Author Topic: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (5/10 Completed)  (Read 42105 times)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (12/19 Chapter 30. Just Making Friends Here)
« Reply #165 on: December 19, 2022, 03:22:57 AM »

Picking up where we left off . . .

Cassie: It’s so beautiful out here. One more night’s sleep in this tent, and my Big Dream will be completed.”
“Hello Little Lady,” said a deep, grumbly voice. “I do believe I smell a witch.”
Cassie: “Who’s there?”
Deep, grumbly voice: “It’s not another witch, that’s for sure.”
Cassie: “Show yourself.”
Deep, grumbly voice: “Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin.”
Cassie: “Oh, it’s one of you.”

Wolf (gruffly): “What do you mean ‘one of you’?” I’ll have you know, there IS only one of me.”
Cassie: “I just meant it’s one of you wolves. This IS Moonwood Mill after all. I expected to see one of you eventually.”
Wolf (coming closer): “Exactly. It’s Moonwood Mill. Not Glimmerbrook. What are you doing here, Witch?”
Cassie: “Enchantress.”
Wolf: “What?”
Cassie: “I’m an enchantress, not a witch.”
Wolf: “Yeah? You smell like a witch to me.” (Coming closer) “So tell me, what’s the difference between a witch and an enchantress?”
Cassie (hesitating for just a few seconds): “I don’t have to explain that, or anything else, to you, Wolf. And if I smell so bad, why do you keep coming closer?”

Wolf: Did I say you smell bad? Actually, I find your scent quite . . . “ (takes a deep breath in) . . . enchanting.” (Chuckles deeply) “I guess I figured out the difference all by myself.”
Cassie: “That’s close enough, Wolf. I’d appreciate it if you would go away and leave me to my lovely campfire and my quiet evening.”

Cassie: “Oh! What are you doing? That’s disgusting.”
Wolf: “Marking my territory.”
Cassie: “It's not your territory.”
Wolf: “It’s not yours.”
Cassie: “I’ll have you know my Watcher set this lot up specifically for me.”

Wolf: “Your WATCHER!? Your WATCHER set this up for you . . . did she now? So you’re one of THOSE.”
Cassie: “One of those WHAT exactly?”
Wolf: “One of those WATCHED Sims. Let me guess  . . . you’re some dynasty heir . . . I’m thinking maybe third or fourth generation . . . highly skilled parents . . .a few simoleon trees here and there . . . your own family cemetery, probably even your own museum . . . what is it? Immortal? Power of Ten, maybe? It’s not Seven Heroes or SimTech . . . hmmm . . . could it be Life States? Oh, I hear they’re letting witches into the Rival Dynasties now. Come on, give it up! Which one is it?”
Cassie: “It’s not your business. And what do you know about dynasties anyway?”

Wolf (laughing): “Oh, Darlin’! I’ve forgotten more about dynasties than most Sims will ever know. Come on. You can tell me. Is this your first one?”
Cassie: “If I tell you will you go away?”
Wolf (considering): “For a while anyway.”
Cassie: “I guess that will do. I’m fifth generation BDD.”
Wolf (thoughtfully): “BDD . . . Big Dreams Dynasty . . . that’s a relatively new one, but I’ve heard of it.”
Cassie: “Ok, time for you to go.”
Wolf: “I’ll be back in the morning to check on you. Stay in your campsite.”
Cassie: “Oh, now you’re telling me what to do. Isn’t that cute?”
Wolf (gruffly): “I may smell . . . ‘enchanting’ . . . but others will smell . . . ‘delicious’ . . . if you get my meaning. I didn’t mark the area for nothing. You won’t be bothered as long as you stay in camp. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Wolf: “Good morning.”
Cassie: “Oh, look, you’re back. Goodie.”
Wolf: “And I’m making you breakfast.”
Cassie: “Why?”
Wolf: “Isn’t it obvious? I want to be friends.”
Cassie: “If I wanted a dog I’d adopt one.”
Wolf: “Oh, that hurts! You’re so mean in the morning. But speaking of dogs, I’ll have one ready for you in a minute.”

Wolf: “Hey, you got a camera?”
Cassie: “No, why?”
Wolf: “You got a phone?”
Cassie: “You need to call someone?”
Wolf: “You should take my picture. And then one of us together.”
Cassie: “You think I want a picture of you? And one of us together?”
Wolf: “Just making friends here. Come on, give it a try.”

