Author Topic: Yumeno Big Dreams 8.33b: Clumping to the Finish Line [Completed 5 March 2022]  (Read 36984 times)

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 5.21b: I Can Do This All Night (22 Jan 2022)
« Reply #150 on: January 24, 2022, 06:55:37 PM »

Are you keeping the grandparents in to limit births or do they serve another purpose? Looking forward to meeting Reiko's nooboo!

There are several reasons.
1) Limiting births: I harbor the ungrounded notion that I have a better chance of a perfect genetics heir with 2 sets of twins, rather than triplets and a single birth.
2) Prevent pregnancy-by-abduction: My sims still get abducted every few weeks. I'd rather not have to "Prevent abductions" via the satellite dish every 24 hours.
3) Every heir couple ends up completing Big Happy Family, since they have 3-4 children before a "perfect genetics" heir is born.
    I like to keep one parent around to help mentor skills, particularly for a move-in spouse.
4) Magical training: Every heir reaches max magical rank then stays long enough to help the next heir do the same. The current heir, Reiko, has 1 or 2 more ranks to go.
5) If I particularly love a certain sim, I'll keep them around as long as possible just cuz.

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Yumeno Big Dreams 5.22: C'mon, Violet Eyes! (25 Jan 2022)
« Reply #151 on: January 25, 2022, 08:35:34 PM »
5.22. C'mon, Violet Eyes!

You recognize us all by now, don't you?
Me and Megumi are on either end, with my parents flanking Taye & Nyaung.

Week 22, Sunday
In Brindleton Bay, Nyaung works hard chasing birds.

It takes all afternoon for Taye & Nyaung to find the missing Puffin feather.
That completes Taye's move-in collection.
He still hasn't turned a single sim yet.

Taye: I'm still deciding who to turn!

It's nearly midnight when I go into labor.
Taye comes with me to the hospital where I give birth to twin boys.
We name our first son Leonardo after a famous Renaissance man.
As a Twilight joke, Taye names our second son Edward.

As you can tell from the hospital's bassinets, the joke's on us.
I'm feeding Leonardo, who showed up in a spellcaster bassinet.
And Taye's feeding Edward, who came in a vampire bassinet.

Leonardo, on the left, ages up with blond hair.
Edward's hat conceals white hair and my pointy ears.

They're lovely little boys but neither has my violet eyes.
Oh, Edward! If only you could have been the heir!
Looks like we'll be trying again in a few days.

Because of the toddlers, we either stay home or visit family.
When the kids are older, Megumi wants to hold public classes.
For now she limits herself to private classes for family.

Apparently, Megumi has earned a Calming Aura.
I'll need to keep an eye out for it.

Papa Kiyoshi has been disrupting Megumi's attempts to ask for $2,000 loans.
As soon as she meets someone, he runs over to join the convo.
This causes her to drop her queue and the townie leaves. Ugh.

Oh well, Papa and Nyaung will be moving out later today.

With Papa and Nyaung gone, Taye and I can try for an heir again.
Ain't gonna lie. The sight of Taye in the coffin never gets old!
At first, I wasn't hyped about a marriage arranged by my parents.
But I've fallen head over heels.

Taye: Rei's so adorable when she comes to tell me she's eating for two.
Initially, I only agreed to this marriage because I was bored.
I'd planned to marry the mortal until death do us part then return to Forgotten Hollow.
But now, I want this life with Rei to last for eternity.

Watcher: Yeah, well, at least until this dynasty fails or finishes.

Tonight, Megumi suggests we visit the Founders' home in Sulani.
What a surprise that she has to introduce herself to her Key Point family.
She's so transparent!
Clearly, she's only here to ask the four of them for a Large Loan.

This waterfall holds a special meaning for both me and my sister.
For me, it's where Taye and I conceived Leo and Edward.
For Megumi, it's where she received her last two $2,000 loans.

I definitely prefer my memory with Taye.

Leo (left) and Edward (right) age up tpday.
Then, we all travel to Sixam so Megumi can collect crystals.

