Author Topic: Yumeno Big Dreams 8.33b: Clumping to the Finish Line [Completed 5 March 2022]  (Read 60957 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.7: Under da Sea (3 Dec)
« Reply #45 on: December 04, 2021, 05:29:23 PM »
My mistake. So working from home and wanting children - Family Matters for Fetia?
How many guesses do I get? lol!

LOL! Yes, Family Matters, it is!
Today, I wish I'd gone with Family Ties (you made such a wise decision with Theo), but she gained the Fertile trait last night.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.7: Under da Sea (3 Dec)
« Reply #46 on: December 04, 2021, 06:06:50 PM »
No guessing Fetia's big Dream?  Were my clues too obvious to bother guessing?

LOL -Sometimes it's hard to know what's a clue and what the Sims are just doing. But knowing that there is a clue, I would guess Family Matters or Family Ties from the comment about wanting babies.

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.8: Mikilani Moves Out (5 Dec)
« Reply #47 on: December 05, 2021, 10:26:14 PM »
LOL -Sometimes it's hard to know what's a clue and what the Sims are just doing. But knowing that there is a clue, I would guess Family Matters or Family Ties from the comment about wanting babies.

I admit that I'm not skilled in the fine art of leaving clues, haha. I tried!

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Yumeno Big Dreams 2.8: Mikilani Moves Out (5 Dec)
« Reply #48 on: December 05, 2021, 10:56:20 PM »
2.8: Mikilani Moves Out

Kaiyo: You want some of this?

Week 8, Sunday (summer)
Fetia: What lousy overcast weather and a dismal selection of merchandise.
You'd think the obscenely wealthy Geoffrey Landgraab would showcase better swag!
I buy one toy, just to be nice.

Miki: Kiyoshi Ito's so cute, Mama, but he's just a teen. Should I invite him home and age him up?
Arihi: Well…
Fetia: No, please! If he's still a teen, let's save him for one of my girls.

Tao: Tsk, it's disgusting how our wives and Miki are throwing tips at that boy Kiyoshi Ito.
This is a flea market, not some…. Are you listening to me, Kaiyo?
Kaiyo: Um, no.  See those sims carrying umbrellas?

Kaiyo: It's the perfect chance to cast my sixteenth merpeep power.
Standing up, I blow my magic conch to summon clear skies.
Let's go home now, Papa.  I need to hydrate.

Miki: Hmmph, I didn't really want Kiyoshi Ito. I just find him aesthetically attractive.

Arihi: Tao is off swimming so I take the opportunity to reduce our chicken population.
We've gone from a dozen chickens in two coops to six chickens in one coop.

Keigo: Why can't Papa trade his own chickens, Mama?
Arihi: Oh, you don't want to ask a Country Caretaker to trade his beloved animals. He'd be sad for days.

Fetia: I wish Kaiyo and I could start our Big Happy Family already. How much longer must I wait?
Arihi:  After tomorrow, he only needs one more promotion so not much longer.
In the meantime, please work on your magic rank and your collection of seashells.
Fetia: Ugh, seashells!  And why can't I find seashells lying around in Ohan'ali?

Keigo: I get promoted so slowly that I've been allowed to step into the spotlight and earn fame.
It's just as well that I'm slow. Kaiyo will no doubt ask me to stay since I can write Books of Life.

Mikilani will be the next to move out. All she does these days is drop queues and drink water, anyway.
She avoids talking about her future plans. At least with me.

Fetia: I totally panic at today's "Clean up trash in Mua Pel'am" task.
Since Kaiyo's restored the island's ecosystem, there isn't any trash on land or in the ocean.
Should I switch to a different work-from-home career, though I've already maxed my career skills?
What to do?  What to dooooo?

Then, I try beachcombing for trash, and that increased the task's counter. Whew!

Keigo: Here's a shot of me with my five Books of Life.
They contain epic sagas of my parents, Kaiyo and Fetia, and my wife Lia.
Mikilani will no doubt move out tomorrow morning, so I'll write one for her tonight.

