Author Topic: Yumeno Big Dreams 8.33b: Clumping to the Finish Line [Completed 5 March 2022]  (Read 60943 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.13: Try, Try Again (18 Dec)
« Reply #75 on: December 18, 2021, 05:30:01 PM »
I got so excited about Zing's Big Non-Day that I totally overlooked the Big Dream side! So not Uber Sim for Darren now...nope, I've got nada in the guess department!

Head's up for Zing's emotions - Nell's got some news...

In Gen4, two BDs are ones you've already completed, whereas three BDs still await you.  Maybe.
LOL! Let me post my update before going to see what Nell's up to.
I absolutely love how our stories are crossing over.  Can we do it again?  Please?

Offline oshizu

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Yumeno Big Dreams 3.13: Try, Try Again (18 Dec)
« Reply #76 on: December 18, 2021, 05:57:38 PM »
3.13: Try, Try Again?

Our current household, from left to right:
Astra (Nico's child); Zing, Mark, and his wife Venessa; Kaiyo (Gen2);  Nico, Joni,  and Darren (Mark & Venessa's son)

Hey there, I'm Joni.  This week marks the official start of our third generation.
Mark should actually be your guide this week, but I insisted on my turn, so here I am.

Sunday, Week 13 (1st week of winter)
As a special treat, Nico invites us all to Sixam for the first time via his Wormhole Generator.
What a wondrous place.
Nico busily rushes around seeking alien crystals and metals for his remaining serums.

After Nico collects the rare metals he requires, he asks Astra to excavate the rest of the dig sites.
Astra wants to collect elements, so she's thrilled to start gathering metals.
Since Nico's the only geek among us, the rest of us aren't allowed to touch the crystals.
He did ask me, though, to take a cutting from a Tentacle Tree for our garden.

Back home, Nico ushers us all indoors and locks the doors, hoping for his third abduction.
Before he has time to walk to his observatory, the aliens snatch him.

We know the instant Nico's returns from the space ship.
Welcome back, Nico. Aren't you glad we have a full house?

I'll be Level 9 City Planner tomorrow and will be maxing  my career on Wednesday, I'm pretty sure.
These days, I never work from home.
It's too chaotic with Mark and Zing on different uni schedules and the twin youngsters.

Zing likes to walk around with her homework, looking studious. Hah!
She has two back-to-back classes on MWF, with 5 minutes between them.
So she comes home after her first class but refuses to go to her second class.
It's only a 5-minute break, girl. Why don't you just stay on campus?

Returning from work, I find Astra has aged up to a teen.
Meanwhile, Darren has completed his childhood tasks but feels undecided about aging up.
He wants to spend as little time as possible as a teen for…reasons.

Mark loves his third-term schedule, only attending classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
And he's already turned in his three term papers and presentations.
He spends the afternoon going on home dates with his lovely wife, Venessa.

Of his last 3 serums, Nico gives Reaper's Friend to me and Alien Aura to Papa.
After drinking the Age-Away serum himself, Nico moves out to Springscape in Oasis Springs..
Yuki and their twins will join him, he says.
Farewell, dear Nico. You've always been my twin in spirit, though not by birth.

Darren aged up after school today. He resembles his mother but with his father's coloring.
Don't you have better things to do than play chess, Darren?

Darren: I'll be a teen for another week, Auntie Joni. And I want to enter a distinguished degree program.

I've less than a tick from my last promotion, but realize only now that I'm off today.
Though I haven't asked the Well for anything so far, I decide to take a chance.
Yes! Time for me to get busy with those freelance gigs.

Nobody could persuade Astra to leave for high school today.
Instead of simply skipping school, I advise her to phone in for a vacation day.
She spends the day upgrading the rocket ship.

To be on the safe side, I'm only accepting gigs for juice fizzing.
Venessa's chances for twins are low, she says.
Still, I'd like to become a Master Maker and move out before she goes into labor tomorrow night.

My first three gigs required only a single six-pack, but my last two require three six-packs each.
(Actually, I can't tell whether a gig requires a single bottle or a six-pack, so I do all six-packs.)
Also, who has time to do one pack at a time? Not me! I buy a second juice fizzing machine, hehe.

Anyway, Mark's at uni, so Venessa goes ahead and asks Papa Kaiyo for a fertility massage.