Back home, we discover that nobody in the household can mentor Mental/Logic.
We ask Founder Tao and Papa Kiyoshi to come over to help with the twins.

Edward (left): It's not very Edwardian of me, but I absolutely love fishing!
I could fish all day. What about you, Leo?
Leo (right): I'm just fishing to earn the Outdoor Adventurer badge yo.

Taye: It's past midnight when I decide to begin my vampire family.
Crossing the street, I turn Don Lothario and Dina Caliente.

I'm about to look for her sister Nina, when I remember.
Reiko will be going into labor soon. I must go home!

Rei: It's morning by the time we've fed and aged up our newborn twins.
Once again, I'm holding a spellcaster while Taye's holding a vampire.
Our spellcaster Yukihira is named after the protagonist of Watcher's favorite manga: Food Wars.
Our vampire Bernard's named after the influential British potter Bernard Leach.
We need to remove Yukihiras shades to check his eye color. What suspense!

Yukihira (Yuki for short) will be our next heir, folks!
He's inherited both my violet eyes and pointy ears but he resembles Taye.
What a relief and a blessing!

Taye: Later that day, I turn four more vampires, starting with the Fyres sisters in Windenburg.
Next, I turn Malcolm Landgraab and Rohan Elderberry.
Rogan aged up with the Hates Children trait, which can easily be re-traited.
I do like his looks and think his dark skin would go well with white hair.

And, yes, I've been accompanied all day by Rei and her sister Megumi.
You are looking at Megumi leading her 20th guided meditation.
Notice that she's brought along an incense burner.
Thanks to that move, Megumi's close to finding her Inner Peace.

Week 23, Sunday
Taye: What is a week without death?
Just when Rei's about to ask me an important question, she dies of hysteria.
The toddlers are devastated.
Grim genially accepts my Death Flower in exchange for her life.

Once Rei is resurrected, I introduce myself to Grim.
Meet my new good friend!

Rei: Finally, I can ask Taye my important question.
Taye: Naturally, I say yes!

Megumi: And while they're up there having fun, I find my Inner Peace.
8 more yoga classes and 1 Crandestine crystal, then I'm out of here!

Progress: End of Week 22, Year 2
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*New Big Dreams: Edward's stats easily give away his Big Dream.
  Hints for the other boys' Big Dreams are found in their given names.

*Bernard Leach: I learned of Leach through his association with Japanese potter Shoji Hamada.
  By weird coincidence, Leach was born on my birthday (Jan 5), also the date of Hamada's death.  In vastly different years, of course.

*Perfect Genetics: I'm sorely tempted to call this off for Generation 7.  Definitely for Generation 8.
  I'm not trying to complete all 42 Big Dreams, but there are good number left I'd like to play.
  Maybe I just need to take a one-week break between generations from now on, starting today.

*Megumi: If you haven't noticed, I'm very eager to move this sim out.
  That's why we've been so focused on her requirements.
  Her Parenting skill is low and she can only mentor Pipe Organ.
  I know exactly who will eventually fill that empty space.  Mwahahaha.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 5.22: C'mon, Violet Eyes! (25 Jan 2022)
« Reply #152 on: January 26, 2022, 01:55:52 AM »
Lovely set of Gen 6 kids!
I'm fairly confident in guessing Outdoorsman for Edward, Artist for Leonardo and Creative Artisan for Bernard. From the Food Wars ref, maybe Chef for Yuki?
I have a female Japanese friend called Yuki so I guess it's a unisex name?
My mum dropped out of being a teacher to become a potter for a while and Bernard Leach was her hero. She created some lovely items with amazing glazes and I still have one or two.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 5.22: C'mon, Violet Eyes! (25 Jan 2022)
« Reply #153 on: January 26, 2022, 08:57:29 PM »
Right on all accounts! 
There are actually two BDs that require the Chef career: Foodie and Restauranteur.  Yukihira will be doing Foodie.

I don't know a single Japanese person whose given name is only Yuki.  The name is always followed by one or more syllables, but may be shorted to Yuki as a nickname.
The most famous example is perhaps Yukio Mishima, though I seriously doubt whether he opted to be called "Yuki," lol.
Except in modern cases where Japanese names are written using syllabic characters, they are traditionally written using ideographs.
So two names with the exact same pronunciation will have different meanings (and possibly gender leanings) based on the choice of ideographs.

