Author Topic: Yumeno Big Dreams 8.33b: Clumping to the Finish Line [Completed 5 March 2022]  (Read 60938 times)

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Yumeno Big Dreams 2.10: Darn Insect Farms (11 Dec)
« Reply #60 on: December 11, 2021, 06:35:51 PM »
2.10: Darn Insect Farms

Our current household, from left to right:
Joni and Nico (Gen3), Kaiyo (Gen2) and wife Fetia, Tao (founder), Mark and Zing (Gen3)

Week 10, Sunday (2nd week of autumn)
Nico: As the firstborn Gen3 child, I'll be showing you around this week.
That's me, Nico, on your left. I'm reading books for Nerd Brain.
On your right, Mark is also reading but for Renaissance Sim.

Watcher caves and, at last, build us a larger house today.
My siblings and I are really looking forward to having our own personal space, you know?
The house only has four bedrooms, so where will Grandpa Tao and the parents sleep?

I have a special place on the roof to track my growing collection of frogs.
That box on the left holds the frogs I've bred so far.
I'm collecting frogs to become The Curator and got a great head start yesterday.
(Grandpa already collected all the frogs once, so I've started my own collection.)

I really get my sister, Joni. Her heart's in the right place.
As for my other sister, Zing, uh, we're not really on the same wavelength.

We're all having a great day today.
Mark and I come home with A's, while Zing and Joni bring home B's.
I breed my eight unique frog, so I'm qualified to age up now but decide to wait for Mark.
But today's biggest news is that Mama's completed her seashell collection!

What's going on with Mark?  He's suddenly discovered girls and, um, boys!?
First, he invites over Olivia Kim-Lewis who becomes his first kiss and first girlfriend.
Next, I see Nanami Ito going into Mark's room  I text Mark to warn him that girl's trouble.
Mark texts back that he's also read all about Dr. Demi Wesseldine.

I've decided not to wait for Mark to age up, since he's so busy fooling around.
This morning, I go ahead and become a young adult and join the Scientist career.

By the way, here's a painting by Jan Matejko of my namesake, Nicolaus Copernicus.

Mama's on a roll this week!  She maxed her Environmental Manager career this morning.
What's left of your Big Dream, Mama?
Fetia: Well, I need one of you kids to get married.  Probably you, Nico.
Next, I need four grandchildren, so convince your siblings to pitch in for that task!

Whiz Kid isn't part of Zing or Joni's requirements, but they complete it today.
Joni still has several days of requirements ahead.
But Zing attends her Drama Club meeting then ages up to a teen.

Brother Mark only needs to work one more evening before he can age up.
He's making the most of his teen days, it seems.
Elsa Bjergsen's his third First Kiss and third girlfriend.
Whatever is he up to?

My frog breeding produces only duplicates lately.
Maybe I'll find a new frog for my collection in our pond?

I'm super excited about my first day of work!
How disappointing to be sent off alone, though.

Zing earns a Drama Club Accolade.
To gain followers, she uploads her photos to Simstagram then sells them to publications..
It's close to 10 pm when she has over 300 followers.

Zing: I need a better way of gaining fame and followers. Vlogging, perhaps?

When Zing ages up to a young adult, Mama completes Super Parent. (Papa, too.)
Mark comes home 10 minutes later with his last promotion then he also ages up.

Mark immediately applies for university.
Zing decides to earn a few Tech Guru promotions first.

In the wee hours, I'm in the observatory exploring the cosmos when I hear strange music.
Hey, what are those mysterious lights?  Whooooooaaaaa!

Watcher: *makes a last-minute decision to buy Nico the Fertile trait.

Mark won't hear back about his uni application until tomorrow at the earliest.
He's been using his free time to break hearts left and right.
Makoa Kealoha and Eric Lewis were his 7th and 8th boyfriends.
Why them? Apparently, he's steering clear of desirable spouse prospects for now.
Both for him and for me. What a thoughtful brother, right? (I'm so glad he's not invading my shortlist of marriage candidates.)

Unfortunately, Joni's still stuck on her insect farming, despite nurturing them 2-3 times a day.
That's not enough nurturing to make them harvestable.
So the "elders" have been helping out with extra nurturing lately.
Except for the insect farms, Joni's been ready to age up for days.

And, yes, I moved the insect farms into the house because I lock everyone indoors at night.

Mark: While waiting for my acceptance letter, I decide the postperson will be my 10th kiss.
And so he is.
You can run along now, Postperson, I need to check the mail.

