Author Topic: Yumeno Big Dreams 8.33b: Clumping to the Finish Line [Completed 5 March 2022]  (Read 36992 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 4.18a: Not Again!? (7 Jan 2022)
« Reply #120 on: January 07, 2022, 04:05:28 AM »
Gosh - this episode looks like it was hard work! Congratulations on all the achievements. And thanks for the tips on Bizarre fruit and the expanding family interaction.

Cute dog - I'm glad you're doing Virtuous Vet with Jaden - I've not really engaged with the Cats & Dogs pack so I will be taking notes!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 4.18a: Not Again!? (7 Jan 2022)
« Reply #121 on: January 07, 2022, 11:18:32 AM »
Three emotional deaths in 3 weeks - WAY too many. It is just way too easy for that to happen. So glad you are keeping death flowers handy to get your Sims back.
Great work with the Mother Plant!
Hope your chat about expanding the family has the desired effect!  ;)
Jaden's little puppy is adorable!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 4.18a: Not Again!? (7 Jan 2022)
« Reply #122 on: January 08, 2022, 05:57:36 PM »
Gosh - this episode looks like it was hard work! Congratulations on all the achievements. And thanks for the tips on Bizarre fruit and the expanding family interaction.

Cute dog - I'm glad you're doing Virtuous Vet with Jaden - I've not really engaged with the Cats & Dogs pack so I will be taking notes!

I feel like the past 3 in-game weeks have been especially difficult, with Darren's Academic aspiration & Secret Society, Zing's Meet & Greets, Ji-Won's Strangerville Mystery, and Ae-Cha's Food Critic tasks and Party Animal aspiration all requiring time away from the home lot to complete. So much micro-managing to juggle everyone's schedule and progress.
Friend of the Animals must be my least favorite aspiration, but I enjoy running a vet clinic and the pets are cute!

Three emotional deaths in 3 weeks - WAY too many. It is just way too easy for that to happen. So glad you are keeping death flowers handy to get your Sims back.
Great work with the Mother Plant!
Hope your chat about expanding the family has the desired effect!  ;)
Jaden's little puppy is adorable!

My first death by hysteria was back in 2016 for a just-married sim that I was so looking forward to playing in my legacy.
Since then, I always avoid the Comedy skill and Joke Star aspiration unless absolutely necessary. 
The sentiments system that came with Snowy Escape has just exacerbated my woes.
In my games, as soon as a nooboo ages up toddler, I move 4-5 Death Flowers into their inventory (so I won't forget later), lol.

Yes, I'm crossing my fingers for Zing & Diego!
Jaden's dog is a small adult.  ;)

Offline Auranaris

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 4.18a: Not Again!? (7 Jan 2022)
« Reply #123 on: January 08, 2022, 06:12:08 PM »
Just poking my head in to say that I’ve been really enjoying this story!
*goes back in cave*
they/he pronouns please!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 4.18a: Not Again!? (7 Jan 2022)
« Reply #124 on: January 09, 2022, 01:19:30 AM »
How awfully sweet of you to drop by with such nice words. 🧡
I hope your cave is equipped for fun and entertainment. Do your sims live there with you?

Offline oshizu

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Yumeno Big Dreams Interlude: Our Final Move, Hopefully (9 Jan 2022)
« Reply #125 on: January 09, 2022, 05:09:35 PM »
Interlude: Our Final Move, Hopefully

Watcher: I'll just talk you through the two latest builds myself.
It felt weird to put my building decisions into the mouth of one of my sims.

Soon after completing her Big Dream, Ji-Won moved out and Jaden adopted his doggo, Hayate (3 syllables).
And then the household moved to Arid Ridge the Skyward Palms neighborhood of Oasis Springs.

I converted my 32-tile micro casita starter (in the Gallery) into a regular residence.
With its three fishing spots, a food stall, and warm weather, this is unquestionably my favorite lot.
Here's an overhead view of their new home at Arid Ridge.

From the lot's front, you can go straight into the patio or turn right for the front door.
Hmmm, I should probably lower the 1st-floor roof to add a few more 2nd-story windows.