By the way, Lia and my son Trevon has twin brothers. Lia gave them traditional Polynesian names: Clifford and Leonard.

Fetia: I'm an Acolyte sorceress now and can't wait until I reach the Adept rank.
No, I haven't made any progress with my seashell collection lately.
Decorative eggs or plushies are starting to sound very, very attractive.  *sighs

Kaiyo: My performance bar was maxed with a checkbox, but I didn't get promoted this morning.
Oh well, I'll go spend some time with my buddy.  Where is she today?

Azure Dolphin gets her funk on.

Kaiyo: Awwww, don't be sad, Azure.  This isn't goodbye.
I'll still come find you and we can hang out, k?

Mikilani: Grrrr. Kaiyo finished his Big Dream first because his shift started an hour earlier than mine. Unfair!
Keigo: Oh, congratulations on realizing your Big Dream! What's next, sis?
Mikilani: Well, I plan to move to that new house at Key Point and wait for our parents.

Keigo: You should move in with Lia at the Chieftain's Villa. There's lots of room.
And Lia would love your help with our three boys.

Mikilani: Didn't you hear? You'll be moving out as soon as Kaiyo's kids are all children.
Keigo: But what about helping to mentor them?
Mikilani: No worries. Papa's volunteered to do that; he's got the most skills of us all.
Keigo: Nice. So I only need to max my career and write the kids' Books of Life. That won't take long, will it?

Kaiyo: Sage Morgyn, would you please work your magic on me?
Morgyn: You realize your mother could also give you the Rite of Ascension, don't you?
Kaiyo: Yes, but you're the one who gave me the Rite of Dissolution before.
Since I'm a human once more, I choose you to help me resume my life as a minor warlock.

Later, back home…
Fetia: I'm so glad you finished your Big Dream today, Kaiyo.
Now you and I can finally get started on my Big Dream.

Mikilani (to herself): Seriously? Keigo thought I'd want to move in with Lia and their three boys?
Why would I choose that over living here at Key Point?
Not only is it an Oceanic Paradise, but I'll be living alone until my parents arrive.  Ahhh, freedom!
No more listening to Watcher gripe about my dropping queues to drink water. *rolls eyes

Fetia: I'm getting a little frustrated with collecting.
When I find a blue sea urchin, I'm briefly elated by a notice that the Seashell Collection's complete.
Then, I realize it's the household collection that's complete. I'm still missing 4 seashells. *sighs

Only one Spice Champion emerges victorious from tonight's Spice Championship.

Tao (mutters): Why let us taste samples without also allowing us to learn their recipes?

Tiare (in braids): Don't look now, but you and Bella Goth have on the exact same top and necklace.
Lia: Pfft. She might be "better-endowed," but I have superior hair.

Fetia: In the morning, Kaiyo and his parents take turns giving me Parenting Tips.
Thanks to their help, I manage to max my Parenting skill.

By the afternoon, I enter my third trimester.
Kaiyo feels as excited as I do about meeting our future child(ren).

Fetia: Thank you for learning Wellness so you could give me a fertility massage yourself, Kaiyo.
Kaiyo: Everything's going to be fine, Fetia.
Fetia: But I'm feeling so nervous. What shall I do between now and when I go into labor tomorrow?
Kaiyo: Have a bowl of ice cream then beachcomb for seashells?

Progress: End of Week 8
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*Key Point house: I built this two-bedroom house very quickly so Mikilani could live there.
 The founders will eventually join her there, so I may expand the house later.

*Fetia's fertility massage: It took me awhile to figure out why Kaiyo couldn't give Fetia the massage.
  Spa Day Refresh has changed the way household members give massages to each other.
  After Fetia asked for a massage, Kaiyo had to "Tend massage table" before Fetia hopped on the table.
  When he prevoulsy clicked on the massage table to offer her fertility massage, however, his only options were his parents. Is Fetia glitched somehow?

