Author Topic: Yumeno Big Dreams 8.33b: Clumping to the Finish Line [Completed 5 March 2022]  (Read 37016 times)

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.15a: Settling into StrangerVille (25 Dec)
« Reply #90 on: December 25, 2021, 07:16:36 PM »
Summer and Marcus are both Active sims, but I don't remember Sergio's traits except that he hates children.
Haha, I know which mermaid you mean.  The one with the mohawk, right?
Lol, as for your shop spoiler.  No plans to remodel that into a vet clinic or restaurant for a future generation?

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.15a: Settling into StrangerVille (25 Dec)
« Reply #91 on: December 25, 2021, 07:32:14 PM »
3.15a: Settling into StrangerVille

Mark: Welp, we've still getting unpacked in our new home in a new town.
Here's our current household, from left to right:
Ji-Won, me, niece Astra, and wife Venessa. Then, Ji-Won's twin Bong-Cha, Darren, my sister Zing, and Ae-Cha.

Week 15, Sunday (3rd week of winter)
Mark: Now that Ji-Won has her bunker, she can age up to a teen.
With the cakes I'd made, she and Ae-Cha run down to the bunker and blow out the candles.

As a teen, Ji-Won looks a lot more like Ae-Cha than her actual twin Bong-Cha.
Go figure.
They're both beautiful girls, thanks to their gorgeous mother.

Ae-Cha: I brought this box filled with magical tomes down to our bunker, Ji-Won.
Ji-Won: Great idea! Pa's taking us to the Magical Realm later.
We can read a few tomes until then.

Mark: Ji-Won and Ae-Cha make the rounds at Magical HQ.
Ae-Cha meets not only the sages but many other spellcasters, too.
When we return home, Astra makes two back-to-back trips to Sixam.

Venessa's off one another client meeting, so I invite over the romantic Nina Caliente.
There! That's my fifth First Kiss with a patient.
I'm really glad to be done with this part of my "Big Nightmare."
Especially since Venessa completes her 29th gig tonight.

Darren: I wait until Mama's back from her meeting then visit the Foxbury campus.
Leaving a rare metal as an offering, I wish for academic success. *crosses fingers

Bong-Cha: This morning, I learn the hard way about enrollment timing.
Darren enrolled on Friday so he starts classes today.
Because I enrolled on Sunday, however, I don't start classes until tomorrow.

Darren: No biggie, sis. Next term, I'll enroll with you on Monday.
We can cram on weekdays and take weekends off with the family!

Mark: Living as Dr. McSteamy might be a blast for a bachelor.
For a husband and father, like myself, it's just been a huge burden.
Well, at last, I'm done sneaking around and engaging in meaningless liaisons!

After treating my fifth patient (yay!), I go out front to admit a new patient.
And look who I find, looking very much alive.

With Dirk prepped for Triple Threat surgery, I consider all the mischief I might do.
But no, Dirk may have wronged my sister Zing but she wasn't entirely innocent.
I proceed with his abdominal surgery, without shaving his head as initially planned.
As my shift nears its end, I perform a successful operation.

At 7 pm, my work day ends with my final promotion to Chief of Staff.
Yes, I have completed my Big Dream!
I must rush home so I can quit this job and begin my life of leisure.

Darren: Late that night, a weirdo in a strange robe visits our house.
He asks if I'd like to join the Secret Society. Of course, I say yes.
The dude arrives while I'm helping Bong-Cha with her presentation.
Frankly, I'd thought my induction would be more secretive and way cooler.

Venessa: How great that Ji-Won and Ae-Cha are so devoted to learning magic.
Mark: Yes, I gave them each a bit of training this morning before they left for school.
They're both already Acolytes!

Astra: Watcher joins me at work today and we all know why.
Besides Papa Nico and the vampire Caleb, there are two other scientists at The Lab.
The blond Tsubasa Kimura is a clumsy, goofball, green fiend.
The dark-haired Naoki Morita is an ambitious, active music-lover. And he's single!

Ji-Won: Mama, Papa! On my way home today, I met the man I'm going to marry!
His name's Erwin Pries, which rhymes with rice, and he runs that Curio Shop.
Mark: But I met Erwin earlier today, too, Ji-Won. Erwin's already an adult.
Venessa: He's clearly not a good match for you, dear.