As you can see from this shot of the patio, the sims will enjoy al fresco dining.
The house has no indoor dining area (we're on a 40x30 lot),

On the right side of the entrance, I made a clumsy attempt of a pond.
The terrain tools are no friends of mine, but I love having a pond on the lot.
You're probably wondering why, since there are three fishing spots nearby.
But we can stock/restock our own pond with specific fish, which is very useful.

Let's start from the house's second floor.
The master bedroom's on your right with another large bedroom on your left.
Where are the ensuites? Let's be honest here.
At present, all of the young adults have Steel Bladder, Always Fresh, and Never Weary.
We do have bio-break facilities elsewhere on the lot, as you'll see later.

On the first floor, this is the living/kitchen area.
It's quite small since this room formed the original 32-tile starter home.
The kitchen is conveniently adjacent to the patio.
And the arch left of the front door leads to the rest of the first floor.

Between the front room and these four rooms, a hallway holds stairs to the 2nd floor.
The first two rooms are the Focused Room (left) and Inspired Studio (right).
There are two smaller bedrooms in the back.
Jaden and Castanova currently share one of them.

On the opposite side of the back door from the patio, there's a mysterious fencing.
Its gate is currently locked to everyone (including pets).
Its stairs lead down into what I've named The Lair of Dubious Morality.

Yes, you've guessed right.
Once Castanova is a teen, this room will be his.
At present, it contains a mini-fridge in case our boy gets hungry.
I won't hesitate to remove it, though, if he constantly grabs a  drink of water.

I got a little carried away with Castanova's Lair.
It is the only bedroom with an ensuite, lol.
We don't want the boy having to go upstairs mid-whatever, right?
Plus, there's a shower and variety is the spice…yada yada.

Across from the Lair's entrance is the Toddler Bedroom.
I abandoned toddler beds several dynasties ago.
It, too, has a lockable gate because not only am I a control freak, but also other family members gravitate to the tents.
So the Toddler Bedroom is always locked to all but (surprise!) toddlers.

Behind that is a substantially downsized garden area.
The greenhouse contains all the plants, regardless of season.
The outer garden is home to birds, future bunnies (Oh! We have one bunny guest already!), and all-season trees.
The birds and bunnies can access the greenhouse through the arch.

Here's the back left corner of the lot.
The doorless shed conceals all the sticky storage boxes (well, 7).

The nearby building with four doors contain two toilets and two showers.
In the household, only the child Castanova doesn't have a Steel Bladder.
And if a toddler requires a bath, a bathtub can temporarily replace a shower.

The small room in the lot's front left corner is only temporary.
Castanova lures a potential enemy into this room, then locks the door until he's done.
This prevents a repeat of Mortimer Goth, who angrily left too early and wouldn't come back to the lot.
Here's Castanova's harassing Clara Bjergsen, soon to be his sixth declared enemy.

Anyway, now that you've seen the whole house. Let's go visit the new vet clinic, shall we?

Both Kiyoshi and Jaden heartily approve of Jaden's new vet clinic.
The family recently sold Brindleton Pawspital, which they'd bought previously for a future family vet.
Opening a vet clinic in the Yukimatsu district makes much more sense.

The clinic and ski lift are on either side of the atrociously-named Sutefani Onsen.
(You know I'll be renaming that lot.)
Whenever Jaden opens the vet clinic, Kiyoshi can work on his Extreme Sports Enthusiast aspiration.
More time for both to pursue their Big Dreams, with less schedule managing for me.

The clinic's first floor is a remodeling of my now-trice-recycled 50 Shades of Spay clinic.
Mostly, I simply redid that clinic's exterior and interior walls/floors for a more Japanese feel.
And a second floor has also been added.
The check-in area is not large but sufficiently functional.

The treatment area is probably too large, with 3 exam rooms and 2 surgery rooms.
Besides Jaden, however, Darren's Veterinarian skill is L9 and Papa Mark's at L5.
Papa Mark can be backup vet and do cleanup with Ae-Cha.
That's the plan for now, anyway.

The treatment area connects to a household-only corridor with stairs leading upstairs.
The corridor also opens into an indoor onsen room.

