Author Topic: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (5/10 Completed)  (Read 42045 times)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (11/9) Toddler Spam and Kid Stuff
« Reply #120 on: November 09, 2022, 09:12:17 PM »
From toddlers to teens in one fell swoop!  That was quick.
Adored the toddler spam--such lovely little toddlers who grow up into lovely little girls.

Lol, Pippin has permanently skewed my outlook!
When Sophia replied, "Beats me. People are weird," I immediately thought of Morgan Fyres, lol.

I can't wait to read about Sophia and Sierra's high school days!

Well, Pippin did say "I can't wait to see Mari's lovely grandboos growing up and the toddler spam that comes with it" after my last update, and that was enough to convince that it wasn't too soon for another chapter. Happily, the story is now caught up with my game, and I can play again!

What a lovely update of the lovely girls!!  The dynamic between them is wonderful!  If Sophia gets the childish trait, she can keep playing with the mommy doll  :=)
Can't wait to see the girls as teen!! 
I know it's early and we've only just met them, but I'm already Team Sophia  :=)

My two granddaughters (cousins) are 7 & 8 now, and both have spent a lot of time here - separately and together. It's always one wants to hug and the other gets impatient with it, and then one wants something or says and the other one is all "Me too!" or copies the action. The older one is very social and the younger isn't, so the younger one wanting to play together and the older being off making new friends has been a common theme. That's why this chapter came so easily - I lived this one.  ;D

There's no official choice yet for heir, so you'll have time to campaign. It will partially depend on who they like for a potential spouse, so feel free to voice your opinion on that too. Just remember, Cordova standards are high! No junky spouse traits for these girls.  ;)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty ((11/11) Chapter 23. A Weekend to Forget
« Reply #121 on: November 11, 2022, 01:16:18 AM »

Sierra: “Happy birthday to us!”
Sophia: “Teens at last!”

The girls’ first day of high school went very well. They reached their classes on time, stayed in their seats, paid attention, and took notes.

Sophia: Loren is Good, and he’s a Dance Machine. He doesn’t like Hip Hop music, but he does like fitness and the color pink. He friended me on Social Bunny, so . . . well . . . we’ll see.

Sierra: Sidney is an Active Overachiever who likes Hip Hop, Blues, and Streetwear Fashion. He’s pretty popular, but he seems cool.

Sophia: “It’s nice they let us use the fitness equipment before class. Our tiny house doesn’t have room for a treadmill.”
Sierra: “Maybe this will help me finish my Fitness badge so I can be done with Scouts like you.”

Watcher: “CHEYANNE!!  WHAT. IS. THIS???”
Cheyanne (giggling): “It’s a baby bump.”
Watcher: “I KNOW it’s a baby bump. The point is, WHY do you have it?”
Cheyanne: “Because I’m having a baby, silly.”
Watcher: “NO! I did NOT give you the “Try for Baby” signal. I am certain of that. This was supposed to be a one-child generation. We agreed on that. And did you follow that agreement? No, you did NOT.”
Cheyanne: “No I did not.”
Watcher: “No you did not. You had twins. And I adjusted. I changed the plan. The Big Dream that was supposed to be completed by your heir’s spouse moved up to be your second daughter’s Big Dream. I got it worked out. I made it okay. But this plan does NOT have room for another baby! And I did NOT give you the “Try for Baby” signal. So HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!?”
Cheyanne: “Well you remember when you left us alone?”
Watcher: “I did NOT leave you alone!”
Cheyanne: “When you went off to travel the simverse, celebrating birthdays with all the Cordova cousins . . . you left us alone for about 20 hours.”
Watcher: “Oh . . .my . . . stars! I left you alone. And you and Nate . . . “
Cheyanne: “For pretty much the whole time . . . yeah.”

Sierra (scribbling furiously in her journal): “I am so mad I could just spit!”
Sophia: “I have never been so embarrassed! It’s so awful I can barely bring myself to write about it.”
Sierra: “I know Watcher said she sent us to school alone so we could get our B’s up to A’s, but that doesn’t even make sense.”
Sophia: ‘I know, right?! It’s all her fault. If she’d just gone to school with us, this never would have happened. We would have been fine.”
Sierra: “I think she was just too freaked out by Mom’s baby bump to deal with anything.”
Sophia: “Well, you know what they say. Watchers make plans and Sims laugh.”

