Author Topic: Yumeno Big Dreams 8.33b: Clumping to the Finish Line [Completed 5 March 2022]  (Read 60988 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 4.19b: Jaden, Virtuous Vet
« Reply #135 on: January 15, 2022, 08:41:08 PM »
4.19b. Jaden. Virtuous Vet

Ae-Cha: Will Kiyoshi and I ever have an heir? From left to right:
Jaden & Nyaung, Papa Mark, Kiyoshi & Hayate, me, and Castanova & Sasha

Week 19, Thursday (3rd week of spring, Year 2)
Jaden: I thought I'd chat with y'all since I'll be moving out real soon.
Like, real soon.

Apparently, Hayate's not a huge fan of Nyaung.
Not a big problem, since they never fight.

While Castanova's slacking off at school, I invite a few pet friends over.
I want to "Feel the Love" with 8 pets, which requires them to be my good friends.

Two show up looking sick, so I feed them each a Wellness Treat first.

When Castanova gets back from school, we head out to the park in Brindleton Bay.
Sometimes we need to get out without any special objectives, y'know?

Uncle Kiyoshi has a special affinity with Hayate. Because they're both from Japan?
They're having a blast running that obstacle course together.
I feel bad that I never set one up at home, but we've been so busy.

It's night when I feel the love with an eighth unique pet.
Not sure we'll have time to open the clinic tonight.

Instead, we travel to Deadgrass Isle to visit a pet ceremony.

Huh, play with two ghost pets? I got this!

All I need to become an animal whisperer is three more pet friends.
This late, that will be easiest to do at the vet clinic.
At Kiyomatsu Clinic, I socialize with patients in the waiting area.
And there we go!

Jaden: I'm all packed up and ready to move out this afternoon.
We only have to run the clinic for four more hours!
As much as I've enjoyed working toward my Big Dream, I'm looking forward to some rest.
I grew up in the dynasty house at its most chaotic, I'm sure.

At 1 pm, we close and bulldoze the clinic, then sell it.
Sasha and I move to StrangerVille with my parents.  No more snow for me!

Castanova: Jaden and I were born on the same day.
By the time I'm finally a young adult, Jaden's finished his Big Dream and moved out!
I put a lot of time and effort into growing up without negative traits.
But my parents aren't even around to celebrate my birthday!

What can be so important that they can't celebrate my birthday with me?

Mark: You really got my hopes up when you invited us to the izakaya Ippai.
Let me guess, you need to survive a third wildlife attack?
Kiyoshi: That's right.  And thanks for agreeing not to move out until Monday.
Ae-Cha and I are hoping for twins, not triplets.

Mark: Why isn't Castanova hiking with us?
Ae-Cha: He's at the bar, reading up on his new career: Floral Designer.
Mark: He's such a good kid.  I feel rather bad for him, but he's a real team player.
Kiyoshi: He's a third-generation Romantic, too, after you and me, Papa Mark.
Ae-Cha: We need to make sure he eventually finds love and settles down.

Kiyoshi: Castanova feels bad about taking his good friend Salim for a spin.
To make up for it, he asks Salim to be BFFs.

Castanova's rep was Awful for the longest time, but he's working on improving it.

He even gives Salim a Potion of Rejuvenation.
That's worth more than the $500 loan, right?
What a pity that Salim's already an adult.

Castanova: We're back in Semba-machi, where Kiyoshi goes on back-to-back hikes.
Meanwhile, I've set up shop, so to speak, on Ippai's 2nd floor with my portable shower.
It's Friday night, too, so the place is hopping!

We miss the splash announcement, but Papa Kiyoshi is now a bonafide Extreme Sports Enthusiast.
Time for us to head home!

Week 20, Sunday (4th week of spring)
Ae-Cha: It's a good thing Kiyoshi is done with all that hiking!
I'm in my 2nd trimester. Even last night, I struggled to keep up with him and Papa Mark!

Can you believe it's been four weeks since Castanova was conceived?
Kiyoshi and I can't wait to meet our nooboo(s) on Monday!

Progress: End of Week 19, Year 2
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Vet clinic: Well, now our simverse is filled with dozens of households who own a pet.
This was great for the clinic, but not helpful for spouse hunting.
Also, my game seems to lag more since adding pets to the household. We shall see.