It's the pre-made onsen room from Build mode, which I enlarged and somewhat recolored.
Now the family can enjoy the benefits of an onsen without stepping off their lot.

Whenever Jaden works in his clinic, the rest of the household will accompany him (barring work/school)
That's why the second floor is designed to function as a small residence.

I haven't decided what to do with the two empty rooms on the left yet.
That will depend on the 2 pets Jaden will need for his Friend of the Animals aspiration plus Bong-Cha's knitting (sighs).
Ae-Cha won't have more children until Jaden moves out one or both of his pets.

Well, that's it for the household's recent move.
The vet clinic's layout is not imaginative at all, but we're hoping it won't be in use for more than 8 to 10 work shifts (60 hours total).
In the next update, we shall return to our regular programming.   ;D

*Tents for toddlers: This is another tip I learned from the genius simmer reggikko.
  Energy gain is faster than toddler beds (2x?) without the hassle of high-chair naps.
  Hopefully, a future generation won't need to raise 3 toddlers at once, but it's better to be prepared, right?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams Interlude: Our Final Move, Hopefully (9 Jan 2022)
« Reply #126 on: January 10, 2022, 02:32:30 AM »
Thanks for the tour. Both look amazing.

I'd just started working out the toddler tent thing as my latest toddlers (spoiler) keep heading for Artemis' tent. That will save me indoor space.

Please keep sharing tips for the vet dream. I am quite nervous although it's a long way off in my plans...

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams Interlude: Our Final Move, Hopefully (9 Jan 2022)
« Reply #127 on: January 11, 2022, 11:19:47 AM »
Here's some info you'll want to know that won't appear in my story updates:
1) There are a total of 10 vet clinic perks, requiring 18,950 perk points.
2) It's much, much easier to buy all the vet clinic perks than the Mischief Maker's retail perks (no swiping).
3) Clinic perks can be earned not only by client/pet interactions (tho' not by employees and not for cleaning) but also by leveling the Vet skill (any household member).
4) Due to the above point, I hire two employees only for cleaning.

Truth be told, the Friend of the Animals aspiration is much more of a pain then the vet clinic tasks. ;)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams Interlude: Our Final Move, Hopefully (9 Jan 2022)
« Reply #128 on: January 11, 2022, 11:44:24 AM »
That's great information *files it away*. Good luck with your continuing dreams!

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Yumeno Big Dreams 4.18b: Sasha Ain't Ms. Behavin' (12 Jan 2022)
« Reply #129 on: January 12, 2022, 04:27:34 PM »
4.18b. Sasha Ain't Ms. Behavin'

Ae-Cha: We're pretty much done unpacking and getting settled.
Here we are in front of our new home.  From left to right:
Nephew Jaden, my siblings Darren & Bong-Cha, son Castanova with Hayate, Kiyoshi & me, and Papa Mark

Week 18, Thursday
Ae-Cha: We have three priorities for the rest of this week:
*Castanova: Declare 8 enemies, then age up to a teen.
*Jaden: Teach Hayate 8 unique tricks, then age up to a young adult.
*Bong-Cha: Complete Lady of the Knits.

Kiyoshi and I want to have more children, so we don't need to rush as much..

After completing his Big Dream this morning, Darren quits his job.
He'll stay until he's sure his support won't be needed at Jaden's vet clinic.

Bong-Cha maxes her career at the same time, but her Big Dream isn't done yet.

Sshhhh, don't tell my nephew, but I befriend Hayate while Jaden's at school.
Maybe we should keep Hayate forever to slow our pace down.
It would be one household space that can't take on a Big Dream.

Today we learn that the "Problem Child" achievement Is wrongly named.
It isn't earned by Castanova when he maxes Mischief this afternoon.
Shouldn't the achievement be rightfully called "Problem Teen"?  Harrumph!

Castanova: It doesn't take long to declare the child-hating Lily Feng my 8th enemy.
Then I age up to a teen with Grandpa Mark's hairstyle.
As much as I love Grandpa, I ask for a makeover.  Aah, that's better!

Jaden: Shiba Inu are innately clever, so Hayate learns tricks very quickly.
He also has over 400 followers on Simstagram already.
He's such a great dog that it's impossible to tempt him into misbehaving.

