Author Topic: Yumeno Big Dreams 8.33b: Clumping to the Finish Line [Completed 5 March 2022]  (Read 60974 times)

Offline oshizu

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Yumeno Big Dreams 1.2: Miserable Moments, Magical Moments
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2021, 07:35:30 PM »
1.2: Miserable Moments, Magical Moments

Ying Ying, our second garden helper.

Week 2, Sunday
Arihi: I'm feeling pretty fed up with all the rain here in the HoB.
Tao and I have been discussing when to leave this town.
Besides our teen requirements, Tao also wants to done with animal treats and canned goods.

Here he is completing a requirement for his favorite village, Agatha Crumplebottom.

Tonight's great news: I reach the Adept rank.
Tonight's bad news: I'm struck by the Curse of Repulsiveness and turn green.
Luckily, I can simply "Practice Untamed Magic" to eventually learn the Decursify spell.

Arihi: Arrrgh, I hate you, Tao! Look at you, all happy with a rainbow over your head.
Meanwhile, I'm feeling Very Uncomfortable.
Tao: What happened?  Are you coming down with the flu?
Arihi: I just eat a Noxious Elderberry and a False Morel Mushroom, one after another.

Tao: Maybe just eat one toxic herb a day from now on?
Arihi: I hate my life. First, the Curse of Repulsiveness and now this!

Arihi: I'd planned to sell our harvestable today, but I transfer them all to Tao instead.
With over $16,000 in hand, Tao decides to buy an orchid, despite our grafted plants.
He's so impulsive!
Next, he repays our $6k loan for that rocket ship kit.
Why's it so darn hard to hold on to our simoleons?!

Dear Diary,
I'm having another miserable day, though I'm no longer cursed or uncomfortable.
Today, just as I reached Master rank as a spellcaster, I wet my pants.
How old am I?  Six years old?
Tao is off roaming the countryside, so he'll never know about this!

At last, Tao befriends a flock of birds.  It's about time.
I'm so tired of spraying for bugs. That has to be my least favorite farm chore.

That night, we visit the Magical HQ for the first time in a long while, it seems.
I finally have enough cash to start on my magical artifact collections.

I'm such a wimp when it comes to magic duels.
First, I check if I can "Offer magic training,' which means their magic rank is lower than mine.
This guy's also feeling tense, which should make it a sure win for me.

Arihi: I can't believe you won our first duel, Tao.
You're just a Neophyte, whereas I'm a Master spellcaster.
Tao: Please tell me this isn't the reason you suggested I become a spellcaster.
You were hoping to have some weakling to defeat with ease?
Arihi: Oh that. Since you're also a spelllcaster, our kids will have a 100% chance of being born spellcasters.

Tao: Uh huh, sure. Like it's so hard to become a spellcaster.  Take that!
Arihi: Oh, please! You don't even need to win magic duels for your Big Dream.
Just let me win this one.
Tao: *deliberately drops his guard
Arihi: Thanks, love. I owe you one.

Tao needs to forage five items in the Bramblewood.
But we haven't spent enough time in this area for anything to spawn.

We'll just arrive here before 10 pm with a tent and stick around until 3:30 am for a few more days.
Tonight, we both bring skill books to read.

Tao starts making Canned Foods this morning.
He's shocked that he can't even afford to buy a second wall shelf for his canning.
There's two reasons for that.
One, we didn't sell our harvestables in Finchwick yesterday.

Two, we spent thousands last night on wind turbines and dew collectors.
Haha, broke again until we sell our crops in Finchwick after school.

Last night, I bought an animal shed and a cow for Tao while he was at work.
Tao had specifically asked for a brown cow.
This morning, he names her Cacao.
I swear, Tao gives more attention to his farm animals than to me! *pouts

Today, I'm in the doghouse for disrupting Tao while he was making a canned good.
How am I 'sposed to know that he can't resume cooking a canned food once he's interrupted?

That night, Tao forages his fifth item in the Bramblewood.
Even better, he harvests a Spicey Mushroom!