Wolf: “See there? You like me better now, don’t you?
Cassie: “Ummm . . . yeah . . . I don’t know why . . . . but I actually do. But I can’t be friends with any Sim of any life state whose name I don’t know and whose real face I haven’t seen.”
Wolf: “Oh, in that case . . . “

Colt: “My name’s Colt . . . Colt Brooks. Pleased to meet you. You can ask your Watcher about me; I’m sure she’s heard of me. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if your Watcher and my Watcher collaborated to put me right here, right now, with you.”
Cassie: “You have a Watcher? So you’re one of THOSE?”

Colt: “Do I have a Watcher? Oh Honey! Let me tell you! I have a DOOZY of a Watcher. I have the END-ALL-BE-ALL of Watchers. The stuff that woman gets me into . . . you don’t even want to know!”
Cassie: “Hmmm . . . maybe I do . . . “
Colt (grinning): “Well, tonight is a full moon, so you need to go back to Willow Creek or Oasis Springs or wherever it is you came from . . . “
Cassie: “Tartosa.”
Colt: “Tartosa then . . . and I’ll come find you tomorrow.”
Cassie: “Ok. I want to look around a little first, but I’ll leave before the moon rises.”
Colt: “See that you do. Seriously.”

Cassie (wandering through town): Where is everyone? It looks deserted. There’s not even anyone at the food truck. Maybe it’s too early. They’re probably sleeping in after being up all night. I’ll go hang out at the food truck and see if anyone shows up.

A little while later . . .

Rory: “Hi! You must be Cassie.”
Cassie: “Yes, do I know you?”
Rory: “Nah, but my man Colt told me about you. Asked me to keep an eye out for you . . . make sure no one hassles you.”
Cassie: “Your man Colt?”
Rory (grinning): “Nah, not like that. I lead the Wildfangs. Colt’s part of my pack. We watch out for each other.”

Back home in Tartosa . . .

Shay: “Cassie! You’re back! Do you have news?”
Cassie (grinning): “Yes I do! I spent my last night in the tent. My Big Dream is done. But I do feel bad that I finished mine before you finished yours.”
Shay: “No need to feel bad. Technically, yours was completed when you woke up this morning. But my luck changed last night.”

Shay: “I’d like to say I chose to wait to celebrate until I got home, but I actually have no idea why my celebration didn’t happen right after I finally found that last hilt. I didn’t even realize I had it until I got home!”
Cassie: “But you do have it! You found it! That’s so great Mom! Congratulations! I knew you could do it!”

Colt: “It’s really nice to meet you both. I see you’re taking advantage of the benefits of a tiny house here. I imagine that helped Cassie a lot growing up.”
Drew: “You’re familiar with tiny house benefits?”
Colt: “Yessir. I actually have a tiny house myself, in Moonwood Mill.”
Shay: “Moonwood Mill? Is that where you were all night, Cassie? Isn’t it dangerous out there?”
Cassie: “No it’s fine, Mom.”
Colt: “You don’t need to worry about Cassie in Moonwood Mill. I won’t let anything happen to her. You have my word. And if you have my word, you have the word of my pack.”
Drew: “So . . .you’re a . . . “
Colt: “Werewolf . . . yes sir. Wanted to get that out there right up front. I hope that doesn’t bother you.”
Drew: “I'll admit I don’t know much about werewolves. My concern is just for Cassie. I want her safe, healthy and happy.”
Colt: “Understood, sir. By the way, I noticed a nice little pond out front with a fishing sign in it. Can you actually fish in that?”
Shay: “You sure can. There’s quite a variety of fish in there. Do you fish, Colt?”
Colt: “Haven't yet in this life, but I'd like to give it a try.”
Cassie: “Come on, Colt. I’ll teach you.”

Cassie: “You pull the rod W-A-A-A-A-A-Y back, and then whip it forward, throwing the hook and bobbin way out into the water.”
Colt: “Way out into the water? This pond is four feet wide, tops. I think I can do that.”
Cassie: “Hush. You’ll learn faster if you listen.”
Colt: “Oh, yeah, mentoring was added to fishing. I guess I forgot that.”

Cassie: “You’re pretty light on your feet, Wolf.”
Colt (grinning): “Thank you. You’re quite nice to dance with, Witch.”

Colt: “I had no idea a bunch of well-arranged old stuff would have this kind of effect on you, Doll. I would have brought you here sooner!”
Cassie: “You’re pretty amorous yourself . . . Doll.”
Colt (laughing): “It’s that new club your Watcher put us in. All the romantic interactions as club activities.”
Cassie: “You’re kidding!”
Colt: “Not kidding, and not complaining.”
Cassie: “Stop talking and kiss me.”

Cassie (laughing): “This was the best idea ever.”
Colt: “One more reason wolves are better than vamps. You certainly couldn’t do this with a vamp.”
Cassie: “I certainly wouldn’t want to with a vamp.”