Mark: And I get accepted to a lot of distinguished degrees!
*Dashes indoors to enroll in the Biology program at Foxbury Institute.

Zing finally becomes a one-star celebrity after uploading her first Fashion Tips video.
The focused room she shares with Mark is fine for homework and studying.
But she needs her own room for recording her vlogs.
Tonight, she uses Mark's "Tryst Room" to record a flirty Love Advice video.

Fetia: Congrats on your fifth harvest of those darn insect farms. We're all glad to see them go!
Joni: Now that I'm all grown up, I want to blow my mind with our new bubble blower!
Tao: Be careful, Joni! Don't inhale so deeply on your first toke…

Mark: Did my sister just take a single hit then pass out?
Tao: I tried to warn her.
Fetia: Do we need to call a doctor?

Today's mail brings Zing's acceptance letter.
She enrolls in Britechester's Distinguished Degree program for Drama.

Zing: Why am I stuck in this dreary room with my drone, doing homework?
I should be out there with my future fans, being fabulous!

Mark: As for me, I've busy with my inventions and serums as usual.
Obviously,  I returned from my recent abduction "unscathed," if you will.

On the other hand, my bad luck with frog breeding continues.
Maybe the family would enjoy a visit to Magnolia Blossom Park?
Oh and I might have identified a feasible marriage candidate…

Progress: End of Week 10
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*Nurture/harvest from insect farms x5 (Eco Warrior): The insect farms are still glitched.
  Or, if not glitched, excessively time-consuming. A single farm needs nurturing at least 7-8 times between harvests.
  That's more time than my child sim can spare for three insect farms per day.
  She nurtured each farm 2-3 times a day, fed them daily, then let gramps and her parents do  the rest of the nurturing. *shrugs
  It still took 8 days for 5 harvests from all 3 insect farms. Poor Joni.

*"A Friend's Two Cents": I dislike this new moodlet which came with Nieghborhood Stories. It leaves my younger sims constantly Energized, a useless mood except for fitness or sports.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.10: Darn Insect Farms (11 Dec)
« Reply #61 on: December 12, 2021, 05:45:23 AM »
Oh ho, ho! Dr Demi appears to have become more famous than his sister Nell!  Don't tell her, oops, too late, Puck already has!
I love that Nico sees it as a warning and Mark is using it as a playbook.

I see from the painting of Nico's namesake why you chose that hair-style - it suits him. And his face-shape is similar, too.

For Zing, the best way I found to get follower numbers up was to livestream games whilst also streaming with the drone. You probably know that... Also, even if work asks for it, don't advertise anything! The numbers drop off and that was Nell's main hurdle for promotions rather than the performance bar.

I'm assuming you've got a compost loo to feed the bug farms - I am also glad Satoru skipped the nuturing...

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.10: Darn Insect Farms (11 Dec)
« Reply #62 on: December 12, 2021, 12:55:09 PM »
Haha, Mark is trying hard to remain a playboy with a modicum of morality but Mama's pressure for four grandchildren hits heavy.
He has plans, however, to avoid death by jealousy, if possible.

I've done World-Famous Celeb on several sims in the past, including an internet Personality, but not one who attended uni as well.
Zing's doing stuff in the background to work on building fame, but not a lot. The big push will be once she graduates. I don't mind.

No, I've only ever done the compost upgrade unintentionally. I fear the flaming toilet. 
Thankfully, the Master Maker's insect farm task is behind us now.

And thanks for always reading and commenting. It encourages me to play and post more.

Offline oshizu

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Yumeno Big Dreams 2.11: Carried Away...Twice (13 Dec)
« Reply #63 on: December 13, 2021, 07:13:38 PM »
2.11:  Carried Away…Twice

Our current household, from left to right:
Joni and Nico (Gen3), Kaiyo (Gen2) and wife Fetia, Tao (founder), Mark and Zing (Gen3)

Sunday, Week 11 (3rd week of autumn)
Mark ran roughshod over my personal life last week, and now it's my turn as your guide.
Let's face it: Mark is not a skilled frog breeder.
He's an excellent frog trapper, though, as he proved last night at Magnolia Blossom Park.
So, we begin this week at Desert Bloom Park, just for Mark and his frog collection.

As for me, I don't have anything left to do until I graduate from uni.
Sure, I need 3 gold-medal dates as a Serial Romantic.
But I'm saving those for when I'm ready to settle down.
For now, I thought I'd try to become an Adept warlock. Magic is in my blood, after all.
Ma, would you please take us to the Magical Realm?