Today's going to be busy.
This morning, I reached Virtuoso rank and completed both my magical aspirations.
After work, I make a quick visit to the Magical HQ to see my mentors and go shopping.
Today's only my second visit to Casters Alley, so I own only a few magical artifacts.

Tao's not very hopeful at the Finchwick Garden Fair.
After wavering between an excellent Rose and a nice Dragonfruit, he enters the Dragonfruit.
For the Pie Competition, he enters the excellent Chocolate Pie he made this morning.
Then he rushes off to work without remembering to bribe the Mayor.
Darn! He would've had more time if I'd offered to sell our harvestables to the Shops instead of him.

Tao: I'm back from work, but the Mayor's not in Finchwick.
Since you've stayed in town socializing, Arihi, you might have invited here before my return.
Arihi: I wasn't thinking…
Tao: Look! My Dragonfruit and Chocolate Pie are the only entries at the Fair.

The Mayor doesn't arrive until after 9:30 pm, so Tao gets no option to bribe her.
Instead, he gives her a heartfelt compliment, a Henford Heart-to-Heart, and a Finchwick Favor.

Even though Tao's Dragonfruit was the only entry, it only comes in third.
Does that seem wrong to you?
Oh well, next week's the Cow Fair.  Tao has high hopes for Cacao!

Uh oh! Watcher is livid with me now for disrupting Tao while he's canning.
She has locked me out of my own house.

Tao: Every time she comes to chat, I stop what I'm doing.
It's not so bad if I'm just preparing ingredients.
But she stopped me while I'm cooking again; I had to throw out the whole batch.

Arihi: Fine, I'll go back to brewing herbal remedies.
Can you believe I'm permanently in charge of cleaning the coop and the cow shed?!
Watcher: …

Progress: End of Week 2
*Arihi only needs one more work promotion to complete all her teen requirements.
 She has already completed her aspirations, but is far from completing her Big Dream.
*Tao needs to complete 3 more errands and earn his last work promotion.
  He's finished one of his two aspirations.
  He'll benefit from staying in the HoB until he learns his last two animal treat recipes.
For more details about their Big Dream progress, please go to the "Meet the Family: Generations 1 & 2" post on page 1 by clicking here.

*Pumpkin conserve: Tao couldn't make this with small perfect pumpkins (greenish-white color) and the menu option was grayed out. He finally made it with excellent small pumpkins (orange color).
  Edited to add: Small perfect pumpkins of orange color worked too. I have no idea how the orange pumpkins differ from the greeniih-white ones, other than organe pumpkins can be used for pumkin conserves.
*Mushroom/Oversized Mushroom Conserves: These two conserves appear separately on the menu. When prepared, though, they share the same name (Mushroom Conserve) and label.
  Worth is the only telltale difference between the regular Mushroom Conserve (around $20) and the oversized Mushroom Conserve (around $80).
  I would have preferred unique jar labels.
*If you haven't seen it already, I made a "Canned Goods and Animal Treats" thread which lists all the canned foods and their ingredients as well all the animal treats, their ingredients, and their effects. The link is here.

Finchwick Fairs
Last week, the Chocolate Egg that Tao received as reward for an errand won 1st place in the Egg Competition.
This week, the Chocolate Pie Tao made from home-grown ingredients didn't even earn a consolation prize.
Also, since his entries were the only sumbissions, why did the Dragonfruit come in third? Hardly seems fair. *sniffs

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.2: Miserable Moments, Magical Moments (22 Nov)
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2021, 07:58:57 AM »
Oh - Arihi - don't get on the wrong side of your Watcher! Lol.

I'm learning loads about canning, etc. Thanks for setting up that thread.

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Offline lepapillonrouge

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.2: Miserable Moments, Magical Moments (22 Nov)
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2021, 01:21:38 PM »
I'm also learning a lot about Cottage Living from this thread (just bought it today)

Glad to watch one of your dynasties live!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.2: Miserable Moments, Magical Moments (22 Nov)
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2021, 01:55:55 AM »
Oh - Arihi - don't get on the wrong side of your Watcher! Lol.