Ji-Won: How can you say that? We're perfect for each other!
Not only did we hip bump, but we're also BFFs now.
That means I'm ready to become a young adult.
Stop wasting your breath. I'm not changing my mind, not ever!

Zing: Hey Dirk, thanks for coming to my Fan Meet & Greet!
Dirk: I almost didn't make it, but I've been doing great since my surgery.
Zing: Look at this pic, Dirk.  Remember that time we…

Zing (poses for pictures): Grrrr, it's been weeks and nobody ever asks me for a selfie!
But I maxed my career yesterday so I can be out in public more now.
Where have all my fans gone, anyway?  It's not even that late yet.

Zing (gasps): Uncle Keigo, how dare you pose outside at my Meet & Greet!
It's bad enough with Thorne Bailey following me around with his stupid guitar.
Thorne: You've got it wrong, Zing. My guitar isn't stupid.

Bong-Cha: Can you believe it? We're doing homework at a freaking bar in Del Sol Valley.
Darren: This is the path you chose for yourself, Ms. Uber Sim. I'm just keeping you company.

Venessa: Now that we're home, you and I need to talk, Mark.
Remember how I wasn't going to count that quirky completion of Successful Lineage?
Well, I've changed my mind. The Simverse gave me that gift and I'm accepting it!
Mark: Any reason?
Venessa: No offense, but I need a little break from whatever "us" remains.
Next week, I'll move somewhere more civilized than StrangerVille and wait for you.

Astra: Naoki, I appreciate you dropping by but do you think this is a good idea?
We just met for the first time this morning, though we've spent all evening together.
Naoki: Don't play coy, Astra. I know you've had your eye on me.
And, like you, I'm looking for a serious relationship.
Astra: Just the words I want to hear. Well, what are we waiting for?

Progress: Middle of Week 15
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Hectic household: So much happened on the first 3 days of Week 15.
So I'm splitting Week 15 into two updates.
Ji-Won & Ae-Cha: I'm going to let them learn magic and skills in the background while I get Zing and Astra back on track.
I'm eager to move two or three sims out during next week (Week 16).

Darren: I've never had a sim join the Secret Society so this is kinda fun.
Especially now that Mark and Zing have maxed and quit their careers.
Good luck reaching Rank 3, Darren!

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Offline oshizu

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Yumeno Big Dreams 3.15b: Strangeness in StrangerVille (27 Dec)
« Reply #92 on: December 27, 2021, 05:43:32 PM »
3.15b: Stramgeness in StrangerVille

Mark: Today's Winterfest! Here's our current household, from left to right.
Ji-Won, me, niece Astra, and wife Venessa. Then, Bong-Cha and Darren, my sister Zing, and Ae-Cha.

Week 15, Wednesday (3rd week of winter)
We've nearly assembled by the tree to open presents..
Darren and Venessa are the only ones who look ready.

Naoki: Oh really? For me? Awww, you shouldn't have.
Astra: You're practically part of our family already, Naoki.
Darren (to himself): We certainly hope so.

Zing: In the afternoon, Ji-Won wants to ask the locals about StrangerVille.
At the most pathetic bar I've ever seen, a fan asks me for my first selfie!
Really? Here in this hole in the wall? Honestly, I'm stoked.

Ae-Cha: The bartender is such a stud muffin!
I'm ready to throw over Watcher's choice for my spouse: Mr. You-Know-Who.
But then I learn his traits: Paranoid, Lazy, and Creative.

Hey, Ji-Won, come over here. You might wanna rethink your spouse options.

Ji-Won (to herself): Brennen is still a young adult and VERY easy on the eyes.
Maybe Erwin could be my BFF but Brennan could become something…more?

Ae-Cha: It's such a busy day! We've just come back from the Foxbury campus.
Darren and Bong-Cha attended a guest lecture while we hung out.
Back home, I run into the house before everyone and sneak my 3rd present.

Malakai Ibbotson (aka Father Winter) arrives, giving me a wonderful gift: a microscope.
And we become good friends.
But we leave him behind at 10 pm to head for Pepper's Pub in Britechester.

Astra: Darren runs off to some secret ritual, while the rest of us chill at the pub.
When my now-boyfriend Naoki shows up, I take a chance and propose.
With all that's going on in our house, there's surely no time for a wedding party.
We quietly elope.

