Author Topic: Yumeno Big Dreams 8.33b: Clumping to the Finish Line [Completed 5 March 2022]  (Read 36989 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.5: So Many Birthdays!!! (29 Nov)
« Reply #30 on: November 30, 2021, 05:47:13 PM »
Here i am still thinking of how i will this dynasty and you are already done with week 5, blasting through this as you always do, with all your lovely looking sims.
I am lurking on the side, enjoying to see what you are doing. You inspire me :)
Oh, I can't wait for you to start. And you can always make the challenge harder for yourself, if you wish.
Like, i started Rags to Riches style like Pinstar's Extreme Start, except for buying a rocket ship kit (which I paid back) and I started in spring, haha.
My founder Tao recently completed Master Chef as an extra aspiration, so I had an idea for Rancherino's Simple Living lot challenge.
I'll keep Simple Living until Tao has cooked every meal available to him, without going for all the food stall recipes).
Might be too much work hunting down ingredients, though, so maybe not.  ;)

Looking forward to meeting your founders, friend!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.5: So Many Birthdays!!! (29 Nov)
« Reply #31 on: November 30, 2021, 06:00:16 PM »
Gorgeous Gen 2! Announcing an heir - is that the lilac eyes determining that?
Yes, i'm hoping to do a Genetics mini-challenge with the violet eye color. I also downloaded cc for genetically-transmitted "unnatural hair colors" for toddlers and children, so we'll see if that actually works.

Kudos to Arihi for beating L. Faba and getting those last two brooms!

So . . . with two heir possibilities . . .will just one continue the dynasty or will both have children . . . ?

My guesses for Big Dreams are:
Mikilani - Financial Whiz
Tiare - Garden Guru

We seem to be choosing the same Big Dreams for early game . . . it's nice for me that you are farther along so I can pick up tips from you. (*cough hatchable obsidian egg)
Yes, you guessed 2 for 2 for the girls.  I picked Garden Guru to open up household space for Gen3.
Completing Financial Whiz allows other household members to (finally) select Mansion Baron for satisfaction rewards.
In hindsight, i wish I'd given better clues about the boys' Big Dreams.  Soon, they'll be teens and the cat will be out of the bag, so to speak.
Well, I did leave a big clue about one of them...(son of Sulani0.

Due to my plans for Gen2 and my desire to keep the grandparents around, there won't be enough room in the dynasty house for both violet-eyed sons to add offspring.
Of course, baby-making with a townie is always an option for the second twin.
As for the Saga of the Evil Chicken, we see light at the end of the tunnel, at last!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.6: Karma's a Beach (1 Dec)
« Reply #32 on: December 01, 2021, 07:36:25 PM »
1.6: Karma's a Beach

Who dis?

Week 6, Sunday (summer)
Tiare: Recycle Disciple, Green Fiend, Eco-Master, and so much more!
Who in our simverse hasn't heard of Knox Greenburg of Port Promise?
I've known Knox since I was in grade school and, today, we become BFFs.
As a Green Guru myself, I've always admired Knox's commitment to our environment.

You remember my personal garden, don't you?
Here's where I'm growing my nine unique spliced plants.
This morning, my Dragonfruit (the last plant I required) matured.
When I spot a cowberry in my inventory, I'll know I'm done.

Tiare: And here I thought this bush was part of the landscaping.
Knox: Ssshhh. This is not how I want to meet your father for the first time.

Knox: So you'd be okay with moving in with me and my mother Mary?
She's been so sad since her wife Blossom passed away.
Tiare: Of course, I am. We'll both be there for your mother.
Knox: Awesome. When can you move in?
Tiare: I still have a few things to wrap up first, but hopefully soon.

Tiare: My next to the last requirement!
There's also another personal thing I'd like to do…

Mikilani: Mama and Papa coerced me to earn a third character trait.
How many times did I have to set the darn table?

Arihi (to Tao): Woooo! Thanks to Miki, you and I become Super Parents!
And congratz on becoming a Master Chef today, too.

Tao: I was seriously starting to despair over my evil chicken task!
4 days ago, I moved evil hen Onyx and evil rooster Preto into their own coop.
Since then, I've been giving them both Flirty Treats once or twice a day.
This morning, Onyx finally lays a hatchable Obsidian Egg!
I can't wait for it to hatch!

Tiare: When Knox drops by again, the timing seems right to propose.
I'm totally fine with Knox and I living outside of a marital bond.
But Papa insists that we get married before living together. Ole fuddy duddy!