I'm learning loads about canning, etc. Thanks for setting up that thread.
Haha, Arihi's been a bit of a pain as a teen, but i played another Arihi clone in the tournament finale and she was fabulous, so I've got my hopes up.
I'm glad you're finding the Canning & Animal Treats thread useful. It's so convenient to have both lists in one place!

I'm also learning a lot about Cottage Living from this thread (just bought it today)

Glad to watch one of your dynasties live!
I really love the Cottage Living gameplay although the weather in Henford-on-Bagley is often so dreary.
Maybe one of your Benali heirs will eventually move there? :)

Offline oshizu

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Yumeno Big Dreams 1.3: Treats, Treats, Treats
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2021, 03:16:38 AM »
1.3: Treats, Treats, Treats

Hennessey: My boi Tao and I, savoring our maxed friendship!
Arihi: Cool it, hen. It's just for his aspiration. *pouts

Week 3, Sunday
Arihi: Leave it to my bad luck! Our very first fire happens while I'm brewing herbal remedies.
I manage to put out the fire, though I'm already tense from my first day at work.

Later that day, I swing by the Magical HQ to learn my last potion recipe.
Then, I'm back checking the shops at Casters Alley.
Once I'm only missing the rare Magical Artifacts, I'll start dueling for them.

Arihi: We make a quick trip to Granite Falls, just to buy two Growfruit.
Nearby, Tao catches some bees.
Part of me wants to raise them in a beebox for the honey.
Tao insists he's too busy for beekeeping, but what about me?

Tao: Every morning, I work on raising my friendship with Cacao.
High friendship will help when she enters the Cow Competition at Saturday's Fair.
I always give her a Friendly Treat before I start socializing with her.
We're almost there!

Tao: Only two more errands left to complete!
I accept one from Agnes Crumplebottom and Rashid Chopra in town, then come to the Branblewood.

Folks say bicycling is the more fun, traditional way of getting around in the HoB.
But I prefer flying by broomstick: no ugly helmet nor worrying where I left my broomstick.

Tao: I offer to do an errand for the Creature Keeper, too.
I want to help out each villager at least once.
A shameful confession: I buy over $3,500 worth of animal clothing from him this evening.
Arihi: Maybe I should learn to knit animal clothing?

Tao: I take the day off from school and arrive at GeekCon shortly after it starts.
By 2:45 pm, I've completed all five space mission for my inner Nerd Brain.
Well, yes, I could have built our own rocket ship and flown that one.
But, I'd hate to spoil Old New Henford's fresh country air. Let our rocket ship pollute the air in a different town.

Arihi: After school, I head straight to GeekCon and find Geoffrey Landgraab building the second rocket ship.
I join Mr. Landgraab and, when Tao's done with his missions, Tao helps as well.
We manage to finish building it before GeekCon ends.
Does that mean GeekCon will feature two ready-to-go rocket ships from now on?

Arihi: I spend the evening brewing herbal remedies until I max the Herbalism skill.
Thankfully, I can now stash all those herb plants in family inventory, reducing our gardening labor.
Maybe some of the flowers, too. I don't need every flower for flower arranging, after all.

Tao: This morning, Ying Ying and I exchange gifts and she gives me a Midnight Treat!
Once I give that and a Golden Treat to my animals, I'll know all 13 recipes.
I need to figure out what order to make the animal treats, so I'll be using all my own ingredients.

Tao: Tonight, I complete the Nerd Brain aspiration and perform an Insta-Upgrade on the chicken coop.
Don't waste your time like one of Watcher's other sims.
That other sim completed 25 errands for the sole purpose of earning Livestock Upgrade Parts, before he completed Nerd Brain and realized he could Insta-Upgrade.
This is super important if you plan to relocate with your animal sheds, because you'll have to buy a new animal shed for your new home, thus losing its upgrades.
(This glitch with the animal shed was true a month ago. Please let me know if it's been fixed.)

Tao: Right after work tonight, I invite over Agnes Crumplebottom.
Not only did I max my Fast Food career, but I also complete my 10th errand.
All I had to do was harvest a home-grown raspberry bush for Ms. Agnes, then give her the raspberry..
That's a wrap for both of my teen requirements.