Jaden: This afternoon, I open my vet clinic for the first time.
Not many clients today because I forgot to advertise.
But I do become friends with every pet who walks through our doors.

Of course, I haven't seen Uncle Kiyoshi since we arrived in Yukimatsu.
I wish I could be enjoying winter sports with Uncle Kiyoshi, too!

In fact, Uncle Darren isn't as helpful as I'd thought he'd be.
I keep having to stop him and Gramps from leaving the clinic for the ski lift.

My cuz Castanova and Auntie Bong-Cha stay up on the clinic's second floor.
Castanova's been making mischief and boosting his charisma.
Auntie Bong-Cha's trying to knit two more legendary items.

We later learn that she became Lady of the Knits sometime this evening.

Darren: In the morning, Bong-Cha moves out to live with our aunt Mikilani in Sulani.
After Jaden adopts a cat, I move out to live with my family in Mt. Komorebi.

Jaden's already hired two employees who only clean.
I'm sure he, Gramps, and Ae-Cha can handle the clinic just fine without me.

Jaden: My new pet, Sasha, is a raccoon with Bengali markings.
When I lecture her for jumping on the corner, she turns away from me and narrows her eyes.
Maybe I should have befriended her before trying to correct her misconduct.

Castanova: How did you get down here into my Lair? It's locked to everyone.
Victor: I have no idea.  All I know is that I ended up here and can't get out.

C: But this is a special room. It's no place for the likes of a grumpy ole man like you!
V: Like I said, the gate's locked and I can't get out.

C: I can't believe you're the first sim to sit on my bed. I hate you!
V: As if anyone in their right mind would come to this tacky room to be with you!

C: As soon as I get rid of Victor, my homie Salim phones me. So true, Salim, so true!

Ae-Cha: It looks like Jaden and his pets will be with us for a while to come.
Hayate is a perfect dog who's a quick learner but never misbehaves.
Meanwhile, Sasha finally learns not to jump on counters after Jaden lectures her 4 different times.

Ae-Cha: Castanova has certainly been busy today.
In the morning, he declares the elderly Victor Feng his 10th enemy.
Then, in the late afternoon, he persuades Koichi Fukuda to be his boyfriend.
Koichi isn't as pretty as Castanova.  But then, is anybody as pretty as Castanova?

Don't worry, folks. Jaden hasn't died here in front at South Square Coffee.
Castanova's here to clog a drain.
So, Jaden's making use of the time to teach Hayate his eighth trick: Play dead.

Castanova: Next, we go to the izakaya Ippai in Semba-machi, where I clog my third drain.
When I'm close to done, some loud woman comes and begins nagging me.

Castanova: She's lucky you texted me about going on a hike, Papa.
I was ready to bop her on the head with my wrench!
Oh, I can't wait to walk through the bamboo forest.

Kiyoshi: Don't worry, folks. Those are forest spirits.

They would never harm us.

Kiyoshi: Back home, I take everyone with me to Sixam for a quick visit.
Hayate and Sasha seem unimpressed about being the first dog and cat to set paw on Sixam.
Thanks to this trip, I complete my geode collection. *pumps fist

Ae-Cha: Jaden ages up to a young adult early this morning.
How time flies!

Jaden can always count on Hayate's impeccable behavior and Sasha's misconduct.
This morning, Sasha learns to not scratch the furniture.

This update focused mainly on the Big Dreams of Jaden and Castanova.
Honestly, Jaden and his pets need to move out before the rest of the fifth generation can be born.
We'll wait until Jaden's done with the vet clinic before adding to the household, tyvm. ;)

Progress: End of Week 18, Year 2
Click the spoiler tag to view this week's progress.
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*Pet breeds/traits:
  Wondering about available pet breeds and their default traits?
  Here's a list in this Default Pet Traits in CAP (Create a Pet) thread. Check it out.

*Castanova: I lavish time on him so he'll age up with only good character traits.
  Blatant favoritism, why yes. What's new?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 4.18b: Sasha Ain't Ms. Behavin' (12 Jan 2022)
« Reply #130 on: January 13, 2022, 12:57:06 PM »
Castanova is such a pretty Sim - he'll be very good at breaking hearts!

