Author Topic: A Wesseldine's Night Dream - Closure  (Read 38404 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Wesseldine's Night Dream 3.3: She Cropp'd
« Reply #120 on: December 20, 2021, 10:36:42 AM »
3.3: She Cropp'd

Year 3, Autumn Week 3

Satoru: Tania? I think it’s time!
Tania: I’m not ready.
Satoru: I know. But you will be soon. How about I go and get things ready?

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Tania: Are we really going to the mountains?
Satoru: I’ve found a really great bargain. Not too far from the slopes so we can enjoy them.
Tania: I’ve never been skiing…
Satoru: And I’ve commissioned a local decorator – we’re going to experience my father’s culture – at least see if it suits us… although it does make me feel like a giant…

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Blossom: Thanks for popping back, Dad. Although I’m not sure why you’re in your night clothes?
Satoru: Oh – erm – your mother and I were just taking a nap. How are you?
Blossom: Well, it’s like this. Me & Ervin have been…taking naps…
Satoru: You can’t do that sort of thing around here. There could be consequences!
Blossom: There already are…
Satoru: Sweetheart! Your mum will be ecstatic to know that you’re expecting but you can’t be a single parent in this community.
Blossom: Kourtney is!
Satoru: No. She’s living on her own with your niece and nephews but she’s married to your brother. Call Ervin over now. We need to come up with a plan.

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Ervin: Hello gorgeous! Wanna take a nap?
Blossom: Always but…
Ervin: Why have you stuffed a cushion up your jumper – oh! I see! Erm..

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Satoru: It’s like this, young man. We need to make things right. Blossom and her unborn child would be accepted here but you would be seen as deserting your responsibilities.
Ervin: But I want to marry Blossom! My folks look at things a different way. You don’t get married until you’re expecting a baby – to make sure you actually can have babies together. I thought you knew that, Blossom, when we….took our naps.
Satoru: So what we’re saying is…
Blossom: Will you marry me, Ervin?
Ervin: Of course I will. I love you Blossom!

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Blossom: Well. Cowplant – you were a long time coming but now I’m off!

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Ervin: I love that you’re wearing a hat to our wedding!
Blossom: This is my formal outfit! You scrub up nicely too.
Ervin: Mum & Sis couldn’t get over for the wedding because they’re setting up our new home in Windenberg. We’ve had a new house built on your folks old site – Pier Palace!
Blossom: What a perfect day!

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Later that evening

Tania: So, this is nice – sitting down together. Knitting and stuff.
Puck: It’s very peaceful, coz. I’m so glad we’re not keeping Blossom’s baby. I thought for a moment you would tell the neigbours that it was yours, lol.
Tania: I did think that would be the best plan, if Ervin didn’t step up…got quite used to the idea, actually…
Cobweb: Oh sis – you’ll always be Mummy Tania!
Tania: Well…can I share some big news?

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Year 3, Week 4, day 1

– Mischief Maker: Retail perks 13

Tania – Family Matters: Aspirations – Big Happy Family 3/4  with just one more grandchild on the way; pregnant

Cobweb - Author: Aspirations Lady of The Knits 2/4, Bestselling Author maxed; Books of Life written (not yet bound) 5/5

Satoru – Eco-Warrior – Completed: moved out to Mr Komorebi

Moth – Creative Artisan: Aspiration: Master Maker maxed, Lord of Knits 2/4; Freelance Crafting gigs 11/25; Skills Handiness 6; Unique, Crafted & In house – furniture 11/15 (no new ones), décor 3/15 (octopus); married to Kourtney Ojeda who is caring for their 3 children (Omari, Katie, Drew)

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Blossom – Garden Guru - complete: Unique plants from grafting 9/9 (cowberry); Skills - Handiness maxed; pregnant; married to Ervin Marks and moved out to live with his mum Carla and sister Kendall in Windenberg

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Star (teen) - Foodie: scout badges (unnec.) 6/9

Indiana (teen) – Rancherino: Scout badges 6/9

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“He plough'd her, and she cropp'd.” Antony and Cleopatra

Shakespeare was frequently more earthy than modern tastes expect…

I like exploring different worlds having different attitudes to marriage and fertility. It seems to lend itself to the moving in and out of my Sims.