Tao: I'm not quite ready for an Evil Chicken yet, so I give Ying Ying's Midnight Treat to Cacao.
We socialize a bit then I milk Cacao, who produces a bottle of Obsidian Milk right away.

Tao: I no longer remember where I got this Golden Treat, probably from an errand.
I give it to Hennessey who turns into a Golden Chicken.
Weirdly, she loses her name, her sweater, and our friendship.
I had to dress her again in her sweater and rebuild our relationship from zero.

Tao: Well, darling Cacao, we've arrived at your exhibition shed at the Finchwick Cow Fair.
Are you ready to wow the judge?

On a whim, I also enter the Cacao's Obsidian Milk from the other day.
I see there's competition: a bottle of Fire Milk.  Pffft!

Arihi: Next, we visit Casters' Alley where I spend several hours dueling.
I defeat this guy who's not even using a wand.
And he gives me…two wands (that I already own).

Next, I challenge Gemma Charm from Glimmerbrook.
She's a teen like me, but with a Strong bloodline.
It's touch and go for a bit, but I ultimately prevail.
My rewards are…two more wands (that I also already own).

Back home, I'm feeding Brunhilda a Spicey Treat when I get the news.
(Brunhilda, please lay an Obsidian Egg so I can make a Midnight Treat.)

Hallelujah! Cacao won 1st place in the Cow Competition.
And, surprisingly, Cacao's Obsidian Milk came in first in the Milk Competition.
I'd only needed one more 1st-place win to complete my Country Caretaker aspiration.
You're looking at a bonafide Nature Conversationalist.

Tao: When I ask Hennessey for gardening help this morning, I get a weird, incomplete message.
Golden Chickens use their golden pulse power to…
To do what, exactly?

Looky there! My nice-quality Lovely Mushroom insta-evolves to Perfect quality.
I mean, I would have preferred a Perfect Orchid or Dragonfruit, but okay.
Sorry, Hennessey my girl, but I can do soooo much better than that.
I'll show you next week. *grins

Arihi: Darn Tao, Hennessey, and her stupid golden pulse power!
They totally steal the spotlight from my triumphant return from work.
Now that I've got your attention, folks, let me make another entrance.

Tada! I max the Manual Labor career today, completing both my teen requirements!
Like Tao, I'll earn my required character trait when I age up to young adult.

Progress: End of Week 3
Both Arihi and Tao are ready to age up to young adults now.
They'll be staying in the HoB awhile longer to tie up loose ends, allowing Tao to make his last animal treat.
He also hopes to entertain you with a few Cottage Living shenanigans.
I'm really eager for them to grow up and get started on the second generation, haha.
Details on their progress can be found by clicking here

*GeekCon: Tao completed his 5 space missions between 10:17 am and 3:40 pm. That has to be fastest completion time.
  Tao got super lucky with his space missions, all of which were quite short.
  Also, in other saves, I've seen sims starting but not finishing that 2nd rocket ship, which then reverted to the flat rocket ship kit at the next GeekCon.
  I'm curious if, in this dynasty save, the 2nd rocket rocket ship (it's the career reward for Interstellar Smuggler) will remain built from now on.

*Dueling for Artifacts: Arihi has only done this twice but she got two wands each time.
Why only wands?  Is that because she doesn't use a broom or a familiar orb?
I'll place both in her personal inventory before her next magic duels to see what happens.

