Author Topic: A Wesseldine's Night Dream - Closure  (Read 38418 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 2.1: All The World’s A Stage
« Reply #60 on: December 03, 2021, 01:41:44 PM »
So much success in this episode!
I'm thrilled that all but Mia graduated with an A+ GPA, an astounding achievement for the Watcher since their degree programs were dissimilar.
And Mia with only one term left--you must be relieved, Watcher!

By the by, have you checked the Clarifications post (2nd post on page 1 of the BDD thread) about Dr. McSteamy? The requirement on First Kisses has been revised.
Two Gen3 kids in the house already!!! For Tania, I predict a Big Dream that doesn't require a uni degree.
Funny you mention it, but yes, you're right! No degree for Puck or Tania. I'm taking a break from degrees once Nana's finished hers. (breathes sigh of relief)

Thanks for mentioning the updated requirement. I haven't yet followed Dr Demi to work but it'll be interesting to see if he's still a player at heart!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Wesseldine's Night Dream 2.2: Now, Our Joy
« Reply #61 on: December 03, 2021, 03:48:44 PM »
2.2: Now, Our Joy

Year 2: Autumn Week 2

Tania: You’re my Daddy? Let’s Share The Love!

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Demi: You know I love you, Nana? Lying here, looking at the stars, everything seems perfect.
Nana: See that one! A shooting star – make a wish!
Demi: I wish I’d got more support at work.
Nana: I thought work was going well.
Demi: It feels like I just get sent off and left to fend for myself! How am I supposed to find a baby to deliver if I don’t have someone watching over me?
Watcher: Passive aggressive, much?

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Nell: This is one for the family album. Let’s introduce ourselves to our fellow students, only one of which we already know!

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Mia: Oh no! We were so busy chatting that we all missed the ceremony – no diploma and no graduation photo!
Nell: But at least we get to keep the mortar board!
Mia: I’m never taking it off!
Nell: Um…maybe take it off sometimes?

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Nell: I guess it does go with that old jumper…
I’ve been meaning to mention it but maybe it’s time we, by which I mean you Mia, overhauled our wardrobes
Mia: Ouch! Maybe a tweak – when our Watcher remembers…

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Puck: Loving my teen style. Does this hat look good for my swiping expeditions?

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Puck: Hey, Mum! Look at me, all grown up!
Nana: Wow! You look so like Mama Polly – your grandmother! We must get a photo of you both together!

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Puck: Tell me again why Uncle Sandy invited Angela’s twins over for my birthday?

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Nana: Oh, he’s got some mad idea about trying to bond with them and get to know that goody-two-shoes mother of theirs better. Ha! Mama Polly came with the twins as their carer so at least that Angela isn’t here.

Tania: Yay! Someone else my size. Share The Love!
Arya: Nope. Won’t, Don wanna!

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Sandy (on phone): Angela? I thought you’d come over with the girls?
Angela: I wasn’t sure I was welcome at a birthday party for Nana’s daughter.
Sandy: Don’t mind Nana – she can be weird sometimes. Come over. Do you want to be my girlfriend?
Angela: Um, maybe not!

Sandy: Do you want to be my girlfriend?
Angela: Oh alright then.
Sandy: Great! Let’s celebrate!

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Tania: Wanna hug!
Sergio: Oh – alright, I guess!
Tania: Wanna a book!
Sergio (very tense): Not now!
Tania: Go way!

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Year 2, Week 2, Day 1

Theo – Family Ties remaining: Successful Lineage 3/4

Sandy – Life-Long Learner remaining: Aspirations – Academic maxed; Professor level 9

Demi – Dr McSteamy remaining: Doctor level 8; First kiss with co-worker at work – none; First kiss with patient - none.

Mia – Uber Sim remaining: Aspirations – Painter Extraordinaire 3/4, Musical Genius 2/4; Skills maxed – 8/8 (+ Guitar, Fitness, Gaming); Distinguished Degree A+ in Fine Arts; Musician level 7

Nell – Internet Celeb remaining: Aspirations Computer Whiz Maxed, World Famous Celebrity 0/4; Internet Personality level 7; Skills – Video Gaming maxed, Comedy 9; Distinguished Degree A+ in drama

Nana – Dark Side Lady: Make up step – degree in Villainy, 2nd term; Aspirations – Chief of Mischief 3/4, Public Enemy 1/4; Career not started; Evil/Erratic Good Friends 0/6; Fights won 1/66; whims completed 90/666

Puck – Mischief Maker Teen: C in school; Swiped 4/15 items; Mischief 2; slack-off school 0/3

Tania - ? Toddler: communication maxed

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“Now, our joy, Although our last and least” King Lear

I’ve been concentrating on getting Sandy’s top job so Demi has had to fend for himself. He can’t get promoted until I’m there to help him deliver a baby. He doesn’t have any daily tasks so I think he’s a bit bored.