*Seashells: Didn't there used to be seashells lying around on Ohan'ali's beach?
  After 3 days of spending time there, Fetia found three and they were all the same type.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.8: Mikilani Moves Out (5 Dec)
« Reply #49 on: December 06, 2021, 04:52:38 AM »
You're storming all the requirements with all the groundwork you've done! Looking forward to Gen 3! Is Fetia eating carrots or strawberries, I wonder!
Miki's new home looks lovely. I bet Arihi and Tao will be itching to move out soon.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.8: Mikilani Moves Out (5 Dec)
« Reply #50 on: December 06, 2021, 01:30:40 PM »
You're storming all the requirements with all the groundwork you've done! Looking forward to Gen 3! Is Fetia eating carrots or strawberries, I wonder!
Miki's new home looks lovely. I bet Arihi and Tao will be itching to move out soon.
🥕 (It takes longer for daughters to help complete Fetia's Big Happy Family aspiration due to the need for household openings.)
Sadly, "Fill Empty Houses" doesn't seem to be working for Sulani.  Not a single household moved in over four weeks.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.8: Mikilani Moves Out (5 Dec)
« Reply #51 on: December 06, 2021, 01:57:23 PM »
🥕 (It takes longer for daughters to help complete Fetia's Big Happy Family aspiration due to the need for household openings.)
Sadly, "Fill Empty Houses" doesn't seem to be working for Sulani.  Not a single household moved in over four weeks.
How frustrating! I put 4 other houses on lots in Newcrest and they all got filled almost immediately. It's so weird how that gameplay options does/doesn't work.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.8: Mikilani Moves Out (5 Dec)
« Reply #52 on: December 06, 2021, 02:10:52 PM »
🥕 (It takes longer for daughters to help complete Fetia's Big Happy Family aspiration due to the need for household openings.)
Sadly, "Fill Empty Houses" doesn't seem to be working for Sulani.  Not a single household moved in over four weeks.
How frustrating! I put 4 other houses on lots in Newcrest and they all got filled almost immediately. It's so weird how that gameplay options does/doesn't work.

That's really fantastic for your Wesseldines, since they're currently residing in Newcrest!
I see new households in Willow Creek and Oasis Springs, but three lots in Sulani remain empty (Tangled Flat, Lagoon Look, Caldera Camp).
As much as I love Sulani, I might be waiting for a certain sim to pass away so the Yumenos could buy that sim's lot. *coughs

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.8: Mikilani Moves Out (5 Dec)
« Reply #53 on: December 07, 2021, 02:08:21 AM »
I suppose you could bulldoze any empty lots everywhere else to see if that helps but that's quite an extreme option.
I had the HoB delivery boy and his (mum)?moving into Newcrest which was odd. Maybe the game designers don't have randomers move into Sulani to avoid that sort of oddness...

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.9: The Third Generation Arrives (8 Dec)
« Reply #54 on: December 08, 2021, 05:21:52 AM »
2.9: The Third Generation Arrives

Week 9, Sunday (1st week of autumn)
Keigo: This morning, Papa suggests we visit Lia and age up our sons.
Look how handsome they are!
Our firstborn, Trevon, has Lia's dark hair and my violet eyes.
The twins are just the opposite, with my blond hair and Lia's brown eyes.

Fetia: Every time we visit a new place, I add a seashell to my collection.
We visit Sunny Shores at Lani St. Taz, where I continue to beachcomb.
There are so many fun things to do here, but I can only search for shells.
When we leave this island, I'm only missing one seashell: a blue Moon Snail Shell.

Fetia: We get home just in time for me to get another fertility massage.
And then it's off to hospital. Kaiyo, stop tending the massage table and come along!

Our firstborn, Nicolaus, looks a lot like me.
His brother, Mark, is a potential heir.

Kaiyo: Fetia, let the others give our sons potty training. Let's try for baby again.
Arihi: Hold your horses, son! We're a seven-sim household at the moment.
Wait until I move out so you'll have room for twins. *joins Mikilani at Key Point

Fetia: C'mon, Kaiyo. It's time for some horizontal hula!