*Canned Foods & Animal Treats: Tao has made all 17 Canned Foods and all but one of the 13 Animal Treats.
Right now, Tao's trying to get his hands on an Obsidian Egg.
Once he's finished both requirements, I'm allowing my dynasty household to purchase Canned Foods, Animal Treats, and their ingredients for home use.
This just my personal rule.
I mean, Tao will have earned that privilege for his dynasty plus that's the original purpose of the Finchiwick shops, right?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.3: Treats, Treats, Treats (24 Nov)
« Reply #20 on: November 24, 2021, 07:02:00 AM »
Tao really needs to make sure Arihi is feeling the love. The only photo with them both in is with her way off in the background. Has he not forgiven her for interrupting the canning? I hope they get some quality time soon.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.3: Treats, Treats, Treats (24 Nov)
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2021, 01:42:14 PM »
Tao really needs to make sure Arihi is feeling the love. The only photo with them both in is with her way off in the background. Has he not forgiven her for interrupting the canning? I hope they get some quality time soon.
Haha, just because I don't take screenshots of them together, that doesn't mean they don't spent time together. They go everywhere together and are exchanging romantic socials all the time.
Those moments just haven't been the most interesting ones for me. Plus, I don't write romantic stories about my sim (just during the courtship phase, haha).
Also, she is constantly dropping queues, which I hope is a teen thing because she was great as a YA in the finale. She thanks you for her concern.

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Yumeno Big Dreams 1.4: Glowing Up and Out (26 Nov)
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2021, 12:43:10 AM »
1.4: Glowing Up and Out

Hennessey proceeds to move down the row, leaving a trail of perfect plants.

Week 4, Sunday
Arihi: Brunhilda didn't lay an Obsidian Egg for Tao this morning.
This time, Tao watches to make sure Brunhilda eats the Spicy Treat he gives her.
To make double sure, he gives Col. Sanders (the rooster) a Flirty Treat.
Cross your fingers for Brunhilda!

Tao's received several Golden Eggs as gifts or errand rewards.
He asks me to cook some Golden Eggs and Toast while he finishes his farm chores.
Is it just my imagination or are his farm animals incredibly needy?

Tao: Once I make my last Animal Treat, I can leave this farm anytime.
Arihi: Do you want to move right away or wait until next Sunday?
Tao: I leave the decisions about timing and where we move entirely up to you.
Coming to Old New Henford was kind of my choice (coughs), so the next choice is yours.

Arihi: So what exactly does the Golden Egg and Toast dish do?

Tao: It grants us the power of Golden Pulse, just like Hennessey's.
I'll start with the Dragonfruit plants.
Arihi: Okay, I'll cast my Golden Pulse on our money trees and a few other plants.

Tao: When we went to Finchwick earlier, Hennessey returned to her coop.
Not to be outdone, though, she emerges to cast her Golden Pulses over the garden fence.
Arihi: I guess she didn't feel like she'd offered enough gardening help already?

Tao: Checking the coop once more, I collect a special egg.
Hmmm, it's probably another of Hennessey's Golden Eggs.
But it's not!  Thanks, Brunhilda, for the Obsidian Egg.

I rush to the kitchen to make my last Animal Treat: the Midnight Treat.
And there they are: all 13 Animal Treats crafted with ingredients I either grew and harvested or collected myself.

Arihi: Is there any rhyme or reason to drops when dueling for artifacts?
At Casters' Alley, I lose one duel and win two duels, receiving two wands each.
Next, I challenge Grace Anansi to battle me at the Magic Dueling Grounds.
I win both our duels, receiving two familiar orbs each time.

Does this mean that, if I win a magic duel at Magical HQ, I'll receive brooms as prizes?

Arihi:  Tao lets me talk at him for over two hours straight until I max Charisma.
Throughout my long-winded monologue, Tao uttered not a single word.

Arihi: This is one of the two houses I'm considering. What do you think of this 50x50 lot?
Tao: Sulani, huh? You know, our very first start was on this very lot.
Arihi: I remember. Watcher got upset because I constantly dropped queues for beachcombing.
So we moved to the HoB instead. Sorry you had to change your Big Dream to Rancherino, Tao.

Tao: Well, I rather enjoy Rancherino after all.  You said you had two houses in mind?

Arihi: The Sulani lot is selling for $42,553 and this Oasis Spring lot costs $37,444.
It's less than half the size at 40x30, but still has room for your beloved chickens and cow.
Tao: I'd prefer living somewhere without beachcombing, so you won't incur Watcher's wrath.
Maybe we could live in Sulani only as long as needed, then move to Oasis Springs?
Arihi: Your idea's a great compromise, since I know you prefer Oasis Springs. Sulani, it is!