Darren: The Secret Society members are all weird.
One's an elderly klepto and the other two are adult hotheads. *sighs
Regardless, I do mischief and romance with them to entertain the sprites.
When the ritual ends at 2 am, I'm a Rank 2 Seasoned Member.

Later that morning…
Astra: Good morning to you, too, Auntie Fetia. *covers phone mic
Uncle Mark, your mother's calling to ask about trying for baby.
Mark: Would you gently tell her no, Astra?
My parents already have four children! That's more than enough!

Zing: I visit the PBP Lounge for a few hours.
I encounter some paparazzi for the first time and tell them to buzz off.
Why don't my fans ask me for selfies?  Whhhyyy?

Darren: My girlfriend Kaori drops by before my afternoon class.
I'd thought an active sim like her wouldn't go for a bookworm like me.
But we're getting along fine. More than fine, in fact.

While Darren and Bong-Cha attend guest lectures…
Ji-Won: Go away, Auntie Zing. Astra's already helping me with homework!
You need to go socialize with your fans to get asked for selfies.
The sooner you move out, the sooner our dynasty can move forward.

Mark: Ouch, that's harsh, Ji-Won!
Astra: Um, harsh but true.

Ji-Won: Let's scope out that Secret Lab everyone's been whispering about, sis.
Ae-Cha: But just for a little while, because today's a holiday, remember?

Ji-Won: Wow, it's huge!

Ji-Won: Looks like nobody's been here in ages.
Ae-Cha: If you make me miss the Flower Bunny, I'll never forgive you.

Ji-Won: Looks like this door is sealed tight.  Let me jot down some notes.
We need to go talk to Erwin again.
Ae-Cha: I think we should bring Erwin and maybe Papa next time.

Ae-Cha: Back home, I can't spot the Flower Bunny anywhere in our hood.
But they suddenly show up on our lot.
Papa and then Mama try to join our convo, but I politely ask them to butt out.
Now that we're good friends, I can age up with Ji-Won!

Venessa: Ae-Cha throws back-to-back gold-medal parties tonight at The Sand Bar.
It feels good to be back in Sulani.
Ji-Won's birthday party is followed by Ae-Cha's birthday party.
Oh and someone asks Zing for a selfie. Yay!

Ae-Cha: Darren, Ji-Won, and I were planning to have a triple wedding.
But Kaori visits Darren this morning looking absolutely huge.
Darren decides it's best to get engaged and married today.
I agree with Darren and I'm sure Kaori appreciates his timing, too.

Ae-Cha: I feel bad that Ji-Won can't enter the main house except for special events.
That's why I'm living down in the bunker with her.

Whenever Auntie Zing goes selfie-hunting, Ji-Won and I always tag along.
We find ourselves someplace to read magic tomes or practice magic.

Ae-Cha: But tonight, she's invited along the paranoid bartender.
Ji-Won started putting the moves on Brennen last night.
You know they're going to have beautiful children!

Of course, while Ji-Won's proposing, we miss Auntie Zing getting asked for her 3rd selfie.

Progress: End of Week 15
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*Paparazzi: I had no paparazzi in my game and thought it might be due to living in Sulani and StrangerVille.
It turns out that my custom content was preventing paparazzi from spawning.
I found a solution to this problem in EA Answers HQ.
If you encounter this same problem, check out this EA Answers HQ thread.

*StrangerVille Mystery: I've decided not to post too much about the "mystery."
If you haven't done this aspiration yet, you'll enjoy solving the mystery for yourself.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.15b: Strangeness in StrangerVille (27 Dec)
« Reply #93 on: December 28, 2021, 09:46:42 AM »
Lots of progress in this episode. The celebrity selfies & autographs is really frustrating - no real way to initiate it other than hanging around with fans. I expect, like me, you tried getting family members to ask - it doesn't register...

Two paranoids making babies! I hope they'll have good family support to raise them! Thanks for avoiding spoilers - I've just got Strangerville so I'll be exploring that story when the opportunity arises.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.15b: Strangeness in StrangerVille (27 Dec)
« Reply #94 on: December 28, 2021, 01:09:53 PM »
Zing's Get Asked for a Selfie task took weeks. Every time she hosted a Fan Meet & Greet, her 5-star celeb uncle would show and we would watch as HER fans would ask HIM for a selfie instead, lol.
On the other hand, Zing completed the Sign an Autograph x3 task in about two sim-hours, since she could just walk up to sims and offer to sign one.