I pulled an all-nighter, but I've achieved my Big Dream.
Several days ago, Auntie Tiare phoned to say I'd be welcome to live with her and her hubby Knox.
I'm moving to Port Promise, folks, which seems the ideal town for an Eco Warrior like me.
And I'm happy to help raise their boys without contributing to our simverse's overpopulation.
(Aren't my cousins Brice and Rigoberto lovely?)

Astra: False alarm, friends.
Since Monday, I've sent the Geo Council stuff I've found on this island and Sixam as a child.
I thought I'd sold off all duplicate elements, but Papa Nico had left a few around the Observatory and garden for their Focus boost.
My collection's not complete yet. And I can't get Xenopetrium without going back to Sixam.

Mark: To our delight, Venessa gives birth to twin girls.
But now we're faced with a dilemma: who should be the heir?

Mark: Only our firstborn Darren has the requisite violet eyes and hair since his toddler years.
Venessa: But we're really hoping for a female heir for the fourth generation.
Mark: Well, I guess that leaves us with two options:
   1. Choose Darren and gently persuade him to undergo GRS (Gender Reassignment Surgery); or
   2. Try one last time.
Venessa: I vote for Option #2.

Venessa: Your father Kaiyo seems happy to be moved out and living with his wife again.
Mark: He also insisted we bring our kids to meet the rest of the family at Key Point.
Venessa: Still, it feels a bit weird to be in your parents' bed…
Mark: No worries, dear Venessa. Just think about a girl with violet eyes and hair.

Astra: I'm a young adult Scientist as of this afternoon.
I take my fully upgraded rocket ship on its virgin journey to Sixam.
Most of the crystals can't be harvested.
No doubt, I have Papa Nico's last visit here to thank for that.

Mark: What a relief to be done with classes.
Zing: You can say that again.
Mark: What a relief to be done with classes.
Zing: No, I meant…oh, never mind.

Watcher: Where's Mark? The graduation ceremony's about to begin!
I find him in one of Larry Lagoon's bathrooms, enthusing about graduation to a stranger. Sheesh.
Sorry, Zing. We can't be on two campuses at once and Mark's the heir.

Darren: Since I don't start uni until next week, I go ahead and craft a Robo-Arm first.
Bong-Cha better catch up to me by Friday!
Also, cross your fingers, gentle readers, that my next sibling is the girl my parents desire.

Progress: End of Week 13
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*Simple Living: This week, I finally disabled this lot challenge.
  My game's getting laggy; hoarding cooking ingredients surely hasn't helped.

*My uni students come home for a 5-min. break then take forever to leave for the next class.
  With consecutive classes, they're usually late for their next class. How can I remedy this?
  I hover around them between classes, but can't avoid their late departures for uni.
  Is it better to ignore them and let them sort it out themselves? Lol.

*Perfect Genetics: In my anxiety over the Gen4 heir, I spent some time reading a Sims 3 Perfect Genetics Challenge story last night.
  One couple had 16 children before their heir was finally born. Um, the Big Dreams Dynasty is not exactly the challenge for having 16 kids in one generation, LOL!
  Mark and Venessa will give it one last try. If no go, Darren might transform into Darleen...

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.13: Try, Try Again (18 Dec)
« Reply #77 on: December 19, 2021, 01:23:23 PM »
Oh Wow! I bet Darren's got everything crossed! I'm sure he'd make a great female but....a bit drastic if he's not considered it before...

I do like moving family out to be with other family. It was good to hear from Joni before she left.

I can't believe you'd have Ji-won be Erratic if you weren't going for Dark Side Lord. Except...maybe it's one of the dreams for packs I don't have - they Strangerville one? I'll have to have another look.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.13: Try, Try Again (18 Dec)
« Reply #78 on: December 19, 2021, 05:35:45 PM »
I do like moving family out to be with other family. It was good to hear from Joni before she left.

I can't believe you'd have Ji-won be Erratic if you weren't going for Dark Side Lord. Except...maybe it's one of the dreams for packs I don't have - they Strangerville one? I'll have to have another look.

Haha, we will be checking back with Tiare, Knox, and Joni to see if either of the boy twins inherit The Knox Nose. :)
Nope, definitely not Dark Side Lord.  Bingo for your second guess, though.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.13: Try, Try Again (18 Dec)
« Reply #79 on: December 20, 2021, 08:02:50 AM »
So much progress and so many moved out! I have yet to move anyone out.

Hoping for a genetic match, girl baby!

Poor Zing - not the heir and no one at her graduation! Well, it's not like family gets to actually attend anyway.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.13: Try, Try Again (18 Dec)
« Reply #80 on: December 20, 2021, 04:10:31 PM »
So much progress and so many moved out! I have yet to move anyone out.