Fetia: Really, Kaiyo? A shot of me taking a pregnancy test?
Kaiyo; Sorry, but Mama will be overjoyed to hear the news so I'm texting it to her.
Don't worry. I wouldn't post it anywhere public, like a forum.

Toddler spam! Because they won't stay this age forever…

Fetia: The boys are getting tired and will conk out soon, so I squeeze in a bit of beachcombing.
Dang it! I find a Red-Tailed Black Shark and complete the (base game) Fish Collection.

I beg of you, Sim Deities. One blue Moon Snail Shell, please. Release me from beachcombing!

Keigo: Papa, Sione Kahananui is calling, asking me if he should hang out with you.
Tao (checks relationships):  I don't even know the dude.  Tell him no!
Keigo (to Sione): If I were you, I wouldn't hang out with him.
Tao: What a loser!

Tao: We're here at GeekCon, so Kaiyo can't fly his five space missions for Nerd Brain.

Look, Arihi! Remember when we built that second rocket ship back in our teen years?
I guess that was just a waste of time, because it's being built again.

Fetia: I'm free of beachcombing duty here at GeekCon!
Though I can teach blocks to Nico, but can't play with Mark because I'm pregnant.
His Grandma Arihi, however, is more than happy to oblige.

Fetia: Mark, who became a child late yesterday, is a cheerful child.
Aging up several hours later, Nico loves the outdoors like both his father and grandfather.
Kaiyo: Nico looks so innocent and serious, but I can't say the same for Mark.

Kaiyo: I appreciate your mentoring Mark in chess while I mentor Nico.
But don't you have better things to do?

Keigo: You're right! I wrote Books of Life for both boys and need to capture their Epic Sagas.
Tao: No problem, Keigo. I'll take over mentoring Mark.

Nico: I only need to become a Whiz Kid, but I'm also doing Social Butterfly with my bro Mark.
We may look nothing alike, but we're still twins.

Keigo: At 5 pm, I come home with my last promotion, but nobody even notices.
Everyone's all hyped about the newest household additions aging up to toddlers.
Anyway, I'm done with my Author Big Dream.  *throws confetti

Fetia: Our twin girls resemble our twin boys in coloring.
Like blond Mark, one twin has fair hair and violet eyes.
Like brunette Nico, the other win has brown hair and eyes.

Tao: Kaiyo and Fetia let me name my granddaughters.
I name the first girl Zing because she's got sass.
Joni's named after Joni Mitchell because I love her Big Yellow Taxi song.

Fetia: Well, both Mark and Zing qualify as the next heir. Who do you prefer, dear?
Keigo: Let's wait until they're teens to decide. May the best genes win!

Fetia: Zing aged up with white hair in this style, so we've kept. For now, at least.
My choice for heir would be Zing, though I imagine there are some who favor Mark.
Both Mark and Zing do take after their father. I wonder if Kaiyo has a preference.

Whenever the girls are sleeping, I'm doing work tasks. No time for beachcombing these days.

Mark (left): How can I learn Logic and Responsibility, Papa, when you help with my project?
Kaiyo: I thought you might like having more time to earn your scout badges.
Mark: But Nico and I need to learn both Logic and Responsibility ourselves!
Kaiyo: Look, just let me help with your project. I want to be a Super Parent like your mother.
(Meanwhile, Fetia is off reading to their twin daughters.)

Nico: It's so cool that we're not only twins but also interested in STEM careers.
Mark: True dat. Even though our interests will take us into different fields…

Fetia: As of this morning, I'm a Level 9 Environmental Manager.
I'm struggling with today's Submit a Grant Application task.
Before I can do that, I need to Prepare a Grant Application.

A grant application has to be written in one sitting, I learn.
When I take a break to feed the girls, I find I can't "resume" my previous application. Grrrr.

Fetia: In the wee hours, I age up Joni, my third Top-Notch Toddler.
Zing needs another hour or so before she can blow out her candles.

Kaiyo: It's so strange to compare the images of both pairs of twins as children.
They look more like two sets of boy/girl twins, then of same-gender twins.