Friday came and the girls couldn’t wait to finish their tests and get to the end of the day so they could head out with friends to Selvadorado.

Sierra: “We better get some supplies before we head into the jungle.”
Sophia: “Oh, I was really hoping for more variety.”
Sierra: “Like what?”
Sophia: “You know, like bat repellent, insect repellent, stuff like that.”
Sierra: “We’ll be fine. We won’t go that far today.”

Sophia: “Oh Loren, I’m sorry, but I can’t go to prom with you. I’m in Selvadorado with my sister and some friends for the weekend. But hey, what are you wearing on your head?”

Loren understands, but still feels dejected.

Sierra: BEES!! Please don’t sting me . . .please don’t sting me . . . please don’t sting me.

Sierra: Oh, such colorful berries! All these different ones from one tree.

Sophia: “It was nice of Dad to give us all these Potions of Plentiful Needs.”
Sierra: “Oh no, mine backfired!”
Sophia: “Aaaaahhhhh! Mine too!”

Sierra: “Good thing we have more. That’s much better. Go on, Sophia, drink it.”

The girls dug through several dig piles and excavation sites and found quite a few . . . interesting . . . dirt clumps.

Sophia: “BATS! Maybe we should have waited until we had bat repellent.”
Sierra: ‘It's okay, you’re fine, they’re leaving.”

Sophia: “Sierra! Look what I found!”
Sierra: “Careful, it could be cursed.”
Sophia (sneezing): “Well if it is, it’s too late now. I’ve already touched it. So I’m keeping it.”

Sierra: “Oh great! Now I’m cursed too.”

Sophia dug up some fossils and gems while Sierra tried her hand at fishing.
Sierra: “I think all my sneezing is scaring the fish away. Let’s head back to town. I need to get some tissues.”

Watcher: “Girls, I’m going to have to go check on your mother. I just got a message that she got promoted at work, but she wasn’t even supposed to go to work today. The baby should have come several hours ago. I need to go make sure she’s okay. So you girls go on back to town, have fun with your friends, but stay out of trouble. Don’t touch any stoves, or go swimming anywhere, and for heaven’s sake, don’t laugh too hard. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

A few hours later . . .

Sierra: “What are we going to do, Sophia?”
Sophia: “I don’t know.”
Sierra: “This could ruin everything.”
Sophia: “I know. I know. We’ll figure it out.”
Sierra: “It’s really all Watcher’s fault. She never should have left us alone like that.”
Sophia: “I need to call Pippin.”

Voicemail: “Hi, it’s Pippin. I’m busy right now, but you know what to do.”
Sophia: “Pippin, hi, it’s Sophia. You know, Mari Cordova’s granddaughter? I just HAD to call to tell you that you are absolutely NOT the worst Watcher ever. A-chooo! You aren’t even CLOSE! You won’t BELIEVE what our Watcher did to us. I swear she's trying to sabotage our lives! A-chooo! Call me back.”

Sierra: “Do you think he can help us?”
Sophia: “No, Sierra, not even Pippin can help us now.”

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (11/11) Chapter 23. A Weekend to Forget
« Reply #122 on: November 11, 2022, 02:22:50 AM »
Autonomous Try For a Baby? Oh my!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (11/11) Chapter 23. A Weekend to Forget
« Reply #123 on: November 11, 2022, 06:33:04 AM »
Oh no!  Something has gone wrong for my darling Sophia?!?!?  (Throws on cape and prepares to fly in like Superman) I'm on my way!!!

Seriously, though, a lovely update (and some lovely gals) and oh my goodness the unexpected baby on the way was quite the surprise twist!  Hmmm, is it too late to change Cheyanne's big dream to one of the multi-baby ones?