Arihi: I earn my last magic perk, which leaves only my career requirement.
I'd always assumed Tao and I would fulfill our Big Dreams before our children.
Looks like Tiare's cowberry will beat my last promotion or Tao's evil chicken.
Tiare and Knox better not plan on eloping!

Kaiyo: Keigo and I come home with A's then immediately age up to teens.
After sorting our hair and clothing, Mama takes us to the Magical Realm.

Morgyn: You want me to perform a Rite of Dissolution? Why on Earth for?
Kaiyo: I can't fulfill my Big Dream if I remain a Spellcaster, Sage Morgyn.
Morgyn: Well, you don't lose your Weak Bloodline.
If you ever decide to become a warlock again, you'll still have that option, dear.

Kaiyo: And so I begin the process of cleaning up Mua Pel'am.

Keigo: As you can see, I've returned to my original blond hair.
I can already see how this will go. *sighs
Shot after shot of Kaiyo flaunting his fit, half-dressed body.
If I'm lucky, there'll be an occasional shot of the back of my head, writing.

Oh hey, I have a new pen pal in Moonlight Falls!

Tiare: Mama Mary, I want you to meet my parents, Arihi and Tao.
Mary: It's so great to finally meet you both.
What a blessing that Tiare will be joining us here.
Arihi: You can leave all the wedding plans to us, dear.
Knox: Wedding?!

Kaiyo: My Emotional Control is in range, so all I need is one Lifeguard promotion.
I buy the Wishing Well, hoping to get a guaranteed promotion.
Whoa, a full promotion! Guess who's ready to age up to a young adult?

Tao: When I check my Evil Chickens this morning, I see a new addition.
Could that hen chick with the fiery red eyes be what I think she is?

Tiare: Knox says his mother's really looking forward to our wedding.
Due to her advanced age, my parents urge me to get married while she's healthy even though I can't move out yet.

I hardly recognized Knox in his suit.
His mother (in purple) stood and cried throughout our wedding.

Kaiyo: I spent the day learning Wellness so I could teleport around Mua Pel'am.
After Tiare's wedding, I spend a few hours cleaning the island.
I've only started cleanup since my teen birthday.
What a surprise that its ecosystem's already started to improve.

Kaiyo: Thanks for the offer, but I can manage this suntan lotion myself.
And you guessed correctly. I'm leading a Beach Life.

Keigo: I stay home from school today to wait for my last three postcards.
I add the Bookworm trait when I age up, then join the Writer career.

Arihi: This gold-medal kava party seems to last forever.
Everyone take turns picking up their kava cups, so Kaiyo can't offer a toast.
He ends up having to make a new batch of kava and calling folks for a drink

Tiare: My ninth spliced plant becomes harvestable.
Can you spot the cowberry on my dragonfruit plant?
My Garden Guru Big Dream is done!

Before moving out, I try for baby twice with Knox and take a pregnancy test.
When I arrive at Knox's home, I'm already eating for two.

Progress: End of Week 6
To simplify progress reports, I'll only list requirements completed during the current week under a spoiler tag.
You can view portraits and all details by clicking here.
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*Chapter numbers: I can't decide on a cutoff point for the start of the second generation.  Once the founders become grandparents? Once all/most of the current generation are young adults?
  Perhaps the most logical timing would be when the designated "heir" of each generation becomes a young adult.
  In that sense, the next update title will start with 2 followed by the week number.

*Food that never spoils: I love that Tao has earned the Fresh Chef trait! (Upon reaching Level 8 Chef, he quit the career.)
  He's cooking up a storm, slowly filling up a Sticky Storage Box with food that never spoils: family meals, birthday cakes, and a few wedding cakes.

*Arihi redeemed: I'm so happy to report that Arihi has mended her previous beachcombing ways.

*Tiare and Garden Guru: Tiare was only allowed to harvest her private garden, but could only tend but never harvest the family's larger garden.
  This helped me track the growth of her 9 spliced plants, since I could check her inventory to see which of the nine had produced a third harvestable or not.
  Also, Tiare planted her 17 plants in preparation for the Splice 9 Unique Plants requirement, but didn't (couldn't?) do any grafting until after her teen birthday.

*Wishing well: I don't plan to make heavy use of the Wishing Well in this dynasty. Since it was a brand-new well, I was hoping Kaiyo would be granted a guaranteed promotion.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.6: Karma's a Beach (1 Dec)
« Reply #33 on: December 02, 2021, 01:19:54 AM »
Yay for Tiare! Congratulations on completing Garden Guru - you made it look so easy!