Because you are British, I chose the name Bernard instead of Shoji, haha.
I had no idea, though, you would have that wonderful connection to Bernard Leach through your mother and her pottery.
I encountered the work of both Hamada and Leach years ago in a Folk Arts museum in Tokyo (he is closely associated in Japan with Shoji Hamada who founded Japan's folk arts movement.)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 5.22: C'mon, Violet Eyes! (25 Jan 2022)
« Reply #154 on: January 27, 2022, 02:20:37 AM »
Thanks for the "Yuki" explanation. I must find the time to ask my friend what her full name is...

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 5.22: C'mon, Violet Eyes! (25 Jan 2022)
« Reply #155 on: January 27, 2022, 10:52:57 PM »
Thanks for the "Yuki" explanation. I must find the time to ask my friend what her full name is...

I lived in Japan for almost 20 years but just because I never knew anyone in Japan named "Yuki" doesn't mean that it never happens.
Naming conventions change, too. Now I'm curious about your friend's name, too.

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Yumeno Big Dreams 5.23a: Vampin'! (29 Jan 2022)
« Reply #156 on: January 29, 2022, 07:31:47 PM »
5.23a. Vampin'!

Taye: Today's my turn to tell you what's going on with our family.
Our household changed drastically since last week. From left to right:
Leonardo, Rei with Bernard, Mama Ae-Cha, me with the next heir Yuki, Megumi, and Edward

Week 23, Sunday
Taye: Where did our day go? Megumi teaches a few yoga classes.
Leo and Edward earn their last badge then quit scouts.
And, of course, Rei and I help the toddlers with their skills.

The last thing we do tonight is visit Sixam with Megumi.
Once again, the Crandestine crystal eludes her.

Another day of teaching Yuki and Bernard.
Leo and Edward attend school for the first time and bring home B's.
Leo can age up today but he's waiting to age up tomorrow with Edward.

Meanwhile, I spend all day turning my last four sims.
Johnny Zest and Bob Pancakes were walk-bys.
But I invite Nina Caliente and Daiki Ono over to the house.

Our toddlers have entered that phase where they're constantly asking why.
Though it gets annoying, it also means they're close to maxing all their skills.

Taye: At first, I wanted to join the Musician career because I love to play piano.
But I'm glad I joined the Trendsetter career with Rei.
Our daily tasks don't require travel, which has made raising our four sons easier.

Dina Caliente, Don, and Malcolm transform into vampires this morning.
I'm too busy with our boys to escort them home out of the sunlight.
I hope they have the sense to go home and stay indoors until nightfall.

As much as I'd like to go train them right away, I need to stay home.
All four of our sons are aging up today.
It's past noon when Yuki's ready to age up, followed by Bernard not long after.

Here they are before their makeovers.
Our next heir Yukihira (left) ages up in a purple tee, as if to remind us he's the only son with violet eyes.
Bernard (right) ages up looking like a hipster. I'm not sure his namesake would approve.

Taye: Leo and Edward bring home A's from school then age up immediately.
I wanted to give them makeovers first, but Edward (a born vampire) wouldn't stay out of the sunlight.
Edward: Arrggh, you're showing me in my pre-makeover pink leather pants?!
Taye: Fool, you can't even stay out of the sunlight to drink your vampire cure.

Edward (right): Why are we working on school projects at the Magic HQ?
Leo (left): Mama needs to learn her last three Ultimate spells, she says.

Megumi: I've been visiting Sixam every night in search of the Crandestine crystal.
Tonight, I arrive here a little past midnight and find my last crystal right away.
Yay! I've completed my Big Dream!

Taye: I gave Don Lothario some vampire training after dark.
Then I have to wait four hours until I can train Malcolm.
Rather irresponsible of me to turn so many sims in such a short period, eh?