Theo & Sandy both seem to churn out Masterpiece art but Mia rarely does! Even when she’s Very Inspired! She’s got Creative Visionary…

Sergio keeps showing up. He’ll hug Tania but nothing else after that because he does get very tense. She does love her hugs which, fortunately, most people are happy to share.

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 2.2: Now, Our Joy
« Reply #62 on: December 03, 2021, 05:19:28 PM »
Oh, that Nana is going to keep this household on their toes!

And Sergio is back with his sweet-talk - I enjoyed " Are you smiling or grimacing? I can’t tell." LOL. I can't tell either.

I am so glad Sandy is taking a strong interest in his daughters! In real life I have two sons, both of whom had daughters at a young age with women they are not with now. But one has sole custody of his daughter, and the other has his daughter half the time. Daddies who take care of their children regardless of the circumstances are dear to my heart, and I was so hoping that Sandy would be involved with his girls. Maybe when he's done with his Big Dream he'll only have a short distance to move.  ;)

I know Polly is just next door, but it is a little heart-wrenching when she's not in the family pictures.

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 2.2: Now, Our Joy
« Reply #63 on: December 03, 2021, 06:39:28 PM »
Has Theo been working on the Bodybuilder aspiration?
Looking at the family portrait, Demi looks more muscular than before. Has he been working out? ;)
I loved the girls' attachment to their mortarboards--they worked hard and should be able to flaunt them for more than one hour of their lives, lol.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 2.2: Now, Our Joy
« Reply #64 on: December 04, 2021, 03:26:11 AM »
I am so glad Sandy is taking a strong interest in his daughters!
Maybe when he's done with his Big Dream he'll only have a short distance to move.  ;)
You read my mind - I've emptied his inventory - he's nearly over there!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 2.2: Now, Our Joy
« Reply #65 on: December 04, 2021, 03:29:22 AM »
Has Theo been working on the Bodybuilder aspiration?
Looking at the family portrait, Demi looks more muscular than before. Has he been working out? ;)
I've been trying to get Nana fitter to win her 66 fights! She really needs some muscle to go with her mouth!
I've set it as a family club activity so they've all been working out.
The overly muscular look isn't one I'm fond of but...

Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Wesseldine's Night Dream 2.3: To Be Or Not To Be
« Reply #66 on: December 04, 2021, 04:39:40 PM »
2.3: To Be Or Not To Be

Year 2: Autumn Week 3

Puck: Granny? Mum says I look like you. What do you think?

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Puck: I don’t know what Rashid was doing with this poster of a high-heeled shoe in his bedroom so I swiped it.
Grandad Theo set me up with this “play” store. I can’t sell any of the 4 books I’ve swiped from school. Nor the toy racing car or the miniature doll. But I can put a price on the dopey poster. Sucker Summer – yes you can buy it!
Hmm 3 hours with the shop open to make one sale. Will I ever be able to buy all the perks?!?!

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Sandy: Wow, Angela, you’ve had a little boy – Jung? You’re amazing! I want to be there – for them and for you. Will you marry me?

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Let’s not wait any longer. I can help with the little ones while you finish your degree. And Dad wants to join Mum too. It’ll be great!
Angela: Have your family all been working out? There’s a lot of muscles on display!
Sandy: Just wait until later…I’ll show you some more!

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Polly: I love my new household. I know Demi loves Nana but she does cause a lot of drama! I hope the grandkids will be OK
Theo: We can keep an eye on them from here.

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Tania: Mum? Isn’t that Uncle Sandy’s wedding cake?
Nell: Well, yes it is darling but they didn’t hang around to cut it so I’ve put birthday candles on it for you.
Tania: How much do we have in reserves? You’d think we had to scrimp! Although I like this headscarf that Auntie Mia lets me wear.

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Mia: My shift ends so late on a rainy day – there’s no-one to celebrate my last promotion. But I did it! Enough of the glitter – I’m going to concentrate on making my own music!

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Nana: So, old woman, you’re one of Demi’s co-workers? And you shared a moment? I’ll share a moment with you!

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Mia: I’m not sure what’s going on out there – I’ll just keep composing.

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Tania: Saturday afternoon and I’m cloudgazing with a new friend after spending the day trailing Mum around while she tried to make a name for herself!

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Year 2, Week 4, Day 1

Theo – Family Ties – completed – moved out

Sandy – Life-Long Learner – completed – moved out

Demi – Dr McSteamy remaining: Doctor level 8; First kiss with co-worker at work – 2/4; First kiss with patient – 1/5.