Nico invited Yuki Behr over this morning and she's been with us everywhere today.
When we get back, I spot the two of them over by the party bush.

Mark: Nico, you dawg! Are you even engaged to Yuki yet?
Nico: Um, I'm proposing tomorrow but want to raise our romance bar first.
Mark: Uh huh, sure…

Joni got over-excited yesterday about the many skills she could learn as a teen.
Today, she's trying to focus on her teen task: tasting 8 flavors of the bubble blower.

She's taken those darn insect farms out of storage, but only needs to harvest them once.

Oh no, not before my first day of classes!
While brewing a potion, I'm struck by the Curse of Repulsiveness.
Luckily, Grandma Arihi stockpiled Potions of Curse Cleansing.
Ma copypasto's a few of them for me and I drink one. Phew!

Zing has an hour between classes, so she comes home. That's fine.
Then, she refuses to go to her third class of the day. That's bad.
Pa's so angry, he's decided to lock us out of the house between classes.

We only have 3 classes a day on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but still.
Why do I have to suffer because Zing is a slacker? She's so annoying!

After work, Nico invites Yuki over and proposes.
Yuki accepts his proposal with unconcealed joy.
She's looking a bit…rotund, Nico. You were just raising your romance bar, huh?

As soon as Nico returns from work, he phones in a wedding party.
It's a quiet affair, just family and a few friends.
Everyone plays musical chairs throughout the ceremony, but Nico and Yuki don't notice.
And Yuki is definitely showing!

You know how Nico has to make and use each of his scientific serums?
This morning, he tests a Ghost Goo Serum on Mama.
We're all greatly alarmed, but everything's fine. Mama can still weed!

I have a lot of respect for Joni's dedication to her Big Dream.
From where I sit, her tasks seems so repetitive and tedious.
Harvest bug farms 18 times total, craft 25 candles…
But, besides begging for help with the bugs, Joni works stoically.

Mama's been making lots of noise about "her" 4 grandkids.
Today, Grandpa Tao offers to move out so I can adopt a baby.
As if I'd want to be an unemployed single father!

Anyway, I already have a girlfriend but I can't marry yet.
We don't meet often but I phone or text her every day.

It's entirely Zing's fault we're forced to sit in front of the house 15 min. before class starts.
Even so, Zing tries to sneak back into the house but Papa catches her.
She arrives at class so late, she's lost the option to "Take Notes" or "Listen Actively."
Sleep in class, cheat on exam, or leave early?  What the heck, Zing?

Watcher: That's the Final Exam menu! How does Zing miss the class on Monday then take its final exam on Wednesday?

Zing and I have started studying for our Friday finals, when we hear that music.
Please get pregnant, bro, so you can cease contacting the aliens.

It's all very well for Nico, but Foxbury would expel me if I showed up on campus pregnant, even if I were abducted against my will.

Mark: Nico, that's amazing that you've already had 14 breakthroughs.
And you're all caught up with your seru…..uh, bro? What's with  those sparklies?
Nico: Oh, um, probably just something I ate.

Just as I finish studying for my three finals tomorrow, Nico gets a phone call.
Yuki gave birth to twin boys, Leon and Antwan! If only she'd had triplets!

I didn't want to rush my relationship with Venessa, but it can't be helped.

Fetia: Great job on reaching the Adept rank, son.
Mark: Your encouragement and training have really motivated me.
Fetia: Your Gradma Arihi did the same for me, staying here until I became an Adept.

Today's the worst day ever. Zing and I have three final exams on the same day.
While we go to and from uni, Papa comes home with his Level 8 Chef promotion.
Like Grandpa Tao, Papa can also prepare food that never spoils.

Tao: That's great. Now I can finally move out when the time is right.

This first term, I took 3 core Bio courses plus Guitar as an elective.
Zing took 3 core Drama courses plus Mischief as an elective.
Nobody in the family is surprised at my GPA. I'm a hard-working student.
But Zing missed an entire class, took its final exam twice, and still got an A+ GPA!?

Zing: I had to do lots of extra studying for that class…

Joni takes forever to "attempt to convince a sim to vote on a NAP."
Unable to find a Community Voting Board in Build mode, she downloaded one from the Gallery.
Apparently, the board vanished from our simverse after one of the recent patches.

Granpa Tao and Da Kaiyo let me make all the dynasty-related decisions these days.
This morning, we downsize the garden and sell most of our harvestables.