Blossom is only in her first trimester in the photos – she’s huge! Maybe it’s just a poor choice of outfits! The family shot doesn’t show her pregnancy at all which I think they have done in the past…

Satoru, of course, had to move out so that Blossom & Ervin could take some productive naps. Still, he seems quite happy to come back for “sleepovers”

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 3.3: She Cropp'd
« Reply #121 on: December 20, 2021, 10:36:54 PM »
About whether pregnancy shows in household shots:
When you save a household in CAS, you can click on the camera icon beneath the image to get a different pose. Every click gives you a different pose.

Hmmm, I wonder what Tania's planning to do with her nooboo(s)?
Did Blossom take a pregnancy test while Tania did not, so Tania could complete her BD and move out before going into labor herself?
I'm so curious whether Tania will take her nooboo(s) with her or leave it/them behind. But who would be the caregiver?
Cobweb's almost done with her Big Dream, but Moth has a ways to go, it seems. You are now an expert at the Master Maker aspiration, lol.

I'm really looking forward to the daily lives and decisions of Indiana and Star.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 3.3: She Cropp'd
« Reply #122 on: December 21, 2021, 01:00:51 PM »
Did Blossom take a pregnancy test while Tania did not, so Tania could complete her BD and move out before going into labor herself?
I'm so curious whether Tania will take her nooboo(s) with her or leave it/them behind. But who would be the caregiver?
Satoru moved out
Blossom got pregnant, taking test
Blossom got married and moved out
Tania got pregnant (Satoru came for a sleepover)

Would the ultimate super mum move out leaving her last-born? It seems unlikely. But the ways and whims of Watchers are not always predictable...

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Wesseldine's Night Dream 3.4: My Oberon!
« Reply #123 on: December 22, 2021, 02:44:02 PM »
3.4: My Oberon!

Year 3, Autumn Week 4

Tania: Hey, everyone! Blossom’s had her babies!
Puck: Babies? How many?
Tania: 2 girls – Phoebe & Sienna. Don’t they sound cute! We’ll go over on Sunday to meet them.
Cobweb: So that’s five grandbabies for Mummy Tania!

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Tania: And here comes my fifth baby! Ohhhhh! Little Oberon. No twin for you, but maybe that’s for the best.
Cobweb: Oh here – have this baby onesie I’ve knitted.

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Star: Hey, Moth, how come you only knit decorations for the house? You could’ve knitted some clothes for Obi too.
Moth: I like seeing the things I’ve knitted hanging up.
Star: Cobweb taught Puck how to knit. Can you teach me?
Moth: Yes – don’t hold your needles like that – the wool round annnnd pull it through…Just do that to the end of the row.
Star: Like this?
Moth: Sort of…you dropped a few stitches but…it’s a good start.

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Tania: Hey kids – it’s time for Scouts
Indiana: But it’s the chicken fair today. Flufferoo rooster has got a real chance and I’ve got an excellent Gold Egg too.
Tania: There’s time – just come straight home and we’ll get you there.

After Scouts
Indiana: Quick Flufferoo – put this on. Cobweb made it especially! And have a friendly treat – you need to be nice to the judge. There you go – don’t you look smart! And we’ll put Gnocchi’s golden egg over here!

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Regina: Hello Young Man. Welcome to your first Finchwick Fair.
Indiana: Lovely to meet you, ma’am! Oh – did you just drop this money?
Regina: Um – well – I may have… Thank you. Now which are your entries…?

At the Fair End
Indiana: I knew you were the best. Someone tried saying that you’d pecked someone but you got first place and Gnocchi’s egg did too! What a great day!
Tania: We’ve put a winter shelter up for your plants in the chicken run and built you a little barn out there too.

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Indiana: Wow – so the chickens can come in there with me? That’s brilliant! I’ll just hang my ribbons here…
Puck: I told you he’d be pleased!
Tania: I thought you were joking again. I really worried he’d realise that we don’t really like that smell…

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Year 3, Week 5, day 1

– Mischief Maker: Retail perks 15

Tania – Family Matters - complete: Aspirations – Big Happy Family maxed with birth of Blossom’s baby

Cobweb - Author: Aspirations Lady of The Knits 3/4, Books of Life written (not yet bound) 5/5