Colt: “Best date ever!”

Cassie: “This beach is beautiful, Colt. But all the beaches in Sulani are beautiful. Was there some reason you wanted to come to this particular one?”
Colt: “Oh, my beautiful little witch. Pretending not to have figured it out. Aren’t you just adorable?”
Cassie (batting her eyelashes): “Whatever do you mean?”
Colt: “You know what I want to ask you. But I can’t. Only a watched Sim can ask that question.”
Cassie: “But you said you have a Watcher.”
Colt: “In another Simverse, I do. And she’s busy there with my alter-ego in a BDD of their own. Here I’m on my own. But if you could just add me to your household, I could ask the question we both know I want to ask.”
Cassie: “Oh, I wish I could. But the rules are clear. I can only add you after we’re married.”
Colt: “Who made that ridiculous rule?”
Cassie: “My Watcher, unfortunately. But never mind. I’ll do the proposing.”
Colt: “Okay, and I’ll stand with my back to your Watcher so she can’t take a picture of it.”

Colt: “Kiss me, Mrs. Brooks.”
Cassie: “Nope, sorry. This is the Cordova Dynasty. Kiss me, Mr. Cordova.”
Colt: “We’re going to have to hyphenate.”
Cassie: “Less talking, more kissing.”

Cassie: “Mom! I have news! Colt and I got married!”
Shay: “Married! Oh, Cassie! Congratulations! But if you’re moving to Moonwood Mills, you’re going to need more magical training.”

Cassie: “Mom, enchantresses can’t be turned into werewolves.”
Shay: “That doesn’t mean they can’t be attacked by one. And I want you ready, just in case.”

Watcher Notes:
  • Many, many thanks to @sdhoey for uploading her beloved Colt to the gallery for me and allowing me to have him join the Cordova dynasty. It was such fun planning this and I am so enjoying playing it. Cassie thanks you, too!
  • The museum Cassie and Colt went to was the Admiral's Wreckage Museum built by zapcracklepop
  • I've been feeling like my pictures seem smaller than they used to, and I realized it's because I stopped cropping them to fit the 600x800 size - the screenshots themselves are wider, so they have been only been around 425 pixels tall, rather than the 600 limit. So this episode, I again cropped the images; I like this better, but I would love to hear what you think.
  • Last night I started reading this story to my granddaughter from the beginning - starting with the Backstory. There was a lot more "story" in the beginning. It made me realize that I've really reduced the story lately and let the pictures speak for themselves. So now I'm trying for a better balance . . . more story, but not quite as many words as those first few chapters.

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (12/19 Chapter 30. Just Making Friends Here)
« Reply #166 on: December 19, 2022, 08:09:49 AM »
OMG!! What a way to wake up. Colt as a werewolf. Thatbwas the best. You are so welcome Marsha. I am glad you are enjoying him. I can't wait to see more.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (12/19 Chapter 30. Just Making Friends Here)
« Reply #167 on: December 19, 2022, 08:59:26 AM »
What?!?!?!?  Colt Brooks?!?!?!!?  I mean...Colt Cordova?   What a crazy, unexpected twist!!!  I mean, the whole witch and wolf thing with the story times from her toddler and childhood years was pretty great, but this?  Totally caught me off guard!!!
So happy for Shay that she finally got that last lightsaber hilt!!!  Congratulations on finishing that clearly very challenging collection!!!  Oh, and thanks for removing that requirement so I won't have to go through all of that  :=)
Looking forward to seeing what mischief Cassie the Enchantress and Colt the Canine get up to!!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (12/19 Chapter 30. Just Making Friends Here)
« Reply #168 on: December 19, 2022, 10:21:27 AM »
OMG!! What a way to wake up. Colt as a werewolf. Thatbwas the best. You are so welcome Marsha. I am glad you are enjoying him. I can't wait to see more.
:D I have been planning the Wolfie Big Dream for him ever since we talked about this and you posted him on the gallery for me. So many times I have almost said something that would give it away. I even chose Cassie's Big Dream specifically to put her in a tent in Moonwood Mill to meet him. I am enjoying him, but potentially not as much as Cassie is "enjoying" him.  ;)

What?!?!?!?  Colt Brooks?!?!?!!?  I mean...Colt Cordova?   What a crazy, unexpected twist!!!  I mean, the whole witch and wolf thing with the story times from her toddler and childhood years was pretty great, but this?  Totally caught me off guard!!!
Thank you for your kind words, and I am so very happy that I could catch you off guard! This has been the perfect thing for me to have happening after that arduous Gen 4. It's been really fun planning this little surprise.