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (11/11) Chapter 23. A Weekend to Forget
« Reply #124 on: November 11, 2022, 09:42:40 AM »
Autonomous Try For a Baby? Oh my!
Silly watcher wanted the cousins to all be the same "age" as the heir family members of the same generation. That doesn't happen when you're playing on long. I couldn't use the method of taking them into CAS and just moving them up to the next age level (i.e. toddler to child) because that doesn't start them at the beginning of the next age, so many of them would have then aged up too soon. I should have been patient and just invited them over, one family at a time, and caked them up, but patience isn't my best thing. So I went around and gave them cakes and had them blow out candles, which took about 20 hours of Sim play time. Time that Nate, Cheyanne, Sophia and Sierra were in a non-played household.

Oh no!  Something has gone wrong for my darling Sophia?!?!?  (Throws on cape and prepares to fly in like Superman) I'm on my way!!!

Seriously, though, a lovely update (and some lovely gals) and oh my goodness the unexpected baby on the way was quite the surprise twist!  Hmmm, is it too late to change Cheyanne's big dream to one of the multi-baby ones?
Cheyanne is very close to finishing her Big Dream - that promotion was to the top of the career. She just needs to license two more songs, play for tips for 25 hours on community lots and finish her space print collection. So I can't really change that.

I laugh about it now, but I wasn't laughing when I first saw that baby bump . . . it took me about 30 minutes to even figure out how it could have happened.  ;D

Online oshizu

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (11/11) Chapter 23. A Weekend to Forget
« Reply #125 on: November 11, 2022, 11:12:54 AM »
Oh no, not only did Cheyanne's hoped-for single birth turn into twins but now the twins have company!
I suspect that Cheyanne's household remained a Played household (with the bright green plumbob in Manage Households) but unwatched.
But the minute you switched to another household, your Neighborhood Stories System settings for "My Households" kicked in.
I'm super curious: do you have "Have Baby" enabled for "My Households'/
The next generation will only have a girl daughter for sure, Watcher!  *pats consolingly on the shoulder

My sims have never been afflicted by the Sneezing Curse of the Ancients. 
Crossing my fingers that your gorgeous twins cure themselves very soon!  #TeamSierra (love her green eyes)

Sidney Price isn't bad looking but there's something about his head shape and that hairdo that turns me off.
His brother's a bit chubby but he's a handsomer sim. My shallow two cents, haha.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (11/11) Chapter 23. A Weekend to Forget
« Reply #126 on: November 11, 2022, 01:01:05 PM »
Oh no, not only did Cheyanne's hoped-for single birth turn into twins but now the twins have company!
I suspect that Cheyanne's household remained a Played household (with the bright green plumbob in Manage Households) but unwatched.
But the minute you switched to another household, your Neighborhood Stories System settings for "My Households" kicked in.
I'm super curious: do you have "Have Baby" enabled for "My Households'/
The next generation will only have a girl daughter for sure, Watcher!  *pats consolingly on the shoulder
Yes, "Have Baby" is enabled for "My Households" because when a spare first moves out I want them to be able to have a baby or adopt - then I disable those settings once I think they have enough kids - Maci taught me that, with her 6 kids.  ;D
It just didn't occur to me to set anything for my current household while I was off aging up the cousins.

My sims have never been afflicted by the Sneezing Curse of the Ancients. 
Crossing my fingers that your gorgeous twins cure themselves very soon!  #TeamSierra (love her green eyes)
I'll need to cure her, but as you'll see in my next chapter, something else happened that took my attention away from her little curse.

Sidney Price isn't bad looking but there's something about his head shape and that hairdo that turns me off.
His brother's a bit chubby but he's a handsomer sim. My shallow two cents, haha.
Not sure either of these boys will be around past high school, or even that either relationship will develop romantically . . . the girls have a lot of time in Selvadorado ahead of them.

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (11/11) Chapter 24. You're Killing Me, Cheyanne!
« Reply #127 on: November 11, 2022, 10:58:50 PM »

Cheyanne: “Doctor, thank you for meeting us out front with this gown for me to change into, right here in front of everyone! I think my husband needs a sedative.”
Doctor: “Oh, don’t mind him. They all do that. He’ll be fine. But let’s get you inside. You look about ready to pop.”
Cheyanne: “Yes, I’m overdue by several hours. My watcher was off elsewhere . . . again.”

Nate: “Sorry, Dad, can’t talk now! Cheyanne’s in labor! I gotta go!”

