Author Topic: A Wesseldine's Night Dream - Closure  (Read 38434 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 1.9: Meet The Time As It Seeks Us
« Reply #30 on: November 26, 2021, 01:50:55 PM »
Mia aged up very pretty. She has Theo's pale complexion but I can't tell which parent she resembles more.
Sandy and Demi are just cruising along quite nicely.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 1.9: Meet The Time As It Seeks Us
« Reply #31 on: November 27, 2021, 08:22:52 AM »
Mia aged up very pretty. She has Theo's pale complexion but I can't tell which parent she resembles more.
Sandy and Demi are just cruising along quite nicely.
I'm very much a fan of Mia too.  :D

Demi is cruising but Sandy's stalled a bit - see next episode!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Wesseldine's Night Dream 1.10-11: If Music Be The Food Of Love
« Reply #32 on: November 27, 2021, 08:33:07 AM »
1.10-11: If Music Be The Food Of Love

Year 1: Spring Week 2/3

Sandy: I love tinkering at my robots station but it takes ages to make all the computer chips and mechanisms I need. That Chatterbot was so easy in comparison.
There, Cleaner Bot, do your stuff!

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No! Don’t try to clean the ornamental shrubbery! You’re stuck now. I thought you were really going to save us some work but I’ll just power you down.
Demi: Well, Olive, I know it was Mia that invited you round but, let me just get my bow & arrow out.
Olive: Ooh Demi. You’re so beguiling!
Demi: Would you like to be my girlfriend?
Olive: Mmmm – yes, please!

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Theo: Let’s all go to the Festival of Light. Mm – I like my kimono – very liberating!
Nell: Couldn’t you have got us different colours? Don’t get me wrong, these are lovely, but sometimes I like to stand out from the crowd!

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Mia: Don’t mind me! I’ve just got my Llamacorn gold award but no photo!
Sandy: Never mind, sis. Just watch me go into space!
Mia: Hmph!

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Nell: Hi random child at Oasis Springs Park. I won’t remember your name but lets take a selfie and then gaze at clouds.

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Demi: It was fun swimming at the Buffs, wasn’t it?
Nanami: Yes, and a lovely kiss but now I’m cold.
Demi: I’ll stay in my swimsuit because that won’t look at all odd next to you in your winter outfit. Let’s light the fire!
Nanami: Let’s make it RED!
Demi: Oh Nanami, I know mum doesn’t approve of you because – well – you are Evil, but let’s cosy up to this red fire.

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Nell: Hello, teen years. Uh huh! Guess who’s gorgeous!
Mia: It’s like looking in a mirror! I hope people don’t get us mixed up.
Nell: Well – you are gorgeous too but you mainly wear autumn colours while I think I’ll go for black & white with touches of cerise.
Mia: Finally! A picture of me!

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Nell: Hey Alexander! Look who’s a teen now! Let’s have a selfie. Are you single?

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Polly: Can you believe all our kids are teens now?
Theo: I know! The years just flew past, it only seems like days (!)
Polly: Do you know what day it is?
Theo: Our favourite – Love Day! I’ll sign off work and let’s go somewhere new.
Polly: This is a beautiful place – I’ve never been to the Von Haunt Estate before.
Theo: Oh Polly! I love you so much and I always will.
Polly: You’re my past, present and future!

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Mia: I’m really glad I didn’t join the diving career in winter! Explain to me again why I can't change into my uniform at the beach? I like my cool shades, though.

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Demi: Well, Sofia. I thought it was time we got to know each other a little better. Seeing as how we’re neighbours, an all. Would you like to be my girlfriend?

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Week 12, Day 1

Theo – Family Ties: Successful Lineage 3/4, Nerd Brain complete; Computer Freelance 3 weeks complete; Gigs 30/30; Charisma max, Cooking max, Handiness max; Babies/toddlers 3/3; Top-Notch Toddlers 3/3

Polly - Soulmates: completed previously

Sandy – Life-Long Learner: Top-notch Toddler; Whiz Kid; Scout badges complete; unique bots made & used 2/4; A in high school; Aspirations - Renaissance 1/4; Skills - Research & Debate 3, Logic 6, Charisma 3; traits purchased - Morning Sim, Night Owl, Mentor

Demi – Dr McSteamy: Romantic; Top-notch Toddler; Whiz Kid, Social Butterfly; Scout badges complete; teen career Barista maxed; Aspirations - Serial Romantic 2/4, Renaissance 1/4; Skills - Charisma 7, Logic 6, Wellness 3; traits purchased - Beguiling, Shameless

Mia - ?: Top-notch Toddler; Childhood aspirations all maxed; Llamacorn Scout; teen career Diver level 2; A in high school
Nell - ?: Top-notch Toddler; Social Butterfly, Rambunctious Scamp, Whiz Kid; B in high school.