Sim Stats: On Castanova's teen birthday, the Woohoo! acheevo was already 16/50.
So I've relied on his Sim Stats' "Times Woohooed" count to keep track.
When we returned from Semba-machi, though, all household stats reset to zero.
I resigned myself to manual tracking, but after several RL hours, all stats returned.
Phew!  *wipes brow

Gen 5 kids: I can't decide whether or not Mark should move out before Ae-Cha gives birth.
On the one hand, nobody's given birth to triplets in this dynasty house yet.
On the other hand, I'd be very happy with twins if one of them inherits "perfect genetics."

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 4.19b: Jaden, Virtuous Vet (15 Jan 2022)
« Reply #136 on: January 16, 2022, 02:08:10 PM »
How many nooboos - one, two or three! Looking forward to meeting them...
Fingers crossed for violet eyes/hair

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 4.19b: Jaden, Virtuous Vet (15 Jan 2022)
« Reply #137 on: January 16, 2022, 03:44:41 PM »
How many nooboos - one, two or three! Looking forward to meeting them...
Fingers crossed for violet eyes/hair

I don't know how you managed completing all four uni-required Big Dreams within a single generation.
I'm still pretty exhausted from two consecutive generations with "only" two uni students each, LOL!
Thank you for your crossed fingers. Do we really want four kids like the last generation?

Offline oshizu

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Yumeno Big Dreams 4.20: I Can Do This All Day (19 Jan 2022)
« Reply #138 on: January 19, 2022, 01:41:19 PM »
4.20. I Can Do This All Day

Ae-Cha: Our household feels so small now!  From left to right:
Son Castanova with Nyaung, me and Kiyoshi with Hayate, and Papa Mark.

Week 20, Sunday (4th week of spring, Year 2)
Ae-Cha: Papa doesn't have much to do since he's moving out soon.
He invites over a few young adults that might make viable future spouses.
Unflirty Morgan Fyres from Windenburg is one of his favorites.
He gives her a Potion of Rejuvenation.

Mark: Before I move out tomorrow, could we visit my new home?
I'd like to make sure Venessa has it ready to welcome Hayate.
Ae-Cha: It's such a comfort that you're only moving across the street!

Kiyoshi: Oh! Mark finally found a place for his university diploma.
Ae-Cha and I will eventually move here, too.
I must remember to hang my Mt. Komorebi plaque here, too!

Note: The plaque wouldn't go into Kiyoshi's inventory, sadly.

Kiyoshi: Without influencing gender, Ae-Cha gives birth to twin girls.
We name the firstborn Megumi, after my mother.
Her younger sister, Reiko, is named after Watcher's mother.

Ae-Cha and her siblings all have their mother Venessa's eye shape.
Our twins both have violet eyes, but their shape resemble my (single-lidded) eyes.

Great news!  Mark and Hayate are staying a little longer.
At least until the twins' next birthday.

The girls are so cute, we almost want to have more kids.  Almost, not quite.

Kiyoshi: Mark takes us all to Key Point to visit family.
He's giving Potions of Rejuvenation to the founders and his parents.

Castanova has brought along his portable shower and a "friend."
What a surprise to see the Woohoo! splash.
Oh right, that means he's 16 unique woohoos from his personal goal.

Kiyoshi: Castanova even puts moves on a NAP inspector who visits Key Point.
Castanova: I can do this all day. (I'm so over meaningless woohoo. I just want to be done!)

K: I know Ae-Cha's pressuring you to marry for our Big Happy Family.
C: Yes, but Grandpa Mark says to wait until I finish my Big Dream first.
I'm doing this sleazy Big Dream so nobody else in our dynasty has to.
I deserve a Happily Ever After, don't you think?

The girls will be getting drowsy soon.
Time to feed them and then head back home to Oasis Springs.
We'll come back when they're older so they can socialize with everyone.

Kiyoshi: Dirk Dreamer's been standing in front of our house since morning.
I've heard all about Mark's sister Zing and Dirk, but I'd never seen Dirk before.

We'd ask Dirk what he wants but he won't talk with any of us. Snob!