Moth – Creative Artisan: Aspiration: Lord of Knits 3/4; Freelance Crafting gigs 20/25; Skills Handiness 6; Unique, Crafted & In house – furniture 15/15 (shelf, mailbox, pouffe, rug), décor 12/15 (Turtle, Hearts, mirror, penguin, trellis, short/medium/long hanging baskets, cactus); married to Kourtney Ojeda who is caring for their 3 children (Omari, Katie, Drew)

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Star (teen) - Foodie: Llamacorn Scout (unnec); Fast Food 2/3; Aspirations – Master Chef 1/4; Skills – Cooking maxed, Gourmet Cooking 5; Traits bought Stoves & Grill Master

Indiana (teen) – Rancherino: Llamacorn Scout; Fast Food 2/3; Aspirations - Freelance Botanist 3/4; Skills – Gardening 7; traits bought – Incredibly Friendly & Super Green Thumb; Animal Treats prepared (1/13); 1st place ribbons 2/3 (chicken/egg)

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“My Oberon! what visions have I seen!” A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Titania is of course married to Oberon in the play but it wouldn’t have been right to rename Tania’s love Satoru to Oberon.

I do like the interactions that come with the knitting skill. Dressing babies in handmade onesies is so cute plus teaching others to knit. It’s all very villagey.

I haven’t any experience of putting entries in to the fairs but it seems like very good luck to win 2 Firsts at Indiana’s first fair. I wanted to put his bed in a “barn” inside the chicken run ever since a read someone commenting that they enjoyed the chickens coming into their homes.

I’ve just realized that the Harvestfest lights are still up in the Wesseldine household and it’s the start of Winter. I might just enjoy a bit of Christmas decorating before the next episode.

Little O: Granny – what you doing?
Granny: Just putting my laptop away, now you’re here, sweetheart.
Little O: Watch Babies? (youtube clips of Baby Shark, etc)
Granny: No, darling, playing with chickens.
Little 0: I play chickens?
Granny: OK – here they are
Little O (concentrating/pressing arrows): Baby crying
Granny: Oh dear, shall we get the mummy to feed the baby?
Little O: Yes, quick, quick, quick!

And so it begins…

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 3.4: My Oberon!
« Reply #124 on: December 22, 2021, 07:38:55 PM »
Congrats to Tania for completing her Family matters BD!
Previously, I'd asked whether Tania would give birth before or after moving out of the dynasty home.
This is why I was wondering whether she'd complete her BD before she could move out and give birth.

Since she had Oberon in the dynasty home and Oberon can't move out without completing a Big Dream, does that mean Tania's staying, too?
At least until Oberon's no longer a toddler? Seems a shame to move her out just as she earns the all-powerful Matriarch trait. :)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 3.4: My Oberon!
« Reply #125 on: December 23, 2021, 01:52:39 AM »
Congrats to Tania for completing her Family matters BD!
Previously, I'd asked whether Tania would give birth before or after moving out of the dynasty home.
This is why I was wondering whether she'd complete her BD before she could move out and give birth.

Since she had Oberon in the dynasty home and Oberon can't move out without completing a Big Dream, does that mean Tania's staying, too?
At least until Oberon's no longer a toddler? Seems a shame to move her out just as she earns the all-powerful Matriarch trait. :)
Tania is definitely staying for a bit longer for...reasons! Lol!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Wesseldine's Night Dream 3.5: Now All Is Well
« Reply #126 on: December 23, 2021, 03:07:12 PM »
3.5: Now All Is Well

Year 3, Winter Week1

Tania: You lot head out for the family visiting. I’ll stay at home with Obi.

Moth: Hey Drew! Where’s your mum?
Drew: Inside
Katie: Watching TV
Omari: Hungry, dada.
Moth: OK kids! Let’s get ice-cream and give your mum a break.

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Star: Oh my days! Blossoms babies are just so cute!
Puck: But hungry! I’ll feed Sienna – you feed Phoebe.

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Nell: So you’re finally moving out! You can come and live with me and your siblings! It’ll be great to have some adult help – I mean company!
Cobweb: Actually Mum – I don’t really want to be your live-in help. I’ve made other arrangements.
Nell: Oh – well – it would’ve been a squash

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Mia: So you’re ready?
Cobweb: Are you sure it’s OK aunt Mia?
Mia: Just Mia is fine. I’ll love having you with me. I’ll write my music – you’ll write your books – it’ll be perfect!