Mia – Uber Sim remaining: Aspirations – Painter Extraordinaire complete, Musical Genius 3/4; Musician career maxed

Nell – Internet Celeb remaining: Aspirations World Famous Celebrity 1/4; Internet Personality level 7; Skills –Comedy maxed

Nana – Dark Side Lady: Make up step – degree in Villainy, 3rd term; Aspirations – Chief of Mischief 3/4, Public Enemy 1/4; Career not started; Evil/Erratic Good Friends 0/6; Fights won 2/66; whims completed 90/666

Puck – Mischief Maker Teen: C in school; Swiped 5/15 items; Skill - Mischief 7; slack-off school 2/3

Tania - ? Child: Skills – social maxed

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“To be, or not to be, that is the question” Hamlet

I guess it was always going to be the case that Theo would complete his Big Dream at the same time as one of his off-spring. It almost feels like an anti-climax after so long.
The new household feels very different without them, especially as with 2 mischief monkeys in there! I should be putting together biographies for both Theo & Sandy soon.

Demi took very little persuading to get his flirt on at work. Nana has been a bit too focused on studies lately for any romance.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 2.3: To Be Or Not To Be
« Reply #67 on: December 04, 2021, 05:40:18 PM »
Congrats to both Theo and Sandy on fulfilling their Big Dreams. And Mia is so very close to achieving her Big Dream, too!

The shot of Sandy and Angela's wedding made me smile: both Nell and Theo show up flaunting their ripped abs, lol.
Where is Sergio in his croptop when you need him?

I love Tania already but will await a few more clues before guessing her BD, haha.
Nanami has a rocky road ahead! Glad to see that Puck has made her first sale!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 2.3: To Be Or Not To Be
« Reply #68 on: December 04, 2021, 06:23:37 PM »
I'm glad Theo and Polly are reunited - at least they are right next door.
And Sandy and Angela getting married.
And Nana stirring up drama and dust.

You do have fun and active group there.  :D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Theseus (Theo) Wesseldine
« Reply #69 on: December 05, 2021, 06:06:17 AM »
Theseus Wesseldine

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Better known as: Theo
Generation: 1 - Founding Father
Traits: Family-Oriented, Romantic, Geek

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Start of Story: Tired of a meaningless life, he looked for someone to settle down with and raise a family
Spouse: Hippolyta (Polly) Wesseldine
Children: Lysander (Sandy), Demetrius (Demi), Hermia (Mia) & Helena (Nell)

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Big Dream: Family Ties (2) achieved in Year 2, Week 3
Career: Freelancer in Computing
End of Story: Moved out to live with Polly, Sandy and his family in Newcrest

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Lysander (Sandy) Wesseldine
« Reply #70 on: December 05, 2021, 06:23:58 AM »
Lysander Wesseldine

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Better known as: Sandy
Generation: 2
Traits: Geek, Genius, Loves Outdoors

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Start of Story: Son of Theo & Polly Wesseldine
Spouse: Angela Pleasant
Children: Chaya, Arya, Jung

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Big Dream: Life Long Learner achieved in Year 2, Week 3
Career: Education
End of Story: Moved out to live with Angela and his children plus his parents in Newcrest

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Wesseldine's Night Dream 2.4: O, What Men Dare Do!
« Reply #71 on: December 06, 2021, 07:46:52 AM »
2.4: O, What Men Dare Do!

Year 2: Autumn Week 4

Mia: 4 songs written! It was the last part of my life dream. I think I'll write more but this household is very distracting. I think I'll live on my own for a while in Del Sol Valley! I'm going to be rich and famous!

Nell: I get that it’s an achievement, growing a cowplant but why 2 of them? And why have you called that one “Lil Grim’s Helper”?
Nana: I have my reasons.
Nana: Sh! Don’t tell
Nana: I said nothing!
Nana: Angela’s got it coming…
Nana: Sh!

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Puck: So Mum, when you said you wanted to visit Dad’s childhood neighbourhood..?
Nana: We’re just making some flying visits – make the most of them, darling!
Puck: OK, I get it! We’re a great tag-team!
Nana: Wow, sweetie! You swiped a 2-seater sofa! Where on earth…? No don’t tell me. Plausible deniability!

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Puck: Yes, madam, it is second-hand but I think you’ll agree that it’s a great bargain!

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Nell: Mum? Oh wow! Can I feel the baby?
Polly: Well I phoned you but Nana picked up. I asked her advice about having another baby and she said “go for it” so here we are! I’m not sure it’s the best idea!

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Demi: Oh – another little sister – Tiana – we’d better not get you muddled up with Nell’s Titania!

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Demi: Just think, I could’ve delivered baby Tiana!
Patient: Uh oh! What’s going on? Did you say this is your first delivery?
Demi: It’s quite normal – for here anyway! There you go – a fine healthy baby! No trauma at all.