So happy for Shay that she finally got that last lightsaber hilt!!!  Congratulations on finishing that clearly very challenging collection!!!  Oh, and thanks for removing that requirement so I won't have to go through all of that  :=)
For perspective, Shay ages up to Adult tomorrow in the game; on Long, the YA stage is 88 days; she got the hilt about a week ago in game, and there was some time in the beginning when she didn't go for a few days in a row as I was working on other Sims' requirements, but she's been going to Batuu and working on those requirements for over 60 in-game days. Three times I took 4 Sim-days in a row and did nothing but look for that hilt. She found it on a Thursday evening in game, after doing nothing but look for it since the previous Sunday evening. And I was constantly ready to get that screenshot - and then it came after she got home! Her Critter Catcher one did that too, so I was ready for it this time, but I really wanted a Batuu background for it. At any rate, this was WAY more time than we intended for one element of a BD, so it made sense to remove that requirement.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (12/19 Chapter 30. Just Making Friends Here)
« Reply #169 on: December 19, 2022, 12:42:27 PM »

Whoa, what a twist! Congrats to Mr. Colt Cordova on joining such a lovely and prestigious family! Nice job on that lightsaber collection, but what a pain to get.

Online oshizu

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (12/19 Chapter 30. Just Making Friends Here)
« Reply #170 on: December 19, 2022, 01:02:37 PM »
Huge props to Shay and her Watcher for sticking in there and finally finding that last dang lightsaber hilt!
Great decision to give Shay one last sim-week to find it, Watcher!

Great plot twist with Colt as a werewolf! Enjoy your greatly reduced household, Watcher!
What, only one last BD in Gen5!? Walk in the park for you! Have fun!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (12/19 Chapter 30. Just Making Friends Here)
« Reply #171 on: December 19, 2022, 05:16:29 PM »
Whoa, what a twist! Congrats to Mr. Colt Cordova on joining such a lovely and prestigious family! Nice job on that lightsaber collection, but what a pain to get.
It really makes me happy to have surprised everyone with Colt.  ;D  It's fun having him in my game and trying to think about what his conversation should be to stay true to his . . . . "Colt-ness". And as for that lightsaber collection - I don't think I'll be feeling the urge to go back to Batuu for awhile!

Huge props to Shay and her Watcher for sticking in there and finally finding that last dang lightsaber hilt!
Great decision to give Shay one last sim-week to find it, Watcher!
I really wish the splash had come up right when she found it - I would really like to know where it came from. In that trip, she opened chests in Black Spire and the Resistance camp, fought lightsaber duels in Black Spire, and explored the cave in the Resistance Camp. I would really like to know which effort was really the ONE. But . . . that is not to be, so . . . onward and upward.

Great plot twist with Colt as a werewolf! Enjoy your greatly reduced household, Watcher!
What, only one last BD in Gen5!? Walk in the park for you! Have fun!
I think the planning for having Colt in the game as a werewolf has been every bit as much fun as actually having him in the game. There were so many times as we've been chatting that I've almost said something that would have given it away!
It will definitely be easier doing the Wolfie BD with Shay, Drew and Cassie all done with their BD's - I can move Colt and Cassie to Moonwood Mill and focus on Colt and his Werewolf BD . . . and, not immediately, but soon . . . the next heir.

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (3/5/23 Chapter 31. In It to Win It)
« Reply #172 on: March 05, 2023, 02:11:23 AM »

Previously, in the Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty . . .

While finishing her Outdoorsman Big Dream with her last night sleeping in a tent, Cassie, our fifth generation Cordova heir, was visited in her Moonwood Mill campsite by a rather large and imposing wolf. That wolf turned out to be none other than Colt Brooks, Dynasty Aficionado. Despite an initial somewhat sarcastic attitude toward each other, Colt won over our dear Cassie. They are now happily married, with Cassie's Big Dream complete, and Colt working hard to finish his.

Cassie: “Hey, what’s with all the scratches and bandaids?”
Colt: “I’ve been checking out the rules for this Dynasty. I have a lot to do, so I figured I’d better get started.”
Cassie: “Your Big Dream involves fighting?”
Colt: “You don’t get to be the Alpha without getting . . . and giving . . . some scratches and bruises along the way.”
Cassie: “Ah. Sorry about that.”
Colt: “No worries, Darlin’. I’m tougher than I look.”
Cassie: “You look pretty tough.”
Colt: * grins and drops to the floor.

Cassie: “What are you doing down there?”
Colt: “Another Dynasty thing. I joined the Freelance Painter career.”
Cassie: “You don’t paint on an easel?”
Colt: “Funny thing. Painting experience grows faster if I use this thing than if I actually paint.”