Arihi: You have got to be kidding me! Every single time we arrive here, it's the same old story.
I am the Virtuoso spellcaster, ME!
And yet, Sage Morgyn and Sage Simeon always go gaga over Tao. Why?  WHY!?

In a fit of pique, I challenge Sage Simeon to a magic duel and lose the first duel.
But, I win the second duel, which rewards me with two orbs.
Well, there goes my theory about winning brooms at the Magical HQ.
Wait a sec. That Familiar Orb of the Skull completes my orb collection!

Arihi: After school, we finish packing up and move to Mua Pel'am.
We get the farm animals settled first, then unpack our plants and other belongings.
Once we're done unpacking, the rest of our day whizzes by.

Tao bakes two cakes so we can age up together.

Then, Tao gets down on one knee and asks me to marry him.
His proposal comes so soon after we age up, I swear I can  still smell our birthday candles smoking.
Of course, I say yes.

Tao; We throw a small wedding at the beach, inviting our friends from the HoB.
Ms. Agnes runs over after the ceremony to bop me with her purse for kissing the bride.
Arihi: By the way, I'll be assuming Tao's family name, Yumeno, since it means "Dream Fields" in English.

Tao: Our reception is short and sweet.
I invite Arihi for a moonlight stroll to the waterfall near our new home.

Tao: I've become a Chef as a vanity career so I can cook food that never spoils.
My first shift ends at 2 am with a promotion.
Just three more promotions to go, so I'm taking Saturday off.

Arihi: Today, Tao participates in the Finchwick Fair for the last time, says he.
He enters that huge Oversized Mushroom you see beside me and an excellent Apple Pie.
The mushroom wins first place, but the Apple Pie was completely ignored.  Sadness.

Tao: Last night, Arihi gave birth to twin girls a little before midnight.
That's Mikilani in green and Tiare in blue.
Arihi and I have no idea why the girls are redheads.

While Tao reads to the girls, I sit outside waiting for my boss to phone.
She calls to tell me I've been promoted, so I choose the the Floral Designer branch

And, now, since I'm in my first trimester, I shall continue munching carrots.
Cross your fingers for us, folks. We're hoping for a boy, just one.

Progress: End of Week 4
Arihi - Magical Maestro

Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Vegetarian, Perfectionist
Unfinished Big Dream requirements:
*Floral Designer 5/10
*Tastes Like Burning achievement 4/5
*Two Magical Artifacts collection: Orbs 11/11, Wands 7/10, Brooms 4/5
*All magic perks: 18/24

Tao - Rancherino
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Animal Enthusiast, Family Oriented
Unfinished Big Dream requirement
*Raise an Evil Chicken

Gallery Lots
Sand Simoleon Beach: "Beach Wedding Venue" by LilSimsie.

*Off-the-Grid lot challenge: We'll be removing this as soon as Tao completes Rancherino.
  He's waiting for Brunhilda to lay another Obsidian Egg so he can hatch an Evil Chicken.
*Generation 2: I'm so excited about deciding which Big Dreams to do next.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.4: Glowing Up and Out (26 Nov)
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2021, 01:38:47 AM »
WOW! Teens/Young Adults/Engaged/Married/Pregnant/Twins . . . What an episode!
Your toddlers are adorable - I wonder if the red hair is somehow related to Tao's hair. It seems to have some pink, and I wonder if the cc creator recolored from red - no idea if that would make a difference, it's just the only thing I can think of.

You're really off and running on gen 2! I chose my slow pace, but I'm feeling a little bit jealous of the adorable kids you and @Granny Lawlor have.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.4: Glowing Up and Out (26 Nov)
« Reply #24 on: November 27, 2021, 06:32:10 AM »
Red-headed twin girls - they'll be fun! And another on the way. I hope Arihi likes carrots  ;)

Very nice spot in Sulani - does the warmer climate affect the HoB livestock at all?