As soon as Leo's aged up to a young adult, I pay a visit to Dina Caliente.
Once I start training Dina, who is my third trainee, I complete my Vampire Family aspiration.
No rest for the wicked, they say. I must rush home for Edward's party.

It's past midnight when Edward earns a silver medal for his weenie roast.
Time to light his birthday candles.

It's hard to believe both Leo and Edward are already young adults!
But wait, the night's not over yet!
You know, I really don't have time to train and supervise a vampire coven…

So I invite seven of the 10 vampires I turned and cure them.
What a relief not having to worry if they'll suffer death by sunlight.
That leaves only Malcolm, Johnny Zest, and Daiki left to cure.
I'll see to them on another night.

Progress: Middle of Week 23, Year 2
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*Outdoorsman's fish collection: I'm not going to kill myself over this!
  Out of the 52 total fish, Edward's aiming for a 33-fish collection.
  22 (base game) +5 (Outdoor Retreat) +3 (Spa Day) +2 (City Living) +1 (Vampires)

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 5.23a: Vampin'! (29 Jan 2022)
« Reply #157 on: January 31, 2022, 10:10:10 AM »
I'm so glad you cured Malcolm Landgraab. Aphie has just declared him an enemy and she'd rather not have him vamping his way into our Simverse! Lol.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 5.23a: Vampin'! (29 Jan 2022)
« Reply #158 on: January 31, 2022, 01:17:42 PM »
I'm so glad you cured Malcolm Landgraab. Aphie has just declared him an enemy and she'd rather not have him vamping his way into our Simverse! Lol.
Lol, Malcolm is one of Taye's 3 offspring that he hasn't cured.
Taye mentions that in the penultimate line of that update.

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Yumeno Big Dreams 5.23b: Glampin'! (31 Jan 2022)
« Reply #159 on: January 31, 2022, 02:06:44 PM »
5.23b: Glampin'

Week 23, Thursday (3rd week of summer)
Edward: Howdy there, I'm the ex-vampire Outdoorsman, Edward!
Hopefully, I'll be gone by the the arrival of the seventh generation.
So I'm taking over today's episode.  Here we are at Granite Falls, from left to right:
Bernard, Mama Rei, Papa Taye, Leo, me, Gram Ae-Cha, and the sixth-generation heir Yuki.

Edward: You hear the name Granite Falls and you immediately think: Oh, camping!
But no, you'd be wrong this time.
Mama and Gram have insisted that we be glamping. *sighs

Still, this vacation rental created by Gizky ain't no joke!
Submerged patio with a pool and waterfall?!

Hardly matters to me. I'll be spending most of my time outdoors, anyway.
Shoot! I've already caught a Bass back in Oasis Springs!

Yuki and Bernard aren't allowed outdoors until they finish Artistic Prodigy.
Leo joined the Painter career so he's also in the same room getting his art on.

I'm mystified by Papa's fishing luck.  I've maxed Fishing but he's only Level 3.
And yet the only fish unique to Granite Falls I've caught so far is a Walleye.
Meanwhile, Papa's caught not only a Walleye but also a Yellow Perch and a Red Crawdad.

By the way, after Papa cured my vampirism, Gram gave me a Rite of Ascension.
Flying around by broom has been mighty convenient here in Granite Falls!

Yuki and Bernard can travel with their violins, so we all go to the National Forest first thing.
This trip, I'm focusing on gathering herbs and becoming a full-fledged Outdoor Enthusiast.
But the insect collection worries me. Will I be the only Yumeno to never leave the dynasty house?

By noon, I've harvested nine of the 10 Granite Fall herbs. Shall I forge onward to the Deep Falls?

That's when I realize that Yuki and Bernard are ready to age up.
We brought a cake but can't place it on a picnic table, so it's back to the lodgings.
Darn it, we should've brought one of those portable tables!

You've never had a good look at the boys after their makeovers, have you?

And here they are as teens.
Rumor has it that our Watcher has declared Papa her all-time favorite sim.
Luckily for our next heir, Yuki, he looks the most like Papa among the four of us.
Grandpa Kiyoshi passed his eye shape to Mama, who passed it on to Bernard.