With almost $7.5 million in funds, I invest $5.4 million in a vet clinic.
No vet in our family in the near future, but we can use the clinic for our cash reserve.

Joni's brewed four juice 6-packs so far, so we've come to the park where she'll try selling them.
Since juice spoils after a day, she's selling her juice first and then her candles.
C'mon folks, someone buy Joni's last juice six-pack!

Nico's not the only one with a baby bump recently. Or is it just my imagination?
Actually, I'd invited Venessa to the park with us to ask her on a date or three.
Then I remember that we can't date while Joni's holding her yard sales.
Tomorrow, for sure.

It's so like Zing to practice her presentation right next to Joni's vendor table.
Zing can't stand anyone but herself being the center of attention.
I remind Zing that Joni can only attract this kind of crowd at a park.
On the other hand, Zing can practice her presentation anywhere. So selfish!

As soon as Zing packs away her presentation, her audience moves to Joni's table.
It takes until 2 am, but Joni manages to sell all 12 candles.
And just in time, too.  That last candle was practically burned down to the table!

Progress: End of Week 11
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*Eco Innovator's Convince Sim to Vote: I struggled with this task for a while, inviting different sims over to try to convince them..
  Then, I discovered the Community Voting Board's no longer available in Build Mode.
  As a workaround, I downloaded crinrict's "Community Voting Board" room to my lot.
  Then, I moved the board out of the room to the front yard.  Sheesh.

*Fetia's Big Happy Family: I considered moving Tao out to see if Nico'd have twins.
  But I decided one alienboo is enough for Gen4.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.11: Carried Away...Twice (13 Dec)
« Reply #64 on: December 14, 2021, 05:54:11 AM »
Mark's got such deepset eyes - I guess that's from Fetia.

No nooboos in the house yet but the "heir" is Mark or Zing? Did you already announce which one? I've got a headcold so my memory's gone fuzzy! Lol! Hot lemon & honey to keep me going...

I'm not looking forward to the maker side of the Eco-Warrier big dream...Satoru's not even started on that apart from a few rugs and eco-parts for his upgrades.

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.11: Carried Away...Twice (13 Dec)
« Reply #65 on: December 14, 2021, 04:45:48 PM »
Mark's got such deepset eyes - I guess that's from Fetia.

No nooboos in the house yet but the "heir" is Mark or Zing? Did you already announce which one? I've got a headcold so my memory's gone fuzzy! Lol! Hot lemon & honey to keep me going...

I'm not looking forward to the maker side of the Eco-Warrier big dream...Satoru's not even started on that apart from a few rugs and eco-parts for his upgrades.

Yes, Fetia's eyes, which look like she's wearing brown eye shadow although she's not, passed on to Mark, Zing, and Joni.
As for the heir, I think I've left hints both in this update and last one. Haha, I guess the clues weren't clear?
The Master Maker tasks weren't bad, considering Joni already harvested 3 bug farms 5 times each, lol.
Joni's juicing machine became unusable whenever I went through a loading screen. I used 3 different juicers to make 3 batches of 4 juice six-packs.
Me and my glitches.  Sigh. Hope Satoru has better luck with his juicing.

As for nooboos, the next update changes everything...

Sorry to hear about your head cold.  Hope you're feeling better soon!

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.11: Carried Away...Twice (13 Dec)
« Reply #66 on: December 15, 2021, 02:24:57 AM »
Clearer head today! Obviously Mark is making decisions so he's the heir!

Is your juicer glitch when loading fruit? Satoru is limited to adding 5 of one fruit and then it looks like 999 of other available fruits.
Oh dear. Looks like I'll have to be more focused on juicing while not going through a bluescreen! Someone suggested loading just 1 fruit to start and then it resets - I'll try that...

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.11: Carried Away...Twice (13 Dec)
« Reply #67 on: December 15, 2021, 02:39:11 PM »
Yes, the Gen3 heir is Mark. :)

The juicing machine becomes unusable after my sims go through a loading screen (that is, traveling to another lot).
This is why, whenever Joni only started juicing her 3rd batch of four when she actually had time to start and collect all four.
She was doing both fruit and flowers. It's not as if the family couldn't afford to buy 3 juicing machines, but still annoying, hehe.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.11: Carried Away...Twice (13 Dec)
« Reply #68 on: December 15, 2021, 11:20:32 PM »
Congrats to Nico for his upcoming Fatherhood!

Joni must be quite the salesperson to get someone to buy a nearly burned down candle.