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.4: Glowing Up and Out (26 Nov)
« Reply #25 on: November 27, 2021, 05:22:07 PM »
WOW! Teens/Young Adults/Engaged/Married/Pregnant/Twins . . . What an episode!
Your toddlers are adorable - I wonder if the red hair is somehow related to Tao's hair. It seems to have some pink, and I wonder if the cc creator recolored from red - no idea if that would make a difference, it's just the only thing I can think of.
Haha, once the founders no longer needed to live in FInchwick, I couldn't wait to move. 
Yes, the twins' red hair is caused by Tao's pink hair. There is cc I've used in the past that allows genetic transmission of non-default hair colors, but I've decided against using it

Red-headed twin girls - they'll be fun! And another on the way. I hope Arihi likes carrots  ;)
Very nice spot in Sulani - does the warmer climate affect the HoB livestock at all?

It's the Admiral's Wreckage lot. This time around, I deleted only the default structures above- and below-ground, then built their home, garden, and other areas amidst the exsting vegetation.
I doubt if farm animals are affected by temperature, just our sims. ;)

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.5: So Many Birthdays!!! (29 Nov)
« Reply #26 on: November 29, 2021, 10:37:53 PM »
1.5: So Many Birthdays!!!

Once we place the rabbit home, two new bunnies appear and Tao promptly befriends them.

Week 5, Sunday (first week of summer)
Arihi: The twins are as cute as can be. I wonder what their big dreams will be?

Tao; I know, I know. Y'all are sick and tired of hearing about my Obsidian Eggs.
But, hey, Brunhilda laid one this morning.
And when it hatches and matures into an Evil Chicken, I've completed Rancherino.

Arihi: While the girls are napping, I come to the Magical Realm to duel.
Oh, right. I can't duel because I'm pregnant.
I quickly check Caster's Alley shops and the Magical HQ's bookshelves, then head back home.

Arihi: Our twins age up this morning, gaining the Top-Notch Toddler trait.
Mikilani loves the outdoors, while Tiare becomes a vegetarian.
Girls, sign up for scouts and then we'll give you better wardrobes.

Tao: Yes, it's me and my Obsidian Eggs again.
Yesterday, Arihi threw away two of my incubating Obsidian Eggs.
Then, it hit me. I need to incubate a Hatchable Obsidian Egg. Doh.

Alright, I give Brunhilda and Henley Spicy Treats (for Obsidian Eggs).
Also, I give Brunhilda and Col. Sanders Flirty Treats.
Should I give Henley a Flirty Treat, too? I hope it doesn't cancel out the Spicy Treat…
(Edited to add: Yes, the second treat cancels the effect of the first. Durrrr.)

Arihi: Both Mikilani and Tiare are shooting for Llamacorn Scout.
They sell their first two drawings and are now on Artistic Prodigy's third milestone.
Suddenly we get a message which might suggest one of the girl's Big Dreams…

Tao: Friends, I believe we have ourselves an heir.
Our firstborn, Kaiyo, is wearing shades so I can't tell yet.
But I'm holding our second son, Keigo, who has my violet eyes for sure.

Mikilani: Tiare and I raise our Mental skill enough to do all kinds of garden activities.
I try harvesting and selling plants.

Tiare: Mama and Papa created a tiny garden just for me.
I've locked the gate so nobody else can touch my plants.

Tao: Kaiyo (with a long "o") means ocean in Japanese.
A perfect name for our son of Sulani.
Younger brother by seconds, Keigo is named after Watcher's favorite someone. It's a secret.
And since they both have violet eyes, we've changed their hair color.

Arihi: My body is my own again, so I invite Sage L. Faba over to duel.
Our second duel wins me a Crystal Zoomer, which completes my Broom collection. Sweet.

Tao: This morning, I give my hen Chiclette a Midnight Treat that I made myself.
Once she's an Evil Hen, I give her a Flirty Treat.
If this doesn't give me a hatchable Obsidian Egg, I'm out of ideas.
And you might think this is all very boring but now you can avoid all my mishaps, no?

Mikilani: We age up so late this evening, we don't have school until Monday. *sighs
Tiare: Why are you so dressed up, anyway?  We live on an island.
Mikilani: That doesn't mean I can't dress for success. I start my part-time job tomorrow!
Tiare: Um, we may be identical twins but we are nothing like each other.