It's good thing Bernard couldn't age up in the National Forest after all.
We'd all completely forgotten that he'd come into his vampire powers on his teen birthday.
If we'd aged him up out there, he would have fried!
Safe in our Campground lodgings, Papa mixes Bernard an Ultimate Vampire Cure. Close call!

It takes several hours to get everyone ready to travel again.
Moving quickly is not easy with a group of seven.
But who am I to deny the family our first real vacation together?

Leo (left): I don't know about that, dude. Feels like the usual grind to me!
Yuki (right): No, it's not! We're on vacation from work and school!
Bernard (in the back): It's nice to get away from our home lot from time to time!
Leo: Well, our parents and I are going back tonight so we can work tomorrow.
But we'll be back tomorrow night after work!

Edward: Have a heart, you guys!
Y'all can reach your Big Dreams at home in Oasis Springs.
On the other hand, I can only complete roughly half of my Big Dream here in Granite Falls.
That's why I've been guzzling moodlet solvers to hunt insects and fish day and night.

Leo (brown): I appreciate your mentoring me in Writing, Papa.
Taye (white): You should get married, Leo, so I can become a Patriarch.
Edward (green): Let's go back to the lodging. I'm catching the same insects over and over!
Yuki (lavender hair): Could everyone listen for a sec so I can talk to you about grilled cheese?

Week 24, Sunday
This morning, I leave everyone at the lodging and venture out by myself for several hours.
I catch a few insects in the Deep Forest and the National Park, but nothing new.
Somehow, I've got a horseshoe stuck to my hand and I can't get rid of it.  So annoying!

When I return to the lodgings, Papa is swimming in the pool next to the sunken patio.
He insists that I go insect collecting by myself during our next visit.
The rest of the family will stay at the lodgings, doing whatever they please.
If I ever finish my Big Dream, I want to go on a real vacation to somewhere that's not Granite Falls!

Yuki's made super progress with his Grilled Cheese project.
He's been splitting each serving into two so it counts twice.
I guess he's worried about putting on weight.

Since Bernard's teen birthday, he's crafted exactly 15 woodwork sculptures.
Gram says he'll finish his teen requirement quicker if we visit the other Yumeno households.

I know you're tired of watching me catch insects.
Notice, however, that I no longer have that horseshoe stuck to my hand.
It must have fallen off when I traveled back to the Campground area.
Anyway, these Bees are my 14th insect, so I'm ready to end this vacation.

Gallery Download
*Forest Hideaway (40x30): "Granite Falls Vacation" by Gizky.
  Edited to suit personal preferences, then converted to a rental lot.
  Gizky's build is amazing and represents glamping at its finest.

Progress: End of Week 23, Year 2
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*Edward's Big Dream:
 To ease Edward's worries, I checked if he could switch to any other Big Dreams.
  By coincidence, Edward has also completed all the pre-YA requirements for Tech Head.
  If collecting insects proves too hard on my patience and impaired vision, Edward will switch to that.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 5.23b: Glampin'! (31 Jan 2022)
« Reply #160 on: January 31, 2022, 04:07:02 PM »
Good luck on the insects. Stick insects were the hardest to see...

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 5.23b: Glampin'! (31 Jan 2022)
« Reply #161 on: February 01, 2022, 02:51:36 AM »
Good luck on the insects. Stick insects were the hardest to see...

I thought you mentioned that Jewel Beetles were being elusive. They weren't the last ones you found?

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 5.23b: Glampin'! (31 Jan 2022)
« Reply #162 on: February 01, 2022, 03:21:13 AM »
The jewel beetles were in the same spot as the crickets - you catch one and then, after a cool-down, the other is spawned. I think both were afternoon spawners but I could say for sure.

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 5.23b: Glampin'! (31 Jan 2022)
« Reply #163 on: February 01, 2022, 03:44:40 AM »
There aren't any crickets. Do you mean katydids?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 5.23b: Glampin'! (31 Jan 2022)
« Reply #164 on: February 01, 2022, 02:00:15 PM »
Sorry - must engage brain - I mean the stick insects which are crazy-hard to spot.