Hoping for a genetic match, girl baby!

Poor Zing - not the heir and no one at her graduation! Well, it's not like family gets to actually attend anyway.

We have missed your Cordovas while your computer was out of commission.
Once you get it back, they will be moving ahead at your desired pace. :)
Haha, some household members I can't wait to move out. A small handful I wish I could keep in the household forever....

Offline oshizu

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Yumeno Big Dreams 3.14: All Good Things
« Reply #81 on: December 20, 2021, 10:18:31 PM »
3.14: All Good Things

Hello, there.  Mark here. Our household's changed drastically in one week.
Papa, Nico, and Joni moved out last week to make way for Venessa to have more children.
From left to right:
Ji-Won and Darren, me and Venessa, Nico's kid Astra, sister Zing, and Bong-Cha

Zing: Before Mark starts yakking about our week, I have an important news flash.
Saturday night, my boyfriend (!) Diego phoned to invite me to the Romance Festival.

He's always been so sweet and I got caught up in the heat of the moment and proposed!
He may not be a Proper Celebrity like Dirk, but Diego's got class, great fashion sense, and bling.
How did I not realize at the start that the two of us are an OTP? Okay, take it away, Mark.

Sunday, Week 14 (2nd week of winter)
I'm surprised my first workday falls on a Sunday.
In front of the hospital, I give an orderly a First Kiss.  One down and three to go.
A nurse is watching us and I'm eyeing him as my next First Kiss, when…

I suddenly hear the announcement of "Code Watermelon." 
What luck. A delivery on my very first day!
Needless to say, I successfully deliver Nina Caliente's baby.

I work late and have the most stellar day.
After Nina, I diagnose one sim with the rare Burnin' Belly which required surgery.
After curing Tina Tinker of Gas n' Giggles, I operate on Lily Feng who suffered from Triple Threat.
A half dozen patients walk out but I still end my shift with a promotion to Level 9.

Back home, Venessa goes into labor and gives birth to a little girl.
We name her Ae-Cha and age her up right away.
Look! She's the heir we'd been wishing and hoping for.
It's true what folks say: "All good things come to those who wait."

Venessa: Here's our twins with Ae-Cha.
We'd thought Ji-Won should become the Uber Sim since she maxed her toddler skills first.
But we've since decided on Bong-Cha instead.
Besides, Watcher prefers Ji-Won and has other plans for her. Fun plans, apparently.

When I arrive at work, I lure the nurse into another room, but the orderly follow us anyway.
It's entirely awkward and not covert at all, but whatever.
As soon as I've kissed someone, I ask to be just friends immediately after. Nice and tidy.
And now for my patients.

To earn my final promotion, I need to diagnose and treat five patients.
Going on the house call turns out to be a waste of three precious hours.
I examine and administer medicine to three sims, without raising my treatment count at all.
Today was a lackluster day. One correct diagnosis and one wrong diagnosis.

Astra returns from another Sixam trip tonight with more raw geodes.
Polishing them results in her first completed collection. 
Her element collection only lacks a Xenopetrium.

Dear mothers everywhere,
If you choose Family Matters as your Big Dream, do not make your son Dr. McSteamy.
You will force him to help give you your four grandchildren.
If he's honorable, he will marry the mother of his children, although he really should stay single for his Big Dream.

I'm off today and Venessa is meeting a client for one of her logo gigs.
There's time for two more patients, but I'd rather help Ae-cha with her skilling.

Astra's Xenopetrium arrives in the mail today while she's at work.
Here it is beneath her Element Display and her collection of geodes.

I take Wednesday off and have Bong-Cha and Ji-Won take a vacation day, too.
They can work on scouts and aspirations, while I ensure Ae-Cha can leave toddlerhood behind today.
Venessa's gigs aren't paying any better, but some of her client meetings take over 6 hours.
For someone who dreams of Family Ties, she's not that interested in our children…

Sister Zing's a 5-star celebrity now but she's not having an easier time gaining followers.
She's stuck at Level 8 of her career until she has 10 million followers.

Our son Darren finished his bot project yesterday and becomes a young adult this morning.
He's thrilled to be applying for university and scholarships today.

I'm impressed at how hard Zing's been working to gain followers.
She's gone from 3,800 followers last Friday morning to a little over 4.2 million in six days.