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Dayna: Hey Demi, do you want to join me after work for drinks?
Demi: Sure. Nana’s working a night shift. A quick drink would be great.
Dayna: Ooh Demi – are you flirting with me again?
Demi: Maybe. At least I don’t have to do it covertly here. Human Resources need never know.
Dayna: You’re so naughty, Dr Demi. Mmm – I like that you kept your white coat on.
Demi: There’s a closet upstairs. Let’s go and see if we can find a uniform for you too…

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Demi: What was I thinking! Nana must have wondered where I was. Maybe she didn’t notice. She looks really tired.

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Tania: So, I’ve done my homework, Mum.
Nell: Uh huh!
Tania: And now I’m having my dinner.
Nell: Mmm.
Tania: And then I’m going up in the rocket…
Nell: Very nice!
Tania: …with my new friend Paolo.
Nell: Okey dokey.
Sorry, did you say something about Paolo in the rocket?
Tania: Never mind! I miss Mia!

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Year 2, Week 5, Day 1

Demi – Dr McSteamy completed

Mia – Uber Sim completed – moved out

Nell – Internet Celeb remaining: Aspirations World Famous Celebrity 1/4; Internet Personality level 7

Nana – Dark Side Lady: Make up step – degree complete; Aspirations – Chief of Mischief maxed, Public Enemy 2/4; Career criminal level 5; Evil/Erratic Good Friends 0/6; Fights won 9/66; whims completed 142/666

Puck – Mischief Maker Teen: D in school; Swiped 15/15 items; Skill - Mischief maxed, Charisma 5; slack-off school 3/3; Achieved Problem Child; Bought Shameless

Tania - ? Child: Skills – all maxed; Aspirations – all but social butterfly maxed.

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"O, what men dare do! What men may do! What men daily do, not knowing what they do!" Much Ado About Nothing

Nana & Puck had a great time clogging sinks together. The Pancakes didn’t even try to stop them. Puck went for the sofa all by herself – I’m not sure I’d have tried for it! Puck has over 15 things but only 4 saleable ones. Books and some toys can’t be sold in the store. Nor can she sell various metals that she’s been swiping.

I was so tempted to move pregnant Polly back into the household to have her latest baby but then I realized it wouldn’t be within the rules (sad face).
Tania has maxed everything except Social Butterfly which she does need. I find the whole befriending thing very tedious. (In Sims, you understand. But then again….)

Dr Demi has finished his Big Dream but doesn't feel he can move out, leaving Nana in the household. Actually, I think Polly might have laid down the law on that one. Tania is being severely neglected as it is and she has no decent role models - oh dear!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Hermia (Mia) Wesseldine
« Reply #72 on: December 06, 2021, 10:10:12 AM »
Hermia Wesseldine

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Better known as: Mia
Generation: 2
Traits: Creative, Cheerful, Self-Assured

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Start of Story: Daughter of Theo & Polly Wesseldine

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Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A

Big Dream: Life Long Learner achieved in Year 2, Week 4
Career: Entertainer - Musician
End of Story: Moved out to live alone in Del Sol Valley

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 2.4: O, What Men Dare Do!
« Reply #73 on: December 06, 2021, 12:29:09 PM »
The mother-daughter team is great! Such fun dialogue.

I didn't realize so many items that can be stolen wouldn't be sellable. As you discover those, it would be a great post in the Hints and Tips threads, if you want to (and have time to) share that info.

Regarding befriending - are you having your sims take photos of the Sims they are trying to befriend? Apparently Sims love to have their pictures taken, because doing that raises friendship really fast. Children can "Take photo with" other children, but only "Take photo of" teens, adults, elders; and vice versa - I think it's because of their different heights. They can do this with the phone, so don't need to give everyone a camera.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 2.4: O, What Men Dare Do!
« Reply #74 on: December 06, 2021, 01:43:30 PM »
I didn't realize so many items that can be stolen wouldn't be sellable. As you discover those, it would be a great post in the Hints and Tips threads, if you want to (and have time to) share that info.
I think it's mainly things that Puck has swiped while at school - the books & metals. There's also a extremely tiny doll and a racing car that she couldn't sell. She's just swiped a crystal from school and a watering can from manual labouring but hasn't tried to sell them yet. I think she's been able to sell everything she's swiped outside school/work so far. I'll start a post in the tips and add in more things as I find them.
Regarding befriending - are you having your sims take photos of the Sims they are trying to befriend? Apparently Sims love to have their pictures taken, because doing that raises friendship really fast. Children can "Take photo with" other children, but only "Take photo of" teens, adults, elders; and vice versa - I think it's because of their different heights. They can do this with the phone, so don't need to give everyone a camera.
Thanks for the tip. I find the whole thing takes so long and I was hoping Tania would be quicker as she's outgoing. She's made it now, thankfully!