Arihi: Both Kaiyo and Keigo celebrate their birthdays this morning. Such a busy week!
Tao: Agreed. We've had a birthday or birth daily for four days straight.
Arihi: Do you think our boy twins resemble our girl twins at that age?

Tao: Keigo, those specs! Are you nearsighted or only trying to appear brainy?

Kaiyo: Charisma will be important to us, so let's start with Social Butterfly.
Keigo: Gimme a sec to sign up for scouts, bro.
Kaiyo; So many folks at Desert Bloom Park today, wanting to meet us.

Kaiyo (left): All the cool kids have laptops, while I have to practice typing on a (gasp) typewriter!
How much longer do we have to live off-the-gird, anyway, sis?
Mikilani: Well, in the ongoing saga of "Papa Raises an Evil Chicken"…

Papa's stashed the cow Cacao and added a second chicken yard with coop.
He's also bought a new rooster which he transformed into an Evil Rooster.
So, now Papa's Evil Hen has her own exclusive stud muffin.
No more sharing with the rest of the hens.

Arihi: A day trip to Granite Falls so Tiare can gather herbs and the boys can enjoy using laptops.
Tiare brings me a Toxic Chamomile and I complete Tastes Like Burning.

Mikilani: We haven't been to high school yet since our birthday Thursday night.
But I manage to max my Retail career this evening.
Time to quit this job and focus on other things.

Tiare: Thankfully, I had the weekend to max Manual Labor.

I do believe that I'm ready to become a young adult.

Progress: End of Week 5

Arihi - Magical Maestro

Remaining Big Dream requirements:
*Floral Designer 7/10
✔️Tastes Like Burning achievement 4/5
✔️Two Magical Artifacts collection: Orbs 11/11, Brooms 5/5
*All magic perks: 22/24

Tao - Rancherino
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Animal Enthusiast, Family Oriented
Remaining Big Dream requirement
*Raise an Evil Chicken (heavy sigh)

Mikilani - ? (Teen)
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Good
✔️Toddler: Top-Notch Toddler
✔️Child: Whiz Kid, Rambunctious Scamp; Grade: A
✔️Scouts:  Llamacorn Scout
✔️Teen: Retail career 3/3
Tiare - ? (Young Adult)
Traits: Vegetarian, Loves the Outdoors, Foodie
✔️Toddler: Top-Notch Toddler
✔️Child: Whiz Kid, Rambunctious Scamp
✔️Scouts: Llamacorn Scout
✔️Teen: Manual Labor 3/3

Kaiyo - ? (Child)
Traits: Loves the Outdoors
✔️Toddler: Top-Notch Toddler
✔️Child: Social Butterfly, Rambunctious Scamp, Artistic Prodigy,
Grade School: C

Keigo - ? (Child)
Traits: Music Lover
✔️Toddler: Top-Notch Toddler
✔️Child: Social Butterfly, Artistic Prodigy, Rambunctious Scamp,
Grade School: C

Offline LenaLJ

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.5: So Many Birthdays!!! (29 Nov)
« Reply #27 on: November 30, 2021, 11:58:25 AM »
Here i am still thinking of how i will this dynasty and you are already done with week 5, blasting through this as you always do, with all your lovely looking sims.
I am lurking on the side, enjoying to see what you are doing. You inspire me :)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.5: So Many Birthdays!!! (29 Nov)
« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2021, 12:35:01 PM »
Gorgeous Gen 2! Announcing an heir - is that the lilac eyes determining that?

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 1.5: So Many Birthdays!!! (29 Nov)
« Reply #29 on: November 30, 2021, 01:33:49 PM »
Kudos to Arihi for beating L. Faba and getting those last two brooms!

So . . . with two heir possibilities . . .will just one continue the dynasty or will both have children . . . ?

My guesses for Big Dreams are:
Mikilani - Financial Whiz
Tiare - Garden Guru

We seem to be choosing the same Big Dreams for early game . . . it's nice for me that you are farther along so I can pick up tips from you. (*cough hatchable obsidian egg)