Haha, I have a pretty solid idea what traits Ji-Won & Brennan's child will have. *winks
Thanks for letting me know that my "no StrangerVille spoilers" decision works for you. I will include some teaser shots but without spoiling the mystery.
And yay, you got new Sims 4 content for Christmas!!!! Tell us, which packs did you choose?

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.15b: Strangeness in StrangerVille (27 Dec)
« Reply #95 on: December 28, 2021, 02:48:38 PM »
Wow - you have a lot going on this week!
3 proposals and 2 birthdays! Plus Winterfest, activity at the lab, and the Secret Society! You are doing an amazing job juggling all this.
How nice that Ji-Won found an attractive Sim with the right trait in Brennan! And I love that picture of her in her "hat" checking out the surroundings to see who might be following her.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.15b: Strangeness in StrangerVille (27 Dec)
« Reply #96 on: December 28, 2021, 04:08:33 PM »
Uni complicates the household scheduling immensely.
It didn't help that we also had Zing's daily Fan Meet & Greet events and Darren's guest lectues/tutoring and Secret Society stuff.
It's my fault: I picked a poor combination of Big Dreams for this generation.

Once Zing's done with her World-Famous Celebrity aspiration and Darren's done with the Secret Society, things will get less crazy.
Lol, or maybe not.  ;)

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.15b: Strangeness in StrangerVille (27 Dec)
« Reply #97 on: December 29, 2021, 03:50:19 PM »
And yay, you got new Sims 4 content for Christmas!!!! Tell us, which packs did you choose?
I got Strangerville, Decorator, Romantic Garden, Cool Kitchen, Moschino & Fitness. Father Christmas was very generous and made the most of the current sale!  ;D

Offline oshizu

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Yumeno Big Dreams 3.16a: Catch a Falling Star (29 Dec)
« Reply #98 on: December 29, 2021, 07:32:53 PM »
3.16a: Catch a Falling Star

Zing: Here we are in front of StrangerVille's only gas station, from left to right:
Brother Mark, Astra, Ji-Won, and sister-in-law Venessa.
Then, Bong-Cha, Darren, Ae-Cha, and me.

Week 16, Sunday (4th week of winter)
Zing: Our rabbit hutch had been empty for a few weeks.
Today, Mark happily encounter two new bunnies on our lot.
He says he'll befriend the bunnies and never take bunnies for granted again!

Ji-Won's joined the Military career. Her uniform is so unstylish.
She says it's the only way she can enter her dream job: Covert Operator.

Ae-Cha's decided to become a Food Critic, despite starting as a Level 3 Critic.
Venessa's helping her raise her Writing skill.

Since marrying Naoki, Astra's been really eager to move out.
The Well grants her a guaranteed promotion.
Looks like she'll be moving out tomorrow evening.

As for me, I love signing autographs. 
So much easier than waiting to be asked for selfies!
Hold on, what's that weirdo heading my way?

I run home in case whatever she's got is contagious.
Ji-Won needs to hear about this ASAP.

Zing: We've been out since yesterday at Foxbury and Pepper's Pub.
After tutoring, Darren goes to his sprite ritual and I incite cheers at the pub.
Darren's tasks haven't changed for a week, so he only advances at the rituals.
At this rate, he needs to attend at least two more rituals.

Zing: Last night, I reminded Ji-Won and Ae-Cha that I've yet to get married.
Ae-Cha gets her hustle on and invites Kiyoshi over to propose.
Yes! We're on for a triple wedding tonight!
When Astra moves out, will Ae-Cha try for baby or move in Kiyoshi?

Today marks the end of Venessa's three weeks in the Freelance career.
With her Family Ties Big Dream done, she moves out to Granada Place.
Oh, her new Pueblo-style house is made of adobe. How, uh, quaint.

Ji-Won: Sorry about the tent, Brennan.
I know you'd love my bunker but it isn't big enough for a double bed.
Brennen: But, we're not even married yet. My mummy says…
Ji-Won: Chill, baby boy. We'll be tying the knot in about 12 more hours.

Zing: We're chilling at Britechester during Darren's 5-hour tutoring sesh.
After earning her last promotion, Astra joins us at Darby's Den to say farewell.
She first moves in with her homeless hubby, Naoki.
Then, they both move in with her dad Nico (my brother) and his family in Oasis Springs.