Colt: “YES! Another Win!”
Lily: “Yeah, congrats.”
Colt: “Aw, Lily, don’t feel bad. It’s all for love, you know. I only need one more now.”
Lily: “Of course, Colt. It’s the only reason I let you win.”

Rory: “Oh, Colt. This is pathetic. You aren’t even close to ready to fight for Alpha.”
Colt: “Yeah, yeah. This was just to get the measure of ya.”
Rory (chuckling): “Right. C’mon back anytime.”
Colt: “How about we grab some grub at the trailer and then have a little Tug of War?”
Rory (laughing): “Well aren’t you just a glutton for punishment?”

Colt: “DANG IT!”
Rory (laughing): “When are you going to show me something, Colt?”
Colt: “Yeah, yeah. Come here and take a couple selfies with me.”
Rory (suspiciously): “Why?”
Colt: “Nothing funny going on. I need them for my Big Dream.”
Rory: “Your Big Dream involves pictures of me.”
Colt: “Oh STOP it!. I need two selfies with five wolves. One as a wolf and one as a human. It’s the least you can do.”
Rory: “The least I can do after beating you twice in one day? Hah! Sure, pal, whip out your phone.”

Colt: “Thanks, Rory.”
Rory: “Sure thing, Colt. Anything for a Big Dream, right?”

Colt: “Relax, Teulia. It will only hurt for a few minutes.”
Teulia: “How many Sims have you turned, Colt?”
Colt: “Three, counting you. But I only turn Sims who want to be turned, and you’re my last.”
Teulia: “Why stop at three?”
Colt: “Because three is all I have to do. And I don’t really like doing it.”
Teulia: “Ah, well, thanks. We have all sorts in our family - vampires, mermaids, spellcasters, aliens. But no wolves.”
Colt: “Until now.”
Teulia (grinning): “Until now.”

Colt: “Isn’t this an odd place for you to be fishing, Witch?”
Selena: “Are we going to have a problem, Dog?”

Colt: “Hmmmpf! I definitely smell Witch, but I also smell Cordova . . . so no, no problem.”
Selena: “Oh, I know who you are. You’re Cassie’s Dog.”
Colt: “If you keep calling me Dog, we will have a problem, Witch. I’m Colt.”
Selena: “Selena. Cassie’s mom and my husband are brother and sister.”
Colt: “Well, nice to meet ya. Stay on the other end of the pier.”

Colt: “Let’s do this!”
Rory: “Okay, but remember, you asked for it.”

Rory: “Let me know when you’ve had enough.”
Colt: “Don’t count me out yet!”
Rory: “Sure thing, Colt. Whatever you say.”

Cassie: “She beat you again?”
Colt (grumbling): “Yeah. But I’ll get her next time.”
Cassie (grinning): “I know you will honey.”
Colt: “I got me a new exercise machine out back. She won’t know what hit her next time.”

Colt: "Ah, you're a nice big one.  You'll look great over the fireplace.”
Colt: And . . . one more box checked!”

Colt: “Honey, come here and check out my fully completed Moonwood Relics Collection! Another box checked.”

Colt: “Rory, I am serious. I’m in it to win it this time. Are you sure you don’t want to back down?”

Rory: “Not a chance, Colt. If you want it, you’re going to have to go the distance and take it. I understand why you need it, but I’m not giving it to you.”

Colt: “Rory? You ok?”
Rory: “Go away, Colt.”

Volkov: It’s good to finally have an Alliance with the Wildfangs, Colt. But I admit, I'm worried about Rory. How’s she taking it?”
Colt: “I don’t know. We haven’t talked yet. I’m giving her a little time and I’ll go see her tomorrow. I just hope she’s not too proud to agree to what I'll be asking her to do.”
Volkov: “Me too, Colt. Me too.”

Colt: “Okay, so I think I understand how to make the cure. And I even already have everything I need.”

Rory: “Let me get this straight. You have a Big Dream that includes taking over as Alpha, but doesn’t include leading the pack?’
Colt: “Right. Just needed to take over. And there are a lot of other things too, most of which I’ve done. But my real Big Dream is to start a family with Cassie.”
Rory: “And you can’t do that as a wolf?
Colt: “Rory, you know I was turned against my will. If my child wants to be a wolf, I’m fine with that, but it needs to be their own choice. No one else’s.”
Rory: “And if you’re not a wolf, you can’t be the pack leader.”
Colt: “And you’re the true pack leader of the Wildfangs. Everyone knows that. But there is one catch. I made an Alliance with the Moonwood Collective, and you have to agree to honor it.”
Rory: “Hmmmmm . . . . let me think about it . . . “

Rory: “Just kidding . . . of course the answer is YES!”
Colt: “Good.”