For some reason your link to the pet traits is blocked to me...but I found it direct by using Google

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 4.18b: Sasha Ain't Ms. Behavin' (12 Jan 2022)
« Reply #131 on: January 13, 2022, 01:33:39 PM »
For some reason your link to the pet traits is blocked to me...but I found it direct by using Google

I appreciate your alerting me to my bad link.
Thanks to you, I've fixed it now. <3

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Yumeno Big Dreams 4.19a: Meet Nyaung from Myanmar (14 Jan 2022)
« Reply #132 on: January 14, 2022, 06:54:25 PM »
4.19a. Meet Nyaung from Myanmar

Ae-Cha: We're a three-generation household of five sims and 2 pets!
From left to right:
Our son Castanova, nephew Jaden & Sasha, me, Kiyoshi & Hayate, and Papa Mark.

Week 19, Sunday (3rd week of spring, Year 2)
Ae-Cha: Today, I'm doing a special project with Castanova.
He's trying to woo teens who won't attract his future siblings and family members.
Yes, Nani Keahola is a safe bet.
Her looks are strangely unlike her attractive father, Makoa.

Jaden: I'm just waiting around to go work at the vet clinic.
In the meantime, I occasionally check on Sasha and snap photos of Hayate.

Whaddya know? Hayate's become one popular fellow on Simstagram!

Castanova: I'd introduced Mama to all my so-called love interests.
She invites Koichi and Nani to her House Party, but can't invite Anita Kumar.

I have to wait until Anika's Scout Meeting ends to invite her over.
She's not a party guest but our First Kiss still counts.  Speed Dating!

Jaden: On Friday, Gramps and I treated 4 patients in 14 hours then closed the clinic.
This evening, we return to find our 2 employees treated 31 patients in the last 55 hours.

WTH? They're not allowed to treat patients; they only clean! They're fired!
No wonder we dropped from 1.5 stars to 1 star since Friday!

Ae-Cha: Castanova has a long road ahead of him so he's excused from clinic duty.
Instead, we've built him a small room at the front of the lot.

He needs to attend school every day this week before he can age up to a young adult.
He might as well use his teen days productively, right?
Also, he needs to meet more teens!  Maybe at the bowling alley?

I take a very short break to run over to the Expert Slope.
Kiyoshi's snowboarding form is perfection!

Ae-Cha: Jaden gets another pet this morning, a Burmese cat.
He names him Nyaung, which is the onomatopoeia for "Meow" in Myanmar.
Burmese cats are innately friendly, but Nyaung's also a mischievous prowler.
Good luck, Jaden!

At 9 am, I earn my final Food Critic promotion.
Quickly, I phone in my resignation.
Our family now consists of 1 teen, 4 part-time veterinarians, and 3 pets.

Jaden: I've trained out 5 of the required 6 misbehaviors so far.
At present, the count is Hayate 0, Sasha 4, and Nyaung 1.
I'm relying on Nyaung for the sixth one.
But it's no denying that Sasha is the champ in this department!

Ae-Cha: After Catanova returns from school, I throw one party after another.
Two easy-peasy gold-medal Dinner Parties.
And I've completed my Holiday Lover Big Dream!

No rest for the wicked. We're off to the vet clinic.

Kiyoshi: Jaden's just slacking off at school today.
So I decide it's the perfect time to climb Mt. Komorebi.

I invite my wife's Great-Grandpa Tao and Grandpa Kaiyo to join me.

Those two have no Rock-Climbing skill whatsoever.
Yet they beat me to the top of the first two rock walls.

Non-households can reach the peak with zero Rock-Climbing skill.
Household sims, however, will require at least Rock-Climbing 7.

Folks say that a fall from this third wall can result in death!
Tao and Kaiyo immediately start climbing, but I do some pre-climb stretching first.
I took a nasty fall from the second wall, so I make sure to chalk my hands, too.

My first attempt results in falling flat on my already-injured back.
But my second attempt at climbing courageously is going well so far.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to make it.