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Grim: It seems that, if you’re in a dynasty household, I show up for your demise, even if you are a hen!
Gnocchi: Cluck?
Grim: That’s what it says on my tablet
Gnocchi: Cluck?
Grim: No – no scythe – just a hug and straight off together.

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Tania: So – I’m pregnant again!
Satoru: It’s what you wanted, right?
Tania: It’s the last time. I just want this last nooboo and then we really are done!
Satoru: I miss you.
Tania: Oh darling – I miss you too – but you come over all the time so that’s good.
Satoru: No more?
Tania: No more!

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Tania: Oh little Obi – why have you got your boots on? And your daddy’s hair!

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Kourtney: Moth? So great to have you visit again.
Moth: Not visit! Move in! I’ve done all I need to at Olde Mill Lane. I can set up shop with you and be a proper husband and father
Kourtney: Oh wow! That’s great!
Moth: You do still want that, don’t you?
Kourtney: It’s been so long. Much longer than I expected but yes. YES! I definitely want you here!

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Tania: Satoru? You’d better come over right now! There’s only 5 of us in the house and I’m not sure I’ll be able to cope if this is a multiple…
Satoru: You didn’t say anything about twins
Tania: It could be triplets! Ah ah ah I thought it would get easier.
Satoru: You’ve made it – we’ve made her! A little girl and just one.
Tania: A precious little Fairy!

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Indiana: So knitting on the loo…that’s normal, right?

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Year 3, Week 6, day 1

– Mischief Maker: Retail perks 15

Tania – Family Matters – complete: Still in house.

Cobweb – Author - complete: Aspirations Lady of The Knits maxed; Books of Life written and bound 5/5; moved out to live with her aunt Mia

Moth – Creative Artisan - complete: Aspiration: Lord of Knits maxed; Freelance Crafting gigs 25/25; Skills Handiness 10; Unique, Crafted & In house –décor 15/15 (lumberjack & horse sculptures); moved out to be with wife Kourtney Ojeda and their 3 children (Omari, Katie, Drew)

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Star (teen) - Foodie: Llamacorn Scout (unnec); Fast Food maxed; Aspirations – Master Chef 1/4; Skills – Cooking maxed, Gourmet Cooking 7

Indiana (teen) – Rancherino: Fast Food maxed; Aspirations - Freelance Botanist 3/4; Skills – Gardening 10; Animal Treats prepared (2/13); 1st place ribbons 2/3 (chicken/egg); errands 1/15 (talk to gnome)

Obi (toddler) - ?
Fairy (nooboo) - ?

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“Hence, away! now all is well:
One aloof stand sentinel.” Fairy in A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Fairy is the last of the spirits in the play and the only one of Titania’s troup that doesn’t have a name. She doesn’t however end up waiting on Bottom so that’s a bonus. It seemed wrong for Tania to move on before completing the set.

I couldn’t let Cobweb go to live with Nell – I’m sure she’d have been exploited. She was always close to Mia (Uber Sim) with a similar career

The sight of Grim reaping Gnocchi was rather tender. I found it quite moving. I was also very pleased to have Moth move in with his family. Poor Kourtney has been a trooper on her own. She really needs a break!

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 3.5: Now All Is Well
« Reply #127 on: December 23, 2021, 06:51:02 PM »
Haha, I'm sure Cobweb will be much happier living with her artistic Auntie Mia, although poor Nell raising 3 kids (the she'd badly wanted) on her own.

Oh what a risk you took, Watcher, moving Moth out before Tania went into labor! She could have had twins!
If you "Ask for Evil Chicken's help," i believe it will attack Grim. I enjoyed your tender moment better. :)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Wesseldine's Night Dream 3.6-7: Good Night Unto You All
« Reply #128 on: December 25, 2021, 10:59:24 AM »
3.6-7: Good Night Unto You All

Year 3, Winter Week2

Tania: Oh my littlest Fairy – Daddies hair and my eyes. Sh! Don’t tell the others…you’re my favourite!
Fairy: Higher! Higher!

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Puck: Phew – I’m beat!
Tania: It’s the middle of the night, cuz! You’re not usually back before 5am!
Puck: I’m done! The shop is as good as I can get it. I’m leaving the keys with you.