Colt (kneeling): “Rory, I hereby relinquish Pack Leadership to its one true Alpha. You.”
Rory (quietly): “Thank you, Colt.”

Cassie: “So your Big Dream is nearly done.”
Colt: “Once I drink this, all that will be left is completing a spouse collection and a few more freelance painting gigs.”
Cassie: “Do you have anything particular in mind?”
Colt: “In fact, I do. And I’ll give you a hint. I’ll find it in a place much sunnier and warmer than Moonwood Mill.”
Cassie: “Cheers to sunny and warm!”
Colt: “Cheers to starting my even bigger dream of a life and family with you.”
Cassie: “So what do we do now?”
Colt (grinning): “I have an idea."

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (3/5/23 Chapter 31. In It to Win It)
« Reply #173 on: March 05, 2023, 02:44:43 AM »
Wow - what a lot happens in this episode! I love the story and how it weaves around the requirements.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (3/5/23 Chapter 31. In It to Win It)
« Reply #174 on: March 05, 2023, 09:19:15 AM »
Way to go, Colt!!  Looking forward to seeing another beautiful little Cordova nooboo!!!
So nice to see the Cordovas back in action, and also what a fun moment seeing Colt and Selena cross paths!  The crossover crew has quite the lovely dynamic.  "Stay at your end of the pier" indeed!
So nice to have you back, Glazey!  We missed you  <3

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (3/5/23 Chapter 31. In It to Win It)
« Reply #175 on: March 05, 2023, 10:55:23 AM »
Nice recap at the start of your update! 
It's such a great refresher about the events of the previous updates with Shay and Cassie!

Watcher, you picked the perfect Big Dream for Colt.  When I think of Colt, I always remember him getting in fights!
Dang, he's really whizzing through his requirements!

What a surprise to see Selena!  And she's still a young adult! In my game, her siblings have long since passed away.

How did you enjoy Moonwood Mill?  Jade and Isaac loved living there with Nez, but I'd deleted all the werewolves first.
Thank you for sharing the werewolf gameplay with us.
Looking forward to Cassie, Colt, and the their offspring's new home.
Can't wait to meet the sixth generation!  Great update, Watcher!

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (3/5/23 Chapter 31. In It to Win It)
« Reply #176 on: March 05, 2023, 11:26:55 AM »
Wow - what a lot happens in this episode! I love the story and how it weaves around the requirements.
I haven't seen anyone else do this one, and I don't know if everyone has the pack, so I thought it might be helpful to share some of the requirements.

Way to go, Colt!!  Looking forward to seeing another beautiful little Cordova nooboo!!!
So nice to see the Cordovas back in action, and also what a fun moment seeing Colt and Selena cross paths!  The crossover crew has quite the lovely dynamic.  "Stay at your end of the pier" indeed!
So nice to have you back, Glazey!  We missed you  <3
I've really enjoyed the crossover - I had a lot of pics of Cordovas in Moonwood Mill - Colt had to turn 3 Sims as part of the aspiration, but I wasn't letting him turn any Cordovas. And that was a little difficult because nearly every Sim walking around in Moonwood Mill was a Cordova. Sol (Selena's husband) was there constantly, striding through town with his "I'm-just-SO-famous" walk. It was quite funny.

I've missed you all too. 2023 has been a little rough on me, but I think things are starting to smooth out. My next update will be about Colt and Cassie's child, which I've already played, but the 7th gen is about ready to come along - just in time for the baby update!

Nice recap at the start of your update! 
It's such a great refresher about the events of the previous updates with Shay and Cassie!
Thanks - you and Pippin do such a nice job of that, and I thought I should add a little something there, especially as long as I've been away.

Watcher, you picked the perfect Big Dream for Colt.  When I think of Colt, I always remember him getting in fights!
Dang, he's really whizzing through his requirements!
I loved this role for him. So much more story happens in my head than I can get down on the page - it was so much fun playing Colt as a werewolf. The aspirations really don't take that long to play out (depending on your settings and how often you have a full moon  ;))

What a surprise to see Selena!  And she's still a young adult! In my game, her siblings have long since passed away.
I'm not sure why she was out fishing, but it was fun seeing her and the other Cordovas popping up in Moonwood Mill.

How did you enjoy Moonwood Mill?  Jade and Isaac loved living there with Nez, but I'd deleted all the werewolves first.
Thank you for sharing the werewolf gameplay with us.
I enjoyed it - I wish it was bigger, but I really like how much area you have to move around in - that it's all one neighborhood and you can go anywhere - just a loading screen to enter the lots.