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“If music be the food of love, play on;
Give me excess of it” Duke Orsino, Twelfth Night

(I was saving this quote for when I had a musician on a date but this episode is so lovey-dovey that I couldn’t resist it)
I skipped through week 10 without anything significant happening, hence this double week episode.

Theo has completed every requirement of his Big Dream apart from the last step of Successful Lineage for which he needs one of his children (or grandkids) to max their career. Having completed the 30 freelance gigs, he has now moved into the Tech Guru career so he’s less under my feet.

Building the 4 unique bots for Sandy is going to take ages as I’m assuming doing the 3 different colours of chatterbots would not count. Demi could age up already but I want to keep the right age order and he is twin to Sandy. Mia only needs one more thing before she could age up so it’s all hands on deck trying to get those bots made!

I’ve not put down which aspiration or skill levels Mia & Nell have and won’t until their Big Dreams are guessed/announced. Suffice it to say, both of them are developing nicely. If it helps, Mia is Creative & Self-Assured, Nell is an Outgoing Geek. Also, Nell is doing a lot of stuff that I can’t show because it would be a dead give-away…

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 1.10-11: If Music Be The Food Of Love
« Reply #33 on: November 27, 2021, 08:37:57 AM »
I've just realised that there's a huge clue to Nell's Big Dream in the latest episode! So much for being subtle!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 1.10-11: If Music Be The Food Of Love
« Reply #34 on: November 27, 2021, 10:19:47 AM »
Demi is so cute, it's no wonder all the girls jump at being his girlfriend.
And the girls are both gorgeous.
Sandy's focus on his goals is impressive.

Those bots can be really helpful, but sometimes they just get in the way and you have to shut them down.  ;D

For Mia, with her diver part-time job, I'm guessing Sea Siren.
As for Nell, with Rambunctious Scamp and Social Butterfly, along with her desire to stand out from the crowd, maybe Internet Celeb?

I'm really enjoying your story. Starting to wonder which one or ones you'll choose to continue the dynasty with kids of their own in the household.  :)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 1.10-11: If Music Be The Food Of Love
« Reply #35 on: November 27, 2021, 03:12:05 PM »
For Mia, with her diver part-time job, I'm guessing Sea Siren.
As for Nell, with Rambunctious Scamp and Social Butterfly, along with her desire to stand out from the crowd, maybe Internet Celeb?

I'm really enjoying your story. Starting to wonder which one or ones you'll choose to continue the dynasty with kids of their own in the household.  :)

Ah @GlazeyLady - 1 out of 2 ain't bad.
You've called Nell's BD - well done. The big visual clue I'd let in was her drama club outfit in the selfie with Alexander - only 2 Big Dreams need drama club which was why I'd been hiding that part of her life.
A fail on Mia's BD, I'm afraid. I like Diver as a teen career when it doesn't matter - they get the life-ring as decor and they can do the Patrol For Danger thing which is fun. So Mia's BD is still a mystery for now  ;D

I'm really uncertain which gen2 will continue the dynasty. Demi will have his choice of life-partners but will he make them happy? Mia & Nell clearly have good looks to pass on but I think Sandy would make a great Dad. Decisions, decisions!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Generations 1 and 2 Photos
« Reply #36 on: November 27, 2021, 03:52:41 PM »
A quick pic of Generations 1 & 2 all together so you can see who favours who.

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I haven't yet decided who will be the one to bring in Generation 3

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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A Wesseldine's Night Dream 1.12: And Then The Lover
« Reply #37 on: November 27, 2021, 05:19:32 PM »
1.12: And Then The Lover

Year 1: Spring Week 4

Sandy: OK Garden Bot, do your thing! No wandering off. I’ll just get on with making some more computer chips and mechanisms.