I'm not sure why Dirk Dreamer still contacts her.
He must be the kind of guy who "roams" while his wife's pregnant.

Zing: Um, pot calling the kettle black?
Mark: Oh, spare me. I'm merely a puppet tossed by the winds of our parents' choices.

Bong-Cha becomes a teen just as Astra and I return from work.
Astra, Darren, and I catch her before her makeover to teach her Responsibility.
If we young adults work together, Bong-Cha could start her first term at uni with Darren.
She will not, however, have all weekend to begin her coursework, like Darren will.

After the mail brings Darren's acceptance letter, he immediately enrolls at Foxbury Institute.
He's signed up for four courses in Foxbury's Distinguished Degree program in Psychology.
His enrollment triggers the completion of Venessa's Successful Lineage aspiration.
She's decided not to count it until one of our kids actually maxes a career. Only fair, right?

Zing: With over 13 million followers, I finally earn my Level 9 promotion.
My final promotion requires a whopping 25 million followers. My glass is half full?

Also, I heard on the news that Dirk Dreamer recently passed away.
He broke my heart but I hesitate to send Nell my condolences.
What did she call me?  A flippitywidget? What does that even mean?

Mark: I'm waiting at the front of the lot for Bong-Cha to return from volunteering.
I've lit the birthday cake's candles in anticipation.
Watcher insists I meditate nearby, which is rather drastic. I mean, I really need to go talk to a plant, y'know?
The point is, Bong-Cha must have NO chance to ask anyone for advice!

Bong-Cha ages up to a young adult with five positive character traits, then turns to skilling.
She must get into a distinguished degree program or bust.
It's past 1 am when she finally enrolls, so she should receive her acceptance letter Sunday.
She'll have time to complete her homework, at least, before the term starts on Monday. Phew!

I took two vacation days this week to help with Ae-Cha's toddler skills and Bong-Cha's character values.
So I absolutely must go to work today.
Hey, another doctor whom I've never seen before has joined our staff.
I take the time to introduce myself (and some) to Dr. Mayumi Fujii.

Another 12-hour shift but it was such a productive one.
I misdiagnosed two of my nephews but correctly diagnosed three other patients.
All I need now is one more successful diagnosis and treatment, plus a First Kiss from the receptionist!

Venessa leaves for one of her long client meetings so…
Nalani was my fifth correct diagnosis today, but my shift ended before I could treat her, so it didn't count.
She doesn't give me the option to First Kiss her for hours.
That's why I choose for my next "guest" a romantic sim: Eva Capricciosa.

Week 15, Sunday
Our four kids are all planning ahead. Darren's editing his second term paper.
Bong-Cha is practicing debate. Ji-Won and Ae-Cha are both ready to age up.
Ji-Won can't age up until we move, however, so Ae-Cha might age up first.

C'mon, everybody. Let's go visit that place where Venessa and I want to live next.

Progress: End of Week 14
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*Distinguished Degree program: I'm unsure what it takes to get into one of these.
  Bong-Cha applied with Logic 7, Charisma 4, and R&D 4.  Hope that's good enough.

*Full house: I'm tired of micro-managing a full house of Big Dreamers.
  Ae-Cha will have fewer kids unless, of course, one of  her first two fail to achieve "perfect genetics."

*Zing got engaged to Diego last week, before hearing of Dirk's demise.
  I briefly considered further shenanigans with Dirk who's still an adult in my game.
  But Diego has been good to Zing and she will love his penthouse.

*Question: Will the college kids go to classes as necessary while Mark's at the hospital?
  I can't wait to be done with the Doctor career. I totally suck at making diagnoses.
  And, yes, I'm referring to Carl's Guide on symptoms and illnesses, but I still suck.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.14: All Good Things (20 Dec)
« Reply #82 on: December 21, 2021, 01:28:00 PM »
I can't believe how lucky Mark was to get a delivery on his first day at work! Demi had to wait about 4 days! I'm looking forward to see how you combine his work with the students - uni is so taxing on the whole house!

"flibbertigibbet" noun - a frivolous, flighty, or excessively talkative person. Nell's opinion - not mine - she's very aware of Zing's youth and is feeling defensive. Lol! Diego is a much better catch anyway. He already has a penthouse. Dirk was actually homeless for all his celebrity status!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.14: All Good Things (20 Dec)
« Reply #83 on: December 21, 2021, 09:07:04 PM »
I can't believe how lucky Mark was to get a delivery on his first day at work! Demi had to wait about 4 days! I'm looking forward to see how you combine his work with the students - uni is so taxing on the whole house!