Mark: The twins will age up later today, daughter dear.
So it's time for Hayate and me to move in with my wife Venessa.

If you need mentoring, just invite me over. I'm right nearby!

Castanova: I complete the Woohoo! Achievement this morning.
Then I invite over the only sim I've ever cared about: Sakura Aoki.

I'd patiently waited until the toddlers' nap to invite Sakura over.
Of course, as soon as I start wooing her, everyone wants a piece of  me.
The toddlers awake and ask me, not their parents, to feed them.
And Grandma Venessa keeps inserting herself into our convo. Ugh!

Sakura: What are you doing to your grandmother?
Castanova: I can't send her home and she keeps interrupting us.
So I'm going to send her off to do some cleaning around the house.

Sakura: What a gorgeous bedroom, Castanova.
Castanova: You're the first sim, um, lady, that's ever been here.
(to himself: I'm sure now's not the time to mention Victor Feng…)

Ae-Cha: You know, Kiyoshi, I always wondered why our son never took anyone to his fancy bedroom.
Kiyoshi: Me, too. Now we know he was saving it for the one he loves.
Ae-Cha: Does that mean he's getting married soon?

Kiyoshi: In the evening, the twins age up to children.
They both have pointy ears since their toddler days.
I never realized it until today, but my wife Ae-Cha has pointy ears, too.

Castanova: I invite Sakura over early this morning to propose.
She accepts and now we're waiting until late afternoon to get married.
In the meantime, we go on three gold-medal dates.
All I have left now is to max my Floral Designer career.

Ae-Cha: They have a lovely wedding!
Thankfully, none of our son's disgruntled exes showed up.
It's a small wedding, only family and our son's BFF, Salim.

Kiyoshi: After all his running around, our son settles down at last.
Ae-Cha and I both like his partner, Sakura, a lot.

Megum (left): Check out my tee-shirt!
When I grow up, I'm going to become the Dalai Llama.

Reiko: Not me! You might say I'm old-fashioned.
I want to find my other half and raise a family together.
Watcher's helping me find that perfect someone!

Castanova: My life is so easy and pleasant now!
I just do a little flower arranging and gardening.
And I help out with the twins when I can.

Megumi: Whoa, where'd this huge TV come from?
Reiko: Watcher and Mama are doing "research," they say.
Ae-Cha: Yes, Watcher and I have picked out a sim for you, Reiko.
But he has a cleft chin that we do NOT want in our dynasty.
Reiko: Eeew, a cleft chin!
Ae-Cha: Sshhh, not so loud. Your father has a slight one, too.

Reiko: So what's going to happen to my future spouse?
Ae-Cha: Instead of a minor makeover, we'll do a Change Sim overhaul.

Ae-Cha: Take him, for example. He has a great chin.
Reiko: Oh yes, I see that. He has a beautiful chin. Is that a nunchaku he's holding?

Megumi (whispers): But Watcher's really awful at creating lookalike sims…
Ae-Cha: Hush now, you'll hurt her feelings.
Reiko: Yes, Mama's right, Megumi. It's the thought that counts!
Watcher: Actually, Megumi's right: I'm bad at lookalike CAS. but it'll be fun anyway.

Progress: End of Week 19, Year 2
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*Genetically-transmitted unnatural hair colors CC:
I'd installed two sets of this cc for toddlers and children.
This allowed them to sometimes age up with genetically-transmitted violet hair.
Due to recent lag and glitching of my game, I removed them both.
Accordingly, I've also changed my "perfect genetics" criteria.
Instead of violet hair/eyes, it's now white hair with violet eyes.

*When does school start?:
I'm confused: How does the game decide a sim's first day of school/work?
Take the case of my twin toddlers who aged up on Thursday.
Reiko aged up at 9:30pm and started grade school the next day.(Fri).
Megumi aged up at 10:20pm but won't start school until Monday.
Is 10 hours the magic cutoff point?

*Artistic Prodigy & Pipe Organ
Pipe organ should count for "Play instruments for 5 total hours."
But Megumi played it to Level 4 and the counter didn't increase. Disappointing!