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Mia: I’ve maxed my Diver career and now I’m just Patrolling for Danger so that Watcher can take a photo.
Watcher: Thank you, Mia – most obliging. Well done on your promotion. You can quit now and develop those traits.
Mia: No splashing!

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Demi: Hi Aarohi. I know you came home with Nell but she’s got to Drama club. Would you like to be my girlfriend?

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Nell: I just need to learn these lines – I never seem to get them all except at the weekend.

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Polly: Well, I completed my side dream of being a Bestselling Author and did it all with my Children’s Books. I am a Creative Visionary now, which I think helped. I now want to be a Bodybuilder so I’ve come to the gym.
The only trouble is, all those books have made me a bit famous so I end up posing for photos to keep everyone happy.

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Nell: Well, I was getting nowhere at Drama Club. I’d maxed level 3 as a child and then, after becoming a teen I got stuck. Watcher told me to come home early and they suddenly noticed me. I’ve got this amazing award now. I’ll keep going because I am getting noticed there but I’m really looking forward to getting some grown-up roles when I’m older.

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Polly: Oh – er – Tina! How lovely to see you. Yes, yes, your Olive was here to see Nell.
Tina: She said something about spending quality time with your Demi?
Polly: Oh – er – well, he was here too, naturally. Is that the time? I must get on with…..stuff.

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Theo: It’s so romantic out here on the upper deck.
Polly: I’m getting really worried about Demi and all his girlfriends.
Theo: He’s just having a bit of fun. And they all seem happy.
Polly: All? Just how many are there now?
Theo: Enough about Demi. I just want to kiss your hands

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Sandy: I’m taking the day off school so I can get this Bot done.

Demi: It’s our birthday! Your Party Bot is amazing, bro. Shame I’m so tired that I want to go to bed and I think you’ve gone already! You did get to see Mum & Dad celebrate their birthdays, didn’t you? It was quite a Dinner Party.

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Sandy: Missed out on my birthday pic and after I’d done all that work on the 4 Bots! Demi gets all the attention, Watcher!
Watcher: I know. I’m sorry but his dates are so intensive that I can’t really focus on anyone else while he’s on the move. Have you thought about Uni?
Sandy: Yes, I’ve sent my application in. Demi has too. I hope we end up in the same place.
Watcher: Are you sure you don’t want some space from your twin?
Sandy: Nah – he’d be lost without me

Demi: Luna, shall we go out to the Coffee Shop? Do you want to be my girlfriend?

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Polly: So – you know the boys have applied to Uni?
Theo: Yes – it’s what we hoped for them, isn’t it?
Polly: But, from this island, it’ll take them ages to get to class.
Theo: They could always live in digs
Polly: No, we’re not ready for that. I think it’s time we moved again.
Theo: Britechester?
Polly: Is there a big enough plot there? I’d like a proper garden this time…

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Week 13, Day 1

Theo – Family Ties: Remaining to do - Successful Lineage 3/4

Polly - Soulmates: completed previously

Sandy – Life-Long Learner: unique bots made & used 4/4; A in high school; Responsible trait; Aspirations - Renaissance 3/4; Skills - Research & Debate 4, Logic 8, Charisma 4

Demi – Dr McSteamy: Romantic; teen career Barista maxed; Responsible & Compassionate traits; Aspirations - Serial Romantic 3/4, Renaissance 3/4; Skills - Charisma 8, Logic 6, Wellness 3

Nell – Internet Celeb: Geek; Top-notch Toddler; Social Butterfly, Rambunctious Scamp; Drama Club Acolade; B in school; Social media account with over 300 followers; Aspirations Computer Whiz 2/4; Skills – Video Gaming 7, Charisma 7, Comedy 2; traits purchased – Night Owl, Entrepreneurial, Independent

Mia - ?: Top-notch Toddler; Childhood aspirations all maxed; Llamacorn Scout; teen career Diver level 2; A in school


“And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress’ eyebrow.” As You Like It

@GlazeyLady figured out Nells Internet Celeb Big Dream so that’s public now.