I love Knox but fingers crossed that her babies with Knox inherit her cute nose and not his.

I was totally off with Keigo's Big Dream - the brothers both wanted Charisma so I was looking for that in the requirements - I'm so easily distracted, lol.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.6: Karma's a Beach (1 Dec)
« Reply #34 on: December 02, 2021, 12:41:03 PM »
Wow - so much progress - evil chicken for Tao, all the perks for Arihi, completed Big Dream for Tiare, awesome mermaid tail for Kaiyo, and postcards received and age-up for Kiego! Busy week for Watcher!

It's great that you got Knox into your family - I know he's a favorite of yours.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.6: Karma's a Beach (1 Dec)
« Reply #35 on: December 02, 2021, 07:07:07 PM »
Yay for Tiare! Congratulations on completing Garden Guru - you made it look so easy!

I love Knox but fingers crossed that her babies with Knox inherit her cute nose and not his.

I was totally off with Keigo's Big Dream - the brothers both wanted Charisma so I was looking for that in the requirements - I'm so easily distracted, lol.

Garden Guru is made easier now by the fact that children can do many of the gardening activities.
As for Knox, I tried to choose a townie whose lifestyle would make a reasonable match with Tiare's. An Eco Master who's a Green Fiend seems a good partner for a Garden Guru.
Haha, not worried about his nose persisting in the dynasty genes, though. *winks

Sorry for the red herring about Charisma. My sims almost always max Charisma (or R&D) in order to ask for job-related performance boosts over the phone.
I'm not gifted at all in the "leaving Big Dream clues" department like you are...

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.6: Karma's a Beach (1 Dec)
« Reply #36 on: December 02, 2021, 07:14:02 PM »
Wow - so much progress - evil chicken for Tao, all the perks for Arihi, completed Big Dream for Tiare, awesome mermaid tail for Kaiyo, and postcards received and age-up for Kiego! Busy week for Watcher!

It's great that you got Knox into your family - I know he's a favorite of yours.

Haha, Knox isn't actually a favorite but I thought Garden Guru Tiare would be drawn to his reputation as an eco warrior. That made sense in my head, at least. :)
As for Tao, all i can say is: Poor, ppor Tao.
Gah, I messed up my timing!  I completely forgot that move-in spouses require a uni degree until last night.

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.7: Under da Sea
« Reply #37 on: December 03, 2021, 09:14:36 PM »
2.7: Under da Sea


Week 7, Monday (summer)
Keigo: Lia Hauata is a fellow writer I met during my first day of work.
We're the only ones there who live in Sulani, so we naturally gravitate toward each other.

It's no surprise that we're both bookworms since we love writing.
We're also non-binary. It's great to feel free to be ourselves around each other.

Kaiyo: I'm exhausted!
Watcher made me run around half the night, cleaning up the island.
She insists that if I'm not tired enough, I won't doz….zzzzZZZ

Tao: What exactly is the holdup, son? Tiare's already met a nice young fellow.
We and Watcher have chosen you as the second-generation heir. 
Arihi: He's right, Kaiyo.  Where are our grandkids?

Kaiyo: You think the worst of me, without even asking what my plans are.

Before I commit to raising a family, I want to explore my aquatic powers.
For example, Miki's been struggling to write her third bestseller.
So I improved her mood by singing her a Siren's Lullaby: Inspiring Berceuse.

I have other vaster powers, too.
Like, I can blow a conch shell to summon a change in weather.
Before raising a family with someone special, I want to fully experience my merfolk nature.

Arihi: So do we have your Change Weather power to thank for today's rainstorm, Kaiyo?
Keigo: Yes, Mama. I'm sorry I summoned rain on the morning you completed your Big Dream.
Arihi: No problem, Kaiyo. I'm just happy to be finished. 
Tao: Congratulations, Arihi! Well done!

Arihi: And how's your Big Dream coming along, Tao?
Tao (sighs): It's a week today since my first Obsidian Egg hatched, but the chick hasn't aged up.
Arihi: Why do I see two evil chicks?
Tao: I have four evil chicks now. I keep getting hatchable eggs, so I hatched a few more.

Arihi: When Tiare shows up with a flat belly, we immediately pay a visit to Port Promise.
Tiare and Knox are the parents of twin boys, named Brice and Rigoberto.
For no good reason besides curiosity, Tao and I age them up to toddlers.

That's Brice in the fuchsia T-shirt. Will he grow up to resemble his father?