I am so eager to play again but I won’t get my computer back from the geeks until Saturday. Until then I’ll have to live vicariously through the Yumenos and the Wesseldines.

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.12: A Very Special Delivery
« Reply #69 on: December 16, 2021, 01:29:58 AM »
2.12: A Very Special Delivery

Our current household, from left to right:
Joni and Nico (Gen3), Kaiyo (Gen2) and wife Fetia, Tao (founder), Mark and Zing (Gen3)

Hey there, I'm Zing, your fabulous guide for this week.
We start the week at the Flea Market.

Sunday, Week 12 (last week of autumn)
She may be the Sage of Mischief, but L. Faba is unbelievably rude.
Joni sets up the table with 4 more juice six-packs and starts her yard sale.
Then, L. Faba comes and displays her metals right on the same table.

Mark to the rescue! He buys all of L. Faba's merch, so she has nothing to sell.

Zing: I'm so glad everyone could make it to Chez Llama for dinner tonight.
I want you all to meet the future father of my children.
Dirk: Who me?
Mark: Psssst, Zing.  Don't you know that…
Zing: Excuse you, Mark. Can't you see I'm busy addressing the family?

Zing: So, the family's unwisely chosen Mark as the next heir already.
But a little bird tells me that you, Dirk darling, are one of Watcher's favorite sims.
I'm thinking that if you and me get together, we could take over the dynasty.
Dirk: Sounds like a plan. *smirks

Zing: We're about to leave Chez Llama around 1:30 am, when Nico goes into labor.

Nico: Tsk, tsk. Come with me, Mark. He's not your "co-worker" yet.
Mark: Hey, I'm only introducing myself, just in case.

Nico: Thanks for your moral support, Mark.
When I needed you most, you were…why are you in the other delivery room?
Mark: I have no idea. And I tried, but I couldn't enter your delivery room.
Nico: Anyway, I've named my little girl Astra.

Zing: Back home, Astra is fed then aged up right away.
If I were Astra, I'd want to stay in my human disguise. 

Meanwhile, I've got Dirk wrapped around my little finger.
After Dirk agrees to be my boyfriend, my good friend Diego phones me.
First of all, Dirk should feel honored to become my celebrity boy toy.
Secondly, isn't Diego simply a sweetheart to congratulate me?

Very early in the morning, while Mark is cooking with Papa, he gets a phone call.
Mark shrieks: "A single birth! How perfect of Venessa!"
The house becomes a blur of activity, then Grandpa and Mama move to Key Point.

Venessa and Mark get married soon after, then she and her son move in.
Personally, I would have held out for a lavish wedding and a tropical honeymoon.
Seems Venessa is satisfied to be married with a live-in father for her son Darren.
Oh and Venessa did get a nice Sulani-appropriate makeover.

Can you see me back there knitting? I can't always be in the spotlight, sadly.
Anyway, Mark ages up their son Darren and….lo and behold!
Darren ages up with hair, eyes, and life state that match his father's.
Mark feels smug now, certain his position as heir is sealed in stone. Hah!

Nico: Once upon a time, there was a little girl whose father had to move out of the Big House.
But the little girl stayed in the Big House to fulfill her Big Dream.
Astra: What happens after that, Papa?
Nico: Well, she meets a nice someone and they go live with her father and his family.
Because her father's family is her family, too.

We're over at Key Point this evening, visiting our grandparents and Mama.
I meet Auntie Mikilani for the first time, too.

Joni sells the last of her juice six-packs while we're there.
I'm glad she's done with those tacky yard sales so I can stop pretending I don't know her.

On one hand, I resent Venessa and Darren for usurping Dirk's place.
On the other hand, I must admit that brother Mark has excellent taste.
Venessa is one gorgeous sim and her son with Mark is adorbs..
What exactly does she see in Mark, anyway?

My entire family conspires to steal my spotlight!
Nico's daughter Astra ages up tonight. She's got that green happy alien glow.
She's playing chess with her great-grandpa while her grandpa mentors her.
You're probably wondering where her father is.

Nico got a promotion tonight, so he's been trying to earn breakthroughs.
While stargazing in grandpa's observatory, Nico completes his second collection.

And now I must insist that the rest of this episode centers on ME!

But alas, the little ones must horn in on my spotlight.
Nico's daughter Astra had her birthday last night around 10 pm.
This morning, Darren ages up right before Nico and Joni leave for work.
We have just enough time to give them both makeovers.