Nell maxing level 3 of Drama Club as a child and then not progressing as a teen is a known bug. To get around it without cheats or mods, the advice is to drop their performance by Taking It Easy or Leaving Early and then it triggers the promotion. Phew – was so worried I wouldn’t be able to complete this!

With their eldest becoming Young Adults, it seemed only right that Theo & Polly should become Adults. Theo had 7 days left and Polly, with all the pregnancies, had about another week after that. They seemed quite happy about the decision.

I need to look at the plots in Britechester but I’m not hopeful of one big enough. I know the island doesn't really make much difference to the Uni travel times and I’ve loved being on the island but it’s time for a change. I wonder…

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 1.10-11: If Music Be The Food Of Love
« Reply #38 on: November 27, 2021, 05:44:48 PM »
First of all, gratz to Theo for completing his 30 freelance gigs. That must be a huge relief.
Demi, you dawg, macking on girls that your sisters bring home from school, haha.  He's such an efficient playboy.
I like how Demi waited until Sandy finished his 4th bot, so they could age up and apply for uni stuff together.

Thank you for sharing that tip about Drama Club. Much appreciated.
Wow, three sim-weeks of updates in one day. You spoil us, Watcher!

P.S. Ain't gonna lie. Guessing your sim's Big Dreams is pretty fun, hehe.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 1.10-11: If Music Be The Food Of Love
« Reply #39 on: November 27, 2021, 07:55:15 PM »
I don't think anyone's going to drown on Mia's watch - she clearly takes her lifeguarding seriously.  :D

Good to know about that drama club glitch - I wasn't aware of that.

Thank you for the images of them all together! It really shows off how each of the kids resemble the parents. Can't wait to see who you choose to carry on! Also looking forward to seeing which (if any) of these young ladies holds Demi's true affection.

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 1.10-11: If Music Be The Food Of Love
« Reply #40 on: November 27, 2021, 08:17:11 PM »
Can't wait to see who you choose to carry on! Also looking forward to seeing which (if any) of these young ladies holds Demi's true affection.
I was also wondering what Dr. McSteamy would do. Postpone marriage until he runs out of steam?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: A Wesseldine's Night Dream 1.10-11: If Music Be The Food Of Love
« Reply #41 on: November 28, 2021, 07:35:19 AM »
Thank you for the images of them all together! It really shows off how each of the kids resemble the parents. Can't wait to see who you choose to carry on!
I'm still torn, although I think a plot line is forming in my head

Also looking forward to seeing which (if any) of these young ladies holds Demi's true affection.
I was also wondering what Dr. McSteamy would do. Postpone marriage until he runs out of steam?
Will Demi ever run out of steam? Maybe he needs to be taught a lesson. Maybe, just maybe, he'll find the true love of his life. I'm a hopeful romantic but life throws curve balls!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Sim Photo Tips request
« Reply #42 on: November 28, 2021, 07:44:26 AM »
I've been looking for tips on how to get decent headshots of my sims that will give me uniform pictures for seeing the genetics. I'm not very happy with the family group I did above. Is there a post on a forum somewhere that I'm missing?
I can do Sims screen shots and I know how to do a Windows snip (Windows Shift S) but which "screen" do you use? The CAS buttons often end up over their hair.
Any help welcome  :)

Offline Brian_Z

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Re: Sim Photo Tips request
« Reply #43 on: November 28, 2021, 01:47:13 PM »
I've been looking for tips on how to get decent headshots of my sims that will give me uniform pictures for seeing the genetics. I'm not very happy with the family group I did above. Is there a post on a forum somewhere that I'm missing?
I can do Sims screen shots and I know how to do a Windows snip (Windows Shift S) but which "screen" do you use? The CAS buttons often end up over their hair.
Any help welcome  :)
Go into Options, Game Options, Screen Capture, and then uncheck Capture UI.  And remember to Apply Changes.  Now it will leave those CAS buttons out when you grab a screenshot.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Sim Photo Tips request
« Reply #44 on: November 28, 2021, 05:02:05 PM »
Go into Options, Game Options, Screen Capture, and then uncheck Capture UI.  And remember to Apply Changes.  Now it will leave those CAS buttons out when you grab a screenshot.
Thanks @Brian_Z I knew someone would know :)