*The Dalai Llama: No offense intended toward Tibetan Buddhism.
  It's just a silly pun and a not-so-good Big Dream hint, hehe.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 4.20: I Can Do This All Day (19 Jan 2022)
« Reply #139 on: January 19, 2022, 05:00:25 PM »
Congrats to Castanova for completing  and every good wish for his happily ever after.

Cult Founder for Megumi (I enjoyed following that in my last attempt) plus Family Matters or Ties for Reiko? I can't remember which you've already done...

Offline Auranaris

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 4.20: I Can Do This All Day (19 Jan 2022)
« Reply #140 on: January 19, 2022, 05:23:30 PM »
As a big MCU fan I will admit you may have gotten a certain Hawkeye song stuck in my head with that title..

By the way, you’re getting way further than I would be able to. *applause*
they/he pronouns please!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 4.20: I Can Do This All Day (19 Jan 2022)
« Reply #141 on: January 19, 2022, 06:31:12 PM »
Congrats to Castanova for completing  and every good wish for his happily ever after.

Cult Founder for Megumi (I enjoyed following that in my last attempt) plus Family Matters or Ties for Reiko? I can't remember which you've already done...

Castanova thanks you warmly for your well wishes! 💖
Castanova still has his career to complete but he's over the biggest hurdles.
Yes for Megumi's Cult Founder. YAY!
Nope to Family Matters and Family Ties for Reiko. These BDs were completed in Gen2 and Gen3, respectively.  ;)
Her mention of family was no doubt misleading, bbbbuuutttt...she's the next heir.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 4.20: I Can Do This All Day (19 Jan 2022)
« Reply #142 on: January 19, 2022, 06:48:48 PM »
As a big MCU fan I will admit you may have gotten a certain Hawkeye song stuck in my head with that title..

By the way, you’re getting way further than I would be able to. *applause*
Thank you! I had to google your mention of my chapter title.
I got the line from the 2020 song "Make a Wish (Birthday Song)" by NCT U.
Captain America precedes that song, so it must have come from there, lol.
(The context of the NCT U song is quite different.)
LOL, simming AND media history!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 4.20: I Can Do This All Day (19 Jan 2022)
« Reply #143 on: January 20, 2022, 02:01:01 AM »
Nope to Family Matters and Family Ties for Reiko. These BDs were completed in Gen2 and Gen3, respectively.  ;)
Her mention of family was no doubt misleading, bbbbuuutttt...she's the next heir.
Ah - fair enough. The only thing I've got then is maybe Master Mixer as she says she's Old Fashioned and there's a cocktail called that! That's quite a leap tho so I'm not holding my breath. It looks like you're attempting to be a Master Mixer yourself, Watcher - mixing up the perfect mate for her! Looking forward to meeting the results of your labours.

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Yumeno Big Dreams 5.21a: An Arranged Marriage
« Reply #144 on: January 21, 2022, 06:07:41 PM »
5.21a. An Arranged Marriage

Ae-Cha: Here we are again, from left to right:
Our kids Reiko, Castanova, and Megumi with Nyaung; and Kiyoshi & me.

Sunday, Week 21 (1st week of summer, Year 2)
Ae-Cha: We're spending the day at Desert Bloom Park for Megumi's sake.

Megumi: I instantly feel when my sister Reiko makes a new BFF.
That must be him: that dude doing cosplay with pompous hair.
Eh, I can find myself another BFF who's better than Reiko!

Megumi: I'm starting my crystal collection today.
Papa says they've saved a bunch of dig sites and crystals for me in outer space.
But I need to wait until I'm a teen or I can't collect the crystals.
Monday evening, for sure!

Megumi: Ewwww, Mama, look at Reiko with that older guy.
Ae-Cha: Actually, I introduced them, Megumi. Reiko will be marrying him.
Megumi: Nooooo! My sister is cuddling with an adult!
She should be grounded for life!

Ae-Cha: What a disturbing sight to see Reiko cuddling with Caleb.
Even if Kiyoshi and I agree that he'll make a great dynasty spouse.
It's time to go home and have Reiko age up.

Ae-Cha: Happy birthday, Reiko. As of today, you're this dynasty's current heir.