Looking forward to Cassie, Colt, and the their offspring's new home.
Can't wait to meet the sixth generation!  Great update, Watcher!
Thanks! I'm hoping to have the next update out by the end of the week - if not, then next weekend for sure. I want to be ready for the baby update and new pack, which I am very excited about!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (3/5/23 Chapter 31. In It to Win It)
« Reply #177 on: March 05, 2023, 07:44:46 PM »

Nice to see you updating your story again! Strange how we both took a break and came back right around the same time. :P Colt as a wolf just made so much sense; perfect choice of Big Dream for him. I'm really looking forward to playing with the werewolves myself, but haven't yet, so I appreciated this preview into what's to come and the requirements. Looking forward to another generation of Cordovas!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (3/6/23 Chapter 32. A Rat Tick)
« Reply #178 on: March 06, 2023, 11:41:30 PM »

Previously, in the Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty . . .

Cassie (gen 5 heir) and her husband, Colt Cordova-Brooks, had just gotten some great news about a baby on the way. Colt had ascended to the top of the Wildfangs gang, only to return leadership to Rory, the Wildfangs founder and former leader, once his aspiration was complete. Colt left his werewolf ways behind him and made preparations to move the couple, soon to be trio, to a new world, and hinted at a sunnier and warmer climate. We join them on their first evening in their tiny beach home in beautiful Tartosa.

Colt: “What do you think?”
Cassie: “I love it! And it's the perfect size for easy toddler skilling!”

Drew: “Here you go, honey! With the new house and the baby coming and all, I thought you could really use this shiny bright red tomato!”
Cassie: “Thanks Dad! What a  . . . perfect . . . gift.”

Quinn: “I flying!”
Cassie: “Fly high, Baby Girl!”

Quinn (giggling): “I usside down!”

Cassie: “Do you know what this is, honey?”
Quinn: “Iss a shubble!”
Cassie: “Close. It’s a toothbrush.”
Quinn: “Iss a toobush!”

Cassie: “Let me get you a spoon, Quinn.”
Colt: “Tell Mommy no spoon. Tastes better when we eat with our fingers, doesn’t it my sweet girl?”
Quinn (singsong): "Pay wif it, eat it, make it all gone!”

Cassie: “And when the moon is full, all the special doggies come out to play.”

Cassie: “You sure have found a lot of bottles.”
Colt: “Indeed. I finished the collection this morning. Some of these messages are a little creepy. ‘You’re next’ and this one from Grimm ‘I meet everyone eventually - even you.”
Cassie: “Yes, but these ones from five-year-old Elsa Bjergsen and six-year-old Jace are really sweet.”

Quinn (singsong): “I fro da balls, I smash da balls, I eat da balls for breakfast!”
Cassie: “No no, Quinn, we don’t eat the balls.”

Cassie: “You’ve learned everything there is to learn as a toddler, so I guess it’s time for your birthday cake.”
Quinn: “Phooooo!”

Cassie: “How was your first day at school?”
Quinn: “Some kids were making fun of me and didn’t want to play with me. I guess it’s because I’m a rat tick.”
Cassie: “What?? No, you are not a rat tick, you are a beautiful little girl. Whyever would you think you’re a rat tick?”
Quinn: “I heard you and Daddy talking, and Daddy said I’m a rat tick.”
Cassie: “Oh, Honey, not a rat tick. Erratic. It just means you do things that are unexpected. You’re more . . . surprising . . . than most kids.”
Quinn: “So you think I’ll still be able to finish a Big Dream, even if I’m . . . erratic?”
Cassie (laughing): “Of course, Sweetie! In fact, Watcher picked a Big Dream for you that can only be done by someone who is erratic. No one else in the history of Cordovas was even able to think about doing this Big Dream. Only you.”
Quinn: “Wow, I guess that makes me kinda special!”
Cassie: “You are very special, my darling.”

Quinn (singsong): “I’m a monkey, not a rat tick. I can play all day. I’m a monkey, not a rat tick. I will show the way.”

Quinn (singsong): “Trash in the can, not on the ground. Trash in the can, don’t throw it around.”

Cassie: “Hey Colt, what do you think of this guy?”
Colt: “Who is he and why are you taking pictures with him?”
Cassie: “His name is Dorian Sigworth. He’s from Strangerville, and he’s paranoid. I thought he’d be useful so I made friends with him and added him, temporarily, to the Cordova Club.”
Colt: “And . . . . “
Cassie: “Well, you know Quinn can only marry someone who is either paranoid or erratic, or who helps her with this mission she has to complete. Maybe he’ll be Mr. Right.”
Colt: “Hmmmmpphh.”
Cassie: “Even if he isn’t Mr. Right, he is paranoid and maybe he can help Quinn deal with that. Maybe help us understand her better and how we can help her more. I only took pictures with him to become friends faster. You do remember who taught me that trick don’t you?”
Colt (smiling): “You were gonna like me anyway. You just didn’t know it yet.”

