a quick temple run.

Sadly, opening this treasure chest doesn't count toward my Jungle Explorer aspiration.
I need to survive one more natural danger first. Ugh.

Otavio: If you don't mind, sis, I want to excavate this dig site myself.
It's in the Temple's last room and might offer some better stuff.
Unlike you, I need to complete the Omiscan Artifacts collection.
Yae: Okay. I'll just go excavate a dig site in the next room.

Yae: Grandpa Yuki, how long did it take you to become Chopstick Savvy?
Yuki: Um, I don't remember.
But now we're eating Bhel Puri and trying to become Spice Hounds.

Taye: Do you realize the danger you're in now, my dear son Yuki?
As usual, I'm the Villain and your son Cloud is the Space Ranger.
But look! Your grandson Otavio has become the Interstellar Smuggler.
And you? You're just the pizza delivery dude. 
Yuki: *sniffle, sniffle

Otavio: Because I'm a thoughtful brother, I suggest we all go to Semba-machi.
Yae can add the izakaya Ippai to her list of Knock, Knock destinations.
Meanwhile, I hike around hoping to encounter (and survive) a natural danger.
It turns out to be TOTAL waste of time.  For me, anyway.

So, it's back to Selvadorada where we lodge at the Belomisa Field Station.
No time for a Temple run, but I do pass through a few gateways.
What does a sim have to do to get attacked by critters around here!?

Otavio: Even with all my traveling around, I manage to earn a promotion.
I love my job!

I'm so impressed by Yae's progress with her Fish collection.
Lately, I've been more focused on getting relic pieces than growing my Artifacts collection.
Yae only needs to catch a Catfish plus the four fish that require bait:
Anglerfish, Piranha, Red-Tailed Black Shark, and Wolf Eel.

Hmmmm. What is the best way to encounter a natural damger?
Should I try enabling the Creepy Crawlies lot challenge here at home?
Nah. No doubt, the best way will be to return to the jungle ASAP.
Selvadorada, here I come!

PROGRESS: Middle of Week 31, Year 2
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Armored Catfish: I'm not sure if it was just a coincidence.
  Yae fished for hours using orchids as bait without catching an Armored Catfish.
  But she caught one soon after switching her bait to Electric Eels.

*Skeleton requirement: I realize the mystical relics have a cooldown.
  But I don't want Otavio to become a skeleton until after he's survived his second natural danger.  I'm crossing my fingers that it will happen soon.

*Jungle Explorer: As you've probably guessed, this is our current focus.
  Once Otavio's done with Jungle Explorer, we can work on the twins' other requirements.

*Archaeology Scholar: Both Otavio and Yae are doing this aspiration.
  This will help me ensure they finish their Big Dreams at the same time. Possibly.  Hopefully.