By the time Darren's done tutoring (ugh!), Ae-Cha's eating for two.
I  travel to the Humor & Hijinks Festival with my closest fans.
By 11:30, I only need six more cheers! Time for yet another Fan Meet & Greet!
Darren & Bong-Cha (in unison):  Not again!

Bong-Cha: It's hard to study with all the dancing and screaming around us.
Darren: Hey, Kaori just phoned to say she had girl/boy twins: Kourtney and Raul!

Zing: I'm ready to be finished with my Big Dream!
My last six cheers take me six more hours, but I'm done.
But I'm not moving out until after our triple wedding.
It got postponed yesterday due to Darren's tutoring, but we're on for this evening.

Ji-Won: I've come to ask you about The Lab's sealed door, Erwin.
Erwin (to himself): She's very pregnant. That rumor about her engagement…
And here I thought when she asked me to her BFF that we might…Oh well.

Zing: Ae-Cha, our resident party animal, hosts our weddings in Oasis Springs.
Kiyoshi looks extremely dashing in his tux.

Ae-Cha's already in her second trimester!
She must tried for baby as soon as Astra moved out yesterday.

Diego and I exchange our vows peacefully.
I'm looking forward to a quiet life with Diego.
Perhaps, if Ae-Cha remembers to encourage us, we could even have a child.
I'm sure Diego would love that, too.

Meanwhile, Ae-Cha busies herself with our party goals.
She and Kiyoshi make a handsome couple.
And he's still a young adult!

Ji-Won is also in her second trimester.
She and her paranoid partner Brennen make such a perfect match.
I mean, look! Her gown and his slacks are the same color. *stifles laughter
And if you have any doubts about both of them being paranoid…

Allow me to put your doubts at ease. 
All I can say is: Lucky for Kiyoshi that Brennen turned out to be paranoid!

I do love my precious nieces and can't wait to meet their children.

Once Ji-Won and Brennen are wed, Ae-Cha ends our wedding party.
And thus concludes Ae-Cha's fourth gold-medal party.

I disliked how Uncle Keigo upstaged me while I was working on my fame goals.
So, I've had a six-hour Celebrity Cleanse before moving out to Diego's penthouse.
Darlings, I have stepped out of the spotlight without a single regret!
I'm a lucky one. Diego loves me for who I am, even if I'm only a falling star now.

Ae-Cha: Kiyoshi moves in as soon as Zing moves out.
I approve of his makeover, especially his second cold-weather outfit.
Those ski googles aren't appropriate for every occasion, right?
C'mon, Kiyoshi. Let's get you all sorted for your Big Dream!

Gallery Download
Burners & Builders (gym): "Tropical Resort Lounge" by sensexxx.
I added the round buffet table and Fountain of Mirth plus a small table for the wedding cake.
I've enjoyed using this lounge as a wedding venue for several years now.

Progress: Middle of Week 16
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Pacing: We didn't managed to squeeze a whole week into this update, again.
But so much happened during the first three days.
Three marriages plus Darren's wife had twins.
Three sims completed their Big Dreams and moved out.
Ji-Won and Ae-Cha are pregnant; Kiyoshi moved in.

Adding two toddlers to this chaos is madness, but it's happening very soon.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.16a: Catch a Falling Star (29 Dec)
« Reply #99 on: December 29, 2021, 09:12:44 PM »
So, first thing - I've been meaning to ask about your family pics - are you using poses? Or how are you doing those? You're doing a great job with them!

Second - Leslie Holland - I really like her and want to play with her, but . . . with all that lurching around, no thanks. I'm hoping she'll still be a Young Adult when I get around to the Strangerville Big Dream - maybe I'll do that one next generation. Maybe my heir will be male and she can be his love interest and potential mother of the next gen . . . we'll see.

Third - I've never played Internet Celebrity - sounds challenging. You've done great with it though!

And last - so much change in the household - almost like a new start when that happens. Looking forward to the two new toddlers!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.16a: Catch a Falling Star (29 Dec)
« Reply #100 on: December 30, 2021, 03:16:40 AM »
So, first thing - I've been meaning to ask about your family pics - are you using poses? Or how are you doing those? You're doing a great job with them!

And last - so much change in the household - almost like a new start when that happens. Looking forward to the two new toddlers!
Ditto to both the above - I love your family shots with interesting backdrops!