"flibbertigibbet" noun - a frivolous, flighty, or excessively talkative person. Nell's opinion - not mine - she's very aware of Zing's youth and is feeling defensive. Lol! Diego is a much better catch anyway. He already has a penthouse. Dirk was actually homeless for all his celebrity status!

I'm hoping that, on Mark's next workday, he can kiss the receptionist and get his 5th diagnosis/treatment done. After that, he can max his career without my presence, haha.
I'm not much of a Diego fan, but he adores Zing, dresses like a metrosexual, and has a luxuriousc penthouse, a pretentious moustache, and a snobby job: things I imagine would attract a self-absorbed diva like Zing.
Poor Zing hasn't had much of a life, though, spending all her time trying to gain more followers.
Eventually, we shall help her complete her World-Famous Celebrity aspiration.  She went with Astra to Sixam once but couldn't do a shout-out due to the lack of phone service, haha.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.14: All Good Things (20 Dec)
« Reply #84 on: December 22, 2021, 01:24:52 AM »
A couple of hints, which you probably already know,
To get more followers, Nell ended up live streaming from drones all the time, effectively double live streaming when she was gaming.
The raising cheers in the last stage has a fall-off. If Nell did it too often, she got -ve responses.
I really like Zing. She'll be happy with Diego. Ooh - will they have celebrity babies? I can't wait!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 3.14: All Good Things (20 Dec)
« Reply #85 on: December 22, 2021, 07:02:46 PM »
Zing got almost 17 million followers during her first 8 days (Sat to Sat), so she'll surely reach 25 mil over the next week.
The household's been so hectic with the doctor and the childcare that Zing's only finished her first two World-Famous Celeb milestones b/c they can hardly ever leave the house.

As for Zing/Diego babies, I'm trying to avoid more nooboos except for the aim of completing Big Happy Family.
I don't want to have their simverse filled with their relatives. In my Life States Dynasty, many of the sims strolling around in the dynasty home's neighborhood were related, lol.
Besides each heir, I'm thinking only household members I really like will breed.  In Gen4, that means only Ae-Cha and Darren (BHF) but possibly Ji-Won...

Offline oshizu

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Yumeno Big Dreams Interlude: We're Moving! (22 Dec)
« Reply #86 on: December 22, 2021, 10:00:13 PM »
This "interlude" chapter consists of three mini house tours:
recent shots of the Admiral's Wreckage lot plus before and after shots of the Yumeno's new home.
Basically, I wanted separate screenshots of these builds from actual gameplay.

We're Moving!

Zing: Our family's lived here in Mua Pel'am ever since my grandparents moved here from the HoB.
They chose Sulani as the ideal place for our father, Kaiyo, to lead a mermaid's life.
This is the birthplace of our dynasty's second, third and four generations.

Of course, we didn't always love in this grand house.
This house was completed while sister Joni and I were still in grade school.

Here's the current layout of the first floor.
On the lower right is the Focused Room for uni studies, now the domain of Darren and Bong-Cha.
There's an Inspired Studio on the top right. The kitchen and dining room are at bottom left.
Since graduating, I've turned the top left room into my green room for streaming.

Our bedrooms are all on the second floor.
If they seem unfurnished, that's because they are.  Who cares about décor while sleeping?

Although our home is too remote for even the paparazzi, I will miss our tropical haven.
You know, our father Kaiyo fully restored Mua Pel'am's eco-system during his merfolk days.
Why didn't we ever get the notice about Turtle Hatching Season?

Mark: This here's the StrangerVille town plaza, so George Cahill's place must be over there.
Darren: That lot with the crashed plane beyond the trailer park?
Mark: According to this map, yes.

Venessa: Mark dear, I realize that Ji-Won wants to live in an underground bunker.
But what is this place?  Where is Mr. Cahill's house?
Or, rather, where's the front door?

Mark: This must be the front door here.
Venessa: Please tell me that we'll be living in a regular house above ground, Mark.
Yes? Good. Then I'll go home and wait for the house to be built. I leave the rest to you.
Astra, Darren, and Bong-Cha: We're going home, too. We got things to do!

George: Thanks for dropping by, Mark.
It's the little girl in red who wants to live in a bunker, right?
Ji-Won: Yes, that's me, Ji-Won, and this is my sister Ae-Cha.
What a cool place you have, Mr. Cahill!