Watcher: “Cheyanne, you got pretty big with this one, so just a little reminder. We’re here for one baby, and one baby only.”
Doctor (chuckling): “Ok, let’s get this show on the road!”

Doctor: “It’s a boy!”
Watcher: “Ok, good, I was actually hoping for a boy. I have an updated plan; I haven’t worked out all the timing yet, but I have a terrific wife in mind for him.”

Doctor: “It’s a girl!”
Watcher: “What? A girl too? You’re killing me, Cheyanne! Twins! Twice! Seriously?!?!?!”

Doctor: “It’s another girl!”
Watcher: “OH COME ON!!! This is NOT happening! This can NOT be happening!”
Cheyanne (whispering to the Doctor): “Isn’t it cute how they think they’re in charge?”

Doctor: “So we have two little spellcaster girls and a little non-spellcaster boy. Aren’t they adorable?!”
Watcher (morosely): “Watcher needs a drink.”
Cheyanne (happily): “Cheyanne needs a bigger house.”

Sierra: “Oh, this is just the most awful thing! Watcher isn’t going to have any time for us now, with THREE toddlers at home. How could they do this to us?!?”
Sophia: “Watcher's going to have to figure it out, because we need to come to Selvadorado, and we need to come a lot, and we can’t come alone. A-chooooo! It just doesn’t work like that. Everything was going fine, and she messed it all up; she'll have to fix it."

Sophia: “Loren, why are you asking me again? I told you I’m in Selvadorado with my sister and some friends, so I can’t go to prom with you. And what was with that text about my refrigerator warranty?”
Sierra: “Loren called to ask you to the prom AGAIN? After you already said no?”
Sophia: “Yeah. It’s a little weird, huh?”

Sierra: “Yeah, weird. I hope he doesn’t turn out to be a stalker. And I hope Watcher doesn’t make us change our Big Dreams to something that doesn’t have travel. I’m already adventurous, and I can’t change that. A-choo!”
Sophia: “No, we’re not changing our Big Dreams. You’re an Intrepid Adventurer and I’m a World Traveler. That’s not changing.”

Sophia: “Loren! Did you follow me to Selvadorado?”
Loren: “I had a right to know if you were really in Selvadorado or just making an excuse not to go to prom with me.”

Sophia: “Well of course I’m really here. I’m following my dream . . . my Big Dream . . . to be a World Traveler. And that includes coming to Selvadorado.”
Loren: “Does that mean you would have said yes if you weren’t in Selvadorado?”

Sophia: “I don’t know . . . maybe. I couldn’t really think about it because I am here and I’m not leaving until tomorrow evening.”
Loren: “AAHHH. . .

Loren: ‘CHOOO!”

Sophia: “Sierra! Yua’s eating the curse cure soup I made for you! Go grab it and pack it up so we can eat together! I’m making mine now.”

Sierra: “You don’t need it Yua. You don’t even have the curse.”

Sophia: “FIRE! HELP! Oh, wait, I got it!”

Sierra: “I got you, Sis!”

Sierra: “You’re gonna have to pay for that.”
Sophia: “No problem. We have, like, 5 million simoleans.”

Sierra: “The soup didn’t taste that great, but it worked! So thank you.”

Sophia: “It worked for me too.


Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (11/11) Chapter 24. You're Killing Me, Cheyanne
« Reply #128 on: November 11, 2022, 11:05:34 PM »
Oh no!  My poor Sophia has a stalker and was victim of a fire?  Poor sweet baby!
So glad that the girls don't have the curse to deal with anymore, though "the curse" just might become their new nickname for the triplet younger siblings!  Two little spellcaster gals, though.  Maybe one will be a Mari clone  ;=)  Easy for me to to make comments about their looks when I'm not the one Watching them, right?  ;=)
Looking forward to seeing how you brilliantly maneuver around this unexpected blessing!

Online oshizu

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (11/11) Chapter 24. You're Killing Me, Cheyanne
« Reply #129 on: November 11, 2022, 11:21:01 PM »
Good gracious, Watcher!  When it rains, it pours.
I was feeling so bad for you because you wanted a singleton then got twins. But now TRIPLETS!?!?!?!
That's almost a genuine tragedy, except we all know that the triplets are gonna be gorgeous, Watcher.  *hands you an extra-large box of tissues

I mean, that's nearly half of the minimum required no. of Big Dreams in that one household!
Considering your twins' Big Dreams, triplets are...bad.
Lucky for you, though, you are a super simmer. 
I'm trying to be consoling but I'm quite speechless.  Wow, triplets....