Keigo: Why the heck do we need to put out the fire that Knox started?
Kaiyo: Because our parents escaped with the toddlers and Knox ran off with them, I guess.
Keigo: The air pollution here makes me wheeze. Let's just go home!
Kaiyo: Just a sec. Lemme summon a rainstorm. It will, um, help purify the air.

Kaiyo: It's already past 9 pm when we get home, but I summon the Island Elementals anyway.
When 3 elementals appear, my parents start playing music to draw the two males away.
Their diversion helps me to get to know Fetia very well.
In fact, we get to know each other very well, indeed.

I never saw an option to ask her move in.
When she floats off around 2 am, I realize our Romance is maxed but not our Friendship.
But we're deeply connected in many ways, so she'll come back, won't she?

Keigo: Miki, you'll never believe this. I got the cutest phone call from Lia just now.
She thinks I'm planning to propose and wants to know how she should reply.
Miki: And your answer?
Keigo: Well, of course, I told her to say yes. Was that her sneaky way of proposing to me?
When I checked her profile page, I discovered that we're engaged!

Kaiyo: In the afternoon, I summon the Island Elementals again.
I keep Fetia chatting so she'll stay after the summoning event ends.
Once it does, I can ask her to move in.

I'd wanted to discuss future plans with Fetia, but Mama immediately whisks her away.

Arihi: What do you think of your makeover?
Fetia: It's great. Also, I never knew your mother had also been an Island Elemental.
Arihi: Yes, I'm so pleased that Kaiyo will keep my family legacy alive. May I offer some advice?
Fetia: Let me guess: you'd like me to become a sorceress like yourself?
Arihi: And my mother before me.  Oh, I want to take you to the Magical Ream as well and…

Fetia: Oh no, Lia! Why do you let your fiance's father touch you like that?
Lia (chuckles): You've a lot to learn about mortal ways, Fetia.  I'm getting a fertility massage.
Fetia: You will become a mother soon, Lia?  I want that, too.  What do I do?
Lia: Well, first, you need to go have a talk with Kaiyo.

Tao: Last night, I put my evil chick Shiva in my inventory before visiting the Magical Realm.
When we returned home, I placed her back in her yard.

This morning, she finally matures into a young adult evil hen.
Thank you, Shiva, for helping me fulfil my Rancherino Big Dream.
(Later at 6pm, a second evil hen chick also aged up to a young adult.)

Kaiyo: I've been trying out my different merfolk powers whenever I reach full Hydration.
Today, I summon an ocean threat for the first time.
Not sure what happened to that sim after she got dragged down into the sea.
But, when she resurfaced, she did not look at all happy.

Arihi: I'm so glad that Kaiyo took my advice and proposed to Fetia.
Ever since meeting the pregnant Lia, she's been excited about starting a family.
On the other hand, Kaiyo'd rather wait until he's completed his Big Dream.

Now that both my sons are engaged, could we perhaps…hmmm.

Kaiyo: We spend the morning at Ohan'ali Town because Fetia is collecting seashells.
Around noon, I'm surprised by a notice that Mua Pel'am has been fully restored.

It's quite a relief, really.
No surprise that Fetia would want to join the Conservationist career.
Still, I'm glad I managed to finish my Clean up Mua Pel'am requirement on my own.

Arihi: After Keigo returns from work, we're off to throw a wedding party.
Since it's a double wedding, our wedding photographer makes careful plans.
A few shots of Keigo and Lia at the wedding altar.
Later, a few shots of Kaiyo and Fetia sharing a slice of their wedding cake.
Lia's shyly joyful. She loves that Keigo will eventually move in with her and their children.

Arihi: Kaiyo hates his white tux. He changes to his swimwear to cut the wedding cake.
So, the photographer asks him to change back to his tux and kiss the bride.
Nope. As soon as he gets the tux on, he changes back to his swimwear to kiss Fetia.
Why can't you wear your white tux for a handful of photos, dear son?

Kaiyo: I'm surprised you even ask me!  The tux is a Western tradition which I'm not feeling.
Let me be free, Mama. Let me be who I am.

Fetia: You don't hear me complaining!

Progress: End of Week 7
To simplify progress reports, I'll only list requirements completed during the current week under a spoiler tag.
You can view portraits and all details by clicking here. There's even a close-up of Fetia. 
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*Fetia: She came with the personality traits Good, Self-Assured, and Active.
  They would be great for the Sports Master BD, but that's not in her cards.
  We kept her Good trait but replaced the other two.
  She also lost considerable extra weight and her frumpy coif.

*Fetia's collection: I'd like her collection to be seashells or buried treasures.
  But if one of them proves too hard to finish, I might fall back on an easier collection.