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Tania: Leave? Where are you going?
Puck: I’m off to mum’s. She’s getting on now so she’ll appreciate the company.
Tania: Will she though?
Puck: Well no but she says if I don’t join her now, she’ll leave the lot to the goat sanctuary.
Tania: I didn’t even know she liked goats
Puck: She doesn’t – what would they do with a 3 storey penthouse with it’s own pool?

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Indiana: Woah – look how big my watermelon is! And it’s still growing!

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Obi: Thanks for coming over for my birthday, Dad.
Satoru: It’s great to see you growing up! Wow – that’s a very….pink…top!
Obi: Well! It’s a bit of fun but I think I’ll tone it down a bit.

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Fairy: Daddy? Huggles?
Satoru: Always, darling.
Fairy: Daddy stay?
Satoru: Not tonight, pet. When you’re a bit bigger, why don’t you come and visit me on Mt Komorebi?
Fairy: Soon!

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Tania: Now Obi’s gone to school, it’s just you and me.
Fairy (giggle): Just me, just me!
Tania: You’re so quick at learning. I wish I’d had this time with the others.
Fairy: Others home soon soon!

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Obi: You know I seem to learn much quicker when I’m playing with Mum
Indiana: All of us do. I even learn handiness quicker with Mum around and she hardly knows any thing about that.

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Tania: Star, honey. You don’t need to make more grilled cheese! There’s some in the fridge already.
Star: But I’m just so hungry for grilled cheese and it’s so much better when it’s fresh.
Tania: You’d better order some more bread and cheese then.
Star: Have I told you how awesome grilled cheese is?
Tania: Yes – about 47 times. And you’ve told everyone else who comes to the house. Goodness knows what the neighbours think.

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Indiana (singing): Hark, the herald angels sing…
Fox (thinking): This hu-man is funny!

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Year 3, Week 8, day 1

– Mischief Maker – complete: moved to live with mother Nana in San Myshuno

Tania – Family Matters – complete: Still in house.

Star (teen) - Foodie: Aspirations – Master Chef 2/4, Grilled Cheese 1/3; Skills – Gourmet Cooking maxed, Baking 5

Indiana (teen) – Rancherino: Aspirations - Freelance Botanist maxed, Country Caretaker 0; Skills – Charisma 4, Handiness 3; Animal Treats prepared (2/13); 1st place ribbons 2/3 (chicken/egg); errands 7/15 (Find 2 single Sims, provide dessert, provide watermelon, browse groceries, ask about deliverer’s dreams, 3 Heart-to-Hearts)

Obi (child) - ?: top-notch toddler
Fairy (toddler) - ?: happy toddler

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“If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumber’d here
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yielding but a dream,
Gentles, do not reprehend:
if you pardon, we will mend:
And, as I am an honest Puck,
If we have unearned luck
Now to ‘scape the serpent’s tongue,
We will make amends ere long;
Else the Puck a liar call;
So, good night unto you all.
Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends”
Puck’s closing speech from A Midsummer Night’s Dream

I can’t tell you what a relief it is to finish Puck’s big dream of Mischief Maker. The requirement of 25 hours in the shop seems a little redundant.
I confess that Puck was using the restock option when she sold a swiped object. It is unclear whether that is allowed from the rules but restocking gives you 10 points and its status as “swiped” remained attached to the new item. I tried restocking and then going into build mode and selling it off but that was a total faff.
To be totally honest, it was taking so long to get the points that I started to not care that I might have disqualified myself from the hall of fame. On the other hand – Puck is the archetypal Mischief Maker and was bound to bend the rules.
I’d be interested in what I was doing wrong but it’s done (heaves a huge sigh of relief)

If we’re going purely on genetics, Fairy will be the gen 4 heir. I haven’t decided for sure because of reasons… but she is rather gorgeous.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 3.6-7: Good Night Unto You All
« Reply #129 on: December 25, 2021, 05:05:54 PM »
Fairy is a total cutie-pie, but so is Obi (lol, it reminds me of Obi-Wan, Champion of Batuu?).

I'll let GlazeyLazy respond to the selling swiped items vs. restocked swiped items thing.
Whenever you're unclear about any rule, though, the best thing to do is to post in the challenge thread or message the Challenge Team.