Reiko: So, I need a boyfriend or girlfriend for a First Kiss, Castanova.
I hear you ran out of teens to kiss and had to age up a grade-schooler. Is that true?
Castanova: Yes, that grade-schooler was Koichi Fujiwara.
In fact, I'd recommend him for your first First Kiss.  I'll introduce you later.

Reiko: Happy birthday, sis.  You gonna dress like that all the time now?
Megumi: I'm going to be a Cult Founder, so yes.
It's either this outfit, the sari, or the Super Llama costume.

Reiko: By the way, why are you feeling hysterical? We're just doing homework.
Megumi: No idea, but good thing teens can't die emotional deaths!

Reiko: Megumi and I need to earn the Compassionate trait to age up.
But the sooner Megumi goes collecting in Sixam, the sooner everything respawns.
Grandpa Mark made a great call, saving up the dig sites for Megumi.

Guess who invites along Koichi and gets a First Kiss from her now-ex boyfriend?

Reiko: I age up right after I return from school with an A.
I only needed Compassionate, but I earn Good Manners and Responsible, too.
Good Manners is good for making friends and I want to Teach Responsibility to my future children.
After Megumi volunteers a few more times, she ages up as well.

I invite over my BFF, Caleb, and start romancing my soon-to-be Soulmate.
When he agrees to be my boyfriend, I get hysterical and need to go calm down.

It's pretty late when the mood seems right to propose.
Proposing next to the cat gym isn't romantic at all, but…
Nyaung: I beg to differ!

Caleb: Well, I'm a Changed Sim!  What do you think?
Reiko: You look amazing! Um, do you mind if I call you "Taye"?
Caleb: Like Taye Diggs from the film How Stella Got Her Groove Back?
Reiko: Honestly? No, Taye because it rhymes with Tae, as in Taeyong of the band NCT.
Caleb: Okay, I'll pretend it's short for Tayleb, which rhymes with Caleb. *shrugs

Tao: Good evening. My name's Tao. What's a vampire doing in the Magical Realm?
Taye: I'm reading a vampire tome while my wife meets the sages to learn spells and potions recipes.
Tao: Oh, so you're the lucky vampire who married my (just a sec *counts fingers) great-great-granddaughter!
Taye: It's an honor and a pleasure to meet you, sir.

Reiko: We arrive at our honeymoon destination this morning.
Everyone comes along, except Castanova who has work.
It's not as bad as it sounds; Sulani Beach Houses consists of 4 bungalows, each with its own kitchen.
And, anyway, the others are going home tomorrow morning.

Ohan'ali Beach offers fun for everyone.
Taye learns mixology while collecting feathers with Nyaung.

I read magical tomes and ask Mama once for magical training.
My parents and Megumi enjoy swimming and socializing.

Megumi decides to summon a volcanic bomb to open for collectables.
What a reckless idea!  Someone could have gotten hurt!
She did, however, acquire a rare Jet crystal.

In the evening, Master Vampire Taye invites Grand Master Vlad to the beach.
(Thankfully, he didn't invite Vlad to join our vacation.)
After Vlad trains him once, Taye defeats him several times while sparring.
Go Taye!

Watcher's Note: I have too many images for a single update.
So, again, I'm splitting this week into two updates.

Gallery Download
Sapphire Shores (50x50): "Sulani Beach bouses" by SarahAmina.
Added showers and cat stuff; then changed the lot type to Rental.

Progress: Middle of Week 21, Year 2
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*Megumi's crystal collection: The collection tab says Crystals 20+2.
  In fact, there are 24 possible crystals available to Megumi.
  21st & 22nd: Nitelite & Crandestine from Sixam (Get to Work)
  23rd & 24th: Amazonite & Alexandrite from Selvadorada (Jungle Adventures)
  Megumi's aiming for the complete 24-cyrstal collection. (No ordering crystals via the computer.)