Quinn (singsong): “Two toads, from the road. A pickle from a pie. Put them together and stir them up. And watch those little toads fly.”

Quinn (singsong): “Here fishy, there fishy, come along to me, fishy. I want to catch you with my rod right now.”

Quinn: “I did it, Mom! I’m a Rat Tick Llamacorn!”

Cassie: “Dorian, you and Quinn are about to have something in common.”
Dorian: “What’s that? What did you hear? Did someone say something about me?”

Quinn: “Yay, makeover! I love the new hat. I look so fabulous. And the red. The red really makes me stand out. But if I stand out, they’ll all look at me. Should they look at me? Do I want them to look at me? Should I want them to look at me?”
Cassie: “Honey, you look great! It’s a perfect look for you.”
Quinn: “Thanks! All my new outfits are red and black. And they all have hats for my head and boots for my feet. Except for my swimming one - that has flippers because boots would sink me.

Cassie: “Oh no! That was not intended!”
Colt: “What?!?”
Cassie: “Dorian just texted me from inside to say he has a crush on ME! I was worried he would crush on Quinn while she’s still a teen, but I never dreamed he’d crush on me!”
Colt: “He shouldn’t be crushing on either of you!”
Cassie: “Don’t get mad at him, honey, it’s my fault. I added him to our family club so I could get him over here if I wanted to, but I forgot I made all the interactions flirty that night when you gave up your wolf. I forgot and never changed them. It’s really not his fault.”
Colt: “Change them now! And kick him out!”
Cassie: “I already changed them, but I need to talk to him before I kick him out.”

Dorian: “Cool helmet. Do I need mine? Is there something happening here? Someone trying to invade your brain?”
Quinn: “No, not today. I just like it. Makes my head feel cozy. And it’s good protection when you’re working out, like I was a little while ago.”

Quinn: “I'm moving out tonight. Right after my birthday party.”
Dorian: “Why? Where are you going?”
Quinn: “I want to live in an underground bunker, and we can't build one here. The ground is too wet. But Mom and Dad love it here. So I'm moving out on my own.”
Dorian: "But you're just a teen?"
Quinn: "I know, but I only have to do one thing as a teen, and then I can age up. I'll do that tomorrow."
Dorian: “I live in an underground bunker. It’s very cool. I really like it. Hey, why don’t you come live with me?”
Quinn: “Seriously?”
Dorian: “Yeah, I had a roommate, but she moved out real sudden. I don’t know why; she said something about someone she met called a Watcher and how she didn’t want to be watched all the time.”
Quinn: “I have a Watcher. I know it sounds weird. But it’s cool. I don’t mind because she’s not really watching me, she’s more watching out for me. It makes me feel cozy. She’s like a helmet for my life.”
Dorian: “If you move in with me, would she be my Watcher too?”
Quinn: “Yeah, I guess so.”
Dorian: “That might be cool. Maybe then I wouldn’t feel so alone all the time.”

Cassie: “Dorian, I need to talk to you about that text you sent me.”
Dorian: “Yeah, I’m sorry about that. I don’t know why I did that. It was like something else controlled me and made me do it.”
Cassie: “Really? So you don’t really have a crush on me?”
Dorian: “No offense, but you’re kinda . . . well . . . older than me. I mean, we’re friends and all, but I don’t have any pink bar for you, if you know what I mean.”
Cassie: “I do know what you mean. Thank you for telling me, Dorian.”
Dorian (all in a rush): “So I was talking to Quinn, and what do you think about her moving in with me in my bunker? There’s enough room and we’d have separate rooms and separate beds and everything . . . I mean she’s just a teen and we’re just friends . . . and I won’t . . . you know . . .try anything with her or anything. And she'll have another birthday tomorrow. It’s a real nice bunker and we both wouldn’t be so alone if we were together.”
Cassie: “Give me a minute to talk to Quinn and Colt and make sure they agree.”

Quinn (to herself): So, my new home is in there somewhere. Wonder how long it will take to find it.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (3/6/23 Chapter 32. A Rat Tick)
« Reply #179 on: March 07, 2023, 02:33:29 AM »
Quinn's hair is a glorious shade and I love all her hats. Dorian Sigworth is a rather gorgeous paranoid. What a good match. Looking forward to seeing Quinn's new home/bunker if she can find it!