On the other hand, a HUGE congrats to Puck and her Watcher for completing Mischief Maker.
No more dividing the household's time between home and shop. :)
What a great comfort to the elderly (!) Nanami to have Puck living with her again.  Maybe.

P.S. I hope Santa was generous to you, Watcher, pack-wise.  ;)

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 3.6-7: Good Night Unto You All
« Reply #130 on: December 26, 2021, 03:57:14 AM »
Fairy is a total cutie-pie, but so is Obi (lol, it reminds me of Obi-Wan, Champion of Batuu?).

P.S. I hope Santa was generous to you, Watcher, pack-wise.  ;)

I don't yet have the Batuu one - still pondering which packs to purchase with my Christmas funds :)

I'll let GlazeyLazy respond to the selling swiped items vs. restocked swiped items thing.
Whenever you're unclear about any rule, though, the best thing to do is to post in the challenge thread or message the Challenge Team.
I've put a detailed query in the challenge thread but the summary is, with a swiping down-time of 4 hours, I think it would take approx 12 game weeks of constant swiping to get all the perks without restocking, 9 weeks if you restock then remove. I don't think there's a faster way.

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A Wesseldine's Night Dream 3.8-9: The Milk Of Human Kindness
« Reply #131 on: December 28, 2021, 09:35:42 AM »
3.8-9: The Milk Of Human Kindness

Year 3, Winter Week 4

Fairy: Mummy, what’s that smell?
Tania: Well I need a shower but just listen… “Twas the night before Christmas…”

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Tania: Oh, how lovely to see Auntie Mia’s headscarf again! You know your aunt Cobweb wore it for a while.
Fairy: I like it! I’m keeping it, maybe forever!
Tania: You look lovely darling.

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Indiana: This is the 2nd pumpkin I’ve grown for Agnes! I hope she’ll accept this one!

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Indiana: You’re my first ever cow and you’re beautiful. We’re going to work together to get the best milk. Here’s a friendly treat.

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Fairy: Listen, I know Obi wants to be friends with you all but I take the best photos!

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Grim: What’s this?
Tania: It’s my club for helping the elderly get fit – running, swimming, basketball.
Grim: But it was only a matter of time before one of them died of extreme exhaustion!
Tania: But they were supposed to get fit.
Grim: Incredible!
Star: How nice to meet you Mr Grim
Grim: Likewise, I’m sure.
Star: I’ve tried to meet you when you come for the chickens but…
Grim: Well, they don’t really understand and and I have to go with them, not hang around.
Star: Well, I just wanted to ask – Do you know how awesome Grilled Cheese is?
Grim: People keep asking me that, but I don’t usually eat anything so…

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Year 3, Week 10, day 1

– Family Matters – complete: Still in house.

Star (young adult) - Foodie: Aspirations – Master Chef 3/4, Grilled Cheese complete; Skills –Baking maxed; Recipes learnt 1/25 OR Bestselling Cookbooks 0/3

Indiana (young adult) – Rancherino: errands 15/15 (deliver milk, Pumpkin, catch fish); Aspirations - Country Caretaker 2/4; Skills – Charisma 7, Handiness 5; Canned Goods 5/17 (meat subs, mushroom, apple, raspberry,tomato); Animal Treats prepared 3/13 (fishy); 1st place ribbons 2/3

Obi (child) - ?: top-notch toddler; social butterfly, whiz kid, creative prodigy; scout badges 6/9; skills charisma 3

Fairy (child) - ?: top-notch toddler; social butterfly, creative prodigy; scout badges 5/9; skills photography 1

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“Yet do I fear thy nature;
It is too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness
To catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great,” Lady Macbeth

I have no idea why the first pumpkin Indiana grew didn’t register for Agnes’ errand but it’ll get used for canning – no waste in this simple-living household.

Star and Indiana aged up to young adults in this episode. Fitting gaming in around enjoying family time over Christmas led to a level of (lovely) distraction so it didn’t get documented.

I don’t like deliberately killing Sims so the elderly membership of Tania’s Keep Fit club seemed a nice touch. Setting up keep-fit clubs in villages is seen as a good thing but I think the exercises are more gentle…

Obi does remind us of Obi-Wan Kenobi however I do not have the Star Wars pack so it’s a different dream. Fairy has only just started to engage properly in her dream. Indiana’s Rancherino takes up a lot of game time.