*Sea Siren's Clean up Mua Pel'am task: The conservationist career made the most sense for Fetia.
  As a former Island Elemental, she'd naturally want to help improve the island's ecosystem.
  I'd worried about her helping with Kaiyo's task, but he fortunately completed it without her.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.7: Under da Sea (3 Dec)
« Reply #38 on: December 04, 2021, 01:32:25 AM »
It's quite funny that Lia called Keigo to ask about accepting a proposal to him, and then also interesting that they ended up engaged without Keigo actually proposing. I suppose that is a function of the new neighborhood stories, but very interesting that it impacted a Sim you're playing that way.

Fetia is beautiful - can't wait to see the children she and Kaiyo will have together.  :)

I am so glad Tao's evil chick finally aged up. Do you know how many days it was from when the chick hatched until it aged up?

Wow! You are all ready to get started on Gen 3! How exciting!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.7: Under da Sea (3 Dec)
« Reply #39 on: December 04, 2021, 03:35:01 AM »
You give your Sims such lovely makeovers - Lia & Fetia must be very happy!
I can't see the picture of toddler Brice in his green T-shirt? Is it just me?

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.7: Under da Sea (3 Dec)
« Reply #40 on: December 04, 2021, 02:00:17 PM »
It's quite funny that Lia called Keigo to ask about accepting a proposal to him, and then also interesting that they ended up engaged without Keigo actually proposing. I suppose that is a function of the new neighborhood stories, but very interesting that it impacted a Sim you're playing that way.

Fetia is beautiful - can't wait to see the children she and Kaiyo will have together.  :)

I am so glad Tao's evil chick finally aged up. Do you know how many days it was from when the chick hatched until it aged up?

Wow! You are all ready to get started on Gen 3! How exciting!

Yes, Lia's phone call was part of the new Neighborhood Stories update, though it made little sense that she'd call her boyfriend Keigo to seek his opinion unless she was just playing coy, haha.

As for the evil chick, I have two tips about that task that I'll post soon in the BDD Hints & Tricks thread.
The incubating Obsidian Egg hatched on Thursday of Week 6, then the evil chick aged up on Friday of Week 7, so nine days altogether.
The only reason that Tao's wait seemed so long is that it was the very last task he tackled.

Yes, the next generation will be coming along very, very soon. *Squees
No guessing Fetia's big Dream?  Were my clues too obvious to bother guessing?

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.7: Under da Sea (3 Dec)
« Reply #41 on: December 04, 2021, 02:05:03 PM »
You give your Sims such lovely makeovers - Lia & Fetia must be very happy!
I can't see the picture of toddler Brice in his green T-shirt? Is it just me?

Haha, Fetia got an extensive makeover, but I didn't touch Lia (though it's possible to change an NPC's wardrobe using a closet).

Please accept my extremly embarrassed apology for your not being able to see Brice's image. 
I looked at the boy twins' baby onesies and wrote "green T-shirt," though Brice's T-shirt is actually a fuchsia color. *blushes
The offending image caption has since been edited, too.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.7: Under da Sea (3 Dec)
« Reply #42 on: December 04, 2021, 03:13:34 PM »
It's quite funny that Lia called Keigo to ask about accepting a proposal to him, and then also interesting that they ended up engaged without Keigo actually proposing. I suppose that is a function of the new neighborhood stories, but very interesting that it impacted a Sim you're playing that way.

I had one of Dr McSteamy's early girlfriends make the same call to him even though he's been married for a while now. I was tempted to say "go for it" but was worried it might crash - or can you be engaged to someone when already married?

No guessing Fetia's big Dream?  Were my clues too obvious to bother guessing?
Eco-Warrior for Fetia? From her career clue?

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.7: Under da Sea (3 Dec)
« Reply #43 on: December 04, 2021, 03:59:09 PM »
I had one of Dr McSteamy's early girlfriends make the same call to him even though he's been married for a while now. I was tempted to say "go for it" but was worried it might crash - or can you be engaged to someone when already married?

Good thing you resisted the "Go for it" temptation.
Even if that response didn't crash your game, it might have resulted in Demi becoming glitched and we can't have that!

Fetia's Big Dream appears more in her dialogue than in her stats (Eco-Warrior requires the Civil Designer career).
The next update will reveal all.  ;)

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.7: Under da Sea (3 Dec)
« Reply #44 on: December 04, 2021, 04:33:37 PM »
My mistake. So working from home and wanting children - Family Matters for Fetia?
How many guesses do I get? lol!