*Change Sim: I failed to recreate Taeyong from the kungfu music video. Maybe tilt his eyes a bit more?
  Why is it so difficult to create a nice mouth? Still, I prefer Taye's looks to Caleb's.
  And the cleft chin is gone, too, so I figure that was time well spent, lol. I tried!
  The photo on the left shows Taeyong from a MV where he had red hair.
  "Changed Caleb" doesn't resemble him much, but I adore my Taye anyway. :)

*Seagulls: If you plan to collect feathers in Sulani, do it before restoring Mua Pel'am.
  The 3 flocks of seagulls that I saw regularly in Mua Pel'am are gone now.
  The downside of Ohan'ali Town: passing locals sometimes chase away that sole flock.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 5.21a: An Arranged Marriage (21 Jan 2022)
« Reply #145 on: January 22, 2022, 04:18:42 AM »
Wow - great makeover for Caleb, almost unrecognisable. I hope he and Reiko will be very happy together. She & Megumi are growing up so fast!

That's a lovely beach houses lot - I can never get the platforms right when I've tried to do that with tree houses. Maybe I'll have another go sometime.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 5.21a: An Arranged Marriage (21 Jan 2022)
« Reply #146 on: January 22, 2022, 11:37:00 AM »
Devon Bumpkin created a gorgeous treehouse, which I watched being speed-built on Youtube.
Build videos on Youtube are a great way to figure out how to do things that aren't coming out right for me, like roofing.
Will you be having a future generation living in a treehouse?

I was surprised you described Taye as "almost unrecognizable" as Caleb. I wasn't trying to retain any vestiges of Caleb's looks, haha.
Except for eye color, I changed every single feature of Caleb's that Change Sim allowed me to change.
This morning, I also removed Taye's eye makeup (but he's wearing guyliner in the following update).  Caleb wears guyliner, but Taye's fine without it. :)

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 5.21b: I Can Do This All Night (22 Jan)
« Reply #147 on: January 22, 2022, 03:32:32 PM »
5.21b. I Can Do This All Night

Reiko: Here we are at Sulani Beach Houses, just before my family goes home. From left to right:
Siblings Megumi and Castanova, hubby Taye & Nyaung, parents Kiyoshi & Ae-Cha, and me.

Thursday (Week 1 of summer)
Taye: It's just the three of us now.  How's your Soulmates progress?
Reiko: We finished the remaining dates this morning.
I only need to ask you to woohoo 19 times.
Taye: I have to ask you to woohoo 25 time. Oh, the hardship!

Taye has adored Nyaung from the moment they first met.
You can tell Nyaung feels the same way about Taye.
Can't say I blame either of them.
Taye wants to keep Nyaung with us and wonders how soon Megumi can move out.

In the evening, we leave Nyaung to some well-deserved rest and travel to Mua Pel'am.
Taye's already met the founder Tao at the Magical Realm.
So I introduce him to my great-great grandma and my great-grandparents.

Their Key Point home also has an observatory, which we use…twice.

On our way to the waterfall, I realize that I only need one more friend!
While waiting for Taye to swim over, I befriend a local conservationist

We try for baby for the first time under the waterfall.
After we swim back to Key Point, I learn I'm eating for two!

Friday (A little past midnight)
Taye: I don't mean to pry, Reiko, but I'm curious: when do you sleep?
Reiko: Oh, I don't need to sleep.  I'm never weary.
Taye: I see. I have another question…

Reiko: You can ask me anything.
Taye: Do you have something against, you know, regular ole bed woohoo?

Reiko: Since I'm pregnant, Sulani's water sports will be too strenuous for me.
So I thought I'd reserve Friday afternoon and Friday night for "indoor sports."

Taye: No worries, Rei.  I'm a vampire…

Taye: I can do this all night.
Reiko: Oh, so this is why you insisted on choosing our honeymoon lodgings!

Reiko: When we get home, we'll repurpose Castanova's bedroom for your coffin.
Then, we--I mean, you--will have somewhere to, um, sleep.

Taye: I thought you were joking yesterday about asking me to woohoo 19 times.
Reiko: I hope you don't see me as a woohoo-crazed sim, but it's for your sake, too.
Taye: Really? How so?
Reiko: If I caress your cheek, that only counts as my romantic gesture.
Taye: Ahhh, but woohoo counts as a romantic gesture for each of us. How thoughtful you are!

Reiko: In late afternoon, I get an offer to join the Stylist Influencer career at Level 5.
I accept, since that's the career Taye and I'd decided on. Taye signs up at Level 4.