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 3.8-9: The Milk Of Human Kindness
« Reply #132 on: December 28, 2021, 12:58:53 PM »
About your first pumpkin, didn't you mention that Agne's task required you to plant the pumpkin or something?  Haha, I only vaguely remember.
I'm glad the second pumpkin worked.

For Big Dreams, I'm pretty sure that Fairy (what a lovely child!) will do Ace Photographer.
I'm stumped on Obi's Big Dream. I imagine that one or more of his childhood aspirations might be extra.
Low-tech, low-travel Big Dreams....hmmm, Holiday Lover?

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 3.8-9: The Milk Of Human Kindness
« Reply #133 on: December 28, 2021, 02:57:26 PM »
Fairy is such a pretty girl!
And what a nice conversation with Grim. My Sims' encounter with him was . . . . less pleasant.
I love the content of Cottage Living - now if I could just get a rainbow treat, which seems to be very elusive for me.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Wesseldine's Night Dream 3.10: Hang A Pearl In Every Cowslip's Ear
« Reply #134 on: December 29, 2021, 07:02:42 AM »
3.10: Hang A Pearl In Every Cowslip's Ear

Year 3, Spring Week 2

Fairy (on phone): Hi Mum. Yes I’m just taking a break and catching some rays. Where am I? I’ll be back soon, don’t worry.

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Tania: That girl! I never know where she is since she had her birthday. Now what’s going on here? Kids? Have you been moving the gnomes around? Why do they all look like they’re watching TV when it’s not even on? Honestly, I think I’m losing my mind!

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Obi: I wish Mum would keep it down a bit. I’m trying to maintain this pose!

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White rooster: I was feeling very flirty when you laid that egg.
Brown hen: Well I was feeling quite spicy.
White rooster: She’s hatched now, and I’m a little concerned…
Brown hen: You mean the fiery eyes? Yes, I noticed that too.
Black & White cow: What have you made? She looks like trouble. I’m going back in for another sleep.

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Year 3, Week 11, day 1

– Family Matters – complete: Still in house.

Star (young adult) - Foodie: Aspirations – Master Chef complete; Recipes learnt 6/25 (Sio Pao, tacquitos, empanadas, brochette, behl puri)

Indiana (young adult) – Rancherino: Aspirations - Country Caretaker 2/4; Skills – Charisma 7, Handiness 5; Canned Goods 13/17 (oversized mush, custard, mayo, chocolate syrup, strawberry, cowberry, lettuce, watermelon); Animal Treats prepared 6/13 (chocolate, healthy, flirty); 1st place ribbons 3/3 (gardening)

Obi (teen) - ?: scout badges 7/9; school B; Skills charisma 3, wellness 5; crystals 1/?

Fairy (teen) - ?: scout badges 7/9; skills photography 1, writing 1, herbalism 2

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“Over hill, over dale,
Thorough bush, thorough brier,
Over park, over pale,
Thorough flood, thorough fire,
I do wander everywhere,
Swifter than the moon's sphere;
And I serve the fairy queen,
To dew her orbs upon the green.
The cowslips tall her pensioners be:
In their gold coats spots you see;
Those be rubies, fairy favours,
In those freckles live their savours:
I must go seek some dewdrops here
And hang a pearl in every cowslip's ear.
Farewell, thou lob of spirits; I'll be gone:
Our queen and all our elves come here anon.” Fairy in A Midsummer Night’s Dream

This speech given by Fairy should totally give her Big Dream away if you haven’t got it from the narrative. I love the juxtaposition in this speech of the meta part (travelling huge distances) with the detail of a dewdrop on a cowslip which really fits with Fairy’s choice of herbalism as her 3rd skill. Doesn’t she look stunning with her very blond hair and a tan?

Do other people have their existing house gnomes randomly move around on certain days, leaving jars of oversized seeds. It’s not Harvestfest or any other holiday. It’s only happened to me in HoB. Writing this little section has made me realise that it may soon be time for Tania to move on.

Producing an evil chick was easier than I expected so I must’ve been lucky – flirty treats for all the roosters and spicey treats for all the hens produced the desired hatchable obsidian egg. My cow is very sleepy and stays in the shed for ages. Although I can't refill the feed box, she comes out starving. So I have to have Indiana call her out to make sure she feeds properly every day.