George: Why thanks, Ji-Won. I've lived here for decades now.
Once you're a teen, I'm sure you could live very comfortably here.
This bunker has everything you could need.

Mark: Since Ji-Won likes it, we'll take it, George.
Ae-Cha: But if we move into your home, Mr. Cahill, where will you live?
George: That's sweet of you to ask, Ae-Cha. At my age, I'm finding stairs harder to handle.
So, I'll be moving into a small trailer nearby.

Mark: Let's close the deal, George. Where do I sign?
George: Gimme a sec and I'll go find the sales agreement for us.

Ae-Cha: Ji-Won, you know how Darren and Bong-Cha will go to uni together?
Ji-Won: Yeah, they'll study together, go to classes together, and everything.
Ae-Cha: If they're always together and you live down here, I'll always be alone.
Would it be okay, Papa, if I live down here with Ji-Won?
Mark: Sure, Ae-Cha. We'll ask Watcher to add a second bunker bedroom for you.

Now, let's go home and pack all our belongings.

Venessa: What a relief! It's a real house!

Darren: Bong-Cha and I are claiming the lower right room for our studies.
Zing: That black-and-white room on the upper right is obviously mine!
Venessa: Um, will we be living here long enough to make use of that nursery?

Astra: I wouldn't have minded sharing a bedroom with Bong-Cha.
But, honestly, I prefer my own room.
Bong-Cha: So we all have bedrooms on the 2nd floor except for Zing, Ji-Won, and Ae-Cha.
The 2nd-floor layout could be improved. Astra and I prefer larger bedrooms and smaller restrooms.

Ji-Won: Look, Ae-Cha! Mr. Cahill's ole bunker has been remodeled.
Ae-Cha: It's smaller now but nicer.

Ae-Cha: My corner bedroom has light wells on two sides.
And the wallpaper is super cute!
Darren: How do you have a Princess Cordelia bed, small fry?
Ae-Cha: I'm the next heir so I asked Watcher for one.

Ji-Won: I don't want a corner bedroom, so one wall of light wells is fine for me.
Darren: Wait, even you have a Princess Cordelia bed, Ji-Won?
Ae-Cha: She's my BFF so I asked Watcher to get one for her, too.
If you want one, go ask your study buddy Bong-Cha. *smirks

Venessa: No fighting now, kids. Let's just focus on unpacking.
Maybe later, we can go visit Mr. Cahill.
Mark: That would be neighborly of us.
He moved to Slip 42 in the nearby trailer park.

Building: This new house turned out a lot larger than it needs to be.
Although a 2-story house has a smaller footprint, I can never build one of a suitable size. Maybe I'm better off building a (one-story) ranch houses with basement rooms.

George Cahill: As you know, I'm playing my Big Dreams Dynasty on Long lifespan.
So far, I've played this dynasty for 14 full weeks or 98 days.
At this point, all the premade townies who started out as YAs are now elders.
Granted, George has the Active trait but he started out as an elder.
How is George Cahill still alive?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams Interlude: We're Moving! (22 Dec)
« Reply #87 on: December 23, 2021, 02:07:39 AM »
The light wells are amazing! I love the way you've wallpapered them and added plants.
And the main house - you are too modest! It looks perfect to me. Especially using the hexagons - great styling!
I don't have the Strangerville pack so I'm looking forward to reading  your adventures there

I'm into my 3rd year on long and there are still a few townies around that were young adults at the start. They are all elders now and it's nice that they like shopping at Puck's store but they must all be on their final notice!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams Interlude: We're Moving! (22 Dec)
« Reply #88 on: December 24, 2021, 06:27:24 PM »
The elderly sims in your game who started out as young adults: are they all mermaids or vampires?
Alex Moyer is, of course, an immortal sim.  Baby Ariel also never seems to age, which gives me an idea.
And don't some of the special City Living sims never age? I'm curious who your long-lived sims are.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams Interlude: We're Moving! (22 Dec)
« Reply #89 on: December 25, 2021, 04:14:06 AM »
Summer, Sergio and Marcus Flex all came in the shop just recently. The merman with the Polynesian name (which I hesitate to spell) is also a regular. They are all elders but... As you say, Alex Moyer doesn't age...
I wonder if it depends where your played sims live or maybe it's because I'm going backwards and forwards to the shop twice a day. Certainly my hens and roosters keep getting death notices but are still with me...
The shop is a great way of meeting a variety of people. Not many children but the odd one or two. It's a shame I won't be going to the shop any more (oops, is that a spoiler?)