Joni looks so much like her older brother Nico.
And Zing, if her here were blond, would be mistaken for Mark's identical twin.

Keigo: I spend one last day with this household at the park.
When we return home, I capture the Epic Sagas of Joni and Zing in Books of Life.
Then, while the boys age up to teens, I prepare to move out and live with my wife Lia and our sons.

My brother Kaiyo throws a farewell dinner party in my honor, so we all get dressed up.

Kaiyo: Our sons, Mark and Nico, look so grown up in their party outfits.
But they become teenagers only several hours ago.
Is it my imagination or did Papa Tao's good looks skip a generation and pass on to Mark?

Progress: End of Week 9
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Gallery Lot
Sapphire Shores: "Sunny Shores" (beach) by Gryphi. It has no kitchen, so I added a buffet table.
The wedding arch is a long walk from shore, but I may hold a few weddings here.

*Fertility massage: I'd never noticed this before about the Fertility massage's buff.
When I saved/exited the game, Fetia had the massage's Fertility Boost buff.
But when I reloaded the game the next (RL) day, she'd lost that buff.

*Preparing a grant application: Fetia started this five times but always got up before finishing.
As a result, she failed the "Submit a Grant Application"  daily task on two consecutive days.
Let's hope she gets her last promotion, anyway. Has any of your sims been able to prepare a grant application?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.9: The Third Generation Arrives (8 Dec)
« Reply #55 on: December 08, 2021, 01:11:56 PM »
Mark & Zing both look like trouble! You're going to have your hands full... I can't guess their BDs yet.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.9: The Third Generation Arrives (8 Dec)
« Reply #56 on: December 08, 2021, 04:36:03 PM »
I suppose you could bulldoze any empty lots everywhere else to see if that helps but that's quite an extreme option.
I had the HoB delivery boy and his (mum)?moving into Newcrest which was odd. Maybe the game designers don't have randomers move into Sulani to avoid that sort of oddness...
Now that you mention it, I rather like the idea that Sulani is being preserved for the locals instead of being bought out by rich tourists, haha.

Mark & Zing both look like trouble! You're going to have your hands full... I can't guess their BDs yet.

Funny you should point out those two in particular. You are no stranger to their Big Dreams.
Also, how many Big Dreams are clearly linked to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) careers?
Sigh, I'm just not as clever as you are about leaving clues...

No worries. All will be revealed in the next episode. But I'm building a larger house first...for reasons.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.9: The Third Generation Arrives (8 Dec)
« Reply #57 on: December 08, 2021, 06:31:14 PM »
Wow, those kids grow up fast! Are you still in a 64-tile home? I am missing mine.  ;)

Mark is quite good-looking. I'm thinking that could serve him well as he First Kisses his way through the hospital. Is it a clue or coincidence that Grey's Anatomy's Dr. McSteamy was named Mark?

I'm guessing Master Scientist for Nico.

If I'm right, then you did a great job with clues! But if I'm wrong . . . well . . . .what can I say?  ;D

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.9: The Third Generation Arrives (8 Dec)
« Reply #58 on: December 08, 2021, 07:00:56 PM »
Lol, that's two out of two for the boy's big dreams.
Yes, Mark for Grey Anatomy's Mark Sloan, the original Dr. McSteamy. 
And Nicolaus for the astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus; he'll be a Master Scientist.

As for the house, I'm realizing that it's easier to build a bigger house from scratch, then expand a 64-tile house.
And yes, these Gen3 kids were the last toddlers to be raised in a 64-tile house. *sniffle, sniffle
I'll really miss the ease of maxing toddler skills but look forward to spending more time with my sims, haha.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 2.9: The Third Generation Arrives (8 Dec)
« Reply #59 on: December 09, 2021, 04:43:01 AM »
64 tiles is great, isn't it! But it lulls you into a false sense of ease.

It's me that's ignorant - your STEM clue was a really good clue. Although all my family have, what I now know is called, STEM degrees it's been a long time since I've been in that sphere so I didn't pick it up.

But Zing is doing one that I've done/doing... I shall watch out for the next episode :)