Snow spirits!
Thank you so much for keeping me safe and alive back there!

Kiyoshi: The view from Mt. Komorebi's peak is indescribable.
Tao: We appreciate your inviting us along on your excursion, Kiyoshi.
Kaiyo: Yes! Without you, we would never have climbed the peak!

Kiyoshi: It's not easy to randomly encounter wildlife attacks.
While the others are at the clinic, I've taken several hikes.
Also, I have Level 10 Rock-Climbing and Snowboarding.
Why isn't that being acknowledged?

Castanova: I make sad puppy eyes at Brynna Bheeda when asking her for a loan.
I've wooed, kissed, and wheedled my entire high school.

But I need a 10th kiss to become a teen Serial Romantic.
There's only one thing left to do…

Castanova: This is Kohei Fujiwara, the only child in our simverse who's not my relative.
Whoops, time for school. Let's meet back here later, Kohei!

Ae-Cha: Jaden's looking handsome in his red cold-weather outfit.
Maybe we should stay home today to give Nyaung a chance to misbehave.
How ironic that our pets' good behavior disappoints us. *sighs

Jaden scolds Nyaung for playing in the trash, but Nyaung feigns innocence.
That cat is such a wily creature!

We bring both Sasha and Nyaung to the clinic with us this evening.
Sasha lets us know that she's in heat.  Hmmm, Sasha/Nyaung kittehs?

Speaking of being in heat…
Castanova's only three gold dates away from becoming a true Serial Romantic.
But I advise him to leave the grade-schoolers alone and focus on his teen requirements.

Back home, Sasha's looking morose inside the Fantastical Tent.
This morning, she learns not to drink from puddles.
Nice! Jaden's reached the home stretch of his Big Dream!

Progress: Middle of Week 19, Year 2
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*Training out misbehavior:
  The Friend of the Animals aspiration requires training out 6 misbehaviors total,
  two at the aspiration's Tier II and 4 more at Tier III. Here's how our pets perform:
  Tier II (2) : Learn not to jump on counter, Learn not to attack (both Sasha)
  Tier III (4): Learn not to scratch furniture, Learn not to beg for food (both Sasha)
                    Learn not to jump on counter (Nyaung),
                    Learn not to drink from puddles (Sasha).
  We might have done okay on these tasks without Nyuang, but he's important later.

*Vet clinic: Jaden and his grandpa Mark run the clinic as Vets.
  Auntie Ae-Cha usually cleans but also treats patients at busier times.
  I'd never played a vet clinic with employees before, so didn't know they'd open the clinic themselves.
  Since my sims leveled their Vet skill by crafting stuff, they'd no need for employees.

*Zing Yumeno: Remember how hard we tried to get her and Diego to have children?
 She showed up at a party feeling uncomfortable but looking a slim as usual.
 A few days later, I noticed that she'd given birth to a boy named Clyde.
 We'll go age him up after Ae-Cha and Kiyoshi have more kids, too.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 4.19a: Meet Nyaung from Myanmar (14 Jan 2022)
« Reply #133 on: January 15, 2022, 09:26:07 AM »
I see what you mean about the Friend of the Animals aspiration - it looks intense!

The Big Dreams dynasty is actually encouraging me to attempt a lot of things I've not explored properly before. It's hard work and a steep learning curve sometimes but I'm really relishing the challenges. Now - time to go back to the jungle!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 4.19a: Meet Nyaung from Myanmar (14 Jan 2022)
« Reply #134 on: January 15, 2022, 01:46:17 PM »
Each of the Big Dreams seems to play out differently, depending on what else is going on in the dynasty household.
I've enjoyed the Virtuous Vet Big Dream, but I'm also eager for Ae-Cha and Kiyoshi to give birth to the next heir.

Exploring new things to do in Sims 4, but gathered into the cohesive format of Big Dreams, is surely one of the main goals of this dynasty.
I'm wondering if it's wise to continue my perfect genetics mini-challenge. It causes me to have full households. 
Okay, I confess: I almost always play full households.

Also, thank you for always reading and commenting, Granny Lawlor. 🧡
And a warm cyber-hug to the silent readers! 💖