We leave to complete our daily task: Discuss fashion or outfits.
I see Taye chatting with the food vendor, so I give her a Flirty Introduction.
Am I the jealous type?

Several hours and Potions of Plentiful Needs later, I complete Soulmates.
It seems appropriate to finish with coffin woohoo, don't you agree?

Reiko: We spend the rest of evening quietly, with books we'd brought with us.
I'm reading magical tomes in hope of reaching the Adept rank by Sunday.
Taye's vampire rank is much higher than my magic rank.
Would that raise the chances of our children being vampires?  I don't know.

Taye's been anxious to reach Tier IV of his Master Vampire aspiration.
How surprising to learn he's already completed its most time-consuming task.
He's already survived "an additional 20 days," so he'll whiz through the other tasks.

We return home to find Megumi eager to leave for Desert Bloom Park.

After casting hallucinations on park visitors, Taye becomes a Grand Master Vampire.
Taye makes it look so easy.
Look at Nyaung, following Taye around and crying for his attention.

Castanova maxes his career this afternoon and achieves his Big Dream.
Since Taye wants to keep Nyaung, Castanova plans to move out tonight.
We're going to miss him!

Megumi's struggling to figure out how to "Comfort Others."
It's not enough to perform a Wellness social; she needs to change the other sim's mood.
Do you know that old song "Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto"?
Megumi meets a sad servo named Domo Arigato, changing his mood to Focused.

After nightfall, Castanova moves in with his wife Sakura and their twin boys.
With the fortune our parents gave Castanova, they move to Yuma Heights.

We'll have to visit them next week to age up the twins to toddlers. Toddler play date?
With Castanova gone, we have two openings in our household

We've had Castanova's former bedroom redecorated into our master bedroom.
Taye can't sleep in a bed and I'm never weary, so there's only the coffin. *coughs
Watcher: Arrgggh, the rug under the coffin is crooked!

Now that I've entered my third trimester, Taye doesn't want to drink from me.
I suggest that, only for tonight, he asks Mama for her plasma.
They're friends since she mentored him in Writing at the park, so she agrees.
Oh, I can't wait to meet our children!

One last thing, I ask Taye to mix himself a Draught of Reconfiguration.
He chooses the same Vampire Weaknesses, but changes some of his Vampire Powers.
I convince him to lose the Alluring Visage power, which makes him more attractive to other sims. Ahem!
And he's replaced running at Supernatural Speed with teleporting in Mist Form.
In Sulani, he had to swim across water, whereas I could fly on my broom.

Gallery Download
Sapphire Shores (50x50): "Sulani Beach Houses" by SarahAmina.
Did minor editing then changed the lot type to Rental. It doesn't come with a coffin.

Progress: End of Week 21, Year 2
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Vampire/Spellcaster hybrids:
  I hope Reiko doesn't give birth to any Sunday night.
  Such hybrids are glitched and can be game-breaking. *crosses fingers

*Taye's Other Requirement: Taye is carefully considering which 10 sims he shall turn.

*Household: We need more openings! Megumi needs to finish her Big Dream ASAP.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 5.21b: I Can Do This All Night (22 Jan 2022)
« Reply #148 on: January 23, 2022, 06:40:38 PM »

Cult Founder's crystal collection:
I'd initially wrote that Megumi would complete the extended collection of 24 crystals. 
After further research, I've decided to skip the Alexandrite crystal (found in Selvadorada) for a total of 23 crystals.
To seek Alexandrite, Megumi would need to not only excavate gem rocks and open treasure chests, she would also need to pass through the gates for access to the gem rocks/treasure chests.
This would require Megumi to learn skills required by a full-fledged Jungle Explorer, which she is not.
So, Megumi will be going for the base game 20 crystals, 2 Sixam crystals, and Amazonite.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Yumeno Big Dreams 5.21b: I Can Do This All Night (22 Jan 2022)
« Reply #149 on: January 24, 2022, 04:04:05 AM »
Good call on limiting the crystal collection. The Selvadorada trips are so time-consuming if that's not their main aim.

Are you keeping the grandparents in to limit births or do they serve another purpose? Looking forward to meeting Reiko's nooboo!