Today's Harvestfest, which we normally don't celebrate.
Rather, we are allies of indigenous peoples everywhere.
However, my sister-in-law Venessa needs to complete a collection, so that's our excuse.
And she gathers all of the Decorative Eggs right here on our home lot.

In the hours before my last final, I pop the question to Dirk.
Naturally, he is ecstatic to become my fiance.
Nico was mumbling this morning about needing to use the Observatory tonight.
That's why we're planning to get married tomorrow evening.

Stellar performance in our second term!
Honestly, though, having toddlers in the house made school super difficult.
I mean, do they expect me to remind myself what time my classes start?

Lots of celebrating in our household tonight.
Nico brings home his final promotion in the Scientist career.
He's not quitting until he's made his last three serums, though.
Looking good, Nico!

Mark: I'm sorry to be the one to tell you the truth about Dirk, sis.
How could you not know? I tried to tell you before at Chez Llama, but you wouldn't listen.
His marriage to that redheaded star, Nell, was all over the internet.
Zing: I refuse to believe it. Dirk would never do that to me!

Sigh, there's no hope for Dirk and me is there?
I'll humiliate myself in front of all my family and friends, but…

Zing: You two-timing jerk. How dare you!
Dirk: But, I thought you knew…I thought you were using me to take over your dynasty.
Zing: Uh huh, sure. Me using you? Hah, that's rich.
Dirk: You never even asked me if I was single…

Diego: Hey, Zing, please calm down. You're embarrassing yourself.
Zing: Oh can it, Diego. This is my ruined wedding, not yours. Your concern is sweet, though.

As for you, you smug so-and-so, take that!

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*Zing: I don't really hate her as much as it seems.
  I'm just trying to portray her as a self-absorbed diva.

*Dirk Dreamer: Oh dearest Dirk, it hurts me to use you this way, lol.
  But you are already married with two kids, so what could we do, besides let you go back to Nell?  ;D
  I'll treat you better in a different dynasty, I promise.

*Attending university with toddlers in the household is definitely more chaotic.
  The 1st term went so smoothly. The 2nd term, I struggled to remember who had studied for what, lol.

*Venessa and Darren: Such beautiful sims and their Big Dreams are pretty obvious, yes? 
  If you're wondering about Darren's hair, I'm using custom content that gives genetically-transmitted unnatural hair colors for toddlers and children.
  It only applies for the base-game hairstyles and a few others, though, which is a shame.

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.12: A Very Special Delivery (15 Dec)
« Reply #70 on: December 16, 2021, 10:43:02 AM »
I love it! What else can I say! I couldn't believe how Dirk was leading Zing on! He really deserved that slap. Excellent "leave at the altar" scene. Definitely worthy of a future Global Superstar.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.12: A Very Special Delivery (15 Dec)
« Reply #71 on: December 16, 2021, 08:52:39 PM »
I love it! What else can I say! I couldn't believe how Dirk was leading Zing on! He really deserved that slap. Excellent "leave at the altar" scene. Definitely worthy of a future Global Superstar.
I'm so glad you don't mind Nell's husband getting slapped, lol.
I'd had different plans for Dirk at first, but then he became Nell's "keeper."  ;)

Awww, you didn't guess at the Big Dreams of Venessa and Darren, despite the obvious clues, haha.
Perhaps not so obvious for Darren, but you might recognize the signs, Judi.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.12: A Very Special Delivery (15 Dec)
« Reply #72 on: December 16, 2021, 10:20:07 PM »
Oh that Dirk! He deserved that slap!

For Vanessa, my guess if Family Ties.
My guess for Darren is that he is either over-maxing his requirements or is working on Uber Sim.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.12: A Very Special Delivery (15 Dec)
« Reply #73 on: December 17, 2021, 02:33:50 AM »
Oh that Dirk! He deserved that slap!

For Vanessa, my guess if Family Ties.
My guess for Darren is that he is either over-maxing his requirements or is working on Uber Sim.
Yes for both.

However, I miscalculated how long it's going to take Darren's sibling to be ready for uni, so I just minutes ago decided to give Uber Sim to the next sibling.
I'm trying to time the two siblings to age up to YA together, if possible. That's the plan anyway.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.12: A Very Special Delivery (15 Dec)
« Reply #74 on: December 17, 2021, 07:40:59 AM »
I got so excited about Zing's Big Non-Day that I totally overlooked the Big Dream side! So not Uber Sim for Darren now...nope, I've got nada in the guess department!

Head's up for Zing's emotions - Nell's got some news...