I'm really looking forward to watching and learning as you show us how it's done! You can do it!
On the bright side, good thing your Cordovas moved into a tiny house. :D

P.S. Loren's shoulders are suspiciously narrow...

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (11/11) Chapter 24. You're Killing Me, Cheyanne
« Reply #130 on: November 11, 2022, 11:31:11 PM »
Oh no!  My poor Sophia has a stalker and was victim of a fire?  Poor sweet baby!
So glad that the girls don't have the curse to deal with anymore, though "the curse" just might become their new nickname for the triplet younger siblings!  Two little spellcaster gals, though.  Maybe one will be a Mari clone  ;=)  Easy for me to to make comments about their looks when I'm not the one Watching them, right?  ;=)
Looking forward to seeing how you brilliantly maneuver around this unexpected blessing!

No kidding - the girls arrived in Selvadorado on Friday evening and so far they've had a bee storm, backfiring potions, bat attack, both of them cursed, triplets that mess up every plan, a potential stalker, and a fire. And it's just now Saturday evening. And now at least one of the roommates has the curse, and they can't make more cure because you can only make it if you actually have the curse. So they have to catch it again to cure the others.
I don't know how brilliantly I can deal with this . . . I'm not fully out of the denial phase yet.  ;)

Good gracious, Watcher!  When it rains, it pours.
I was feeling so bad for you because you wanted a singleton then got twins. But now TRIPLETS!?!?!?!
That's almost a genuine tragedy, except we all know that the triplets are gonna be gorgeous, Watcher.  *hands you an extra-large box of tissues

I mean, that's nearly half of the minimum required no. of Big Dreams in that one household!
Considering your twins' Big Dreams, triplets are...bad.
Lucky for you, though, you are a super simmer. 
I'm trying to be consoling but I'm quite speechless.  Wow, triplets....

I'm really looking forward to watching and learning as you show us how it's done! You can do it!

Your response made me laugh - I see you trying so hard to be positive . . . but this is just so hard to be positive about . . .  ;D ;D ;D

All I can do is shake my head and laugh . . . I can even begin to think about how I'm going to play this out. I'm already telling myself, "You're going to have to be very patient" but as you know, patience is not my best thing.  All the times I've tried everything available in the game to increase the chances of multiples and failed . . . I just can't even get my head wrapped around it. I was also speechless.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (11/11) Chapter 24. You're Killing Me, Cheyanne
« Reply #131 on: November 11, 2022, 11:38:44 PM »
Just a thought, maybe leave the triplets as burritos and don't rush for early age up from toddlers to buy Sophia and her sister more time to do important Sophia things?  And of course, to also ensure Sophia gets more screen time?  Possibly while visiting her lovely Grandma?  ;=) 
Seriously, though, the beauty of the early age ups is that they're optional, so maybe that's your way out?

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (11/11) Chapter 24. You're Killing Me, Cheyanne
« Reply #132 on: November 11, 2022, 11:42:13 PM »
Just a thought, maybe leave the triplets as burritos and don't rush for early age up from toddlers to buy Sophia and her sister more time to do important Sophia things?  And of course, to also ensure Sophia gets more screen time?  Possibly while visiting her lovely Grandma?  ;=) 
Seriously, though, the beauty of the early age ups is that they're optional, so maybe that's your way out?

Thank you - it's a good idea. Baby is 4 days and Toddler is 28 days . . . I'm just worried that Mom and Dad may not keep all their needs up on their own, and the social worker will take them away.  Sierra might say, "Would that be such a BAD thing?"  ;D

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (11/11) Chapter 24. You're Killing Me, Cheyanne
« Reply #134 on: November 14, 2022, 05:17:02 PM »

Triplets??  What are the odds? :o Poor Sophia: curses and stalkers and fires, oh my! She won't be forgetting about that trip anytime soon.