Goodbye Zing. Congrats on the big dream - what a star!

I agree on the tutorials. They take so long and you have to stay on campus with them. I installed a creche in the commons at one point for my toddlers! I guess that's kind of true to life...

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.16a: Catch a Falling Star (29 Dec)
« Reply #101 on: December 30, 2021, 05:41:25 PM »
So, first thing - I've been meaning to ask about your family pics - are you using poses? Or how are you doing those? You're doing a great job with them!

Second - Leslie Holland - I really like her and want to play with her, but . . . with all that lurching around, no thanks. I'm hoping she'll still be a Young Adult when I get around to the Strangerville Big Dream - maybe I'll do that one next generation. Maybe my heir will be male and she can be his love interest and potential mother of the next gen . . . we'll see.

Third - I've never played Internet Celebrity - sounds challenging. You've done great with it though!

And last - so much change in the household - almost like a new start when that happens. Looking forward to the two new toddlers!

For my family pics, i use an app that makes my CAS household shots transparent, so I can superimpose the household onto any background image I want.
I've been doing this since last year for any dynasty challenge where the household changes considerably between updates (SimTech Dynasty and Life States Dynasty).

I believe reggikko chose Leslie Holland as spouse for her Immortal Dynasty Challenge's founder two years ago.
She played her entire dynasty in StrangerVille. Myself, I've never played an infected sim. It seems really fun, though.

The Internet Personality career is not difficult, apart from having to spend time to gain the many followers required for promotions.
That was done mainly on the computer/phone, so it wasn't disruptive for other household members.
The World-Famous Celebrity aspiration, however, requires (horrors!) mingling at community lots. 
Zing's nightly Fan Meet & Greet events meant that my uni kids did hours of studying every evening in bars or lounges, lol.
Not a Big Dream to try to finish with a Life-Long Learner in the household.

Yes, it feels almost like a new household! Half looking forward to and half dreading the toddlers, haha.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.16a: Catch a Falling Star (29 Dec)
« Reply #102 on: December 30, 2021, 05:50:00 PM »
Goodbye Zing. Congrats on the big dream - what a star!

I agree on the tutorials. They take so long and you have to stay on campus with them. I installed a creche in the commons at one point for my toddlers! I guess that's kind of true to life...

I am totally stealing your idea about adding a temporary toddler care section to Larry's Lagoons (because it's larger than Darby's Den) so Darren can continue his 5-hour tutoring sessions.
Genius idea!

By the way, did you have an issue with the Secret Society tasks not changing?  After the first two times, the tasks remain the same and they're checked off so Darren completing them doesn't add to his progress.
Darren's having to rely on the Rituals for advancement. Sighs.
Between the tutoring and Secret Society, Darren seems to have the most disruptive-to-the-household Big Dream for now.
I still find it incredible that you completed ALL FOUR uni-required Big Dreams in a single generation. What patience and focus!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.16a: Catch a Falling Star (29 Dec)
« Reply #103 on: December 30, 2021, 06:11:25 PM »
By the way, did you have an issue with the Secret Society tasks not changing?  After the first two times, the tasks remain the same and they're checked off so Darren completing them doesn't add to his progress.
Darren's having to rely on the Rituals for advancement. Sighs.
Between the tutoring and Secret Society, Darren seems to have the most disruptive-to-the-household Big Dream for now.
Yes, I think the rituals were the only advancement points with very little predictability. Sandy basically spam-romanced Angela and spam-mischeifed (is that a word?) the others at the rituals. He did attempt the tasks in between but I don't know if it would have mattered if he hadn't.
The others in my household only maintained their degrees and didn't progress on other ways at all while Sandy was getting through uni.

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.16a: Catch a Falling Star (29 Dec)
« Reply #104 on: December 30, 2021, 06:30:01 PM »
The others in my household only maintained their degrees and didn't progress on other ways at all while Sandy was getting through uni.

You played a saner game than i am. I've been dragging the rest of the household with Dareen (along with their sketchpads, skill books, laptops, homework, etc) to the Commons and Pepper's Pub.
The only time I left most of the family home, I almost lost one of my sims (as you'll learn in the next update).

Thanks for sharing your experience with the Secret Society, though. This last ritutal Darren made more progress with rare or perfect offerings rather than socializing, so I'll try that again next time.